p . - A Jv4;n;ciEents. -tlur Tc sorrow Forecast for Kaleib. Local forecast for Raleigh I (not extending beyond din of 20 miles:) Showers tonight and possibly early Thursday decidedly colder by Thursday night followed bv several. cold days. ... Forecast for North Carolina: Bala warmer tonight; colder Thursday. Local Data. ' rA&l data, for 24 hours endliur at a. m. (today) NoTember 11. Maximum temperature, 49; minimum temperature, 4i; rainfall. 0.00. CodlttoBrtaWaatar. The, following were the weather con 4itions at 8 a. m. today: State of the weather.,..,..,'.. fair Temperature of the air. 48 dag. Sensible temperature...;. .,.', 42 deg. Wind Telocity , Light. fllrwtlfin of wind.. ... ....... N E ; 4 PEKSOltti. ' ' Mr. M. J. Freeman, of Concord is her today. ', ' Mr. John W. King, of Greensboro, is at the Park. i Mr. M. I. Stewart, of Winston, the State printer, is here. " Maj. H. L. Grant, of Goldsboro, arrived in the city today. Mr. J, P. H. Adams, of Carjr, was .; here today. :' -. : k Mr. Geo. M. Rose, of Fayetteviller Is in the city. " Mr. John Fort, of Wyatt, was here today. Judge Fred Phillips, of Tarboro ; " was in the city today. Mr. Frank O. Landis, was in the . city yesterday. . " Mr. T. H. Griffiths, of Charlotte, a prominent insurance man, Is in the city. ' , ;' Dr. Cyrus Thompson, the newly elected Secretary of State, is in the oity. .,.', Mrs. W. A. Withers has gone to ' Memphis, Tenn., to visit old friends - and acquaintances. Ruth Lodge No. 4 Daughters of .Rebecca will give an Entertain jaent m Thursday evening No vember 12, in their Hall in the ' Pullen Building, the proceeds to be donated : to the Orphans Home at Goldsboro. All Odd Fellows ex pected to be present and the public is alsocordially invited. Admission free. t , Md To Evar Try Electric Bitters aa a remeny for your troubles 7 u not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a won derful direct Influence in giving 1: strength and tone to the organs. If - - you have loss of appetite, constipa tion,, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless,; excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy ' spells, Electric Bitters is the medi . ' cine you need. 'Health and Strength are guaranteed b v. its use. Fifty cents and $1 at John Y. McRaes s drugstore. . . Apples by the barrel, three bushels to the barrel.' for Sato. One ten-horse portable boiler and , engine complete and in good run ning order. A bargain. Address "Adot," care PBxss-visrroB. nolOtf Thrum mm) 1 on tnoRt at Duchi'n will make anybody's mouth water. Don Lost Strajrad or Stoles. An English setter, saddle back, Eerrftpd will be paid for his return J ' " ROft Csi41 T7a. nsv4tr Cf . w vv wvu vu Maa iuff msu uh gv no9 4t . , . li-;br!iin Propaitv Sala. In order to prepare the ground for building purposes, weareauthor ued to sU the following property of the Hirst Presbyterian- church, viz: the frame Sunday school room and the picket fencing on the south west corner of Salisbury and Mor gan street?. To be sola separately or together and to bo removed from the premises in ten days from date of sale. , James Dinwiddib, ) ; - - -J. M. Moms, Committee. ' Juxnrs Lewis," J . j nor C8t " - California Tokay grapes at Du-ghi's. Malaga grapes at Dughl's. For Bant. Three-story brick building cor. Fayette ville and Morgan streets, re cently occupied by Democratic head- quarters. For terms apply to