() do KALEIGH, N. C., IIONDAY LviJNG, NOYEMBER 16, 1896. '4' 53.C0 PES YE AH. :tl;r ,": ' ' 3 a I Liin Let ter t3l 1 i Butler Sara Pritchard ilaa Changed Ilia Vlawa and That Ba ifow Belong- to ' - ,. tha :ievelnd-Sharman. , " CariUla Contingent. The Progressive Farmer of this weex, which will appear tomorrow, will contain the following very in teresting letter from Senator Marion Cutler::.- -V V I'l Elliott, N, 0.; Nov14, 1896A '"' Editor PEoansssivx- Fabmeb ' "I enclose "you" copy of a letter 1 lave writ' n Senator Pritchard to day In answer to one .just ..received from hlm.,u t;; hi'!Ki-.;M',Jii r.,: ; y Yours' truly; vHM'-;- ' - Elliott, N. 0.,. 14, 1896. 'If HoilI. C. litehard, Marshall, N. Ci Dui ' Sat? .Yus J'oi7ovPBth'i asking whether .cm not I favored your electron to 'the Senate received. Whb shall be Senator Is a patter to be determined by a majority of the members of the nextlegislature, but If I were a member ! that body I would not:ote 'for'; aay " mWfor Senator who' favored , the gol$ stan dard, or whose position on the flnan cUl question (so vital to the welfare of nr pebple)'as "uncertain "or qulvocalMnff 4r) "fhen j joh f( were veleptedio the Senate two years ago yon were as cntspo'ken as strong for the free and Unlimited cploage of sliver 'at the ratio of ln tolaa anr. one else,lTou condemned the gold standard as one of the greatest curses to 'out poeple and our country, v ; ct, ider"ned Cleveland's' fln- , policy and especially Carl vTolicy-. In re deeming Treasu. y t"es in. .;! i alone. , But today ; fcenator John. , Sherman,! the . ech Jeader of the ; British gold' tp-, t. : Vthat iLeir hope ' " " ha Kt U, S. Senate L i t 3 doi v -'i.upo . . their u - . .alfcilackf bad North C It "launder-" stood their they . want ,to elect Carf " lisle from Kentucky "and elect you from Nortfc .Carolina. t,"Therefote I , take it that you'areflolor foi' the j free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1, but if you are - then Sehermunrand Mark Hanna must be de'ceived asf ' 'to Jo? 'poef tion, II Offti RMS sides f yoJhave been toor- "Besldei rectly reported, by the newspapers, you have In some of your speeches . admitted that, -you have radically changed your views on the financial question, which question is at all limes the most .'important and vital tone in this or any other government, and which is' especially, aw ytrt this time In the United States: tAg&in, you had published in the Winston Republican a few, months agoa state ment of yoa'ft reWCebange on, the taoney question. That article, which - the editor said lie was authorized to -' "publish, and which .you bve never ysorrected. stated that you , would Vote for free coinage until .March ' 4th, next, because you. were pledged to do so, but that after then you Would be a 'sound money' man. "Thus it seems clear that you We decided to deserthe people In "this great struggle against, the money power, and have gone over to the side of the money changers, Vho bleed and oppress the people. "There is no longer any half way ;' vljr.irj ground in tlis con . t. Tvery man in Congress will se to vote for the free coinage of s Iver and more full 'legal tender 3 r y for the people, or he will vote V :.t r.e cankers, bonanoiaersapec X,'. ' : 3 and gold camblers who live 1 gvo rlvh by making money ' rcr as 1 scarcer. If this is your " :'on, then to nicmbcr of tie fcg are, who is not himself a gold- , can vote to f 1 yu - to the ' j. Yon cerl .!-!y caunot ex t te ve'e of any Tcpulist, neither v i you t . t tLe voieof any silver f. r when your .State : v?n.t'"'i I .'