corner i is. I . Lur and Manager. N. .N.cKARY, Soliciting Agent, ; ubscription Prices. Oi.e Year ..".1 ,. 3.00 U'je Month,..... 1-60 One Month , . . : , ... . . ,i .' - .25 ,.r.., j I,. N .lt.niHi....i " I Entered as Second Class Mail Matter The Leader in the News and in Circnlation. ' TELEPHONE No. 168. Wednesday, - Nov. '18, 1896 BIO SCHEMK TO DEVELOP TKADE , , , ' ABROAD. until u avie , ' The fjeld of Chinese trade is to be entered by American 1 talent and ' money on a large scale in the near future. Nearly - $1,000,000' capital has already been subscribed, and ' plans are now being matured for the ' formation in Chicago within two weeks of a gigantic commercial com pany .which is intended -to be the rival of the American Trading Com isany, and eventually to gain control of American trade in China. Greater than the plans for the trading company, however, is ; -scheme lor (developing many miles df steam and , street ' railways in Chlna, lighting its chief cities with electricity, dredging , its harbors and. engaging in public improve- ' meats that will mean profits to the x syndicate of millions of dollars. Two Englishmen are directing the formation of the syndicate from op- , posite sides of the globe. One of them is now in - Chicago con cluding the deal, -and the other is in China, where a personal acquaint ance with Li ' Hung Chang and the , members of the Tsting Li Yamen , will be the basis, it is expected, of the power of tho corporation.' The iatter is Louis Sr itzel, who, since (the World Iair, has resided in .Shanghai. He . is the head of the .firm of Louis Spitzel & Co., which ' prints, on .its ieMjerhead that it is capitalized for $100,000,000, an(j has headquarters in London and Shang hai. ; , - The man who is' attending to the - - formation of the company in Chica go is John P. Grant, a brother of :Sir George MacPherson-Graut, of ' Ballindock County Elgin, Scotland, ' and a son of the late Sir John Mac- 1 v i rcerson. He ts a railroad promoter and a man of considerable commer ' cial interests in'his own country. It 'A: is claimed that through his influence ' -and that of his brother, the British ,f. Government will act as a powerful ally to She new trading company, 'although most of the capital put in ' it will be American. . . v The new company is to go far out ride of the 'regular lines 0f trade ' .. ith China. Its province will be to ' supply the Chinese with everything ? needed in the way of manufactures, from locomotives to cheesecloth,, as fast as the market de velops. , The object for which the English American-Chinese , . Railway , Con . etruction Company j was formed is one of the most stupendous railway projects ever' , entertained bv the country, vlts completion will mean '2,300 miles of railway in operation in the Flowery Kingdom equipped with the most improved' appliances and rolling stock, with most of the equipment furnished by American manufacturers. Headquarters are to be establish ( .1 by the corporation in Chicago, 7.. i 1 An and Shanghai. A party of . 0 n!ost interested in the com y w ill sail from San Francisco on i. l'us:;,","e already has boon -1 anil l;ntl arrangements will '!i the vovo .1 r- L; I, s f Li vert vol, owners ba well-known Johnson line of cai'o r '. s, under which regular lines of steamers will, be run from these south Atlantic ports to chief European ports. The negotiations for this important move for the development of southern commerce and direct southern export traffic are the result of .the recent .visit of Mr. Samuel Spencer, president of the Southern Railway Company, to England during the . last summer, The object is not only to strengthen the export trade from the south by regular and reliable ocean service, but to prevent in future the irregu- larities