ttj to the , 4 to I- e I 'resS-Visitor. .ox, I,-,: 14, It is" re I I -re that Secretary Carlisle iff. re from the cabinet .l . d t : ! ii- ion of his term. The re- ; ; t U based on the belief that Jus : j I'ield is soon to retire from the ; e beach and that Mr. Carlisle v, ill be appointed to succeed him. Ju: ..'.ice Field is in that state of health t' :.t Lis friends fuar for his continu ance on the bench, !'.; .'... --X reding the way he does toward Carlisle it is believed in certain quarters that he will resign in order, to Cike a place on the bench for the Secretary of the Treasury. x The fear that Secretary Carlisle would not be confirm ed by the Sen ate if appointed to the bench no Ion ger exists, owing to the' position he assumed in the recent campaign. While the silver"Seriators are suffi cient In number "to defeat tbA con firmation if they wouldact inunlson, still it is believed, they would not be ble to so corraf their forces, for among them there are such men as Senators Harris, .Berry , :' Bacon, Llartin, of Virginia, and others, who would vote for bis confirmation on personal grounds.. i h , The sound - money;' Republicans would vote solidly Jor bis confirma tion, it is believed. ' i i" iV; Others have found health, vigor and vitality in Hood's Sarsauarula, and surely has power to help you also. "Why not .-ii'i.tJi "v Still Tlicy.Come, - , " tLA'rl ill li ! I .- Another big lot ' of Apples Now i K:rih:rn S-ysEtcl . These apples are shipped direct from the orchard, are well, .packed, sound, and in good (keeping condi tion. . - ,nt f . - f ; 4 I Did you ever know fine apples so cheap at this season of. the year j-A liberal use of hein in your family may save a "doctor's bill. '' A bar: rel of apples cost $1 75; one' visit by a physician $2 00. See? d: T. rn Ml AGENT. Phone 28. C.:2 "Ciil G:!a Of all the Fairview Horses'? ',, n.i' tr", fi t i' ' ' WEDOTSD AY, NOVEMBER 18th, All the rairview1" Horses, sklions, Brood mares, road and race horses, colts, fillies, yearlings weanlings will be sold at auction for cash at Ealeigh, N. C. Nearly all the stock is standard and well bred, and as it will be sold without rwr great bargains will be i iul V In the sale are 3 Wilkes sU' : ns,' the great Morgan Stallion, Franklin chid and the beautiful ymm? stallion, brother to Pamlico, Ci ' r 'on Cf Kor val 2;14J out c ... .--- r"ar and some of the ha r d lastest fillips ever seen in vuis site." - Write a postabcard for .catalogue now ready. " ' -! C. nov5 tds :ca::iY:.o? nusic - TUESDAY, JSOVXMBER 17th. 'I ' 3 ITina; Tin f f . rn Comedy, M " w " ' l J m Gus. Tliomas' Great Flay. , Ail 1 - j XJVY k wor f..rl ,!h Journal. Ai si Ox -'im;es. A 1 CM.iva litr Telegram. . -IMii-i. ' ' Journal, ' 3. - - .'Ti, Adv. : - . ibuno. At, Castorii la Dr. Suiuucl ritcher's prescriptlou for Infants ? n and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor f-v other Narcotic substance, lit 18 a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrnps" ftnd . Castor pi ; . J It is Pleasant. Its guarantee. Js thirty years' use iy , Millions of Mothers. - Castoria destroys Worms and( allays ; Feverish nesH. 1 Castoria prevents j vomiting Sour1. uura. cures uiarmraa ana ' Teething1 troubles, euros Castoria assimilates . the Food regulates the .Stomach . and Bowels giving lieatthy and natural felocp. y Castoria is the Chfldren's Panacea-the Mother's Friend' ; Castoria. wCaatattls Is n excellent- medicine for 