,rdt & v . u-a. -.-:;t en -ineer who under v eraiiua and repairs of i engines. Address, ry expected. P. O. Box a, N. 6. .. nl4-3t . -i & Campbell will now keep r-s open and they will be , ..i 9 o'clock ,p. m. IS you i, t rie in the day come at night w ill be glad to show you at any . II. Li U.S.Tttcker&Co. ', .' s Sell Goods Chsapse Than Ant Other Housb. ; ;. s poods We open Monday, 4 , kkIs Not. 16th, three -i joods novelties' In dress i wl s poods. Coat-of-Mail, i wds Canvas Lanieux and i jjoods 1 Pompadour Mohair, a goods ' These three novel ,s goods ties are the correct ess goods Dress Stuffs for 1 re s goods 1 those seeking ele ' ress goods gant dresses. s ress goods "CoAT-or-MAiL, " i ress goods , Coat-of-Mail ia our i ress goods direct importations, 1 ress goods and when sold can 1 ress goods not be replaced. We I 'ress goods make the price very ress goods low for this . high J ress goods ; class novelty, only ress goods : $1.50 per yard- v , I ress goods Canvas TAHIKUX Iress goods - Is s very popular Dress goods novelty and comes Dress goods in five colors, plum, I "ress goods olive, brown, f navy Dress goods and garnet, this is Dress goods i a $2.00 novelty, but Dress goods ' we make the price, 1 ress goods . - until sold, $1.60 per Dress goods yard. '. ... ': Dress goods Pompadoetb MoEAOt Dress goods Is Mohair and wool Dress goods Bourette novelty. It Dress goods 1 comes in all the lat Dress goods , est color combina Dress goods tions, and would be J ress goods cheap at $1,25. We Dress goods make the price for Dress goods . Monday at , $1,00 Dress goods. - per yard. 1 Dress goods " Can't Last. ' Dress goods These novelties will Press goods ,'' not last long at the Dress goods L price and you should T ress goods ' ' . call early to secure Dress goods the . choice. . Sale Dress goods begins : L.Monday, ! rrss goods ? Nov. 16th, and will Dress goods , last as long as the Dress goods ' goods last. J W. H. & R. S. Ttjokib & Co. i W. F. A R.S.TUCKER& CO. We Sell Goods Chiapsk Thas Oroxa House Aft New arrival , ' ' New arrival New arrival .J- , Newarrival Lace Curtains. Lace Curtains. and and i Drapery Stuffs " Drapery Stuffs 15c 15c l.ic 15c 10c lOo 2Jo 60c Fancy Drapery Crepes. .... 12Jc Drapery Silkohnes ..... . . 12 J c Drapery Silkollnes i . . i ' 10c Silk Drapery fringe .... -. 10c Cotton Bull ",...' ,8i Denim fringe, all colors . -' 6c Sheer and dainty curtaia Swisses . .,. 12ic Tambour MusliaSOinches wide 40c Drapery Fishnet... ; . . . . 60c 65c 3-yd Nottingham curtains....'. $125 ; i-yn iini ; j ydPointNottinghamcurtain $1 75 remember all curtains from $ 1 25 to $5 00 we give pole and fixtures free. - ; ,, 4: ' , : W. H. & R. S. TUCKER St CO. TTi Sell Goods Chiapxb Than ant - OTBtTB HOUSS. O a EAT r ', f Geiat , Griat Cloak ' y 1 Cloak . ,.. , i Cloak ' -fr'Na. Selunq Sellcto, LY Nov. 16th,' we place on j Bargains in. Coats bar tit were bought at a recent 3 in New York, and we sell i t you at the same bartrain r as long as the It&t, here are -prices. ... - - 1 1259 All wool Cheviot Coat, very stylish, Boxfront, . full large sleeves, and well worth $4. 00 our price as long as they last, $259. it 339 Ladies' Sttlish Black Cheviot JACKET.fashioned with box fronts, new , sleeves and new collar a bargain at$5.00, our price as long as they last $3.69. 1 1 Ladies' Jaunt Black ets, new box fronts and fashioned with new sleeves of the kind that every house would price $6.50, our price until sold $4.5?( : " -.") LadikV Swell Box Coats in robby Boucle and Eng i: ,b Curleffects, correctly moile'.' 