.1 a resolution ap- ' T 1 r cour 3, you had not i notice- that you had ly-"r views y i 1 1 s a right to cLangs ; '". j i..:ucy question or r " i v 1 - -"ver he has t f r d Atj o but , , ' 1 - ' if t position on the most vital issue be fore the country today and now hold ing new views in conformity with those of Sherman and Mark Hanna," you would not represent the senti ments and interests of the people of North Carolina in the United States Senate any more than did Senator hansom after he e hanged - his views on the money .question to Conform with the views of Cleveland and Car lisle, Si j , C " i :3S'i - One vote may . determine the posi tion of the next United States Senate on the moneys "question. In- fact, if you are elected, or any man holding the new and foreign views yon have adopted, it will almost surely give the bankers, bondholders and gold trust one majority in )that body, and complete control of every branch of the government, and this is proba bly the reason why that class of men are no showing so much interest and anxiety about your election. It is absolutely necessary for the peopU to hold the United States Sen ate, in. order to check, the further . ..- ' i it ! , ' . ' i scnemes m ine monopoisw ana con tractionisWrTo do this itlsneces; aary1 fori' North Carolina to aencl a free coinage and anti-monopoly man to the Senate.- , Therefore,. favor the election of a man .who holds the same views on the financial question that you held before you changed-. " VVP' V V Marion bSw ii" BOTH HELD DEEDS. - '1 T Saaboant Won; Caaa For Rint of ,Ht? . 4 yemy ia Apax'.-',-'. ,;.,.';.) ,'! Mr'. 8.: B. Sturgeon' has " been 6c-. eupying a strip of land adjolningthe Seaboard's railroad track In Apex. For several years Mr Sturgeon has lived on ;' the property unmolested. Some. months ago r the Seaboard officials decided that they needed a well- at the particular epot which Mrr Sturgeon claimed s his own.' But Mr, Sturgeon gave the employees of the. road who. went to dig the well to understand that they were not wanted about the premises. V The railroad entered suit for pos session of the property - The case 0ani&np in court last week, and two deeds to the property were displayed lu caurt.: t Mr Sturgeon. exhibited a l Dy.'wttcn be baa' come into possession of the property in return for moneyed considerations.' The railroads also held a deed. They produced their charter which gives to them the) tight of way for 100 feet on either side of their roadbed. And there is wnere Mr, Sturgeon lost bis The jury decided that the pro pert i rigbtiutljr : belonged "to thl i . "-I a in ii i ii ,i I. I,- ti, ... i i,i ;Port;tynt tntpraablo IoltV i'l j Bv Cable to the Press-Visitor, : ; Victoria, B. C.,Nov; 16.Havlng made the '.Victoria and the Esani- mault hatfRiBipregnable; the Britfsb war ofBcera are now taking another step toward making', the Esquimault one df; the strongest atratqgio pqlatf in theillmplreNot only tha but it is intended to fortify every "impregnable; point along the line of the Canadian Pacific Railroad. The North 'Atlantic' fleet will be strengthened. " The object of forti fying the railroad is to render co operation between the two seaboards practically certain" !n case of war. When the changes are complete five thousand men will be in service. -' - ' tPloods la tka North Waatv-.v; By Telegraph to the Press-Visitor: t Portland, Ogn.,, Wov. 18,-j-For the past 43 hours the rain has fallen almost Incessantly in the northwest and streams are running the banks full'. In many places they have broken over the banks and flooded the country. The river fcere is fif teen feet above low water, ,ai js rising at the rate of two inches an hour. Railroads and telegraphs are Interrupted. 14V:; A-' v-' Latham, Alexander A Co.'a Estlmata. ' By TelegTaph to the PresSVlBitor.'. j New r York, , Nov. 16.- Latham, Alexander & Co., have issued their estimate on lie cotton crop! for the current year. '" . . " : The average of 2,240 replies from correspondents makes the crop 022,000 bales. Attempted to lllow np a Hotel. . .-, , By Telegraph to the Press-Visitor. " . . Bosrojt, Nov. 16. Atseveo-thirty this morning an attempt was trade to blow up the hotel Iligblatid Kox bury with dyor ;ite. The hotel is a fur s-ry jp-Tf fco.-e. ; The chlmiicy of c tf tli tppv -r tlories was badly wrc. 