V 'it 1 a i. i ( i .vers Co wen and . - -1 A..winore and Ohio, 'y to i-sue- $050,000 ad-- i i. I jU Oaiei i tu3 i.ca a.-iied by United Stales cir- , -f T., i .rt r'..ir r i. . - M:n'oer 20ih. The petition states t ; ;,t it is necessary. to issue the cer- t .'cut . s to pay for necessajry.Lu; provouients to the Pittsburg and Co u n C. ' svll! e ' ratroadj !jtot " ' 'which' re is 'o''pbney" tv$abje,', the tei ti.ii.ii , 3 are to bear 5 per cent, in tercst, and are to .be payable' as the court may direct; " It la stated in the? petition that J.., P.. Morgan "& Co,' and Speyor & Co;, the Ife'gofrfc bankers, who represent itha holders of a majority pf .tbePittsbursrand Connellsvllle bonds, are" in favor of the Issue", fcnd have promised their1 aid. The certificates are to be. a lien on the Burlington and Ohio and rittsbur properties: "It "under stood thej Baltimore vandv Ohio oobi templates, making many improve ments to terminal facilities in PhilaT vueiphia, realizing thexJujUDUMiae'Of -Uus city as a freight center,; ; ; i " "I have taken Hood's Sarsapa,rilla iur impure uiuuu uauuiu recommena it to all Who suffer with thia-dim-1 ? culty. ,Jtbave had ,'seyeral .attacks '. of the Pl'lD. and T havd' found fin medicine that did fae as1 'much good as IloodSarsamrillair, El. ' ! Allan Af.t1 M A v.l M 7 . .-a.a a VUj 4.,AWlAa 11t a -'.- r ; , ; Hood's Pills ara the i best , after-. uiuuor yiua, usii uigesuon, cure headacbj,,,, .,ui ,ii igfwjpiH, -ntn "i .us Others have found health,," vigor and vitality in Hood's SafsaparUla,' v -and surely has .power to 'help you -also.. Why not try. w -wr'M IV - ' ''. 'A Gross 0&H'Linehaii.; ChlHrcru1',,;;;;;" OTHERG, -tiiff'k -41. Do You ICriov Bfttonfttt'a Dropa,. Oodirey'i CordiaJ, many totalled Soothing Syntpc, and naroitlc podsbot ? --' VOII FflOW that nnlaminnTHnmhlnfiiifii Brntw-ftrintv n Pb Tol tiMrtf tlat la most 'tmnW "drtijgii w ot,.pewJttd to ten f " tumitica wiLhnnt lfihtllniy r.!ayM,M I -iI Liu- no Von frnwr that you iboold ncit permit f iBeHldae 40"' W gl yo" ; ualoi jot or your phjcUa know of bat,itUmjocl? ' ' " V - ; , no ton TtCTwmciorm u a purely rtgetaw prcpsretwn, laa u a usi"" ofUjinrcdientaipublblcdirUtavKrrbotU " """ la . u . i - - - -1 ' . - - - T 1 wiT V . ; P yq Kttow that Cattoria to the- pnacrtption of lit (amoaf ,Jr. 'BaMdrB rrrcauu , ilia u ma oeeala tua for nearly thktjf yoMv-aad that mora cattoru t(j awwaoU tbaa of all other remeittei far ehildren cbmbtoedr . "' v' : . , n Tot Itaaw that the patent 6ffioe Separtneat of the ITaited State, and oT a-, - at her conntriea, have iame ezcloaWa fright to Dr. KKelier and hin'auiMtoaietJie word i G i . CMtorla " and iu ermvla, and tat iainitatatoem 1 a state piibon offenie ?' ,'w , M - . .; . ! Yon Know that one of the naaofia tot granting into foeraiaeavpittccuoav.? 