1 and finished with I f. t . iurinET extra fine ' : -.rments, ewr price l 'tt they lost, $5.25, - ' I : i . ,i C l a 8 8 r an o CovebtCloth rev 0"1 swell : : - s,t - -ini'j : i- ' : i. v a- ANT ( 2 are n of the D . . a Ko dak Coir.pa nv,and curry alD. grades they manu- : facture. , The Pocket Ko dak is only $5 and it will take any pic ture. We have larger ones at $8, $10, $12 ; and $22, and ..carry in stock: every thing f that is need-., ed to operate them. Lots of fun taking "snapshots in Raleigh, ' and there are lots of "snap - shots to take. . No trouble to - work v them. Call and see " them. 1 . .4 R. S, Tcckes Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kokaks Kodaks Kodaks Kokaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks 'Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks & Co. ! S ; . s ; s I .ks loduks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kokaks Kodaks Kodaks Kokaks Kodaks Kokaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks Kodaks W. H. For Beat. Six room cottage on Polk street, second door from N. Person street. Inquire 504N. Person street ",r - nol3 tf Thomas & Campbell have again cut their prices on furnture. Call and examine their goods. " . , . , For Boat. " Three-story brick building cor. Fayetteville and Morgan streets, re cently occupied by Democratic head quarters, For terms apply to W. B. Grimes. ' nov5 tf Will now keep open at night Thomas & Campbell's big furniture stores. :...-. . For Sal. ' . :. One ten-horse portable boiler and engine complete and in good run ning order. A bargain. Address "Aaot,",care Phms-Yibitob. nolOtf Don forget the special sales of rockers, center tables and matting at Thomas & Campbells. . - For Six room house on Jones street, second door from Dawson street. Water and modern improvements. Inquire southwest corner Jones and Dawson streets. , nl4-2w ? WE DO NOT WANT BOYS OR LOAFERS to write, but men of abil ity. $200 to $500 iter month. Salary or commission. ; State and general managers. ' Racine Fire Engine Co., Racine, Wis. , j nl4 er sat 8t llcrsaj Acsfisn. I will have two car loads of good, young, West Virginia horses ship ped from West Virginia to me, to be sold on consignment, which I will positively sell to the highest bidder at my stables in Raleigh, on Satur day at 12 O'clock, Nov. 21, 1896. Stock guaranteed as represented, or no money paid. These hordes are from 5 to 1 years old, sound and good workers. If you want good Virginia horses don t miss this op portunity, as they will sell cheap. Everything guaranteed. ; ; John W. Jjittlepaox. ., Ed. Thomason, Auctioneer. ,-.iv:.i nov2 lm , To lb Tax Pavnof Wak Coanty ' I nrge and insist that I must col tect the taxes, and that each tax payer must come forward and settle at once. It is important that I should close up my tax account for the year 1896, and hence make this urgent appeal, xo aii wno come lorwara and settle before December 1st, 1896, I shall charge no cost: but after that I shall charge cost as al lowed by law. This is positively the only notice I shall send out M. W. Paok, Sheriff of Wake County. - nol3 ow 3w For Ovar Flfty Tnara Hbb. WomoWi Booraoro Stbot bm beta naed for oyer Bfty yean by mlllkm ot wuXben tor their ahlldrea wbll teethlnr. wttb perfect oaeeM. It aooUMt the ehUd wheni the rmu. atlayB an pais rare wind eollo, and It the beat remedy for DtarrhflM. It will relieve tb poor little sufferer Immediately. Sold by Dronrlsta l errnty part of the world. Twenty-Are eeuta a bottle. Be tan to aik for "Mn WineloWi Sootbios Syrup." and take no eaaec kind. f COJaPlSATIOMS. , . Life is full of them. Light-succeeds darkness, sunshine follows storms sndjoy treads fast upon the leaden heels of sorrow.' There is no occupation without its disadvantages and its compensating benefits; no condition of circumstances so bad' without an admixture of some good. Just now provbions begin to rise, but, thanks to nature's law, dry goods godown. ' ' r ,( ' .