W. B. Grimes. . : v- . nova tf , -. . A. LOT OF :: T Colgate & Co's SOAPS, Concord and Catawba gaapes at Dughls. - Dissolution Notice. , The firm of McClure A Peterson have this day dissolved co-partner ship by mutual consent. All bius and debts due the old firm will be paid to the new firm of McClure & Hales. McCuJiut dt Peterson. Ilcrso Auction. I will have two car loads of good. young, West Virginia horses ship ped from West Virginia to me, to be sold on consignment, which I will COsitivelvsalTto the hlcrhest bidder at my stables in Raleigh, on Satur day at 12 o'clock, Nov. 14, 1896. Stock guaranteed as represented, or no money paid. These horses are from 5 to 7 years old, sound and good workers. If you want good Virginia horses don t miss this op portunity, as they will sell cheap. Everything guaranteed. JOHN VV. -UTTLXPAO. Ed. Thomason, Auctioneer. nov2 lm Ton Can Ba WaU. When your blood is pure, rich, and nourishing for nerves and musles. The blood is the vital fluid, and when it. is poor, thin and impure you must either suffer from some distressing disease or you will easily fall a victim to sudden changes, ex posure, or overwore. Keep your blood pure with Hood's Sarsararilla and be well. Hood's pills are the best after-din ner pill, assist digestion, cure head ache, 25 cents. flavin who wishes to see the finest ( ing stoves ever brought to this cit y will do well to call and see a sample iii.o of really Fine Goods, bought for the purpose of exhibition at our recent State Fair. We Offer these Stoves at a Special Price, Perfumery, Vaseline Prepara tions, Cold Cream, Camphor Ice, etc. Try a bottle of their FlcriialVctcr for 25c, just as good' as any other at higher price. - ' Send us your prescriptions to fill or your orders for anything i our line, . -J Tours very truly, Jimes McKimmon & Co., 133 Fayettevllle St., Raleigh. V Urn Vliat'sin a fJamo? V' It Depend--- As to the rose or violet, nothing. But take oar name VY. HIKING & CO., Now, there's c great deal in that For instance: In prescriptions it meansPURlTY and FREEHNESS of Drugs, Care and exactness in compounding, Fair- ness and moderation in price. Whether you want medicine, or soda water,, cigars or Soap, Candies or chewing gum, we serve you with honesty, courtesy, and dispatch. One crood name meanseverything to you, it means entire satisfaction io us success. Yes, There's Lois In a Name. Tios. H. Briggs & Sons RALEIGH. N. C. ' Still They Come. Another big- lot of Apples Now - Arriving. King's. Baldwin's, northern Spys. Efc- These apples are shipped direct from the orchard, are well packed, sound, and in good keeping eondi tion. , - , PRICE: $1.75 to $2.25 psrDbl. Did you ever know fine apples so cheap at this season of the year. A liberal use of them in your family may save a "doctor's bilL" A bar rel Of SDDleS cost tl 75: nnn vinit hv a pnysician wzw. oee I - D: t. joiinsori AGENT. ' Phone 28, ' RE1.10VED - - TO - , 131; Fayetteville St. Raleigh Stationery Co. r-PHone 142 r- -,. i- FULL LINE y ' Fine Stationery, Office ; and School Supplies. Lenders inLcPn:cs. , oe28-Bt -r. -4 7r Sells Cheap. Tots, Uolla, , i , Oamra, No.eltle, . Fancr Good, Itrlo-a-Hrac, Steam tojm, MeotiauloalTor Iron l raloa, Poll Caba, Wood Irataa, , Block, -Books, Baaa ets, Walking Canea, Hobby Uorsea. Wagons Velocipedes, . Tricycles, Box Paper, WritlDK Paper, ' Envelope, Tablets, -Glaaawaref . Tinware, Crockery, , Candy, ' , Frnita, T- ' - r Nnta, Silverware, Vaaes, . Obaira, Rubber Goods, . TeanlaOooda, , foot Balls. We. are often asked if we do not run a kind ' ot "racket store." but we wish it positively under stood that we do not run a racket store, but a toy and candy store, and that we do not handle any trash or auction goods. WhT tha Rio-can Toy Store sells so (cheap is because rwe nave nan ame lone training- In Ithe large whole sale houses and we know when- to buy. and how to buy, and ourcash enables us to buy cheapest, and we give our custo mers the benefit of 11 this. By buy- in? only flrstclass (foods direct from the factories we sell them to you at re tail at regular wholesale prices and we give you a warrant that - what you buy of us la no racket goods, Dut "first call' every time. HrJoe, Quan tity and Quality la our watch-word. - RIGGAN'S TOY STORE, 132 Fayettevllle Street. - llcllor liros., The Leaders in Shoes, Call Attention 4o Their New and Complete Stock of Gents' Footwear The "Bow-Wow" Toe.'Russis Calf Rope Switch" Calf Lined Bals at Mare still haying a reat run. fl A-ctl-Needle toe and Jewel Toe Calf Bate are UvU great selllers at only $3 00 a pair.- . Oen'ts' broad plain toe congress gaiters and lace shoes ' at z w, wear ime iron.- Call and see the New Styles as well as the great bar gains at , - : HELLER'S SHOE STORE, : Established in 1876.1 n: . A ti" A. 2 - - r .4 fc .- Economic Prices Prevail in r II L; itmcnts. The largest department we have is the shoe department and it is just ly popular, as we giye you the best shoe possible to buy for the prices. Children's hoes 25 60, 60, 05, 68, 75, 85, 90, tl, 1 15, 1 85, 1 35, 1 50. C:ys Sh::s. We have a large assortment of boy's shoes of all size, at 1 00, 1 25 and 1 50. We pay particular .atten tion to the quality of our ladies' 1 25 1 60 and 200 shoes. Cresset's 3 00 shoes for men: : , . v. " , . : We do not like to boast, but will say that we have the best selected Stock nf millinnrv In Tfntaireli : jcspecuu aiienuon . is called to our cap department for children, all the new shapes in tans on nand now and prices very low..... '. L P.I, ..... . 3-6PECIAIA-3 r ' 10- 4 all wool white blankets. . . 3 68 11- 4 " " ' " " . 424 12- 4 . . ' "48 ' -. We do a large merchant-tailoring business, will make you a suit of pair of pants at a reasonable price and guaranteeour work in every respect Levies' Vc:f3 J8oribbod waist at-w 37c bleached " - 68o I 4 Children's union suits ir. Misses'- " " ....12io .". . . 26o ..: 60o ..25o . ..,.50c av w 4 "We sell these fast black hose at 16 and 25c a pair.. All sizes. -. . I V o-S Gen nine castor buckskln., ...'.1 00 Heavy 'domestic kid gloves, v. 68o London tanned dogskin glove- 87c Wool lined Kangaroo u ',. 75o" " " heavy goatskin ...... 1 00 All bargains. . Also full Unas of cloth, wool, kid and leather, gloves "from 25c to 00 a pair., 3 SHIRT WAIST ITEMS. ' " - All woolflannelTn red, . blue and black, new style sleeve waist -.1 00 Handsome wool Henrietta waist ' lined, full sleeve, ripple cuff, ele gant fitting waists........ 