13, 11:3. . i to New Advertisement. jT i.i 'j -. :, r. ' te 'lax-Payers. - ."ny of Music, . Mczllizr Tomorrow. Forecast for Raleigh. . Local forecast for Raleigh I (not extending beyond a ra dins of 20 mileB:) Fair and cool tonight; frost Saturday morning; Saturday lair and cool. - '- Forecast for North, Carolina: : Fair tonight and Saturday; cooler tonight. V : t' ." ' Lomi oats. - U - ? Local data for 24 houn ending at 8 a. m. (today) November 13, Maximum temperature, 49; minimum temperature, '48; rainfall. 0.00., ' ' , - - : ... Coudltloneof theWeetliet, . The following were the weather con ditions at 8 a. m. today: State of the weather,..,.. ,. . ., fair. Temperature of the air. ...... t4& deg. Sensible temperature.....;.,. 42 deg. Wind Telocity .,.".. .'.' Light. Direction of wind. N. E. ' ' " Senator Butler is at his home in ov. jl 1 i . .Elliott City. -, . " Mr. Herbert W. Jackson, has gone to Mebane, for a few days hunting. Col, W., J. Hicks accompanied his daughter, Mrs. Dr. Buffalo to Balti- ' . more today, where she undergoes ; ' ; treatment. '" ; . Governor Carr has appointed J. E. Petterson, of Goldsboro, a direo tcr of the Jutstern Asylum, vice , Parker resigned. .' ,. ' ' Miss Lucy Barbara, who has been on, a pleasant visit to friends and -1 relatives in the country, returned . ",: , f j the city yesterday. '" 1 Weather Condition.. , ; : The low pressure has moved east ' word 'and now extends along the ' ; Atlantic coast from New England to ; Florida, with cloudy weather along 'J the southern coast. Light rains oc- ': curred at many stations in the At f'l ' lantio states, the largest amounts occurring over Florida and Georgia; - " while in the lake region, where the '. . temperature has fallen below freez i ing, it Was snowing this morning . Marquette, Buffalo and Cleveland report snow. ... The high area and clearing condi ivtion has moved southeast to north' ern Texas and Missouri and now - dominates the weather throughout !: the entire central valley. The tern . perature has fallen considerably throughout the east, except over Florida, the fall exceeding 20 de : greea since yesterday morning from ! Raleigh to Boston. : Dr. Alexander la North Carolina. " ' Sr. Eben Alexander, minister to Greece from the United States, was in Salisbury yesterday. The World . says. Dr.. Alexander has only been 'n this country for a short while and will sail on his return to Greece next Wednesday. He took his two : sons to Asheville this morning where . he. will enter them at Bingham - School. Dr. Alexander will return '. to . North Carolina next year and - take up the chair of Greek in the University. Old Yon Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remeny for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a won derful "direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. : If you hare loss of appetite, oonstina- gtion, headache, fainting spells, or re nervous, sieepiess, excitable, vaucnoiy or trouoiea with dray : tiiectrie Hitters is the medi d yon need. Health and Strentrth Axi guaranteed by its use. Fifty Jg store. , - jjso ... ... - , Dor Lot, Strayed or Stolen. An English setter,' saddle back, answering to the name of ''Mickey." Reward will be paid for his return w ozu aouta. Harrington street. ' - -i:;'.. For Beat.'-- i, , . -,tf Three-storv brick huildinof Fayetteville and Morgan streets, re cently occupied oj democratic head quarters, For terms apply to W. B, Grimes. novo tf - To the Tax Payer, of Wake Conatr- I urge and insist that I must col lect the taxes, and that each tax. payer must come forward and settle at once. It is important that I should close up my tax account for the year 1. . J, and hence make this urtrent 1 m II . 1 m j.juui. iu an wno come forward l settle before December 1st. i j, I shall charge no cost; but ! T inui i snail cnarge cost as al. i J bylaw. This is positively i i only nofiee I shall send out. 1.1. W. Paob, ILIieriff of Wake County. r''.3ow3r . 1 for Kent. . .'