. ;. . . i. j i . . una v.'c .., .!., corner yr and Manager. ' N. SlcKAHT, Sollottlnj Agent. Prices. juth . 3.00 1.80 f Lutored as Second Class Mall Matter J T!.3 LeaJer in the News and in Circulation., , TELEPHONE No, 168. Monday, , ,W:-T Now. 16, 1896 Nearly half of the 499 speeches which Mr. Bryan Jiade In the last campaign "were delivered in eighty fivecprinclpal titles' and towns of New York', New Jersey, "Massachu setts, Connecticut, Ohio, . Indiana, Illinois, 'Visconsin, Iowa Kentucky, Maryland and ..Pennsylvania. A complete (list , of ? these , eighty-five towns has Jbeea - published in the New York.World. -, Mr.' Bryan de- . livered a greater' number of speeches in Chicago than in any other chy, and he drew' the largest' crowds there, but the vote shows a plurality of 66,543 against i. him. : His next largest crowds' were drawn in New York City, where the majority was. about 21,000' against him, a demo cratic loss of Sff, 000 votes over four years ago. His. largest crowds in New York state assembled in Albany, Buffalo ancT Rochester. 'kMor$ than 20,000 peopjeeard him speak in each of these cities,' and all gave v unprecedented, majorities ' against free silver after hearing Mr.' Bryan's arguments. The free-silver leaders republicans, populists and demo crats alt' 'agree": 'that ' Mr Bryan made the ablest presentation of their case that could, possibly have been ' made on the- stump;' that bis cam paign has never feeen equalled as a personal effort and is not likely to be scon again. More than 2j000. : 000 voters were actually in the pres- ence of the candidate, saw him and heard him .speak- between July 10 and Nov. & '-Their enthusiasm was tremendous," but the votes show that . their reason was not convinced by ' his pleading. . ' ' - ' ( On the Aight , of November 17 or - morning of November, lfy according t ' to an article in the New York Herald by M. Fammarion',tne well known : , writer on .astronomical . subjects, shower of, meteors, wilt be seen to emanate ftem the constellation Leo, not far from the star Zeta'A swarm . of meteors numbering billions passes about the sun in a very elongated orbit once ia thirty-three years and C'loa. three months in a direction opposite $ o that of the earth,-. As a meteorie- lust coms toward ns with sneed I '..a ay Con:; any for breach of fa.-c cot tract i.ne claim was r u.le tl.at willett, who was employ - c-1 t:i tLj I'loriudi 'East Coast Kail way, applied to the manager of the Louth Florida Division of the Savan nah, Florida and Western for a post tion as conductor, and was notified to come on. He threw np his situa tion, went to SaDford, and was or dered to go over the line "and familia rize himself with it, which he did. But the company, refused to employ hiuj, Willett ascertained in some way that he had been blacklisted, and after his failure to secure work at Orlando he traveled over the country, endeavoring to obtain a situation at the only kind of work ho was familiar with; but was not suocessfull. Finally he brough this suit, claiming wages for a period of eight months; The case went to the jury and in a brief time a verdict was rendered awarding to Willett the sum of $85 permonthfor a period of eight months. The case probably will be carried up.' ' , " " JVS ;.XJ' ; 'I" ' ' I' 'i' ' '' '' ii. n; . J'':;' . ,V - Bnklaa'a inm Sal. ' The best salve in the .world tor cuts, bruises, .... sores,, ulcers, salt rueum, iever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, ana positively cures piles, or no pay required. . It istruarran- teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per .; for sale by John Y. Mao Bab.' ."s"y;' ')iUt w. t- .;:-.