: y I' )und. c . u jok Co. :r Tc:-crrow. Foreeait for Ralif h. Local forecast for Raleigh fnot extending beyond a ra- -4 llm of 20 mile:) Fair to nitflit and tomorrow; much colder to , morrow morning; northwest winds, , Forecast for North Carolina: Partly cloudy tonight, Saturday, showers deai the coast. Local data for 1A hours ending at 8 a. m. (today) November 20, Maximum temperature, 68; minimum temperature, 48; rainfall, 0.00. - Cdlttoaf theWssrtkssi. - ., . The following wort the weather con ditions at 8 a. m. today: State of the weather.:. , . , , , ' fair. Temperature of theatr....... 8 deg. Senslbletemperature.. ....... 2 deg. Wind Telocity . ; ii . . IS Direction of winfl.......-.T S. W . . ; PERSOHAL. . -. MrZVReed,of Frankllnton, is here. Capt W H Day has goneto Hamlet . in regard to an important railroad case, ,r;- ; v: , . ; ' Mrs J F Douglas, S. C, is in the city visiting Mrs H 0 Leard, on Mo v y. Powell Ktreet f , ' V , Mr Jos A Bryan,"of Newborn, who ; baa been here on private business returned yesterday. 1 Mr. & M. Rowland, of Kader, was in the eity today and gave the Paws ? Visitor a pleasant call. . r - Mr. J. H. Drake, Assistant Gen eral Freight Agent of the Southern Railway, was in the city today., ,, , " Mr. Louis Levy, of the Ann of Palma, Strauss and Dexer, of New '.York, whose fine neckwea-is fa moas, is in the eity. ' Mr. James L. Graham, a talented l. young attorney of Newton, has lo , cated here and will engage in the practice of the law. Miss Lila Ayer, of Rome, Ga., cousin ot Mr. Hal. W Ayer, and one of the South 's fairest flowers,: Is - here on a visit to the family of Mrs, UAjer.-' .. , The Greensboro Record of y ester- ' day says: "Mrs. Ned Ireland Thacker, of W. H. & R. S. Tucker A Co.. Raleigh, is at the Benbow, with a nice line of dress goods, silks, capes and coats." vi''.: y,'.5.!p I1 I ' 1 ''1" ''t '' '- f. . ia this eity at the residence of its parents, on EastHargett street, Sun ' " dav afternoon. Johnnie W, Sander : ford, Jr.; the only son of J. W. and J, O. L. Sanderford, ' Johnnie was a ; bright little boy,' and will be sadly missed by. those that loved hiin. The body was taken to Mill brook to be Interred ixf the family burying , ground. The funeral was conducted , by Rev. Dr. A. M. Simms, S'-. T" . Staads at tM Bead. ,' Aug. J, Bogel, the leading drug' srist of Shreveport, La., sfev 'Dr, King's New Discovery , is only " .,;"( hing that cures my cough, and it is - the best seller I have. " J. F. Camp- . .' bell, merchant of Ariz, writes: "JJr, y King's New Discovery is all that is " ) i"; claimed for it; it never fails and is a :f a lire cure for consumption, coughs - and colas. I cannot say enougb lor oovery for consumption, coughs and colds is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of century, and today stands at the head. It never disappoints. Free trial bot tles at John Y MacRae's drugstore. Try Electric Bitters as a remeny for ; your troubles? If not, get a bottle ' now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of au . female complaints, exerting a won ' derful direct ' influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. ' U - you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or ) are nervous, sleepless, excitable. melancholy or troubled with dizzy cine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and $1 at John Y, McRae s drug store. - - . lof. Wjre ia Towa. Tr t. S. B. Nye, Optician and r,jj. .lonist, is now in the city, E-1 n ready for the reception f ( 1 '? f. i.'nds and the general pub I ; i 1 c;2ce at the Park Hotel, t' q lakes' parlor, where he is 1 to nJministerto their com i S 3 rf curing chronic ( . c ' '-Hu,: n or ; . . V 3 ( 3. i ry A su.' ..d n-ui wl.l be ytmi lur Lis rciurn to K. A. Letts. It fchull oystPi-s at Giersch's Ladies' and Gent's liesiaurant. niiO 2t Jiaw Reading. We lave just received a splendid line of new and popular novels for winter evenings' reading. Call and make your selection. s 20 3t North Carolina Book Co. , Waattd. , . ; TSf ent at once threeor four rooms in a good locality, south of Hargett