- - r ive Daies Aiamance inaias ac Three bales heavy 4-4 Brown Sheeting at. . One bale 4-4 Bleached Shirtings... . FeatherlCollarettes." (; S Our New York feather house mistook our order for Feather Collar ettes and sent us double the quantity ordered, and in order to create lit tle breeze in feather goods we offer for Monday 30 dozen Feather Collar ettes ranging from 15 to 18 inches long at 15c each. , , - Tb J Greatest Ilillipsry Sals cf tli3 S::s:i - To be frank With you, we have overstocked ourselves on Felt Walk ing Hats and in order to turn these goods into ready cash we have placed upon our bargain tables a big lot of English Satin Crown "Walling ll's ia assorted colors; also a lot of French Felt Walking Hats worth from Its to flat2.. Euchc" 'rings can never Hit i t.f D..C:,,r6 & IV- -r;.-n 1 uve t $ , y d..ivlvel co-t ' ' : r ship ty i. .ual consent Ail bills and deUs Cue the old firm will be siJ to the i! w firm of McClure & ales. 1- CLUBS & lXTEESON. No 'EiperUM , Stoves needed with and Range. Buok'a Now Girls!, We will rive the BUCK'S JUNIOR NICKLED RANGE' to the girl under 14 year old who will collect and bring to our office the greatest number of advertisement!, each with , "DUGT8" Trade Mark out from newspapers from October 15th to Deoember 2Stn, 1896. Each oolleo Uon must be tied in paokage with num ber and name thereon. Thos: H. Briggs & Sons RALEIGH, n. a . ' ; SOLE AGENTS Buck's Great lite Enamel Line. 'S -ALL TUB Hot Drinks Served at our Fountain i TO-DAY. s ' . ,1 If you are chilled by the cold then come in and make your self comfortably warm by taking a drink (!) of "Hot Soda." Yours very truly, hm Minion & Co.. L 133 Fayetteville St, Raleigh. Vhaf'sinatknio? It Depends As to the rose or violet, nothing, But take our name . v. ii. ki::q & co., Now, there's c great deal in that For instance: In prescriptionsitmeansPURlTT and FRESHNESS of Drugs, Care and exactness in compounding, Fair ness and moderation In price. Whether yon want medicine, or soda water,, cigars or Soap, Candies or chewing gum, we serve you with honesty, courtesy, and dispatch. One good name meansevery thing to you, it means entire satisfaetion-o us success. Yes, There's Lots In a lame. .. t-.,- w t . ,i , . .4jc ;'.:' :. . i .4c sr'Mn be possible. E Ex col anything you ever law la candy thin and cr' ;. Lemon, choooj late, lime and vau;..i and only 2oaJb. . . . . . it?&. RLp?an'f is the place to get the best and cheapest Toys, t . - " , r : Biiran'a line of Pictures is fine and beautiful and selling at one-half regu lar price. Select what yon want while the line ia complete. , Riggan's is the place to set new Nuts, Current, Citron, Figs, Bauini, Grapes and Apples cheapest .... . ' v . ; .-v '. ' ' ii Riggan's Candy excels them all in price and quality. , Rlgran's Crockery, GUiaware, Lamps, Coal Bode and - Shovels, Vases and Brio-e-Brae are best goods at the cheapest price; also Paper Tab lets and Baskets. In fact Riggan's Toy Store is the nlaoa lomttha heat roods at the most popular prioea. , . , . 132 FAYETTE VHXE .-. STREET. ' The "Bow-Wow? Toe, "Buasis Csif Bops SwltohVCaU A Lined Ball at $4 art still baring a great run; " n; . fAroLM nd ToeCalf Bala are UeUTa TgreatselUersatoaly$3 00 pair. Gen 'to' broad plain toe congress gaiters and lace shoes at 12 00, wear like iron. rt . : ' Call and sea the New Styles as well as the great bar- llELLEPS SIICS STons,; Established in 1876. A. B. 