i t T; : VISITOR, A VI) TEB PRESS, t ."ua Building, corner ; :.,;e i. 1 Davie Streets.. . Editor and Manaf er. ! a N. MoRARY, Soliciting Agent. b c ri ptio r Prices.j , !vV.ji .' : ............I S.0O .1..: 1.60 .85 One Year '. Six Month ....... One Mouth Entered at Second Class Mall Matter The Leader in the News and in Circulation. TELEPHONE No. 1& . Saturday, Nov. 14, 1896 TO DEVELOP THE SOCTH. Mr. Franks Hejwood, editor of. the Southern Progress, published at Woodbury, N. J.,' is. sending out letters to the various newspapers in the South announcing that D. L. Risley, ot Philadelphia,, who has sold some three hundred New Jer sey farms a month for several years past and who was the projector and builder of the Jersey towns of Pleas antville, Milmay, Estelle and McJCee has purchased 20,000 acres of land . at Reigate, Brunswick county, Va , and will Immediately build it up as a farming city after the plans suc cessfully carried out by him in New Jersey. -These' plans,' which Mr. Eisley intends to .follow , in various portions of the South,; are to pur chase tracts ranging from 10,000 to 1 40,000 acres, thus .enabling him to lay out five, ten,; twenty and forty- acre farms, with paved roads and all conveniences, as a town-boomer . would lay out lots. In fact his com munSties in New Jersey are vir tually towns where every inhabi taut has a five-acre yard and every 1 family near neighbors. Beigate Va., where Mr.: c Risley will conv mence his Southern operations, is ; known as an' unusually good farnv Ing country." It already has stores, schools, churches, etc. Mr. Risley expects to assemble there within the next sixty days a population of 5,000 people. Excursions are to be run from the North and West every week, the first leaving New York November 18, by the Old Dominion ; line of steamers. ' ! ; It is also proposed to form a com ' pany with a capital of at least ,$20, 000,000 for the purposed purchasing ' bodies of real .estate . in Virginia, ; Maryland, West Virginia and North ; Carolina; located with a special view to health, good"' water facilities, water power, ample and convenient lines of transportation,' and if pos sible more than one way of shipping 'a, and out both raw and manufac- ' tured products, and to locate thereon railroads, water-works, light plants, dwelling houses,,' business blocks, and manufacturing' plants of any kind that reasonably promise jo fitable return on thecapital invested therein, and assemble there an ope rative population) or as has re peatedly been done at other places, let the investors from the beginning own the water and light plants, the railways, the houses in which -the operatives live, and at first depend Solely on the manufacturing plants f r running expenses, and to wait ' r profits, until in the natural ( . urse of development wasto lands ' ive become villages, and villages 1 o leenme towns or even cities. i . y v. . A sell, at the pro- t-.e real estate and other ' - osvr.rd by the company, '. investors, at what : m . ;.l'e ; ' but at C ;oy has been sued for f 3,000 Cm. - :;iui in the City Court of Balti more by Thomas R. Hull, who al leges that he bought a round-trip ticket from Georgetownto Baltimore on October 19, and that the coupon et-titliug him to a return passage was negligently torn off his ticket. It is stated that the plantiff did not have occasion to examine his ticket until he went to the wharf of, the company on November 3 to return to his home, In Cecil county, , Then the mistake was discovered, but the company refused to accept the re maining portion of the ticket, and Mr. Hall, being without means at the time, was compelled to remain in Baltimore and lost his vote at the recent presidential election. Millard I Taylor is counsel for the plain tiff. - s " : Bataklaa'a AniM Salva. The best salve in. the world tor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect - satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents' per N). 