Mi li ULJ". L Ua. ' v :'!( i a. Vr , a 4 - 3 C J 1 .. . alps. ' I ,.u i.i i.,it fn., .. y ! i' i cotton mills was cv ' r perculiar circul ..j. caned a large " turnip patch. 1 of Madison's young men, n ' a walk, spied the turnips an J 1 1... i. vo :. ; T! i owner 1 1 .'.-is i. , 1 for the.a. lie 'p-e-'uTs v. j to com, ro ir,? to J y 1"j ( 'if, ! 3 f ".".to t y I:.! done. Tie of i clji.KneJ. One of the ofiicers ; iiilU company heard of the rrf t ...sand after much pier. fcJCD.Jetl in cottins' i Cui.iDromise fcy I yint: j tufnip nniS. "After t' is was dot: i, told his employee l-i services were no lontrer needed: f t he'had pp use for any man who wouia Dring ,-emt,, against boys ror taking. few worthless turnips., The. fallow was also ordered to vacate the Loussr'he occupied, whicEt".!.c'-"i tj the company. His children in the mill were aLd Hisoharged. T' n ....,' U'.li. ' Others havq fogfidv health,, vipor ana vitality ia Jtlood s barsaparilla, and surely Lui power to help , you also. Uhy not try iVi V r , ( CIm Coins. v i'l.m v..'. AnothDrbig lot of Apples NdW These apples are shipped direct from the orchard, are well packed, sound, and In rood, keening .condi tion. - .Iclii'nhi i. Jiiii PRicfi?oa n Did you ever know fine apples so cheap at this season of the year A liberal use of them in your family may save a "doctor's MIL" A bar rel of apples cost $1 75; one visit by a physician $2 00 . jfjot-j Q VjQ . p " . j iU i& Ir. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Iiifmt aivl Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor otlicr ftarcotio substance. It 1 a ' harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Southing: Syrups ,,aiiljCastor pll.. 'f t It In Pleasant. Its guarantee Is , thirty years ub by ." v' Millions of Mothers. , Oast oria destroys Worms and .; allays Feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour; Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Collcj . Castoria relieves Teething troubles, cures Constipation VuC llatjuJcjOTi O , Castoria assimilates the i ! Food,? regulates , the, JBtomach w nd Bowels', giving healthy and natural sleep.; Castoria . -Is the ChUdrenPanace--the Mother Jrliikdi Uitti ."CutoiJA ia l adapts empnrtif J tht I- recomfcend it M iuJjerK to mjpi-j ' k. kl Akchbs, M.D., Brooklyn, N. V. -f-.iii'. - w - 4 . "Pot tik ftr t fetofcitle! ft CutorU, and shall lway'coutirfn"ttf ' o u it ha invariably produced beneficial . remit.." ! . Wa haw three e4illclrra ind tblv ' Cry Ml rr Siicker'a CaaiorlaD tyicuAraglve.one a doe, a tako plcanite in Kawunandlns thla baet Rev. w. A. coopbb, newpon, iX ? i ; r Castoria. -1 . V ' "CaaukMi la an excellent medicine for ; .tajljltaa llotnera bava repeatedly told me ' 'of tu toot 'eflect upon their children." -: '' 'if. , Ci O. C Osgood, Lowell, Haaa. i . I .."'