awi i in Store. i of l.uth Lole No. 4 Lave t!;i) 1 j y conception of com- l!: : duty with pleasure, and io t-csr entertainment -on. this evtft id tae Uda Fellows of the city and their friends who attend will not only aid in a most laudable . undertaking that of caring for the Orphans at Goldsboro, but will enjoy a most pleasant evening and be filled unuterabljr full of the good things of this life. Among these, first, freedom from hunger, getting acquainted with the members of Ruth Lodge, and also in meeting all old members of the order who have been staying at home "on account of the recont great political excitement? and to know that, by being present anassisting in the true objects of the occasion, the Orphans have been made comfortable and happy. , -- Shcnaa on tb Tariff. . r . , By Telegraph to the Presi-Visitor. New Tobk, ' Nov. 11. Senator Sherman, of Ohio, expresses the" be lief that the Dingley tariff bill will P&39. He does not believe an extra - session win be necessaryir-f PniVle. th Blooct . , C "1 have taken Hood's Sarsaparllla lor impure olooa ana can recommend it to all who suffer with this diffi culty. I have had several attacks of the grip, and I . have found no medicine that did me as much good c. !M. II ma T Allen, Axtell. N.-O. Hood's Fills are the best after dinner pills, assist digestion, cure oeaaacne. , , , :' ' ' . ' ' T utners nave louna health, vigor and vitality in Hood s Sarsaparllla, and surelv has power to help you also. Why not try it j . .-.... j r-ALSO TmirWare Guaranteed not to rust. ' -mlw 3'. r.n Gi7:r FcrVcu For thirty days the ; Southern Wall Paper Company mil paper Irooma for -C5.00 ' per room. This is for thirty' days ., only. These papers are what you will ' pay 8 ;for after that time. - 183 FAYETTEVILLE ST'. V oc28 1m.'. r ' N Of all the Fairview Horses VTEDNEGDAY, NOVEMBER 18th, All the Fairview Horses, stalions, L'rood rT-- :,"rraJ and race horses, . yearlings weanlings -wt ltes ' let auction, for cash at ' ' ' 'i, I.'. C, Nenrly all the stock i i .:r 1 r :-J well bred, and as it v ..1 t t : ! without reserve great I . Ifceb.rl. In the sale r s a . , i s' suions, the great j at n. Franklin chief and t t .nit.tul yougstallion, brother t I ,:ieo, Curri!'" a son of Nor- 1 1' ! i out of a Wilkes mare, and i f tie tanJssomest and fastest e v r e' n in thft state. . a j . -.I card for, catalogue IVIiat i c Castoria ia Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescriptiou for Infants . : d Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substanoe. . It is a liarmleM substitute It for Paregorio, Drops," Soothing Syrups and Castor OIL v ';. It Is. Pleasant. Its guarantee is - shirty years' Ause by MUlions of ,' Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms ' and t . allays Feverishness. Castoria prevents voniiting Sour . Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castoria relieves Teething troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stomach -. and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend a&: ' V Castoria. oOaatorla I. an areellent medicine for lMren. Mother have repeatedly: told me ' I f iU good- effect upon tbeir lldrt.w !'v ' iO'f 'P1 .Dr' ' oof'P lowell, .. -11 "The oMof Catoria la ao anhrenal and U lacfita ao wen known that it aeem a work r of apetcragatioa tocadorae it- t lew are the ; - lntellijetit mmiliea wbo do aot keep Cartoria wiUUaeaajrraacli."' - 7" 1 .v.-..-r)i.-.'- . CAaxoa Majityx. O.O New York City. 1 ' C'V I prescribe Cattorla every day for children who arc anflertog; from oonitipatloa, with - better (Sect than I receive ftorq any other comoinaaon oi antga." r . , , !. .Dr. I O. Moaoax, Booth Amboy,- K. Children Cry.for !'v to iMMin, rr THE ITUUMrar OF LOVE IS BAPT, MIJITFUI. HAOaUAGB." Irtrr Mas Was f Wssll ' . Kisw t tlu vr StsneV Tntka. th Jflala aot,. the. ' Haw xMaoavwrlea mt HodlesJ ; at AhHs is HsnM Uts, Wh. Waald AtOM foaj raat Xmra and Aim ru'Pitialla, Sacmv tha TTamdorfnl IJttla Bm Called "Caaantot Kaahaad. aad B.wta At- - taia ItVV;i " "K'v -',l -fi.; Wirm iat laae la Infrmnalkm from a hlan medical aouro that mnst work wonders with this generation of men." - -- The book folly describes a method by which to attain fbU vigor and manly power. A method by which to and all unnatural grains on the system. , Tin mil m i minimus) lsr k nf srilf nnnlnil 1m i apondeDcy, Ao. ' . ' Toezchange a laded