-Pool. :row. Forecast for RaU-';;h. Local foroca.t tor Raleigh id t extending beyond a ra- i. ... a or KO miles: ) fair, tonight ii .1 Wednesday, warmer. Increasing: i.' udinesa by Wednesday evening. . 3, Forecast for North Carolina: - Fair I'd', lit. Weadnesday fair in eastern portion; warmer in the interior to night. :-V: ; t i ' Loaal-Data.- Local data for 21 hours ending at 8 a. m. (tod . 7) November 17, Maximum temperature, 48; minimum temperature, 44; rainfall, 0.0O. ' Conditions of tk Waatawt . J y The following were the weather con liticms at 8 a. m. today: State of the weather....,.,...' fair. Ta eperature of the alr..:... 48 dag. Sansible temperature .... 42 deg. Wind vcity t.i... light. ; Direction of wind. N. E. "DoubU Headers" CoattmplaMO. ( Says the Asheville Citiien: The Southern Railway company Is contemplating running "double head ers, " which means in the railroad vernacular two engines to each train of cars between here and Salisbury. If this should be done, a large num ber of the : rood ' employes will lose their situations, as the double engine method makes' possible the carrying of a largely Increased num ber of cars in each (rain.; Conduc tors, flagmen' and ' brakemen ; will suffer by the change.' -' ,!A '- - Miss Nellie Young, who has been visiting In Morganton and Greens boro is in in the city." , , , " 8tU at the H a. - Aug. J, BogeL, the leading drug' crist of Shreveport. La., says. "Dr, King's New Discovery is the only hing that cures my cough, and it is the best seller I have." J. P. Camp- . beu. merchant of Ariz, writes: "Vr, King's New Pisco very is all that is claimed for it; it never fails and is a sure cure for, consumption, coughs and colds.' ' I cannot say enough for its merits." ur mug's ftew dis covery for consumption, coughs and colds is not an experiment It has been tried for a 'Quarter of oentnrv. and today stands, at the head, ; It never disappoints. Free trial bot tles at John Y. MacBae's drugstore, "' PldToeBw ,'., 4 1 Try Electric Bitters as a remeny for your troubles?' If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been ' found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a won derful, direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or , are nervous, sleepless, excitaoie, melancholy or "troubled with dixxy spells, Electric Bitters is the medi- ! . J TT UL -1 OJ . I.L. . viae you ueeu. jatsuiui wiu avreuKu are guaranteed by its use. (my drug store. ' lot. , i-lrt r n fir . A ladies'' gold -watch between Murpheyschool and D and D lhsti tvtion. Finder will be, rewarded by returning tq this office. . t novl7 3t iv4 k .,:..8sfcei hi Towm,...tfV.' Prof. S. B. Nye, Optician nd Befractionist, has arrived yesterday and is now ready for the reception ' of his friends and the generaljub 1 lie at his office at the Park Hotel, near the ladies' parlor, where he is prepared to administer to their com fort in the way of oaring chronic headache eaused by astigmatism or other ailments of the eye.: . Every defect "will- be corrected and the most complicated and also prescrip- . tion glasses are made here at his j office, set in the latest and hand- tation free. Will be at his office 1 from 9 a. m. till 5 p. m. daily. . 17 2t To rent at once three or four rooms in a good locality, south of Hargett street preferred. Address -W. H. B.." this office. f . : nl6tf - For InV . '.v' "!'