-J 1 ?! u U lur In ;C A'i'usd Visitor. "vr - - "1.01-61 . i ..!. n M.'ruriuTi. a York at nor-n 1 t0 c. i. i' v . 'i Lis assoc.au.a ouu CUaifUiuu i uii;a over the arrange ' - fr-w t-.i! forthcoming ceremonies in'cou m: n with.; the inauguratioa of IV 1 ' Vct McKtnleyv If is un--i ; i .iuat, a movement is con t;ii!, uted (by : which the, occasion: La itnaJo more national in the character of its celebration than ! inner inaugurations bare been, be . 'iseof the greater slu.. anee' Al tai ' ing to it by reason of the issues, s, I by llajor McJunley's elec-7 tii' ;, and it is believed that the com rtiittee to be formed for the purpose of arranging the details, of Vli vent will comprisei besides -the' leading citii'ns of 'Washington,. Ecpresentakl tivo me'a from the various states as well, Indications iwjjf.poiiifcutoi a lugger attendance of Civie organi uilj.iiis in the Inaugural parade than efcr fathered before- for a- 'Similar purpose, and;' tBavidea! of ihavingi citizens of all the states, on the com?-. mif'.es issaiij to. pe - Inspired by a uesiire ra-navo as, uiuon euon ex-j pcuchit as iwjjiljlev outside pfWajshn lngton,'to make the pivlti" feature the most important, .ft fy w rw, It is also said that -this course would aorve to keep Iqj organization. the'' 'various' republican ' club throughout the country land be' W harmony vith.i'Chaipman.flanna'B ldc;v'to continue. itro warfare on the fallacies of free "silver ' arid kindred piatfoi-uv; tn'uoughoull "tfiy mdii 'lour yeiri eiwr)nqus.3yici tufnwt on icau'.nir'ation dav,, it lsolieyed. J woittuiiierve wreaew any or wp alive enthusiastic organization tjj terest, and consequently all eflorts, it is said, -will belrected toward J tins feature. - The Nojws; swyfythat Charlotwrf v pave f yvjtfwwijp H." UJMfD to tho number of staunch - financial institutions, Qa,jf'Wih rest the Juslf nesa'fdw-rwstJol tU townJiThere are already '.five Tjanks in the oity, and the . ITei,li JlankinR Company. -, . A moetir ft ; n-is ilorosted ' Washc!'' il ( i.l Ji IJros. last nii,ut,".4ud' airaugoiueuts ei'e comDleted for tho organization of the iju its Uuors for business Junuary : r " t'S : Willed to the Snocesorn By Telegraph to the PregsjVwitoi.' Af'sa-jofj Noy. 21.-fThe-Vene. an -V ouu 'arj jiffalr fill "firola bl, d w( r.this IdaiinLstva- "tiou. Ihe'appoiotmenibf arbitra tors will be left to McKinley, ' ! The impurities in the oiood which cause scrofulous eruptions are thor oughly eradieated by Hotid a Sarsa paeilla. Try it.. -. ; Dilioucri : Is caused tj torpid Uvot, vhlcb f demand permits food tolermem the stomach. Tbea follow diiilui., . din1" ,trU- ..i lnsomlna, nervouanets, and, - N It not relieved, bllloua fever j f 1 "V or blood poisoning. Hood's L if, PUIS stimulate tne stomaoli, rmiw the liver, enre bei'i-'-h. dl7TliK". wiv s iiiton, etc. v "" lueoiu 1... ft ..U 4omJ .. .-virt,.., a. tuk 1 S;Sie: V a :'a.i i ia. An i ')h ,f MM i " f Theso appl- a ...e shipjiod' uireci fr 'mi t' o orrlmrd, aro woll packod, in- ,r id keeping condl- 1 - - - i. s '; r- h v .'r . ., -" . : .'' " A - . m , '- - - f a I'' - t - r.-,r' 1 - a - 'J :i over 1 ,:ww line apples so d.i.un of the year. -A o of them in your family i "doctor's bill." A bar- r,i-,t 75; one visit by i . .' ! See? v.. - - . ... . - . . - ..J Cubtorin la Ir. .S.i.miel l'iLclier's prescription for Infants : ' and Cliildrciu It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor -other Xurcotic substance.. It is a harmless (substitute - , t for Paregoric, Droits, .Soothing Syrups and Castor OIL ; It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' nse by j . ''."Millions .of Mothers. Castoria" destroys 'Worms and ';t : '.