.- VIATOR, f 1 T:rE Pi:' 53, - ...,:!-.;, career i la vie L'.reets, . l-lot and llfM. N. Si.HAHY, SolioltlmlAXMH. ' cription Prices. ....a 3.00 .... 1.60 .... ' .26 . . red as Second Class Mall Matter J 1.3 LciJcr in the Hews and in Circulation- ; 1 TELEPHONE No. 168. Saturday, Nov. 21. 1896 NORTH CAROLINA'S PENSIONERS. . . State Auditor E. M, Furman is busy just no sending out tha war rants to those who are entitled to pensions under the act of the Gen eral Assembly providing' for Con federate 'r pensioners. : , The State will pay this year to its pensioners. 1104,704, which is the .total amount for 1896. , There are four classes of our pensioners aud they are classi fied as follows: Such as have de ceived a wound which renders them totally ' incompetent . to perform manual labor in the ordinary avoca tions ot, life, tone hundred dollars; ; such ;as have lost a leg above the knee or" an arm above the elbow, seventy-five dollars; such as have lost a loot or leg below the knee, or hand or arm below the elbow, or have a leg or Arm rendered utterly . useless by- reason of a wound or :,:' ... . 'J - 1 , permanent injury, fifty dollars; such as have lost, one eyo, and to all ' widows remaining unmarried, and ' all other soldiers who are otherwise disabled to perform manual labor by reason of wounds received in the Confederate service, twenty-five dollars. ,r , , , .; To, the credit of North , Carolina be it said that she is one of the most liberal of the Southern'States In her provision for her Confederate veter ans and dependents. She is one of the few States which pension Con federate soldiers who have been residents of the State for twelve nvinrn a nMniFU muv nv aninicjii.iiin. it . v . x . . i ; ii although they may' have formerly ' resided in another State." The fact - that North Carolina paysv over one hundred thousand dollars annually to her' Confederate heroes and the widowed women of those heroes will go down Into history as a tribute to her name which will shed a halo about it, like the quality of mercy, which in the words of Portia in the those who give, and those who re- , The . total number of pensioners l'. . , . . jhia year is 5,322 and they are di- wIAat aa fn11nvBwTn tlin first lflAa 130; in the second class 240; in the ; third class, 352;", la the- fourth class ! 1,842 ' soldiers and 2,758 widows. ' " " .; , When the managers of the South ern Railway determined last year to ! transfer their ocean . business from West Point to the harbor of Norfolk and Portsmouth,' The Norfolk. iXed ger expressed the, opinion that the change would result in making that port the third in importance of the cotton ports of the country, and the , figures of the cotton movement show that the prediction Is coming true. The Ledger savs: The year prior to t'.e tune that theEichmond and Dan- Eailroad made West Point its water terminus, the cotton jilted by that system of roads receipts enabled the port of i 1 Portsmouth to take the Or! ,1 c is of course r Savannah A'ut the Lave reucLi'J I u'.vut wti," bales, ana as but aoout ( l.:iU of the crop Las yet been mar keted, it is probable that more than 709,000 bales-, will, ba received before the season 'j closes, . " The conditions at our port are now more favorable than tney have ever before been for, the development of the general export 5 trade cotton, lumber,- grain, 4 provisions, logs, coal and 6taves and from this year forward a steady increase may be expected in our export business..