- Six room cottage on Polk , street, second door fromjN, Person, street. Inquire 504 N. Person street 5,t ? nol3 it Hh.:..ir .iV-j'. For Scat. Three-story brick building' cor. Taetteville and Morgan streets, re c. :. . y occupied Jay Democratic head r s, 1 teTms apply to W. B. i :j. ' novo tf " For Rent. ' '"' a house on Jones street, r from Dawson street, i modern impr vements. '.west cor 10 r Jc-"ns and r.! i -lw , C Ai 1 A Til AN A.NY ! & Lol'SE. Going Fast Going Fast Have you seen the latest creation in Dress Fabrics? If not, visit us this week and see Coat of Mail, Canvas Lanieux and Pom padour Mohair these three novel ties are our di- rect importation, and when sold can not be replaced. ' For this week only we offer Coat of Mail and Canvas Lanieux Cviug Fast Cuing last Dress Goods Dress Goods Dreas Goods Dress Goods Dress Goods Dress Goods Dress Goods Dress Goods Dress Goods Dress Goods Dress Goods Dress Goods Dress Goods " Dress Goods Dress Goods Dress Goods Dress Goods at $1 50 per , yard Dress Goods 'and Pompadour Mo Dress Goods l hair at only. $1 00 Dress Goods t per yard. You Dress Goods should see - these Dress Goods novelties - before Dress Goods buying. VT, H. & R, a Ttckib & Co. VI; H. & RiS. TUCKER A CO. W Sell Goods Chiapxb Than ant . ' Othxb Housk. COATS . COATS COATS Great Cloak selling here this weak. Never before have we been able to offer such bargains in Cloaks. Just think I a ladies' all wool Cheviot Coat, worth $4, selling here this week for 12 59. , l , , . Ladies' Black English Cheviot Jacket, .the 13 kind, for $3 59i - Ladies' ' Black ; Beaver and Kersey Jackets, the kind that every house would price 86 60, here this week for $4 69. Ladies' Swell Boucle and English Curl Cloth Jackets,- the best $7 gar ments made, our price this week, $5 25. ' COATS , COAT8 OOATS , COATS COATS OOATS V' COATS COATS OOATS'. OOATS OOATS COATS' COATS COATS OOATS : COATS COATS COATS W. H. & R. S. Tcckbb 4s Co. ' I will have two car loads of good, young, West Virginia horses ship ped from West Virginia to me, to be sold on consignment, which I ' will positively sell to the highest bidder at my stables in Raleigh, on Satur day at 12 o'clock, Nov. 21,' 1896. Stock guaranteed as represented, or no money paid. Ihese horses are from 6 to 7 years old, sound and good workers. If you want good Virginia horses don t miss this op portunity, as they: will sell cheap. Everything guaranteed, J - ' John W. Littupaak. ; Eo. Thomason, Auctioneer. ' " v in- - :f -. ' nov2 In ',-? :Tr" , No '.Experts needed with Buck's r' Btoves and Ranges. - Now Girls! We will eive the BUCK'S JUHTOR NICKLED RANGE" to the girl under x years oia wno wiu eoiieot ana brim to our office the greatest number, o aaverusements, eaon witn . - ent from newspapers from October I5th to Deoember 25th. 1890. Each collee tion must be tied in package with num ber and name thereon., "' .L-iJJ Thps.H;BrislISs i RALEIGH. N. a" ;t ' r SOLE AGENTS - - Buck's Great White Enamel Line. W,; B. JONES,-,,,. 206 Fayetteville Street. - - . wnen people advertise "bargains" did you ever pause long enough to inins tnat tne bargains they speak ior toe jju x juttr Many 01 tbe alleged out joins are nanKering after MEN'S HATS. - 1. i tt for a Men wearing one of our hate sel dom go by a mirror without smil ing to themselves over the 60c or $1 they've savtid. - . 