.' . . i- ' '' ' " "The use of Castoria ia to onivenal and its -,, KeriU tot well known that it (eenn a work of (npererogatkin to endorae It. Pew are the ' Intelligent amilie who do not keep Caatorla . within emy mdU&..kj , " ' " ,, f CAauxa-MASTTK, D.D., Ke York City. ';., --; ' A V "t prescribe Catori every day Tot children who are snuertng; from epnttipatlonA, with - "better eflect than. I receive from any other if combination of druga." -. ' Br. La Mohoa. South Atnboy, W. 1. dSldrcri cbr for pitchbaiWrlaOiJlIS "thc wnrtrnm oomnnt. rr MUftiiAT'w)HlrcT. (iew TonN itv. i - Phone 8. ' Of all the Fair view Horses WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER l8th) ons, All the rair- Brood mares i i s, colts, fillie i , si will be sol c i..uMuu-ir wa wt Ileigh, N? C Nearly all the stock is standard and well bred, and as it will be sold without reserve great bargains will be had. In thv flg are 3 Wilkes stallions, the great Morgan Stallion, Franklin chief and the beautiful young stallion, brother to Pamlico, Currituck, a son of Nor val 2,14 out of a Wilkes mare, and some of the handsomest and fastest fillips ever seen in this state, . Write a postal eardfoirratslojrwi now ready. I if' . , novo tds Kale AGAD:;:V;OJ:;-.nusic tzzzzxy, t:oxrt,:zzz nth. . v .3 i i L- L-.-i , , x ' ' I TLe King Pin of "KoJoin CoJiedj , , .'-..'a,, , ., ' ; . . . ,.A .10 L i. j Cv. T" -rs' Great riay.x-, . - .,i, i ,A V ; r t ''t1 Journal. A. i ' :? I """. , , A ''' 'ii . mm. ' I ,H i journal, 1 i - ;-v. ! 11-" ' 1 in" . ,i ('' i. Aa. : ! f i.j '-Cu'.cj'ti Auut. " ' . ;' "" nTriv"'r -'p' ';'' .") L VA1.C3 IN 1 j. TE3'TRItIi-lPH',CF tOYB' Is'-'"' t .! f " ' ' , r f r, TTTjrI; Wk ) Wld tftwW' hf 'tjraad Trntha, 4h' PUIb JTaau. tie ' .tY,Slaawvwrtak(f Madlead BcV-iar , ma Asvlled t Married Ula, Wk ' Weald Atau far Paw Xrrert '' amd ' - Jkd Iratnr Fttfavlla, Bhawld Saewre tka Wanderfnl Llula tk Called taia ' tT t last i tnforrflhtlon' from fcteH Viodical seuros that must mrork woudarf with uih gonerntlon of mwn.x, is ti ' - i ue dook luiiy aesonoea a memou oywnica (c attain foil vigor and manly nower. ' A tnAt.hml hv wiio K act mntf all nnnaanial . vs.- - w i 1 ' " 4 JllUw JU UitA -Jund ia.li.' 6lU: i(rlirle and by virtus )f a deed of tru'at from JT. W.B. Watson to B. F Motagn, Tru, registered In Bopk 113, page ,22, arrd with he eoneeafwf the jntffttagor tliereon, we will, on Monday', No veml ir Utii, 181)6, at noon, at the court h0"" door in the oityoi Raleigh exposo to putdip sale the fol lowing ddscrll (1 tiiu t.of land,, being the part linso 1 m met land conveyed Jn the saifl d "i of truH and described as follows: ; l.ci.nriinn?tat the north east corner pf me Wui thews lot, near 'the northwest corner of lot 744, thenoe southward alor? tlie line of Matthews and of the Kline hsir to Kline's southeast cornir; thencoj, west along KUfia' line' to tho branch; J thence down tfiej'brani'h to the south city line; thence east aloi r tno south line of the elty to the soil a t corner of the city; thence noi u . ong the eas boundart lino of t o city to Lenoir street; thence west s Ions' Lenoir street: to the beginning-. Iri'ius cash. , v . -p. F, MONTAufJE, Trustee, I pet. 9. &896. le pcstpouecl by consent to Mon day. Not. lC.at A TA To rare nerrotumvaa, lax:k ot Klf-oontrol, da. ponaenoy, a& Toexchanire a Jaded and worn natnra far . buoyancy and newer. t ' v . '1 o core