in ocean rates heretofore existing from these ports, which have been so expensive to thB rail way lines of the south, , , ' , Bncklea'a Annas Salva. . The best salve in 'the world ior cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rueum reyer sores, tetter, chapped nanus, cmiDiams, corns and ail skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required.;;' It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents ir Mx. -or sale by John Y. Mae Blood la Ufo, It is the medium which carries to every nerve, muscle, organ and fibre its nourishment and strength. If the blood is pure, rich and healthy yon will be well; If impure, disease will soon overtake you. Hood's Sar- oeaitn oy niakinj; vour blood rich and pure. Hood's pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion, bil- ousness. f; Neuralgia is the praver'of the nerves for pure blood. Hood's Sar saparilla is the One Trun Blood Purifier and nerve builder. Whea Baby was sick, w ganbenCsatoria. yfkm aha was a (and, she cried for Csatorla. Whea the became Vim, she clung to Caatoria. ' When she had Children, she garethem Castoria. New Shoe Store. Evervthin? Absnlutnlv Nn. inj Read the following prices: ' Ladies' Vina Dongola Kid Button Boots, heel and snW heel la' all ' the new toes, at 98c, 1 25, CI 60 and $1 75. , 8 " iu ! La.dit?J Fine Dnla Kid Button Boots, heel and spring' heel, in all the latest shapes and toeg, at 82, 82 22 and $2 60. ' ur" m u ucaK uue ui men , coys- ana Uiiidren's Shoes in the State t s. e. pool. f : S. B. NORRIS, Manager. Is The Thief of Time" If you neglected to buy you,r win.te.r's supply of coal and wood In the order now and avoid the rush which --. , AMwva. v-vi VU Ull UO VliOU cold weather. season will now complete 's sunnlv of fuel at. nnnp and ot U ..j .! f . I: be a source f Ratisfaction to von for months tW 1 J I '. ' . . and we solicit vour order fnr tunc ko?'i11 ij. . I i ' t COAL and WOOa"?1 Slore Phone 150. Politics Don't , .Ur;V)-sIiirts49c. Of these two received a large consignjnent, Jus'f bourrlit Miiui? inu uiuuuuii, vviieu n l.,' ln nf tA' nm,l u, uig iuu ui uiuii uuu low prices; we buy direct from tho izzL Jjcturcrs, , and at .this s) ti::vjof the season wo ffifc.-. I : up great bar- . hir ua u hiHKi t t- . a w -t . - 4 J 8"i 1 byar v.:rO tiou," Proportion aud kromat . unknown to otiirs wntca naturally and actually pnxluoos Shown by thousands of boneM, : Voluntary testimonials- winch . v v naturally and actually proauot . . Greatest Czzz According to tba statements of druggists all over tho country. In the tare points Hood's Saraaparula Is peculiar to ttselt. n n O Sarsaparilla IstlMbest ItistbeOns Trua Klood PorUkr. Hood's Pills MoS'jnjL Laud Sale. ' Under and by , virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Wake county, ia i a. wenain civil action, . JNO 721, summons docket of aid court, ' titled B. l llontaeruo vs. J. W. ttyais, XNancy a. iirtu ana Joseph Austin, I will on Monday, the xitit day of December, 1896, at noon, seU at public auction at the oourt house door in the city of Raleigh, N. C, the following described tract of land lying in Panther Branch Township, said county, and adjoining the lands of """"fiv . mui, A. JUi. . OUUN1 -u stun others and bounded as follows: Be ginning at a stake in Little Creek, thence north 4 degrees east 4 chains and 22 links to a stake, thence south 81 degrees east 14 chains and 44 links te a stake, thence north 40 degrees east 15 chains and 80 links to a stake, thence south 87 degrees east 16 chains and 60 links to a stake, thenoe north 3 degrees east 11 chains to a stake in the Pet ny corner, thence north 83 de fiTc Tiest with L. J. Weathers' Una 49 chains to a stake - on ; Jnnioer Branch, thenoe down ; the 1 various courses of said branch to Little Creek, thenoe down said creek to tha begin ning, containing one hundred and two and a half acres (102 acres) as more fully appears by deed of Nancy A. Briti and others to J. W. Rrala a.nd wife, date March 15, 1884, Registry of Wake county, Book 87, page 400, and known as the homestead of said J. W. Ryals. Terms cash. - AKMISTEAD JONES, ' Commissioner. Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 13, 96. . j TqrW.Sf-tWlieHTte.fc,DT. , , , 8 ; . 1 . -, . ive cuit special attention to our new I UK' ft ; ' 1 f ' 1 Ladies' Fiss Sh::sf Including all the latest shapes, styles nuJ toes, now mudi in Lj;32 Fine Up-to-Date Footwear! i. : ' ' " V '" i representeo. always comes with the first spell of VIJU HIIM11I1I TllaVVal inn A MWaV M a,jh..a I your orders for t?estoods at lowest pr;ics.; Office 109FayetteviUaSi. Doto Lr3. We Are Busy 10c socks for Sp. 75c colored laundricd bargains . We have just prices ion all to J - il f f uuv Sf CIOIJIIII'T Ct YCTV -- uu-( Gc. ,3 Ellict cap that "there is a sati facticn !i tho ccncciouccs cf bcin well . .rich rcl; v.czi cannot frivn. TTow-J hinn ioto i : 1 f rtSti f -r0110? mtliG mcans comforts, rub- ci cttziL. v: it ere hero in fullest measure. 1 . ' - is riht the matter of dress will, whatever clso fiho l :cs, make it a point to see Tucker's Dress Gcads : 'l "COAT CFMAIU "-This new mbrlc comes in two ways, one be- iff OMn in Mesh, thertthnf hnlnir tlm and anllrl in " Amn' ..franto open Monday sa assortment of Coat directimTV"- n, and when sold cannot be replaced. i. CAN VA.i LANIEUX Monday we open a new line of this popular fabric in plum, olive, brown, navy, garhet at il 50 per yard. i POliPADOUa M03AIii Is a Mohair and Wool Bourette Novelty, a neai cnecs: in fin ine jaws coior oomoinauons, coverea with small curls of ti-.U lustre Mohair, forming a stripe, extra value at per yard, ; fa) a'crici later Fork MM1 sQaSaturdaj November 21sV 1896, at the Court Louse door in Baleich. at 12 m., bv virtue of theoower given ua in a deed of mortage, exe cuted by A S Pollard and registered ia the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake oountir. in. Book 78 at nac 673, we will seilat public outcry, the following described lands, situated In Wake county and said Tobship, to wits First, the tract convsyed to aid AS Pollard, by John W Hlns dale.commlssioner b v deed dated Ma v 21st, 1884, adjoining the lands of joseon uarsbau. u u marcom and others: Beginning at a red oak, W. B. Scott's corner, thenoe North 87 degrees west 209 2-0 poles tea stake, MarshaU's corner then North 2 degrees East, 22 poles to a small sourwood: then -North 87 - deirraea West 64 poles to a stake, MarshaU's corner: then South 2 decrrees West 74 poles to a stump, M: C. Sorrell's line, then South 87J degrees; East 64 poles to a stake, then South 2 degrees: West 24i poles. to pointer ?i. v. Jaarcon s corner, then Worth i Agrees, East 74, poles to the beginning, containing about 127 acres, - Second the trapt of about 18 acres adjoining the landsfef ucy Page, J Wattins, f. Q, Adams, and XTennls Borrell and described in a deed from Susan Page Jere Wat-' kins snd wife to said Pollard dated Nov. 10th, 1880. Third, The Home tract of said Pollard, on which he formerly lived adjoiningthe lands of i nos. roiiara. 