II. c. :rrow. i -; ,i .- i f:r Raleigh. ' ; ": 1 Local forecast for Raleigh ,(iot extending beyond a ra ' Jius of 20 milea;)Falr, warmer, ' t and Tuesday; fresh southerly 'ocaat for Jforlb. Carolina: Fair '.t and Tuesday; slowly rising 1 . nature. . , 'y Loeal Data. i- Local data for 24 hours ending at 8 a. m. (today) November 18, Maximum temperature, 49; minimum temperature, 43; rainfall. 0.00. ... . . '': Conditions of the Weather ': The following were the weather con ations at 8 a. ml today:,1;..'1 : State of the weather. "''. Temperature of the air..-.,.,- M deg, Sensible temperature;.v.i.;,. 1 42 deg. V.'ind velocity .....ys Wo Direction Of wind .1 v V. K. . Mr. C. H. Stonebank, . Denton's chef, is able to be at work again . after two weeks' sickness. " Mr. Sherwood aHJkksi left ;this - morning for the North;" He will Visit Baltimore. Philadelphia, New York and Boston in search of Christmas tricks and seasonable goods at bar gain prices.;(" . ' ' A convict from Jones county, who some time ago, escaped from a gang and fled to South Carolina, was re- - turned to the penitentiary today James L Barber, a ' little I darkey aged 9, is a burglar and a "slick one too. it seems. He was in the station house this morning-, He en tered a dwelling and made a search through it, but found nothing to his taste, so on leaving be carried away a broom. - It is his second offence. The canvass of the vote 4 for eleo tors began this awning in the office of the Secretary of State. The clerks in that office are aided by Messrs. John Nichols, A. B. Andrews, Jr., W. J,i Bragg ' and Crowder ot the State Treasury, so all political par ties save the Prohibition are repre- sented. .1 ' " 1 The crew on. th a Norfolk atd Chattanooga Special tro the South- ern now have their lie-over in Jcal- V eigh, and the many friends of Pull" man Conduotor Campbell are glad to see him Id the city again. . The Norfolk and Chattanooga special is now a very fine train and is also a quick one. . It now leaves Baleigh for Greensboro at 3:40 p. m.t thirty minutes earlier than formerly. t Waataar bosditioaa. '' A ' ' ; The weather, this awning is re markably fine over almost the entire country. ' The high area is now cen , tral over the South Atlantic States, while a new storm is central in the northwestoveT,4Minnesdtaj iVery . little rain! hah s fallen . anywhere, :. small amounts being reported only from Marquette and Omaha. The weather is clear everywhere except at HuroiC Memphis, Vicks- ; burg and ' Key West, where it is cloudy. ": ., . ''' . ;w. The temperature has risen con- siderably it) the central valley; it is still cool in, the east, and frost was ; reported at Charlotte.- - 1 ; . V ANlht,FroUaTeaday. 1 j The chief claim made for the eom jyBJ which will be seen at the of if' i011" follicklng somedy, "A .ght's Frolic" is its" general ex- we .. ... i . ... .. . . l . ttupriftfl inn ih Rnowin? inu a mm i performance need not ueceasa- ' rily be horse-play or burlesque. There are no rivers of real water, no locomotives, no pickanniny bands, and no attempts at realism in', Night's Frolic;!, with which U com mand attention or win success," for the piece depends entirely upon con servative methods .and legitimate acting, and in these particulars, it is said, every .member of the Wilson Thayer Company does commendable work. In the matter of scenic dis play, effects required by the story aad appointments, f however the management have been quite as con e'stent as in its selection of a cast, t. 1 the production will have the ad v 'ae of special settings and every ! . tition to detail. A VenrCoatly Elaatlon. "" election must have cost 'r"-". TLe C'aarlotte News "It will probably cost the f. e f'"t,0",r, if the court f pr. viiUti must be ' ' ' of a s'r'i .;et of lo"1s- . ' 3 f ! t v, .s Of - f a r n dul- . ' ; !, J. s. . , v .i . . ..' . r, as . ..: y k:.. 