funrar aueou of excuMaoa.overirork. nne of bng it Liieaa, j to enroll worry, Ao. To trirafnn atrenrth. dereloDment and tone to every portion and onran of the body, - Ae do barrier, fallar lmposelbla. ' Two Uiouaand refereneea, . r. The book ia purely medical and aeientiflo, okIom to curlonity aaokara, invaluable (o mea only who need it. - . AdexoairlnK man, who had applied to na, toon atuir wrotei i teU ypa that 11 mt day ft sua I'll ev..r forgDttl nat bo billed with Joy. I V ui 1 to lioa arVrboiy aad tell themmy Oiuaeif had died yeteriay, and my new aeli was born to-day. Why didn't Ton tell ma when I first wroto that I would find lttbia way?" aw if " , And another thnatw ,. "If yon i nned a eart load of Kola ttaf feet it won , , it bring cnuh aladniaislato uy lite an your i Hod has done." Wnta to I jcriia WhJjinATj POMPANT, Bnffalo, N. V , and ak fr the htlls book ealled "COMPLETE MAKHOOD." liefer til khia paper, and the company promf fles to send the Dook, in sealed envelope, wl-'Jiout an) marks, and entirely tree, ntu it is well intra XT :. 11 ' "1 if -' I.' f T'V' Vti ; -'. I -r mt f i lit I', ' f t i f" ' i!iiT '' A' !': ' ' 1 ", -ALF'O j are '"eel not to rust. - t . i 1 ! s f !htrator A. K, c iii, de- lve Loiiee to ,1 pi t R ":dnt Ctid es i to for rav'-' t y ( f O-toWr, .", .i,K will be plead in Ail forsons in di ' ' TC. " , , ' -"a P "e I Htttt Ifept Yoit CooGA3 All Sttmiiiei i ' Will- Keep Vou w ,.J'Hi R M An yyinter,; , . '.u i. j ' a '. :. , Pocaliontas;v,ana IS. !: M i ' i Russell'teek Thicker a- - 4 'i j, it ii Jcllica C;:l, Vhe hegtCoal at lowest' price1 al ways at i r ' ' ' ; f -f -i ,'" "it f-il-n-! sT '' "' an M fil''"aaa ' '1 L t- I Ulaw.l VJ, ECONOIrlY la many, are scarce and r ways wants when dollars many, but it Is not desirable to practice it In the purchase of food, which Is life. Below a certain stanaara iooa imperfectly nourishes; up to that stand ard it ot6 1 a a reasonable price. We never want more than a reasonable price for our Groceries, , , , . P.APIP SALES Give our customers the benefit of close margins. We never keep any thing that Is not the best of its kind, and we only want a fair profit on what we invest in It. .-. i ( t- t CROSS If you want to know how big jyour DOLLAR is how .. many ClTSjtconUiria, its purchasing power, takeit to pr t TiTTmiOT'o . 21075;- iSiwMi . .. T ' .'.-. Jl '- 1 j It; Measui J . A i t I I 9 res its value :r: V' a. Minted 4 , tl 'f.o ,1 - and you will do the brainiest thing; youv'e dee in' man S day--for there's stuff there you'll Heed every daystnff you"U . - " need when winter's storms are upon us-rand they re coming .,' soon lmot at oui1 doors: - Stuffs you'll want 1 Thanks- IflVlUg niin iuu ja mauw lui lALrf.uoijo ju ...... ' for birthdays for' someone else. iCorne now I ,, Come . quick 1 : while assortment is irood almokt unbroken and, pick, out of this mine of good things not cheap good things, but good ,good things nuggets joj jpwe, value ?lli fa -tftsi a. t ' .1,;' 5 :'..-. bv the best artisan of the world-rthev are yours at a valua- ,oj troa that makes the purohaslng power of you? .dollar greatef ,ir than ever in the world's history. .,', iot ,vw.