'ci. 1 1 3 1. : 1 was " ...:.od, but none were i -red. SOME PUBLICATIONS Made ad toBVtadby i pcrunent .The. first annual report of the su- pervising "committee of Iho xperi, mental farpj'afc Southern PJne$ js of greai interest. y wu oe recauea tbat.tue work there is on 'an 'extend ed scale, embracing fruit ndyege table1 crops , and occupying about sixty acres janq eighteen crops on trial with separate iertfliiing ingre dients and combinations Ted first report contains twenty -jwb half tone photographic cute representing fllf- ferent Steps in preparing -the land from thej virgin forest for cultiva tion and the preparations of the seV; era! crops with the different fertill1 zers. juost vaiuaple results are ex pected frbmthis work, which will be of service to horticulturists and fruit' growers in 'almost every" locals Ity Copies of , this report can be had by applying to Dr. H, J3 Bafc, tie, -chairman. Raleigh, N. p Jsut as ii:iV; ii.?Li .: '- prtntedl ihe.copie.caiLonJybesent ro parties specially interested.- : r, ? t The experiment station at Raleigli has recebtly issued several publica tions of marked $ ote rest, all tend lug to immediate1 nSllty ; and' interest of practical farmers. One, ."Poultry Keeping; for Profit,'.' Is very Com plete and the suggestions made likely' .to come beforeSnfouttry keeper ; in actual every day opera tions ate treated in a common sense, but detailed way4;.Thei.bulleUn. is very fully illustrated with cuts and descriptions of ' breeds, chicken houses, j broodersi-:- inoubatoTS , and miscellaneous appliance: '! Another Publication?' just, 4ssued if ( 'Para sites of jrouitry an addendum to the justi jmehtionecC givjngj6utfpf tWelve' parasites most 4 eommonly found. Another publication ' which the station has In pirparation 'lk'en- titledi'Home Vegetable- Garden,-'.' and will alsdtei Of great Vatue As all the other publications of the sta tion the subject will be treated in a comprehensive way.j Jt;i:exWrted; that this work irili berealy"jnJibout: two week;.v:5f f i -.I i j i in- . f nnaral of Mr. omar ,, towl Saturday night at tha residence-of his son, three miles" aba a Mlf froln" Pvaleigh,' Mr. Thomas jrwldied at the advanced age of 84 years' He was-""smoking' Saturday ijn V room alone, when, it ir supposed, a spark feu from bis pipe burning nun oadiy. He' died : shortly, afterwards, a Mr.'l Howie had been aobnsistent member of the'- Methodist phurch "Jot pany; years) and was . highly esteemed pj all who jkttew hlrtThe funeral was held yesterday' afterpopi, 'rpm, the residence' and a large concourse of people attended 'Including;, many from Raleigh... The deepest eympa thy of itbe i ttiny friends of Capt, Thomas' Howie jn the, cijty' are ex, tenAeA to him in hi bflraavBrnent. : i WUll liPrtt' chard aaaaa4 tt-twburdfj-. ojThe movement to reflect PritcbJ ard United States Senator has good footing among the -Popalists; if re ports'! iatrueItsstatelthai Cottncil Wooteni Popni8tmembeI of the last legislature). S making' a tour or tne eastern oounjaes.anter viewlng Populist r members of the legislature as to itehard 'fpi says Frank, Brown, V Populist, iiof Jopes cbunt'is all right for' Pritchi rdr atotf "w, at Salisbury' a day op two. ago and when Wd of SenatorBntler's declaration ' that no gold man could b elected 'Senator, asked if Butler had referred to him by narof. n v Daathof aSoa of Hon. o A, ennaa. News was received "heWtodaybf the deathfof .ustil IFrfipan, lM thirteen yea old son ot Hon. R-.M. Furman, which occurred $t his home in Ashevjlle Saturday evening. The death resulted from a sudden illness and the first news that Mr.' Furman had of ii was on Thursday last 'hen he was igmmoned by graphjif dT j left for Ashe vine that alter neon. .... IT-'Tf 1 f'M'Lf' "t I Mark Darbari' aeaond Trail) Nsw York, Nov. 16. Jbe secop trial of Mark Bar ban, the nr,st woman sentenced to electrocution for the murder of a recreant lover, begun this morning. . jConjiejticui . Ncstine. ' i i : By Telegraph to tha Presa-Visitor, c Norwich, Conn., Nov. JS.--Ths Greenville cotton mills lave, resum ed, employing five hundred men, i A Carpat Company Resume Wortt- J By Telejraph to the Press Visitor. TiiOMPSOWttXE, Conn., Nov. 16. The Hartford Carpet Company r rcc vrel open." n, ' with four hu r 1 r i ( ' ' : T hi Aspect Rcgai'&d fei-War Hi LiKatiWaslii-cglon.t IT h mm ju.'fi!'Yi t!vi .vrf'rj'i' I i l!l TUC CDANICU. ynjvtivkifpr fok t Rtghtd -TJ Cnkatia, jBre f!alnln . ' ' Ground and Driving fha" Spaa'bB '' , Foreea to tha Wall-Li U fl By Telegranh to the Press-laitpr. . - --WASBHtaTOir; D.