'children. Mothert have repeatedly told me of 1U good eflbet upon their children." .. ', . : rw. O. C. oaoooo, lVcnrlt. Mau. ' "Thetueof Caitorla 1 io universal nd lt ' i merits so well knows that It teems aworlc of tnpeieiogatloa to endorse It.' Few are the Intelligent umUies who do not fceep Castoria , . within easy roach." . '.v. j CasuM MiSTTS, D.D., New York Cy. i I prescribe Castoria every day for children wh. are sufiertnf from constipation,, with better eflect than. X receive from any other combination of drugs." ! Ir. A. UoaoAir. Routli Ambov. N. T. ; Children Cry for r " tui ortrraiUi eaiaiMPtSr. vt I " ... " THE TRIUMPH ; OF LOVE 1. w ii ,i i ,i p r.;H;..'.,:;-yjt4 'g'-:, JJAPTT, RTJITFCI MiKUiOl" Kswry. HO Wha : WaaiM Itaww-h Qrmm4 Trwths, tha Flats Vaeta. Iks Haw' tHaawrtc MadleAl 1 Seine a Appllaal Marilad Idle, : Wk v VTaaM AMa ; tar ' Fmst ) Xmra and Inlj Fatara Pltfa.Ua, tMutaleT Seeara tk Waaderfal Llttla Bawk GaJle4 V; Ooawlstt) Haaks4, aaa Haw t Aw tain It.w . . , 'i " Hera at last is Information from a. nltrh Trt-dleal aourc that mnst work woodeca wi(h U (feneration of men." i t. : t, Tlie book fully describes a method by which to attain full vigor and manly power. bruins, on, the ji .'aw 4 A itteuwa oy wniea K aiut au uouawrat system. To care tkerroinmeaa, lack of self-control, da. apoadenoy, &o. A . ToexchanKe a Jaded and worn nature for one of brightness, buoyancy and power. to enre lorevar eusots oi excesses, overwort. o evorv txirtlon and oriran of the bodv. , Aea no barrier. Failure impossible. Two lnusana reierences. Tha book la TiuralT medical and ariftniffle. Ciwltsfl toenriomtvaeakera. lnvalnable to men aly who need iU - - - - - a awpamng man, Who aaa appuea to us, toon afwr wrote t - ., -, . w Weil, I tell you that first day it one I'll never forget. I Just bubbled with Joy. I wanted to bust ever ytorly and tell them my old self bad died yesterday, and my new self was bora to-day. Why didn't you tell me when I Oral wrote that I would nnd it tb! wayf ' v . i- And another thnai .' ' "K yon dumped a cart load of told at my feet It would not bring suuh gladness iota my tile as your method has done." ' : Wnta to tha LkIH MKDIOAT. COMPANY. Buffalo, N. Y., and ak for the little book enUed "COMPLH.TB MANHOOD." Kefer U this paper, and the oompany promisee toaena tha book, in sealed envelooe. without ans -marka, and entirely free, (mill It la wall Intro GICAiiitsG I in i v are Guaranteed not to rust. Bavir.-r qualiu.-d i P -''iiinistrator ofthee: -tto of A. K, Vt-silhers, do- Crascil, 1 hi-rehvpive uotira to all por- Boris lirtvii- cainia ajrninst said es ta'a to pre t tiicm to me for payr'nt Iw-fore tae 1 rt day ot October, J,-; olherwixe this notice will be picail in bar cf the same. All persons in debt to t''o siid A. K. Wc'bcrs prere (. 1 t i come f.n-Krd a nd b.- - ;e the f f t once. C. II. Cla' - . A-.. .iiur.rtr for A. K. m.liws, UcCfAKcd. oclll lawtiw : : " J v w . - ; m r-. 4 i s, i . ' f '' f i ' . 1 -- ' j ' - y M -- . - - a -v. - -f , c ALSO- - ar eat a -- " U vvinu unic tastorm reueven . , Constipation and; ,1 Castoria., "Castoria Is so well adnpted lo chUdre. that I recommenl it as superior to" any pre scriptlon known to ne." - .. - ' J. A. A ileal br, M. C, Brooklyn, N. Y.' i " For several, jfear ( bsy reroiomcaJed castoria, ana snsu always continue to no so as It has Invariably produced beneficial' ' resnlU." ' ' S Edwii. P PAWBtfif B.Ttfew-VofMSty.' r We have three children and tficjj Qrf for . Tj Pitcher's Castorjju' iWhasltC(ivaMti dose, the others ry for one toe. I shall always take pleasure in'" recommending this best child'medidae il'U 1H tit ti Res, W, A. Cooper, Kewport, Ky PItchef'd CastdrlaL COIIll atUHMav BTREarT. fronK city. " ' ' . rz-rr,,.