tf c, - . I -) f . t 1 U d.-uy '' i it wLi-ti ho was in win- It is sJid that ; "... .-J J l.OuO 'in the bands tf I ttft! Ilobkius' to be used ia ; :. Guilford lor Settle. The ' t tliat Hopkins run away ahead of . i:.p r..'iubKmn ticket, being elected by a large majority, and thatTommy lost tho county,: 'the. ' report.. . says Mr. ' Kitchen's opponent has sus picions that Hoskins usedj that tl,- ! (iUO m ' paddling his own canoe." l'rohlbltlon Before the Legislature; The Biblical Recorder says . this week: "The coming general assem bly shall say yea or nay on the ques tion of closing the saloons -in North Carolina. We say they shall sayl because we know the question will be brought before them. ;; It is a more serious question than the elec tion of one set 6f men or another; it is more important than the question of money standards", for it is a ques tion of the moral standard of tbemen who, representing the people," re t present the state. " ' -' - - -;" Weyler Continues to Advanoe. . By Cable to the Press-Visitor. ; ' , Washington, D. 0., Nov. ., 18. Duke Tetuan . cables the . Spanish Minister that Weyler continues to advance. He has taken' many priso ners. Maceo is retreating. , - Uanna Settled on, for tbo Treasury. , By Telegraph to.the Press-Visitor. .; . Washington, D. C. Nov. -18. j. Cabinet gossips soem settled down to the conviction that Baqn'a will be Secretary of the Treasury; V ..'. - - The impurities in the blood which cause scrofulous eruptions are thor ' oughly eradicated by Hood's Sarsa paeilla. Try it. . Constipation v N Causes fully half the sickness In the world. ,1 It retains the digested food too long In the bowels A and produces biliousness, torpid liver, UuU- p n n : Hcauuii wW uwKm r V 9 H ''' ''' tongue, sick headache In somnia, etc Hood's Fills irlllS eureeonatlpatlon and all Its " results, easily and thoroughly, ago. JJldrofKlsta, : Prepared by C. L Hood ft Co Lowell, Mass. The only PUla to take with Hood's BarsaparUIa. Still They Come. Another big lot .of Apples Now . Arriving. ; !:::rh:m Spys, Etc These apples' are shipped direct from the orchard, are well paoked, sound, and in good keeping condi tion. ' . PPJCEi Cf .75 to $2.25 pcrCLl. Did you ever know fine apples so cheap at this season of the year. A liberal use of them in your family may save a "doctor's bilL'? A bar rel of apples cost $1 75; one visit by a physician $2 00. See ? D:;:g"o:, Phone 23. FIVE PER JCEHT PER.MOS - . ' OR . - "t - CO PER CENT PER YEAK '."'."irantood to all investors on invest' merits, both laro-o and small, when made with THE NEW YORK . INVESTMENT COMPANY, BROKERS IN Ctbcks, Eonds, Grain and COTTON. So. 40 and 42 Broadway, Sew York. P.S. IVopIo who desire to have a pt(ady and sure income on a small or In -'0 Investment, send for our iiplani t ... f circular, mailed free, may 15 Oit l-'iny Tear ..v' .MiS Si i .. II l". ..'.'t t it - A . . L.t m Custorla Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's proscription for Infants - and CltUdren. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ... .. other Jfarcotic substance. ; It .'is a harmless substitutfl 4;' for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups and Castor . OIL , It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is " thirty years'-use? t?yC ' Millions , of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and ' allays Fcverishncss. Castoria prevents vomitint;-, Sour ' Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic, Castoria relieves ., . Teething: troubles, cures ' and Bowels, giving- healthy and natural sleep. Castoria ;' is tho Children's Panacea the" Mother's Friend. . "'t Castoria. -"Castorlm is an excellent medicine for children. Mothera have repeatedly told Jne ', its good effect upon their children." 