1 rNU'waabecauo Caatona had been proven to be Ybolntcly IiarrmcaaT, 's V 'li Ih V irtiowthat an aTtSraire owen'of Cattiatt fntnUiad tor.aS Po Toa yrnw that when poueand-trf thli perfect preparatloa, ToarchlUrea -.' plVlen's -arid BbysGJothirig t.l 'JL'''-Z . . J? ' ., ' v'ilu 1 xne newest styles, tne finest uraoes, tne uest v aiues. win be kept well, and that job wtUUveasbrokerirtatr ; , , v .. X-:t''Pinminaomla they arc fact i , Nil Siaii fTHE TRIUMPH " CF LOVE' IS . HAPTT, VKCITFPI. MAKalAGE. venr! MUM JVha, i CaM I ' Raaw 5 a 3rmad Tratha. the Plata .Facta, tha I qiaw Dleartaa r Hadleal' Science aa Alled ta ; KanlaA Ufa, ' ! Vtaaltf Aiaaa r(;ATat Fata;fltflU!a,;8Wal fcra . tka WvaaUrfal Little Baah Called I 17, C,m',ti WSakoaaV ' tala It." - 0' Her tat tat H lnfotaa dical source that must woi 8ourpf.hfLt mimt wnrk wondAr with IhlH rrnninitinn nf mn n i VW bouk fuJlf duBorlbM ftiflftod ByVBSck attain rill vigor ftndaiftalfpuwwY y ALSO I in Ware Guaranteed not to rust, l Jl tail tliU 41w J lo, N. 1 l:i Gi7:r Fcr Ycj . For thirty days rilie US;y! iji- Southern Wall Paper Company iwillap. : rooms for 85.00 per : room. This i, h for thirty days onl These ficrr nrTrh"t you v;...;.v- after thrttimeT 1 Manager, 18HJ FAYETTEVILLE ST. . lm. ,..--..1) .... Of all the JTairview HorSeS ' V;EDNESDAT;'N6vEMBER',l'8th; !'1' a F-'rviow Ilc-rses, stalions, i l- road pnd Tace hnrses, c jc , f ?veaulin; s. v .,! I . lit auction for cash'tit T " : 'i , I . C-"Nearly all the stock r.! itiid vell bred, and as it i 1 1 sold 'without -reserve great s will be had. In the sale ,T!-os . pillions, ..the. great i! , a Franklin chief and 1 young stallion, brother Vo, Currituck, a sn of Nor. I cu.t of a Wilkt $ i,. .jiQd ; .-. 1 ..niiimnost and fastest , " r . i id this state. - ... a; lenrd for catalpgue ; To cure nerrtraaneaa, lack at eelf -control,1 W IMiontuiry, arc Toexrhanee i one of briKhtTiAHS, onoyancy and power. To exchange a laded and" worn natara'&r loot brlvhtTiAHfl. minvanrT and nnwnv. . t To cure fororer elleots of azceswa,overwarfc worrv. &0. ,. To Klvefi' to erery put Atrs no b 4bousand rv t The IxK'k 1 fenirUi, development and ton ti and organ of the body, t ncr. Failure impoaaiuto, ITwo ' nrely medical and adentiflc. . Muken, Invaluable to man i ii, who had applied, to na, ' ',1 t.'i i." '!nt day h one TIL nov.-r I j.-i. linh .ipd with Joy.-I .'n 1 to lmr e .i i aud tell them my ohibi t had u . l j , and my new self born Uitiv. n u iin't yon toll mo warn I first wivte tuut I would And It tide Ana enomor t' Cfillod ( i itt nT, ii i 1 , in.