-allays Fevcrislmess. -.. Castoria, prevents vomiting Sour ' " '- ' Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. ' Castoria relieves ' Teething troubles',' cures Constipation and Flatulency. V t ' i Castoria assimilates the Food,, regulate the Stomachy j ; and Jiowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. ' Castoria . Is the Children's Panaceajrtlie Mother's Friend. vy -V . v , Castoria; ' ''CMtorlA la an-exllcut jnfdicme Ibr ahfldKn. Motbeni hare repeatedly told jne jttigood effefct npoa thdr children," , J --V ' ' " , Dr. C Ct Osooob, Lowell, Man.! l J 'Thenaeof Caatoria to to nnhrereal and Its tn'erlta ao well known that it seem a work of ninererogaUoa artUore it. Few are the within eatjr reach." ; . T"CXiob Mab,ttwB.B.i Se ViuleCit-v LrtjiVj . '.'! -' '5' i. " I pfeicril Castoria every dny for chlklran Vha 4Uc-mil4rliia;. frua' JWnsuuatuin, with ii j 'kerter effecS -ttian I receive Jtom "any other .s coBTbiaauoa f dross.T -v..-w-w.-w 1. U O, MouoM, Boutjl Amboji,.J. i "- - - ..'' ... v u ' " -v . .. J7fq:ildren Cryfor.ltchcr's Castoria. , ri rhTwn MMuny. tt murmt STtiECT. New torn bitv. 11 TITT3 TtTTTntTJ iT3 i f AtTTJ t JlxlLi I AAVkUUAA' A Vi AV lb V r- fT 1 -r Terrn His Wha (ffU ' Ktw tjtka, ' J Uraad Trarksi tke- f lata-raotal' V' paw leararlei If ewlaml . Baleaee) ! Wan Id Ataaa far Paat Xnara aa '.At.1 Fatai Pltfalla. BcmM Sasare cha Waaderfal : Jilttla , Beak : Called v "Cpieta flaahaad, a ad Bafta - A "'tti."!!., ftl l' nji( t 4s) vV Hero at last J Information, from a, blah 'niedlcai tourre that must wock woodara with I tLto (raneratlon of mea f k ft 'Jy. , The book tuny oeacnDe a metnoa oywaicn tOttttalafuUvlgorandluanlf power. A uieiliod by which, to eadaU tusatnial To core nervousness. Jack of aeltaontrol, de s -ndt-any, &c .' ''. '- v... jo exchange a faded and worn nature for oeo of brightness, onoyancy and power. . ' 'fo cure forqfrer eiloota of exoeaaea, overwork. .W('"T, ora. to give fall strength, development and tone cvery portion ana organ of the body, . - - ' A cr tio Iwrrfnrv Vmlura imDnudhlfk Two Tliouaand references. ' v 'ihe book is purely medlrnl ana sclent inc. tf less to curiosity Bookers, nvaiuahle to man, L. ily ho need it. . A despairing man, wlurliad applied to na, f on afierwrotei . , "Well, I tell you that first day fs one I'll never orget. I Jubt bubbled with Joy. ' I wanted to hug everybody and tell them my eld suit had died yextorday, and my new self was born tcwlay. Why didn't you tell me wben 1 -first wrote) that 1 would find it this . - And anot1iirTTma"i'' - "If you (iuiiiif d a cart load of gold at my fptltwouKt ii"i tiring such gladness into my hioasyourmetiodhasdone." . Write to tlie iitlB MMUICAIi COMPAOT, BufTiilo, IV. Y., and ask for tlie little book cnlled '"COMPLtTB MANHOOD." Befertc Hits nfl11. '"id tho company promises to send ( fM'n icq, envelope, wiioouk au ,,,..1 .iuLLwj: free, until It Is well Intro. OIL HEATERS n in , J . , ALSO :Tin"Vare , . . Guaranteed not to rust.' " , , "J a. in ' " ! f ' ' ' i . . - - ... m' t S Ilitvinsr qu.thiiijd m p ' "-trator of the eHtate of A. K, ;t , i rs, de- epaat'd, 1 nerxtttrcive uoih! to nil per- sons having fi.iuns ii;.:uii-i ti:iid es-t'-,-'! to i '-r-'-'-t t- 'it to me fur paymont 1- fore t.-o hr-t nv of Otooer, 1.'7 0, iii-rwi.-K! th's noiK-o will lx )n-!iii in bar ol the same. All pet-suns m lt t i the said A. lv. vcn 1 -''"'9 ere re t. m! to come forward j- ! - -j the "(7 '.-- 1 VFAV -i -..' .. ' 1 i '1,.. ! -s. .. ' 1 jast-d. I l , ... - j t .; uastona; -Ml Ml.. "Castoria is ao well adapted to children 1. that 1 recommend it as superior to an? pre- f acriptloa know soe.? t 4 ? j jr ' t H. A. AacHsa, Is". If., Brooklyn, K. V.'' ' f ror several years J nave recommended . CastorlaK and ahal! always continne to do ajB-ic uuSBVwnaufy piYuucfU oenvnciat.: resulta." IKdwik P, pAkDSayM. I wVlfiave three children D.. New York City.