-, BneUen'a Arnioa Salva., " '. The best salve In the 'world for cuts, bruises, - sores, ulcers, . salt rheum, lever sores, tetter, cnappea hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. t Price 25 cents per Nx. .wor sale by John Y. Mao Safe. , , u : ,; ; : " " : '' Mora Cnratlva Power ; ,'. , Is contained in a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla than In any other simi lar preparation.. It costs the pro prietor and manufacturer more' It costs the jobber more. ;:-And it is worth nure to the consumer. It has a record of cures unknown to any other preparation.' It is the best to buy because it is the one true blood, purifiers . , , m , ' ,, . i I, . ... . ' ., Hood's pills are the best family cathartic and liver medicine. Gentle reliable, sure." ' y WImb Baby vaa rick, npn bar Cartori. , Whea aha m a Child, ahe cried f or datorio. X: WImb she aacama Xfaa, ahe elnnc to Cwtcrta. ' nam ahe bad GbSdno, he ajawtlMa Gaatoria. ,;, r L.....' ,"... - Ksfice To Cit Tax Payers The city tax list for 1896 has been f laced in my hand lor collection, will be in my office for that pur pose every day from 8 a. m to 4 b m All taxes not paid by December 1st are subject to a penalty of I per cent, and an additional 1. per cent on tne nrst aay oi eacn montb there after until paid. B. Hutchisos, I nov6 30d City Tax Collector. 1. New Shoe Store. f 3 -a. v - . ' I I sVd. T 4 , l vs -l. ILadics Fine Up-to-Date Footwear ' r Everything' Absolutely New, and Read the following prices: ' v; . Ladies' Fine JDongola K'i Button Boots heel and ' spring heel, is all the new toes, at 98o,$l 25, $1 60 and $175. . . : Ladies' Fine Dongola Kid Eutton Boots, heel and spring heel, In all uib latest suapes ana toes, at 3, z zs ano 9Z 00. ' ' '" ' ,. Best line of Men's, Boys' and Children's Shoes la the State. ; . t S " PHOCRASTKJATIOM Is The Thief of Ti me.: ' ' v. If you neglected to buy your winter's supply of coat and Wood fa the summer as your interest requires that you shsuld have done, give us your order now and avoid the rush which always cbme&with the first spell of cold weather. Convenience and economy demands that you buy your waBuii auyyij ui mot ut ww, suu iu eu iu sou put away ueiura wtuupi, will be a source of satisfaction to yen for months to come. Our stock is now complete ana we solicit your orders for best goods at lowest prices. . Johnson ;-; .-oiid yoiineon, r-l XXXl- :: Wa.JLJ.Val'' ;- T, , j? V-T JL-T suua Phone 15a ... "tsay! f a, are you rearting . lye advertisements?" ' -a'- "Nosonny, am reading - . ; ' of the 'soft snap' Whiting Bros, have on clothing." L f T Just Received: A big lot of Boys' Q OUILb. nisJmiiH Mi-it. Maintains theoonfldenoe ni Kin npnnle in Hood's Sarsaparilla. If medicine cures you when sick; II It niakea Wondurf ul curt3 everywhere, tben oeyona 11 question that medicine possesses merit. That ia Just the truth about pood's Sar- aapaiiUa. We know it posaessea merit because it cores, not once ot twice or hundred times, bat in thousands and thousands ot cases. W know it cures, absolutely, permanently, wheo all othara fail to do any good whatever. We repeat n 9 Sarsaparilla Is the beat In fact the One True Blood Purlner. 