- ; ' ! . a v iiyj 'i-l, ;-u1ti I -'lJf ! . 'I. STw ! mill v Liiiiehz::i!a 1 ; t. i " " 1 t" 1 " i"1 1 '" lk(Sjak I I i'aofW fW a(X (k'Hf-U "S f WS1 cn Mti rnj' f li t' i-i --I. Wife' 5 & lilrriernher our house Is headauarters for hvevlrything voii peedf In thils lino." A ful sJ Ml School Supplies. . We luiiij j! i f. it w r j M I""" " . 1 . , Ap-dWtlheveryatebtstylia, ( T - How's That? .'ti U,iEfT lauhdrydoesn jlo it, do they ?j Don't yqa stiis hey and carefslbess have as much to do It. 1 ' 'a J WHO Bll njj a gOOU tuuuui y u u v- thing else . We know this is a good "laundryj and pe aren't afraid to have any one try us. For satlsfao- J 31 1 lion purj ,ad simple,' come to iLAUIMUKY it J , 7 k . .'. i 1. mv JO ' fvA -aair-aLai 4-a I tin liiiiiiinui uiu.1 mm i u.1 itiui u 'Chai4ered i?tiettef&l Assembly 1891. ' '", mia :mdapi!ar:., $ioo,od,o:joo Deposits . 300.000LOO Offers' jltJustbmers; ieVei'' accommodation consistent .with safe bankihg: Terms. ibA - ' I , ' -' Some good business offices to let ' J. h THOMAS, President, 4'AIaf'A. THOMPSONS Vice President. 'fEkkWiCwatI m JACKSOfjh Assistant ashler., 4 I tin fi:n v i A' iir1 j.j v; Ojntmqnf iH i, 1 1"U KASAIi" CATARRH. will t32SU 41? y ul -3 fid! i Tofksia? Psyera'orvyika toaBty-;' , (0 I urtfe and insist that I jnust ool- Lieoti ihi !taxesr an4, that .each tax payer must eome iorwara anu sevuu at once. It, ia important that I should CI0S6 Up Py MU acooun. ror tue year; iftflfi. and hence make this "urcent appeal. ffo Wlwhtf bme forward and seiffl'i before v December 1 1st, ' - 1 ai aa a - t A. 1 A. 185,vj. nau: cnarge; no cost; , out sfter thst I shall charge cost , as al- . 1 v 1 .. . rriUta la nrtoit nal 1 loweor oy vjaw . it 1"' ifw"""v the only notice? shalTsena out, - I MW. Pack,, ' . . ' " Bheriiloi wane wounty. , f i i !CE CCIESi Always instock andproi;,pl'y delivca-ed wien ordci ' ' i : Administrator' Notlo. Eaving qualified as administrator ot the estate of Cherry Penny, de ceased, late of Wake county; N. C, this IB to notify all persons having claims against; tba said' estate to present the same totheundersipued on or before the 8th day of October, 15:37, XSf this notice wyj tbe pie vl in bar of their recovery,' and all. per sons indebted to the said estate rre hereby notified to make immediute payment tome. ' i i ! J. C.'ilABOoji, Adm'r. R. T. Gu.sv, Ait'y. '"ltwow ' October 7 1 . . r:;.!:i To CIt- T4x Psycrt- : t , , '''" i Ths city lax Jlst fot 1896 has) been placed In 1 my hand - for collection. I will be in my office for ihat pur pose every day from 9 a.m tat p ar All taxes sot paid by December 1st are subject, tt a penalty , of 1 per cent, and an additional 1 . per cent on the first day of each month there after until paid. ' y. ri- B. HOTCHtNOS, 'i ' sov6 30d - City Tax Collector, ? - r.luch in Little Is especially trim at Hood's Fin, lor Be edl eins ever contained so peat enrativa power is ao small spaoa They art a who medietas r etisst, always rcaily, al ..5 J siolent, always sat isfactory ; prevent a, aeld, cr ; rr, oiire all Urer ills. afrit Dps 'arhe, Jaundice, eiffliUrH ' ion, tta. fflo. .... muf 1 ills to take w. j fiouu I Suraavparilia. k. ' a. - ,- ." That is a mighty host of OVESCOATS you will find "lined up" here to meet your wants and wishes. Strong in quantity, strong in quality and style and fit.