,u s in from the 1, t,ud t V.'- . .4 ie ;rt..a. I istnr and Managsr. Soliciting it ,Lcripiion Prices. L.x Months.,, 1.60 One Month,..-, ,f...w ",.25 Entered as Secontf Class Mall Matter The Leader in the News and ' ' in Circulation! 1 TELEPHONE No. 168. Thursday-. . m '. i Nov. 19, The longest, "star" mail 'service la the United States, baa just been established. Iron Juneau to' Circle City, Alaska, a distance ol 898 miles.- There are about 2,000 persons in France who are set down as an arehists, and are under the constant watch of' the police of the various European countries . " !' " ' ' ' ' ) ' : Jtdge Wallace, of California, has decided that there Is no libel In vol v ' ed in, publicly . declaring a man in' favotbf Chinese' immigration when heishotJ.- Two short-sighted enthusiastics of Monroe' City." Mo.,' bought 1,000' ; ounces' of 'silver ' at 65 cents last mohth'oelieving that . its value , , would double alter, the election. ( ' The longest "commercial distance at which, the Jong-d istance telephone is now operated Is from Boston to St. IjOuLva,4d'staiice of, 1400 miles, or more than twice as long as any European telephone line. ' ' What is claimed to be the most powerful.' locomotive 'in1 the world has just been completed at Liege. ' At a trial trip a speed of forty -six mile's an hour' was attained with' a load of 100 trucks, each containing a dead, weight of twelve tons. ,. . , . 1. 1 ,N III. Ml! Ml . H I. I- ; I.. President; Cleveland," in accord ance with:' the act of congress au thorizing him to prescribe the kind v of ribbon to be worn, with the medal of 'honor awarded to ."soldiers for distinguished, gallantry, has pre. scribed A silk ribbon on inch wide and one Inch in length, witL 'red, white and blue stripes. , . ,.l? i.h. i, r. i,i i i j-i fti. The ladies'-'aid societies of St , - Paul, Minn., have got into bad re - pute by their methods for' raising funds for church support. The mem - ' ' i , iflii".ti v - V -v'J . . ' ' bers . spend ,their afternoons, in , pleasant chat r while they make aprona or - knotted quilts for ttu larger stores. - Before ' their entry , into this field of labor, the work had . been done by poor women for barely , living wages- f It Is now contended : that ,the societies; are taking the ' bread and . butter from; these poor , working' women.! Hence the howl -.which has peen raised, - '" I , - 1 H'.tn. Hi ii ynUi . , f i Two new meb have been elected - .M represent Southern States t n the i United States Senate. ' The' first of . i these Is . General sE"',W., . Pettus, . chosen to be Senator for. Alabama In t the stead of Hon. James L. , Pugh, who has been in the. Senate since 1880. ,; Seriato '.Pugh appears to have been out of harmony' with the : people of his State, although he was a candicate., for;, re-election he stood no show from.. the beginning of the contest. The new Senator has been very prominent ln State' politics, but has not been an. office-holder to any" extent. . The other new ;Sena tnr is Honi : Alexander .Stephens C" cf Georgia. He succeeds Gen 1 J i h ii B. Gorden, who has been ' x ' ' 1 1 1 ' 'o since 1873,, save from I 1( while he was serving s as Governor. Gendi-al C ..i .". of the ablest men in i, l.aviti, i til his . b ''i i i c ) and to t'.j loss of t'.je Nutiviii. Gordon's successor is very promi nent in State politics, and must be a man of some force to beat a number of well known Georgians who con tested for the soatk ., a. '. ' i ' BnakUa'a Aniioa SalWK.iA.ift. i The best salve in, tbe world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or bo pay required. . It is guar ran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per Nix. '"or sale by John Y. Mao ' i . ''t f '"" f .h Ii contained la a bottle of .fiood's Sarsaparilla than in any other simi lar preparation. It costs, the pro prietor and manufacturer more It cost the jobber' more. And It is Worth more to the consumer. ' It has , a record of curesi uknown; to any other preparation. ,1 is toe pest to buy because it is the one true blood purifier. " V ' r I Hood's pills ; ara ,the best family cathartic and liver medicine. Gentle reliable sure. , Whea Baiiy wiUi, 4 (re erObtorla.' 