City Editor. , . . Nov. 12. 1896. , , ; zihsr Tomorrow. Forsoast for Rslelxh. I Local forecast lor Raleigh ( not extending beyond a ra. a dius of 20 miles:) Rain this triioon; wind shifting to northerly; ih colder tontght. Friday - fair, coUor. -' - k v - Forecast for North Carolina:- ' Fri day fair in western, shower in east ern portion. Colder , in western por tion tonight. Cooler Friday. " , LoealData. , Local data for 8 hours ending at 8 a. m. (today) November 12, Maximum temperature, 49; minimum temperature, 4S; rainfall. 0.00. ' . CoadltloM Of th Wsathsr. The following were the weather con dition at 8 a, m. today: State of the weather. .... Temperature of the air. . Sensible temperature. ... , Wind Telocity ... .' y. ... Direction of wind a .... fair. 48 deg. 42 deg. Light. N. E. : . : femoral, ;,e, -. Mr, Fred Oliver, of Charlotte, is at the Park,' Dr. Cyrus Thompson returned home today.' Miss Lizzie MacKay, of Dunn, is visiting Dr. Crawford's family. Rev? Chas H Martin, Congress man from the Sixth district, is here Hon Claudius Dockery, represen tative in the House from Richmond, is In the city. ' George H White, the colored con gressman from the second district, is in the city. Miss Mattie Reese and Miss Mar garet Reno left for .Portsmouth this morning. -Hob'W W Kitchen, of Roxboro, Congressman elect from the 5th dis ; trict is in the city. ." We are glad to see Mr. Pulaski Cowper out again after a two week 's confinement at home with the pre vailing la grippe. : Opcaing of the Piney Woods Inn. We acknowledge the receipt from Mr. T. J. Anderson, General Pas senger Agent of the Seaboard Air . Line, of a handsome colored litho graphed invitation witn the follow- ing inscription : "The formal open v ingof the Piney Woods Inn at South era Pines, N; C., will take place on : November 18th. I am requested by the manasrer, Mr. Chas. St. John, to extend to you" a cordial invitation to be present on that occasion." Tha Chrysanthemum Show Open. ' This afternoon at five o'clock the - big - Chrysanthemum Show was opened on the corner of Fayetteville and Morgan streets, in the old Y. M. C. A. building, which has re cently, been vac ted by the State Democratic committee. It is given . by the King's Daughters, and bids fair to be one of the most notable successes of the ear. The finest specimens of chrysanthemums ever seen in Raleigh will be on exhibi ts tion. Saato Gales Lodge. No. 64, 1. O. O. F. , 1 , Regular meeting of Seaton Gales Lodge No. 64, I. O. O. F., to '"night at 8 o'clock. It is earnestly de sired that every member be present. . Members of sister lodges are cor ' dially invited to attenc , A. M. Powxli, N. G. urn , Sec ' Ruth Lodge No. 4 Daughters of Rebecca will give an Eutertain- ent ron this evening No- er 12, in their Hall in the KBuilding, the proceeds to be id . to the Ornhans Home at 'Ajoro. All Odd Fellows ex- '.7 - U l. .1 it.- ! 1 yisocordially invited. Admission free. . Did Yea Evar , Try Electric Bitters as a remeny for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a won derful direct Influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have toss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or are nervousy sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medi cine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and $1 at John Y McRae's drugstore. . ear :igiSrx& One ten-horse "portable boiler and f ii trine complete and in good run n i i order. ' A . bargain. , Address "AUot," care Press-Visitor. nolOtf IhK Lost, Strayed or Scolea - -. ..n FDglish setter, saddle back, .vering to the name of '"Mickey." ird will be paid for his return ' . I bouth IlarriDgton Street. no9 4t - staods at the Head. , ; ' Aug. J, Bogel. the leading drug gist of Shreveport, Itfk, says. "Dr. King's New Discovery , is tbe only thing that cures my cough; and it U the best seller I have, " J. F. Camp, bell, merchant of Ariz, writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery Is all that is claimed for it; it never fails and is a sure cure for consumption, coughs and tolda.' I cannot say enough for its merits." Dr. KingV New Dis covery for consumption, coughs and colds is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of century, and today stands at the head. It never disappoints. Free trial bot tles at John V. MacRae's drugstore. Tailor-made pants from $2 50 a pair j suits for $12 00, have your measure taken at,once at Woollcott & Son's. We do all kinds