i The I'cMjcnt'a Friends Think Ha Wou'd teiq it. Amau who stands high in the country, who has for many years been a close friend of President Cleveland. but who has not talked with -iho' President for several months has told a Washington Star reporter that he was confidentPresi- dent Cleveland would veto the Ding ... ley bill or anyother tariff measure rpassed at jtbe coming session of Congress. vThe authority for this prediction comes so near being officl al that t lends a sew phase to the .talk wliich is going the roundsabout what the cojnlng Congress may do ... tn tbe way, of legislation. . i - It Is learned that there is a strong feeling in administration circles that - the revival of business; anT in4us- tries everywhere is going toiocrease the revenue of the government suf ficient to meet all expenses, thus do :: ing away with the necessity of the Dingley bill; or any other bill, ac cording to democratic ideas, -How soon it is thought by the administra ? tion that this revenue will be equal to expenses Is not known, but there 'seems to be a belief that the revenue will begin to increase from the 1st of this month; and that by the time the Dingley bill could be passed the ..President would be provided with figures 'which would . warrant his vetoing the bill. ' , , -". .-, . , , -L , ii -r - n. m Others have found health, vigor and vitality in Hood's Sarsaparilla, and surely has power to help you also. -Why not try it' - j . cm ; ' '' I' Si ALSO- Tin' Ware . ' Guaranteed not to just. , " TT X ll' t '. -TV k & ; - " An Offer; For You :- For thirty days the Southern Vall Taper Company will "paper rooms for C5.00 per room. ThJs is for thirty days.only. " These papers are what you will pay $8 for after that time. I .Ul" al.a I L.. Jf . 7. . Manager,., ' 1831 FAYETTEVILLE ST:" " ' Of all the Fairview Horses WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER -18th, All the JTairvie' Horses, -stalions, Brood mares, road and race horses, nitu fillips, vfiflrlincs weanlintrs will be sold at auction for cash at Ealeifc'h, N. C, Nearly all tne stocK is standard and well bred, and as it ,.11 hn c.M without reserve creat barmins will be had. . In the sale are 3 Wilkes stallions, the great Morgan Stallion, Franklin chief and the beautiful young stallion, brother to Pamlico, Currituck, a son of Nor. -.i 9 i.u nut nf a Wilkes mare, and snme of the handsomest and fastest f.; ? ever seen in this state. ' , rite a postal card for catalogue cow rer..:y. 1 ' novatk' " : V..Mi,h, N. C. ' Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitclier's prescription' for , Infants and Children, It contains neither Optum, Morphine nor ' ' . : other Karcotle substance. ;It is harmless substitute ' or. Paregoric, Drops,. Soothing jSyraps ; and Castor Oil. , It is Pleasant. - Its guarantee is thirty years; use-by ' : j Millions of Mothers. - Castorla; destroys i'Xyorms and "J, allays j Feverishness. : : Castoria f prevents v vomiting Sour i Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic, r Castoria relieves -V ' Teething troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency. : ii Castoria assimilates the Food,' regulates . the Stomach and Bowels, givingi healthy and inatural sleep. Castoria , is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.?! ;'''-'&y-y- Castoria.- "Cutoria i u exoelleot anilclne for . children. Mothcra Yam repeatedly told Me I'iirf itiLaad eflett upon theft children." '. ; . ' Ye. j,- ' O. C Osoood, IrOirell, Mom., '"Thetueaf CastorU I to onlreTMl nd lt . . merit, to well known' Uut it wenu work ,K yofmpererogntiontocndcTM it' Pew.rethe . intelligent bmilie. who do not keep Cutoria CAUoi MAKTVK, S.D., Nm York City. , I prescribe Cutori. every day tar children ' who ar. .uflerlny from conrtlpatlon, with ; better eflect than I receive from any other . ' combination of drug." v ; -", .,r ; j i f j . Pr. U O. Moaoair, Sooth Amboy, X, J. Children Cry for "Offi TRIUMPH OF LOYE'; is BArrv, atJiiFT;i. mah-hiacb." Brtry , Hw; Wfce 4; Wsmld A, Knw'',llii ChnutsI Trath th. PUln VMtn; Hair Xlaewrto. of BfosUe! Bol.aoe a Annllest te Mnrrl IJle, Wi. VnM Aran. . tn Fmat tain and A veld Tatar rttflslla, BkaaK Bocmr. tha Vaadarlkl Mttla Baak Called MCaaiBlaa BtaakoasV ana Bsviilo lata Iu ; " t u Rns at last la InfnrmatlMi from a htah medical source that bM work Wonder, with thin generation of men. Tbe book folly describes a method by which to attain full vigor and manly power. raln. on the syKenu A mHsoa oy wnioa so ana au uosmuibi To rare nerammneaa. lack of telf-ooritrol. S pondency, deo, i: To exch&mra a faded and won Baton for on. of brightnon.bnoyanoy and power. ' . I to euro lurevcr en ecu oi eTuensn.,overwora. worry, eVo, - . - To giTefnll atrenrth, derelorflnent and ton to every pur tion ana organ of the body, -" Age tto barrier. launr impoaaibla. Two thotuand refereneea, .. :' The book la purely medical and scientific, eeleas to cariosity eekera, lsralnable to en only wbo need it - - .' AdeanairinK man. wbo bad aDOllea to ns. 