1 ly a f.,11 from tie rod cf a Lou, a on which he was working. Mr". Sides lost his bal a nee and fell from the rafters to the sills below. The News says .his neck was broken by the fall, and he was killed instantly. He was about 35 years old. . ' , . Stand at tha Bead. :.':,, SAug. J. Bogel. the leading drug gist of Shreveport, La., savs. "Dr. King's New Discovery is the only hing that cures my cough, and it U the best seller I have. J. F, Camp bell, merchant ol Ariz, writes: "jjr. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it; It never fails and is a sure cure lor consumption,; coughs and colds, I cannot say enough for eovery for consumption, coughs and colds Is not an experiment It has been tried for a quarter of century. and today stands at the head. It never disaDDoints. Free trial bot tles at John V- MacEae's drugstore. :?:rfr,-miYom Bvar . . '( Try Electric Bitters as a remeny for your troubles I If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been , found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of au female complaints, exerting a won derful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. " If you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spells,, or are nervous, , sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electrio Bitters is the medi cine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and $1 at John Y. McRae s drug store. . If there is any one going to New York tomorrow (Tnesday) please let me know at once. Wn-LARD DOWXLIi, It No. 110J Fayetteville St. , . WaatadL . v . To rent at once three or four rooms in a good locality, south of Hargett street preferred. Address 'W, H. B.," this office. . n!6tf Wantad. ' A competent engineer who under stands the operation and repairs of high speed engines. Address, stating salary expected, P. O. Box 144, Baleigh, N. C. nl4-3t , For Bast. .: Six room cottage on Polk street, second door from N. Person street Inquire 504 N. .Person street. , nol3 U For Bam.; Three-story brick ' building ?cor. Fayetteville and Morgan streets, re cently occupied by Democratic head- auarters, For terms apply to W. B. rimes. .: . nova u ; ' . For Sala. ... . , . ' . One ten-horse portable boiler, and engine complete and in good run ning order. A bargain. Address "Adot," care Priss-Visik.v nolOii ir V ;;v ,; SteaS,';-;jTff'V Six room house on Jones streAf . second door . from Dawson street Water and modern improvements. Inquire southwest corner Jones and Dawson streets. ; ; , 1 n!4-2w. WE DO NOT WANT BOYS OB LOAFERS to write, but men of abil ity. $200 to $500 per month. Salary or 'commission, - State and general managers. Racine Fire Engine Co.. Racine, Wis. , nl4evsat8t J will have two car loads of crood. young, West Virginia horses ship ped from West Virginia to me, to be sold on consignment, which I will positively sell to the highest, bidder at my stables in Raleigh, on Satur day at 12 o'clock, ; Nov. 21. 1896. Stock guaranteed as represented, or no money paid. ; These horses are from 5 to 7 years old, sound and good workers.: If you want good Virginia horses don t miss this op portunity, as they wilt sell cheap. Everything guaranteed. ' " ? , 4 OHN W. JjlTfLDAfiX. - ,- Eo. Thomasou, Auctioneer, i nov2 lm W.