street preferred. Address 'W. H. B.." this office. ' - n!6tf Three-story brick building cor, Fayetteville and Morgan streets, re cently occupied by Democratic head quarters, For terms apply to W. B. Grimes.' ::v; novo tf ,t i. i i';-A .ladies' ' gold watch between Murphey school and D and D insti tvtion. Finder will be .rewarded by returning to this office. nov!73t . .:i,v;.'';j Far Beat; v. s . Six room house on Jones street, second door from Dawson street Water and modern improvements. Inquire southwest corner Jones and Dawson streets.. n!4-2w . : Dissolution Notice. . The firm of McClure A Peterson knva this dav dissolved co-tartner- ship by mutual consent All bills and debts aue tae oia nrm wiu . oe naidtothenewfirm of McClure. A Hales. McCmax 3t Pstiaboh. . : I will have two car loads of good, young, West Virginia horses ship ped from West Virginia to me, to be sold on consignment, which ' I ' will positively sell to the highest bidder at my stables in Raleigh, on Satur day at 18 o'clock, N0Vc21,j 1899. Stock guaranteed as represented, or no money paid. ' These horses' are from 5 to 7 years old, sound and good workers.; If you want good Virginia horses don t miss this op portunity, as they. will sell cheap. Everything guaranteed. JOBH W. LlTTLKPAOK, Ko. Thomasok, Auctioneer, . l . nov2 Im Executor's Notice. Having this day qualified as Execu-T tor OI ue f staie or tne irauy Blake, deceased, this is to give notice to all parties having claims against said party will present them to me on or before the 18th day of November, 1887, or tills will be plead in bar of their recovery. ; A. J. ELLIS, i bovIO lawOw v, Executor. 'Experts" needed wiUf Buck's ; Stoves and Ranges. Now Girls ! We will give the BUCK'S JUNIOR NICKLED RANGE" to the girl under 14 years old wno will collect ana Drin, to our office the greatest number c advertisements, each with ; . . - "DUCK'S" Trade Mark cut from newspapers from October 15th to December 26th. 1898. Each collec tion must be tied in package with num ber and name thereon. - - Thos. H. Briggs & Sons ' EALEIGH. N. a .' v . i v SOLE AGENTS . Buclc'sGreat White Enamel Line, 1 W. E. JONES, : 206 Fayetteville Street " .,, , , tke vast majority of the patrons of a retail drv troods establish' ment are women, it follows as a matter the lines and prices most attractive are constantly aiming to arouse the shoppers articles in ofthiB i community by carrying an array of elegant and useful articles in dry goods, fancy goods, tors, making the store "a thing of beauty and a joy forever." ' CAPES.'. , , 1 K , One hundred and fifty new gar ments on sale tomorrow. -: Ve have the capes you d be proud of. All the style you can stand, all the wear you want, au tne warmtn of com fort, and we will sell them lower than we ever have sold so good a cape, w fiat s it made orr - now much is the price? Come and see; there are some things that can't be all told about on paper. , CLOTHING. BOO pairs men's and boys' pants in fine casimeres and worsteds at ci e fourtb off their former prices. Men s pants from f 1 up to 4. Boj's' pants from 25c up to $1. 7 CIICNILLE rORTIETJS. They who love their homes deco- -ALL ! a iiluo u rZ. Served at our Fountain TO-DAY. If you are chilled by the cold then come in and make your self: comfortably warm by, taking a ' drink (I) of "Hot Soda." , j . Yours very truly, James McKimmon & Co I 133 FayetteviUa St., JUleiffh. lr-: . r; t - i: ... Visat'sinaL'ur.:? It Depends As to the rose or violet, nothing. But take our name ! t-i ? 