75c men's crushed hats in browns. navys and blacks at 50c. $150 men's felt Alpine hats in brown and blacks at $1. : $3 men's, fine felt Alpine hats in all the 'most popular colorings at $1 98. Men's and boys' eolf caps in cloth and worsteds, worth 30c at 20c, - -LADIES TJNDEBWER. If yon want to be convinced of the superior values we trive. kindly compare these qualities with those elsewhere offered at similar prices. VToiwa's pprfwt-fittinor ribbed vests, Beeced, at 19c .- -. V.'oinen's Jergpy ribbed pants. lavy we-'ht, at 25c. nurture w. uioousuine ann misrepresentation. A.LL, Am. Served at our Fountain TO-DAY. If you are chilled by the cold then come in and make your- self comfortably .warm by taking a drink of "Hot Sods,' Tours very truly, ,; James McKininion & Co. L 133 Fayetteville St., Raleigh. f - " Ik D:?:r.is As to the rose or violet, nothiag. 1 But take our name : . vi. 11. ki::q & co. Now, there's great deal in 'that, For instances - s ", "i In prescriptions it means PURITY and FRESHNESS of , Drugs,.. Care and exactness in compounding, Fair ness and moderation ia price. Whether you want medicine, or soda water,, cigars or soap, uanaies or chewing gum, we serve you with SXSnSSF u.,urn"'t,'8atiBf,Wti0,l"t0 nonesty,' courtesy,, ana cispatcn, Yes, There's Lots In a Name. ; "At Auction To fib llishssf Di I will sell, without reserve, on Fri day and Saturday .November 20th and 21st, fiftj head of Horses and Mares from Virg inia and East Tennessee, all 01 tnem good, sound workers. Every 1 one of them must be as -recommended 1 or money refunded. Sale will take place each day at u p'cloclt. v , - - FSAKK StKONACB, ' ' i 1 t. ,Auctioneer. I carry the largest stock of Harness, Saddlery, etc, in the State. I also have the largest stock of Carriages. ! Buggies, Wagons and Road Carts which I am selling at factory prices. - ' FRANK STRONACH,Prop'r. ' v f btronaca 8 JUnporium.' : Having this day Qualified as Ad' ministrator of the estate of Calvin &euy, Bwnura,uui is to noiny ail 1 persons indebted to said estate to nre- 1 J J . 1 1 . . ... .. sent their claims lor payment to me on or before the 18th day of November, 1897, or this notioe will he plead in bar 01 recovery, aii persons indebted to said estate will Please nav without lurtner demand. mezekiAh Fool. nil law6w ' -.. of may be for the SELLER and not "great offerings" are buta delusive j i. Juo" uuwi I steady diet,; Here s solid worth: H1 J " Women's fine natural wool vests, h i iiniKiii.fi n nn Kin be nnp - LAP ROBES. 4. ; 'r. V' I Buying great quantities, always for cash, and satisfied with moder-1 ate profit, we can and do undersell I those who claim to name cut prices. 1 xancy reversabie Jsnglish Flush I robes at $3 75. , . .. . - Extra heavy striped Hush Robe. wortn 90, at4. ' RUG SALE. Just arrived, another shipment of those handsome Jute Rugs which have been so popular this season. lomorrow we will give the public thebenefitofasaving of 32J per cent on these goods. JUTE RUGS, tate 36x72 Inches in beautiful combina the tion of colors and designs, worth 1 25 at 93c 50 Headof Horses Ik m Excel anything you ever saw in candy thin and crisp. Lemon, choco late, luue and vanilla and only 2uc lb. Riggan'i is the place to get the best and cheapest Toys. , (, . Riepan's line of Pictures is fine and beautiful and selling at one-half regu lar price. Select what you want while the line is complete. . Rlfircan'i