1 inwa aha van a Child, aba crie ft Caatoria, Ifkm aha became Wm, aha etopg to Caatoria. WhheWaiMptBilwgaTOthmnCtoria. i I 4 v,' vv- Vfii-i -' , p. Kotice To Cit- Tax Payers- ' 'Theeity tax 'list for 1896 has been r laced in- my hand for collection. Iwill be in my office for that "pur pose very day from 9 a. m to 4 p tt; All taxes not paid bv, December 1st ate subject to.: a 'penalty of 1 per cent, and an additional 1," per cent oa the first day Of each month there after until paid. . . J . ?! B. Hctchinos, i !. nov6 30d City Tax Collector New Shoe Store. "'11 inMiiirtri-r u ."fADsoiiiisjiyKew, and warranted to be lust as represented. Read the following" prices: r ,. ., , , Jr f ,, r, LUL1dies, .,nS?1i.ICld 'Button -ots, heel nd spring ,'heel, In all it, .un, di x u, ai uu ana ?i Ladies' Fine Dono-ola KiH R,tnn , , --o . tha lafkat. olinnn. ..J r . n aa Best line of Men's, Boys' and Children's Shoes in the State. S 1 'ffilVi if."l' PROCflASTinATIOrJ; lsThe;.The1lofime.,, , If you neglected to buy your .winter's supply of coat and wood In the summer as your interest requires that you shsuld hava done. Rive us your order now and avbfd the rush' which always comes with the first spell of vnu "cutoi. ! unvoumnceana 'oconotny oemanaa tbat you buy your season's supply of ful at nee,' and to get la and P ay before winter, Will be a source cf satisfaction . to you for months to come. Our stock is uow.vympieie ana we solicit your orders for best goods at loweBt prices. - rjolinoon ri3oIiii8on, w.nrrv a - .:;!'- "" 4viTivtv r l vuAi- ana . vy uvu. Phone 159. . a-n I rt 'let. IT' , 1 ' v ';' ' 4Sayt,Pa are, yoM reading WhrTA " K' U- ' . V J " v Manufacturers - are Closing- out ' 1 ii P-' f '" . . t - . ' . -.V, ( -vrr v. ?J ?, vrinter clothing at jbout ?0 per cent -,lye advertisements?";, . A big lot of Boys' . ,iye aaverusemeutsT.V,;. , :t s- , ;,,s -fjOyv , , ."Nosonny,? am.reading A , J. , ,B& A5, -;'.4 f ,of the-soft ,snap mituiff n .l '.; , ,V ,"" , ' i Pros have oa clothing." o ; Just Received : Suits. Oc Socks for 5c. JT,: , ; oa tc:!! "all brolzcn np," with out hid, ambition, energy, or appetite It is oJ.t!xi i!io forerunner of serious 111 nusi, or the accomnaKiniKiat ol snervow tron - It la a positivo prool of thin, weak, impura blood; for, if the blood is rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, It im parts li'o and energy to. every nerve, organ and tissue of the body. The necessity of taking Hood's Sarsaparilla for, that tired feeling la therefore apparent to every one, and the good it will do yon j equally beyond question. .Bemember n n ' . l , .J . 1 r j v i i ' ' " . sa c.i' I : sarsapariiia lithe beat in tact the One True Blood PuriHer. HoOd'S PUIS SSJ peraoeutS! :' TJndor and by virtue of a decree of toe Superior uourt, w ajce county, iri a oertaln i . civil action, ., No. 731,' euirwaons docket of taid court, en titled, JB-' f. Montague, va. J, W. Kals, Nancy ,A. . Uritt and Joseph Austin;' I will on Monday, the 2lst day of December, 1896, at noon, sell at public auction at the court nous door in the city of Raleigh, N. C, the following described tractof land lying Iri Panther jBranch Township, , said county t and adjoining the land of George Partin, A. K. Smith and Otjher and bounded as follows: Be ginning, at a stake , in Little Creek, thence north 4 degrees east 4 chains aad 22 links to a stake, thence south 8 degrees east 14. chains and 44 links to a stake, thenee north 40 degrees east 15 chains and SO links to a stake, tbjence south 87 degrees east.15 chains aad 50 links to a stake, thenea north S degrees east 11 chains to a stake in tble Penny corner, thence north 63 de grees west with L. J. Weathers' line 4!) chains to a stake on ' Juniper Bmnoh, , theuce tdown the various courses of said branch to