' v rrcv. J u tca.it for Kulclgh. 1 Loral forecast for Ealolgh I (not extending beyond a ra dius of 20 mlle:l Fair, contin- i J warm tonight and Thursday. Cloudy and possibly . light shower '. Imrsiiay evening. , Forecast for North Carolina: ,-. Fair ti-ni-Ut, followed by . partly cloudy weather Thursday, - . ' , . , ; ; Local Data. ,' Local data for 21 hours ending at 8 a. m. (today) November 18, Maximum temperature, 48; minimum temperature, 41; rainfall. 0.00. Conditio of tha Waatkar. : , The following were the weather con ditions at 8 a. m. today: ., State of the weather...... .v.. u; fair. Temperature of the air;...... 48 degr. Sensible temperature...;.... 42 deg. Wind Telocity .' Light. Direction of wind. N. E. PERSONAL. Dr. A. B. Hawkins, wentto Louis-; burg today. ' j - Dr.' J. L. M. Curry, will arrive here tomorrow. , - 'K' ' Hon. G. Bent JUford, of Holly Springs, is In the city, - Mrs. L. C. Vass, of Charlotte, is visiting her. sister, Mrs. George Allen on New Bern Avenue. Ir Mrs. H. E. Colton, who has been visiting the famiiy of Maj. Vass, left today for her home in Enoxville, Tenn. . . ' " V NoMd Praaeher Tonight. Rev. Dr. Q. H.-Shinn, of Gales burg, 111., at present the Universal- ist Missionary of the United States, - and who will preach in the cityHo night, is the guest of Mrs. O. J . Carroll.' i 1 ' ' It is already advertised that he will preach tonight (Wednesday), at 1 the Academy of Music, at 8 o'clock. Subject: "What Will Become of Wicked People Dying in Sin?" . The public is cordially invited to ; be present. , Bight YoaaraMr. Obatrvar I The Charlotte Observer of today savs editorially: : "The Southetn : : railway company deserves commen- dation and thanks for the splendid passenger service which it is giving ' the public. Ever since its re-orga- miration its Improvement has been steady. And the addition,, Sunday, of another passenger train to its al ready excellent service, ' leaves almost nothing to be desired. The Southern has come to be one of the really great raiiway systems of the country, and it is evident that its management is determined not only to take no step backward but to keep pressing forward. t, - Staada at tha Baad. - ' Aug. 3, Bogel, the leading drug ' gist of Shreveport, La., says. "Dr. King's New Discovery is the only i hing that cures my cough, and it is ' the best seller I have. " J. F. Camp bell, merchant of Ariz, writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is ' claimed for it; it never fails and is a ' Bure cure for consumption, coughs and colds. I cannot say enough for its merits.": Dr. King's New Dis covery for consumption, coughs and colds Is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of century, , , and today stands at the head, fit ' never disappoints. Free trial bot- ties at John V. MacBae's drugstore. Did Yoa Evar Try Electric Bitters as a remeny for your troubles? If not get a bottle " now and get relief. : This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all derful direct influence in giving J trencth and tone Jo the organs. U you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or ' are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electrio Bitters is the medl ar A - TT14-t. ( C! .1. cine jruu utwu. cwiui auu oucujui are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and II at John Y. McBae s drug store. . yS-k,; j. i:' i Prof. Wya la Towa. .; '. ; ; Prof. S. B. Nye, Optician and Refractionist, is now in the city, and is ready for the reception of his friends and the generaljpub lic at his office at the Park Hotel, near the ladies' parlor, where he is prepared to administer to their com fort in the way of curing chronic hr-iJache caused by astigmatism or e ' er ailments of the eye. Every d ' .ret will be corrected and the i t complicated and also prescrip t n ,' ' -s are made here -at his , s t in the latest and hand t i!..,:;ns of fraMes. Consul- f. . V.'ill be at his office ; ; .L a. m. t'.U 5 p. w. daily.' 