of glean ing and repairing. ., ' 7 ' Notice to the Public Mantels and Grates of all kinds furnished at short notice, also Tile Hearth and Facings and "Fire Place Heaters a specialty. I will guaran tee my work and will give you the benefit of the coal or wood you burn. Will turn the heat into your room. An improvement on the old plan of going up' the chimney. I can be found at 122 Fayetteville street, at ons o'clock p. m., and from 6 to 9 p. m. Glassgo Mantle & Grate Co. nov 9 2t By A. H. Temple. For Rent. Three-story brick building cor. Fayetteville and Morgan streets, re cently occupied by Democratic head quarters, For terms apply to W. B. Grimes. novo tf Dissolution Notice. The firm of McClure & Peterson have this day dissolved co-partnership by mutual consent. All bills and debts due the old firm will be paid to the new firm of McClure & Hales. McClure & Peterson. Horse Auction. I will have two car loads of good, young, West Virginia horses ship ped from West Virginia to me, to be sold on consignment, which I will positively sell to the highest bidder at my stables in Raleigh, on Satur day at 12 o'clock, Nov. 14, 1896. Stock guaranteed as represented, or no monoy paid. These horses are from 5 to 7 years old, sound and good workers. If you want good Virginia horses don t miss this op portunity, as they will sell cheap. Everything guaranteed. John W. Littlepage. Ed. Tiiomason, Auctioneer. nov2 lm nnvonE who wishes to see the finest ing stoves ever brought to this cit :: ;i do well to call and see a sample ii... of really Fine Goods, bought for the purpose of exhibition at our recent State Fair. We Offer these Stoves at a Special Price, Thos. H. Briggs & Sons RALEIGH. N. C. One of the most important sales of the season is the special Blanket Sale at Jones tomorrow. Some of the best values ever offered in Blan kets will be sold, also Bed Quilts and Comforts at very reduced prices. Thejhandsomest line of Capes and Cloaks we have seen is at Jones. ' Tomorrow the entire line goes on sale at special reduced prices for the dav. Don't fail to attend -the special Cape and Blanket sale at Jones' to morrow. The best values ever offered in Blankets and Capes tomorrow at Jones'. Do you need good, warm Blan kets? You can -get the best bar gains you ever, got tomorrow at Jones. - ' . Go to Jones' special sale Friday, Every housekeeper in the city should attend Jones' special Blan ket and Cape Sale on tomorrow. 10-4 all wool North Carolina made Blankets, soft as . down, warm enough for a queen, on tomorrow at Jones for $2.73; 11-4, same blanket, at $3 88; 12-4, same, at $4 08. : The greatest Blanket sale of spe cial values at Jones' tomorrow. " Everybody invited ": to f attend Jones big special sale of Capes and uiankets tomorrow. :. . - , 17a (I:yo -Just Received : ' Y - a "lot Of Colgate & Co's S O A P S, Perfumery, Vaseline" Prepara-. tions, Cold Cream, Camphor ice, etc Try a bottle of their Florida Water for 25c, just as good as any other at higher price. . Send us your prescriptions to fill or your orders for anything in our line. . i - ,VV-' ' Yours very truly, hm McKimmon & Co. 133 Fayetteville St., Raleigh What's in a It Depends As to the rose or violet, nothing. But take our name W. H. KING & CO., Now, there's c great deal in that. For instance: In prescriptions it means PURITY and FREEHNESS of Drugs, Care and exactness lncompounding,f air- ness and moderation in price. Whether you want medicine, or soda water,, cigars or Soap, Candies or chewing gum, We serve you with honesty, courtesy, and dispatch. One good name means every thing to you, it means entire satisfaction to us success. Yes, There's Lots In a Name. Still They Gome. Another big lot of Apples Now Arriving. King's. Baldwin's, Northern Spys, Etc These apples are shipped direct from the orchard, are well packed sound, and in good keeping condi tion. PRICE: $1.75 to $2.25 per Bbl. Did you ever know fine apples so cneap at tnis season of the year. A liberal use of them in your family may save a "doctor's bill." A bar rel of apples cost $1 75; one visit by a pnysician fa uu. see r D. T. JOHNSON, AGENT. Phone 28. Don't forget to start early for the big sale at Jones tomorrow. Everybody who wants to save lots of money and buy the best goods are invited to go to Joaes' special Cape and Blanket sale tomorrow. Everybody is talking about Jones' biff sale tomorrow. Are vou jroinc? Better try and get there early to avoid the rush; don't forget your pocKexDooK. xou may able to resist the eloquence of the little prices you see there. Good, warm, all-wool Blankets can be bought tomorrow at Jones' for 1 a pair less than you ever paid. Blankets and Capes way under values at Jones' tomorrow, Capes and Blankets at Jones' to morrow much cheaper than you ever saw them before. well to go early, ; All wool Blankets at cotton prices tomorrow at Jones. Are you goiaaf to Jones' big spe cial sale of Capes and Blankets to morrow. ' .