'or sale by John Y. Mao hob. Blood Is Life. It is the medium which carries to every nerve, : muscle, organ and fibre its nourishment and strength. If the blood is pure, rich and healthy you will be well; if impure, disease will soon overtake you. Hood's Sar saparilla has power to keep youdn health by . making your blood rich and pure. , '". Hood's pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion, bll ousness. Neuralgia is the prayer of the nerves for pure blood. Hood's Sar saparilla is the One Trun Blood Purifier and nerve builder. What Baby ni tick, we gavs her Oastaria. What lh was a Cbfld, h cried for Caatorlo. Whan aha became KSm, aha dime Caataia, When aba bad CUUvaa, abe gave them Oaatorla, New Shoe Store. Everything Absolutely Newj and warranted to be ' Just as represented. Read the following prices: .( ,... Ladies' Fine Dongola Kid Button Boots, heei and sprincr heel, in all the new toes, at 08c, 1 25, $1 60 and tl 75. , Ladies' Pine Dongola Kid Button Boots, heel and spring- heel, in all the latest shapes and toes, at $2, 12 22 and $2 50. ' . a , -, jeest une oi Mn s, Boys' and Children's Shoes in the State S. "PROCRASTINATION Is The Thief of Time." i ; If you neglected to bny your winter's supply of coal and wood in the summer as your interest requires that you shsuld have done, give us your order now and avoid the rush which always comes with the first spell of cold weather. ' Convenience and economy demands that you buy your season's supply of fuel at once, and to get in and put away before winter, will be a source of satisfaction to you for months to' come; Our stock is now complete and we solicit your orders for best goods at lowest prices. JoiinGoncriilrJcIinoGn; COAL and WOOD. Phone 150. Politics - & received a large consignment. , Just bought since the election, when prices fell all to pieces a Li t lot cf men's and bov's clothinr? nt vrrv lov prices; - we' buy "directs from the nir.nu- r t 1 a. arv . ) cf tho ecaron we ! ! I Upon having just what you call for when you go to bay Hood's Sarsaparilla. Tnera la no substitute lor Hood's. . It is an in sult to your intelligence to try to sell you something else. Remember that all efforts to induce you to buy an article you do not want, are based simply - . - n Q)10 the desire to secure more' profit. The dealer or clerk who does thia caraa noth ing for your welfare. He simply wants your money,- Do not permit youreelf to be deceived. ' Insist upon having n n Sarsaparilla . Aadoalr Hood's. It U tho On. Two Blood frtfl. Hood's Pills SlSrS Land SaleJ Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Wake county, in a certain civil action, No. , en titled B; Montague vs. J. W. Ryals, Nancy A, Brltfr and Joseph Austin, I will on Monday, the 21st day of December, 1896, at noon, sell at public auction at the court house door in the city of Raleigh, N. C, the following described tract of land lying lu faultier ' Branch Township, said county,, and ' adjoining the lands of George Partin, . A. E. , Smith , and others and bounded as follows: Be ginning at a stake in Little Creek, thence north 4 degrees 'east 4 chains and 22 links to a stake, thenoe south m degrees east 14 chains and 44 links to a stake, thence north 40 degrees east 15 chains and 90 links' to a stake, thence south 87 degrees east 15 chains and 60 links to a stake, ; thenoe north 3 degrees east 11 chains to a stake In the Penny corner, thenoe' north 83 de grees west with U' J. Weathers' line 49 chains to a stake ' on Juniper Branch, thenoe down ' the ' various courses