9 . cure nattsea, iuuiiuua, 1UUU 9 rllia Diuousneas.' weenu. Laud Sale. ; - TJniler and by ' virtue of a docroo of the Superior Court of Wake county, in a crtain. civil action, Ho. 121, summons docket of said court, en titled B. P. Moafrue vs. J. "W. Ryalsv. Nancy JL, . Uritt and Joseph Austin, I will on Monday, the 21flt flay of December, 1896, at noon, sell nt public auction at the court house door in the city of lialeigh, N. C, the following described tract of land lying in Panther Branch' . Township, ala coanty,- and adjoining the lands of Goorge Par in, A. K, Smith and other and bounded as follows: Be ginning at. a stake in Little Creek, them north 4 'desTees east 4 chains and 22 links to a stake, thence south 87 degrees east 14 chains and 44 links to a stake, wenoe norm ,iu uexrroi east 1ft chains and 00 links to a stake. thence south 87 degrees cast 15 chains and 60 links to a stake, thenoe north 3 degrees east 11 chains to a stake In the Penny corner, thence -north 83 de press west with L. J. Weathers' line 49 chains to - stake : on . Juniper Branch.' thence i. down the iVarions (ourses of said branch to Little Creek, thenoe down said creek to the begin ning, containing one hundred and two and a half acres (102$ acres) as more fully Sappears by deed ot Jancy a. T5pit( and others to J. "W. Rvals and wife, date March 15, 1884, Registry of Wake county, Book J87, page 400, and known as the nomcstcaa oi sam J. w Ityals. Terms cash.-' AUMISTEAD JONES, Commissioner. Raleigh, N. C., Nov. 13, 96. Try BtCtt-DWUflHT tea fw TfTHpd. I Wp rail special attention to our new Ladles' Fine Shoes, including all. the latest shapes, styles and I j.1 3 now made in warranted to bo just as represented, i , ' , - r C. POOL. . B. UOKRIS, Manager. . Office 109 tfayetteville St.s. ft? sTIiisl'jQy .'Manufacturers ''-'are closing out winter clothing at about 20 per cent reduction and this cuaulcs us to sell at whoiesalo prices retail. r - .i v ,' sir i '. and Children's 10c Socks for 5c. 14- (P) , . ; During the year when you 'can't in clothes, hats or furnishings. It is ton at bottom prices. I v . T '. ... !! e..a $25 you will see the equal at what even you double our priced and as far as fit Styles. Try us and you save the difference in price, besides delays ana trouble of trying to get what you want' - ' ' Our Suits '', are of the very latest cut and anything you could have made. No use your buying boys' clothes that are only na way maae ana poorly trimmed and pay as rauoh or more than you can buy the best and striptly reliable sort for here. Our prices are ;yerji , treasonable, f pr va riety double and more than any where else. .; Your money back for all pur chases if you want It-. ' ' ' Vf" '''.''"'- ... Leacling One Sale of Land id Cedar Fork OnSaturday, November 21st, 1896, at the Court House door in Raleigh, at 12 m., by virtue of the power given us in u deed of mortage, exe cuted by A S Pollard and registered in the offce of the Register of Deeds for Wake sount, in Hook 78 at page 673, we will selut public outcry the following described lands,, situated in Wake county and said Township,, to witi First, the tract oonvayed to said A S Pollard, bv John W Ilins- dale,commissiouepby deed dated May Zlst, lSSVadjomrng the lands oi Joseph Marshall, S C Marcom and others: Beginning at a red oak, W. B.. Scott's corner, thence North 87 degrees :west 209 2-5 poles toa stake, Marshall 's comer then North -. 