17 1 w ; '1 h between T r .1 D v- '- : ' - r : : 1 ' I1 f t i. AC s '-W. 31. nlOLf Ice cream every day at Dughi's. D Try one of Denton's oyster broils. l-ur Kent. ix room cottage on Polk street, second dxr from N. Person street. Inquire 50-4 N. Person street nol3tf Fresh Catawba grapes at Dughi's. Bananas ten, fifteen, twenty and twenty-five cents per dozen at Dughi's. For Bent. ' Three-story brick building cor. Fayetteville and Morgan streets, re cently occupied by Democratic head quarters, For terms apply to W. B. Grimes. nova tf ; 4 Denton's is the only place in the city to get first class up-to-date broiled oysters. , 1 Nice looking pears at Dughi's. , For Boat. Six room house on Jones street, second door from Dawson street. Water and modern improvements. Inquire southwest corner Jones and Dawson streets, v . . n!4-2w - Gill Flower apples, or better known as the "sheep nose" or "pig nose" or some kind of noseat Dughi's Denton trerve the ; largest and best oysters. , Call and be con vinced.: ' , r Dissolution Notice. , - The firm of McClure & Peterson have this day dissolved co-partnership by mutual consent All bills and debts due the old firm will be paid to the new firm of McClure & Hales. ' - McClcri & Pxtkbsoit. i Fresh cocoanuts at Dughi's. I!:rso A'jcficn. I will have two car loads of good, young, West Virginia horses ship ped from West Virginia to me, to be sold on consignment, which I will positivelysellto the highest bidder at my stables in Raleigh, on Satur day at 12 o'clock, Nov. 21, 1896. Stock guaranteed as represented, or no money paid. - These horses are from 6 to 7 years old, sound and good workers. . If you want good Virginia horses don't miss this op portunity, as they will sell cheap. Everythmgguaranteed. . . ? 1 ; JOBH W. LlTTLfPAQX. Ed. Thomason, Auctioneer. ' ' ' nov2 lm , - .No "Experts" .needed with Buck's ','') Store and Ranges. 4 : Now Girls ! We will give the BUCK'S JUNIOR JTICKLED RANGE" to the girl under 14 years old who will collect and bring to our office the greatest number of advertisements, each with , " j "DUOIl'S" Trade MarJt out from newspapers from October 15th to December 26th, 1898. Each coUeo tion must be tied in package with num ber and name thereon. Tios. fl. Briggs & Sons f RALEIGILN. C. SOLE AGENTS Buck'sGreat White Enamel Line, W. E. 206 Fayetteville Street. . ; V People call the kind of weather we've been having lately "Indian summer." That's because it's so treacherous. The sun smiles in vour face while a cold wind creeps around back. Especially is this true of the see that the tots are guarded atrainst wriu viuuiuug. ; jaere is uie place ia CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. : Children's tine white merino vests and panto, sizes t to 8 years, for merly sold for 25 and 35c, nor 18c each.s Natural wool sanitary vests, sizes 8 to 12 years at 38c Misses' ribbed vests, 60 per cent wool at 48c, .'..' Infants' ribbed shirts, 50 per cent wool at 25. .-, v ' ' Infants' ilt wool ribbed shirts at 48c - DRESS GOODS." ' 500 yards fancv brocaded two tone drps poods, 40 inches wide, black and colors, usually sold at 35c, your clinioe while they last at 25c. 11 wool liannel suiUBgs, 38 inches v. ie in gray, brown, navy and red' ALL lilD- : Served at our Fountain - TO-DAY. If you are chilled by the cold then come in and make your- r - - , self comfortably warm by taking a drink (0 of 'HoV Soda." "- ' " 4 ; Vouri very truly, James McKimmon 4 Co.,- 133 Fayetteville St., Raleigh. Wis.M( ol.J u k.v....4 Depends As to the rose or violet, nothing. But take our name w. ii. ki:;g s co.', - Now, there'se great deal in that For instance: , . In prescriptions it means PURITY and FREEHNESS of Drugs, Care and exactness in compounding, Fair ness and moderation in price. - Whether you want medicine, or soda water,, cigars or Soap, Candies or chewing gum,, we serve you with tiftnst.v. mtirtfisv. and diBD&tch. One good name means everything to you, it means entire satisfaction to us success. Yes, There's Lots la a lame,' 50 Head of Horses At :Auctim To!hs!i-hest Didder I wilt sell, without reserve, on Fri day and Saturday November 20th and 21't, fifty head of Horses and Mares fr m Vlrtrinla and East Tennessee, all u tc. a good, sou 11 J workers. . Every one . f them must be as recommended or uwiiey refunded. Sale will take place each day at 11 o'clock. Fka.nk Stbonach,- ' ' ' Auctioneer, I carry the larsest stouVof ILiness, Saddlery, etc1., in the State. I also have tha larsnst stock of Carriages Buggies,' Wagons and Road Carts which l am selling at factory prices. FRANK STBONACH, Prop'r. Stronach's Emporium. ; Nos. 219, 221' and 223 Wilmington Kctics (9 tha Putnc f - Havinir this : day .Qualified as Ad ministrator - of the estate - of Calvin Kelly, deceased, this is to notify. All persons Indebted to said estate to pre sent their claims