of said, branch to Little Creek, thence down said oreek to the begin ning, containing One hundred and two and a half acres (102 acres) as more fully appears by. deed of Nancy A. Briti and others to J.' W. Ryals and wife, date March 15, 1884, Registry of Wake county, Book 87, page 400, and known as the homestead of said J. W. Ryals.' Terms cash. ARMI STEAD JONES, . i -. Commissioner. , Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 13, '96. Try BKCK-DWStisHT taafer Drtpeaslat ' We call t$p.ioiaI attention to our new line of ' Lad!:V Firia Sh:ss, including all the latest shapes, styles Hud toes, now made ia j , , ' , Ladies' Fine Up-to-Datc Footwear C. POOL. S. B. NORRIS, Manager. -v Office 109 Fayetteville St. n Boirt Collier Oo. XhM Busy ; "Dri;i.i3 D:rg3" 10c socks for 5c. 75c colored Iaundricd shirts 49c. Of these two bargains we have just M';;.7.-' , JJust watch this 0 fitmm ever offered the . .. ' Open at v.it'v'G'c;::!, Lc:-:rs cf Sale of Land in Cedar, Fort On Saturday, November 21st, 1896, at the Court House door In Raleigh, at 12 m.. by yirtue of the power given ns In a deed of mortage, exe cuted by A S Pollard and registered in the off cq of the Register of Deeds for Wake oountg, in Book 78 at page 673, we will sellat public outcry, the following described lands, situated in Wake county and said Township, to wit; First, the tract convayed to said A S Pollard, by John W Hinsn dale, commissioner by deed dated May 21st, 1884," adjoining the lands of Joseph Marshall, S CMaroomand others: Beginning at a red oak,' W. B. Scott's corner, thence North 87i degrees;.west 209 2-5 poles to a stake, Marshall's t corner ; then North 2 degrees East, 22 poles to a small sourwood; then -North 87 ' degrees West 64 poles to a stake, Marshall's corner; then South 2 degrees West 74 poles to a stump, M. C. Sorrell's line, then South, 87J degrees;: East 64 poles to a stake, then South 2 degrees: West 24 poles to pointer S. C. MarcOn's corner," then North 1 degrees, East 74 poles to the beginning, ', containing , about ,127 acres. Second the tract of about 18 acres adjoining'; the lands of Lucy Page, J. Watkins, 1 J. Q. Adams, and Dennis Sorrell and desoribed la a deed from' Susan Page Jere Wain kins and wife to said Pollard dated Nov. lOth, 1880. Third, The Home tract of said Pollard, on which lie formerly lived adjoiningthe lands of Thos. Pollard, J Q Adams and others and described in deed to him from G W Lynn dated January 1st, 1872 and registered in Register's office for said county in Book 34 at pago 239. - Terms cash, . RE BATTLE, WALTER CLARK, Executors of E. IL Swain. Raleigh, N. C, Oct 20, 1896. - DON'T Ovcrloo!: This ! - We give prescriptions spec al 'V i - s V ' 1 ;. care and attention at all hours, , - day or night. , If that is what -yon want, we are,s ' ' ' ' - -i ', Your tl,ly, ' - ' Horth Side Drag Store. Halifax street, one : block south of . Peace Institute. Cii:;;. mm V., jlillllMI IIIIIIIIIMII 1111114 r . ' ' f t ll II It M 11 II II 1 1 It 1 1 tl II It I i II If 1 Of Fayetteville and Martin Sts., Just as you Come Up from the '; ': ; Park' Hotelilll Where the finest cigars and tie best Soda and Mineral Waters can be had. Bromo Sell er served at ti e Fountain. Just tho thing for Fair" Vcok, Call around boys, Will be clad to zz3 you. space for tho - i - r people of Ral- .... - a,, Nlglit. Lew Prices. S 4 t- f i : RH 110 UGIilS Another lot of those delicious South' ampton county (Va. ) Hams; also fine lot mild tsured Johnston county (N. C.J Hams, k - ' ' ' k, Fresh arrival New River Mullets, fine; fat Mackerel, new pack Roe Her rings, etc. " " ,iMelro8eV Flour still growing in popularity.! And why?. Because it is carefully ground 'from best selected wheat. None superior to "Melrose." Nice