-'E. ;; JONES, 206 FayetteyilleStreet. . It isnt everybody that can make a success out of the dry goods business. Some natural fitness is necessary. Competition is so keen that some advantages must be possessed.-Without these essentials you might as well expect to kindle a fire with briek-hata ax to make and hold a trade. Grapes don't grow on thorns here any more than . in Judea. but the tree is still known by its fruit Just now the people seem to have nv "". . . " unrgains wo oner cannot oe mausnea every wnere or ajs i wjujuus lor that - Men's Underwear. f Our north show window tells the story of the men's underwear de partment. - v ; v , . t Men's Shirts and. Drawers, some all wool, some part ool. all at the extraordinary price, each, 50c. ' V, V Black Dress Goods, rf 44 inches - wide Black heavy weight Serges, new so popular for street costumes, at the special price of 44c. .40 inches wide Black Hen rietta, silk warp, worth $1.00, spe cial price while they last, 87c. 36 inches wide Black Cashmere and Serges, worth 25c, special price 24c. i: ' ! .a cf : .C: .: a & I ' a L..vs li day dissolved co-i '.rtcf-r-ship by mutual-consent'; All tills and debt s due the old grm will be raid to the new firm of McClure A ilales. McCluhe & I'KTiiasoir. Is, I . No "Experts" needed with Buck's . . , Stoves and Ranges, , : Now Girls! .v., -it.: : -- . - . ' -i--rv -',.V We will give the BUCK'S JUNIOR NICKLED RANGE" to the girl under 14 yoars old who will oolleot and bring to our office the greatest number - of advertisements, each with : . ant from nwitTiKnnr) from (Vtnhnr 15th to Deoember ZuUx. iUwxh collec tion must be tied in package with num ber and name thereon. , Thos. Briggs & Sons 7 BALEIGH. k a -"SOLE AGENTS . Bock's Great We Enamel Line. Alt 'THE Hot DrMs Served at our Fountain TO-DAY. , If you are chilled by the cold ( then come in and make your- self comfortably warm taking a drink (!) of by 'Hot .Soda.' . Tours very truly," Janes FcKimmon & Co,, 133 Fayetteville St, Raleigh.; IVIiut'sin olluir.:? It D:::r.d$"-" As to th rose or violet, nothing, But take our name v u. ii. ici::q & co., Now, there 'so great deal in that For Instance: . In prescriptions it means PURITY and FEEEHNESS of Drags, ' Care and exactness in compounding, Fair- ness and moderation In price. v "$ Whether you want medicine, or soda water,, cigars or soap, uandies or chewing gum, we -serve yon with honesty, courtesy, and dispatch. One good name meanaeveryUiiEg to you, it means entire sati&Wtioa to us success. Yes, There's Lob a KiB. matter. ; i i, ; ;.i j-.t f cheapest line Chen He and Tapestry Portiers in Baleigh.9 Chenile Por- tiers, colors beautifully blended, three yards iking, per pair, 2 50. Tapestry Curtains, . beautiful, de signs with throw-over fringe. ! ;' Women's Shoes." "J" " i, :VTe have been fortunate in picking up some excellent bargains in ladies footwear during the past week and, as usual, we are ready to divide our profits with you. Women's fine DongolaEid Button and Laced Boots, elsewhere 11.50, at $1.23. .'' ':'.",' Women's fine Tid Kid Button Boots, patent tip, worth $1 75, spe you ever saw in i p. Lemon, choco ..a and only 20o lb. Riggan'a is tba place to get the beet and cheapest Toys. ' - ( Riepan'a line of Piotures If fine and beautiful asd aellln? at one-half regu lar price. Select what you want while the line is complete. Riggan'a la the place to get new Nuts, Currants, Citron, Figs, Raisins, Grapes and Apples cheapest Riggan's Candy excels ' them all in price and quality. y Rigraa's Crockery, v OlaMware, Lamps, Coal Hods and Shovels, Vases and Brio-a-Brao are beat goods at the cheapest price; also Paper Tab lets and Baskets. ( in iaoi xtiggaa's xoy store is w place to get the bsst goods at the most popular prices. 