- cAfldreri and theyCry for Pitcher's Castoria When we give one a dose,, the others cry (or otoo. I shall always take pteaatir in 'ncAmaieacUac.tbia' best . . child's Aedidne, Xg IviVl .f'f, i ReV. W. A, Coopaa, Newport, Ky. 5 L&nd Sale. ! jtTnderand by virtue of a deed of trust from J. W. B.' Waiaon to B. P. IIahI, .v.... HWaKm iuwIdIamwI In Qnnl. 113, page 22, and with, he consent of tne mortgagor tnereon, we wutr on JJonday, November 9th, 1896, at noon, at the court house door in the city of Raleigh expose to public sale the fol lowing described tract of land, being the part unsold in the land conveyed in the said deed of trust and described as followed Beginning- at the north-, east corner of the Matthews lot, near the northwest corner of lot 744, thence southward along the line of Matthews and of the Kline heirs to Kline's southeast corner; thence west along Kline's line . to the- branch; thence down the branch to the south city line thenoe east along the south line Of the qity to the southeast corner of the oity;--thenoe north - along the east boundary lino of the city to Lenoir street thence west along Lenoir street tb flie beginning. Terms cash! 3, . j 4 u t B. F. Montaqtje, Trustee. f '',.J. WB. "V4T80Wt'; u i Oct. 9. 1896.. j Sale postponed by consent to Mon day, Nov, 16, -at noon. ' Haye Kept You-Cool x ' All Summer. - L'iWlUiKeep Ypu t i I yfrt ". i Tyi 1 4 'twJ.rf.'i r. ihi 1YJL ' Il Ail Winter, t Soft. ; Coal. . Pocahontas and I fr Jc!H:3 G::l. ! STift.boat boai'at; lowest prices al ways at; , , , , - Jcn:3 & Powell's. ECONOI.IY 'Xd'JiqX'i li 'l " May be necessary in many ways when dollars are scarce and wants many, but It Is not desirable to practice It in the purchase .of food, which is life. Below, a certain standard food imperfectly nourishes; up to that stand ard' it costs a reasonable price. We never want more than a. reasonable price for our Grocoaies. - s RAPID SALES Give our customers the benefit of close margins, ' We never keep any thing that Is not the best of Its kind, and we only want a fair profit on what we invest in It. . CHOICE ffiOCEIS Always instook and promptly delivered when ordered, r - r - ' - - ! w. , a - . i L' v '.i .- -i L i f-ji 4. I ! IrMBI aaaaai I laaal - iaaaal ,,v E - , If you want to know bow big youfi DOLLAR is--how many CENTS it contains, its purchasing power, take it to CROSS & LINEHAN-S, Measures its Value '.--..."-"', -M.'.'',-.' ''" and you will do the brainiest thing youv'e done In -many a 1 dayfor there's stuff there you'll need every day, stuff you'll . need when winter's storms are upon us and they're coming ; !:.' ; - ' , - ; i. i - soon almost at our riving studs you'll .' ' 'iK'Ji" ,..41" jior oirtnaays lor someone else, tjomenowl uome nuicKi '-! : i' while assortment is goodalmost unbroken---and pick ont ., of this mine of good things not Cheap good things, but good ' -: ::,'.-'.'. good things nugcots of pure value - " - ' " Minted .c-;;,-;;.. ,iHf:vu. - by the beet artisans of the world they are yours at a valua- 1 v;v : . ; - tion that makes the purchasing power of your dollar greater (. , f than ever in the world's history, yv t SCttddl 1 v . i- vSemember lOtir house is headquarters tor ill School Supplies. We - - -I'.': '';-.-"..' ! - ........ have everything you need in this line. A full stock of lord's I Find i: Stationery ; -. v - ,.t. - w ),' . ". , ; . Aa'l In the verylatest styles. trt i 'v v A. Williams & Go's, Book Store OAKCITY STEAM LAUNDRY Page & Marshall, Proprietors. Tb8GommerciaI and Farmers' ,' . , ' ' , '- Bask, o( Raleigh, N.G. .,-! Chartered by (leneral Assembly 1891. Paid up Capital . $100,000,00 Deposits . . . 