1 ' . Dr. G. C, osoood, rjwell, Mass. i i j- , ; . ' 1 1 "The use of Castoria t so universal and its merits so well known that It seems a work jr of supererogation to endorse It, Few are the : Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." ' ?i ' v CiBXoa Mahty, D.D., New York City. i ) I' I 'prescrlbe Castoria every day for ehlldren V, who are suSering from constipation,' with better effect than I receive from any other. Combination of drugs," , - j ,; , ', Xri L.O. Mokoar, South Amboy, N. J. Children Cry for TMK CMTAUft OSMfatT, TT M THE TRIUMPH OF LOVE tS HAPPV. TItriTFTJI. MAMIAGK." $ver Hsw Who WnM Knew she ' Ornsd Trmtha, the Plain .Facta, the Hew Discoveries af Medical Beleswa m Anplloet te Married Uto, Who ''; Weald Atone for Past Krrers and AtwU Patnre Pltfalle, Shaald Secure ", the Wondorfnl I,lttU Beak Called M Complete) Blanheed, sa Hew te At i toXik W ' r r t , ( tj' i "a i Here at last is information front m high medical source that must work wondera with this generation of men." . .... . The book fully describes a method by which to attain full vigor and manly power. ' Araisson the system. A metnoa oy waica sv euu su iuuhhuh iPSYCrlEV To en re nervoosnees, lack of self-control, da. pondency, &o. - - - Toezchanfte a Jaded and worn nature for onoof brightness, buoyancy and power. ' j ' To cure forever effects of ejeoeasas, overwork, worry, etc To give full strength, development and ton to every portion and orean of the body, Age no barrier. Faiiore impoaidbls.ITwo thousand references. The book is purely medical and scientific, useless to curiosity seekers, Invaluable to men only who need it. , A despairing man, who had applied to ns, toon after wrote:-. ..." "Well, I teU Ton that first day is one I'll never forget. I Jnst bubbled with Joy. I wanted to hna evervbodv and tell tnemmv old self had died yesterday, and my new self waa vorn wiay. t rv ur uiuu't you ten ni9 when I first wrote that I. would find it this way?" ... " ..' And another thusi. " " ' "If yon damped a cart load of gold at my feet it would not bring such gladness into my life as your method has done." - ) Write to the iUB MEBICAt, COMPANY, Buffalo. V. Y., and ask for the little boob called "COMPLETE HANHOOD." Heferto this paper, and the company promises to send the book, tn sealed envelope, without anj marks, and entirely free, until It is well Intro tueed. - ' . OIL ...EATERS 5 it iJ "l ' ALSO l in Ware Guaranteed not to rust. 1 . ; ? mm mm 1 9 L.I La.! ht., iiOl I. Having qualified as ndmlnistrator Of the estate of A. K , Vvesithers de ceased, I hereby pive i.otji'e to all per sons having claims acainnt said es tate to present them to mo for payment before the first day of Uctolxr, 3M7, otherwise this nolive'wiU be plisad in bar of the same. All persona in dobt to the said A. u.. VV eathers are ra- quested to come forward and settle the F-ame at once. . V, JUL. I'LAl'KK, Administrator for A. K. Weathers, IsuCUpirt.tfZ.vX J III III I II .' ..tftaswr Deceased. ' octl4 lawtiw m u I O Constipation - and Platulcncyr , j 'j Castoria. ', . , ( . n I, I, vi - .'y-s It "Cestorla is so well Adapted, tocbjldten., that I rceammeod ft M uperk to any re Krfptionknowntome.-. ,''U , H. A. Achee, M.D.t Brooklyn, N.V. j' hM- I-'1 . i ' ; .Wat several year J have recommended so as It has invariably produced beneficial , . malts. ' ,, , i , Edwix f. Pakdeb, M. D., New York City.., ; I. , ' V l.J.W.WV ; " We have three chfldren sid they JLCrf &r PUcMer'a Castoria.': When we give oil c the other cry t one too. i shall, always, child's medicine.? ; . ? ; j - ' ' ' Rev. W. A. Coote, Newport, Ky. Pitcher's Castoria. ; n MURHkf tfTNrCT, NtWVwHR eiTt. .....UBd..$alevlf$5f(.. i Under and by -virtue of k deed of trust from J. W: B. Watson to B. P. Montague, Trustee, registered in Book, 113, page 22, and with be coneenti of the mortgagor thereon, w6 will, 'on Monday, November 9th, 1896, at noon, at the court house door in the city of Kalelgh expose to public gate the fol lowing desoribed tract of land, being the part unsold in ; the land conveyed in the said deed o trust and described as follows: Beginning at the north east corner of the Matthews lot, near the northwest corner of lot 744, thence southward along the line of Matthews and of the Kline heirs to Kline's southeast corner thence west along Kline's line to the branch; thence down the branch to the south city line; thence east along the south line of the city to the southeast corner of the city; thenco north : along . the ; east boundary lino of the city to Lenoir 1896. KalflnoRtrinned bv consent to Moo' J1, WW I". .