w -. -r ,.,...,, of 110 1 icii.imv. f. f. : C uus, OLio, ;ays: Some e i"e:Wn-ton Elar. sa '- ; 1 Tcpulllcuaa hire af- t to believe that McTCinlev. like Cleveland,, will Hvc t o cabinet places to his own State, but those who are most closely connected with with the President-elect do not think so. Of course One cabinet nn- s n w ill be given to .Ohio, and.it 19 generally conceded that that place will go to Chairman M. A. Hanna, if he will acccpt.it, That is the only ' point of doubt it here, although the , question of his eligibility ha3 been raised. Hanna has . never cared for office. In fact, he has always sought to avoid official distinction. - It has frequently been remarked of him by politicians In this State that he did not care for office himself, but wish- offices within his power; --.--' ,- Hanna is a' busineffs tnan'and .financier. A4 is cuiefly engaged In" mining " i ran ores in the Superior region and shipping that and other pronucts by the lakes.' He might be considered a good man' for the In- terior Department or the postmaster generalship, but the general opinion here sqems to be that if he goes into the cabinet at all he will be the Sec i re tar y of the Treasury! ,! He is cer - tainly well fitted , for that position, and the confidential relations that fiave existed between him ' and, the -,, president-elect ior. many years, con' sidering the delicate handling this iwrtfolid will require with' the; ad t vent of the new administration, con stitute a potent reason why he would i be particularly desirable .to Major McKi nley at the head; 6 the" 'depart' There j& another reason jhyj the ' president-elect will tfot likely, ealf O 1 PL J.I 111. ' iflfl.) i . oeuoior oueriuau vui wis pvsuuvui. . If he takes his Seoretary" from Ohio and It is not Hanna, . it will, ibowt ever, be Sherman. , , ' . , ,.i t . . .., .. -The imnuritiea in the blood which cause scrofulous eruptions are tbotv ougniy jeradieatea.by Hood s hers paeilla Try it 7, ? -,u I lasyitoOpcrato ;; a 1 , r t ; ' I ft M . it .t-. f "s j .Are fttureslpeouuairt Hood's Fills. . Smu ii ' size, tasteless, e (Sclent, thorough. As on man r r aid: " Ifou never know yon ... . bavrJakenar''UMl!UaU " P I or. , . ..xl&Co, i l'rounetors, Lowell, Mass. " " The only pills to take with Hood's SaisiMiaxUla. Still They.Come. Another big lot of Apples" Now Arriving Ksrihsrn C. ji? Ef3. These apples are shipped 'direct from the orchard, are well packed, sound, and n good t keeping condi tion. , ' . , ' -. DDTPP. 5I-T3 13 C2.23 prif Chi. ' Bid you ever know tine apples so cheap at this season of the year. . A ! 1' . a j t . a physician $2 00, -See? AGHNT. Phone 23. M FEB CENT FEB UM Guaranteed to all investors on invest 1 ments, both larjre Bnd small, when made with ;v i .HZ NEW YORK !;;T:GTMENT 4 COMPANY, ,;. BUOICERS IN ' - ' Ccnd3,CraSn and CI v. t IUi .1 4 z r New York. to Lave a i a P"ii"' or i . ,y 13 liberal uf9 of them ;in "yonir- family may, save a "doctor's bill. V A bar rel ofap'pies cost $1 75; one visit by L Castoria is Dr. Samuel I'itcUftr's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ' other Narcotic substance. It . la a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing, Syrups and Castor OIL ' ' ; It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty Tears' use sbjr -. -, Millions of Mothers , Castoria ilestrrygl "Wornts) audi r allays . Feverish ness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour K Curd, cures Dlarrlnua arid Wind Colic.