-- -- Nervea Just aa surely come from the u. vt Hood's Bam;, axilla as di U;8 c-;.- cf aero (u la, salt rheum, or other fto-c...uJ blood diseases. Tills is simply because the blood a Sects the condition of all the L ! ' "' bones, muscles and tlaanea, II it is Im- 'lit j . a. nafvoo system as notning do. Thus nervous prostration, h ainaoaa ivstria. neuralgia, heart palpitation, are cured by Lc. you i If not, c rretyour Some 'bcautiiiil blankets, quiltc, A W : Gccrpo Elliot ears that "there is a calis- purs it cannot properly sustain these fVpfJflTl J" fVio ipT1"'5f"f'"n("3 rf lIri' T-rTI parts. If made pure, rich, red and Vital- i"'AUi-1 l.vHuiiJ Ol Lr-i, tLii SttbLM d.ndVh1 dressed which rclmcn cannot rivc.v IIow- evcr deep that satisfaction may be, the means comforts rub of attainkj it aro here in fullest measure, uol- ci.p is right m the matter of drek will, whatever lovs ana coats, else ehe eecs, make it a point to see Tucker's capes, Cloaks, 12 in, In tit a s- ! ri.i a J..3 ;n .,los to a 13 Sarsaparilla ; Becauas It Is the One True Blood PoiuUt. OOCU mj rt;it v aroineoasianereinnsr tlUUU I'll 19 i. am UeaUoa. Dress Goods.yv ' : "OOAT OF MAIL." -This new fabric comes In two wlvs. one be- IflR. t ; In n 1 mhfifi. Ing open,in Mesh, the other being firm and solid in "Armor" effect.-. We I r. . ! . -TL ' r "' ' i Land Sale. - ' Blood to life. ..... It is the mediura which, carries-' to every nerve, muscle, f organ and fibre its nourishment and strength. If the blood is pure, rich and health v you will be well: If impure, disease will soon overtake you. Hood's Sar saparilla has power to keep you. in health bT makinar vour blond rinh and pure. - ' Hood's pills are easy to' take, easy o operate. z Cure indigestion, bit- ousness. Neuralgia is the . Draver of the nerves for pure bloods I Hood's Rar saparilla. is the One Trun Blood Purifier and nerve builder. " , Under and virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Wake county, in a certain civil action, No-. , en titled B.. F. : Montague v J.-W, Ryals, Nancy A. Brltt and Joseph Austin, 1 will on Mondaythe list day of Deoember, 1880, at noon, sell M public auction at the court bouse door in the city of Raleigh, If. C, the raerpt1! Sale of land in Cedar- Fork cuuiu;t ana aajpuung ine xanas ot r f , r -O - . 4J, hJUUAIUl BUM others and boundei as follows: Be- ff-inntnir at a nt.lra in T ittle rsv Qienoe north 4 degrees east 4 chains I OnSatsrday,November21st, 1896, and 22 links to a stake, thence south I at the Court House door In Raleieh. 