is the ulaoe to eet new Nuts, Currants, Citron', Figs, Raisins, Grapes and Apples cheapest. . . Ricrcran's Candv Jexoels them all in price and quality. i s. Rlffran's Crookerv. Glassware. Lamps, Coat Hods and Shovels, vases ana iirlo-a-tirac are nest goods at the cheapext price; also Paper Tab lets ana Baskets. In fact Rlcaan's Tor Store is the place to get the beat goods at the most popular prices. t . . . - 133 FAYETTBVILLE STREET. The "Bow-Wow" Toe. "Russia Calf IJnedBalsatM.r..tiU.vingatrnr "7 fiAtifo'-NeedletoeandlewelTo. Calf Bals are T . great seiners at only Gen'ts' broad plain toe oonfifress at w. wear nice iron. -1 , Call and see the New Stvles as wall gains at ; U . ,f t IIELLEII'S SHOE Established in i!HAB;:STRONAH. HIGH CLASS GOODS - And Youf Money Back If Ladies' Ccpss end Jsckefs- Best values in the city , new plush capes. ne?uiar. ana extra lengths, plain, jetted, applivued, fur. ribbon s,oo 10.00 ,11.00 , lil.50 18.SO IS OO Worth $0.5O a so ! 1S.SO 1S.OO 10.OO aa.se ai n 1! 11 h II?" T'W wtr, -Durable' capes, velvet collar, braid trimmed ........ .v 300 bingle cape, military braid trim med ; I.', $6 00 TSirco Tinnoc::: &g::7. That is a mighty host of OVERCOATS vou will find "lined un" W wj luocu yuur wuuls uu wisuea. otronir and Style and fit. The onlv weak snot riuy ui uunuurs lonowers tne convenuonai iasnion. xne otner leads a eal- lant band of novelties-all our own. Both are mustered under the same business - bringing banner "satisfaction - - wuw , .uvuv v vw wlr",u jjuiu lauuic b reguuent wur cuuriuuus yi levjr vur superior may not cut any figure with you, but wnen wenty-nve aoiiars will give you the same value. The man who mn6t ,eel bia way and count his dollars can't afford to pay ten dollars when '60 wUl bu as Z0! 8 garment We UUJJ " bumu, suusutuum gruunu ilu onngioiics oacK nere sea- son aitcr season, w e want to seu you you've got to buy your boy. r boy. If you are e!.'1i.iiti wa o . ii I'll tj tn It. T a nntnli.1 rt 1 n. i . . we are sure i great majority don't po wrong. It's only roaa tnat we oeiieve tnat you win De charges. Our guarantee follows every to let us know the slightest dissatisfaction. money you puiJ us. r ,1. -TO 131 Faycttcville St. Raleigh Stiti:::ry Ci ' ' L.J Plioiie 142: : -TJLL LINE- FineVStgitionery, Office and School Supplies. Lczizxs hLcrr Pri::s. oc28 3m The Leaders in Shoes, Call Attention to Their New and Complete Stock of 1 Gents'. Footwear;" tinr RmitoW. rialf 93 w a pair. , altera and lace shews .' ' , . as tha'trraat har. - 1. , STcr.z, ; : 1876. AT POPULAR PRICES : You Are lot Satisfied. very handsome cloth cape, cloth and braid trimming, .velvet collar, worth $10 00, at , . . v . .8 60 worth $10 00 at 8 56 - Elegant Astrachan cape, trimmed, worth $11 00, at .. velvet 00 Very handsome cloth cape, jacket uouiL, worm fio uu, at V, ii i i 1Z 00 Same, trimmed with bratd ant 2 61 vnltius, worth 15 00, at .'