132 s F AYETT1TV1LLE STREET, Excel anythlr -j candy thlu and c s late, lime and van i Uned Bala at $4 are still having a great run. - , fZck 4.cKeedle toe and Jewel To Calf; Bala are UCU a-9 i .gnat aelUere at oaly $3 00 a pair. : . : . ' . ',.;,),. - Gen'ts' broad plain toe ooagress gaiters and laoe shoes at $2 00, wear like Iron. ,,( Call and see the Nw Stvlea as well as the great bar gaissat K ' , IIELLEn'S CIZCZ ' ST CH v f Established in 1876. iBTRONACH. PLEASE, READ: the paat Five Waaks a Graat the Fiaas of Baalaaas av sooa waitad oa. 4we asva lUrad t HIGH 'CLASS GOODS Arid Your l.!or,E Back - Best values In the city, new plush capes. regular and extra lengths, plain, jetted, appllvued. fur. ribbon and other: fashionable garnitures, all with satin or fancy taffeta silk linings: ,-...- y J , $S.OO Worth 10.00 " . ae.no iaoo js.ao 9.BO 1S.60 IS 00 - ia oo 10.00 C!:th C:?::.; Durable capes, velvet eollar. braid trimmed 3 00 Single cape, military braid trim med fi ti 1. ..(J 00 Very handsome cloth . cape, cloth and braid trimming, velvet collar. worth i o 00, at. ... . . . ..... . . . .8 OU Braid and Jet, trimmed in same. worth $10 00 at . . ; .V. .va 8 60 Elerant Astrachan caoe." velvet trimmed, worth $11 00, at .'. .'. ' 9 00 Very handsome cloth cape, jacket back, worth $15 00, at. ... .. 12 50 Same, trimmed with braid and vultius, worth 15 00, at '.. .12 50 The above will only give, an idea to quantities and assortments. which comprise every style that is fashionable in a large variety of the best fabrics, and your money back if yon are not satisfied. ' ; - And your money back if you are not satltfled. ... - Wcsell LcitcrIIc::crT,I: -TO 131, E r 4- rd:::i !:t!:::iy. C). ( : : t ) Plioue 142- US. Fino Stionery Office- and School Supplies. Lc:i:r3 h Lc.7 Prl:::. ' 1 ocS3-m The Leaders in Shoes, Call Attention to Their Hew and Conplete Stock iof Gents' in; . it. Mtmj Caatxnaara oa aoaoaat i oat ef Oar hoaaa witboat be las 1 addlttoaal foroa amgh. wa think, AT POPULAR PRICES If Tou ire lot Satisfied, " Plaids are very . fashionable, of these ' we show complete assort ments of Scotch and French effect including the very desirable dark 1 Diueana green 1 which are scarce and almost impossible to find.- S8-inoh alt Wool 8o 40 " " OOo ,. SO Milk atrip lOO . SO and wool 1 00 44 " " " - 1 as Ttia r;::S ill:::. Costume : cloths for street and 1 travel, 54 inches wide.'. , . .. . , : 99o I Tailor cloths 54 inches, all new shades -......,.;.: . . 49o Fine broadcloths for toilor cos tumes, 54 inches wide . 79c btorm coating and Surah Serges, aii wears ana weignts 44-mch to 64- inch v, ... . . . . j ........ . .39o to 99c wa f aasaaaa VVU aj iwtO ,tlln LAtiuwlUiilMiJl Eaven't Rpaoe for an nt. You Know our ma uiove poller . Uera ara four special lota for you to buv: not many 01 earn; 11m a quiCK sale. Who fit nr pick? Cluze Patent thumb glove in white and colon IRti uiuze Jf stent t mraD riovea broad ' - titchinp, gold buttons......... $1 26 CleariDg out aale of line black ' kid trloTe. were 1 1 CJ . ..... iRn Clause patent thumb gloves, eve ning anaaes il 00 And your monev back if vou ara nun Babiaiiou -. i . led .::3 The l:irp'.t d.- rt-i-e-t v . U t- e f ue c. ; ..1 . t. . ly popular, as we give you u.e 6lioe possible to buy lor the yr vuii'iii '1 o m. vJt u" wif. i 75, t5, DO, $1, 1 15, 1 25. 