- Castoria relieves - TeethinV. troubles, cures' Constipation and Flatulency. r Castoria assinillafes he FoqiVelatef tlici .fHomaetij jl ,.' and Bowels, giving. Jiealthy and natural sieep. Castoria .. Is the; Children's Panacea J , "Caatoria it an excellent ' medicine ibr -children. Mother have repeatedl told me of ita good effect upon their children.1' . . ' ,-: Dr. O. C Osoooo, towen, Mm " The ttae of Caatoria la aa ntifoerul atiit tfa of aupererogaticwto endorac it., Few are the intelligent famUle who do vat keep Caatoria within easy reach." , ' . i""-"- Cauoa Hurra, D.D., New Vatic City. , V vf Dreacribe Caatoria averv da v Car chlldm , who arc aufleiinw front wnatipaikm, with' v,- tetter eflfect than X receiTS.roa any other combination of drags; Dr. O, Mokoah, South Ambojr,. J., Children CrvfarlPltcKer'a Cnstnrin. -- - i 5f THE, TRIUMPHS OEjIOVEj Brerr- . SIaa Who ,, Waald . Kaaw tha ' QraaaT Trwtha, 4h fUlt, Taata,i:ha,: 1 Wt piaooTwrte af Uidloal Betaawa aa 'Availed ta' Married Llie, Wkj ; Wail Ataaa far Paat Krrara aa, : AT4d Vatara FI tiki la, BhaaU Soear ; WoaderflU XlHla Bawk Called. ',uCama,lota Haahaad. aad Baw ta At talarlt," '. Iji'Jt u Hflra at Inaf ta 1nfnnna.ffnn fmm m. Iilffft Inedlcal source that muat wotk-irondara wUh; iiun generaiton or man.' . , -w-j . - 1 The book fully delbeaV method by which wimmju luuviaw ana nuuuj sower. J rainaon thosystem. ( a t - a uioinoa oy wnioa (9 cum bui i To enra Berrananaaa. lack of aalfJmntml. da. sptiauoucy, ceo. t . lOMonantre a suiea ana want aaturd for mot brightness, buoyancy and power. h To euro forerar aiteota of riff n. mm una V Bno of brightness, bnoTanoy and power. worry.deo. . T ne -i d gire roil atrenertn, aereioimwnt and ton to every portion and organ of tha body, , Ako no barrier. FaUora lmpoaalble. , Twa thoaaand references. -, . . jus dook n oarejy meaicai ana eeientinn, melBSB tO CnriOSltT atifikai n IiivkIubKIm nsl only who need it. ' . ' . A despairing man, who had 'applied to ns. soon after wrote i I "Well, I tell yon that Drat day is on I'll never forset. I tmt ImhhlAil Hth inv. t wanted to has; arerybodyaad toll them ray oidaeif bad died yeeterday, and my new self was born to-day.. Why didn't you tell ma whan I flrat wrote that I would and it this Ano another thus: n' ; i : .". - I lf vnu dumned a eart InaA nf w1d atmf fet It would not bring aovh aladneaa Into my Life as your method has dona.1 - Write to tha RIB MEJJICAIi COMPACT, Bnffalo, IT. Yu and ask for the little boot called "OOMPIiKTK MANHOOD." BeferU this wirwr, ao1 the company promtsea to sand the Ixx'k, in sealed envelope, without ani mark s, and entirely tree, until it ta waU Intra luoau. '". .,.,.........;...:. i . ,.,.(, OIL ElEATERSj ' ' 1 li T ill, ' ALSO' i in Ware, Guaranteed not to rust i . mm ' oj v;- i . . S .owl ..- . W t ..-.. ' Haviiijr qualiiifil ss pi'u.ini.-trator of the e.tato of A. K, Vca'.i..r, de ceased, I horehyg-ive t-otice to ail per sons havinsr claims Bfrainst said es tate to prxxTit them to me for payment before the first day of October, .