and worn nature' for one of briKhtneaa, buoyancy and power. i To cure forever effects or crnnsars, overwork; worry, aVo. . . To glTefunstrTrth,delopment and ton to every portion and onras of the body, " I Age no barrier. faUur Impossible. Two thousand references. t The book ia purely medical and edentlSe, Bseleasto curioBltT seek era. Invaluable to men. only who need It. v - v -.A despairing man, who Bad applied to us. goon after wrote i w V ... - -weu, g ten Ton tnat tint nay is one iu forfl-et. I rnst bubbled with lor. wanted to hug everybody and tell them my aid self had died, yenterday, and my new self aDDiea wita joy. i lyand tell then lay. and my new .Twin1 von tall waa horn tod&v. when I ftnt wrote that vvny ywu i iuu wu mo nen i ant wrote tnat x wouia nnauuua And another thusT0 ' ' ' ' ' lf von dumned a cart load of (old at my that ! K wayr" fxet It would not bring euuh gladness Into my Ule aa your method has done." - Writs to tho A.KIB UEDICAIt COMPANT, Buffalo, Tf. Y,. and ask for the little book called 'COMPLETE XANHOOD. BeterU this paper, and the company promises to send the book, tn aealed .nvelope, without any maras, ana enureiy irae uw is wu imw Bavinir auaiilied a. administrator of the estate of A. Kt Weathers, de oeasedt I hereby eire uotioe to all per son, having claims against said es tate to present them to me for payment before the first day of October, 1897, otherwise this notioe will be plead in bar of the same. - All persons in debt to the said A,. K. Weathers are re quested to come" forward and settle the game at once. C. Hs Clarke, -Administrator for A. K. Weathers, Deoeased. , oct!4 Jawow :nx::u:nnn) GROCERS, Nos. 8 and 10 Hargett St. - Ksi Coods AniYing Daily, Wn have mst revived and Dut on sale s very fine lot of Mali pa Raisins at 15c, or $ pounds for 25c.- These are extra nice goods. -Also a Tey fine lot of nuts, such, as Brazil nuts at lOo per pound. English walnuts at 15c, , Peacans at 12ic or 8 pounds for DUo. Almonds at loo, also a very fine quality eating figs, usual price 25c per pound, price this .week 20c per pound. Alao an excellent line of p.-er mustard, tomato catsup, Worcester shire sauces. etc. Also a very floe assortment of pickles at prices to suit the times. ' " . We specially invite the ladies to inspect our stock and compare qual ity and prices with any grocery store in the city. " ' . We are yours to please, A few more King applesv at 20c per peck Fresh pork sausage at 10o per pound. C D. A1IDERS01I & CO. G Castoria. "Caatorhk is so .well adapted to ehlWrea that V recoamead it as superior to any pre- scrlption known to me.'.' '- . . ; Hi A. ASCHBS, M. O., Brooklyn, K. T. ; -."For several year X have recommended ;' Castoria, (ad shall always ormtione- to do' so aa It has invariably produced .beneficial results " - -.;T. v : - " Kbwik r. pAarnta, M. D., New York City.. - ' We have three children and they Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.: When we give one a dose, the others cry for one too. ; 1 shall always take, pleasure in recommending; this best child's medldne.'.' 1 1 j Rev. w. A. Coops, Newport, Ky. Pitcher's Castoria. arat'eV, H rW TONK O'TV. " Under and by virtue of a deed of trust from J. W.' H, Wateon to B, F. Montague, Trustee,. registered in Book 113, page 22, and with ' he consent of the mortgagor thereon, we will, on Monday, November 9th, 1896, at noon, at the court house door in the city of Raleigh expose to public sale the fol lowing described tract of land, being the part unsold in the land conveyed in the said deed of trust and described as follows: Beginning at the north east corner of the Matthews lot, near the northwest corner of lot 744, thence southward along the line of Matthews and of the Kline Tieirs to Kline's southeast corner; - thence west along Kline's Una to the branch; thence down the branch to the south city line; thence east along the south line of the city to the' Southeast corner of the city; thence north , along the east boundary lino of the" city to Lenoir street; thenoe west along Lenoir street to the beginning. Terms cash. . j B. P. MONTAGUE, Trustee. :? . I. W. B. Watson. . Oct. 9. 1898T Sale postponed by consent to Mon day, Nov, 15, at noon. , r Have Kept, You Cool All Summer. 