-CJ, Nov, 36. In spite'of all'denials oil the part of the government officers attempts'on the part of the Sranish, s United States, and English- di plometa . to smooth over the 'diffefreucetfxlsting ' be tween Hbf,Jount'r'"ad.'Spaift jthfl breach' is1 .widening. "In 'the "event 6f.the defelfiof WeyW the'e will o .fill pgredtoV tenaioai TbeSpaaisb peopirattrmtoreTstobbbfn' made by the Cubans solely to the jn terf4ie(2!lt nMricahslli InLUmlr ataceristic pride an5conce,it tejr eJ444i that these inugnar ii'ongs be avenged .by4 their. tfoverument, Stripped half of her jqwer abcoad and with reyoUtidns staring her: in the faceJ war-with the United States seems totbbse bebpli'the only aj ter1 ative unless; by4' .unexpected' move opttnisp arioj uveeu jaf crushing the Cuban patriots." Every report "sbowft that5 the Unbans fcre fast gaining grotind. With an army. f .noii iaom tbanf,ihirty-)9ve thou sand they: are gradually-driving the Spaitish j roHes3 'the TW cw'edauda'embralld SDnisharmv is 'meetfo.'d'eeateV defeat ; j Ja.f. WW V aMa aa m mm m mm . A,CblUp of tK Nagotlattoria andlntar- A!Btiut 'fleveiopinenw Cxpaoted. : it M ' a vv as Qington special of yesxeraay says:'';j Hifcirt-niH'. The following, statement, relating thtf Seaioard Ait-Line,v was given outfthis after ooonTpjr the Mercantile Trust and Deposit Company of Bal timore: 4'fcf tifr ! mf tit r?f -i 4 ciiiA y Mr.- .Thomas'- F.Ryan today ac- cep&d"afidi pajd.the atock oi the Sea1. board 6V,ijonpoke itoilroAa Upmpany covered by General John GilKs bp iia' thwtugb; the feJ.1raii nadv DepptpotiiDyTM and tbre.,: thousand i shares. j;Mr Ryan alJ.'.cdlled fat :the offloe'of the conipanji t6 close the Hoffman pooled stock dptionwhich' Expires, today, but the committee was not ready to aellye'he stoefcii .fij'fm Thomas FiRynp: of NewYbrk wh'o.Is'at the Arlington tonight, con firmed! the statement issued this afternoon by ,'lheranflleffrust ari.tieposit Company f oi aftimoe that the pooled stock of theSeaboard & Roahoke railroad, controlling the Seab.oar Air; tlner held by th Hoffj man inters4 ijptbeendevergq to. Mm under the forty days contract, and. that no information aouldjbe eb- tained 'ooncerning the amounts of stock , t eld until the expiration of the option by the pool, , Mr, ,Ryan also cohfirmed the, further statement. that he - nad -accepted and paid for the Seaboard stock,1 covered by General GiU 'a option, which is between 2,000 and 3,000 shares.. K '; .i: f. Th" failurerOf,the;Hbffma4ol p transfer the stock pooled under the Hoffman; option, has seirOonsld abbj'surpe.:)! JnaijoiaJ iplrcWsand is constf ned to meab:that there is" a very bitter flght abend; for $6 con trol of the Seaboard Air Line, whish may Involve ajre openlngoi the rate trouWs among WeutherD'jRnesr No explanatlonij couta i pa ascer tained of tbeHineipetted turn of af fairs and Mf.Rya wUhdrew, ac companied tbft hisijatyerElihu Root, pf New York.; tfM?k i;,The effect, it is, said, ot this latest phase' in the situation la that the contfM t the pf opeiy jvjrjrenal in the bands oi ineuonman interests . In certain cirolea the belief pre vails Tihat . dutirde interests tich ieeWnkp' contrbj the Irdperty. are responsible for tne seeming oollapse in the negotiations, i , ; i. i -: - " Attention! Centra Lodna, H. of P. - ' -, , .: 4 The Tcmhrr', meeting ti. 'Centre LoJe, NoJ 8, Ilnights ( Tythias, will be held tonight at 8 o'clock. All members are urgency recuesteto be present, as business pf much 1m- rx)rtnoce'iwUL, b ; traosneted.- TAH visiting brethren will meet with a cordial weJoomW ' I J f ! H O ! - Ti. C. Rivers. C c. W. W. Wdlsos. K. of R. and ' The Mondar Evening club will ' H. ill i meet this eve .ug at 8 o'clock at t! residence of Lr. II. B. Battle, TAKE NO tTOCK IN ITTrominent silver men declared that f - ' a".? '7"f the ! silver, majority , in the Senate Xht A War Soar rUldW I .. . . .. " . . -.