300,000.00 -, . , -, ' i a--('Offers . its . customers- every accommodation consistent with safe banking. , , 7,. f , v Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent on Reasonable Terms. ' Some good business offices to let ) 3. J.THOMAS, President B. S. JERMAN, Casn e f ' Simosbn's CURES NASAL CATARRH. J ; '1 V l'r ' ? r"' A." Trial Will Convince You. SILIPSOH'S ' Administrator's Notice. - ' ' a'Ti Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Cherry. Penny, de ceased, late of Wake county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of October,, 1897, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all per sons indebted to the said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment to me. J. C. Mabcom, Adm'r. II. T. Grav, Att'y. , ltwGw October 7, 1S9G. 210 Fayetteville . street. - - doors, t btutis you'll want tor xnanics want for holidaysstuff s you'll want Books lion's That ? 1 .s Every laundry doesn't do it, do they ? ; Pon,'t you sppposq they could If tbey wanted to ? Honesty . and carefulness have as much to do ' with making a good laundry aajwy thing else. We know this is a good laundry, and we aren't afraid to have"any one try us. For satisfac tion pure and simple, eome to- ? PHONE 87. ; ALF.A THOMPSON, Vice President H. "W;. JACKSON Assistant Cashier. Oinfmont PHARLIACYK) ' . To tha Tax Pavsrs of Waka County. , , " , " ' ' ') I h I urge and insist that It must ooU lect the taxes, and. that each. tax payer must come forward and settle at once. It is important that I should olose up my tax account for the year 18, and hence make this urgent appeal. To all who come forward and settle before December' 1st, ls'JG, I shall charge no cost; but sfter that I shall charge cost as al lowed by law. 'This is the only notice I shall send out. M. W. Paoe, -Sheriff of Wake County.; nol3 ow 3w i L . ' . " ftp j ""-" " s,!5S L.dld liccB. 209 Fayetteville Street, ' . 1 . New' fMilHnery ! ,' 1 ' . . - t ' V ' ""f, , We have pow ready foi ,,,",; trade alt tbd latest things 5n fail and win ter Millinery. - -" 1 :r f ' v 1 , Trimmed, and untrimmed Ladies' Hats,' with' all the -new trimming materials, '-',.v.-J ' - ! v 1 - Children's and Infants'- .Caps, 3 all styles and colors. $AH customers .will be given prompt attention. . fj poods sent on approval. t Express Said one way. -"-'J 3 .gent for Imperial Patterns. ' . , . Miss - Maggie Reese. Eoses, Carnations, Chrysanthenums 1 1 to-, . i i 1 ii3puqtters, Floral -Designs, - Palms, Ferris, '.' ' . '. - v'-..- ; .. - i .. - .' 1 Golden band, white and pink Ja pan lilies. Finest of all bardy lilies Hyacinths, Chinese Sacred, Lilies, . iFreesia Narslssus, Tulips for.' forcing in ' the house and early spring blooming outside., , H,f Stein rrtetz,' Florist, North Halifax Street, near Peace In t stitute. Phone lis.. " 1 - 1 . -rt ; i" Jt.. rctn MULES ',.. AND UADdUO iiiunuuu sf4 l 11 ' j' . ' ,.J - .- 8 ij '. I now have on hand a good supply of mules aind horses. I shall also keep a good stock of Buggies and w aeons lor saie. .' a - ' .... .. ' ....... JU 4J Prices! oSuit th9 Times J.iiH.iPace, 111 East Martin St., Raleigh, N. 0 ocua-tf ' .'