2 degrees East, 22 poles to a small sourwood; then 'North 87 , degrees West 64 poles to a stake, Marshall's1 corner; then South 2 'degrees West 74 poles to a stump. M. C. Sor roll's line, then South' h7i decrees; East 64 poles to a stake, then South 2 degrees: West 24 poles to pointer S. C, Maroon's, corner, then North 1 degrees, East t 74 poles to the beginning, containing about y 127 acres. Second the tract of about 18 acres adjoining the lands of Lucy Page,- J. Watkins, J. Q. Adams, and Dennis Sorrell and described in a deed from Susan Page Jere Wat- kins and wife to said Pollard aatea Nov. 10th, 1880. Third, The Home tract of said Pollard, on which he formerly lived adioiningthe lands of Tbos. Pollard, i i Adams ana otners and described in deed to him from G W Lynn dated January 1st, 1872 and registered l in Register's office for said county in Book 34 at page 239.' Terms cash.- 1 , R H. BATTLE, l ' ' WALTER CLARK:, Executors of K. H. Swain, -1 Ealeigh, N. C, Oct 20, 1896. , DON' Overlook This ? - W6 giro presoriptiona Bpecil?. care and attention at all hours, : , ,t;. yf- 4aj or night, "If that if what ; ; ; i you want, we are, ' f r r t t Tour trulji 1 Wynne 2nd Cird:::, North Sing Store; Halifax street,., oqe '.block.. aouth; of ' Peace Institute. " r . THE OK ' ii nu t ii mi it ii mi) ii ii u int. . j Iimmii 1 1 f i ii ii ir 1 1 ti n null ''v i Of Fayetteville Just as you Corrife Up from the Park-! r 9 r "t t i- Whore the finest ciirars and the be had; Iiromo Seltzer served at the Just the thins for Fair Vcok, Call around boys, will bo jlad'.tb see you. ' - :(--::::v:;v';;:::'--y,.'.,'' v - find IIETJS what you line to wear our strong point something to suit a 4. l? RD 7 fkti ftlfl 12. 15. f'-O trt an ordinary tailor would charge goes they can't improve on our r; fabrics, . ft) perfect, year as well as f !'- ., s i j, u'v Price . Clothiers; YalnaWe Citj and Country Real On MnndRT. that 21 at d&v .tit DflMsm her, 1896, at the court house door in Kalelgh, N. C, we will sell to the highest bidder at pnblio outcry the foli lowing: real property belonging to the estate of the late WilliamG.Upchurch: ' 1. The house and lot on 'Motowell street in the ' city of Raleig( whloh was occupied by said Vf. G.JJpohurch as a family residence 'at the time of his death. This lot fronts about 155 feet on McDowell street and rnns back about 210 feet. - .There is also an alley or entrance to the premises from Mar tin street. The dwelling is a handsome twO-tory wooden building with seven rooms and there are suitable stables and outhouses on the lot. 4 ' .This property Is covered by 'the1' loft estate, dower, of Mrs.. Eleanor M. XJp church, widow of said AY. G. Unchurch and will be Bold subject to her rights X 2. A lot in the " Village- of QborUni near "Raleigh,- adjoining--the lota, of Spenoe, Davis and others, fronting on wade avenue, being lot No. 27 in the plar of said village .88 jrecorded in Register's book 32, at page 684j con t.n.1n1nir amtifc nnrt anm. v .: .. . ft. ' 3. A tract of land containing '151 acres, more or less, ; in-, S wilt Creek township, Wake courty,-. about .four miles southwest of Rataigh in the sec tion of country known . as ittiarokaue-, it beintf the land conveyed , to t W C Unchurch by B, J Upchuroh and wife by deed registered In Book No 130 at page 190 of the said Register of Deeds office, - i. - 4. A tract of land containing about 50 acres,' lying in the said - Rhamkatte section of Wake county and . bounded on the north by the lands of of the late wm urunes, on the east Dy J w cole's land, on the south by the Holly Springs road, and on the west by the lands of George Green; it being a portion