81 degrees east 14. chains and 44 links I at IX m, - by yirtue of the power east thence and CO links to a stake, thence north the Pfenn mhi IIimim inMfci. fit 1 673, we will sell at oublio outer v grees west with U J. ; Weathers' line I following described lands, situated 48 chains ,to a stake on Juniper J in Wake county and said Township, Branch, thenoa. Anwn thn 'rHnn. 1 tft wit Tirat. tha traM mnnn s courses ojt said .branch to Uttle Creak, said A S Pollard, by John W Hins- "ouo cit w tne begin- dale.commissionerbydeed dated May a;irChiJalnfc 21s. 18H adjoining the lands of miffSlSLST Josepharshall, SKC Marcomand Rrifi EESLtZTjpTn SiIi others: Beginninir at a red oak. W. wife, date) March 15, 1884, Registry of B. Scotts corner, thenoe North 87J t au mmmj , uwi of, page SjUV, ana Mcsiooywoai, .uir-wH;ioBHa naus, known as the homestead of said J. W. I Marshall's corner then North 2 Kyais. Terms cash neat cheek in all the latest color combinations, covered with small cur bright lustre Mohair, forming a stripe, extra value at 1 per, yard ToBsMp."; open Monday an assortment of Coat of Mail, in self plain colors navy, I Jy (J unia, greeu, mwn ad i ou per yaru. x.very piece oi ,uoai or mail is our I , , L, tiX'Mio direct Importation, and when sold cannot be replaced. v'rf . . JyOUr llOrSG 1 CANVAS LANIEUX Monday we open a new line of this popular 1 1 . L "'"' i iaDno in piura, oave, orown, navy, garnet at f l ou per yard. .' v POjlPADOUB MOHAIR is a Mohair and Wool Bourette Novelt not forget we have plenty' of So blankets uf or u.-.n. n.' g. tcjihltg-gd. isba LuWaaa 'Ti . "r. , w "ok1 I given us in a aeea or jnortage, exe- 16 chains and 80 links to a, atakm I u l a unj j TT: A j sontn 8T decivos esst IS euina I -t i ii . !-. - 5n..,. I iu vud uivue w mo neizisusr ui iseeus for Wake bounty, in 1 ok 78 at page f.tne J ARMISTEAD JONES. t f . . Conunlasiorjer, Raleigh, N. C, Not. 13, '86. Try BtsCK-PBUDCHT ta fo. Tw.l. New O'.'V-J --aW-leBaSSSKiiatfM degrees East, 22 poles to a small sourwood; then North 87) degrees West 64 Doles to a stake. Marshall 'a corner; then South 2 degrees West 74 poles to a stump, M. C. Sorrell's line, then South 87 degrees; East 64 poles Jo a stake, then South 2 degrees West 241 poles to pointer S. C. Maroon's corner,- then North I J degrees, East 74 poles to the beginning, containing about ' 127 acres. - Second the tract of about 18 acres adjoining the lands of Lucy Page, Ji Watkins. . J, Q. Adams. and Dennis Borrell and described in a deed from Susan Page Jere Wat- kins and wire to said Pollard dated Nov. lOtfc, 1880. ; TUrd, The Home tract of said Pollard,, on which be formerly) lived adioinimrthe lands of including all the latest shapes, styles J i'wra.j UAaams and others ' land described in deed to him from and toes, nW made in I O W Lynn dated January 1st, 1872 t - ; ' 1 i l-" .ana t registered in Ketrister s office UHW Fin nn.trt.n9ts FnntwfliJ!&M,wunt Book 34 at page --". vii v iutu ivvilbU I ... xerms casn. ' ' ' ' WALTER CLARE, ) ' ' Executors of E. H. Swain. . , Raleigh, N, C, Oct. 20, 1896, ; Shoe i Store. .