- r i-rtl"d of gold at my ' mi. h Udnewlatomy . CAL CX)MPArr, t . I r the little book . i.. ANHOOIV Beferte i ii iiiiny proinlmatoaend I , ( uvehHe without -an j y 1 1 uu, until It la well Intra- t-.r.ir.i:!r: :r's Kstice. f Having quBlilitdas. administrator of the estate of A. K, Weathers,- do ceased, L hereby tflveotioe to all per sons having- claims against, said ea tate to present them to me foe payment before the flrsfr ay.'t October, 3897, Otherwise this notice will be plead .in bac of the same, - AllpersonB ,ia debt tothe Said A.. K. Weather are to quested to come forward and settle the game at onoe. - C. Ut CiiARKE, 4 .' Administrator for A. K, Weathofa Deceased. ' "bctli lawfiw lit Vt L.IIUUllwvJ Li I ...lis , ' - I ....,.' grocers; 'Nos.':8 bud 10 Hargctt St'; , i. We have just received and put on sale a very fine lot of Malijja ltoisins at 15c, or 2 pounds for 25c, These are extra-nice goods. Also a vey fine lot of nuts, such as Brazil ; nuts at 10c per ponnd. 'Knglisb walnuts atl5o, - Feaeans at lL'ic or 5 pounds for 50ev Almonds at 15c, also a very fine tfuality eating s, usual price 25cper pound, price this week 20c per pound; -Also aa '-excellent line of prepared mustard, tomato catsup, Worcester "shire sauces, etc.; Also a very fine assortment of pickles at prices to suit the times. ' ; T We specially invito the' ladies to inspect our stock and compare qual ity and prices -with any grocery store in the city. ' ' , ti . vWe are yours t J plo 'sk'," :: 5 i ' - A few more Kib? apples at 20c per peck i Fresh pork sausage it 10c per pound, ,, . ; L-'UefStle; 'glliflil - tfndfcr and by virtue of ft deed of trust from J. W. B. Watson to B. F. Slontalgue, Trustee, registered in BdkJk 119, baze 22,. and with be eonstnt'of the inortiraffor thereon", we will,, on ta ' Harried) Ufa, Wae I Jlonday, JMo vemter Uth, loue, at noon-. i ft 1 r aat ' Brrara" m.4f " f ?Urt h"''9 ao?f. lf V ivihieigu expose ptiuiiu vulq uio iur owtnx descrilxjd tract of land, being the pact unsold in the land conveyed in the said dood of trust.and described as follows: Beginning at the north; aat corner of tlio Matthews lot, near the ncrthwest corner "of lot .744, thence southward along the line of Matthews and of "the Kline heirs to Kline's southeast corner; tlience west, along KUne' lino to the branch;-"theno down fhe branoh to the south eity line; tfienceeaBt alonjj the south line of the Cltyito the soutlienst corner of thw city; IhencQ. north aloffg- theAMt boundary line of the city to Lenoir street) thence west along Lenoir street ta,the;beginning. .Terms cash, .- ' njfl 1 -1 1 , B. P. Montague, Trustee. -S t ' J. Wl B. "Watson. ' Oct. 9. 18S6. v' . - , ' i Still postponed by .consent to Mon day, Nov 16,j5at too. t ti i Have Kei3t All: Summer. WillKeepSYou 4, il i ptt j jm AltWihteriT7 Soft ' iCoal, Pocahontas i -ana T!:::kcr:Li:l ;;Tii-3 The ieeCCoa ;at at 3olli:bCc:l lowest prices up:r.:3 fe'Pbivcirs-i lowest prices al ways atj1 . 