- v ' Uave you. bought your . Carpet yet? You are very fortunate if you have not-; You can set just the one you want at Jones' big special sale tomorrow and save a dollar or two in the price.' v-v -. , Jones' big special Blanket and Cape Sale is - tomorrow (Friday), Don't foreet it, and vou would do REI.IOVED TO. lar; Fayetteville St Raleigh Stationery- Co. Pticme 142 - ' FULL tlNE , , Fine, Stationery, Office and School Supplies. Leaders in Low Prices. oc28-4m " - - , The "Bow-Wow", Toe.V'Hussis Calf Rope Switch" Calf Lined Bals at $4 are still having a great run. ' -rJ ri-f cNeedle too and Jewel Too Calf Bals are vlvllla ""great selllers at only $3 00 a pair. Gen'ts' broad plain to (-.ingress gaiters and'lace shoes at $2 00, wear like iron. . J- r l' Call and see the New Styles as welliasthergreatlbar gains at , , i HELLER'S SHOE STORE, Established in 1876. A. B. STRONAGH. PLEASE READ: In tha past Five Weeks a Great 1 the Press of Business have none waited on. Ws have employeU , to Give Everyone' Attention. HIGH CLASS GOODS And Your Money Back Ladies' Wraps and Toilets. Best values in the city, new plush capes. Regular and extra lengths, plain, jetted, applivued, fur, ribbon ana other fasbionaoie garnitures, all with satin or fancy "taffeta silk linings: $5.00 Worth 10.00 " 11. OO 12.50 " J3.SO 18 OO " a.6o 1S.BO lft.OO 10.00 Cloth Gapes. Durable capes, velvet collar, braid trimmed ............ . 3 00 SiBslecane, military braid trim med .16 00 ' Very handsomo cloth cape, cloth worth I 00, at, -,.?- i0 00 Braid and Jet trimmed In same. worth $10 00 at ... 8 50 Elegant Astrachah cape, velvet trimmed, worth $11 00, at .... 9.00 Very handsome cloth cape, jacket back, worth $15 00, at..-,... ; 12 60 Same, trimmed? with braid and vultius, worth 15 00, at, The above will only give an idea as to quantities, .and assortments, which comprise every style that "is fashionable in a large variety of the best fabrics, and your money: back if you are not satisned Andvoiir money back If yoo are I not sauanea. - 1 : ' BAR ' We sell better Hosiery1, ladies', misses' and chilflrfins Rhofts for nouse in the state. And your money back if 'you are not satisfied. " . V J k.., i O I U I O I L.. Sells Cheap. Toys, We are often loUa, . Game, a . Novelties, ' , Fancy Qoods, Brlc-a-Brac, Hteam Xoya, Mecbanleal Toys, Iron Trains, Doll CalM, Wood Trains, -v Blocks, rv Books, -v Basket. ' Walklns; Oanea, Hobby Uoraea, Wagons,. - s ' Velocipedes. ; : Trleyclea, ' ? v.. Box Paper, ? ' WrlMnc Paper, Envelope,-. Tablets, Glassware, Tinware, Croekery, ," . Candy, ,v Fraita, Nnla, Bilverware, Vaaes, . Cbairs, Rubber Goods, Tennis GodBa, r oot Balls. asked if we do not run a kind of racket store," but we wish it positively under stood that we do not run a racket store, but a toy land candy store, i&nd that we do not handle any trash lor auction goods. Whv the Riffean Toy Store sells so icheap is because !we have bad a life Ion? training in the -large whole sale houses and iwe know when to ibuy and how to buy, and our cash enables us to buy oheapest, and we Igive our- custo imert the benefit of all this. By buy ing Only flrstclass goods direct from the factories we sell them to you at re tail at regular wholesale prices and we give you a warrant that what you buy of us is no racket goods, but "first call" every tune, rrioe, wuan tity and Quality Is our watch-word. .- RIGGAN'S TOY STORE, I 13J Fayetteville Street. J TsTWTbb . . . . lienor uros., The Leadprs in Shoes, GaU Attention to Their New and Complete Stock of Gents' Footwear. Many Customers OS aceount of ont of Oar bonse without belnff ' additional force enoafh, we think, ' AT POPULAR PRICES If You Are Mot Satisfied. Dress Goods. Plaids are very fashionable, of these we show complete) assort ments of Scotch and French effect, including the very desirable dark blue and green 1 which are scarce and almost impossible to hnd. '. 