- -Cm- L" 'V-i i 7 l" ? 3 VU'-.1L' ft". "J." sin?,. i --! JllUSIiKD BY THE VISITOR-PRESS COttPA.NY INCORPORATED I. A CONSOLIDATION OF THE VISITOR, ESTABLISED 1878, AND THJ5 PRESS, . ESTABLISHED J.894.' , Office in the Pullen Building, corner Fayetteville and Davie Streets. GREEK O. ANDREWS, ', - JASPER M, MeRARY.. . Subscription Prices.. One Yew ..,. ...I 3.00 Six Months.. ' 1.80 v One Month ., ................. .26 .r' I' .. mil- i.i jr , f Entered m Second Class Mall Matter J i?i'ilV"' .!. Ml ... fi.Wil ". - ERE The Leader in the News and . in .Circulation. TELEPHONE No. 168. Thursday, Nov. 12, 1896. The city council of New Orleans has just passed a law making the game of craps illegal. It does not matter where it is played, whether in-the streets, in the cluborat home, craps is especially singled out as the most depraved of gambling : games, not to be tolerated anywhere. . The game, according to a modern writer, is of New Orleans origin and over one hundred years old. Ber nard de Marigny, who entertained Louis Phillippe when he came to Louisiana, and who stood seventy years ago at the head of the Creole colony of the State as its wealthiest and most prominent citizen he was entitled to call himself marquis in Prance was the inventor or father of craps, and brought it into high favor as the fashionable gambling of the day. When be laid off his plan tation, just below the then city of New Orleans it is now the third district, but was then the Faubourg Marigny and divided it up into lots, he' named one of the streets Craps, and explained that he did so Because he had lost the money he re ceived jrom the sale of the lot on praps, his favorite game. The Jacksonville, Fla., Citizen very appropriately says. The great pational issue submitted to the voters in the presidential contest has been decided, and decided positively that every sensible man sees that the verdict must be pepted. The duty now before the people is to try to develoD the coun try on the financial standard that is tfl be maintained. Particularly is this the duty of the people of the gouth. The South is capable of vast growth. Its resources are immense and they have scarcely been touched Its people have paid too much atten tion to politics" and too little to busi ness. They have too generally taken up the Lotion that the government can make the nation prosperous stead of holding to the old and true Idea that success depends upon in dividual effort. A change in the financial standard has not been -A&eeded to enable the South to push jeWArward In the path of progress, to 8' ' The largest and fastest locomo 'J tlves in the world are two which ' , have - just been received by the Denver .and Rio Grande railway. '' They', weigh 74 tons each without "tender' and are said to be able to ' , travel at a speed of 70 miles an hour, f and have hauled trains of 45 loaded freight cars in Colorado without ef fort. They will go into service on passenger trains this week, running at first oa freight to limber them up.' They are numbered 700 and 701, and will be run entirely on the fast over land train service . between Denver and Pueblo, .having been specially constructed for this service. '-: t It Is said that the exports of grain and cotton; especially of the former, through the Mobile port to liver pool and Mexico continue unabated. Tbe new elevator slip there has not been without a vessel in it since it v s built Tie steamer specialist c'.t-icJ SulurJy I'.-JLiverj ool with B,724 bales of cotton, 25,000 bushels of wheat, 2,436 pieces of North Caro lina pipe staves, 105 socks of cotton seed, 204 sacks of cottonseed meal, the total value .of the stock being $205,424 1 " "", -.' ; r ... v " ' Buoklen'i Arnica Salva. 