- . ,- ., ; , :.., .J1 1M. t 0ndef ni ibyvvlrtufe of-a deed of trust from J.- w. B. Watson to B. P. Montague, .Trustee, registered In Book 113, page 22, and with - bo consent of the BKWttagpr thereon, we will, on Monday, Korember 9th, 1899, at noon, at the court bouse door in the olty of Raleigh expose to public sale the fol lowing described tract of land, being the part unsold in the land conveyed in the said deed of trust and described as follows:'. Beginning at 'the north east eorner of the. Matthew lot, near the northwest corner of. lot 344, thence southward along thg line of 1 Matthews and of the t Kline heirs . to V Kline' southeast oofner; thence west along Kline's -line to .the . branch; thence down the branch to the south city line; thence east along the south line of the city to the southeast corner of. the tity; thence north along;-. the east boundary lino of the city to Lenoir street; thence west along Lenoir street to the beginning. ' Terms cash. . - . .- B. P. MoNTAaum; Trustee. " . ; J. W, B. Watson. -Oct. 9. 1803. -' Sale postponed by consent to Mon- day, aoy. ic, at noony r u tv im i.i. "i -J 1 I You Coot II A, All Stttnmer- Wil.KeeptX9M, r,;, iillll JIAJlj i1 ui 4 rh 4 'nil ' Soli Coal, PocaJiWaiV'and f Russell gedLnr; Th::hsr arl j The best Coal' at lowest ' prices" al- EeONGMY a1 r.'May be jnacessary in many ways when dollars are soaros and wants many, but It h not desirable to practice it In the purchase of food, which Is life. ' Below i a certain standard . food imperfectly nourishes; up to that stand ard It costs & reasonable price. , Wa never want more than a reasonable price for our. Groceries. -t? il r- .i RAPID SALES - . - - Give Our customers the benefit of close margins.. We never keep any thing that Is not the best of its kind, and we only want a fair profit on what we invest in it. V Always instock and promptly delivered when ordered. - - - v' - u . . M y k. ... v - M HI I at I t All, winter. Jfl-fu If you want to know how big your DOLLAR' U-c-how many CENTS it contains, its puxchasmg power, take itto CRd & LIllEHAN'S; Measures its CVal i j and yon will do the brainiest thing youv'e done In' many . a i Jt I '' ' - day-for there's stuff there yon'U need every day, stuff you'll i r 1 1 I "V " 1 1 need when winter's storms are uponus and they're'! coming j of this mine of good Ci t i ! . good things-nuggets Minted - 4 f ' by the best artisans of the world--they are yours at a valua- '.) It J i 'lion that makes the purchasing powef of your- dollar greater 1- than ever ia the world's history. ; JR- ' !fSJSniHf Sross feemmber our house Is headquarters for all Bctool Supplies. We hav everyjhinff vou need In this line! j' A full stock of s j Mil's EFino Cctionorv ! Ar"J in 1 be very A. vniiarr.3 uo s uo A 'i pV l Q IT SE A M LAUNDRY -Page-fifc -Marshallif Proprietors. rPHONEl87. Thft f.rtmmftrp.iar-aT)(1 Parmm - : AUV . VVfMsaUVA VAW WUVI aeAaJBMofRaleigli; H.C. svj. ? Chartered ydeHefal Assembly 1891. RaTdoUpICapi $ldO, Deposits- , v . 