..,''. c."','.ne on IVk street, - f '"i N. Terson street, -i. 1'crson street. : -at! it.il. At'. J. T, - jl. the k..Jinff dru ' ' t if f ' re. port. La., says. "D ini s's I.cw L.scovery is the only Mi. 2 t! at cures my cough, and it U the best seller I have." J. F. Camp. bell, merchant of Ariz.- writes: "lr, King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for It; it never fails and Is a sure cure for consumption, coughs and colds, I cannot say enough for ito uivuva., . xt. Axing o j,.vw coverv for consumption, coughs and colds is not an experiment. Jt has been tried for a quarter of century, and today stands at the head. It never disappoints. ' Free trial 'bot tles at JohaY. MacRae's drugstore. . I for Sal. -,,,. X' i One ten-horse portable boiler and engine complete and in good run ning order. A bargain. Address "Adot,'' care PEiss-Visrroav nolOtf Dissolution Notice. The firm of McClure 4 Peterson have this day dissolved co-partnership by mutual consent ' All bills and debts due the old arm wm oe paid to the new firm of McClure & Hales. McCluu & FXtbeson. llcrso Au:ti:n. I will have two car loads of good. young, West Virginia horses ship- sola on consignment, wu i wui rositivelv sell to the highest bidder at my stables in Raleigh, on Satur day at 12 o'clock. Not. 14, 1896. Stock guaranteed as represented, or no money paid. These horses are from 5 to 7 years old, sound and good workers. If you want good Virginia horses don t miss this op portunity, as they win sen cneap. Jiivery thing guaranteed. JOHH W. LUTUBPAOB. E. Thomasoit, Auctioneer. - nov2 lm No "Experts" needed with Buck's Stoves and Ranges. Now Girls ! We will s-ive the BUCK'S JUNIOR NICKLED RANGE" to the girl under 14 years old who will collect and bring to our office the greatest number of advertisements, eacn witn , "BUCK'S" Trade Mark out from newspapers from October l"th to December 25th, 1896. Each collec tion must be tied in package with num ber and name thereon. , Thos. He Briggs & Sons RALEIGII. N. C. SOLE AGEICTS Buck's Great While Enamel Line. ACADEMY OF MUSIC TUESDAY," NOVEMBER 17th. Ons Crcat Lcng Ltugh. The King Pin of Modern Comedy, s Frolic. Gus. Thomas' Great Play . ' f Full of fun Herald. I All Lauo-hter Sun. PLAY Surecurefor blues Journal. A Real Comedy Times. A Positive HitTelegram. f Immediate Times. Pronounced Journal, Success Deserved Press. X , Unqualified Com. Adv. . Unequivocal Tribune. Superior to "Charley's Aunt" Funnierthan 'ThePrivateSeeretary' NO ADVANCE IN PBICES, mm A MEDLY. i ' : We sell goods cheaper than any other house. Th people are With ua. I Ixcepting none, we sell hosiery of la the State. " - . - Some of the others say w sell goods tney are jealous, and tell you that to keep you from coming to see ws, but It don't work, they cant fool you; can When vou hear on. mflrrhant ah.il . sure sign that they are not able to keep ... i. a ... . jiuw ueoiu ujr w . em sajriug nice, gooa, not. nnnaiM ihv flnn't t.A. im - les inaeea you ao Know it, ana you Know we sell goods enenper than any I of 'em don't you ? Yes indeed we do. ladies' whit initial hemstitched handkerchiefs we are selling at 5e each? they are better than anything of the Double width wool dress goods all Alamance Plaids.--i . J.V .,.....,,"., 2e Taking everything into consideration we think yon save money every tine you come here, don't you? 0 L A LOT or ' Colgate fit Go's SOAPS, Perfumery, Vaseline' Pre para tions, Cold Cream, ' Camphor Ice, etc. Try a bottle of th for 25c, just as good as any other at higher price. Send us your prescriptions to an or your orders tor anything m our line. . Yours very trulyi limoe Mnfimmnn Pi Pn : uj iiuo moniiuiiiuu u uui) f - v. , "... , w- 133 Fayettevllle 8t-? Raleigh. It Depends As to th rose or violet, nothing. But take our name IV. II. ICIIIQ & CO., Now, there 'so great deal iu thai f or instance: In prescriptions it meansPURlTY and FREEHNESS of Drugs, Car and exactness in compounding, Fair. ness and moderation in price. Whether you want medicine, or soda water,, cigars or Soap, Candies or. v tvii. t nT h! cnewing gum, wo serve you wuui nonesty, courtesy, ana cispaton. Onegoodnam meanseverything -to