1 .iJii.,irrWinr tixirtntm EGONOJiY t I . . . I V . Ma be necessary In many ways when dollars are scarce and wants many, but It is not desirable to practice It in the purchase ot fooa, wnica ia lito. Below certain standard -food Imperfectly nourishes; up to that stand ard, it costs it reasonaDio price. vv Dover want, more than a reasonable price for our Groceries. ' , ...... , RAPID SAL.ES Give, eur custonveis the , benefit, ol close marsrins. We never keep any thing that Is not the best of its kind, and we only want a fair profit "on what we Invest in it. . CHOICE CTrOCEBItT Alway instock and promptly deli vored ; when ordered. ;ry. .1 THUJAS IS A D I FFEILVN CIT OF I BUTtJIERE IS A'AND8LIDE !r&aVU ?&r!'iiia:'lor' t M4" fojtt&tmoD I i. If1 1 - 1 President. i J jTlace to trade. J,;, $pt in politics; ut where are you goina.,do( yqHr,faj,tradiug?v iv f - iou want lue iuoj ana Destior your-jnouey, uuu . yom . You Can Get It -hnultsj AHTOpaitoeTftsbftfplet Jmd dl Btocked'with 4 I f, Jlt, .'in ..Vrfa'".i' 3ur prices demonstrate how much we ant$oftr ftrade, P(jpttu;aJ sneakirafcj-atTretKlinfiKvsi: ''the Vaaiaiftalncai-U Cbmevloaadet ouv prices; and wa will show you "the basis of valjies" inside of a minute. We have a; complete assortment of splendW-oods?t Thy..ar yourSat.prioe that dffy cofrj6oiio,i JTeuWlbbf tortingl Jown great bargains if you den'om'. iV vi , 1 WUiaiaA.ftSAf I i. v - . ' -eve, GROSS; School &; LINEItANr Books A full stock of lii"everythinfr you need iu this line. A tllird's Fiho i -. ... . J . vAMlo the vcrylatesl styles; A. ViI!:r.r.:3 a-Go's jBooIr Store I Stationary How's That ? silvery laundry doesn't do it, do they t, jDonit'ypu. "suppose they Sicqpiu 'they wantei' to?'vHonesly and carefulncfeshay'au'c)i lq dp, ;t With making a good laundry as any thing else. We know this is a good laundry, and we aren't, afraid lo have anjr&Srft b-yhusfji Fftill isatis'kd-! tion Dure and simple, come to page oc jmarsnaiijivUprBi The .ommercial and Farmers;i nuinH rMt, ofMeiglijM.4 - Chartered by General Assembly il891J i i A Wiltf up 0ap1tHV?t !$100,OOQiQP. Deposits ; . LS.QPPQP,.QO Safe Deposit Boxes' for Rent' on 'Reasonable" . Teris., MlftVi SfJ?N?e w6 frail! ofjoes to lei . t.f S - J. J. iHOMAS, President,, tt. AiLF Ai THOMPSON, Vice Presldlfi. a' f vB, JERMAN, Casa e ;;,:,. : H.'uW, JACKSONAssistwashier. flitll' linfnionl ?. v 1 i J rivtt, I imnGnn'Q ? . k CURES ,rJ-,NASAE CAJlRRIDl ,1 ' V 4 V J 11 & 4 - Air" ' ,A" lTrWk iWiJIii fiPnynce you. " Pop ftrdf estlosr son s JavfT jPulsi hebest in,tl:e world, jsiitber sent by mail for.zoc. - - ... II . JT7 la! ri r -i -3- Oncrailloucoj One JMerry: Week ! ' ' , cqSdiencing - C; ' -r -'MONDAY, NOVEMBER, 6TH. The representative" popular- triced '. attraction of America-"," .-,..; .i,i'XHB ' n. GUY J 4 ''-'j- BESSIE ': ..,nn,.fpnn ..... V W, w ii...J"Vi- ! COMPANY,.' r COMF.DTANS.