-. .. i ' rVaahlMton.' .Lv' Rnnnlal In thn Prflda-Vlfiitop WAsiNfiTON, Nov." 16,--Tbi fare lots ct people in Washington . who takt'bo'Stock in the alleged Informal tion receited by the administration that Spain has decided,, if it fails to lick the- Cuban insurgents within the nexfyfew weeks, to try to Jick Uncle Sara. "-Among them is a naval officer' who has had opportunities to kfow?,- the Spaniards, thoroughly. Discussing the matter,' he said to a fClaVUBill (OlIUi1 MUUHnUJ IB VllUn, inir the administration bv srlvinir it false information, and my impression' is that ft is being "dones to prevent Cleveland and Olney iollowing- Fits Lee's advice and doing something that might help the Cubans. .The present race of Spaniards are as' ar rant cowards ,aa can be found any where on! earth! and if the United States should demand it, they would rather go down upon their knees in supplfcation, than to attempi te fight us. Spain is a poor country and was growing Wor all the time, even be fore thej drafrrwich' has resulted irorq il ttiwjuipm . w put, uowo theuban' lrevbjution Warf started,; It has a fcir. good fighting ships, but it needs them all and its ruler do not fee where any inore are to come from L therefore they have not the remote8i ; Idefi ;Mther f of seeking dtKot accepting liWa?,.? if Jt ; were thrust": upon them by a country which tbey' know has a Navy that would either sink or capture every Spanish waf ship within sixty days of ppenipgiy, hostilities 't haven 't I the slightest hesitation in saying that if 'Preisident Cleveland Were to recognize the independence 6f Cuba; tonjorrow, the Spaniards would not dare to -resent it, outside of $helr home newspapers." While most pebplej agree with this officer Inbelieving that the administration Is acting1 upon false information, its action s.in maki ng preparations to fight, if It becomes necessary r! is generally cbnameadedi andtheeom mendatiowbuid bf fttilfWrtiej? When everything is ready to tight, use should be "made of the prepara tions" b- forcing a cessation of. the war in J Cuba,- which Is making a desert out of the most fertile island in the world aiid ii losing tooitlzens of the United' States more than tlOO,- 000,000 a year , in. profitable com merce. ' .. : .- ' '. ' V V,Gen Wm. Birney, the veteran re publican who,.came out, for Bryan and free silver- during ' the recent campaign, (: tells a story about a Maryland Methodist who replied at a public imeetlng to an argumentput forth against, the use of silver by a Methodist bishop, because it had been forever "desecrated'' bv the use", of thirty pieces of it jto bribe Judas Iscariot. According to Gen. Birney the Methodist gentleman spokf las followst i-'Brethera, the bishop la wrong A He ias .tot ex amined his bible. jChrlet used silver coin. Not only? used it, but Banc-' tioned its use bjfothri lis the 17th chapter, of Jla6hewf when the tax gatherer, demanded, this tax, Christ directed . Peter-; to go to the sea, cast In a book and take the fish that first comes tip; ' tjhat he would find silver coin in the fish's mouth; 'that take and giye unto them for Iti vand ', theeJ'i'New.ioretBre'a.he Could 4u$ti.a i,ha'ha4 Pete'f pjuVout a jgoi (bwiiSi'gojeojii In his mouth a silver fjsh fith sllvei coin Wita rtrttu- but he wanted tdgive the example to hia followers for all time to use ailver.-" It U perfotly well nderstobf in Washington.. thai there t are ; three members of President Cleveland's cabinet-Carlisle Herbert and, Wil-1 sbn-twhora' hlri detelana would like to see irpid fojr before b e tires from ojEce.'They are all poor and thej are disposed from, educa tion nd experienee to ba better sat Isfied in publWthan'.i.n'pfl'vate life'. Mf.J(eveland hopes that republican squabbles in Kentucky will result in sendlpg Mfv CarjiBle.haQk to the Senate from whioh he stepped to en tering the. cabibet,; and although Mr. Carlisle has said that he would prefer returning to private' life and the practice of law at his home, there isn 't the slightest doubt that be. would willingly accept the