1 35, 1 50, I' 1 . itin'a ChM V I i: I I . ti. r ... f ' : A. Ate have a large assortment of boy's shoes of all size, at 1 00, 1 25 and 1 50. We pay particular atten tion to the quality of our ladies' 1 25 150 and 200 shoes. Crosse t's 3 00 shoes for men; . We do a large merchant-tailoring business, will make you a suit or pair of pants at a reasonable price andguaranteeour work in every respeot. ISc ribbed waist at" ' v .... ,.12jo 37o bleached " " 25o 68c' " "..-....., 60o Children's union suits . . .25c Misses' " . 50o 4 OriSSaT -llSV - . We sell these fast black hose at 15 and25oapair, 'Allsiies. Oapes, cloaks, jackets, ; .children's rpcr:r:, ladies suits, snappers and skirts in frcat ; f ; variety, as to price and quality. QutLj' 't'l'M uro uuii. 1 price See our 6c and 10c counters. . Agents for the sale : WOOLLCOTT & -SONjoiyiq 14 sEast Miartin - Strict. v Just watch this space for tlio ever Offered fhfi Open ot Nlfilit. riVAn.fi UUsJ U L au Windows index the eharr;r of r - Lc-:r3 cf. Lcn FnC 1. .., -m f J x i I a.if f ' ,i ' -yor 1 t ' ' , -' - -Vi"""' l " - i'i s. , - ' ', !m , ".w t., r t i ' " II .Plain fa! . Plaiml: . : . . Ouri. The offerinfra abound in t (od taste. The Ooft a i.l t'ar ft i . Incomparable, Blaukets, Comf-n .3 ivrd Quilti are pojm iitr sviiers bwcain-e i.i their extra values. Ccliool Copa and n..i.t.ii. i V -7- j Jtsroadcloth Caps, atyUgh, coquettiah naual retail price. Alpiues eti ' In black, mode, pecan and nu i-ia, " Gloves anil fiouffht dirfip.t. frnm tha tantw ImS Bther',b uckski, dogskin, v.iv.03, iiucu uuu ununea, SnnOinl- Motormen's ilitts, price TliailtiTfvlnfr CTnrk20 dozen pent's f ti iVf V,Xt 1C""Shirts,curiSto 1. SI 5; from now uutil Novemoer 2Gth only - -1 .; . k-3 ; .. ..... . Attenl',, n is nr.; j to nrv atnii f '.. I 11..' . 13 mi'ioir my equippea WltQ depend .he fiint wr fB r course stylisu, strong and duraWo. i romtue first day we v e,t into busino-s, fivey -3 r and have since mp.;,.' ;( 1 f -i forever w ill Lnon i . C "Purchno 1 Keep yc r r y 1 ! Oil 0 " Ho t t:i F ' .1 .:i t. e U .J X li 1 ' 3- t ..CIALS-3 10-4 alt wool white blankets.. 124 - " 3 CI .4t .4 Si r::3'o r:--::. Genuine castor bucksLia ., i.. l O 1 3 not like to I t. . . t we have t'.a ! sux'k of 1 millinery .1 X. j c( i.J attention is ' or .) di"'artment fur tl... r h.. i ) in tans on lu I . . s very low. ; .' . Meavy domestio kid gloves. . - S-o ."S London tanned doeskin glove. ;.87c Wool Hoed Kangaroo f " . 73o ,. heavy goatskin... :1.1C All bargains.' Also full Unss cf cloth, wool, kid snd leather gloves from 25o to 1 CJ 1 t'.v. ( I 1..' x . Dili 3 SHIRT WAIST ITEMS. U , AH wool flannel, in red, blue and black, new style sleeve waist . .100 . : Scotch plaid waist ..S5o " Handsome wool Ilenrletta'wr.'-'i f r n A lined, full sleeve. riDDla 1 cuff. J gant fitting waists.,., . ,-..., 1 4J A ' ? Z.mw, m. ' V.. tf I v ., i vi r.; I vj. w au. n -, ? Many bargains oa them,".1-: is of Butterick Patterns ! ; 1. ' j 1 . j -v. f. . - c ! . J npnnlAlnf F?n! hIaIA 1 f-ftl ? t ! a huainnaa. ' W mnV Tarn O'fllicuU miuU unii muu .liver uraiuna and beoomlng at about one balf th , 1 - t Crush Unto. , , regular C1.50 iwpll hati for onlv II, Mitti ' nMnAv.nM r....4 t- t.- T.t., 111 dress kid, mocha, te-knst, wocl ior arivmg, oress ana cif''1 Mittens and wool-lined Lie Cl8 tl 00. 6 r .h, v . shoe C ( cue: ;d.f .aurt Mi .. t VTe have the haiidsompst and cliildrcns'. c! ::i fcr V, : cial price rrr r r SI r Tv., f- i j c nro i.v.