- if T I a siN;f:i,".'t- t fi - J t anc v.i:s, . .i-1 ejP MONDAY NIGHT - X. The Melodramatic success in four acts. ,-'.!T!ic Girl X tovei 'tNew scenitf and iriechanicU eU'eCts specialties new- and nun orous. t-Twent'pth contury prices 10 20 30 cents. Ia dies free Monday niht if.accon:pa r.iod by a person hoiJing one paid 3 0c ticket. . - Vi ... Tea.. 1 ' K;tice To.Cily Tax Payers . fcfty ta list for 13 has beenf ? laced n- mfiand for collection. wilH) In my,offloeor that pur pose every day 'from 9 a: m to4 p m. All taxes not paid hy i December 1st are subject to va. nenaltv-oL.1. ner cent,- and an additional 1 , per cent en the first dafof each, month' there after until paku v- , 't-itV v v I TTT TT . 4-.,' ,1..". nov6 304 a, Qity T.ax Colltcto. f,i- ucK;iif tittle fa especially trot ot Bood'i FUla, tor. bo medt eine ever contained to great euratlre power hi ao inmQ space. Xhey are a whole; medicine G3UU chest, always reailj, al-'snsW ft " ways efficient, always saw I 3p tstaetory; prevent' I cold y , 1 1 O or fever, enre all Ihet Ills, - - . - s'ok headache, Jaiuxlior. erml,pt!eo, Mc. vm 1 iie onlj Fills to take wiU Hood s S&raaparllla. '2S leal. 0f! Horses -'itn'i. '''ITdI-s ' I J iltsels'' oik "Friday' W Batur aayjiNoveniDer"iiB ana1' ih,' 'Z3 uciKt w iiarive"oreaa' n orses ana - rftjiliiiujr.l as I live always said to you, every hors$ fend ouW-ia-yaarantoed no 4 reuraent. or I will 'k-efund oVnu monyi - Frank Stkonach, mi jt ' ivuctioneer, blJM HnNDRED., ( 1 00), ,,'vehiole and "f)0yV worth pi harness at factory pricesj viV.'i-ani.rii 1 n, (i i,,.!, ,.-.-u. .-Tit aelli frflu).i dovi until January 1st. Tfifiv. mv pnliro stuck nf h.irnpua together with my stock of wagons, bugsfies, carriages,, phtons raps,, . ep at factory prices. ltANK STRONACH, Prou'r. ., m 1 TIIOJJAOII'S t j ;iiuii i . iu. i.i.iii,' ..,,-, 'Kill 1 1 :f ! "I ll.Vtii $,tftM !' 'l e ano Harness tmnunum Nos, 2J9, 221 an(J'g23 ,W.ilming,lqnit II II '' -k' .-i "- '"' $f Reei yie(4xAie Street...'... ... Millinery ! We have now' readj flor'the.. trade, all the latest things in fall and' Vin ter Millinery. " '" ""' '" " Trimmi'd arid untrimiried ldie'3' ttats' with aW the '-new trimming 1 ... ; ..II. - ' moterialsi,,,. .( : . Children's and " i .iiiiii'..,.. . " I nf ants' Caps, in all styles and colors. will be ; given -i. a an m 4 , jAJlj customers ironipli attention. S S ft I . . ... . . i tlf o'ds sent oijbra paid one way. "1 S'S I.I ill ? Hsilsk W aa - Aijent 'for Imperial Patterns. Miss - Maggie Reese, ta Cut Flouors Roses, Car;iatjons,Chrysajithe uiims nut nn . Bduquets, Designs. Flora . Golden band, White aid btnk Ja pan lilies. Finest of all hardy lilies yapnths, Chinese .Sacred Lilies, ujPreesia NarslSsds,TulIpsi tor forcing in the house and ' ' fearly spring blooming ' " i outside. HSteinmtz, .Florit, NotV"HalffWaptrtetJlV'!sMfece ! octn. Publication of Summons. North Carolina, In Superior Court Wake Countv. . t To Oct. Term. '.96. a emceDrrwiiwuiMir ST ,H VWtaalor jraallte Atkins, Ha nlbaR Atkias5 rayssgaS Atkins. WUHam Attlni, Bcntoil'Q Atkins' last tWfofaotoJ. ReD-AWin8 and her husbandV William Atkins, Maloy Hoover Rogers' infant, Joseph Rojrers, Annie K-Sbaw.lSMfF shawii jMaiy L JWheeleri iC3aiyiC Whaolen.