Little Crek, thence down said creek to the begin ning, containing- one hundred and two aim half acres (102i acres) as more flly appears by deed of Nancy A. iBriti ana others to J. W. Itvals and Wife, date March 15, 1884, Registry of Wake county,' Book 87, page 400, and kaowa as the homestead of said J. W. Ryala.,, Terms cash. f AKM1 STEAD JONES, i i .1 , Commissioner. H Ilalelgh, N, C Nov. 13, '96. TtT BtCK-DRll6HT tea for DraMmla. -- ,$6 call special attention to our new , lin( of i Indies' Fine Shsss, Inclu lipg ail .the latest shapes, styles an I toes,, now made in Sfev'3' Fine Up-ta-Date Footwear 4o. - nsf 1 i vi i .11 .wwv, uu -Diniuii uoeii iu u aa m , 7 . C. POOL. . 1 S. B. NORMS, Manager. ' 1 1 Office W9 Tayetteville St ' reduction and this enables us to sell at wholesale prices retail, i and Children's 1 Ja. a. m'aI.' ' j- Gccrsre Elliot cays faction in the conccior.:::cc3 of bciirjwcll dressed which religion caanot'givc.".;', Jlovi". ever deep that satisfaction may be, the means of attaining it are here; in fullest measure, and every woman who wants to be SURE she is right in the matter of dress will, whatever else she sees, make it' a point to. see tTuck'er' Dross rjrtnrls t'. .'.' 'vc' -.vh - I , , . ' 'COAT OP MATL." This new ing open in Mesh, the other being firm open Monday an assortment of Coat - of brown, green, fawn at $1 50 per yard. en, fawn at u bv per varans direct importation, and when sold rtation, and when sold cannot be replaced. ; v t tr-Tt : 1 t "i CAN VAS LAXSlJCUi Monday fabric in olum. olive, brown.' Daw. -' . POMPADOUR MOHAIH Is a neat check in Blithe latest color combinations, covered with small curis of bright lustre Mohair, forming a stripe, extra value at $1 peri .yard. ,vt) ;i; 17. . G H. CilTUGIIER co: Sale of Land in Cedar Fork' . .TQwnsMp. Satarday, November 21st, 1896, at the Court House door in Raleigh, at 12. m., . by i virtue of the power given us in a deed of mortage, exe cuted by A S Pollard and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake oountg, In Book 78 at page 673, we will sellat public outcry, the following described lands, situated id Wake county and said 'iWnship, to wit : First, the tract convayed to said A S Pollard, by John W Hins dale, commissioner by deed dated May 21st, 1884, adjoining the lands, of Joseph Marshall, S C Marcom and others: Beginning at a red oak, W. B. Scott's corner, thence North 87 degrees west 209 2-6 poles to a stake, Marshall 's corner . then - Nortbv 2 degrees East, , 22 poles to a. small sourwood; then 'North 87 - degrees West 64 poles o a stake, Marshall's corner; then South 2 degree West 74 poles to a stump, M; C. Sor roll's line, then South 87 degrees; East 64 poles to a stake, then South 2 degrees: West 24 poles to pointer S.C., Maroon's corner, then North 1 degrees, East 74 , poles to the beginning, 'containing; about .127 acres. Second the tract of about 18 acres adjoining the lands of Lucy Page, J. Watkins, I. Q. Adams, and Dennis Sorrell and described in a deed from Susan Page J ere Wat kins and wife to said Pollard dated Nov. 10th, 1880. Third, VThe Home tract of said Pollard, on which he formerly lived adjoining the lands of Thos. Pollard. J Q Adams and others and described in deed to him from G W Lynn dated January 1st, 1872 and registered in Register's office for Baid county in Book 34 at page 239. Terms cash., - ., . i R.H. BAXTLE, ,.. , ' ' WALTER CLARE, j, Executors of E. H. Swain. 1 '' Raleigh, N. C, Oct 20, 1896. r If ' 1 I We give prescriptions pecal '.; ' care and attention at all hours, v day or night. If that is what ; 'J you want, we are,. J- i ? ,, Your, truly, t., . ,f . 4 - i.k' i d if k'J aA aajiiw ' anal Nortb Side Drag Store,) Halifax street, one block south of peace Institute' DON 5i"'-'' ' !' 