4 w Aaams ana others and described in deed to him front G WLynn dated Januarv 1st. 1872 Snd registered in Beirister'a office for said county in Book 34 at page" w. xermseasn. , -- RH. BATTLE, -: J . - WALTER CLARK, -, Executors of E. H. Swain.' Raleigh, N. a, Oct. 20, 1896. - 0;cil::!i Ttis! We five prescriptions spec al ' ears an) attention at all hours, day qr night. If thai is what yon want, we are,s " " - Yours truly, WW ftfh'm Jajock ;otfk. of II M Ml Ml M II '' 11 1 n DON Of Faycttovillc and Martin Sts., Just as you Come Up from the Perk. Hotel 1 4 1. , o Where the finest ciirnra and tlm be had. Bromo Seltzer served at the Just tho thinn C?. CSOUlU bdyo, c JD yet!. . .r - - - v acz: of Mall, in self plain colors-navy, u . i , i Wj - a j-w-i n .v .mntnn MnnK iv i TT.m., .i.n e... mm "mm ' ' f' lot mild cured Johnston county (N. Parker. About 60 acres of the tract C. ) Hams. - are in a good state of cultivation, of Fresh arrival New River Mullets, which a part is. well drained low fine, fat Mackerel, new pack Roe Her- grounds. Good , tenant house and rr$5?Jzl'M m 'Melrose". Flour still growing in popularity. And whv? Because it is carefnUy ground frbm best selected ,, TtT, f, fiance wree wheat. None superior to ''Melrose." equal annual installments with m i Nice line finest men and black Teas, terest from date of sale. ' Special blend finest Mocha and Java roasted coffee makes an excellent cup. ' I ; handle nothinir .but first clans goods, ' therefore orders ' may be sent I wun connaence. juowest prices guar anteed.! Respectfully, i - , C t ' Cor. Johnson and Halifax Sts. - " ( Telephone 126." i:qti:e! NOSTB Carolina, In Superior Court ! Wake County, f To Oct. Term, '96 M. JT. Edwards . ' b J. La'wrenoe I Publication, - . To J-. J. Lawrence, defendant in the above entitled action. Take notice: That on Jhe 29th day of August, 1896, an action was begun and insti tuted in the Superior court of Wake county, North Carolina, to Ootober Term 1896 of said court by AL J. Ed wards against J. J. Lawrence, your self, entitled M. J. Edwards vs. J. J. Lawrence, and that summons tnerein nas neen aury t ssuea and returned "not to be found:" That the purpose Of said action is to recover monev due from you to the said M. J. Edwards upon an& by virtue of a contract ro utine to the manufacture and sale of medicine known as the Compound Ex tract of Rosadalis, and to the pur chase by said M. J. Edwards of a one half interest in the Patent Right there to, and for the recovery of dunsmi from you for breach of said contract, amAimitnM fas sail 4a tVA M ni wi i&atelll uivuuviUK iu au tv sua BUlll UI wOa.UUU. l rant 01 attaenment nas been issueh in said action directing the -soicure of your property in North Ca olina. You lurtner notified and reouired to an. pear at the October term of afLw Su perior Oourt of Wake county, North Carolina, to be held in the citv of Ral eigh, in said county and State, on the aom 01 uctoDer, low, ana answer or demur, during said term, to tha mm. plaint which will beflled in saidantinn. or the plaintiff will have judgment for the relief demanded therein; when and wnere me warrant -01 attaenment will likewise be returned. D. H. YOUNG, " . 5lerlt Superior Court, Wake Co. ARGO SNOW, Attorneys. ! II M II fl Ull l ' "' ' ' i i ( no ti F "i '. :r ' y. , . ' , ' , 'Jl J J best RnUn unH MW1 U Fountain. for Fair Week, VjI be (jlad to . ." i 7 ' ,;.cut, are .Ah: forit? you r If not, coincand (TGt your S.1O0S. Some beautiful ,ows nd COatS, capes, Cloaks, jackets, umbrel- IaS laD rObeS. e UO nOt lOrfifet VOUH MOrSeS. We i ' V 1 f XVQ D 1 Q V t V OT , , J UlClIllIJL.O 1 Sjl. them " jaalJWII ktUiJaLUI UtwlU Zzi cf Izr.i V.zzr R!:!ih. ' As executor of the late J . B. Bob bitt I will offer for sale at the Court House door in Raleigh, at 12 o'clock m., on Saturday the 5th day of De cember, 1896, a valuable tract of land about Si miles east of Baleigh containing Ninety -four acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of W. H. Holleman, deceased, J. X. Dodd, J. W. Cross and others, it being the 1.