1 The best salve in the world tor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains, corns and all sVin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per Nw, 'or Bale by John Y. Mao Jsae. . Blood la Life. : It is the medium which carries to every nerve, muscle, organ and fibre its nourishment and strength. If the blood is pure, rich and healthy you will be well: If impure, disease will soon overtake you. Hood's Sar saparilla has power to keep you in health by making your blood rich and pure. Hood s pills are easy to take. eas. asy bil to operate, ousness. Cure indigestion, Neuralgia ls the p; rayer ot the nerves for pure bli ilood. Hood's Sar saparilla is the One Trun Blood Purifier and nerve builder. "' HEW SHOE SIDE Extraordinary Bargains -IN- Ladies' fine Dongola kid button Boots, patent tips, heel and spring heel, at only 98c, $1 25, $1 50 and $1 75. Finer grades from $2 to $5. Gent's Shoes Gent's fine dress shoes 11, $1 25, tl 50 and tl 75. Finer grades from $2 to $6. Boy's Shoes. Boy's fine shoes $1, tl 25 and $1 50. Finer grades from $1 7." to $3 50. ' Children's Slices. Children's fine shoes 75c, tl, $1 25 and tl 50. Infant's Shoes. Infant's fine shoos 25c 35 ud 50c Finer grades 75c to ttl 25. HOSIERY. Ask to see our line of hosiery . It is the best and cheapest line in the city. S. C. POOL. S. B. NORRIS, Manager. sep25 Now Shoos " PROCRASTirJATIOH Is The Thief of Time' If you neglected to buy your winter's supply of coal and wood In the summer as your interest requires that you shsuld have done, give us your order now and avoid the rush which" always comes with the first spell of cold weather. Convenience and economy demands that you buy your scoauii d nuppiv m iuei at uuue, ana to gei lrrnna put away beiore winter, will be a source of satisfaction to you for months to come. Our stdck is now complete and we solicit your orders Tor best goods at lowest prices. Johnson and Johnson, UUAL; ana WUUD; Phone 150. Politics Don't received a large consignment. -V Just bought since the election, when prices fell all to pieces a big lot of men's and boy's clothing at very low prices; we buy direct from the manu facturers, and at this7 time of the season we pick gains up great "bar- Come Back remarkable thing about Hood'a Baraf paxill it that cuatoWre who try other remedies all come back to Hood's, and this ia why the enormous sales of. thla great medicine Wm keep up awl continue the fwhole year ronnd, steady II. Was a dock. Why 'fc Itt" "Ojslmply because Hood'a Banaparilla haa mora real cura tive merit than any medicine I ever sold." ThJto la ol dally ooenrrenoe la aunost very drug store. Hood'a Sersaparula. has cured mora sickness, and made mora happiness through restoration to health than any outer meaiuum. n n L:iJ Sarsaparilla Is the standard the One True Blood Pwlfler ,, n!ll are too only pllto to tak HOOd ft PillS wltt lto4' Banaparilla. Land Sale. By authority of a mortgage from L. T. Huildleston and wife, Elizabeth, re corded In Book $7, page -650, records Register of Deeds offloe for Wake county, I will, on Monday. November 2, 1896,atl2o'o'ook rn.,uell tothe high eat bidder at publio auction for cash at the court house door , of : Wake county, N. C, a lot on the south side of South street in the city of Haleigh, beginning at William Fowler's north. east corner- on South street, runs south 128 feet to a stake, thence east 35 feet to Eliza Bell's line, thence north 128 feet to South street, thence west with South street to the beginning) sswtus W JN. JUJNES, Att y Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator ol the estate of Uherry Fenny, ae ceased, late of Wake county, N. C this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present tbe same to the undersigned on or before tbe eth day of uctober, 1897, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all per sons indebted to the said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment to me. J. C. Mabcom, Adm'r. R T- Gbay, Att'y. Itw6w October 7, 1896. n Executor's Notice. Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of James B. Bobbitt, deceased, I hereby give notice toall persons indebted to nim to make immediate paymenttome,and to all persons havingclaims against him to present the same to me, duly vert nea, , on or beiore the oth day September, 1897, otherwise this notice may be plead in bar of reeov ery. J. HAL BOBBITT; Executor of J. B. Bobbitt, dee'd For Over Fifty Tear Mb. WncsliOWs Soo-mnro Ann haa been used for orer fifty years by million of mothers lor their children while teethlnc. with perfect tnctima. It soothes the ehild. softens the gums, allays all pain, eurea wind eolte, and is the best little sufferer Immediately. Sold by Druggist in every part of the world. Twenty-five eenta a bnttlo. Be sore to ask lor "Mrs Winalow'i j..n.'nr Byran," and take no kind. U5 reiDguy ror I'lvruou. is win reueTe uie noor When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. Whan ane was a Chad, she erted f or Oastorla. When she beoame Mlaa, abe clung to qaatorla. Whoa ihe had Oiildrsn, (be gave them Caftorla. Office 109 Fayetteville St Oof her U G. ; There', an ted in toed icing u well u in other things," aid a bny drureist. " bat the most We Are Busy "Driving Bargains" 10c socks for Sd 75c colored laundried : shirts 49c. Of these two bargains . wc have, just MtfTsrfcst M H M S W & ' " """Ir '" i m J r We Sell Goods Cheaper Than v Any Other House I ,: j Black Dress Goods- ANOTHER GREAT OFFERING For the week, Nov. 9th to 14th. . Justly we pride ourselves upon our reputa tion of years as the , most' 'reliable house in the state for black dress goods, and a special sale in this department means far more than the ordinary special sale. , 1 Si Black . Dress Goods Special Sale, V 1 50 pieces comprising Lupin's celebrated cheviots, Boucies,' Friezes, Canlches, Sailcloths, etc., correct weights for winter use, for stylish street Costumes. , These are a recent purchase and represent the .very best stuffs made for this season's trade at prioes 33 per cent below real value,, really below the cost of Importation, we bought them at bargain prices to sell them at bargain prices to our customers. This Special Sale begins Monday, November 9th. Come early for choice. 17. n. a n. s. tucker & co. Sale of Land in Cedar Fork ; Township. OnSaturday, November 21st, 1896, at the Court House door in Raleigh, at 12 m., i by virtue of the power given us in a deed of mortage, exe cuted by A S Pollard and registered in the off oe of the Register of Deeds for Wake oountg, in Book 78 at page 673, we will sell at public outcry, the following described lands, situated in Wake county and said Township, to wit i First, the tract convayed to said A S Pollard, by John W Hins dale,commissioner by deed dated May 21st, 1884, ' adjoining the lands of Joseph Marshall, S C Marcom and others: Beginning at a red oak, W. B. Scott's corner, thence North 87 degrees west 209 2-5 poles to a stake, Marshall's ' corner then North 2 degrees East, 22 poles to a small sour wood; then -North 871 degrees West 64 boles to a stake, Marshall's corner; then South 2 degrees West 74 poles to a stump, M. C. Sorrell's line, then South 87 degrees; East 64 poles to stake, then South 2 degrees: West 24 poles to pointer S. 0. Maroon's corner, then North 1 degrees, East 74 poles to the beginning f containing about 127 acres, f Second the tract of about 18 acres adjoining the lands of Lucy Page, J. Watkins, J. Q. Adams, and Dennis eorrell and described in a deed from Susan Page Jere Wat- kins and wife to said Pollard dated Nov. 10th, 1880. Third, The Home tract of said. Pollard, t on which he formerly lived adjoining the lands of Thos. Pollard, J Q Adams and others and described in - deed to nun from G W Lynn dated January 1st, 1872 and registered ; in Register's office for said county in Book 34 at page Z6). Terms casn . R. H. BATTLE, WALTER CLARK, Executors of E. II. Swain. Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 20. 