'noon afior wrote: y . r- . weu, 1 teu Ton uat nm aay is on i u rer forget. I jmt bubbled with Joy. ' I wanted to boa; everybody and tell them my aldaalf bad died ilea yeexeraay. ana my new ecu was Dors to-aay. day. Why didn't yon teli wrote that X would find It me thia wayr" And another thuttV . " ; , .: '. ? nt yon damped a eart load of 'gold at my net it woniu no. Dnng nm gisnnwsiiwiwi life m yonr method ba. done." ' Write to the ERIB HKDIOAL COMPANY, Buffalo, W. Y and ask for the little boo called "WMfunai anuun" tmer" hi. paper, and the oompany promim to aend. the book, -(a aealed envelope, without aoj larta, ana entirely nea. uum m wu uh IoIvoIav' Hells h Havintr qualillod as administrator of the estate ot A K. Weathers, de ceased, I hereby five notice to all per sons Having claims against . saw es tate to present them to me for payment before the first day of October, 1897, otherwise this notice will, be plead in bar of the same.. ; Allpersona in debt to the said A. K- Weathers are re quested to come forward and settle the same at once. - : O. H. Clarke, Administrator for A K. , Weathers, Deoeased. r " " ootl4 lawow GROCERS, ' Nos. 8 and 10 Hargett St. ' Keif Goods- Aiming Daily. W have iust reoelved and Dut on sale a very fine lot of Malisra Raisins at 15c, or 2 pounds for. 26o. These are extra nice goods. .A1sqa vey fine lot of nuts, such as Brazil-nuts at 10c per pound. English walnuts at 15o, Peacans at 12Jo or 5 pounds for 50o. Almonds at loo, also a very fine quality eating figs, usual price 25c per found, price this week 20c per pound. Also an excellent line of prep "jed mustard, tomato catsup, Worcester shire sauces, etc. Also a Very floe assortment of pickles at prices to suit tne tunes. We specially invite tbe ladies to inspect our stock aud compare qual ity and- prices with any grocery store m tne city. .. p. , ; : We are yours to please." - v A few more King apples at 20o per peck. Fresh pork sausage at iuc,per pouna. , :? CEAlIDERSOllfiCO. .. Phone 230. 'Prompt delivery. 7 z a "Castoria. "Caatorla well adapted to children that I recommend it a. auperior to any pre Kriptkm known to m." - r " ' ; K, A. AacHsn, U.V., Brooklyn, . V. i "For several year I have recommended Castoria, and .hall always continue to do ao a it ha. invariably produced beneficial' .reaulU." :a . .; . fiowm P. Pardee, M. D., New York City. , "?.?..- '-; ' -4b,-: ; " We have three children and they ' Cry for Pitcher. Caatoria.7; When we give one a, dose, i the Other. Cry for one too. I ah.lt ahrar. take pleasure in. recommending this best child', medicine." , , ; ; . j Rev. Wl A. !oore( Newport, Ky. Pitcher's Castorla. Land Sale. l by virtue of a deed of trust from J. W. B. Watson to B. F. Montagn5, Trustee, registered in Book 113, page 22, and with he consent of the mortgagor thereon, we will, on Monday, November 9th, 1896, at noon, at tbe court house door in the city of Raleigh expose to public sale the fol lowing described tract of land, being the part unsold in the land conveyed in the said deed of trust and described as follows: Beginning at the north east corner of the Matthews lot, near the 'northwest corner of lot 744, thenoe southward along the line of Matthews and of the Kline heirs to Kline's Southeast corner; thenoe West along Kline's line to the branch; thence down the branch to the south city line; thence east along the south line of the city to the southeast corner of the city; thenoe jorth along the east boundary Uno of the city to Lenoir street; thence west along Lenoir s'.reet to the beginning; Terms cash. r B. P. MONTAGUE, Trustee. J. W. B. Watson. - Oct. 9. 