-. Aahte D Wheeler's Last three Infants and B O Barker, administrator of Alain Jones, deceased.. , . .. . . To Hannibal Atkins, TJlyssea , Atklna, 4t William 'Atkins nd Beaton5 C .-At- u-lrina, ! Defendants ii the above en" titled action.,;' -- -. .,i.-i.t-t .You and each Of you will take notice and notice la hereby , glvi,,you,,iht W.'H. Wheeler 1 plaintiff above named, has ; instituted ' an1 action, entitled as above in the Superior Court of Wake county, 'iNorth-1 Oarollnaagaljist yoti and the other defendants named aboveJ The summons . in saidu actios was 1sJ sued on the 31st day of August, 1896' and is returnable to the October terta 1896, of Wake. Superior -Court,, to ba held In the city of Raleigh tn the 26th day of October, 186..' The purpose of aid: aetiomg to foreclose a mortgage on real estate given 'by your parents. Simeon Atkins ' (now. deceased) 1 ant? Sallie Atkins- to ' Alain JdneB, v which mortgage was .transferred to plaintiff, W. H, Wheeler f,. i.?.i i h You are further notified and required to'.' appear at , the aforesaid October Tertn of Wake "Superior Court and answer or demur during Bald term to, the complaint which Will be Sled in said action, or the- plaintiff will b6 trranted the Telied demanded in the complaint D. H. YOUNG j. iJ j. Clerk superior Coura vv-ak . U. E. Norris, Attorney. - ' . : September 4 1XU6; , -; . -,: ltw6w I You Can Settle the Ever 'Vexatious -r Question.!, ia;i. . - ' Whclt'td Glve ': XI- a. Ily,'s'pehcu,ig aTevy moments looking ,' . . through our .- new and rcomplete : j itock pf x"'" iiii' twi jHi 1 ". 1 1 Ui nu ''. I -""'ffnt "tfllaec iM" inr- ij.-uhioi j .iu, 1 China, j j B .IK X''i fui' ' lHHj'i' li)llr t1;iJil'-T,uni 1 lil Jalnii' .1 .( jij . 1 "?ii iiiiiKtiKiin ,1 1 j'iiuJru-njrti' Bfic-ar,Brac jr.: ) Ul. "I ( a 1 .iuiibt.'ai .U- Muf,lfil,4lv.- -.1 E MAHLER'S SONS;. ' JEW,BLEBg AND OPTKJIAKfcujHi'! nl,u.ii-i Ha-veour eyes tested. No charj?8,y a ..- for examination. .'" M',.; AXD Yiii.uiJ y,J , U HORSES ' I how have on hand a eood supply of nm lea and ' horses. , -f hall 'also 44 (i tiif lreep 'ai good, stocky Bnggies And l..w.'t 1 w aKuqs ior sale. .. ,..'.. -;--.... : ,;' .. . i-. rneesiuouiiine nines , Jl M. Pace, 111 East Martin St., Raleigh,, N. C , T A Proclamation by the Goy .11 i.B!.S,H.J .. J.,,,1-1 100 REWARD, v i 't jf; t V'' 1!. mii'ii STATE OEt'CAROlii, a'V " ' ExEOTJTrvtf Bepaetment. f '"" 'Whereas, official informatian hae yt'.'i , been received at this department thai Jim" Bbolcer; s alias ' Jim ' Ohavia,' ' late, i ?f..; the: county. 1, ot, -ihWate I. .) -U stands : charged with the murder ,,t ' ) Of Wahaly White, and whereas, it ap ' pears tht the said Jim Booker, alias , , l( Jim Chi vis, has fled the State, or, so , , ' cohcealb '-himself that thebrdinBlWllrQi-',l'J',' v oess of; law cannot be servedunpon;. . u. aim; 1 Now. 