you, it means entire satisfaction to us success. Yes. There's Lots In a lame. Still They Come. Another big lot of Apples Now Arriving. lb'!. C:!isb't. . Csrthsni Spyt, Etc These aDDles ar shlooed direct from the orchard, are well Backed. -"'1sto IfflGH CLASS GOODS PRICE:. , ! Aa 4" fL. I V jai ' '. ' " ma vou ever snow nne armies an i cheap at this season of the year. A I iiDeraiuse oi went in vour amiit I may save a "doctor's bill " A bar. !2tt : . y fsyssuHasiM, oee( . Di T. joii;:go:, AGENT. Phone S8. v - - I all kinds cheaper than .any bouse j as high aa they tfe-it Isn't to, 1 theyT "Noy indeed lwy can t. Jvltu8i orth "00, at ..... 1260 nnin .vtw.. m-'J The above wiU only gtv an Idea " " " "laa up with th' band wagon.'' Have I . . .. . . . - . i una tninga aoout us r nayD I i.J wi. t u a.' ! . r. J Hav you seen that new line of kind you ver saw at that price. colors -.' ..i v.. V,'.. f ; .. .. .. 121 e , . - - . v jv: - TO 131; Fafateville St. Ral:ili Co. I. UvM vMVi i Pliono 142 -ULL LINE- Fine Stationery, Office : and ISchool :es. ft' c3-3a Th "Bow-Wow" Toe. ."Russia Calf T.lmakil Rfila a mA wa tsttll hftvinrr . I .... , ajci-llVo a "great selllers at only Gents' broad plain toe congress gaiters andlaoe shoes at 2 00, wear like iron. Call and sfr th New Styles as well KELLER'S SKOE Established in A. B. STRONACH. w PLEASE la tke peat Five Weeka a flrest tke inaaa of Bnetaeea kava com . . - ; wutaa m. rt e Bre employed , to Qlre Xrerroae Atteatioa. " U.hmMtm M-V ' iuui iiiviiuj.vuvn a . a j . . ' j LCSiSS liltpj LZ2 IC.i'J n. 1. it. .n: "I" T5i.B,." Z "3"'.r JSr" 35T jeKpTieTVrim ind other fashlonabl garnitures, alt with satin or fancy taffeta silk linings: ; $8.00 10.00 : 114)0 12.0O " 1S.60 S OO Worth fa.so a.ao - ia,so 1S.OO i.oo CI:fh C:;:s. Durable capes, velvet collar, braid trimmed... 3 00 Binffie cane, military oraia trim mea . ......,.o w Very handsome eloth cape., cloth and braid trimming, velvet collar. worth tltfUO.at.,-... vou Braid and Jet. trimmed m same. worthJIO 60 at Elesant Astrachan cape, velvet trimmed, worth $11 00, at .... 9 00 Very handsome cloth cape, jacket Rmc . trimmed with braid" and to Quantities and assortments. wb'ch comprise every style that is """" - s best fabrics, and your money oacit you re not satisfied. And your money back U you are not sattsnea. I 3AIHI0IIE Vo ecII hzii J Ilccicry, lr:Iic3, Riiscc3 v.vA i ill. We Ere i aakf-d if a lb;, i run a kind f "racket e"'re, ' 1 - .-loft- but we wion it positively under stood that we no not run a rackot store, but a toy I jv . ... al T07S Iron 'j tiua, l-oil oe, Vuod lralna, I loi'ka, 1 nis, Vra.laiin Oanea, 1 uuby Koraes, V UMr ' Velocipede; ' Trlojiiioe, I orper, Vi rltln Faper, t.nvelojpea, 1 ableta. Glassware, Tinware, . . ... Crockery, Oandr, ' ' Fraita, ' v N.te, - Silverware, Vases, ' , . . Cbairs, Rabbor Goods, TodbIs Goods, ' t'oot Balls, ' land candy store, ana that we ao not handle any trash lor auction goods. wny we juiror&a Toy StoreseliH mo cheap is because we nave naa aine lonsr training in the large whole sale houses and we know when to buy and how to bur, and ourcash enables us to buy cheapest, and we give our custo mers the benefit of all this. By buy ing only flrstclass goods direct from the factories we sell them to you at re tail at regular wholesale prioes and we give you a warrant that what you buy of us is no racket goods, out "first call" every time. Price, Quan tity and Quality is our watch-word. RIGGAN'S TOY STORE, , t -132 Fayettevllle Street. The Leaders in Shoes, Call Attention to Their New and Complete Stock of : Gents' J ; r- ..A Rope Switch: 'Calf imiaf iiin. . - . Tn fialf Rla are 13 00 a pair. as thsGgreat.bar-, STC saal - 1876. '"X ', , . READ: C Msay CustotBers'sa aseount of oat of Oaf koaee without Mm 1 ' ' ... rns aooitiomai rorss raoaga, we ininn, , AT POPULAR PRICES. Ymi Ire In! UM. iiivu mw iiui vuiiuuwui CfCSS CwSaals Plaids Are very fashionable, .. of these r we show complete . assort- i ments of Scotch and French effect, including the very desirable dark blue and green i which are scarce i and almost impossible to find. -. S8-ID0B. all Wool 48o . . - o " - - , eoo ' - ,? t '40 Silk Strip lOO '; S0 .. ad wool lOO ; 44 u .