1886. ' Sale postponed by consenttoMon day, Nov, 16, at noon. Have Kept You Cool -i f. Ail Summer. WillKeep.You - , All Winter. Soft Coal, Pocabontas and :Rnssell;Creekiric Thscker 2nd, V IS - The best Coal at lowest prices ral ly : : Jones 6 Potvcll's. ECONOMY May be necessary in many ways when dollars are scarce and wants many, but it is not desirable to practice it in the purchase of food, which is life.. Below a certain? standard food imperfectly nourishes; up to that stand ard it costs a reasonable price. We never want more than- a reasonable prioe for our Groceries.. - t . RAPID SALES Give our customers the benefit of close margins. -We never keep any thing that is not the best of its kind, and we only want a fair profit on what we invest in it. ;. : ' , ..V-' Always In stock and promptly delivered t when ordered. ' , ' . - 'ii I w Ja I'llL -v - .-a R FForfn T7niiiihitfi : If you want to know how b'g your DOLLAR ik how many CgNTSitoouUins.its purchasing power, tuke it to tnauy lbitcouuiBS,lts purcn CROSS'S LINEHAN'S, " v " i ii, L t "iv. Measuresjts Value and you will do the brainiest thing yowv'e "done in many a 'day for there's stuff there you'll need every day, stuff you'll i- Orto.il nrliAn lnt4s Anrni.'tin iinrkfi nu a nH thAv'pA rnmlnir soon almost at our giving stuffs you'll want for holidays stuffs you'll want . lor birthdays for someone lalee. Come now! Come quick! while assortment is -of this mine of good . gpod things nugt,etsv Minted - ' ', , " by the h&nt artisans of ' ' tion that makes the purchasing power of your dollar greater ; than ever in the world's history. Groi ; & Uinehan . I? Remember our house is headquarters for all School Supplies. We have everything vou need in this line. A full stock of Eluril W Fino Ari in tbe Wry 'latest styles. A. 7i!liums & Co s Book Store OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Pa&& Marshall; Proprietors. The Commercial -ind Farmers' 3 'Hj? -'H Bank, of Raleigh, N. C. ; - . Chartered by General Assembly 1891. Paid up Capital . $100,000.00 Deposits , . . . 300,000.00 Offers its customers every accommodation consistent with t safe banking.,,, .. fVV-' ' Safe -Deposit Boxes for. Kent on Reasonable Term.' . . Some good business offices to let, J. J. THOMAS, President, ALF A. THOMPSON, Vice President. f Si IEBMAN. Casa e j ; H. W. JACKSON Assistant Cashier 3 nson's N AS ATOATARRH. fjA Trial Will? Convince - You. If For Indigestion, Dyspepsia and all Stomach disorders, use Simp eon's Livpr Pills, the best in tbe- world Either sent by mail for 25c. Piisinpson'ssipnnnnAcv, Ax V . "i ' a PTJLLEIBTJILDINQRAIJSIGH, N. 0. . M ETRO LITAII Oncra llduoo, be Merry Week i .1 j-COM MENCINGr1 ' , MONDAY, NOVEMBER, 6TH. ' The; representative popular priced attraction of America - THE 1 H. GUY . . BESSIE " v;c:DVttnDA7f.r.sEn COMPANY COMEDIANS, SINGERS, . DANCERS. ' . 15 15 - MONDAY NIGHT The Melodramatic success in four acta. "The Girl I Love, t' Naw scenic and mechanical effects specialties now and ' numerous Twentieth century prices 10-20 30 cents. La dies free Monday night if accompa nied by a person holding one paid 30c ticket. .... . .. if v. Fayetteville i ..'Street. it doors. etuffs v Stuffs you'll want for Thanks r i ou'l me trood-uu08t unbroken and pick out things not cheap good things, but good of pure value the wnrld they a. re yours at a valua- lion's That 7 Every laundry doesn't do it, do they Don't you suppose they could if they wanted to? Honesty and carefulness-have as much to do with making s good laundry as any thing else. We know this is a good . laundry, and we aren't afraid to have any one try us. For satisfac tion pure and simple, come to E 87. Ointmonf Notice To Cih Tax Payert- ' The city tax list for 1896 has been placed 'in my 'band foe. collection. I will be in my office for that pur pose every day from 9 a. m to 4 p tn. All taxes not paid by December 1st are subject to, a penalty of 1 per cent, and an additional 1 per cent on the first day of each month there after until paid. 1 X "V. B. Hutohings, nov6 30d City Tax qollectoro. uch in Little bespeolmlly trw ot Hood's Pllla, for no saedl elix rer eorjtalmd so (rest euraUT. power la so small spacay Tbey are a wboV saedlelM ebest, always tcady, sK f B -ways efflctant, always sat- I m B I f iafaatory; prevent eol4 L I O or fever, oure sli itTer Us,. . slok besdaehe, Jaundice, eonatipation, eta. ise. Tbe only Pills to take wiU Ilood's Bsmpullia, Stationery THE WARDROBE EQDLwiL ,. Everybody most is scram blinjj into heavy-weight wearables. Clothes buying ought not to be a perplexing task to anybody