-ALL I ' ' -t for Raleigh i ; i yond a ra- 9 tf l- n-Vt-f.) Increasing , v. :i !' .1 ii. 11 tonight or ' , I i ' ' ?, D.-cidudly colder Frl- i y i .; iitie.iag temierature Satur day. ; . , - Forecast for North Carolina: In ci eajinjrcloudineaa tonight. Decidedly colder. - .. . ,.. f , ,. : - A '. Um Data... Local data for 24 hours ending at 9 a. m. (today )"November 19, Maximum temperature, 48; minimum temperature, 44; rainfall. 0.0O. j i i 1 , Condition of thm Wastbat.- t The following were the weather con ations at 8 a. m. today: .. State of the weather..,....,-. fair. Temperature of the air . , 49 cleg. Sensible temperature. 42 deg. Wind Telocity A..- Light- Direction of wind......... v. N. E. ' . PERSONAL, f ' Mr T H Sprinkle, is" at the Park. ' Mr D C Mangum, of Durham, is here. ' ,. v Dr. John Mitchell of Wake Forest s here today. ' t , ' ' ,. Mr Geo W Watt, of Durham, is in the city today. :" Mr J H Bridgers, of Henderson, , is at the Park. '.! i -t - Sheriil Smith; of Richmond county, arrived here today. Mr"' Henry' L London, editor of , Chatham, Eecord, ,1a In the city, to- day.! ' i , " , i v tf- r Capt.;' J . W Whlsnant; division Superintendent, of the S A L, is here. . . ' !... f. , 1 , Mr J C Drewry, and daughter Miss Emmie and sister Miss Mang . ham, ieft tor New York today. . Mr i & Sherwood and wife of Portsmouth, Va.,1 are in city today to the delight of many old acquaint ances. y . - Col W At Turk, general passenger agent of the Southern Railway, Is in the city. - His secretary, Mr. Mc Cants, is also here. 1 Cards are out announcing a re ception by Capt. S.v A. 'Ashe and Miss Lizzie Ashe at their home on Hillsboro, street; from' 8:30 'to 11 o'clock,' when their friends are in vited to meet ( Miss Morehead and Miss .Charlotte Tomlinson of Dur ham."' " , " ' Scto Gales Lod, No. 84, 1. 0. O. F. , - Regular meeting of Seaton Gales Lodge ' No." 64,', t . & O. F., to night at 8 o'clock. - It is earnestly de sired that every member be present '- Members of Ulster lodpes are' cor dially invited to attenc h ,i i rt A M, Powili., N. G. 'tlL? rant. Seo;I'''I?cSf'i:fe ' .. ''iMii'itafiNi' . Aug. J, Bogel, the leading drug ; irist of ShreveDOrt. La.. savs "Dr. King's New Discovery is the only ; ntng tnax cures my couga, ana it is the best seller I have."yj. F. Camp- Deu, merchant oi Aruwrites; ;'Vr. King s New Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it never fails and is a sure cure for consumption, coughs and colds.- I cqfhnot say enough for its merits.'' Br, King s New Dis covery for consumption, coughs and colds is not An experiment. It has been tried for a auarter of centur v. and today stands at the head. it never diap points. Free trial bot tles atohn Y. MacRae's drugstore. nls;;f ."i y oiie of Denton's oyster broils. 1 or Rent. " Six room cotUiire on Polk street, second door from N. Person street. Inquire 5o4 N. l'erson street. nol3tf . . t . ;. ' Fur Kent. J T ' " , ,ui LriiLIi Three-story brick building cor. Fayetteville and Morgan streets, re cently occupied by .Democratic head' quarters, For terms apply to W. B. Grimes. novo tf . .. -i . . DidYoa Ever r, .J' t ,Try Electric Bitters as a remeny for your troubles? If not, get a bottle uwt uuu ava.ua. .HID UiUUlLlUC i halt heen found to h TKciiliarlir I adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a ' won aertui direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you nave loss ot appetite, . constipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable. melancholy or troubled with dizzy speus, iuecxnc Hitters is toe medi cine you need.' Health and Strength are guaranteed oy its use. fifty cents and fl at. John Y. McRae s drugstore. Prof. Ny In Town. '.' ' " ' Prof. S. B. Nye, , Optician "' and Ilefractionist, is now in the city, and is ready for the ; reception rf his friends and the general pub- ! ; t ins omce at the f&rk Hotel, i ? the ladies' parlor, where he is ' red to administer to their oom t i r the way of curing chronic t caused by astigmatism or a i i iits of the eye. Every ' ! hp corrected and the 'i d and also prescrip . ; 1 lie here at his ' ': i s 1 ost and hand- ' i- s. Consul 1 le (it lis r :-e ; r. n. ' ::.y. n iw 3 i 1 1: -: lost. : . 1 ,: A ladies' gold watch between Murpbey school aud D and D insti tvtion. . Finder will be rewarded by returning to this office. ' , nov!7 3t ' - . . For Kant. , - Six room house on Jones street, second door from Dawson street. Water and modern improvements. Inquire southwest corner Jones and Dawson streets, - nl4-2w Denton eerves the largest and best oysters. - Call and . be con vinced, A . : Dissolntion Notice. . . The firm of McClure & Peterson have this day dissolved co-partnership by mutual consent . All bills and debts due the old firm will be paid to the new firm of McClure '& Hales. McCiuai & Petebson. ; llcrsa Auction. 4 1 will have two car loads of good, young, West Virginia horses ship ped from West Virginia to mo, to be sold on consignment,' which I will positively sell to the highest bidder at my stables in Raleigh, on- Satur day at 12 o'clock, Nov. 21, 1896. Stock guaranteed as represented, or no money paid. ; These horses are from 6 to 7 years old, sound and good workers-;. If you want good Virginia horses don t miss this op portunity, as. they will sell cheap. Everything guaranteed. John W. Lhtlxpagk. . : Ed. Thomasokt, Auctioneer s ' 5 nov2 lm Served at our Fountain TO-DAY. If you are chilled by the cold A '' .... . . then come in and make your self comfortably . warm by taking a drink ft) of Hot Soda."' t ' v Your very truly,' James McKimmon & Co,, 133 Fayetteville St., Raleigh. Excel 8ty;,inj you ever saw in candy ti.;a an4 crisp. Lemon, ( oco lave, I.. no hi,.! vanilla and only i. lo. Ulnt'sinof::? It Ds:r.ds- Rip?an's is the place to got the best and cueapest Toys. . ' Riir?an'8 line of Pictures is fine and beautiful and gelling at one-half reru lar prioe. Seleot what you want while the line is complete, j Rhnran'a la tht lu to tmt new Nuts, Currants, Citron, Figs, Raisins, Grapes and Apples cheapest. Rlirsran's Candv excels them all in price and quality.' k '$.,', RiCran's Cronlrnr. ' ni&iiiimrp. I Lamps, Coal Hods and Shovels I Vases and Brlo-a-Brao are best goods at the cheapest price; also Paper Tab let una uasKetg. .... f. In fact Rlg-g-an's Toy Store is the place to get the beet goods at the moat popular prices. - . 132 FAYETTEVILLE f STREET, TO 131 V a. to vill: t. ll..A. J. Lv.l..vij wi r '1 J Phone 142- -FULL LINE- pine Stationery. Office and 1 School Supplies, Lc::rs in Lev Prise oc28 3m : Executor's Notice. Having this day qualified as Execu tor of the n estate of the late Crady Blake, deceased, this is to give notice to all parties having claims against said party will present them to me on or before the 18th day of November, 1897, or this will be plead in bar of their recovery. A. J.' KLLIS, novlB lawBw Execuuot'.' no "jucp As to the rose or violet,, nothing. But take our name c . 