line finest green and black Teas. Special blend finest Mocha and Java roasted coffee makes an excellent cup. v I handle nothing ' but first class goods, therefore orders may be sent with confidence. Lowest prices guar anteed, KespeoMuuy, , J.D.TMEP, Cor. Johnson and Halifax Sts. ' Telephone 125. ' K3TICE! North Carolina, ) In Superior Court waxe uounty. i xo uc. xenn. vo M. J. Edwards ) ; ; Service by ? T J"' PubUcation. -I . , Mtniwiw r ..... ..." ' ' To 3. J. Lawrenoe, .defendant in the : above entitled action. . Take notice; That on v the 29th day of August, tuted in the Superior court of Wake county, North ' Carolina, to October Term 1896 of said court by M. J, td wards against J. J. Lawrenoe, your self, entitled M. J. Edwards vs. J. J. Lawrence, and that summons tnerein has been duly i ssued and returned "not to be found:" . That the purpose of said action is to recover money due from you to the said M. J "Edwards upon and by virtue of a contract re lating to the manufacture and sale of medicine known as the Compound Ex tract oi Kosada.ua, ana to tne pur chase by said M. J. Edwards of a one half interest in the Patent Right there to, and for the recovery of damages Irom you lor Oregon of said contract, amounting in all to the sum of 193,000, You - are hereby notified of the pen dency of said action, and that a war rant of attachment has been issueh in said action directing the seizure of your property in North Ca olina. You are further notified and required to ap pear at the October "term of said Su perior iurc oi waice county, norm Carolina, to be held in the city of Ral eigh, in said county and State, on the 20th of October, 1896, and answer or demur, during said term, to tne com plaint which will be filed in said action, or the plaintiff will have judgment for the relief demanded therein; when and where the warrant of attachment will likewise be returned, v .D. H. YOUNG, Clerlr Superior Court, Wake Co, ARGO & SNOW, Attorneys. - . Looul; one, are you ready for it ? If riot, comoand et your shoos. Some beautiful blankets, quilts, comforts, rub ber shoes, pil lows i and coats, capes, cloaks, jackets, umbrel las, ;Iap robes. Do not forget your horses, we have plenty of blankets for them. Lyon Ruclict Gtcro Zzz of UssTKgsr Rsleigh. ' As exeeutor of the late J . B- Bob bitt I will offer for sale at the Court House doof in Raleigh, at 12 o'clock m. , on Saturday the 6th day of De cember,. 1896, : a valuable, tract of land about 8 miles east of Raleigh containing Ninety-four-acres, more or loss, adjoining tho lands of W. H. Holleman, deceased, J. D. Dodd; J. W. Cross and others, it being the tract of land formerly owned by Jas. Moore and- previously by II, A. Parker: About 60 acres of the tract are in a good state of cultivation, of which a part is well drained low grounds. ? Good -tenant house and necessary out-housesand a good well of water are on the premises. , Terms 1350 cash, - balance three equal annual installments with in terest from date of sale.' ,' ' 1. JHal. Bobbitt, nov & Ex. of J. B. BobbitL T7a tis lict ?fl vmk inrs 1 ! -- , " l ' . ' f , ,r fAncirmr;TTf.T, . .. isf V F V sumption In stock, and would sooner tnink a groceryman couIJ l ?J ' ect along without ,sugr in his store than we could wi'Jiout 4'. Piso's Cure. It is a sure seller. Ceresco, Michigan, September 2, The National i RALEIGH; N3 C .v. ! Capital Paid In Durpius uuu unucviuuu Profits, . - r ; ' 'rj OQ J -T" . t, r . C. M. BUSBEE, c ' THOMAS B. CROWDERJ-i ,'A''....". P. O. MOUING. ' - ' JULIUS LEWIS. . . . CHAS.-E. JUNSON. - CI IAS. H. BELVINJ ' . - W. R. TUCKER. . ; ' i- " Uihy-)y---. ' ' " - ' OFFICERS:"" ; ,. Z. ' . ' "' i CHAb E. JOHNSqXi Vice-Presidenti!-" i;cJ W .' . , . 