) 1 Uj'-cLurch, secretary; et tne lies!. '.J, Ik;' 1. the leading drug- ' itff ,revi'iort, La., says. "Dr. ;'s lew Liacovery is the only 1 4 z tk.t cures my cough, and it ia i test seller I have." J. F. Camp 1 !, merchant of Ariz, writes: "Dr. . , 's New Discovery is all that is c .ned for it; it never fails and is a Sure cure for consumption, coughs ail c .... -i, I cannot say enough for its i rits." Dr. King's New Dis covery for consumption, coughs and colds is Dot an experiment It has been tried for a quarter of century, and today stands at the' bead. It never disappoints. Free trial bot tles at John Y. MacRae's drugstore. v;;,' ;. Did Yon Ever Try Electrio Bitters as aremeny for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. ' This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a won derful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, : melancholy or troubled with dizzy pells, Electrio Bitters is the medi cine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and tl at John Y. McRm'b drug store. Apples 20 and 25c a peck at Dugh 'a. - Rhi-.11 mrntar at Giersch's Ladies ; and Gent's Restaurant, . I : n20 2t Plenty of fresh oysters at Dughi's thisewuig. v ... . : Five hundred baskeU of grapes at Dughrs. N.w Baidlu. . ' We have just received a splendid line of new and popular novels for winter evenings' reading. Call and make your selection. 20 3t : Nobth Cabouka Book Co. Nice pears at Dughi's:. Wasted. To rent at once three or four rooms : in a good locality, south of Hargett street preferred. ; Address "W. H. B.." this office. n!6tf Bananas 10, 15 and 25o a dozen at .uugais. . . For Bant. Three-storv brick building cor. Fayetteville and Morgan streets, re cently occupied vy uemocrauc neaa quarters, For terms apply to W. B. Grimes. . novo tf pf. Ky Ib Tom. " . ' , Prof. S. B. Nye, Optician and Befractionist, is now in the city, and Is ready for, the reception of his friends and the generafpub- lic at his office at tne rark Hotel, near the ladies' - parlor, where he is prepared to administer to tneir com fort in the way of curing chronic headache caused by astigmatism or other ailments of the eye. . Every defect will be corrected and the most complicated and also prescrip tion glasses are made here at his office, set in : the latest " and hand' somest designs of fnuaes. Consul tation free. Will be at his office from 9 a. m till 5 p nx. daily. 17 lw W. H. & R. S.Tucker & Co. Ws Sell Goods Cheapbk Than Ant . Other Hocsk. 88c Per Yard. : . Monday, Novem ber 23d is the day we start our Great Clearing Sale of . High Class Dress Goods; in this sale will be included all . $1.60 Zibelines and Pompadour Mohairs and alL Canvas, . Scotch and English - Mixtures and Gran ites that sold all season for $1.25 and $1.50 per yard. ALL on a long table Monday at the very log price of 88c Per Yard. Catl early, as they can't last long at the prioe. . S. Tucm & Co. :' S8o Per Yard. Dress Goods . . Dress Goods -Dreas Goods Dress Goods Dress Goods ' Dress Goods Dress Goods Dress Goods 1 Dress Goods Dress Goods Dress Goods L C V: C . .i THAN ANY f LYL3 NoYlXTIES. ; - ', ' .'- tiLVEE NOVELTIES. ' m : . . CUT-G1AS8. - - . Clt-Clasl. China Wam, . " " China Wam. We have just received many beautiful little objects in Silver at very low prices. Also, a large line of Cut-Glass and China ware, Lamps, Clocks oand many fancy articles: All the leading styles are embraced in these articles and it is a matter of little -difficulty to find appropriate, unique and acceptable wedding and Christmas presents. . - , Call early before they are picked over, W. H. & R. S. Tuckib St Co, W. H. A B. & TUCKER & CO, Wt Sha Goods Caxapxb Tham Ant Othm Houss. Fine Dress Goods Fine Dress Goods 88c AT 88c Very Low Price Very Low ' Price Dress foods -Or ess Goods Dress Goods , Dress Goods ' Dress Goods Dress Goods Dress Goods Dress Goods Dress Goods Dress Goods Dress Goods - i W. H. & B. . ' . i Holididay godds are arriving and we MUST HAVE ROOM to get it, we have arranged on a long table in the front of our store a very large mlWt.inn nfFln Dmss Goods. Dress Goods that we have been selling all season for st.za ana ii,wi per vara. We Want Room 1 hence this very low