1896. T this! Overlook We give prescriptions, spec al -care and attention at all hours, ' day or night. If that ts what yon want, we are,s Yours truly, ; i .j - Wynne and Eirdscng, North Side Drug Store, Halifax street.' one - block south Of ' Peace Institute. " 4 " ' DON OK m Of Fayetteville and Martiit Sts., Just as you Come Up from the Park i Where the finest cigars and the be had.- Rromo Seltzer served at the Justthe thing, Call around boys, seeyou. . John ' ,Y.;;':-.Mc!Taeo EluCio Another lot of those delicious SouthJ ampton county (Va. Hams; also one lot mild curea Jonnston county (iN. C.lHama. 1 Fresh arrival New River Mullets, fine, fat Mackerel, new paok Roe Her rings, eto. Melrose" Flour still growing In popularity. - And why? Because it is carefully ground from best selected wheat. None superior to . "Melrose. Nice line finest ereen and black Teas. Special blend finest Mocha and Java roasted coffee makes an exoellent cup. I handle nothing but first class goods, therefore orders may be sent with confidence. Lowest prices guar- anteea. itespeecniiiy,' , J. D. TURHERj . Cor. Johnson and Halifax Sts. Telephone 126. . '; KOTICE! North Caboiina, ) In Superior Court Wake County. (To Oct. Term, '96 M. J. Edwards J , Q , v 3.3. Lawrence Publication. To J. J. Lawrence, defendant In the above entitled action. Take notice: That on the 29th day of August, loyo. an action was eeirun ana insti tuted in the Superior court of Wake county. North Carolina, to October Term 1896 of said court by M. J. Ed wards against J. J. Lawrence, your self , entitled M. J. Edwards vs. J. J. Lawrence, and that summons tnerein has been duly i ssued and returned "not to be found:" That the purpose of said action Is to recover money due rrom you to me saia m, j. jwaras upon and by virtue of a contract re lating to the manufacture and sale of medicine known as the Compound Ex tract off Bosadalls, and to the pur chase by said M. J. Edwards of a one half interest in the Patent Right there to, ana lor tne recovery oi damages rrom you ror oreacn or said contract, amounting in all to the sum of 93,000, You are herebr' notified of the pen dency of said action, and that a war rant of attachment has been issueh in aid action directing : the seizure of your property In North Ca olina. You are further notified and required to ap pear at the October .term of said Su perior Court of Wake county, North Carolina, to be held In the city of Ral eigh, in said, county and State, on the 26th of October, 1896, and answer or demur; during said term, to the com plaint which will be filed in said action. or the plaintiff will have judgment for the relief demanded therein; when and where the warrant of attachment will likewise be returned. t ' D. YOUNG, .i - Clerk Superior Court, Wake Co; Atuius siNuw, Attorney. mm Hotel best Soda and Mineral Waters can Fountain. for: Fair Week, will be glad to Loookout, are you ready for it ? If not, come and get your shoes. Some beautiful blankets, quilts, comforts, rub ber: shoes, pil lows and coats, capes, cloaks, jackets, umbrel las, lap robes. Do not forget your horses, we have plenty of blankets for them. ,,. - ' Lyon Rcclict Sfcro Sals of UaOjwSr fialsigh. .As exeeutor of the late J . B. Bob bitt I will offer for sale at the Court House door in Raleigh, at 12 o'clock m., on Saturday the 6th day of De cember, 1896, a valuable tract of land about 3 miles east of Raleigh containing Ninety-four acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of W. H. Holleman, deceased, J. D. Dodd, J. W. Cross and others, it being the tract of land formerly owned by Jas. Moore and previously by M. A. Parker. About 60 acres of the tract are in a good state of cultivation, of wnicn a part is well dramea low crounds. Good . tenant house and necessary out-housesand a good well of water are on the premises, ' - Terms 1350 cash,' balance three equal annual installments! with in terest from date of sale. J. Hal. Bobbitt, ; ' nov 5 ' Ex. of J. B. Bobbitte ror the last Al years we sumption in stock; and would sooner think a groceryman couIJ get along without sugar in his store than we could without -Pise's Cure. , It