-.v . ''.If Have Kept.)? Ypu Cool All Suminer: If -f - ' v ' , Will. kPAn Ymi , 11 i 'I' U ,'.rHv; 1 'ii!ff - if" All Winter. Soft Coal, ; Pocahontasana - ltusseii wee enas ' 1 V.jr , vvJ" ' The best Coal at .lowest ' prices' ,al wa,ysatj , Jonss & Po'i'cll's- ECONOMY ' ' ' iLU i t);j ' May be necessary la mariy ways when dollars are scarce ' ana wants many, but it ia not desirable to practice it in the purchase of foody which it lifo. Below a -certain standard -food Imperfectly nourishes; up to that stand-; ard it costs a reasonable price. We never want more than a reasonable prloe for our Groceries. RAPID SALES : Give our customers : the' benefit of close marg-ins. We never keep any thing that Is not the best of its kind, and we only want a fair profit on what we invest in it. 1 CE !ES Always instock and promptly delivered . v when ordered. . i m m. . w street; thence west along ijenoir street to the beginning. Terms cash-lt"';" L-B. F. Montague, TrusteeV' -! 0 J. W. Bv Watson. A Ml f CROSS fi-LIHEHAFS Measures its Value - and yoa will do the brainiest thing youv'e done In many a i . day for there's stuff there you'll need every day, stuff you'll ' need when winter's storms are upon US' and they're coming1 .. t.'tv i .p Oonr-almoflt at. our doors.; Stuffs you'll want for Thanks-;'i-wi p4 , j eiving-etufls you'U want for holidays stuffs you'll want ; 1 ' , i for birthdays fo someone! else. , Come now 1 Come quick! (.,. ' . '- while assortment is pood-fralmost unbroken and pick out . . of this mine of good thing-&--not cheap good thing's, but good I ' ' good things nuggets of pure value Mirited;;'v:--:v.4.-",.',j ) - by the best artisans of the world-they are yours at a valua- iil . ,. , 4tlon that makes the purchasing power of your- dollar greater .''; . than evpr in the world's history. . , , . Cross : & Ibmehan. jN . "'HPsC ial cii,l!i yl a A 1 1 ': V. w'- ; JJ xveineiDDer our House is heouwarters lor mi bcoooi buppues. we have everything you need in this tine. '. III It Fiii3 'a 4 - ' - Ai in the very J A. Yi!!:::.i3 6'Ca's Book Store 'OrcltTEAivl LAUNDRY ialtSQNliarshall, Proprietors. V,i"TTPHONE 87. The Commercialt ftnaFarmers' , Pt ' : Baiii, of Raleigh, N.C. ' , Chartered by General Assembly 1891. Paidiip' Capital $100,000.00 Deppsitsi r ,., . ' 300,000.00 f;i Xer , its customer5 every ? accommodation consistent with safe ? Safe Deposit 4 Bdxes 1 for " Rent ' on Reasonable Terms. ' "S ? ti 4 d " - 1 ?!" IT tff Somea;olteinesf offices to let Ji JS THOMAS, ftesidefit, ALF B. S. JERMAN, Casa e H. SiniDSon's rut fc '.! - it , nvv.iv 'i,'i -i' ri INURES cA; WfeConvince You. , 'Administrator's Notice. 'J, ; li' 'i -i : ", . ' '" cenW;-; t C . - ''';' f t - Having' qualified as administrator of the estate of Cherry Penny, de ceased, late of Wake oountyv ., this is to notify all persons haying claims against ; the said estate: to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of October, 1897, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery,, 'aM i .. p r sons indebted to the said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment to me. . . . s - J. 0. Makoom, Adm'r. ' R. T. Grat, Att'y. Itw6w October 7, 1SD15. If you want to know ho big yourf DOIXAR is--now many CENTS itoontainsj itsjpurxihasitg xwer,'tdkeltto '. , 210 Fayetteville Street, t ' 4 i A !- 'f V , " . i.. i , - -1 , I A full stock of 7t'af fc Stationery ''latest styles. How's That? :. (Every laundry doesn't do it, do they? Don't you suppose they Jcould If they wanted to? Honesty and carefulness have as much to do with making a good laundry as any thing else. We know this is a good laundry, and we aren't afraid to have any one try us. For satisfac tion'mire and simple, come to , - A. THOMPSON, Vice President W. JACKSON Assistant Cashier. If Oin.mont WfAMO To tho Ta$ Pavers of Wak County-; ... i. .