-.. l M , TI.i3 Alw3! . Costume cloths for street ' and travel, 54 inches wide. ........ 99o Tailor cloths M Inches, all new shades. 49c Fin broadcloths for. tollor cos tumes, 64 inches wide . . . . .79o btorm coating and burah Serires. all wears and weights 44-inch to 64- inch t . .39o to 99c i. Haven't space for argument, You know our Kid Glove nolicv. Here are four special lots for you . to boyltiot many oi eacn; its a quictc tale, wno rte nrrt pick? CIum Patent thumb glove In white and colors..,...., , 75e CIum latent thumb (fioves broad stitching, gold buttons. . . . ... , il 25 (Jleanngf out sale oi line black kid trloves, were II 00 .. . ,. . . 75o Clause patent thumb gloves, eve- .' ningtsnaces ............,.,i. il 00 And vour money back If von am not satisfied. . - I for tl.3 i::oncy than r. tl VA liAVjTA.JltJ1 Lf. . X itt ... r - V 'V ,.- '.. " ; . Tie largest do; . rt ;.out v o l.ave is the shoe dcpart.noiit and it is just - ly popular, as we give you the b(it shoe possible to buj for the yrc". Children a shoes Z 50, M, (,5 , U, 7a, c.D, JU, f 1, 1 1D,1 io, I do, 1 50. E.. r ... . . - ve have a large assortment of boy's shoes of all Bize, at 1 00, 1 25 and 160. We pay particular atten - tion to the quality. of our ladies' 1 25 1 60 and 200 shoes. Crosset's 8 00 shoes formers ' . ?-. We do a large merchant-taiforing pair of pants at a reasonable price and It'-' Uf H Bkb.a.W : W lewl 18o ribbed waist at ' X 37ebleaohed " ' 68c " - " ''.... Children's union suits . 12c , 25c . 60c ..26c :.60c .. . 3 We sell these fast black hose at 15 and 25o ft pair. , All sizes. , " Oapes, cloaks, jackets, children's T reefers., ladies suits, wrappers and skirts in great variety, as to p'rice and quality. Our terms X are cash, v One price to all. ; ; u : ; . : : See our So and 10o counters 1 Agents for the sale WOOL1.COTT & SON, ;Jusf watch this space for the - Greatest -. Furnilcro S- C:r:.!:.2 ; J ' . " -'4. I i-A" J ever offered the people of; Ral . r eign.;' .,s'lfAf:.r - " . ! f ;l Open at n Lcii:rs cf PRICES THE ODR OFFERINGS Filled with the green-eyed monBteri that they "don't know that we are in the business," otlifrs ur we I shod dy poods." Such dry rot slurs ultimately rcoil on t" t- ' -; We y "the people are with us," and that ti.e iuoxorshle t'A l ) - j cr i r nn..i the lowest prices and explodes the failacn-s of the 4 , i ', snd 1 J p-r c u.rsj To charge goods at our prices is a disastrous suicidal poacy. Few more dozen Daby shirts at, ........ . Double width all wool Tricots, all colors. 3,000 ywrds Caraloih G .tnsat 6,000 yards Al..u .iicpri. Us at....' 1,000 y- Second c G-4 Scotch plaids at. .. . , t ,o cast Iron I.Iu',,;n Unlauiivlt rcd s'.;r 1 1 1) 13 r" r T J 't of r- ' r's r m '"v than ii 'A i ..11 44 .- .1 -..LL.-.l .: " -. . ' , .": We do not like i L , but will , gay that we hav? ) It t F!-ct-d stock of mil:... y ii IJui'h. Kppeoiul nttcnt;. i it i to our ' Cap department f.T cLl. ren, a'.l the ' new EiLapos in tans on iuud now and prices i-ry low. r " ( 1 . ' - ' o v t ..IALS 3 10-4 all wool while blankets.. . 3 C9 11-4." " " " ....424 '12-4" ..,.4 88 business, will make you suit or guarantee our work in every respect Genuine castor buckskin '. . .,..1 19 Heavy domestic kid gloves. . . i ' 88o London tanned dogsklaglove,. 87c Wool lined Kangaroo . . .; 75c ' "". " heavy goatskin.. '.. ..100 All bargains. Also full lines of cloth, wool, kid and leather gloves from 25c to 1 00 pair. 3 SHIRT WAIST ITEMS. , - ' v All wool flannel,' in red, blue and " black, new style sleeve. waist v.l 00 " ' Scotch plaid waist -1 . , . , . , . 95c . Handsome wool Henrietta waists lined, full sleeve, ripple cuff, ele-' gant fitting waists 1 48 - ' - ' " - ,, , i . - Many bargains on them, ' ' t - of ButterickMtterns; k iTXUi nil ic ' Night Lc:v Fr':::. Mil A TRADE-CtlliCMS. )' V 44 hex. am jealounv. some do bbv, reforrini in Mi i: 1 V W W 'lis .V. Coa's a.iJ Cf, t ft C ifycu aro net vU