-,if -r '. h -i '' V.' - ' ' Ji tl I ; We cil! pscial attention to our new ell line of i 1 Ladies' Fihb Shies, As exeeutor of the late J. B. Bob bitt I will offer for sale at the Court House door in Raleigh, at 12 o'clock m. I on Saturday the 5th day of, De cember, 1896, a valuable tract of land about 3 miles east, of Raleigh containing Ninety-four acres, more Or less, adjoining the lands of W. H. Holleman, deceased, J. D. Dodd, J, W. Gross and others it being the tract of land formerly owned by las. e ueiiciDus sguiu 1 w . , -, , . Mnm..i.iv. in.n.. .w. wv nnu yroviouBiv vj 01. a. lot mild cured Johnston county (N Parker, j About 60 acres ofthe tract 0.) Hams. . I - -v,-t?w ' -: are In a good state of cultivationi of Jmeh arrival New (River' Mullets, which a spart is ,well; drained lowt fine, fat Mackerel, new pack Roe Her grounds, Good , tenant house and rings, etc. -.y ' 1 necessary but-hoiisesand a good well i hroee Flour stlirgrowlng In WBteri are m tho premises. 1 P?P"'"5 w f" Terms $360 cash, balance-three VLX$ eqa annual insWlments with in. ; Nice line finest green and black Teas. Another lot of those delicious South' Special blend finest Mocha and Java roasted coffee makes an excellent cup. ' , I handle nothing - but first class goods, therefore orders may be sent with confidence. Lowest prices guar anteed. Respectfully, JaDaTLMGEi, teresi rrom aaieoi saie, ....... r . .-( J , UAL. UOBBITT, . nov6 f Ex. of B. Bobbitt. s c 1 .. 1 m s n w Ci.i 1 i.' ii s 1 ; t ' ! s 1 5 l. ' 'i! R .) W l.l ... . ' i t :. ' po'"s to t ... 1 1 c j di i"ie L-ai.K of Neuse rivt-r; t' -(& up t ; v. .ijus courses (f h 1 rivet l .t ti pVs ti 1'. rs r r; tmnifo vi-i. . l.i.a s ; " . to t .c t iiiuin;', coii.. 1 ,x i. J acres. Al.,i, at tiie p et ijf:J place,- we will sell the personal prop erty set out in l decree, c "nst mgoi ,4 s muie, 4 crs,..a -ds. harness.j farming imp.cnivn ' and '""',' part of ! crops made on stud L.ad.i,:' ' ' Terms cash. -. - . :.. .. x . ARMISTEAD JONES, , - n , T r THosRPuicsfXL,,, ' :.' 1 nottds J ' .Comllilssioner81,lJ::a",, HAW "''"'".' ):' L.ii,-.l -'-v'S'i-Mfwi!'' North Carolina, J IaSuprti-IoitCaurt.oj.i.i.'l Wake county. ,.$ lJoforeDli Y -;,., ain fij' J.iiC. IMareom, administre'-r of,.- , Cherry Penfay, deceased, Vs. Mary' ' lfl '''' Walters prod Henry 1 Walters, Lor ' ' husbandi Mary Allen, Lillie Allen, .(mjJ n::vi Roxie Allen, John 4.11en, Susan Al len, George Penny, Ada ronny, and Annie . Holloway, heirs at law of ' ' Cherry Penny, deceased :y Tf iii; To Mary Walters. Henry Walters. Mary Allen; Lillie Allen and John 1 J ' V Allen, defendants above1 namedl f'51' ; You wjll take notice that a special?? 'ymtii : proceedipg has been instituted i i.,., ,t, this couit by J, C. Marconi adminis-. ',, , f trator of; Cherry Penny, deceased,""'"' , entitled as abovei for tiie purpose of "' obtaining an' order for the sale of f-i-icfinni tha real estate Of his said : intestate j-;rr I Y. to createassessments ior the pay- , , ment of the debts of the estate and " , the? charges of administration;' nd .?ii you are jnerebV 'required to appear" o ttuit at my office in RaleighyN. Q., on the, Jf-j 2d day of December, 1806, , and r an-, , , sweror lemuf to the complaint of , , tb plaintiff in ' said. action orpro-Ja ,'',!, teeding,,otherwlse the relief prayed tut! ff" ItijWiu be granted. r v t't . sVaj Clerk Superior Court of ,Vake Co!" U 1'"1 r -.-October 19,f96.'. ' ' J 1 aw BVs""'B",flJ ' , Cor. Johnson and Halifax Sta. ' I ' Telephone 126. . lUdK'"1" a. repented. thene;.FtMlW aU Ladies' Fine Dongola Kid Button Rnnt..' ti. ... 