1 ' ' liim'wi'iiiuiiiiniiiininw fm(.1n!.if; '. fl ' " ' ' ... "'.., 'J" jBvi'-'rt Of Fayettcvllle aiid Martiti Sts-v Just as you 'Come:; Up from the - ' ' - " to I Where the finest cigars and the be had. Bromo Seltzer served at the Just the thing Call around boysr vill be glad to see you. ;' ' ' ' : 7 -L C LJ ,f ,., thr.t "thcro i;3 .i: 1'i'tl t F Sit! - St 0 at IV1 mbrio comes in two wavs. one be and solid in "Armor" effects. We, 'Mail, in self "plain- colors-"-haty , :n;very piece 01 ;vjoat oi au is our we open a new Jine oivtbia popular rtipt &t si tiQ nnr vard obair ana wool uourette ixoveiiy, a Blam s . f Another lot of those delicious South ampton county Va. ) Hams; aino fine lot mild cured Johnston county (N,. Q.)Hams. " "l ' " 'Fresh arrival New rBfver ' Mullets, fine, fat Mackerel new packJloe ;Uerr ring's, etc. " . ' . 1 'Melrose" Flour still growlnff In popularity. And why? Because it la carefully ground from ' beat selected wheat. None superior to''Melrose.! . j Nioe line finest green and black Teas'. '" ( Special blend finest Mocha and Java, roasted coffee makes an excellent cup. -II handle nothing ' but firsf ' f lass g-oodtv therefore' orders i may be sent wita connaenoe. jjowbm pnwa (unn j Cor. Johnson and Halifax ta, . ' Telephone lao.' .i C3TISEJ.-f.:i:'"' Sfoicra Cabouoja, ) InSupfarior bourt' . Wake County.- J To Oct. Term '86 jawaras ... SeTyi(3e hj j;j,Iarenci:'';tlo- To 3. J. Lawrence, defendant in the - above entitled action. Take notice: That ' on the -29th day of August, 1896, an action ., was begun: and insti tuted in the Superior court of Wake county;- North -Carolina, to 'October Term 1896 of said court by: M 4.'M wards against J. J. Lawrence, yow" self, entitled M: J.- Edwards vs. J. J, Lcvwrenao, and that .summons tnarein has, been duly 1 ssued and :, returned "not to be found:" That the purpose of said action is to recover money due from you to the ; said M.k J. .Edwards upon and by virtue of a contract re lating to the -manufacture and sale of medicine known as the- Compound Ex tract of Rosadalis, and to, tha pur- caase oy saia m. j. awarp 01 a one half interest In the Patent' urht there to, and .for.thataecovwy of .damages from you lor breach or said contract, amounting in all to the sum of 893,000, You . are bereby faotified ol the poo. siency oj saia action, ana mat a war rant of attachment has been Issueh iri aid action -directing thfe -seizure of your property In North Ca olina. . You are further notified and required to a p. pear' at the October term of said Su perior Court of Wake county jiiNorth Carolina, to be held in the city of Ral eigh, in said county and State, on the ztstn or Jctooer,. ibw,, ana .answer or demur, during said term, to the com plaint which will bellied In said action,' or tne piamuu wui uve luugment xor una rciitsi uvuiauutu urerciu, wiicu jkuit where the warrant of attachment will likewise be returned. - JJ j- , , . D. H. YOUNG 1 y' Clerk Superior Court, Wake C6. ARGO & SNOW, Attorneys. ; fl " f.Y-''iif'.fi -; , . ,"..'.i 7 V'.-4 A- T i best Soda and Mineral ' Waters can Fountain. v ' ' ' ' 1 ' " for V Fair Veeky yvu S If ncL, v.- t your :hoc3. ome L-j: luiful blankets, qui Ho, comforts;,...., rub ber ishoes, pil lows and coats, apes,i!7.cloaks, jackets, umbrel7 las,, lap V robes. Dp Vnot;, forget lavev: plenty r of blankets for lion finslic! Gliird 1 i. .;. (:. ill.:, li :. ... sle of 'Usd tlzzt Ci!:I h. ..H. (iJ-,5 tin '.N'n - ' ' W - !lltt I will offer for sale at the Court 3 ouse door in. Raleigh, at 12 0 clock ..'on Saturday the 5th day of De cember;1 18961 a valuable tract of Hnd about 8 miles ast of Raleigh tHtauiing Ninety-four acres,, more o ' less, adjoining the lands of W, H. J olleman, deceased J., D. Dodd, J. '."Cross and others, it 'being the t act of land formerly owned by Jaa core and. previously byM..A lfcrkor. , About 60 acres of the tract which' a part Is -well' drained low grounds: .;6ood tenant house and nfeccBsary outrhousesand a good well of water ave on the premises. . -', :. ( j Terms $350. cash, balance three equal annual installments with in Itorest from date of sale. - i 1 ' " ' , t i ' Ji JlAL.' BOBBITT, , 7 nov5 Exi ofJ. B. Bobbitt , s .. . ror the last u years we I. ' ,. tor j .MsiDBcn:;' Wnption in stock, and would sooner think a fjoceryirian cedd -ret along without sugar in his store than we could without Pisa's Cure., ; It is a sure seller. RAVEN & CO., Dres, t jCeresco? Michigan September W'M RALEIGH N C. vt iiw i'jj'j' 4 Si Capital Paid In f a l . . 