- : ' . : i I, urge and insist that I must col lect the taxes, and that each tax payer must come forward and settle at once.. It is important that I should close up my tax account for the year 189G, and' hence make this urgent appeal. To all 'who come forward and settle before December 1st, 1SD6, I shall charge no ost; - but sfter that I shall charge cost as al lowed by law. This is positively the only notice I shall send . out. . M.W,Paiis, . , Sheriff of Wake County. nol3 ow 3w Ciss Liaggie 209 Fayetteville "Street. Nev' i Millinery! . We have now ready for the trade all the latest things in fall and win- ter Millinery. ' , ' Trimmed and untrimmed Ladies' Hats, with all the -new trimming materials." Children's and Infants' Caps, in all styles and colors, All customers will be . given prompt attention. . r . Goods sent on approval. Express paid one way.1 w ' . ' -',', Agent for Imperial Patterns'. " ie Reese! Cut Honors Roses, Carnations, Chrysanthemums Bouquets, Floral Designs, Palms, Ferns, Golden band, white and pink Ja pan lilies. Finest of, all hardy lilies Hyacinths, Chinese Sacred Lilies, Freesia Narsissus, Tulips for forcing In the house and early spring blooming outside! H. Stein metz, Florist, North Halifax' Street, near Peace Ir stltute. Phone 113. . octal IDLES HORSES FOR SALE. I now have on hand a. good surrnlv Of mules and horses. f shall also keep a good stock of Buggies and Wagons for sale. PricestoSuit file Times J, Me Pace, 111 East Martin St,, Raleigh, N. C octiz-ti Contains more lithia than any other Uthia spring water on the market, and wo have yet to find a physician who has given Harris' Lithia Water a fair trial but that will state that It is supe rior to the other waters; :. Dr. Thomas S. Powell, President Southern Medi cal College, Atlanta, Ga.j Theo Lamh, Professor Diseases of Chest and Prin ciples of Medicine,!. Medical Depot, Atlanta, University of Georgia; Prof Joseph Jones, President Tulane Uni versity of New Orleans, La.: Dr. John Hey Williams, Asheville, N C; Dr R B Harris, Savannah,- ,Gai Dr A N Talley, of Columbia, S. iC,. and hun dreds of others of the most noted phy sicians of the country, testifying that Harris' Lithia Is superior to all other waters that they have used In their practice. , President's Office, Baltimore, June 24, 1896. Mr J T Harris-Harris Sprlntr, S C: Dear Sir I will say to you , that it li my opinion that the Harris Lithia Water is by far the best lithia water I have ever used, and that it has done me a great deal of good, and I think that it is a most vaiuaoie remeay. ,,:. Very truly yours, ' . i U. C. Hoffman, President SALRB. Foraleby the Druggists of Fval elgh. - . , - ' ' Hflrrk T.ithia WatAP f.A AAU11AW JJliULlU UUtVl VVi ' ' Harris', Spring, S. C ' ''' Oct 15 lm . ,,,.,: ,4 ., : f ;; -,' S. A. AS!! & SOU, FIRE INSURANCE.. Solicit a pat f your patronage i Office Over.MacRae's PranchPhar macv ' mm . uu HARRIS LITHIA WATER You Cn 5. - ,:f t'..i Ever Vexations Question ...... What to Givo . the Bride By spending a few moments looking through our new , and complete stock of ' ; Sterling Ware, ; - Cat Glass,;;;"4; :.. ;V . Iron and Brass Lamps China. Clocks, Bric-a-Brac: i K, I 1 ii; H. MAHLER'S;; SONS; ': , .. ; JEWKLEBS AMD QfTICIANS "v v , ' Have your eyes tested. ' No charge'1 , " . lor examination, 1 . Closing Out Scb Of all the Fairview Horses . , , ' WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER J8th, ; ' ' All the Fairview Horses, stalionslr Brood mares, road and race horses. ' colts, fillies, yearlings weanlings will be sold at auction for cash at -; Raleigh, N. C, Nearly all the stock ' . is standard and well bred; and' as it ' !! will be sold without reserve great , " bargains will be had. In the sale " ' are 3 "Wilkes stallions, the great -1 Morgan Stallion, Franklin chief and i the beautiful young stallion, brother to Pamlico, Currituck, a son of Nor-' ' val 2;14 out of a Wilkes mare, and ! some of the handsomest and fastest v..! fillies ever seen in this state. , , , Write a postal card for catalogue now ready. ? 