1 . . . ; shapes nd toes, at $2, 12 22 and $2 M "7 , V "ee'n "U tUne of Men's, Boys' and Children's ,Bhoes In the State. " ' , " " C.vPOOL. ' ' - - 8. B. NORRIS. Manager.r the latest Best DON " of some 43,000' yards a second while 7 we advance toward it at a velocity of some 82,000, yards a -flecord, the speed with which we encounter the "shooting stars,' will be about 77, uuu yaraa a . secona. in passing through our atmosphere at a height - of about a hundred miles above our heads they are heated white hot by friction with the' thin air' and are thus made visible. . Some -are con sumed, or dissipated,1 in passing through our atmosphere, but others pass on into airless space, and lose their heat . and flight.: Ordinarily they are invisible, being very small mere specks of dust T "Together t'.ey constitute a vast group, or fct ries of groups, but are not dense r ;:;;b to reflect solar light ' The ' " vrmber i.ieieors are new to our rv ! -'.t-ui. : . ' , ''"' "" '.1:,; eae las just been i l' e Circuit Court at I; ! 1 ! n in '";'-' ' C ' s an J ; " PnOCIlAOTLJATtCrj Is The Thief of Time." c oa :o:i 'T if If you neglected to buy vonr winter's mmnlv n .a - 3 summer as your interest requires that you shsufd havTdone. give usvour oraer now ana avoid the rush which &I cold weather Convenience and e''iSjZ season's supply of fuel at once, and to get in and put awabefoiS liTr UB 0 urco ? saus action to you for months to come" Our stock is now oomplete and we solicit yony orders for best goods at loWt prlcel ' I ; ii it 1 ' t ..-,1 . ' i P r r ; !l "Pl -5 ' - : a "i " We give prescriptions speoal ' earekndattentlon at all hours, ' V day or nlghC 'lf that Is "what "1 jou want, we are.s V 4 1 lift , wau anu yvuuJJ. Yours trnljinf (' Phone 150. ; r Office 109 Fayetteville St' Poliin 00 I7e Are Busy vif i;i;:-r;vWi-i Ilbrffi -Side Drng Store, Halifax street, one block south' of ; , peace Institute. . 1 "For. r:3Ti:ii North Oabouna, In Superior Court - Wake County. (To Oct Term, '96 M. J. Edward. 1 v't' I Publication. v To J. J. Lawrence,- defendant above entitled action. . Take 1896. an action was begin and iMti- Cercsco. Michigan, September 2, 12?6 tuted in the Superior court of Wake I - ' ' ' ' ' : ' " b ' 1 oounty ' North Carolina, to October vsj't-.:f." "no - f.ifc il fc'f Hftij.ftD ''.T jj"::t.'jli f Ju'l . .itmui ,11;. in (f -, , ''furf 'ii-i.i f f VI Term 1896 of said court by M. J, Ed waras against J. J. Lawrence, your self, entitled M. J. Edwards vs. J. J. iAwrenoe, and that summons tnereln has bees dnly4ssued and returned "not to be found:" "That the nurnose of said action la to recover money due from you to the said M. J. Edwards J upon and by virtue of a contract . re- ' l ll !. - M I . . , . . uHug w ui9 uiauuimniurQ ou saw VI medicine known as the Compound Ex tract of Rosadalis. and to the mm- ehaee by said M. ). Edwards of a one half Interest in the Patent Right there to, and for tha recovery of damages from you for breach of said contract, For the last 20 years we have fcept; Piao's Ccis CS h r ,,!( sumption in stock, and wtwld sooner thick' a tkxzrvt: l c .J J 11 ' tant in the get along.