of tne uvnu oonveyea ) w v jpcnurcu by deed registered in book No. 82, at page il of , said ' Register of Deed's ofllce. ' ' ' " 1 ' 6. LoU Nos. 271 and 272 in the plan and map of the Oaraleigh mills i prop erty south of the city o lialeigh.. The lots adjoin each other and lie on the corner of Glendale street and May wood avenue and are each about 50 ft by 150 ft in size. They are described in a deed registered in book No. 109 at. page at saw Jtegister or jueeo-s Ofllce. ' . .1 'l "' f r, 6, Aractot about 26cres, lyin about I miles south of Raleighi ad joining the lands of the Caraksigh mills, known as "W, G. Upchurch's Blacknall place." ' It being the land now occupied by Bryant Smith,-' Esq. , This property is welL improved, has a. large .barn , and stable and. good dwellu on it. and the land is In a high l of cultivatioh 'and ;fine market rarden. There are a number of large snuppernong vines and a good orcnara on tne piace. . . ' Sale made bv virtue of powers con-' lerred upon tne undersigaea executors by tne win or w Ki upenuren, ue-ceased.- ' w ' ' i Terms of sale: one fourth cash, ' bal ance in twelve months with .8 per cent intoraat from dav of ssla: ' ',' ChaS H Bklvis. i Executors of ; ,DD UPCHrBCH, , ,;W. G Upchurch Nov. 21st, 1896, tds .fr.-. H f' . -f and Martiii St ! a., Hot el. best Soda and Mineral W ultrs can Fountain. you re. r r . i L i If not, c u . n i u l u get your oho Some, beautiful blankets, quiltc, omfortSj rub ber, shoes, pil lows and coats, capes, cloaks, jacketsumbrel-r lasi, lap robes. Do not forget your, horses wd have plenty of blan ketsV for therri. Lyon l:3::cI Gtrro Sold Cf LiLaail lvaJ n.lp.l .' , "- 1 " ' ' As executor of the late J D. Bob bin I -will offer for sale at the oort House floor in Raleigh: at 12 -o'clock m., on Saturday the 5th day of Je- cem ber, ,l9o,i ; a ,vaiuaDie tract, &i land about 3J miles east', of, Raleigh containing Ninety -four acres, more orlcss," adjoining the lands of W.'H. Holleman, 'deceased JV D, Dodd, W Cross anov others, being, the tract of landj formerly owned bv Jas. Moore and oreviouslv ' bV M. A. Parker. 'About 60 acres ofthe tract are in a good state Wf cultivation, of which a .part is .velLt.drainedf low- fTmtitirlfiA Oreui tAnnnt. bonftn and neoessary out-housesandf a good well of 'water' are on the premises' '" Terms $350 ash,' .balancb three equal annual, installments with ,ih- J. Hal. Bobbitx', nov 5 " ' Ex. of J. B. Bobbitf ,, for ; For the last 20 years wc Ceresco, Michigan; September sumption in stock; and would sooner tWnlc a groccryrroa could get along- 'without sugar In his'store than we couli wi'Jioi-f Piso's Cure. - It Is a sure sener.-r-RAVEN & CO., Vw-Lts,' ' The IatioMrBanb2aicii;ii ''V'-MlSI'i I, Capital Paid In surplus ana unaeviaea- iti i1" is-t ,;jnjr Viwt s iv , j n,s,v', :f ,( i yj,i vnii ii. JB BATCrrETjOR.i'-!rr . jp C. ,M. BUSBLE,., . P. O. MORING, s t . CHAS. E. JOHNSON," 1 ifi'.f' ; v ..' W.'K. T -f't !.!' ,CnAS.n. BEr.VIN, Pnsuh-nt. P " ' Mr; ;, -j'm i f CHAS. K. JOHJSSON,- Vice-PrebidSnt." r' 1 ' 1 Tl -i rT t .r , aa L. Ii j. I.. jJ .'; '!. Out' banking room has bedn enlarged and refurjiilshedVi '..',- I. . . . .. 21 t !..' (; ' 1'-- -A'"NEV which ia entirely fii e proof and bui'L'hkT broof,- has been adrlod. T controlled by combination,' automaiiie ttnd tuna locks, built by t'.n .s ana iron vvoi'KS, o isaaiuiore. ana superintended Dy Air. J. M. j.u- JSewYork, an eypcrt in burglar proof I: SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES of the verv latest des' .