-,'7, otherwise this notii-e will be plead in bar of the same. All persons in debt to the said A. K. S eat hers are ro C'losted to come forwnr, - arttle the Vmrt at onc C. )f. '). - - .uuisii iiUr .' r A. ii. k - - hers, DecciisuJ. ociilJawtiw 1-' 10 1 1 US ho Mother's Friend. . ' " "Caatoria iato well adapted to children that I nwocarnenf If aa aupariar to wy ta , H. A. AaCHia, M.jp., Brooklyn, K. TV, "For aereral yeara.l have recommended -Castoria, n4 ahall alwaya continue yto do acta tj;. haa Jnvritbl' jircduotdr bcnedat reaulu." i ". ! " . , , : Bownt P. PaarixR, M. D., New York CHy, . We fcae UiW chTldrtlf and fliey'Cry ritcher'a Caatorta.' When we live oaea dcaeZ the others fry, fcr one too. ,1 shall hrayr (Shi .oleanrai. tn urecoinmaaillua ilia,: heat fi cnuu a mouicine.". -. ,'iv;,,' r : l; i Rttr. V.-A. Coorm, Newport, Kju - i" i ii'iiiiiii.iii.iiiiiHi'iiiMiii"MiiilT!al ' ' I 4a4 Cl ' v ' ; T'--SM aafaairi aaal0s - va -", .' ',, Under . and by virtue- o(-j dieed ol truBt trom j . w . tt. w atson to jj. d , Montacruti, Trustee, registered In Book 113,- page. 22, and with , he, consent of the tuortgao;or tnereort we--will, oa at the court house door in the city of Raleigh expose to public sale the fol- lowuiff uosoribed tract of lana, ueinj the part unsold la the land conveyed in the said deed of trust andjAesorioed as follows Beginning1 at tie-.northeast corner of . the Matthews lot, near the northwest corner of lot 744," thence southward alonor the line of Matthews and of the . Kline heirs-to Kline's southeast corner; thenoe west- alontr Kline's line; to the branch: thenoe down the branch to the south city line; thenoe east along the south line oi the city to the southeast corner of the city; thence north alonf theT east boundary lute oi the city to Unoir street; tin ace west along lienoir Street to the beginning. Terms cash. - - a B. P. Mont ague, ,Tni0tae.' ' - '? ' f J. W. B. Watsor. Oct. 9. 189. ' "Sare postponeOynsgnltoMdn" day, Not,' J6, at nooD."' vi --cf " e Kepi If YOU Cool r All iSuirimer; Will-Keep You A -4 R 4 p ' v ' ts.-' aV -aV-i; vit. All Winter. Soil - Coal, i Pocabontas ' und :'tf'flfcwll Creek The best Coal at lowest prices al ways t.. x v , .;"-"-, f ; ---ail' Jca:3 Q Pou'dl's. ECONOI.1Y -'May be necessary via tnany wats when dollars are scarce and wants many, but it is not desirable to practice it in the purchase of food, which Is life. Below a certain standard food Imperfectly nourishes; up to that stand ard it costs a reasonable price. ; We never want more than a reasonable price for osr Orooeries. RAPID SALES Give our customers the benefit of close margins. We never keep any thing that is not the best of ita kind, and we only want a fair profit on what we invest in it, . . , , . . , ', choice mm Always In stock and promptly delivered ". when oru iit1 'Mi ' J " If yotl want to know how, big your - DOLLAR Jshow many un, r&itcontains, tts purchasing power.takeitto tTiAon Or t mirn i if jo- 4 4x:2io " Ijllllnn fV Ml Nhn All lY.FayetteviHe Measures its Value i, ; t . -i. t , -i .I, '.t .r s iti snd yu will do the brainiest thing youv'e done In aianjt a . day--for there's stuff there you'll need every day, stuff you'll ' need when winter's storms are upon ns and they're coming 'fe.r-if-. s " -; soon almost at our doors. Stuffs you'll want for Thanks 'fij 'i tK- f.y : t. giving stuffs you'll want for holidays stufts you'll want ;; 'Ci-!;, , 1 -. for birthdays for someone else. Come 'now I Come quick I Um. ' .J, while assortment is .good almost unbrokenand pick out ;:.'