'therefore. I. F.Hfta Hiut' fin. ernor 0MJ19 State of' 'North Carolina!, "''' hy virtue pf,,athpty in me.ye8td y . ,,.,;l. taw, doj issue this my Proclamation,, : offering a reward of One Hundred dol-' 1 "", iars ior tne apprenension and tali very -i,-hIxi',v -of said Jhn Booker, alias,, Jim. , Chavisi to thb1 Sheriff ' "of '"Wake I!" 1 - county 1 at the court' hoaee aloor in' v(,ri.., fi.iJ&?i rn W ffl- .I.lr - Cera of the State and all crood citizens . Oaeejsfc in bringing1 std 5r1minal to'1 Jl l ' justice.) j ja,!.!,.,!. U'i -j,,; vlii.d.i-i .,.i-l4 1 Done at our city of Raleigh, the 2d day of October, in the year of our Lord . onethoasand eight hundred and ninety six, and in the one-- hundred" nd twenty-art year of our Amer.can In - , . . . ''-'3 BtaAH cask.- " ' '""t f, By'thjp pweruori' iinii' . i.m. w.-o fir, an 4auura.JLH)i u ji,ii-i( x-inn iiii - v. j iijiPrivatASeoretarti ...i ..1 t..inj.iM .JESCBJa?nONk.niiij.r. UjmM About feet hlchi smuttv. blaek H'V;.'-1 color, 28 year old, 'weighw Mt'l'ntii pounds, slender built-i , lam lffa aud.,n,i ..-.' arms, protruding.,mouth, knoeklsneea, has end of ;thirr finger, on; prie hand ,,,, ' a ' ! if...,i -i.lt .' t. .i.t;jPC7SP,.i.'') i'i,lrA v. Xtj fill' 11. . IiiW ' iU Uif - ' !--.iit.i..i -.nil J , , I,:. lift v' i-'ll'J'jA ; ...l.i. ,; -i .. ' Contains more lithia than any other llthia spring water on the market, and wrt ha ve: vet to find a nhvaieian who . '.j- ha given Harris Llthia Water a fair ' ' T : tciaXhut tfiarwill fetate that it tt snp nor to the other Waters. Dr. Thomas" " S. Powell, President Soathen iMedt cal College, Atlanta, Ga. : Theo Lamb, . Professor Diseases of Chest and Pinr -ti l ciplea.of Mfdicine, Jdedical ... Depot Jii it; , A . 1 ..... TT :..,..; . 1 S . .'1,..: nuWUUII. UUi,CIIIIJ IH JTAgl&, L IV! ..... M .Trtsnnri Jnnp.. W. a i n 1. Tn 1 a nj TTn1 versity of New Orleans, La.: Dr. John Hey Williams, Asheville," N C; Dr If M',' HArTlR. 1 hAVannkh. la! :Llp A ;JV ..-.1 . A Tailey, f Columbia, S. ;pAnA hyn-)1(,vWr; sloians of" the cotfntry, testifying, that ,,? , other waters that they have Used In tne leir practice. T ! ... .. ; i.. x j... ! f President's Office, , , ' : Baltimore. June 84( 1896. IfoOT T Harris- Harris Spring, S C: " ., ' t fDear Sir-I will' Bay tt Vo that it n "", iirhy opinion thatf ther Harris "Uthia ll" Water is by far the best lithia water I 1 h have ever used, and. that Jit .has done "l'- nw great deal of trood..: and I think . (J ibakit is a most valuable remedy,,,,., a,m , r sa'Dy'uixfnrgi8i8:4OK run1 ""V" .. . ,ai J - ielgtf. iti'-il (It : iwi,i V iHii I." w r- ttams1 wpring; bvsj,' . -5 bet l5Hlm.fci"t iTn,j ii'ii .n T t-.i-o if j l l - . I i ( I fJ ti li'.ivt"'' i . - - ''" t-tT' S tf IRE INSURANCE. ' . : i . , i. . , ' , . ' -i - - - . I ' v I i tin it. .- .- f ' ' .;' ' . . .Slnlu-lfc 4 tioti- ' Tfrn. nill.rvna frm 'i -i- f Office over MacRae'i, BraachPhar : r-v.-. macv 1 l.