1 xi. ii. ki::g & co., " Now, there 'sc great deal in that For instance: v - - ; In prescriptions it means PURITY and FREEHNESS of Drugs, ' Care and exactness in compounding, Fair ness and moderation in price. "-f Whether you want medicine, or soda water,; cigars or Soap, Candies or chewing gum, we serve you with honesty, courtesy, .and .dispatch: One good name means everything to you, it means entire satisfaction to us success. At ?ny- 1- , A S Mn ,nrn( kawwJf LtJUOlf :.r. .. ... .-. ( ..-,:- v a... . i f The Leaders in Shoes, Call Attention to Their r Hew and Complete Stock of Gents' 'Footwear The largest depurtment 'we have is the shoe departuient and it is just ly popular, ns we give you the best shoe possible to buy for the prices. nil o-' ('5' C8 I cap department for children, all the 5, o5. JO. 1, 1 15, 1 25. 1 c5. 1 fj 0. nour clmriQ in tnna nn nnnrl nniAT nnii We do not like to boatt, but will Bay that we Lave tho best (!. 1 stock of myiinery in llu'eigh. Especial attention is called to our We have a . large assortment of ly's shoes of all size, at 1 H), 1 25 and 1 50. We pay particular atten tion to the quality of our ladies' 1 25 1 60 and 200 shoes. Crossot's 3 00 shoes for men: shapes prices very low. r .t c.- 3 SPEC I ALS 3 10- 4 all wool white blankets.. .' 3 CS 11- 4 " " ' 4 24 12- 4 " " ,...4feS We do a large merchant-tailoring business, will make you a suit or pair of pants at a reasonable price andguaranteeour work in every respect. lfio ribbed waist at",'' 37o bleached " " v C8o " " '.... Children's union suits . Misses' ' " -, ..12o . 25o .. 50o .'..25c ..'.', 50o The MBow-Wow" Toe. "Russia Caff Bope Switch" Calf T ; j ni -a aw .... . i . a uiuou otun ai w are sun naving a great run. r- ' . S it k t I' 1 1 ' i i 1 1 " ' fJA4-fc'MNeedle toe and Jewel Toe Calf Dais are l-J great selllers at only $3 00 a pair. y. les, There's Lots In a Name, wiifS f-40 Jace shoe? Call and see the New Styles as well as the great bar gains at t - j. . . ' killer's si::z stc:.e, , ' Estabiished in" 1876. ; ', 50 Head of Horses At Auction ; To I! 2 llishsst Gidd: erta'' Stoves neerM with Buck 'a ami Rancrea. No'Giris ! -v;:?.'y - .-, ' - . c - We will gi ve the BUCK'S JUNIOR NICKLED RANGE" to the girl under 14 years old who will collect and bring toAmr office the greatest number of aaverusementB, eacb with . Trade "BUCK'S" Mark cut from newspapers from October 15th to December 25th. 1896. Each collec tion must be tied in package with num ber and name thereon. Tios. H. Briggs & Sons ItALEIGK. N. C. . - . "sOLb AGENTS Buck's Great Whife Enamel Line. I will sell, without reserve, on Fri day and Saturday, November 20th and last, nity nead oi uoraea ana Marea from . irlnia and aat Tennessee, all of them gvni, aound workers. Every one of them must be as recommended or money refunded. : Sale will take place each day at 11 o'clock. . -Frank Steonach, Auctioneer. I carry the largest stock of Harness, Saddlery, etc., in the State. I also have the largest stock of Carriages, i Buggies, ' Wagons and Boad Carta wnicn 1 am selling at factory pricea. FRANK STEONACH, Prop'r. -Stronach's Emporium, , . Nos.219, 221 and 223 Wilmington Street.