7. ii. ki:;q & co., Now, there's c great deal in that For instance: In'presoriptions it meansFDBlTT and FRESHNESS of Drugs, Care and exactness in compounding, Fair ness and moderation in price. Whether you want medicine, or soda water,, cigars or Soap, Candies or chewing gum, we serve you wun honestv. courtesv. and dispatch. One good nameN means every thing to vou. it means entire satisfactionto us success. Yes, There's Lots In a Name rses At Auctioii To iha llighsst Didder I will sell, without reserve, on Frl day and Saturday, November 20th and 21st, fifty head of Horses and Mares fnm Virginia and East Tennessee, all of iLem good, sound workers. : Every one of them must be as recommended or money refunded.' Sale will take place each day at 11 o'clock. Fbjuck Strqnach, Auctioneer. I carry (he largest stock of Harness, Saddlery, etc., in the State. I alsd have the lareeet stock -of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons and Road Carts which I am selling at factory prices. FRANK STBONACH, Prop'r. Stronach's Emporium. Nos. 219, 221 and 223 Wilmington Kstlct to tha PtiHc. Having this day Qualified as Ad mlnistrator of the estate of Calvin Kelly, deeeased, this is to notify all persons indebted to said estate to pre sent their claims for payment to me on or before the 18th day of November, 1897, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please pay without further demand. . Iezekiah Pool. nl71aw8w . of course that the store that carries to them fails not in its reward. We enthusiasm and 'affections of the lair 50 Head o Ha shoes, etc.. a little below our com pet i rate them. They who do not love them would if they were made beau tifuL ' To make them so, use chenille curtains and portiers, table covers and lambrequins. Chenille curtains in new designs and popular colorings, length three yards, width da inches at 1:2.43 the pair. Chenille curtains, very handsome designs and colorings, length 31 yards, width 42 inches at $3 89 the pair. - - Chenille portiers, in elegant de signs and colorings, length 4 yards, widtn ii inches, wortn f b at tl 73 each. Choriille table covers, Trilby de- b'ti, Li incbes, at tl 25. Excol anything you ever saw in candy thin and crisp. Lemon, choco late, lime and vanilla and only 2uc lb. Ri?gaa's is the place to get the best and cheapest Toys. - . Rir?an's line of Pictures is fine and beautiful and selling at one-half regu lar price. Select what you want while the line is complete. Riggan's is the place to get new Nuts, Currants, Citron, Figs, Raisins, Grapes and Apples cheapest. ;. ,) Rlggan's Candy excels then all in price and quality. ,t - 'J f ii1" ' i , " ! - l, ' " ' - Rlggan's fcrockery, , - Glassware, Lamps, Coal Hods and Shovels, Vases and Brlo-a-Brao are best goods at the cheapest price; also Paper Tab lets and Baskets. - . , In fact Rlggan's Toy Store is the place to get the best goods at the most popular prices.t ' . , 132 FAYETTEVILLE ' STREET fi, i: - The "Bow-Wow " Toe, "Eussls Calf Rope Switch" Calf : Lined Bals at $4 are still having a great run. '- ' ri-M'fc,-N6edle 100 and Jewel Toe Calf Bals are " selllers at only $3 00 a pair, ; vS; Gen'ts' broad plain toe congress gaiters and lace shoes at $2 00, wear like iron. ,- t . -. Call and see the New Styles as well as the great bar gains at . 1 -heller's s;::: STc:.:, , ; , Established in 1876. ; There is , During the year when you can't find HERE what you like to wear in clothes, hats or furnishings. .It is our strong point something to suit you at bottom prices, v ' , f If you see our line of men's suits at $6 50, $7 50, $10,- $12, $15, $20 to U you will see the equal at what even an ordinary tailor would charge you double our price, and as far as fit goes they can't improve on our styles. Try us and you save the difference in price, besides delays and trouble of trying to get what you want. . - v 1 Our Suits . are of the very latest cut and anything you could have made. ' ' - No use your buying boys' clothes that are only half , way made and poorly trimmed and pay as much or more than you can buy the best and strictly reliable sort for here. Our prices are very reasonable, our va riety double and more than anywhere else. ..Tour money back for all pur chases if you want it " Leading One : A. B. STRONAGH. HIGH CLASS GOODS And Ycur Lc."o Beck If U-!::' C;::5r-i J:;! :! Best values in the city, new plush capes. Iipfular and extra lengths, plain, iettcJ, anplivued. fur. ribbon ana oilier lusuionable garnitures, all with satin or fancy taffeta silk linings: is r 1 1 1 - i l Worth 1 1 I ) i 1 I TO 131 Hte.sWw J lfcli vai Jf , '. . - c ) Phone 142 - FULL LINE r Fino