1 1 B. P. Villiscn, , novotds ' ' Raleigh, ,HC. "'V. . , SOUTHERN RAILWAY.; ' P1EDM0NT AIR-LINB. , Condensed Schedule. ' laBHactJuMH.tSatf. ,4 Trains Leeva Raleigh Daily'. ''' "Norfolk and Chattanooga limtved.' '' 4,12 p, os, Dally ,-HSoHd vestlboled trala wUIS sleeper from Norfolk to Chattanooga via. aUs- bury, Morgaaton, Asheville, aot springs aiuk Knoxvllls. . , . , Connect at Durham lor Oxlord, Claxksvllle and "Keysvllle, azeept Sunday. At Htam boro with the Washlngtoa ana Boatls western VestlMiled .(Limited), train let alt points North, and with main Una train No. 1 for Danville, Bichmond and tntermedlat loea' stations ; also ha eonneetion tar Wtnsto4sleat . and with main line train No. St, "united states , ' rastMall" tor Charlotte, Spartanburg, Greea-"' vule, Atlanta and all points Sooth ( ' lso Oolnai ' "it' bla, Augusta, Charleston, Savannah. Jaeiuon-, . . ' ' vllle, and all points In Florida, Sleeping Car lor Atlanta, Jacksonville and at Charlotte with ''''.. Sleeping Car for Aususta. ' ',r'. - ; l t ;' "Norfolk end Chattanooga Limited. 4 11:45 A. n. DaUy-flolid train, .mstsBn ! '.'"'" Pullman Bleeping oars and ooaehes from Cha tanooga to Norfolk, arriving Norfolk IUW pas In time to connect with the Old Donlntoa Merehanta and Miners,' Norfolk and Wash-, " ' Ington and Baltimore, Chesapeake and 1; , mondS Wl aw all polntrnorth and east. . ', Connects at Belma for FayetteylUs and iu- , - " termedlate stations on the Wilson and H , ettevtlle Short Cut, dally, except Sunday tot . Hew era and Morehead City, dally for Golds' 1 ,' -boro, and VlunmRton and Intermediate stsW-1 'l-'- . tlons on tbe "Wilmington and Weldon Ballroad, ' t - Express Train. t K,i i iW j" '' ' ' , 1:80 A. M. Daily-Connects at Durham Hu'c , Oxford, KeysTUle, Blihmondt at Greansbor t -, for Washington and all points aorta. -, Express Train. , t '. " ' ' 3:09 P. n. Daily For Goldsboro and btofr, ,rf mediate stations. VJ Local accommodation, '"' jiOO A. M. Connects at Greensboro for all p. bits for North and South and Wlnstoa-Salea r -and points on the Northwestern North Carolina ! ' ! . . Ballroad. At Salisbury, tor all points In West- ' . , era North arollna, KnoxvUle, Tenn., Clseta ,1)f , -fr V lie, Tenn., Cinein , , narlotto. fc Spar ., ' ...V Sc'in , Atlanta and . ' . uh airi nswn puiuia i m uuarMHM), w opar . tanbufT, Greenville, Athens, poiotsBouui Trains Arrive at Raleigh, N. C.t ' Express Tralii. a:0g P. M. Dally From Atlanta; Charlotte Greensboro and all points Beuth. , ' Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited.' ' 4:1s P. M. Dally-From all points east, Not , , , folk. Tarboro, WUsob and water lines. ,; ' Frost Goldsboro, Wilmington, Fayetavttl' '-. and all points la Eastern Carolina. ' 1 ,' ' Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 1 - ' , 11:40 A. ft Dally From New York, Washing. i 3 ten, Lynchburg, Danville and Greensboro, ofcal v tanooga, KnoxvUle, Hot spring) and ashevlll.. - t J "i- 'Expraaa Train 4"" 5 , 8,S0a, as, DaHy rrom Qoldsboro and Inter .':'i mediate station, 1 . ' ' " ?' '" '" ' , " .,' loobl'"-'"'' ' ;-jm'- t- ii ' 7 : A. n. Dany From Greensboro and a ': points North and South. 'Steeping Car from T GreeusboK) tqKalelgb. ? " j. . . , t , Kp. as. Dally exe pt Stmdar-f-Froai Uokla- ,, bore and all polnll East. , r , ., ;,. - Local freight trains also carry passeiiKr& ,, Pullman ears on slight train, from Kalelfn to : Greensboro. , ' '' : Through rumnan VesUbulrd Drawing Boom " ' Bullet sleeping Cr and Vestlbuled coaches ' wlthontenaageoaorfo)kllmitrd,- " ,; Double daily trains belweea Xalehtb. rhar .; loKe and Atlanta. Quick .time 1 iimxeeDM a ii eommooauon.; ,,';, - ' .'! r 1 , j . .. W. Hi GKHKN, . 1 ' w . : .., General Buperlnleuoeu:, W. A. TTJBK. ' . . ' j i General Passenger agent, t. .'. '..s--' ' , : Washlncton. D. & . .. V.,' , J. IS, Gulp, Traffic M .ci ' V. in mil 3T

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