price for the entire collection, 88c per yard. This is a bargain chance you will not have again this season, and we advise you to take advantage of It. Sale begins . Mon day, November 23rd. W, HI & R. S. Tuckm & Co. W. H, & R. S. TUCKER & CO. W Sku, Goods Chkaks than Ant , Other Houbi. - , (s If there's one article among your wearing ap parel that demands the . closest investigation r ' - garding actual value it is ' yonr CLOAK. Unless you are watchful and " wide awake you'll , run A the chance of paying too much for your CLOAK. - '. Be Sure . Be Sure - You see our lines at $2.59. $3.59. $4.59, $5.25 and , $7.98 before buying. We believe, and you will also when you see them. that they are the greatest k , bargains ever offered in Cloaks. ', " ' W. H. & R. S. TvoKxa it Co. CLOAKS CLOAKS CLOAKS CLOAKS CLOAKS CLOAKS CLOAKS CLOAKS CLOAKS CLOAKS CLOAKS CLOAKS CLOAKS CLOAKS CLOAKS CLOAKS CLOAKS CLOAKS CLOAKS CLOAKS CLOAKS Gillflower apples, better known as sheep nose, or pig or some kind of nose at Dughi's. , No "Experts' needed with Buck's Stoves and Ranges. ; IV6V Girls! We will give the BUCK'S JUNIOR NICKLED RANGE" to the crirl under 14 years old who will collect and bring to our office the greatest number of advertisement, each with x " Trade Mark cut from newspaper! from October 15th to December 26th, 1896. Each collec tion must be tied in package with num ber and name thereon., v ' . Tbos. H. Briggs & Sons RALEIGH. N. Cl: : 4 SOLE AGENTS Buck's Great White Enamel Line, I will 1 .ive two car louJs of good, young, V e-.t Virriiiia horses ship ped from West Virginia to me, to be sold on consignment, which I will positivelysell to the highest bidder at my stables in Raleigh, on Satur day at 12 o'clock, Nov. 28, 1896. Stock guaranteed as represented, or no money paid. These horses are from 5 to 7 years old, sound and good workers. If you want good Virginia horses don t miss this op portunity, as they will sell cheap. Everything guaranteed. - r v; John W. Littlkpaob. ' ... v Ed. Thohason, Auctioneer. : i; " ; ; " nov2 lm : p: i S?' . For Kat. . , Six room house on Jones street, second door from - Dawson street. Water and modern improvements. Inquire southwest corner Jones and Dawson streets. nl4-2 w , -ALL THE Hot Drinks Served at our Fountain ' 8 k , A M. . J - -y kit-' . . . Excel anytlilng you ever saw in candy thin and crisp. Lemon, choco late, lime and vanilla and only 2oc lb. ' Riggan'8 ia the place get the best and cheapest Toys. . . ' Ritran'g line of Pioturea is fine and beautiful and selling at one-half regu lar price. Select what you want while the line Is complete. : , .. . :.-, ' Riggan's is ' the place to eat new Nuts, Currants, Citron, Figs, Raisins, Grapes and Apples cheapest. , ' Riggan's Candy excels A them al Is price and quality. ' 1 Kigean's Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Coal i Hods and Shovels, Vases and l)ric-a-Brae are best goods at the cheapest prioe; also Paper Tab lets and Baskets. t to-day; If you are chilled by the cold then come in and make your self comfortably warm by taking - a' drink !) of "Hot Soda." . , ' Yours very truly, , James McKimmon & Co.P . 133 rayettevllle St., Raleigh.' ? Ufct'sinaL'umo? As to the rose or violet, nothing. But take our name u. ii. ki::g & co. Now, there 'sc great deal in that. For Instance: t ; r: In prescriptions it meansPURlTY and FRESHNESS of Drugs, Care and exactness in compounding, Fair n'essttnd moderation in price. Whether yon want medicine, or soda water,, cigars or Soap, Candles or chewing gum, we serve you with nonebi,) . courtesy, ana cispatcn. One good name meanseverything to you, it means entire satisfaction to us success. W ft Yes. There's Lots In a Name Llelropolilan Opera House ' ONI NIGHT ONLT. i '!-: " - A " ,' ': Wm. Gillette's Greatest Success, The PriYate; Secretary, -WITH- , Edwin Tray ers And a powerful cast of Comedians. Prices 25, 50, 75c and $L00.4 , . Seats on sale Monday morning at W. H. King & Co's. - - W.H.&R S. TUKEE& CO. Wx Sell Goods Cbxapes Than Other House. ANT Underwear : Underwear Underwear Underwear Underwear Underwear Underwear Underwear Underwear T'n iTwear erwear rwear rwear r 1'n For " , ,- Ladies, v. ' . Gentlemen, . 