Stationery Office and - School Supplies. Lc:d:rs hLcvPn:::. . oc28 3m " '. L ' "7 IkwxwJ ' . UiU The Leaders in Shoes, i Call Attention to Thdr Hew anl Conplste Stcci of Gents M Footwear, f V t , i ' - ' 1 1 ' fabrics, fit perfect, ear as well as ; ' .m - Price Clothiers, AT FOPDLSR PRICES. Ycu .rs L S-!iu!!wJi Very handsome cloth capo, cloth and braid trimming, velvet collar, worth $10 CO, at. . : 8 60 Braid and Jet, trimmed in sn.me, worth tlO 00 at ......... , 8 E0 Elegant Astrarhan cape, volvrt trimmed, wort's 111 00, at 9tJ very band- - tioth cape, y back, worth I 5 U, at. i.' mie,- tri lus. wci ; i wi;:i O. ft i VU I Time 3- . J i i'.a " t is of t:,e The t' as t r w! ' 'n: f t TLa ! t (' : i.t we Lave is the shoe c. : a i :.i J it is just ly popular, as we five you t!,e best b e pos .iblfl to buy f ir t' a ) rices. Children's fihoes 15 6i), G3, 75, t5, I ), tl, 1 15, 1 25, 1 15, 1 CO. r r ' ... L .. v Are Lave a large assortment of boy's shoes of all size, at 1 00, 1 25 and 1 60. , We pay particular atten tion to the quality of our ladies' 1 25 1 60 and -200 shoes. - Cresset's 3 00 shoes for men: we do a large merchant-tailoring business, will make you a suit or pair of pants at a reasonable price andguaranteeour work in every respect. L, mmf f ''' ' 1 ribbed waist at-'' 37c bleached " 680 " ' " '.,... Children's union suits . . Misses' " l2jo ....... 25o 6O0 -.25c .: 6O0 r- We sell these fast black hose at 15 and 25o a pair. All sizes. - -4 Gapes, cloaks, jackets, cliildrcn's reefers. ladies' suits, wrappers and skirts in great variety, as to price and quality., , Our terms are casn. . une pnee l See our 5o and10o counters. Many bargains on them. ' Agents for the sale of Butterick Patterns: WOOLLCOTT & SON, 14 East Martin - Street. Greatest IlaJL Rac!i Ever Soli. rTZAflU (, r L. J J Lijt v i l ' - M A 07.00 t We guarantee the Back to be better than any" $10 Baek ever sold in Raleigh.' Has box seat, double hooks, solid oak. Guarantee price THIS WEEK ONLY, ' Open at Nislit, - Royall & Borden. The to Store Tha big double g'ass front indc it t.. 03 i...iJe. i Selling at smaliuat crohts. we brin ? t .ecoa-utmer r i first original cost than credit stores is "method in their madness" when Enconiums copiously 6bowered public favor and nerves us to the greatest work for the smallest psy i-i a. wora, we become public benefactors. M " 1" V T We never have, do not now, nor less than cost, then charge those unfamiliar with the om.u of the values extortionate pi ices, as snnm, by duplicity e i scnUilion seek to do. tui-h is not BUiil2H ., but a twur of confidence a sharp trick ployed by X.ir. t.-ierwond 1. : is now in rsew York com v ; t 'I it is worth in t o wr . f t ins and he bus ju-1 I c m iv , rs p -i ow I na0e to win I n t t 1.. t nvw, 4 of C..:i and 1 lush C. "'s, rn v ' a. j .Is of wooln Lndrwcir, heavy stock ltntt..- ., ; . Vve i'"-t in-n re- iv .1, (.n tl n(fc'. isTjiiiO,. 3 bnorc us, we 1; y kerchi i in t' ( - 1 ! t ! ' I. r ! 1 i 1 We do cU 1." e t 1 but v, I S say that we 1 . i' 3 I t F'-! ' . Fttxk of r . . -y i 1 1 h. Li pecial ai '. . .1 iu I to i-ur cap dppartEue ut L r tLUJ.-c n, all t; 0 neiv shapes in tuns on nand now t . J prices very low. ,3 rCIALS 3 10- 4 all wool white blankets. 11- 4 ' " , ' : - 12- 4, " '' . 3C3 ..424 .AU '"SI-!- . - r Genuine castor buckskin .....l 19 Heavy domestic kid gloves.. , -83o London tanned dogskin glove. , 87c Wool lined Kangaroo . " 75o " " heavy goatskin . . ..10a All bargains. -Also full "lines of cloth, wool, kid and leather gleves from 26c to.l 00 a pair. - 3 shirtStaist ITEMS. - ' ' 1 ' All wool flannel, in red, blue and black, new style sleeve waist . . 1 01) 'Scotch plaid waist . . .. . ,'. 98o Handsome wool Henrietta waists lined, full sleeve, - ripple cuff, ele gant fitting waists.;.,-,.. .... 143 10 au. J Ibajs k care to do or dare to fei,. . they decry our popular system. binds us in closer relations.Ln to i never will sell r' ' a r i i r : t some to "keep in V ' isrvrr c!i...n to t'.a I 1 ! ( J 4 . I , J ( J vcl

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