(.' : Contains more lithia than any other lithla spring water on the market, and wo have yet to find a physician who has riven Earris'.Iithia Water a fair trial but that wiU stale that it is supe rior to the other waters; Vr. inomas S. Powell, President Southern Medi cal College, Atlanta Gt.? Theo Lamb, Professor Diseases oi unest ana rm nlnlna nf Modielna. -' Medical Dbnot. Atlantai University of . Georgia; Prof JOsepk Jones, President Tulane Uni versity Of Mew Orleans! La.; Dr. John Hey Williams, - Asheville, N C; Dr R Bf 'Harris,"' SavannahV" Gaf Dr-' A N Tallev. of Oolumbia, S.C.. and hun dreds of others of the most noted phy sicians of the country, testifying that Harris' lithia is superior ' to all other water that they have used in their praetics). f , , S'yrlsTdent'Soffioer-l -JTT1H, T.... 9A 1SQA Mr J T Harris- Harris Sprinir. S C: i Dear Sir I will Bay to you that it it my opinion that the Harris JJthia Water fs by far the best lithia water I have ever ased and that it baa done me a treat desu of good, . and I think that it is a most valuable remedy $ . Very truly yours, t R. C. HOFFUAlii I i - President SAL KB, ' For sale by the Druggists of Ral eigh, t : (v. - t .. V . . , HarrisLitliiamterCo, '''.'- s ! .) t ., t ' Harris' Spring, S. 0, . ' oet 15 lm 4 t-. , j-' , . S. A. ASHE & sen. FIRE INSURANCE. ,-., ' i j . ' Solicit a pat if your patronage OClce over MacRae's BranchPhar (Out rmm iv , Flowers ! , R (! ?u ' FRIDAY NIG HT, NOV. -7. -Ed F Rush's - Big Extravaanzf. Production, THE WHITE CROOX, ? Direct from Broadway, X. Y. -Clever; Comedians,; Gorgeous ' Cos lumes, Sweet Singers, Grace . v i' ful Dancers. Pretty Girls. , Prices 25, 50, 7e and il. . , 1 ' Another lot of those delicious South'. . , i ampton county (Va.) Hams; also tine . ,v t lot mild cured Johnston -county (N,' , C. ) Hams. , ' v Fresh arrival New River Mullets,'"' -, fine, fat Mackerel, new pack Roe Hei-' rinsrs, etc. ; . . . t ' Uij1 .Melrose" Flour still growing la ; v.. Popularity. And why? - Because it is-',t -carefully ground from . best selected ; - ; wheat. None superior to "Melrose." , ' Nice line finest green and black Teas.' ' Special blend finest Mocha and Java ' roasted coffee makes an excellent cup. - w . . I - handle nothing bnt first class u .-;': goods,- therefore, orders may be sent f . with confidence. Lowest prloes guar. :-. -.:, anteed. Ifespoctfully, . )j; . Cor. Johnson and Halifax Sts. ' ' ' Telephone 126. ' You Can Settle the , i . 1 Ever Vexatious , ' r Question.- , What to Give the Bride By spending a few moments looking - - :i, through our new and complete : ' . stock of Sterling Ware, . -' Cut Glass, ' " Iron and Brass Lamps , China, , Clocks, iBric-a-Brac - - H. MAHLER'S SONS, Jewelers and Opticuss.' Have your eyea tested.- No charge , , tor examination, u r, , i. At Auction. , ; To ihe Highest Bidder I will sell, without reserve, on Fri- day and Saturday, November 20th and , 21st, fifty head of Horses and Mares : from Virginia avnd East Tennessee, all-' of them good, sound workers. ', Every 1 one of them must m as recommended or money refunded." Sale will Jake, place each day at U o clock. . : t:, Frank Stbosach, ... ,ys Auctioneer. ..vj mm m ". a V:'.. "-.' a -.-'.' m a . y:-,-v III II I III 3UHeaflotns I carry the largest Btock of Harnesai.'..--:r.i-.y-?.r-i--"' Saddlery, etc. i in the 8tate. J ,also . . have the largest stock of CartiaKeefflejt ... . ' Buggies, Wagons and Road i Cartsv ; v 3 " ' which am selling at factory prices. -1 ' , 5 ' y ' FRANK STBONACH, Prop'r. ' , ' ' s - 'j i , , Stronach's Emporium. l ( - . j- ' I. s. Nos. 219, 221 and 223 Wilmington ' , Street , v ? J FIVE PER CENT" PER MONTH : 60 PER CENT PER YEAR v-v Guaranteed to all Investors on Invest .. ments, both large and small, '' - - wben aiade with 1 ' r THE NEW YORK ' ; INVESTMENT V :. company; , '' BROKERS IN' ' Stocks, Bonds, Grain and ' , COTTON. No. 40 and 42 Broadway, New York. P.S. People who desire to have a steady and sure income on a fcmuli or laree investment, send for ourexiiun I tory circular, niaili-d free. n.ay i-j ; o- : t i.twow