88-Inch all Wool 48o ' 40 ' '. ... eoo 40 " Bilk Stripe - lOO 89 " "and wool 1 OO v 44 - 'J-" - 183. r This week Also: Costume cloths for street and travel, 54 inches wide 99c Tailor cloths 54 inches, all new shades. , .v.-. . . 49c Fine broadcloths for toilor cos tumes, 64 inches wide 79o ! btorm coatinsr and Surah- JSenres all wears and weights 44-inch to 54 inch ........,.... .....390 to 99o mg I 1 1 Haven't space for argument. You know our Kid Glove policy. " Hare are four special lots for you to buy: not many vi eacn; ivs a quiCK sais. wno s nrs pick? v , Cluze Patent thumb tflove - in white and colors.,..-. ......... 75c Cluze Patent thumb cloves broad ' stitchlnir, sold buttons. ....... $1 25 Clearing out sale of line black - kid trloves, were $1 00 . . . , 75c Clause patent thumb cloves, eve- " nine? shades $1 00 And your money back If you are sanuu. - i NONE; the monev than anv U 7 v J A I I 11.3 Economic Prices Prevail in all Departments; s:::zs. The largest department we have is the shoe department and it is just-.' ly popular, as we give you the best shoe possible to buy for the prices. ' Children's shoes 25 50, 60, 65, 68, ' iu, oj, v, fi, nu, i m, x oo, i ou, Eavi Shsss. . : we. have, a large assortment of boy's shoes of all size, at lfJO, 1 25, and 1 50. We nav nartinulnr nt.ten-' tion on to the quality of our ladies 1 25 60 and 200 shoes, ;Crosset's 3 00 loesformen: .. t . 1 We do a laroe mercbant-tailorincr pair of pants at a reasonable price and Lcdios' Vests IBo ribbed waist af . ..'7.120 37o bleached " ""-- 25c 68o '-- " 60c Children's union suits . .. ; .,25o Misses' - " . ' 60o sw-k i-tisr-- We sell these fast black bose at 15 and 25c a pair. , All sizes. - - v Oapes, cloaks, jackets, children's .reerersilw ladies suits, wrappers and. skirts in?great variety as to price and quality. Our terms ' : w -are cash. One price to all. I' . See our 6o and 10c counters. Agents for the sale of Butterick lttdrns: WOOLLCOTT & S6d 14 ; East Martin Street. Just watch this space for thp'V" Greatest Furnituro r , Dcrgdr.3T ; ever offered the: eigh.? . r Open at Leaders of PRICES THE iiimiiiiiiiiliiiiluiiihiiil ODR OFFERINGS CCrETITi: Filled with the frreen-eved monstei. that they "don't know that we are in the business," others say we "sell shod dy goods." - Such dry rot slurs ultimately reooil on the authors. We say "the people are with us." and that the inexorable CASH-DOWN - mmmtndi the lowesi prices and explodes the fallacies ' of the 40, 60, and 100 per centers. To charge goods at our prices is a disastrous suicidal policy. - - . , v ,. s-i'.Tcw more dozen Baby shirts at. . c Double width all wool Tricots, all 3,000 yards Caraleigh Ginghams , 6,000 yards Alamance Plaids at..; 1,000 yards 6-4 Scotch plaids at. - Second case cast Iron Muslin TJ&laundered shirts, 14 to 18 The last week of Bich Class NoveltwCoaU and Cane at Onn-third lns . than manufacturer's prices. no compeiiMon prices on Knit Underwear. - Hee our ba show window. -. - . While the search light of competition the music. A nine more grape ana canister, Capt, Uragg. .. . . . , , Ci irrrrtnne rr " A iqlo. . W do not like to hoast. Hut will say that we have the best selected " atock - of millinerv in Raleich. Especial attention is called to our cap department for children, all the ' new shapes in tans on naad now and Pnces yerv low-' p..tJvl !""l0oiw - - otriLX. 3 SPECIALS 3 10-4 ail wool white blankets. . ,., 3 6H , " ' ' 424 12-4 ' . " " - , " ..,.4 88 business, will make vou n unit or guarantee our work in every respect Hen's GIsycs. Genuine castor buckskin T . M Heavy domestic kid gloves . , . . ' 88c-" London tanned dogskin glove... 87c ' Wool Hded Kangaroo " 76c . i. ',- , '.' J' heavy goatskin ..".,. 1 00 t ' ' All bargains.' Also full lines of cloth, wool, kid and leather gloves , from 25o to JL 00 a pair, - , - ,''"' 3 SHIRT WAIST ITEMS. . ' All wool flannelf in red,- blue and " ' ' black, new style sleeve waist ' ; .1 00 : f A Scotch plaid waist - . . .. . .'.,i95o . Handsome wool Henrietta walsW-1' " lined, full sleeye, ripple cuff, ele- - gant fitting waists. t ,-f- 1 48 - Many bargains onihem.' -a. people lof Raj i Night. if fri s lJ Lon! Prlsss.' J.av TRADE-CLIHCHERS. waxes hot. tt.t ' ; tealousr. some do sav referrlno1 iA hs ,v; ; . . .. .. . ."1. . w-.'. t"! oolors-;. .?......., j. at . . . vi i r,;".;, . . ,... .,.. .., ,:, ; 5c 3lc , 343c 343c 6c TEST " , is - focused upon us we say oa with j. Cue n T - O. rrs CllH) f ' , I' " -is J'iK' . ; 4' x r 1 ji!'ir