'Will-KeepJYou , :"M,. . All Winter. Soft Cotf, Pocahontas; and ; ' Russell Creek ; '. Tfcacker:.and , ; 1 ; Jellico Goal. 1 ' The best Coal at lowest - prices - al ways atj . - , - - ' t - Jonbs d Powell's. ECONOMY Msrv be' seoessarv in man v. ways when dollars are -scarce" and wants many, but it is not desirable to practice it in tne purcnase oi iikiu, wuwu . ia life. ' Below a certain standard food ard It eoBta a ivusonahlo price. We never want, more man a reasunauie price for our Groceries. RAPID SALES ' Give our customers the benefit of close margins. We never keep any thing that Is not the best of its kind, and we only want a fair jjroflt on what wa Invest iu it. " E A Always In stock and promptly delivered .m- .' when ordered. . - ' , wmw r s - . p r 'TT I La tJa L'uUwv,Jl Cross : THERET IS : A DIPFERANCE OF - T OPINION Regarding ' the -' Proper "Man, for - - " , Presidents I " Wliichwayj are You . Hepng? Notin politics, but where are you going to do your fall trading? You want the most and best for your jnoney, don't you? You Can Get IV We Have It j : -"i t , All departments complete and well stocked with . .Men's and Boy s' Clothing, Shoes, - Hats and - Genfs Furnishings. The Newest Styles, the Finest Grades,1he Best Values. Our prices demonstrate how much we want your trade. Political speakers are wrangling over "the basis of values. Come in and get our prices and-we will show you "the basis of values" inside of a minute. We nave a complete assortment of splendid goods. ' They are yours at prices that defy competition, You will be turning down great bargains if you don't come. - ' - i CROSS & LINEHAN. School Books -; '..y Remember our house is headquarters for all School Supplies. We have everything vou need in this line. A full stock of id ii Find BA-l in the very-latest styles.J A. Williams & Cos Book Store OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Page & Marshall, proprietors. The Commercial and Farmers1 - , IBank, of Raleigh, N. C. ' -Chartered by General Assembly 1801. Paid up Capital . $100,000.00 Deposits . . . . 300,000.00 Offers its customers every accommodation consistent with l safe banking. ' : Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent on Reasonablej'Jerms.' Some good business offices to let J. J. THOMAS, President, , ALF A. THOMPSON, Vice President. B, St JERMAN. Casa e." ; H. W. JACKSON Assistant Cashier. Simoson's CURES O NASAL CATARRH. A ;-Trial Willi Convince You. For Indigestion, Dyspepsia and all Stomach Disorders, use Simp son's Liver Pills, the best iatcejworld; Either sent by mail for 25c. sinpsotrs; siPiiAnriACY, - - ' - ; PULLENJBITIliDING, RALEIGH. N. C.J-' METROPOLITAN Opera IIouqq, One Merry Week " -COMMENCING' ' " MONDAY, NOVEMBER, 8TH. , The representative popular priced ' .t attraction of America, I - . THE ': II. GUY -'- - : BESSIE v; : COMPANY - 15 COMEDIANS, -fl 15 DANCERS, MONDAY NIGHT The Melodramatic success in four acts. "The Girl I Love.' 'New scenic and mechanical effects specialties now and numerous. Twentieth century prices 10-20 30 cents. La dies free Monday night if accompa nied by a person holding one paid 30c ticket. - - " -. .? . :'-." v"r'-.:." : .'. ':'-' Linehan. PUT THERE IS A LANDSLIDE When tbey vole on tbo best j- ' - place to trade, , " Stationery lion's That 7 Every laundry doesn't do it, do they? Don't you suppose they could if they wanted to? Honesty and carefulness have as much lo do with making a good laundry as any thing else. We know this is a good laundry, and we aren't afraid to have any one try us. For satisfac tion pure and simple, come to PHONE 87. :Oinimont Kstict To City Tax Payert- - The city tax Hstfoo 1896 has been ? laced in my band for collection, will be in my office for that pur pose ftvery day from 9 a. m to 4 p m. All taxes not paid by December 1st are subject . to a penalty of 1 per cent, and an additional I per cent on the first day of each month there after until poid. ' -.