1 . Children. A Fact. We sell good Under wear only and at lower prices for good goods than any house in the State. Onx Special AT ONLY .... 47 cts. Is a TAdies' Silver Grey l::bbed Vest. n;ir!y all wool, pearl b; silk ribbon i i i k and worth ' ' v ' J over y.'C, i : r r; . ( o ', t.. W. E. JONES, 206 Fayetteville Street. - ; Don't. Make Any Mistake. ' There's more money lost ia this country . by mistaken investments tnan by any other cause. Wrecks of nnancuu ventures cumber tne mer cantile' ocean and strew the shores of the business sea. There's just one true compass to sell by and just one anchor to trust to. The former is CASH UP and the latter CASH DOWN.' ; That's how we do our business and this is what our business lets us do: . , . . CARPETS. A . This has been a great carpet sea son with us and one might judge that we have already sold our share of carpets, out we a not be satisfied until we close out the last remnant in this department. Heavy ingrain carpeting at 21c. ' The quality is all right, but the patterns and colors are not so desirable. Ingrain .car peting, cotton chain at the very spe cial price of 42a Extra heavy two ply carpeting in elegant designs and colorings at 67c ?-t- DEESS GOODS. . ' ,-' Our buyer is now in New York buying holiday goo, and half the space now occupied by this depart merit is wanted at once. To effect tL ia result prices have been cut without regard to cost. ',-'."....." JACQUARD FANCIES. . i'- All wool, 40 inches wide; hereto fore 00c per vard, now Site. One lot cheviot suiting and cov ert cloth, heretofore ooc per yard, now 68c. 46 Inch all wool black serge, here tofore bt)c per yard, now 4.Jc. r GLOVE BARGAINS. ' ' " 50 pairs women's pique kid gloves,. 4 button length, in brown snd tans: the quality is excellent and the fit is perfect and not one pair is worth less than 75c, all sizes, while they last at 53o . - MISSES' JACKETS. ' ' Misses I and . children's reefer jackets, sizes 6 to 14 years, made of one mixed . iCngush cheviot, real value $6 - at 4 50. Misses' reefer jackets made of good quality kersey cloth, worth 14, at $3. : y V. E. JOIIES. In fact Riggan's Toy' Store it the place to tret the best goods at the most popular prices. , ' j , 132 FAYETTEVILIiB! . STREET. -TO 131 Faycttcyillo ,. ' . . C . Piione 142- -ifr 1.-.,. ; ,v -. FULL LINE ', Fine Stationery, Office and School Supplies. Lc:f:r3inLci7prl:::. oc28 3m . '" Leaders v-FOR - " ' " This' .Week.: ' ' Ladies' Needle Toe and Common Sense Shoes fl 50. ' K . ; Chitd's School Shoes 75o a pair, neat and durable. Misses' sites tlapair.',J .-- - ,i-:xt t ri" Ladies' Overgaiters, great values at 25c a pair. - t Ladies' Fur Trimmed Felt Slippers $1 60. ,..''' y ' Boys' and Youth's School Shoes tl 50 a pair. ; ' , V , Gent's Embroideried Slippers only 75c a pair, at V HellerlBros. SHOE STORE.1 1 f rlA i! We Sell Goods Cheaper Than Any Other House!,", . ; Big Clearing Sale' of Oress : Goodf, at '' 88c Per" Yard Monday, Nov. 23d, will record the be finning of the greatest cut-price sale of Fine )ress Goods ever inaugurated by us--a great cut-price sale, because such, high class dress stuns as Zibelmes and Tompadour Mohair which have sold all the season for; SI. 50 per yard, and Canvas Laneux, Mohair lantasie and Silk-shot Fabrics, Scotch and . English mixtures that have sold for $1.25. and yl.oU per yard are arranged on one big table and one price made for the entire lot. 00c Per Ycrd and rhrked in Fl:h Fibres. This lw price of 88c per yard is made to insure rapid selling, as we need the room for our incoming holiday stuff sY ; Early buyers will get the cnoicest patterns, w e cannot possibly man samples to ouvoi -town patrons. t It d R. S. mm d go. A.B. STRONACH. HIGH CLASS GOODS AT POPULAR PRICES. And Your Money Back If You Are U Satisfied. Tie largcFt drart-.nent we have is the Bhoe de l.1 i.:iOLt and it is just ly popular, as we pive you the best shoe possible to buy for the prices, Children s siioes z Du, tu, t,a, I 75, 65, tl, 1 15, 1 35, 1 S5, 1 50. V s?y t. f ; 1 60, CO, (,5, W, ! c. ,o have a larpe assortment of boy's shoes of all size, at 1 00, 1 25 and 1 60. We pay particular atten tion to the quality of our ladies' 1 25 ne t t tn.iti tc-.,t, tut n t v e I ..e L" t r " (t i !y ii ' .1 1.', i ii ( . 