- . , There is . No , - - Notice to ihs PuL!Ie. Havlnsr this dav bualilled as Ad ministrator of the estate of Calvin Kelly, deceased, thia ia to notify all j persona inueDtea to said eatate to Dis sent their claims for payment to me on or before the 18th day of November, 1897, or this notice will be niead ia bar I of recovery. All persona indebted to said eatate will dense nav without iurther demand. Hjzekiah Pool. nl7 law6w - During the year when you cant jind HERE what yon like " Jo ;weari in ciowes, nats or furnishings. It is pur strong point something to suit Vffll at hnffnm i.iw.A. ' f . 1 ....nlrilv, j . J Si , - , J '.a ( - " If you see our Jiae of men's suite at $6 60, 17 66, $10, 12, $15." t20 to aw yuu win see ue equal at what even an ordinary tailor would charge you double our price, and as far as fit jgoes they cant Improve on our styies. iry us ana you save the differnce in price, .besides delays and irouoie ot trying to get what you want. '- Our Suits ! ; are of the very latest cut and fabrics, fit perfect, wtkr ns anything you could have made. ' i . , 1 ino use your buying; boys' clothes that are only half way made and I poorly trimmed and pay as mucn or more than you can touv the best and strictly reliable st for here. Our prices are very reasonable, bur" va riety aouDieana more than anywhere else. Your money back for all pur- cnases u you wantlt,. '. s '."-!",. ', We sell these fast black hose at 15 and 25c a pair. All sizes. ' - - t...i i Ut.tfi 1 0 8!?o 87c 75c 100 Genuine castor buckskin ...... Heavy domestic kid gloves,. . London tanned dogskin glove Wool lined Kangaroo " .. -" , " heavy goatskin. vi' All bargains. w Also full lines'" of cloth, wool,' kid and leather gloves from 25o to 1 00 a pair. - ( 3 SHIRT WAIST ITEMS, ' ' All wool flannel, in red, blue and black, new style sleeve waist . .1 00 ' Scotch plaid waist . . .... . . .95o Handsome wool Henrietta waists lined, full sleeve, ripple ; cuffj'ele gant fitting waists. . , . . ; . .. . . 1 48 ; Oapcs, cloaks,1 jackets, children's reefers, ladies suits, ; wrappers .and skirts Jn great yariety, as to, price and quality. ' Our terms are cash. One price to all. - .. , s, , . ' ' ' k ' ,' " " - '- i See our 6c and 10c counters. Many bargains On them, ; Agents for the . sale of Butterick Patterns: WOOLLCOTT & SON, 14 East - Martin Street. Just watch this space for the Greatest Fcrniluro -r.D:rr3 ever offered the people of , Ral- eigh. ; -Open at NijOflit. well as C37M j: G L ' u u Iczlzn cf Lev Fri:::. Leadings One i ' J Price Clothiers. W. E. JONES, A. B..STRONACH. Ik fJeiv Store Always j 20Q Fayetteville Street. Follow the Crowd ! -.,,-ioyc-urememDertne advice given by Mr. Pickwick when asked what to do in aftime of great excitement? 'In such cases, do as the mob r.cK V ili ii L5' u "ir -onoagrass,---wnat it there are two mobs?" Shout with the largest, "said Mr. Pick wick. Volumes could not have un,rc: Juu! geniie or ferocious reader, want to buy dry roods or ..v -A . you wnere va Duy tnem. AAAAAAAiAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiAAAAAAAAjJ Busy. This is an extra heavv soft finich. a A hlannk.J OaI S 1 t . v wiwbvuou 1UU9AIU du: JUCUeS WluO, suitable for doylies: trav covers. many kinds of drawn work and em- Droidenng; night, gowns, aprons and