Senator ship or fajjid,jr that, and probably in preference to that, seat on the bench of the United States Supreme Court. It is pret) generally be Meved that Secretary Herbert will shortly resign and be appointed tea coming vacancy In the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, and that Mr. Wilson will be given some sort of a j - ical appointment later. When , these things were first talked about. would refuse to confirm the nomina tion of any member of Mr. Clee land s Cabinet to any position, but that i Was - during the excitement of the " campaign. It is quite certain that, either , Senator Morgan or Senator Pugh of his state, would ob ject to Secretary Hebert, and they would probably be glad to see him provided for. Mr. - Wllsdil Is per sonally popular is ; the Senate, as well as everywhere else, and even Mr. Carlisle has staunch personal friends among the silver Senators who would be more likely to help him! than to fight him. T Cfaryaanthamaoi Snow. y The ladies m charge of the chry santhemum show wish to return many thanks to Mr,' W. B. Grimes for the free use of the rooms. Also to Mr.Charles Johnson, superinten dent of the Electric Light Company, for the 'lights, : and to Mr. Alex. McPheeters, Jr., for the water sup ply, and to all the ladies outside of the Ring's Daughters for their vali uable assistance and donations. It Is -requested5 that ariy articles sent away from the rooms, such as buck ets, dishes, etol, be deposited at the store otj Vf.'Mi Hughes on Fnyette- vuie street, so that proper owners can get them. The lady who lost a tan kid glove can get it by applying to the same plaoe. : TODAY'S MARKETS, : . '.$ ' ',1 Niw York, Nov. 16. '' Market quotations furnished by E, Ev'Cuthbert & Co.,' Bankers and Brokers,' 30 Broad i street, New York. : 1 V1 , By Private Wire. 1 MONTHS, rao EST. EBT. inq -.;; ". January, 7' 70 7 70 7 61 7 3- February. 7 72 7 73 7 66 7 72- March,, 7 78 7 81 7 74 7 78--" April, 7 85 7 85 7 83 7 84- May, 7 83 7 89 7 83 7 89- June, " T96 7 861 '7 80 7 92- ' July, 7 98 . 7 98 7 94 7 96- ... August, ' Sept'mb'r, .. . i .... v. . . .i October, - '. "... Novemb'r, . . . . .... ...... , December, 7 63 7 63 7 50 7 w York stoek Markat. v - The fallowing Were the closing quotations on the New York Stock Exchange today: , ', V.i'f 4 '1181 -76 811 '771 33f 61 9bt , 71 7t m m Amerioan Tobaooo , Burlington and Quincy . Chicago Gas.,... ........ Des. and Cat- Feed General Electric....... :. Louisville and Nashville. Manhattan. ....... .. . . ; Bock Island Southern Preferred-. ...... StPaur .. Tennessee Coal uid Iron Western Union V Chlaago Grai S4 Pawvialoa Market. Thefqllowing were the olosingquo- tatlona on the Chicago Grain and Pro vision market today i 1 1 L - ' Wbea-Deoember, 78ij .'Mav,.82i. Corn Deoember , 25; May , 281 v i-Oat-Deoeinb8rl9;i May 22i. f " Porkl-Deoeinber)6.7oj J anuary 7.7S. . Lard Deoember, 8.90; January. 10. Clear ' Rib Sides Dei 3.78; Jan uary 3.85.' ' - -' ; ',. ', Uvfrpool Cotton Market, Novemb8rv..v;is.i..,...,,,.As., 4.21. No vember-DeoeBibei-. ......... 4.17-18. Deoember-Jauuary ... ...... . 4.1M. Jauary-Feerttary ... t..l4'b February-March ...,.),,;t(., 413 a. March-April... 4.121b. AprU-Maw, 4 ...... I. . . . 4jt3 b. f Closed stoadlvf ---v. - "V-ff ANNAMAYACCEPT,t Opinion la Clarelani That Oa 'Will Aa U'. pt taa Traaaarj PottfoUOA. " ii - By Telegraph to thePress-.Vtahor. I CtxvKLAND, Nov. 16. The opinion is gaining ground that Hanna may accept the treasury portfolla It Is said today that he might not refuse tie portfolio, io ease it is tendered aim! 'y-tf' A--. Ptra ra Grand Cantral Depot. By Teiegraph to the Press-Visitor. ' Niw Yoek, Nov. I6.r-A fire origi nated ln the main packing room of the Grand Central depot today. Many packages of unknown, value were Je stroyed. ' Part of the elevated rail Way; platform was consume d..f For the time it appeared that a portion of the depot would go, ; t - t ' $'!? -'" L'V- . Mr, Ashley Home; , of . Clayton, was in the city today, , v ' There was a rush at King's drug store this morning for seats for the "Star Course" attraction on. the night of the 20th inst. The box sheet was opened at 9 o'clock and many people were' present as early as 8 o'clock., : .