for payment to me On or before me itn day qi iNovemoer, 1897, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please pay without lurtner demand. xxEZEKxah root . nl7 laww , JONES; the corner and stabs , you In the children. The eareful mother will the insidious foe by a panoply, of get n. at 28ci :--jX-J My,f misses'' Jackets. J.cy Misses' reefer . jackets in 'good quality kersey cloth, trimmed with soutache braid at (2 43. ' ,v Misses' stylish boucle cloth reefer jackets in green, b.own and reds, were $6, now $4 75. - Children's long coats at 25 per cent off usual selling prices. -SURPRISING SHOE. SELLING. We have put on our bargain tables in center of store one hundred pairs women's fine kid and pebble goat button and laced shoes, siwsslihtly broken, former prices ! 60 to 12 at 63c. v ' Misses' Debbie grain button boots spring heels,8tol2,wnrth 75c at 53c: same shoe 13 to 2 at C-ic v. - . E.xcul any::,ing you ever bhw in candy thin hndcriHp. Lemon, ohono lato,lune ami vanilla and only -Jc lb. Ripan'a is the place to get the beBt and cheapest Toys. : ... ..V '- '.- ' Ri??an's line of Plcturee is fine and beautiful and selling at one-half regu lar price. Select what you want while the line is complete. , Rlggan's is the place to get new Nuts, Currants, Citron, Figs, Raisins, Grapes and Apples cheapest. ' , Riggan's Candy excels them all In price and quality. , ,1 f Riggan's Crookery, Glassware, Lamps, Coal Hods and Shovels, Vases and Brio-a-Brao are best goods at the cheapest price; also Paper Tab lets and Baskets. In fact Kiggan's Toy Store is the place to get the best goods at the most popular prices. . " 132 FAYETTEVILLE ' STREET. The "Bow-Wow?.' Toe i, ''Russia Calf Rope Switch" 'Calf II having a great run. Lined Bals at $4 are still rjrk1.cNeedle toe and Jewel vl wll la great selllers at only . Gen 'ts . broad plain toe congress gaiters and lace shoes at $2 00, wear like iron. , i - i -v. - s : Call and see the New Styles as, well as the great bar- , tiHLLER's si::e stc:.h, ' Established in ' That is a mighty host of OVERCOATS you will find "lined up" here to meet your wants and wishes, strong in quantity, strong in quality and style and fit. The only weak spot Is the price. One wing of this army of comfort followers the conventional fashion. The other leads a gal lant band of novelties all our own. Both are mustered under the same business-bringing banner "satisfaction to everybody. " The big trade we are having is the best evidence of our surpassing facilities. It's like a corporation s guard facing a regiment for competition to strive againBt our enormous variety our superior qualities our lowest prices. v Cost may not cut any figure with 'you, but you don't want to pay fifty dollars when twenty-five dollars will give you 'the same value. The man who must feel his way and count his dollars can't afford to pay ten dollars when $7.50 will buy as good a garment We are not favorites from friendship only, but on the Bolid, substantial ground that bring folks back here sea son after season, we want to sell ut.:-'1.yr-:' you've got to buy your boy. If you siderate, we are sure to do it. It is great majority don't go wrong. It's OVERCOAT roaa tnat we believe tnat you wur oe beset witn undervalues and over charges. ..Our guarantee follows everr purchase to the end.' Don't hesi tate to let us know the slightest dissatisfaction. It shall be paid for with tbe money you paid us.? 4 , : ;'v Leading One' A.B.STRONACH. HIGH CLASS GOODS ,f And 'h l.!::sj Back Be values in the city, new plash capes, liejuiar ana extra lengxns, plain,, jetted, opplivued, fur, ribbon and other rushionaoiev garnitures, all with satin or fancyaffeta silk liDings: Worth looo . 1 !. lir ) 1 f. i N 1M 1 1 no 1H..M) Irt f TO 131 Faycitculb St. IHO St:li:'::ij Co. Plione 142 r -FULL LINE Fine Stationery, Office and School Supplies. . Lc-:r3 b Lc:v Pri::s. - . oc283m The Leaders in Shoes, Call Attention to Their New and Complete Stock of Gents5 Footwear. Toe Calf $3 00 a pai Bals ' are pair. 1876. you the ' - , - are tbe lea't bit thoughtful and con natural to folbw the crowd, for the only when you stray from the straight Price Clothiers. AT POPULAR PRICES. If You Are Net Satisfied. : Very handsome cloth cape, cloth and braid trimming, velvet collar, worth 110 00, at., .8 50 V Braid and Jet, trimmed in same, worth $10 00 at ........ ; .v. ... 