-? The only weak spot its the price. One wing 'of this . . . armv of comfort followers tbe conventional fashion. The other leads a gal- lauti J),ind of oovtJtjes all our own. JJoth are mustered under the same - . - -busiuess brinaiug banne"--"satisfactioo to everybody. " The b'g trade, f we are having is the best evidence of our surpassing facilities. 'It's like T ' a txit-porulipn's guard facing a regimest for competition to strive against -" our enormous 'variety our superior qualities our lowest prices. Cost may not'eut any figure with you, but you don't want to pay fifty dollars v when twenty-five dollars "will give you the same value, Tbe man who ' must eel his way and poutrt his dollars can't afford topay ten dollars when ' ' ,J.5(Cwill bny as good garment We are not favorites from friendship '' ouy, but orr the solid, substantial ground that bring folks back here sea- v , son after season. We want to sell you the r . . - . v , .;,-v i i Pt. I ' i , , I'll 1 i " "i J; HI i 4 ' t a"ve cot to buy your boy.ii If vou aretbeleat bit thouirhtfal and eon-t siderate, we are cur to flo it. It is natural to iolbw the crowd- for the ' i greits niajuricy una sgo wuongi. ii soniy wnen you stray iron me straignt nia. road that we-believe that you will be beset witih undervalues 'and '.or.v.t-' charges. ! Our guarantee follows every purchase to the end. Don't W'Vvf ' Ti re.. tate to lef us know the slightest dissatisfaction. It shall be paid for ifujc tuuucj yuu laiu .un. 'IS t ye-l . 13 ." i-i'Ji 1 ' Yon Can Settle tbe , " Ever Vexatious ; -pi... I'' Question...... gslHeiij Of Horsii And Males :i.,, Wj ,. -I. ( ' if willaell on Friday and Satur day, November 13th and 14th, 25 head of --native bread horses and mules- einttiber. IT TTT : . ' . 5 re 3r. 1 - as I have always said to you, eveYy borse ana mule is guaranteea as 1 represent,1 .or. I will refund ' your money, ' Fkakk steonach, 'NE HUNDRED ,n00 vehicles and $5000 worth of harness at factory prices, c 1,1 , . I '11 sell 1 from now . until .January 1st, 1897, my entire stock of harness together tvith' my stock of wagons, buggies carriages, photons, traps, etc at factory prices. , . FRANK STRONACH, Prop"r.f & . -OF STROIJACU'S Carriage and Harness Emporium Nos. 219, 221 and 223 Wilmington , Street. ,.' ', ft a --J v r , i".v 17 W a , 1 !,( ., 209 Fayetteyille Street. New , Millinery ! . Wa have now ready for the trade all the latest things In . fall and wini ter Millinery. , 1 . :f. ' "' . ... '' . .. , ;f . . ' . ..... : v primmed and untrimmed. Ladies' Eats, with all the new trimming materials. , , : Children's and ; J 1 i 1 . t V, " ' u, Infant3, Caps, in ai styles and colors. ; 1 'All Customers will be given prompt attentioB"i r.""r' .- w. a.-w m- s, Good sent on approval . Express, paid orrtv ay. 6 .