children's dresses. Tha is in the reach of evervhodv. nniv 10c the yard. . J MILLINERY. ' ' . It doesn't take much of vour timp or make any trouble for you what ever to secure just what you want for that fall and winter hat or bon net if vou come to our store fop it. Because we've the stock and the vies, and we have bright ideas ami busy finders of experienced millinery trimminss. and best of all ! we have that lownessof nriee whirh is do desirable ust now. - Fine black trimmed walking hats, value $1 50 at fl. a Twelve dozen black straw sailors at 10c M ExceDtional barsain i in women'. fine shoes. -The tables In center of ctorf tp)U ine wnoie story. Your choice while they last at 69c the pair. . FEATHER BOAS.' We will rut on sale tomorrow a I lot of black feather boas 40 inches lone, good quality, perfect in finish and extraordinary in cheapness. They should delight the hearts of many an economical shopper. JSpeciul price ior one ciay only ijc. Ml CLASS GC3DS AT POPULAR PRICES. ; . The big double glass front indexes the store inside.'"'' . '"V"-'' r . ScllinL' at Sinallesit. nrnfit.a wo hrintu .i,r,.m...A....il.. nrst oritfinul Cost th.Ul rriulit, Kt..rra rarn t dnnti t !;, mi ' is method in their madness" when they decrv our nonular vt.m , ... . Ff y i iv ' p..r n i.a.- Enconiums CODiouslv showered h! publio favor and nerves us to the greatest work for the smallest pay m a Onsucccctb: Victims Sclbs; E w w w will We ncyer have, do not now, nor never will sell 's. pie articles for I . r , a. . a) . j K. ... Best values in the city, new plush uu(jea. - xvegmur an j extra len - ,s, plain, jetted, applivuf 1, fur, r.bon and other fashiorr.bie furnitures, all with satin or fncy uilcta silk linings: Worth fs.oo 10K iron t i fo f 1 "l 1 ' J 1 1 I P I' : T' l i. i k Du; ..' "a c; tr'-m-l L.n'rle cape, l. mod t co r,l Very handsome cloth cape, cloth and braid trimming, velvet collar, worth til) 00, at. . .. ...... ..8 60 Braid and Jet, trimmed in same, worth tlO 00 at 8 60 Ele-ant Astrachan cape, velvet trimmed, worth til 00, at 9 00 Very handsome cloth cape, jacket tats, wortn i id uu, at 1U 50 nco ft (.ut;in;uAf,-o uiose uniaminar wun the qualities or ignorant of the values extortionate prices, as some, bv duplicity and false renr sentation seek to do. uch is not IinsiNF.HS hi,t. fvul; ;me, ius. trimmed with worth 15 C3, at braid and 12 L.) I to f. 1 1 :.,!,i.-3 ii ri;,e evi ' j in a l.r v give J n-.M, kA of nrnitidenp n churn iil- v, a hi .. J , . t.. F'yi." uj, auiuw iaj kuup in ue came. Wr. Sherwood TTici'Q !j nnat in Van. V,1, .1 . , . . , . j .u a.v... au wvcinig me uiarKot lor all it is worth in tho way of bargains and he has just t'struck it ri"h t" as great clearinsr prices are now being made to wind ud the year's hui'n.wa L7 invoices of Cloth ami l'luvh Caiwa n ci.,i f w,., - i. '... kinds of V.Kuen h udrwear. heavv slock lVitnwiQ Kn ' . meres have just been received. - '. J" ' Z ' (ro;.' t line of children's Tain O'Rhnnf f,,, tli'VCi u.e ... . , . ","",.,v' I' 1, 7, ?uu J'.-"" '-"o uL'.ure us, we lay ciaun to the bigsrest stx k cf kerchic s in the State. (Genuine Imported Muslin Shirts. . . : :....'. Wamsutiil;iericlied, linen bosom Shirts. '.'.','.''. 'cnt S.-rht -...!.roWo.rind.... Don't mi-s a HAl.wAl.N' bv i,.-v:.r( hr ar the pri. ( I'uii s',i;..r-,i-fi,r.j r r'vfur t; re vnu e qu;, J- 'c ies and k if CD.