1 48 TBE VARDROBE EQUINOX. Everybody most Is scrambling into' heavy-weight wearables, i Clothes j largcst to the smallest. tne least Dit The stocks of buying ought not to be a perplexing task to anybody who's the least bit here. ..;.. v aajws vavuxvoj JtVJVCl(5j 4- VJU1U1CU O '; lCUClHy ladies' suits, wrappers and skirts in great variety, as torice andquality, . , Our terms are cash7 One price to all; ' v 11 j - r- , See our 6c and 10c counters. Many "bargains onihema , s .r " Agents for-, the sale of Butterick . Patterns: WOOLLCOTT & SON, 14 - East Martin Street. There Are Othei . teiit JSIone So Nice As Ou ROYALL & BORDEN. We have just received 100 ; Wilson Heaters; in all sizes, from tbft ret observing. The best of everything surrounds you Men's Suits, Men's Overcoats, Boy's suit's. Overcoats. Beefers. Hats and Furnishings all do our reputa tion credit. You know very well what an advantage you have with ur j . . ' variety to draw on. And we don't hesitate to say "your money back" j r , if you don t find less of it buys more than more of.it could anywhere else 1U WWII. ..r - . . - . . are entitled to bicycle we give With Every C:II:r'$ Vcrth -It A away on Christmas Eve. , - . . " We are selling as many percale shirts now as we usually sell In sum mer. The two lots we boue'hl and are sellincr at 75o and II do the work the price is less than they usually sell for at wholesale. ' Detached collars ana cuns gives you advantage to several - Positively new figs at Dughs. 'For Baar. Two bice large offices over the store of Sherwood Higgs & Co. Ap ply to. - sel9tf Ernest Hay wood. O Fresh oysters every day at Dn- Tailor-made pants from $2 50 a pair; suits for 112 00,' have your measure taken at once at Woollcott & Son's. We do all kinds of clean ing and repairing. - Kotlea to thaPablla. ' 'antpls and Grates of all kinds f -.:.ed at short notice, also Tile and Facings and Fire Place -3 a specialty.' I will guaran ' rk and will give you the (ft n ?dal or wood you burn, t -it 1 1 at into your room. , i.t on the old plan of lit r c' ""nev. I can be . .! i . v, . ,''v;.;o street, at '.. '.. ! " 1 f ' i 6 to 9 p. ) . '- l.' rae Co. SPECIAL Blaniet and Gape Sale Friday. 0 TBT ; .i . . . .' " . .. jur unuga to tnis special saie on jriaay f ai .nil 1. lit . . 1 . . . r - A rjr" uuw wm pe me oest saie any doqv ever had 4V7 in Raleigh. - W L it.We 8re in to 8611 Mket nl eapes for lower prices f Z , than the same goods were ever sold. . W can't maka yon 4 4 come, all we can do is to tell you about it, if yon miss it, its t i Zl your fault. We are going to sell North Carolina made, all 5 7 W00' Blankets, heavy soft, comparable, warm blankets, In i 7 three sixes: , 0 .10-4 sizes will go at . . ',; .i . . . . .... .-. 2 73 If ?. 11-4. " t - 3 38 5 J i2-4 - " " ;.r log i j ; . ,D; you know anvtning sbout the usual prices of all wool 7 J blankets 7 Do you think yon can afford to miss this sale? i ) I We are going to offer just as little prices on the lower 5 grades its going to be a blanket day sure as you are born. I i CailP4?--Best line in th&0'y n w goods, cloth I ' f , r plush, astrachan, braid and fur trimmed J elegant goods, stylish, up-to-date garments, Friday special I I prices. Don't missthis sale, handsome cape, full sweep, ' 1 ' 98c, all the better ones, beautiful new -styles,, handsomely ( 1 (7 trimmed, special prices, for the one day, the smallest ever 1 ) named for the "me popular goods. - v . i Be sure and cume and briDgall your friends, Friday only ' Clan ket and Cape day. , t ) W. E. JONES. ( ) ' A i ; Combinations of M Hew.Fashion, ; , - All the UNDERWEAR you buy here are of the best sort GLOVES j By buying in large lota we are prepared to make vmi llwa ' too at considerable saving of money." - ! , .. than any other Bouse. , - , you iowr prices s V- n pr.nvmmr-n -: m&k. I Aarl!