300,000.00 . . (Mers Qits customers -every '''accommodation consistent .with safe banking, -'v:f-i,,. . . v ;v-.c!y: , . i$a . (e pol(xes gtfr,RjntjDnReasonaWe Terms. r : ' i. "1; Some good business offices to let CJ JECJMASPre'sideH" . ,'ALF.Ai THOMPSON, Vice President. vRsjERMAN;Casa'e N "It Wj JACKSON Assistant Cashier. RHONE f SO 'OH ,$ZASCNEQ OAtf&PlNF AMY? LENGTH; ,Z ' i CiiciQiiUouGo, OWMeripy A Veek vCOMMENCING-'-''' a ' ' MONDAY, "NOVEMBER, 9TH. The' representative popular ' priced . attraction of America ' " THE II. GUY. . : BESSIE ivc r ' iD-7f.r.r.Zii 0 COMPANY t 1. COMEDIANS -1 r I biNurns, i U LJf I1ANCKIJS,1'V''J.J MONDAY NIGHT - r f r . . J -The MeloclramaJie sucopt; j ja four aets "The Girl I Love. -"New scenic and mechanical 'effects -specialties new yaml , numerous. ', Twentieth century priccr 10-2O-S0 Cents. ' La dies free V. mrvt .if acompa niedbya porson LolJiug oue paid SOo ticket. f . a ' I 1 V l H 1 DEifin ma s 4 j jc S i. - tt Vet j 210 r Fayette ville - v Street. , tie; da things not cheap good things, but good o pure value ,Tt Liiiehaw. - latest styles. J . Mi,'- oro How's Ti Every laundry doesnjjf do vit, ( do thsy ? Dorit yom suppose they Couliifiiey faDted to? Honesty and earefulndssi have as much to do with inaking aood laundry as any thing else. Ve know this is a good laundry,, and-r-we aren't afraid to have anv one trv us. For satisfac- ,itioB pure and simple, come tof WMVM j ' BC3T BITUyiflOUS. Kctica Ta Cih Tai Payers- The city tax list for 1896 has been f laced in ray hand for collection, will be in my office for that pur pose every day from 9 a. m to 4 p m. AU taxes not paid by December 1st aresubiect to a penalty of 1 per cent, and an additional 1 per cent on the first day of each month there after until paid. , ' ' , w B. Hctchinos, novS 30d i . City Tax Collector ! uch in Little Is especially tne ot Rood's puis, (or Do medi cine ever contained to great enratiTe power la so small spec Tbej are a whole asedleloe ciest, nlways flatly, al vays tfilcleuW a) ways sat isfactory; prevent a eoM or teres, eure a Urer Uls, Pll 0 sl headache, randiee, eonsWeatien, eta. JBe. Tlie only rills to take wttiiood' Sarsaparilla. a i J '5 THE WARDROBE E,j.i,... " i Every bodv, most is scrambling into heavy-weight wearables. CloUies buyiug Ought not to be a perplexing task to anybody who's the least bit observing. a The best of everything surrounds you here. The stocks of , Men'svSiiits, "Men's Overcoats; Boy's suit's, Overcoats, Reefers, Hats and Furnishings all do our reputa-' " tion credit. You know very well what an advantage you have with our variety to draw ou, And we don't hesitate to say 'your monay back". . If you don't find less of it buys more than more of it could anywhere else ia town. , ri , -ri ; ; i With Ever Dollar's 7crih iZtVZZy away on Christmas Eve. ' , , , ; . v i--t- -:Y- ' ' . V.'iw...- i,,:,.-'. , f . . j? "J,. "T - ; --;; We are selling as many percale shirts now as we usually sell in sum- ;; ' mer.'. The two jots we boughl and are selling at 76c and $1 do the work' the price is Ie&s than they usually st 11 for at wholesale. Detached collars , and 3uffs gives vou advantage to several . ; tl,n -iry , Combinations of v - All the UNDERWEAR you buy too at considerable saying of money. Leading One At Auction. I 25 Head Of Horses And Males I will sell on Friday and Satur day, November 13th and 14th, 25 bead of native bread horses and mules. Remember, 4. tr as I have always said to you, every horse and mule is guaranteed as I represent, or I will refund your money. v Feank STEONACUf, Auctioneer. - v' !! - -- - 