'STRONACH. PLEASE la taa past Flra Wmes a draat Many Castaaaars on aaaeaat sf tha Pnss of aalaaat aave soae oat of Oar hoaa wltkoat balmf waited ea. Wa kava eaaalevsd aodltloaal feras enosga, wa thlak, ' ; ...'iji- i to Uve SrerjroM Attratioa. HIGH GLASS GOODS - hi four Money Back UdltV tsi Tt:::!J. Best values In the city, new plush eapes. Regular and extra lengths, plain, jetted, applivued, fur, ribbon and other fashionable garnitures, all with satin or fancy .taffeta silk linings: ,,, . $B.OO to.oo i 11. oo 1S.BO IS OO Wertk JS.50 a so is,ao ia.00 is.oo aue G!:lh C:;:s. Durable capes, velvet oollar, braid trimmed .... 300 Single cape, military braid trim med v. .....;.;.. ..woo Very handsome cloth cape, cloth and braid trimming, velvet collar. worth sio uu, at. . ... . w Braid and Jet, trimmed in same, worth $10 00 at 8 50 Elegant Astrachan cape, "Velvet trimmed, worth $11 00, at . . .. 9 00 Verv handsome cloth cape, jacket back, worth $15 00, at.. .12 50 Same, trimmed with braid and tultius, worth 15 00, at .... 12 60 The above will only give an idea as to quantities and assortments, which comprise every style mat ts fashionable in a large variety of the best fabrics, and your money back If you are not satisfied. And vour money back if you are not satisfied. e; "Wcccll better in tho t " -TO .11 Pfivr.fffvill.' rd:i:i St:ti:::ij C). i 1 w sp- . . Phone 142 - -FULL LINE Fine Stationery! Office and' School Supplies Lc:i:r- bLcn Fri:::. o2-n kto..wi Liuoi) The Leaders in Shoes, Call Attention to Tbeir Hew and Gobplete Stock of Gents . -Ml Footwear. READ: J.'S.J ; t, ..... js.ia.ii-. . , AT POPULAR PRICES If You Are Not Satisfied. ' Cr::j C::ds. Plaids are very fashionable, of these we show complete assort ments of Scotch and French effect. including the very desirable dark blue and green i which are scarce and almost impossible to find, v :,:.. 4ach all Wool 48e , ' o - . eoo - S -t AO- -Bilk Strtna 1 OO ;f;;':;: no and wnoi too ;:i'i Th3 tck Hess Costume cloths for street ' and travel, 54 inches wide. 99c Tailor cloths 54 inches, all new shades. .'..,...,.:.,. . .. .... 49c , Fine broadcloths for toilor cos tumes, 54 Inches wide 79c btorm coating and burah berces. all wears and freights 44-inch to 64- inch ...39o to 9c i in r I it Baven't spaee for argument. - You knew our Kid Glove policy, llere are four special lots for you to buy; not many oi eacn; us a quiCK sale, wno rts firt pick? Clii7 Patent thumb glove in white and colors. , . 75e Clure Patent thumb cloves broad stitching, gold buttons. , tl 25 Clearing out sale of line black -kid gioves, were II 00 75e Claune ratnt thumb gloves, eve ning shades .................. $100 And your monev back if you are not satisfied . tt-ti-3 t -. J A . s. j .4 If - - - - TLe largest department we have, is the shoe department and it is just- ly popular, as we give you the bist shoe possible to buy for the prices. Children's shoes 2$ 60, 60, 5, 3, VU1HI1 V LI i3 DUCa W VVj Uli 1 75, fc5, 80, tl, 1 15, 1 85, 1 35, 1 60, "We have a large assortment of , lu..'. nil c! .1 tM 1 OT, , and 150. We pay particular atten-t ' -tlAU-J J tion to the quality of our ladies' 1 25 10-4 all wool white blankets . . . 3 C3 160 and 200 Bhoes., Crosset's 3 00,11- j" " " " ....4 24 shoesformen; v ( 12-4 " ....4B3 . . We do a large merchant-tailoring business, will make you a suit or pair of pants at a reasonable price andguaranteeour work in every respect. 