- ':; .. -: s . - w. B. Hutchinhs. oov6 80d . City Tax Collector. licHiti Little bespeeuny tn al Bootfs TOto, tor M awdl etna rrer eontalnwl so fresi eurstlw powar In aa small space. Thejr ars a wboto asedlelns n j:J(yJQ ebast, always ready, U- ps I " wars efficient, always sat- I aa I 1 I O tefaotoii pre rent a aoM ti 1 O or tevex, ears an liTer HU, alck headache, Jaondlee, eonsUpaUon, eta. . The ooli Fills to take vll Hood's Baraaparilla. th; wardrobe Qunio;;. . Evcrybodr most is scrambling into heaVy-weight wearables. Clothes- , buying ought not to be a perplexing task to anybody who's the least bit observiug. The best of everything surrounds you here. The stocks pf lyieh's Suits, -Men's Overcoats, Boy's suit's, Overcoats,.Reefers, flats apd Furnishings all do our reputa tion credit. You know very well what an advantage you have with our variety to draw on. And we don't hesitate to say "your money back" if you don't find less of it buys more than more of it could anywhere else in town. j. v With Every Dollar's Worth avoy on UDnstmas ave; Vl A A aaA rjrtl 1 J n ir no mn n r Annrt 1 n mcr. The two lots we bourhl and are J a. ..!.! il 1 I I 1 iuu price is less man iney usuauy sen ior at wnoiesaie. ieiauutju uuuars and cuffs gives you advantage to several Combinations, of All the UNDERWEAR you buy too at considerable saving of money. Leading One At Auction. 25 Head Of Horses And Moles I will sell on Friday and Satur day, November 13th and 14th, 25 head t native bread horses and mules. Reinember, as I have, always said to you, every horse and mule is guaranteed as I represent, or I will reftind your money. Prank Stronacii, . Auctioneer. ONE HUNDRED (100) vehicles and $5000 worth of harness at factory prices. I'll sell from now until January 1st, 1897, my entire stock of harness together with my stock of wagons, buggies, carriages, photons, traps, etc at factory prices. FRANK STRONACII, Prop'r. , -OF STRONAGII'S Carriage and Harness Emporium Nos. 210, 221 and 223 Wilmington Street. New Millinery ! We have now ready for the trade all the latest things in fall and win ter Millinery. Trimmed and untrimmed Ladies' Hats, with all the -new trimming materials. Children's and Infants' Caps, in all styles and colors. All customers will be given prompt attention. Goods sent on approval. Express paid one way. Agent for Imperial Patterns. Miss f Maggie Reese. Out Flouors Roses, Carnations, Chrvsanthe nums Bouquets, Palms, Ferns, 1 : Goldeti band, white and pink Ja pan lilies. Finest of all hardy lilies Hyacinths Chinese Sacred Lilies, :.(; Freesia ' Narsissus,; Tulips for j forcing In and early spring' bkwmlngi;;; tr-. -'Outside.; ! I H. Steinmetz. Florist, North Halifax Strerf, near Peace Ia - tututa. Phone 113. ' ; j . v . octlT Miss Maggie Reese. 209 Fayetteville Street. ' Floral Designs you buy you are entitled to i' a vote on the bicycle we give . r.Yi t4-ct An Ad' nrA 0 11 (kl 1 XT Osol 1 t flllTtl " selling at 75c and $ 1 do tho work . 1 1 1- T-U- J nA1tnH.n' the New Fashion, here are of the best sort. GLOVES . - .' t Price Clothiers. You Can Settle the Ever Vexatious Question What to Give the Bride By spending a few moments looking through our new and complete stock of Sterling Ware, Gnt Glass, Iron and Brass Lamps China, Clocks, Brioa-Brac. H. MAHLER'S SONS, Jewelers and Opticians. Have your eyes tested. No charge for examination. HORSES FOR SALE. I now have on hand a good supply of mules and horses. I shall also keep a good stock of Buggies and Wagons for sale. . PricestoSuit the Times J. M. Pace, 111 East Martin St., Raleigh, N. C ootl2-tf . HARRIS LITHIA WATER Contains more lithia than any other llthia spring water on the market, and wo have yet to find a physician who has given Harris' Lithia Water a fair trial but that will state that it is supe rior to the other waters., Dr. Thomas S. Powell, President Southern Medir cal College, Atlanta, Ga. ; Theo Lamb, Professor Diseases of Chest and Prin ciples of Medicine, Medical Dtpot, Atlanta, University of Georgia; Prof Joseph Jones, President Tulane Uni versity of New Orleans, La.: Dr. John Hey Williams, Asheville, NCjDrB B Harris, Savannah, Ga; Dr A N Talley, of Columbia, S. C, and hun dreds of others of the most noted phy sicians of the country, testifying that Harris' Lithia is superior to all other waters that they have used in their practice. President's Office, Baltimore, June 24, 1896. Mr J T Harris- Harris Spring, S C: Dear Sir I will say to you that it It my opinion that the Harris Lithia Water is by far the best lithia water I have ever unod, and that it has done me a great deal of good, and I think that it is a most valuable remedy. Very truly yours, R. C. Hoffman, President SALKK. For sale by the Druggists of Ral eigh. Harris' Spring, 8. C oct 16 lm SASASilEffilSOIl, a-' . .. I ' AND ' Wf-WiI INSURANCE. : . Solicit a pav it your patronage S ! ( ' 'Office over Macpae's BranchPhar 'SC -? I riione2?i Prompt delivery.'