-- -A . , m , ' . " v iraciioi iana iormenv ownea dvjss. Moore and previously b? - M." A necessary out-housesand a good well 0f water are on the Wfimtww n! &JXn L? Prf nj1863' J. Hal. Bobbitt. nov6 Ex; of J. B. Bobbitt For i 111 fLJ W ' v w m m a m m ar m a For the last 20 years we have kept Piso's Cure for Ccn- , sumption ia stock, and would sooner think a pocerynsan ccdJ ret along, without sugar In his -store than we could wlAout Ptso's Cure. It is a sure seller. RAVEN & CO., Dre;i.t3, Ceresco, Michigan, September 2, IZ96. The National D RALEIGH, NJ C. . Capital Paid In .5225,000 m. 0. . - ..:.., and Utidevided 1 Undivided Profits, . i i .i -M. v : DIRECTORS: , ' ?;iTCECELOR, : JAMES A. BRIGOS g--BUSBEE, .... . THOMAS B. CHOwbEfl PJD. MOraNO, . JULIUS LEWIS. -. , CHAS. E. JOHNSON, ' CHAS. H. BElViN, . W. R. TUCKER. . ' , CIIAS. II. r.TTVIN, Tresidont. ' , Our banking room has been enlargednd refurnished f A NEW VAULT, which Is entirelv fire nroof and controlledby combination, automauo and time locks, built bv f t ? r f ', and Iron Works, o Baltimore, and superintended by Mr. J. 1 r. i n f ew York, an erpert in burglar proof work. In this vault we 1 ive j SAFE DEPOSIT OOXIi of the very latest design, me convenienee of -whioh can not be rprec' til they are seen, and all are invited to see thfra. TllA Mnli. ft .VA 1 ,1. .. , . , . T ,mB lliH " T, ana no one can p,i n contents of the box without the pn-s o of the rpuier, and if h , his key, the finder could not 51 in ao t-a to the box, f e co . . t be known only to the renter. There is ample room in 1. . 1 of deeds, valuable papers, wills, bonds, BioHs, -e;o.,'Eul t obtained for very moderate cost. - , , f , . " Convenient and private rooms have bo-n nrovt ' 1 fop t' t of custorofirs In the examination of pan, cir . - co, e -' We have an excellent vault iu audition to 1 . 1 h, ' for the storage of boxes and 1 1 ' 1' - firvone intnr -i -1 in t . . 1 n-.o r , . lam are cordially i-,v.,.. J to i:- t : 0 1 at i i.i it i dour in u i c y vi . . . 11 m, f f .,'. uate in V ...e c- .- -, . u. . township, bcinnn it at eJ ; sie Uatkin's n wcw riaJu i Pool's line; t' f!i09 s U ,l jdjj to a stake said WUn'a sw crntr; thence s 35 w tU 3 5 iIi "; t . d west 931 poles to two rel o.. iu the bank of Neuse river; tl'ue up the various conrsi s of f ,:J rivei about 84 poles to J.1'b cf-pr; thence with his line si f e 1 - j -W to the beginning, ei....uinI j L. i acres. Also, at the t. re t!i - tsf i place, we will sell thepeisoi,Uc" r) ertysetoutin said decree, con- t ing of 1 mule, 1 horse, 2 waous, ' harness, farming implements and part of crops made on suidland Terms cash. . ARMISTEAD JOXII3, - ' . TUOS R PUKNIXL, ' n67 tds ; . Commissioners. Q' ' I. a i 1 NorthCarolina, In Superior Court, Wake county, i Before D H Young, , v , Clerk. ( ' J. C, Marcom, administrator of Cherry Penny, deceased, vs. Mary' Walters and Henry Walters, her husband, Mary Allen, Lillie Allen. 1 ijiio Aiieuai una alien, ousan ai- : len, George Penny, Ada Penny, and ; Annie Holloway, heirs at law of Cherry Penny, deoeaRed . To Mary Walters, Henry Walters, Mary Allen, Lillie Allen and Joha Allen, defendants above named. - , ;' '. You will take notice that a special proceeding has been Instituted ia this court by J. C. Marcom admlnis- , trator of Cherry Pe nny, deceased.' .. ' entitled as above, for the purpose of obtaining an order for the sale of t;; toe real estate ol his said intestate ' ' ment of the debts of the estate and ' w viwm wocaouiguta wi tun u T - the charges of administration, and - you are hereby required to appear , at my office in Raleigh, N. C. on the 2d day of December. 1896, and an- , s wer or demur to the complaint of ' tne piainus in saia action jo? pro- teeaina Ing, otherwise the relief prayed fill be granted. Iti.wi Clerk Superior Court of Wake Co. ; October 19, '96. . Iaw6w . 75,000 1 rs 1 i;i ( w .J

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