- V , I vyfc- Af tf pe riat tterns. Misis x Maggie r Reese CV rivw !" i 1 j n ii r , 1. 1 .1 CiFloncr Roses. Carnations, Chrvsantbennms . ' i i.v v 1 ' a u ' f Bouquets, Floral , Designs; t Palms, Fernsr V VI,, 1. i . f Golden band, white and pink Jv pan lilies. -. Finest of all hardy lilies Hyacinths, Chinese Sacred Lilies, ' Freesia Narsissus, Tulips for ... i forcing in the house and , , ' early spring blooming '" :'..:: outside, - -'-t - -H'i ' H?;Stein meU, Florist North Kalifax S'ret, near PeRee In. ' stitute. Jr'hone ll.1.. , ocU7 , thef Bride VVIldL LU UIVU.,,,,,! ..'r il.'- . I ' . , . . 1 , 1 .'A wi (Ml I By spending a few moments looking. v t rt ,, through' our new and complete'" '' stock of 1 'i v-i- ; cv.v'".,'- ' - 1 Cat Glass,- in ft f s . jf'J "S3 1 ' , fl-t I China,, " Clocks;, , Brica-iBmc. i - J v . wrr , . ..... . . 1 Jkwixxks and Opticxa.H's.1 - "'"' " J' i il .(-i,-.'. . i-""t,-;5T- :(' Have your eyes tested. , No charge u ' V ' i for examination. ' 1 " ' ' H . , , .. .... I11 all I !i V i" W ..1 IULES ( I' 1 it i u ft f i ' 'is L 1 nnnnnn nulled . FOR HALE. '1 ' a. 1 ,' ii 11 I '1 I now have on hand a good supply of mules and horses. " f shall alio '' keep ia good stock.. of Buggies avd H.j.:,r Wagons lor sale. . :v.. , . . .. . .., : , stj $fn K ' i Pri;etaSuit th3nTis7.:s, j.uyi. jpace, octl2-tf HARRIS L ii 1 .tj.AU'Kr 111 East Martin St., Raleigh, it, C - ft?-- VVj.H,l 11 '('' Hid 4.1 (.'I ' Contains moreHthla than any other '".''-"-.. lithla spring Water on the sutrkel. and " .'V '' wu bavyet to find a, physician irhO;,i,6 ...L ', has given Harris' Llthia Water a fair ' , ; ' , (rial Dut Wat wiu state utat u supe- - : rior to the other waters. Dr Thomas 1, S. Powell. President Southern Modi-, . eal College. Atlanta, Ga.;TheoLamb, ' r''. - Profesaor Diseases of Chest and Ptn- 'v eiples of Medicine, Medical Dwpol, 3, .. , , , Atlanta, Dniversity of Georgia; Prof '. Joseph Jones, President Tulane Unl , '--versity of New Orleans. La.: Dr. "John . - ' . HeyWilllama,, Aaheville, C; Dr H .i'. iiV B Harris, Savannah, Ga; Dr A N j - . , Talley, of Columbia, 8. C, and bttn-- " 't. dreda of others of the most noted phy w-r-r eioians 01 tbe countrv, .testuytng tnat y - jr. Harris' Llthia is superior , to all , nl.hr- ra.lFa that triAV liavwai uaMl in t - tneir praotioe. 1 - .Hi. i : President's Office. v , ; , , ;, '. Baltimore, June 84, ISM. ' ' Mr J T Harris- Harris Spring, 8 Ot'A'.m i..l r.t uear tsux-i wiu say to .you tnat is . Ii my opinion that the Harris Lithla ' Water is bv far the beet lithla water I i ha t ever atsed, aad that it. has don vj.j. T. me a great deal of good, and I think that it Is a most valuable remedy. .'. ' ri i 1 t f-. Very truly yours, (.;.. : , 'u rii - ,t R. C. HOFFMAK, , J i . r President S A L B R, 4 1 ' " 1. For sale by the Drnggists of RaV ; x lglWis , ' t,- . . I 1 lu V ji , . ", Harris UthiiUater Co., f; ": Mai . w kjv'i u. a- . . ; .. . . oct 15 lm s. a. asi:: & c::i, . - ,;.FIRE INSURANCE. 1 ' Solicit a pal jf your patronagw OBlee over MacT'.aeV BrancLI'Lar 2S-

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