18o ribbed waistat" ' ,,...121o 37o bleached " 25c 68o " , " , 60o Children's union suits ., ..25o Misses' " 4 .60c ; We sell these fast black hose at 15 and 25c a pair. All sizes. - ' V-i. - , Gapes, cloaks, jackets, children's - reefers, ladies suits, wrappers and 4 skirts in " great variety, as to price and quality. Our terms v; ; are cash. One price to all. ' , - See our 5c and X0e counters. Agents for the sale' WOOLLCOTT & SON, ,; 14 East Martin Street. A- Plain Fact SWWwnffrfrffWWWWWWWwwww A Windows index the character of a business. We make no apology ft. ours. The offerings abound in good taste. The Coats and Capes at pi ioe Incomparable, Blankets. Comforts nrd Quilts are popular sellers because of weir um values. ' v .-. School Caps and Tom O'Slioiiterfl f: 1 Ten dozen just received by express, medallion, gilt and silver braided Broadcloth Caps, stylish, coquettish and becoming at about .one half the' usual retail price.-J;:: .,k . , c Alpifieslaiiti In black, mode, pecan and nutria, Gloves and 3Htteks. Bought direct from the factory.1 Greachen's "Best in' the World" Gloves. Leather, buckskin, dogskin, dress kid, mocha, bone-knit, wool . . and Cloth Gloves, lined and unlined, for driving, dress and display. j;, ;;iU C?-. Moinrmen'n Mitttino ami s wnnl.linAt) Rfmrola J'' , . -OpeWlUl Mitts, price 1 00.- . . x THaiiksglviiiirSale--i tl 25; from now until November 26th only 750. : - . , . tr fllpilS ; J- : ' ' Attention is paid to every detail in our shoe departments and thtf " stock is thoroughly equipped with dependable footwear, fine, medium and A ir course stylish, strong and durable. ' ''""', . from trie nrst day we went into business, live years ago, we adopt : ed and have since maintained and forever will keep In force - ' ( ' ' . Our Iron-Clad Guarantee, " '-: ' "Purchase money refunded to all dissatisfied buyers." ' ',' ' , -.. Jieep your eyes on our winaows. successors to C.A.Sh tn . w Z j & Co. on n i, W. mJ DLk3 V- SMl fea 3 .- We ClC zZs C:r;;rTL-n Any Other licus! RICH DREGS GCODD. Georcre Elliot ears that thcrc h a'bitis- faction in 'the? cnr pinn sn rr.a fif h?r' r-ll drcc:cd which rcliicn ever deep that eathfaction may I?, tho rarr.i pf attaining it are hero in falk:t mc i:aiv, and every Avcnian who wants to la GTOE cho is riI;t in tho matter cf drees will, whatever clro iho sec-, i::a!;o it a r.oint to ceo Tcrl : r'n COAT O. T I ... " This new in? cpon in : c:Ler being firm open t.or. r r.n i . : r.ent of Cout cf ' ail, in e. If f'-- ' c '.-ri . -brown, r . ' a tt f 1 60 per varj. Lvcry p ir-co of IG t c f T ' '. '; t i e direct i n, f l vh'a? ij( : notbe r ;' . 1. . i ;..;L : . . ;t m ly n . ot like to bon bi t wi'l s-.y tl t ve have the bo t p - .1 stock of millinery i i 1 u. jL 11 e'lntion is c. , 1 to ( r cap department for children, ail tl.e oevr bbapes in tans on nana now and prices very low. f '' t v r::n'cC::v:. Genuine castor buckskin . . .1 19 Heavy domestic ktd gloves .. . . 83o , London tanned dogskin glove.. 87c v ; . Wool lined Kangaroo ""...TSo '-- , , heavy goatskin.. ... .1 00 All bargains. Also full lines of - -i cloth, wool, kid and leather gloves from 25c to 1 00 a pair. , , 3 SHIRTWAIST ITEMS,- - - - . . All wool flannel, In red, blue ahd p black, new style sleeve waist ..1 00 f ' : Scotch plaid waist 95o Handsome wool Henrietta waists ' . ' lined, full sleeve, ripple cuff, ele--- - gant fitting waists. . .... , . 1 48 N ? 5 1 ; -r' Many bargains on them. ' of Butterick Patterns: . Plainly Crush His)p regular (1.60 swell hats foi only II; -a- V j U I cannot rrivc." llo-.7- f.'ihrin piiup k In tvn m-i.-o. nwal n snd solid in "Ar" :r"i c ' ; . 'r ; 1 . ! ' ' ft . c A.f Stale V'.I, As Mi 'mil 1 -K -. i.::::;y 1 . -f: i J v. aA KJ W J

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