0NE HUNDRED (100) vehicles and $5000 worth of harness at factory prices. . ' ' " - . I'll sell from -now until January 1st, 1897, my entire stock of harness together with my stock of wagons, buggies, carriages, phaetons, traps, etc at factory prices a FRANK STRONACH, Prop'r. STROtJACII'S Carriage and Harness Emporium Nos. 219,221 and 223 Wilmington New Millinery I We have now ready for the . trade all the latest things in fall and win ter Millinery. ... . Trimmed and untrlmmed Ladies' Hats, with all the -new trimming materials. Children's and Infants' Caps, in all styles and colors. ' ' I ... 1 : ' ........ k AU customers will be given prompt attention. ,., , . , Goods sent on approval. Express 'I " i- v -paid on way. r , ( v , . T. . . i- r i fAtrent for Imperial Patterns. ; j Miss Maggie fieese. Out Floras Roses. Carnations, Chrysanthemums Bouquets. Floral Designs, Palms, Ferns, -. ' ( vt ' ' Golden band, white and pink Ja pan lilies. . Finest of all hardy lilies Hyacinths, Chinese Sacred Lilies, FreesSa Narsissus, Tulips for -forcing In the house and;-, early spring blooming ' ' outside. !H. Steinmetz, Florist, North Halifax Street,' near Peace InJ stuute. l'none us. - octn , '' tv.'? ,"i-'..:.'V ' diss Maggie Reese. ' 209 Faye'tteville Street '4 the New Fashion, i v here are of the best sort. ' GLOVES , . ',' i"v--.; v:'-:"?; Price Clothiers. j You Can Settle the ' - - j Ever Vexatious .--.v.r-i. s-' 'Question --'i1'1'- wnat to uive the Bridle By spending a few moments looking through our new and complete stock of- ' , Sterling Ware, : Cut Glass,; Iron and Brass Lamps China, Clocks, " ! Bric-a-Brac. - .' ; '" . ' -' -': :'f.v- H. MAHLER'S SONS, Jewklers and Opticians. , Have your' eyes tested. ( No charge lor examination. IIDLES HORSES FOR SALE. 1 now have on hand a rood suoolr - of mules and horses, f shall also keep a good stock of Buggies and . w agons ior saie. , k Pricesf3Suitth9Tb:$ J. M, Pace,; 1U East Martin St., Ealeigh, N. C OCUZ-U , 1 n i. L HARRIS Contains morelithla than any other . Uthia spring water on the market, and -. ; wo have yet to find a physician who ' has given Harris' Lithia Water a fair trial but that will state that It is supe- ; rlor to the other waters.- Dr. Thomas -S. Powell, President Southern Medl- ' cal College, Atlanta, Ga.jTheo Lamb, ' Professor Diseases of Chest and rMni -i s ciples of Medicine, Medical Dbpot, . v Atlanta, University of Georgia;- Prof, Joseph Jones, President Tulane Uni- v ' versity of New Orleans, La.: Dr. John , HeyWllliams, AshevUle, II C; Dr R ' B Harris, Savannah, Ga; Dr A N Talley, of Columbia, S.' C, and hun dreds.of others of the most noted phy- siclans of the country, testifying that . ' : Harris'. Lithia is superior to all other waters that they . hse used in their practice. , , President's Offioe. Baltimore, June 24, 1896. Mr J T Harris' Harris Spring, S Ct Dear Sir 1 will say to you that It li my opinion that the Harris Lithia Water ia by far the best Uthia water I have ever used, and. that it has done me a great deal of good, , and I think that it Is a most valuable remedy. . Very truly rours. R. C. HOFFMAH, , , - i President SALBR, For sale by , the Druggists ot Ral eigh.' - - ' .- - Harris Lithia Water Co., Harris' Spring, S. C. Oct 16 -lm " - a Hi (aWaaaai ' U Vfv.. FIRE INSURANCE. Solicit a pat A four patronage ORlce overSMacItao's BranchriiM J . '1 V"

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