8 50 Elegant Astrachan cape, velvet trimmed, worth $11 00, at .. . .9 00 Very handsome cloth cape, jacket back, worth fl5 00, at 12 50 Same, trimmed with braid nnd vullhis, worth 15 00, at 12 50 The above will only give an i .loa as to quantities and assortments, f.ich comprise every style t'.,at is fashionable in a lar.re varlr-ty of tbe best fabrics. - '-, U And v".r n.n. r. 1 .M-k if you are ' not f . ' ,1. j Econcr.ib Pi ices Prevail in c!i 1 f The largest department we have is -the shoe department und it is just ly popular, as we give you the best shoe possible to buy for the prices. Children's shoes 25 50, (i(t, C5, 68, 75, 85, 90, 11, 1 15, 1 25, 1 S5, 1 50. We "have a large assortment of boy's shoes of all size, at 1 00, 1 25 and 150. We pay particular atten tion to the quality of our ladies' 1 25 160 and ZW shoes. Urosset s aw) shoes for men:- ' . : We do a large merohant-taUoring pair of pants at a reasonable price andguarantceour work in every respect. Lcdfcs' Vert: 18o ribbed waist at1 " V:"' ... . . .12)0 iffdbloached " " ' . . . . .... 25o 68o " . ', '",... 60o Children's union suits . ; -. ty: 25o Misses' ..50c We sell these fast black hose at 15 and 5c a pair. . All sizes. ' :v' :. Oapes7 cloaks; jackets, children's reefers, ladies' suits, v wrappers and skirts in grc ::t variety, as. to price and quality.1, Our terms are casn.V One price to all.' ' , ' '.' k , - . See our 5c and 10c counters. Many bargains on them, " v . . i t . . ; Agents for the sale of Butterick Patterns;' WOOLLCOTT & SON, -14 East Martin Street. r Just watch this space for the 1 ," ' . Greatest Furnituro C:rr ::. ever offered the eigh;.;; vv,,;;: Open at Nfaht, Lexers ctLc;v:Pn:::;a''T Hill The New Store i. ...... .i.i.u... . .i The big double glass front indexes the store inside. : Selling at smallest profits, we bring the consumer nearer the prime, first original cost than credit stores care to do or dare to imitate. Thora is '"method in their madness" when they decry our popular system. ' Enconiums copiously showered binds us in closer relationship to public favor ahd nerves us to the greatest work for the smallest r- v i.i a word, we become public benefactors. , Unnuppnpjmnr y!p'r,( iiuuk.jjuliliiig llijliiiij. we never nave, ao'noi now, nor never win seu suipie ; less than cost, then charge those unfamiliar with the qualities c r j We never have, doaiot now, of the values extortionate prices, as some, by duplicity an.. I ! sentation seek to do. Such is not BUSINESS, tiut a downr'.-'tt of conudence a sharp trick played by some to "keep in t' e ' ' Mr., Sherwood Hips is now in New York coverin,' t i s2 it is worth in tlie way of bnrgains and he has just "struck it r great clearing prices nre now being node to wind up the veer's I 1j'.! invoices of Cloth and l'iuh Capos, new stylos Pre s C kinds of Woolen U nurweari ncavy merps have just been r?ceivcd, s Greatest line of children's Tain O'Shanters ever diilayed in the city, and from the SIGNS before us, we lay claim to the bi 'e ;t s ?ck of Hand kerchiefs in the State. (Genuine Imported Muslin Shirts .33o . Wsmsutt.-i Pienched, linen bosom Shirts... ...50o .Gent's Night Shirti, emhroi.leried ..v,.-..60o ' Don't miss a 15.M;. i A IN by buvin? br fore vou Fee the qualities and hear the priors. 1-V,1 p'l ,' ',',oi or T , , We do not like to boast, but will say that we have the best pelec'ed stock of millinery in ...h. Especial attention is called to -cap department for children, all t new shapes in tans on nand now cu J prices very low. 3 SPECIALS-3 . 10- 4 all wool white blankets. 11- 4 " " " 3C? .421 business, will make you a suit or Genuine castor buckskin ...... 1 13 Heavy domestic kid gloves .... 8oc London tanned dogskin glove. . 87c Wool lined Kangaroo 75c " " heavy goatskin 1 00 All bargains. . Also full lines of cloth, wool, kid and leather gloves from 25o to 1 00 a pair. 3 SHIRT WAIST ITEMS. All wool flannel, in red, blue and ' black, new style sleeve waist . . 1 00 ' Scotch $laid waist ' .. ; v. ". . .95c .Handsome Wool Henrietta waists lined, full sleeve, ripple cuff, ele gant fitting waists . , . . . . 1 43 , .J. people of . Ral-: : . r f , is ... uit i it Ppmnln Plt, OOn.uuii.uu i nor never will sell staple i 1 f i t ' r stock I .ait tu : , j 1 s aii . v ,i- yoi.i i :y tack. ! . Pur ' c S velvet co!!ar, b'i'd ; i .. .. 3 t J i. r e c. t:i'.;itary braid trin 1 ' Ji CO-

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