-'without '1stfgarfiift'''h2s'' !store' ihw. we' couf I JcJi f; .""'x ake nouoe: fw Cure, t It Js a sure seller-RAVEN & Ca. Pa -4a' of August, r Ct..1t,M.rl" '-. ' LiU!9f:l v 1j jjo- t U ." ?o iUi -Jr ,v "" " I -"'J'ffi. t."j(!f The Rational Ban!; 13 a a . ' r. RALEIGH,- ni'Z;:Z'i ,1?Z7 h " i . Capital Paid In 4 Mine iO"irij J 6,K, UUUUUklflk IU KU MJ LOB Dm OT SMal.UlJU. I - ' J 1 . v ', . : J. J s Vou areliereby notified of the pen- Hit ml 11 R ITtin I ftflRViflPn'ifes , . Fronts, ; er;.' .;'.:,.,- baOUu,;;, denoy of said action. rant of attachment has been issueh in laid action directing the seizure of your property in North Ca olina. You are further notified and required to ap pear at the October term of said Su perior Court of Wake county, North Carolina, to be held in the city of Ral eigh, in said county and State, on the 26th of October, 1890, and answer or demur, during said term, to the com plaint which will befiled in said action. or the plaintiff, will have judgment for where the warrant of attachment will likewise be returned. - D. H.YOUNG, 1 ' Clerk Snperior Court, Wake Co. A.RGO & SNOW, Attorneys. ; r . . ... ' 1 1 - 11 ! r;T;DinECTORsi J. B.BATCHELOK, . C. M. BUSBEE, . F.O. MORINO, " CHAS. E. JOHNSON, ' -W. R. TUC 'iimt vvAnA-toA lit a'ii''i., i ,n.,-r ,." "f( .) II 14.' '.,j isJ J.J (, ltf .o.Vi ' .'ir -, f)- ,?i' n .if, t(,w james'a1brtcc' j' r'r" . thomas b. c;.obI:ac', f ' r- JULIUS 1 . CIIAS. U. LLIiVIN,! i,3.,sl.v . H 1 J 1 i -f' ! J ' LllI ' 1 . r : : . ,vnao.n. juiLajviiN, irresiaentr t -CHAS. E. JOHNSON. Vice-President ,J,"'i f1 ' ' F. H. BRIGGS, Cashier.'1" iwm-itT&va lill.i.i 4 VA 1 "aytyiiiu una Liuriin or Just as you Como Up from the ' - : -Our banking room has been enlarged'and refurnished l:. 4 "v v -,-!..,. ,-, .... "i, .-'-. 1 'ii l W!U )t-.;r, 'i.v. 3ts., '-. - A NEW- VAULT,'1" 17. V-'. ' f; lOc ocks- for "5c. -nj -; ; 70c colored laundricd V; shirts 4i)c. Of these two 1 ' 14 . ; i . . j ..... , ; bargains we have just received a large consignment. Just bon-ht since the election, when prices fell all to pieces l ; I T n . J prices; we uuy airect irom the , mann- 1 A At rs, -ana ax tins n ? ,y-v ! ,, isi ,r as. is k Where the f. be had. Bromo . ...... M ..a.. J t t,'r ars ft. 1 1 ! a I ' st Soda and Mineral Waters can r served at tLe louutain. 1 1 r cf the up n v, e Ir.r- Just tho thin:; for Fair Vca!:, Call around boyr, will bocl-tl to 3 you. which is entirely fire proof and bure-lar nrnof. in controlled by combination, automatic and time locks, built ty fe J Vr f ' ana Iron Works, o baltunore, and superintended by Jv-r. J. ;'. I n ew York, an expert in burglar proof work.' In this vault we lave j,iuj : SAFE DEPOSIT BOXE; of the very latest design, the convenience of which can not be e ""ro ta they are Bi-;n, ami all are invited to see thorn. The rentor of the box has the kev. and no' aha ran p-a'si c. contents of tiie box without the presence of the renter, .. a ml I' ! 9 t his key, the tinder could not train access to the box, t" n coi .., s ( f be kt!.wn only to the renter. There is ample room in t..e bi. , f of d -edg, valuable papers, wills, bonds, stocks, etc, rid r ' ohtaind for very moderate co.t. ; . Convenient and privnt rooms have bea provided for f t i'cI un of cui-' ":!ors in the ex e have an ex fr the storage cf 1 Everyc-e i ism are cor i i i-t vn h - .1 in 1 i to i n of parf -x, cuttni'7 csir t in a.. ion to ti.'s 1 1 BO. v w: i . .ve ue I ' oof vault . . ... .a mc-i-Lan? i