- ? Minor Matters i Manipulated VV'for the Many. ;, AROUND THE CITY. A t Ponrri of tha Maws Matarad oaPa par Polataand Paopla Parthmtly Plekad and Pithllj Put la There are 14 inchesofanowpn Roan mountain in this State. ' " '' Theieare now 165 convicts in the penitentiary. The chief work has been prick-making this year' ' . ' There are now 270 students at Shaw university, colored; . Several are from foreign countries. W The next session of North Caro lina Annual conference pf theMetho--dist Church, South., convenes at : Kinston, December 9th. , The white - Baptists in this state east , of the Blue HIdire. have tfci year built eighteen churches and are 'v building twenty-two others.'- ',- The Charlotte News declares that "Butler needs somebody to do odd - V' jobs around the bouse in Washing-' ' ton. Otho Wilson may be elected to ' the Senate.", , , , Congressman Thos.SettlesuOceed ' v ' ' ed in gettingthe entire vote of Madi son precinct thrown out. on the - charge of stuffed ballot boxes. Madi- son gave the' Democrats a good ma-"" . ' jority. ' ' -j - Stewart Brothers, the state print-' r ers, are securing a complete plaai ' ' for an office at Raleigh, in addition - to the one they , have here. - They . will do all, or nearly all , the. state ,- printing in Raleigh while the Wis- ; i lot,,--. t .', . - - iuuuiq la IU BCHB1U&, - - . i.' The railway commissioa bag re- ' - ceived the quarterly report of the- ' , Southern railway, showing theearn-f 4 ' Ingaol all its lines in North Curo- ' ' una. The increase in earnings as , ', compared with the same quarter U 0; 'i- 18H0 u $164,000. . , , , J Thomas Ransom, ' Esq., a son of Minister Hansom, died at his home in Northampton county early Satur ' day, morning of pneumonia. X He was- "V hard working young1 lawyer, a ' graduate of the University, and waa located at Jackson, Minister Banr J V som arrived today to attend the fu neral. ---'. Pr 'Q. H. Shenav of GaJestmrg, Ills., Universalist Missionary of the K United States, will creach at ta r Academy of Music Wednesday night, ' ' November 18th, at 8 o 'dock. I Sub ject : "What will become of wicked people dying in. sin." 'Pu-blic ! vited. '' , t' VT There has been for years mncs doubt as to the power of magistrates to imprison ia bastardy cases lor a - longer period than thirty days. The . supreme court, in a decision ren-.. dered last week, says that the im prisonment can- be for a term long enough to cover the allowance, fine -and costs. In this county, where the rate is $6 a month imprisonment could last a year. The holiday season is ooeoisg oo . and you will be interested in watch ing Mr. Riggan's advertisements from day today. His store is the place to got the most attractive and up-to-date things at ' the , lowest, prices... Has indestructibledolls are the most wonderful ever seen here. ' They may be thrown upon the floor witk great force without breaking '' or injuring them in anyway.- ' '' : The best suppers that travel-' worn passengers ever , ait dows te at any railroad eating house ax.. served every Bight by the Messrs, Ward Bros., at their, popular hotel at Burlington, They always aav- the latest delicacies ' and their snp ' pers are always looked forward to as a pleasant break in. tbo journey by passengers who have ever beem iy.,, iyre before, ; ; y s Manager Morton of the,MeAdeo--u bouse of Greensboro, who has for : so long and so pleasantly been iden- j tided with the hotel business wilt open a hostelry of his own in the Y. M, C A. building at Greensboro on . the first of December. It has bees - , announced in some of the sewspa ' .. pers that Mr. Mortou would take , charge of the Y. M.C A.; at Greens- ' " . boro and he desires the impression corrected. We beg to assure the . public that those of Mr. Morton's Mends who know him well have not been misled in the slightest doree ! by any such announcement. 'iV 1 t

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