-'i. tno convemeone til thev are gi'cn, nr'i ail ii'-o iiivii '.l tl The r 'iicr of !; oox hits t,,o n y, contents of box wr-nnit Uief wxmoe of the tvuiiv, -nnd if Ii , big key, the flndor could not g-n in acot-gs to the box, the c u i. 5 i be known only to the lvtiter.' There is atrmle room in ti.d loxi f.ir 1 of deeds, valuable papera, Villa, bondd obtaip, l for very moderate post. - t:nvenlent a nit private roon;$ have of cufi'-iuers in tlieexaiuiuation of paprH,-cu.' ,pt wimwi. ' We nave an exci'i.ont vault jn RtldiMon t I.. -t 1. " for tlio storatre of lHxr n-A pai :.-. Evcrv" 1 in h( 1,. : ii itim are coi'uuiiiy iuv ,ii'A tii u;t -..-t, ; (f t. . t-ii)t. h v li i ... . ' the TU. v : ' i at puln,.; i. . i" ...r i.i i:. 12 m t! ' ' r t.. "'' , ii . '. i r .. .. .t.v .. townsh, l( 0ii..-.u wi. u . - sie Watkin's n wcornerin Jonathan Pool's line; thenccs 2G poles toa stake said Watkin's s w corner; thence s .33 ,w ,1.') 3 5 . pn'es; V one west 93J poles' to two- red u...a u4 the bank of sTeOse rv; thence up . the various courses of said nvei about 84 poles to Fool's corner; thence with his line s W e 135 polos . ,' to the lP"inning,, contai'n'ng ,! 'J , acres. 'AlsiJ, uf tiidaife .uie.ad place, we will soli the personal prop erty set put tit saioV decree, consist- ing of 1 mulo, 1 horse, '2 wagons, harness, ' funinn i implements and- parti of; crops jiiiude on iCaid l.nd. Terms cash., .... ' ' AUMTSTl .AT) JOXE3," i , TUOS R FUiliLL, bo7 tds . . CpmniissionorsQ i!i'fiyfM'j f'-T""", .win .;i:n'9 1 il I . al Korth 'Carolina, In Superior Court, i alie county. oreDIl Vour, Clerk, J."C Marcom; c administi'ttlor of.- Chorry Ppnny.doceased, vs.! Mary,; Walters and . Henry : Walters, hur hisband, Mary Allen, Lillie Atlcn, Uoxio Anen:-John-.tIon,:8usair'Al"i , hm, George Penny, Ada Penny,, and ' -Anoiavllollowy,;,hoirB,' at;.,luw,. ot Cherry Pennydeceased,.. , , I , To Mary Walters, Henry Walter!,,, rviary Alien,' Lime Alien ana jonn- ; Allen,' -defendants above named. " f You will take notice that a special j proceeding; bas been instituted In ' this court by JVC. Marcom atlmiriis-. trator or Cherry ' l'enny,' aeeeasea,f entitled as above; for the curpose of obtaining anbrder, lor -tlietSale of ; tle real estavO'Oi nis BaiUt lntesiaiet to create assessments for the Vuy ' tV Jnt.n lh' .j.li 1 n.l'T the charges' of kdministratiou-,' andi you care ..hereby! required to appear. combla the' plantifif infc said 'action or pro J leedlngi, -otherwise sqe relief praypa 1 u. will be g.rnted. v n,r'-'",iiut wVi fi ortr riiiTvrlnr 'RnnrT. nfnlrA Til " at my onice wyaieiga. aN.mi. on.tDe;) 2d day of December, iSilG, . and an- . Rwnr or'dnmnr to the- eomblalnl-xif' ( October 19; Oe. - J'lw.B'fi j ! n i.i" .1 II 'II I? I II fl "'nil - ' lit . liii:-j"i'ri'i,;f cave kept PisoV Cure fcrCo 2,1896. 1 .1 1 tt lit . I. . 'i . U V " ivl tif J . 1 & t" fiy i,r' 'a,Jfl'H Ji,' i ii ' ' j i t,V s.tiJ tJi p'ivv n 1..' . 0225,000 -nit, t:jf fayt-'nnry iVi -"f? i? mi jull?7 ,1 b i il 5-h Tn,, ,vtt ,i - x' t f nil , 1u''-t w't iri 1 P l',liir) tie iTHOMAS B. CTlOWJSiJS U' ft -JULIUS UiV. , a,. , ) v CHAS, 11. B1JLVIN, . . ;vau i:t; 1 ' . 1 1 . 1 XJ : do :.n,. f. v.oric..' In thin vault we l ave p of which can not be itii.,.! gre thoju. ' - " " and no - one can .: a-"' stocks, eto., an 1 p ' . befmri.vai,.a fur - workman - h'r a:-1 r new t..;