who's the least bit obfHTving. Tbe best of everything surrounds you here. The stocks of Men's Suits, Men's Overcoats, ' ; "... i 5 Boy 's autfs, Overcoats, Reefers, Hats and Furnishings ail do one reputa tion credit.. You know very well what an advantage you have with our variety to draw on. A.nd we don't hesitate to say -i'your money back", if you don't litwl loss of it buys more than more of it could anywhere else in town. Wi! it Fverv nitlfar'ft I7i4 h yu buy y?u antwed. to a... saiBwaw SfVllMl mm . away on Christmas Eve. We arc selling as many percale shirts now as we usually sell in sum mor. Tbe two lo!s wc bouuhl and are sellin? at 75c and SI do the work ;.. the price is less than tbey usually sell for at wholesale. Detached collars and cuffs gives vou advantage to several . :. Combinations of AU the UNDERWEAR you buy too at considerable saving of money, S. 1 D. BERWAHGEn, Leading One Price Clothiers. At Auction. 25 lead Of Horses And Mules I will sell on Friday and Satur day, November 13th and 14th, 25 bead of native bread borscs and mules. Remember, as I have always said to you, every horse and mule is guarantoea as 1 represent, or I will refund your money. Frank Stronach, Auctioneer. ONE HUNDRED (100) vehicles and $5000 worth of harness at factory prices. I'll sell from now until January 1st, 1897, my entire stock of harness together with my stock of wagons, buggies, carriages, pbaitons, traps, etc at factory prices. FRANK STRONACH, Prop'r. OF - STRONAGII'S Carriage and Harness Emporium Nos. 219, 221 and 223 Wilmington Street. Miss Maggie Reese. 209 Fayetteville Street, -xaimUffrVi New Millinery ! We have now ready for the trade all the latest things in fall and win ter Millinery. . Trimmed and nnt rimmed Ladies' Hats, with all the new trimming materials. Children's and Infants' Caps, in all styles and colors. All customers will be given prompt attention. Goods sent on approval. Express paid one way. Agent for Imperial Patterns. Miss Maggie Reese. Cut Flowers Rosf s, Carnations, Chrysanthe nums Bouquets, Floral Designs, ' Palms, Ferns, Golden band, white and pink Ja pan lilies. Finest of all hardy lilies Hyacinths, Chinese Sacred Lilies, : Freesia Narsissns, Tulips for , : : . forcing In the house and . early spring . blooming.. , ' ' j 5 outside. ' , ,H. Steinmetz, Florist, North Halifax Street, near Peace In titute. Phone lis. oeU7 a vote on the bicycle we give the New' Fashion, here are of the best sort. GLOVES 1 - r : - You Can Settle the Ever Vexatious Question What to Give the Bride By spending a few moments looking through our new and complete stock of - Sterling Ware, Cat Glass, Iron and Brass Lamps China, Clocks, Bric-a-Brac. H. MAHLER'S SOUS, Jewelers and Optician?. Have your eyes tested. No charge for examination. MULES AND HORSES POJl SALE. I now have on hand a (rood supplr of mules and horses. I shall also keep a good . stock of Buggies and wagons tor sale. ( j ,i J PricestoSuii the Tidss J. M. Pace, 111 East Martin St., Raleigh, N. C oetl2-tf ,. . - HARRIS LITH1A WATEi) Contains more lithia than any Other llthia spring water on the market, and wo have yet to find a physician who has given Harris' Lithia Water a fair ' trial but that will state that it is supe rior to the other waters. Dr. Thomas S. Powell, President Southern Medi cal College, Atlanta, Ga.; Theo Lamb, Professor Diseases of Chest and P"tn ciples of Medicine, Medical Detfot, Atlanta, University of Georgia; Prof Joseph Jones, President Tulaoe Uni versity of New Orleans, La.: Dr. Job a Hey Williams, Asheville, N C; Dr R B Harris, Savannah, Ga; Dr A N Talley, of Columbia, 8. ' C, and hun dreds of others of the most noted phy sicians of the country, testifying that Harris' Lithia is superior to all other waters that they have used ia their practice. - ... t President's Office, Mr J T Harris- Harris SnrUnr. S C: Dear Sir I will say to you that it It my opinion that the Harris Lithia Water is by far the best lithia water I have ever used, and that it hat done me a great deai of good, and I think that it is a most valuable remedy.? Very traly yours, K. C. Hoffman, President 8ALRR. ' For sale by the Druggists of Ral eigh. Harris Lithia Water Co., Harris Spring, S. C Oct 15 1m , S. A. ASHE I SOI, .f lRE INSURANCE. r . v Solicit a pat Jf your patronage - -OHlce over MacRae's BranchPhar' mact. . : - . IfSISS w

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