., :,';;"!. . ' of this mine of good things aot cheap good things, but good .i ' good thiners nuircrcts of uure value ' r Minted by the best artisans of the world they are yours at a valua w tion that makes the purchasing power of your dollar greater ; than ever in the world's history . , i 'm , j , , Gross" & l School 4 Remember bur bxwse is headquarters for all School Supplies. We have everything you need in this line. A full stock of t -' i , ,-.1: : - '. 1, ','t 1. ' . .''yl'". -- . , AM in the very jlatest styles. A. WiHknis & Go's Book Stbro f OAK CITY STEArVT LAUNUKY Pag6& Marshall 1 Proprietors. f. Tliff.Commercial and Fanners' -j Bank, of Raleigh, H.C. . Chartered by General Assembly 1891. Paid iipCapital . $100,000.00 Deposits ;V ; . . 300,000.00 ff;"; Offers Its customert't every accommodation consistent with safe banking.' . . ' ;;" -'.v V. "Safe , Deposit Boxes for Rent on Reasonable Terms. Ci - Jt f i JTHOMAS, Presidetr SAXF B.'S.'JERMAN.Casne ;H. S ' if'v' 'oorae Kooa justness omces to lev , Siit.lsbiilOiniii.Qhi ;,',,rV':':c'':r'"TTbuREs NASAL CATARRH. A Trial Will Ftsinpoon's; "4 r Admlalstrator'a Notloa. . Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Cherry Penny, de ceased, late of Wake county, N, C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of October, 1S97, or this notice will ba plead in bar of their recovery, and all per sons indebted to the said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment to me. - J. C. Marcoh, Adm'r. ' R T. Grat, Atfy. " . , ltw6w :.'. or 7, 1S06. : . c Street. Linehan Books s How's That? , i Every laundry doesn't do it, do they? Don't you suppose they could it they wanted' to ? Honesty and carefulness have as much to do with making a good laundry as any thing else. We know this is a good laundry, and we aren't afraid to l,nft nntr nn. MT HO IT11 Cflfl C TtiO- tion pure and simple, come to J . v; -an . . 1 a -' "' - - A. THOMPSON, Vice President. W. JACKSON Assistant Cashier. Convince You. . piiAnr.iAOYr 5 1 .! ,'To tfca Tsi Pavara of Waka County' , I urge and insist that I . must col lect the taxes, and that each , tax payer must come forward and settle at once. It is important that I should close up my tax account for the year 1896, and- hence make this urgent appeal. ; To all who come forward and settle before December 1st, 1896, I shall charge no cost; but sftor that I shall charge cost aV al lowed by law.' : This is positively the only notice I shall send out: M. W, Pack, - - n., . Sheriff of Wake County.V nol3 ow 3w -. tafiondry Lliss f.aggie Reese. ' ' t 209 Fayette ville Street. , v h- v v New Millinery I , We have now ready. for the trade all the latest things in fall and win ter Millinery. " , v Trimmed and untrimmed Ladies1 Hats, with ail the -new trimming materials. - ' Children's arid Infants' Caps, in all styles and colors. All customers will be given prompt attention,- . Goods sent on approval. Express paid one way. , Afjent for Imperial Patterns. -' Miss, Maggie, Reese! Caifloivors Boses. Carnations; Chfysanthe suns Bbttqiiets, sin;..; M: Palms, Ferns, Golden band, white and pink Ja pan lilies. Finest of all hardy lilies Hyacinths, Chinese Sacred Lilies, Freesia Narsissus, Tulips