. ; 12 The above will only give an idea as to quanuues and assortments, which comprise every style that is fashionable in a large variety of the best fabrics, , r And. your money back if you are not satisfied. ' in auantitv. Ktmntr 111 niniit ia th nrlnn ftno winn f to everybody." The big trade out unsiui ijMiuur)s. i b H iivn ior competiuon w strive against juaiuies our lowest prices. Uost you don't want to pay fifty dollars are not ' favorites from friendship the tbe leat bit thoughtful and con- when you stray from the straight beset witn undervalues and ovpr. purchase to the end. Don't hesi- It shall be paid for with i ) t V MB The largest C.cc'. t we Lave 1 is the 6hoe depart.nent aud itis just ly popular, as we give you the best slioe possible to buy for the prices. Children's shoes 25 60, 0. to, C3, 75, 85, 90, $1, 1 15, 1 25, 1 25, 1 50. V e have a large assortment of boy's shoes of all size, at 100, 125 and 160. We pay particular atten tion to the quality of our ladies' 1 25 1 60 and 200 shoes, - Crosset's 3 00 hoes for men: -'".( - t ' ' We do a large merchant-tailoring business, will make you a suit , Of pair of pants at a reasonable price andguaranteeour work in every respect, 18o ribbed waist af v..; .,,12!c 37o bleached " ?,'...,'..",. ..--250 680 " '..., 60o Children's union suits .'. ...ii.v..25o Misses' " - ,". f.60o We sell these fast black boss at 15 and 25e a pair, All sises-v-.., w-v. . 'f -' - " ' '' ; Gapes, cloaks,1 'XittZllz n ti ladies' suits, wrappers - and sirt3 in:(r iio vaneiy. as 10 rnce ana are cash- 'One'pricc See our 5c. and 10c counters; ' .Many bargains 6a them. Agents for -tne' sale WOOLLCOTT & SON, 14 East Martin St -v.- V I? Just watch this space for tho ever .off ered the eigh. Opeii atNifilite cf L II Plaio Fad , Windows index the character of a Ours. The offeri incomparable. Blankets. Comforu ard their extra values. School Caps - and nL jTf ".w11 UBt ed by express, medallion, gilt and silver bmWed Broadcloth Caps, stylish, coquottiah and becoming at about one , half the usual retail price. ' 1 . . ... , AlphicG cad Criicli' Ilnto , v In black, mode, pecan and nutria, regular 11.60 swell hats for.only II. ' s Gloves c;:d I.HttC!!!:, Bought direct from the faclory. Gloves. Leather. and Cloth Gloves, lined and unlined, Sftnotnl ' Motorn.ta's'.KIttCi Alwli.l M ; s priee (1.00. Tlianlic-riviii-T G.-ile-:d; f 1 from now until mbx is fu'd to every cl, siock is t :.iy ecu wurae s j ana, siron? auJ dura a. I'roia the first c v ed and Lave since nvai ..Anr.d ami fiirfvpi v c.-r.r "Pure!.; 2 1 3 car r t t, t t will t f 1 ii I , i 1 ti t r - - L.l t- 8 say that we L -ve t..e I el jck of e . ry Hi-pecial alU . 1 n f cap depart n r: t f . r .!.:. new shapes in tuns on nan:l now and prices very low. k. ,u 1 ' ' " ' ; ' 10- 4 all'wool white blankets A 3 C1 11- 4 " ;,(..-.; ,421 12- 4 " " ." , ,...4U r:: w S V,'e do Dot V, .e to ti Genuine cantor buckikia , .11 1) Heavy domestic kid gloves ; 'X; f London tanned doeskin glove. -. 8T0. ', Wool lined Kangaroo C V " , . 75o T,7& " beavy goatskini r:7i:. 1 08 ' All bargains." Also full' lines ef :: cloth, wool, kid and letUar glared ' from 25o to 1 00 a pair,, . - ' :'' 2SHnT WAIST ITES;-;--- "'AH: wool tin naif in reatUiKil blacky ijawstyle sleeve waist-&li Sootch plaid waist V. .. 85e ' Handsome wool Henrietta waista lined, full sleeve, 'ripple cuff, ele gant fitting waists............ 143 auautv. uu?.t:::j to all. of Buttcrick I'attcrnsi J.' A Wwl ' 4 ' ' ' W IS i- , people Bf !;Ral- art UHTfiiri I r C.7 ' ' 4 ,u. "ft -u tV'ta i'i".,i buslnpm. mv" nn V -nlA-"V ' Quilts are popular sellers because of Tdiii O'Shdntcra - Greachen's Ttrt ir, there V. I.. '. , for driv. , L. and wm-l-lli.'l r- ""n rnt s Cne 1' 3 tt i 'I ia'O" . end..' Plainlv Stale! (0 n i Big reduction on Smyrna Rugs. A 4kS Li I . ... Ono Leadin