-krv ; - A J Dfi'na arl-fl-iQre, M,. VJpWXA Ut JLlljUla - - -w A-'B- STRQNAGH, Bargains That Set The People Wondering Popular Goods, Popular Prices and Pop ' - 7 ular Salesmen. Muimnuiiuinnmiiiiiiiimiiiumiiiimnuiiiiuiiiiiiiiuiiuuiniiiiiuu hum We are Always busy Selling Fine . Goods at Low Prices. We do not aim to sell the "cheaper" grades. Those who want fine goods and do not want to pay too much, would do well to look at what we have to sell. Ladies', misses' and children's underwear, 25 per cent cheaper than can be bougnt eisewnere. . ., j Ladles grey, mixed combination suits. .-.i- .. . . white Jersey ribbed suits .... . ...'..J.. . .y.s extra quality White ribbed union suits Fleeced ribbed, non-shrinking union suits. - . worsted " Oxford cut combination suits, winter combination wraooers . . . J. . . .vi i Oxford finest wool ribbed: vests and pants ' HllThRSt KtAnla1 AtwntnAn .1 1. a I. i - ..4 - t - . - l with rtaM-i- "vrt" Lr.-S'VT't' Prices n.ow ln connection vour inZ ZtfZZV t " i ia l0,Ba fiT'ves a fairer equlvo ent for your money, and no salespeople re more patient, indulgent and obliging Lov;c:l G!::!i Prbcs c.i n:::rd. -v ..vvnascqgyer uune. v- uiuw (ji iutjs muKe tne Dusmoss. Greatest cape house in the-city is - , . . Olc 50C .i 85c 1 00 ..-1 BO . . 1 60 75c, I 00, 1 25 fine Scarlet Australian wool pants and vests-.... .... ....1 Oo low neck and short sleeves Richilieu ribbed merino vests 10q high neck and long " " " "( , 1 Oo Extra heavy merino vests.. ... ...... ,v. 1 0, fare wooi vests .....j....... , i uo , " - Extra quality, non-shrinking vests.. .. :. v. ...... .i . ..... ; olio - " ". Feeler cotton ribbed vests ...................... ,-vt ...... . zoe "v Grey and white ribbed " t ... .,17c, 3 for 50c Pants to match all of the above at same price as the vests. Missess' combinat ion union suits .-. ..... ; . . . ..... ... .35c and 50o Big Line and Big Values In Misses' and Children s Pants and Vests. Umbrella Sale. Ot MnHl!.1f fUWltnon.. . .11 .1 - t. . . . - and Bovritwlw.- iMr:" uur ciass coats .and thin loVo ' grauu opening na f air exhibit at one- MJf"":1ttrt:R'?- Phenomenal comparison . vuo ui .oe ciosea out this week. -' m" ""' "wu buiu witnout regara to the snam ad vances on all lines of Domestic manufacturers. Great Shoe-Trading Center, v fitrn0ur BhdeJ,art1teDt.i8.& Bcene of acuity- Restocked and newly ' n d "piei,The a'Splay. SJhoea 19 8 marvel of eautT' "bout one-half thl Barrrain Shoes, as avprt, sort worn a ,.! oo , . . " .. " gardlessofcost, price $1 50 for anyT ' ' pl"'8 ,e,i W e re" Another case of those celebrated heavy, doublo fleeced 10-4 4 blankets, in white andgrey, at only.. .. .... 1!C i-Iavo i on Scn ThORft fiOrf If id trlnvoo oil t!.A. nil aI-.u. ... . . . . , . - --- f : - "--i ' wiui s. t-use ii no curtain scrim to be closed out at iijc, fancy colored stripes at 5c. '. Not in "sufficient quantities. New Lines. Groat Values, Three bis Specials, in Gloria Silk find Scotch Ginghams 2fi, 23 abd 30 inches, 7."e, t, tl 25, worth tl tl 60, t' 75 Special sale hi .lie's skirts Ladie's knit wool skirts . .-..50c, 1 CO, 1 TO Ladies' Ba'.mor.il skirts fjCcnnJtao Kverv rlnv cnmnfMnn. n il?ri TiTym-fro to advertise. roC.'., - J d CO.

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