for " ' forcihg"!n'"the' house and" ' ' , early spring blooming I outside. H. Steinrfletz, Florist, North Halifax Street, near Peace In . stitute. Phone 113. ,octW .f ' , now have on hand a good supply of mules and horses. I shall also keep a good .stock of i. Buggies and Wagons for sale. ,- . v 'I r , " ti . ' PricestoSuit the Times J, Mice, 111 East Martin St., Raleigh, N. C 1 octl2-tf ' .; Contains more llthia than any other lithia spring water on the market, and wo have yet to find a physician who has given Harris' Lithia Water a fair trial but that will state that it is supe rior to the other waters,? Dr. Thomas S. Powell, President Southern Medi cal College,- Atlanta, Ga.jfTheo Lamb, Professor Diseases of Chest and Prin ciples of Medicine, ! Medical Depot, Atlanta, University of Georgia; Prof Joseph Jones, President" Tulane Uni versity of New Orleans, t: Dr. John Hey Williams, Asheville, N Cj Dr P. B Harris, Savannah;--G; Dr-A N Talley, of Columbia, 8. C, and hun dreds of thers of the most noted phy sicians of the country, testifying that Harris' Lithia is Biiperior to all other- waters that 'they have used in their practioe. - . President's Office, Baltimore, Jane 24, 1896. Mr J T Harris- Harris Spring, $ C: , Dear Sip I will say to you that It 1 my opinion that the Harris . Lithia Water Is by far the best lithia water I have ever used, and that it has done me a great deal Of good,.' and I think that It is a "most valuable remedy. ( ' .: Very truly yours, - , ' K. C. HOFIMAN, . President S A L R R. For sale by, the, Druggists of Ral- Viu'-vV' " -hi,: ;:-:'v'? - Harris Lithia Water Co. 1 Harris Spring, S C l 1 i i oct 15 lm 1 ...i ... , . ..... 'V., s. a. as::e a ..sou, , FIRE INSURANCE, j ' .- - ' . i ) '4 Solicit a pat jf your patronage j -OMte over MacRae's BranchPhar Eloral Designs L,, AKD I TTAnnnrt i inUilDliD You Can Settle the, ... - - . Ever Vexatiou . ' j . Question. . , ' ' . ' What to Give' ;T the"Bride",Tr By spending a few moments looking through ,, oi4r new and complete 1 stoclt of I . Cnr01ass,v r: ' rfroflahdtesslainps China':'.: . Clocks, ; ; , ' WC' Bric-a-Bl-ac. H. . MAHLER'S; SONS; , .faWtLKMAMDOTTICIAIS " Have your eyes tested. No charge'' dosing. OutiScli Of all -the Fairview Horses t V 1 J ' ft' WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18th,' , All the Fairview" Horses,' ' stalions,1 -Brood mares, road and race horses; v colts, fUJies., yearlings weanlings V will be sold at auction for ash at !V Raleigh, N. C Nearly all the atock -is standard and well bred, and 4s it will be sold without reserve great ' i bargains will be had;! In the ' sale , are 3 Wilkes stallions, the great Morgan Stallion Franklin chief and -the beautiful young stallion, brother ' to Pamlico, Currituck,' a Son of Jor val 2;14 out of a Wilkes mare, and some of the handsomest and .fastest fillies, ever seen In this state. ' Write a postal card for catalogue ' now ready. V; 1 B.' P.1 Villiaatcni":' novft tds , , , . . Raleigh, JS . SOUTHERN; RAILWAY,' (PIBOMONT AIR-UNB.) Condensed , .Schedule. .. toBlfceJia.l4.ia. . Traina Leave Katolgh DaUv. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limlaatt. 