is a sure seller. RAVEN & CO., DrugsistV ymsco, Michigan, September Tie National RALEIGH, 'Mi "C. Capital Paid InJ Surplus and Undevided Profits,-. DIRECTORS! - - . J. B. BATCHELORj C . M. BUSBEE, , T i , f . . P. O. MORINfi, - .. CHAS. E. JOHNSON, , lt : , OFFICERSi -;' v t"' ' ' hfj '! , " ' CHAS. H. BELVIN, President .J -y., CHAS. E. JOHNSON, Vice-President. v,.J-:..;P.H. BRIGGS, Cashier.J ' - Our banking room has been enlarged ancl refurnished o A NEW, which is entirely fire proof and burgrlar proof, haeg'been added. The doors controlled by combination, automatic and time locks, built by the Miller bate and Iron Works, e Baltimore, and superintended by Mr. J.. M. Mossman. Ir-f New York, an erpert in burglar proof work. In this vault we have placet.; "J SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES of the very latest design, tne convenience of which ean not be appreciated ur.J til they are seen, and all are invited to see them. . . ' " The renter of the box haa thn kpv. and tin nnn ran iraln arwl'i iv. 'contents of the box without the presence ma acy, uw uuuur couiu no pnin access to uie oox, ine contents or which ci n be known only to the renter. There is ample i-oom in the boxes for tha l' Of deeds, valuable papcrB, wills, bonds, stocks, etc., and perfect security is obtained for very moderate cost. Convenient and private rooms have been nrovided for the atoIim'th . Of customers in the examination of paptrsj cutting coupons, etc. We have an exoellent vault In addition to this fine burglar proof vault for the storage of boxes and package. Everyone interested ia beautiful workmanship and most dtiiluate mochat J Ism are cordially lnviurl to inspect the new work, ' TI.J aug-iv-& Under and I y . - of the Superior C i i .s tion, iSo l c l c, t Smith vBl' ' .", ' the 7th day of L.l. ..ot r, i at public auction ct ' door in tne city oi i..u-, i. , 12 m, the following t.a( t of i uate in Wake county, St. ews township, beginning at a ' ' a J s sie Watkin's n w corner in Join.,.., -a Pool's line; thence s 20i polus t a stake "Said Watkin's s w cors s ; thence s 35 w 69 3-5 poles; t! . j west 931 poles to two red oi.:.a oit the bank of Neuse river; thrmce up the various courses of said rivv. e about 1 84 poles to Pool 's corn c r ; thence with his line s 881 e 135 p to -the beginning, containing I. i acres. Also, at the same time a; J place, we will sell the personal prop erty set out in said decree, consist ing of 1 mule, -1 horse, 2 wagons, harness,' farming implements and part of crops made on said land Terms cash. ; ARMISTKAD JONES, , , ' - THOS R PDRNELL, ..." , no7 tds Commissioners. North Carolina, J In Superior Court, Wake county, i Before DH Young, --v ,'. , ' .'Clerk. . J. C. Marcom,' administrator of. Cherry Penny, deceased, vs. Mary Walters and Henry t, Walters, ' her huehnnil Mnrv AUaii. T.illin Allen. Roxie Allen, John Allen, Susan Air ten, George Penny, Ada Penny, and ' Annie Holloway, heirs at law of ' Cherry Penny, deceased. . . ' , To Msry .Walters, Henry Walters," Mary Allen; Liliia Allen and John Allen, defendants above named. You will take notice that a special -proceeding has been instituted in this court by J. C: Marcom adminis trator of Cherry Penny, deceased. entitled as above, lor tne purpose oi obtaining an order for the sale of to create assessments for the pay- ment of the debts of the estate and , the charges of administration, and - vnn nrA hAnhv rnnuired to annear at my pfflce in Raleigh, N. C, on the, 2d day. of December. 1896, and an- . swer or demur to the complaint of . the plaintiff in said action or pro- y needing, otherwise the relief prayed' s Itv wiflT be granted.-'.' ' ' ' i October 18. "96. , ,r 1 aw 6 w , have kept tiso s (jure lor uan- z, 166, " ; . Bal?Mcil!i ,Y' 1 ; ;;: $225,000 75,000 v. ? JAMES A. BRIG(9,' " . -, THOMAS B. CROWDM, i " CHAS, H. BELVIN, VAOLT, of the renter, and if he should o CI f

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