1 F. a BRIGGS, Cashier ; ,iU .,.1 itA ...'v . IlVf Our banking room has been enlarged "and refurnisheTS !' A NEW which la entirely fire proof tnd burplar proof, has been added. Tft. 'ClAorg controlled by oomhinftfcionj automatic and time Inokg, built by tl A uI.t t - ' and Iron Works, o Baltimore, and superintended by Mr. J. Jt. luos.-uian.'' f New York, an expert in burglar proof work. In this vault we have piaee ' SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES of the very lata desijrn, the convenience of which can not be apprechti til thev are seen, and all are invited to tve them. the renUT of the box has the key, and no oue can pain ft'-i v -s contentg of the box without the presence of the renter, and ii ha to-' his key, the tinder could not pain access to the box, t' e contents of v be known only to the renter. There is ample room in te box. s f r i of deeds, valuable papers, wills, bonds, stocks, etc., and ret ' i t obtained for very moderate cost. Convenient and private rooms have been provided for t'.-i ex, ,SJ of customers in the examination of parr. cutlin? eotinot., f ... u e have an eNi-ciiciit vault i:i a.iiii.un to ti;',s t for the storage of ),o.oa prj p ; -.. Kveryot.e ii '"n"-!.' i inb'.r.. :lwi Ism are corJiit"y invite 1 t in; : i t..o r. t . i 1 1 ' 'a eft f t ( ' tioil, ? 't O I u, Smith v 1 i 1 : the T'.'i i!. v of 1 , j . . i at pub..C UlU ... i door in l1 e ' .' ' 1 . i, i. t , 12 in, tho f i -Ai. tin .11.'. uate in Wake, county, i.w J..au.' .. township, beginning at a s(!ike Jes sie Watkin's a vr corner lu Jouulhun Pool's Une; thence s 2Hi poles to a stake said Watkin's s w , corner;, thence s 35 w 5U 3-5 poles; thence " west 93 poles to two red o .' s on . the bank of Neuse river; thence up the various courses of said, rivei about 84 poles to Pool's corner; thence with his line s 8Si e 135po'f to the beginning 'containing ' acres. Also, at the same time and place, we will sell the personal prop-' erty set out in said decree, consist-: ing of 1 inule, 1 horse, 2 wagons' harness, farming implements and t part of crops made on, said land.. Terms cash. ' , : ' -." ARMISTEAD JONES, " ' ' r THOS R PURNELL,-vi" f no7 Ids Commissioners ,' S ri Lii. North Carolina ) In Superior Court,. Wake county. Before DH Young, -r-i;:. J Clerk.- f ' J; Oi1 Marcom,' administrator of Cherry Penny, deceased,' vs. Mary. Walters and Henry Walters, her husband, Mary Allen, Lillie Allenj Roxie Allen, John Allen,Susan Al len, George Penny, Ada Penny i and Annie Hollo way , heirs at law of Cherry Penny, deceased. -t To Mary Walters.Henry. Walters, Mary Allen, Lillie Allen and John Allen, defendants above named. ' You will take notice that a special proceeding! has been -instituted in this court by J. C. Marcom ad mini s- tratir of Chftrrv Pennv. dncpARpd. entitled as above, for the purpose of ' ' obtaining an order for; the sale ofjinj-j , vn the real estate of his said , ; intestate i Mr, . to create assessments for the pay- , ment qfie debts of the estate and -the charges of administration, and '1 you are hereby required to appear ! atmy Office in Raleigh, N. Cw onth , 2d day of December, 1896, and an- ' swer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff in said action or pro ceeding, otherwise the relief prayed i iti will be granted.; w .,' . 1 i - D. H- YonMO.Vij , Clerk Superior Court of Wake Co. i October 19. '96. ' 1 aw w ' (mv trr Pfn'c Clttf. tr ft.'1 -J-li 'V KAVcJn & UJ.f Uru-iits, 1896. -, ;'J 1 . i j V v f . t! Bank ' '. I tfl'l'l., t I . . . G225;600 " t . . f . 75,000 . ; vm .rM . k law(B f'Wf "mlt ytfll .H.i . I ,v:. t !mi.-i'.!i' i,f.' ' VAULT,,; T V ' ' el ni : 1 1. 3 e use r proof vault ' i r : .,n" - ' r. Sr.-'.'psnl i. w v.-ii k.-1 rr up J

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