'T -' 4,12 p, aa, Dally, Solid vestlbulad train wKh aleepei from Norfolk to Chattanooga Tte. saits tT. Morgan aabevttie. Hot aprlnga aad KDOXVUle. -jr, J;, , 0 Oonneoti at Durban tor Oxford Olartsvllla sad Keyavule, except Sunday... At Onaaa boro with tha Washington., and SoujJi western VesOruled (Limited), UaU (or aU polnta North, and with mala tine train Mo. II for Danville, Richmond and loteraiedlata toes ' -(tatlons ; also has eooneetton tor Wlnaton-Salem 4 and with main Una train No. H, ' trnlted State ' raatMail" Jot Cbartotta, 8iartaabajrs. 43tei. vlUe, Atlanta and all points Sooths lag Colum bia. Augusta, Charleston, Savannah, Jae.soo vule. and all points to Florida, SKsjotng Car tor Atlanta. JaekaeavUle and at Chariot wfta Bleeping car tor Aurata. .-.(?t, , "Norfolk aad Chattanooga limited. rt 1 1:4s A. fl. DaUy Solid train, Hulatla PuHmaa Sleeping can and eoaehe from Cha ;, tanooga to Nortolk, arriving Norfolk : p m V In tuna to connect with the OM Pomlnloal Merchants' and Miners,' Norfolk and Wash lngton and Baltimore. Chesapeake and Bttb mond S 8 0o for an poUttrsorth aad case " ' Conneeta at Selnia for ParetteTtlle and " wrmeoiaie swoons on the wuaon and r t ettevlUe Short Out, daily, except sonday fbt sew en and Morohead City, dally dor Oolda boro, and Wilmington and , lnteramdlat ata--' ttons on the Wilnungton and Weldoa Ballroad." st- . Express Train. , , , : 8:80 A. M. Dally Connects at Durham for ' Oxford, KeysvlUe, Bl' hmond at Greenabor ' for Washington and all points north, ' Expreaa Train. ' :0 P. n. Dally For Goldaboro and titer- -mediate stations 1 ' - 1, Local Asoomatodatioaw a:0S A. M.-Oonaeets at ONetwbaro S ail p tuts for North and South and Vmstaa-satem and points on the North western North OntvBiia Ballroad. At Salisbury; lot all point la West ern North . arollna, Knoxvllle, Xenn , Cinola natl and western points; atcttarlotte fe Spar tanburg. Greenville, Athena, Atlanta and 1 pouits South. ., - t .'V f i ,ij ' ., , , ' , Trains Arrive at Ralalgh, N. C: , , . ' m 1 a x'i Expreaa Trnta. ..., . :0s p. M. Dally From Atlanta, Charlotte ereengtoro ai aU pouits Soath,,, ., j , Norfolk and Chattanooga UaAfdtj - 4:laP.M.tMlyrt-rram allaoteiaaaa(,"Ilor folk. Tartooro, WUsoa and water Unea. 1 " . , From eoidaboje. Wilmtngton, Fayas ttvliie aad all points In Xaatem Carolina. Nortolk and Chattanooga UmitatU, '"" ' v 11 14O A. rt Dally From New Tork, Washing ton, lyaehburg, DanvOle and 0 rem statu, hat' tanooga, smox villa, Hot springs and aabevlltt. vii.iiiriwiiistti , S,B0 a, as. 0ally-4rrom oldsboro and1- nW -' mediate statlous, - - , :' ' h- 4 . -..-.'Looau. ;;s.v ; 7:10 A. fl Dally From Greensboro nnsj a points North and Sown .'sleeping Car front ' 9reetisboro to Raleigh, ., r . ' Kmp.es Dally exe ptSanday-Fronj3i)da-" boro and all points East. ' . ' - Local freight trains also carry pasaenaraV ' - rnumsai ears en night (rain from Baltic tu oiaMiibotsi rf.tf...w-.-i.irs f t t ; - Through rullgian estibul4 enwtag Boom Buffet sleeping Car 'and Vestibuled cuaobea wlthoatchaage on sorfolk limited. '. ., Double oally trains tetween Bslelph. Char lotte aad Atlanta. Quick tune; unexcelled ao-' aommodation. v. t.. - - . , y v ' ' ' '".' H.'GRKKN,' ':" r,, 'r , , Oewral Bupertnteaaaiii. ' Jl, ATDIK.i;U n ,.-..-.'. 'ij -(,', f :' ' ,; General Passenger Agent. ti i . .v f t J Washinutoa. D.C 4 ' , Lt j J. M, Cdl?, Traffic M 0 ret i t n' v- s..,.-l',v,,c;k,, t (

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