1 t) i r tie tl. i 1 1 silt s on Bani now c 1 very low. 10-4 all wool white UanVets,.. SC : 160 and -200 shoes. Crossefs 3 00 H-4 " shoes for men: 12-4 11 " ,.451 ..4U We do a large merchant-tailoring business, will make you salt er pair of pants at a reasonable price and guarantee our work in every resp-ett. is..';.wM lm . V . a w .. . 18o ribbed waist af ..121c 37c bleached " 25c 68o " ,,'J . 60c Children's union suits ....25c Misses' " " ... , . . . .60o 3l Best values in the city, new plush capes. Kefrularand extra lenjfths, Dlaio. ietted.iipplivued.fur, ribbon and other fashionable garnitures, all with satinor fancy taffeta silk lningsr $5.00 10.00 11. oo 12.50 13 SO 18 OO Worlb iaw i.-i.no i.voo Kl M li50 Durable Capes, velvet collar, braid trimmed ...,.. . 3 00 Sinjjlc caiMj, military braid trim . Very handsome cloth, cape, cloth and braid trimming, . velvet collar, worth 110 00, at. , . , . . .8 60 ' Braid and Jet, trimmed in same, worth $10 00 at . . . . ?. , . t ..: . . 8 60 Elegait Astraehan cape, velvet trimmed, worth $11 00, at .. .. 8 00 Very handsome cloth cape, jacket back, worth $15 00, at.. ...... 12 60 Same, trimmed with braid and vultius, worth15 00, at . , . 12 10 The above will only give an iJea as to quantities and assortments, which comprise every style that is fashionable in a large variety of the best fabrics. , , ,And your money back if you are not s&tisUcd. i 4 l4 ' We sell these fast blaok hose at 16 and 26c a pair. All sises. , Si J. ::.i'sf ' Genuine castor buckski. . , , ..If) Heavy domestic kid gloves.. I i London tanned dogskia glove. l Wool lined Kangaroo " 75o v ' lheaygoatskl ,.,..1 6J All bargains. : Also f tall liss ef cloth, wool, kid and leatisr gleves from 25o to 1 00 a pair. y-:: , 8 SHIRT WAIST ITEMS. All wool flannel, In red, blue as & black, new style sleeve waist . .1 61 Sootoh plaid wrists .1 ..Ko Handsome wool Henrietta waists lined, full sleeve, ripple cuff, ele- sts i. gant fitting waist 142 Oapes, cloaks, jackets, children! rcc ladies' suits. Tmippers and "skirts in rrct variety; as to jprice and quality. Our tcrzia are cash. One price to all , - . See our So andjlOe oounters. Many bargaus oa theta. .. . . Agents for the sale of Buttcrick Tcttcrcs: WOOLLCOTT & SON, 14 East Llartiti Street Greatest Hall M Ere? S 07 nn 4 ' ' r iff- ; "1 - 7 i , . ' . ' T t I . - i . j 4 We guarantee the Back to be better than any $10 Baek t ; ; sold in Raleigh. Has box seat, double hooks,' solid., oak, . ; Guarantee price THIS WEEK ONLY. ; ' ' f f'.. Open at Nlnlit. Royall & Bordon. The Lte Store 2 ; The biif double class front indexes the store inside. Selling at smallest profits, we bring the consumer nearer the prims, first original cost than credit stores care to do or dare to imitate Vt is "method in their madness" when they decry our popular systenit V Enconlums copiously showered binds us in closer relationship t publio favor and nerves us to the greatest work for the smallett py ;'j a word, we become publio benefactors. . II v i1' ! ' o r 1 1 i wiiwWwtiiiiig Iiui.ii.iJ Imiiiv.iiu vl -J. ...... I " less than cost, then charee those unfamiliar with tin our irri t of the values extortionate prices, si tsm, bv daj..r t i f " it sentation seek to do. Puch is not BUioITl, but a c, 1 ' it of confidence a sharp trick played by some to "keep in t Mr. Sherwood IIIks is now in New York cover! . w . all it is worth in the way of barrens and be has just "t m i it ; t" great cD'unug prices are cow oti" maae to Wind up t e r r!t 1 ? invoics of Cloth and Hush Cps, mv 6 s 1 i kinds of Woolen Undrwear. heavv stock 1 ant (Joodi' 1.,-' r r mere-) have just been received, " Greatest line of children's Tarn O'Ehanters ever die; i . V . and from the SIGNS before us, we lay claim to the bir?'" t iV: x tf ; kerchiefs in the State. . . . , Genuine Iir"ort?d Muslin TLirts . ' 3 ' '.. Wamsut'a L.-'irhed, liren bsom Shirts 3 ,' Gent's Mht f-hir', Hrc!.'-?ripd ,...4,.f 3 - Don't miss a BAIiAlN by bisvir-' hr rc.n ,,., i hear the prices. Full s-Jt:i,c:'..-.n try "' ;. r Si ; Co. med..... uuu

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