0225,000 Surplus aii'd Uudeylded ; ; t ; Profits, ; . V WV Mints' '"sJ..f.iljMJl l,Ufr i-.n MJ DIRECTORS:: 3 4t; J .; B. B ATCITETiOR, lv;.,Q..M. BDSBEH..,' - F.O. M0RIKG7" lift .t -i "AS. il liiVliS, Jresident. " V: 11. BRIGGS. fi5i Puy banking roomh'as een enlarged.and refumished'Ji " ' i, A :JEW which Is eiitirolv fire roof and bursrlar conirollod by .combination, automaiio and time looks, built by i' n T. ...it !: ifa and Iron Works, o Baltimore, and superintended by Mr. J. M. i. .iHH-imn 'of t Now York, an erpert in burglar prool work. In this vault vrelns j!.ve . ! SAFE, DEPOSIT EOX ,f : T h' of the very latest design, tno convenionea of which can not be af preo!a'l un X they are seen, and all are invited to see them. ino renter oi the dox nas tne kpv. contents of the box without the presence his key, the Under could not en in access be known only to thei-enter. 'there in ot needs, vaiuame papers, wins, oonds, obtnined for vrv moderate cost. Convenient and private rooms have 01 cusMiiH'tit in tne examination ol paners, cuUin? comions, etc. I ' Ve have an excellent vault in audition to tills lnie burg'ar r for the storage of boxes and packs "es.: . s l,v-rvi':.c i.-iti'n1 "Int. ,mi ml xni are cordially inviwi ta inspect the 1 " 1 . I! MM "' ' ,i J. ' '-S- i i . I S S W ( . j i. -; l 1 ) t ) T I i ' O.i . j rivi r; t - vp coui" s ( k 1 r.v i l.l ! , stu'.e i- i theiic-i s , i iestl);:3 T Ihe bank of the various about 84 poks i 1 1 s con r; thence with his II? s ! ; e 1 .4 to te b'iunii , , toi.i. f 4. i acres. Alao, at t ie f .ije t j and 1 '.ice, we will sell t'.e j ursui ul prop erty set out in said dfcree, cousist in; of 1 mule, 1 horv, 2 wr,,;ons, harness, firming irrpU'-nenls ana part of crops made on said land. Terms cash. , I AKMISTr.AD JONES, " , i TUOSIU'LTJSLL, , no7tds - , Commissioners. 1 -i ,n! '.. 1 ,. ' -' .. 1. 11 ... 1 : 1 11 1 ' ' ' ' .1 1 . "in... 111. .r.', - vji North 'Carolina, InSuperior Court, 1 Wake county. j Before D II Younj;, '' . Clerk- ' " ij, C. Marcom, . administrator of, Cherry Penny, deceased, vs. Mary ,r Walters and Henry -Walters, her " . husband, Mary Allen, - Lillie Allen, 4 '. Roxie Allen, John Mien, Susan A1- len, George Penny, Ada Penny, and Annie Holloway, heirs at law of Cherrv Penny, deceased.' x' . -' ' ' . To Mary Walters, Henry Walters, ' ' Mary Allen, Lillie Allen and John Alien, defendants above named, .You will take notice that a special . proceeding has been instituted in '. this court by J. C. Marcom adminis- trator of Cherry . Penny, deceased, . -entitled as above, for the purpose of . obtaining an order for the saleof.-;;:' the real estate of his said intestate to create assessments for the pay ment of the debts of the estate and ' the charges of administration, and you are hereby required to appear . 15: at my office in Raleigh, N. C, on tha , . 2d day of December, 1896, and an-' - swer or aemur to- tne complaint oi . - the olaintiff in said action Sornro- Leeding, otherwise the relief prayed. k.t win re gran tea. Clerk Superior Court of Wake 60. ; . t . i1 . II IT .VArritn .. October 19, '96.. , , .., J aw w t v. v have kept rfco s Cta e tr ucn-, 2, 1S96 ' -- - , t'l'l. Ml - 75,000 .I JAMES A. ERIGGS,! THOMAS B. CROWDEft, JULIUS LEWIS, . V OFFICERS: TiX1 Cashier A VAULT, proof, liai 1wd arlnVd. T' 'donra and no one can rri a - a t - of tne ronter, and if l e c -. 1 les to the box, the oontonu of v j u h r i ample room in the boxi f r t' stocks, etc.. and ii i vt . y la been provided for tha pyrin-- !v9t e f vault workmansh.'D and tr"'t, : mechan! new work."" - . , " - LI, Ti C, ? 6 J 7

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