' i ! t , ,' 7'n i r . , . . ! ' Vl'i (1 I'i'J !,Jt 4 I ' III II 1(1 KAman, n. a, ro: iy eveotg, noyecei mo rr:: iv ! Y.. J. use r ten.::. .ate tor Spender i j' A v. i et'H. .i-i-l'l' icau 't:r Li quartcreA Republ ... . -,t ,.,T. ' t'lIeoLoa is throe weeks "olJ, Lqmuaoan headquarters con tinue opea and a vast amount Jof work is b. . i ,nplished. SeH .ju." ".r'imi who, is. ia charge, liij ., ;"tya 'costiy'-experio'iiqe. A ho opened headquarters.lere. . v. "' yi Mmd 'no'-data, .c 1 .'j v . Ji to bela,.a.pqHt l.lcaln... . i'- A Uarcs Amount v,K ,fc"M.. ry 1 r t ear e'nt tftleT.tS .in-tPlcr;; '9 Vtyesu.us afe i!bcie : pufc.la'couvodiqnt afiilpractii- , cal 't' fO'o'ttu.t' ttffanr hence i i .! bave to bt ofB cmerwrj i ivijinj I . . ... . . i .ba c cmonslraU' J. eaia -X'-at heliKs does the figuraa.and taUqs etotes. tbet ItTs V'aoftn absolutely thatRijs- w'Vo j. ppprffnt'y" ITy'ania ilunka it wiil reach 11, J. Iveynolda plural- . Hyi he ' ir' short ... ina1 l , ( wbur ill not HI 500 to" " ...... 'of; 1 u 42 " at " fl but i. . ..ties, putcd question as to I1" MM een . it L,vr: iff" ..','o T i.imey alany repuDhe:s;ii vqled for Eryan, Ther egistraliofl! hdws " ' v.m !T..v"raT eouniie'3." " anc. iwnoi ly cal.' d "Ivjin roiv' and wuo once go ' pi)-"T ca ; Qua' 1 I . , , . aty. . . 'i Quakers are ICepublicans you know, but in Snow Hill township thirty seven of them voted; tie J?rphibitlQg ticket." . . .,v; Mr, Flannigan deck - t!iat T7. A. Mobane, the newly, t 1 j erintendent of Put Vv.l .oouu.,' who was nominated , by tue Populist r ,vc i -oted f. c McHmleysod . .pubi;;' i f '-f-t'is i i "ublicia . --re in tue .Ute," said J'- ' It will be remember., t t ir. b bane denied that h ite7 when accused c' i? in fho-m paign. 1 f It" is rumored t' daily paper is oneo of the near future, a paper in spmp,. ministration will b The very newes. the announcement publicaS i t ..at tl, a'ad e. 'v If Ambro?" F, E'leman, of Cabarrus, uV. i " ' j"fi.;r" Tf ..".cr'of V. . . . 1 . ..i i.i i " ;d to Le ftBC of tLe rcpulists wLo'wil s-; f rritchard . t --.s ' r av Clu . r n Ayer Ccw., td ' io "a uLc' r or r ' t the ropu'i' s woulA loui Cf tli! 3 production,it can !(M' ;j-'.ost com- i r.u" t f.' ' is y. nnJ t'- 1 ions any and com -1, TLey 1 c t fcUC- C :t from 1 V-.- Jt 4. ular play-bouso L.ivo themj a great trr r t. comprises twei-'y , i; ..iy of 'Whom 1 o 1 . stirs, ahd v ' 1 -' -t.,ci'; r.i'oU, ' ' ' I ' 5 t 1 t i r tur -J u t Of' 3 UU i fcis r j re- Olivers of tl.e .1 & OLIO -...ioud to I ;v t tp LJoih.h b'u & nui'ivjou JuV'brauch'oT'the I by V19 Baltimore & phj(j Jn bt j,'lo"3, frcxA 'tuf t LoLifctr V f-.3reat uiiiwav, anu oas Deeome v ;i I . I i LTaYrloceedh were wfC riii(,dtutcal by thfrlMtherr' the y& ear.ndina last September. la reeelV- their recomine?rid'd' ths tl jbr'ljch "be surrendered' v 'tie Southern Railway, as it was nq i f f ; .Li -est oH'' np'.im"re A C io to ennt-ape i .it. ! red IhaJbrn'.uixtajs utrettilarea-ta-tlie nJ' " yav,ro 2ve-' "30rfrtheir4abi' but Wuhout piejUuiud to the buuth e4uSustii,.l2;.3,' anialai HUet araiDg np to ,lth41in9.ot th'iir Gillette ,8, 'bes'' aramtly'wdrk- f K8!jPHvaWl 'SeefefArT-Kiomyi'' 'ta day nigh.NovemberGti.with.tbe' popular leomedian; Edwla Travera, and,pbWful6nliiM!WTlimt'' enier mvu, vS'ertW!ilW! inpiayv ThcompaDy:frasentingthe piece t'h'fa'iipftgbn Is caid to be a'nid'rt paw- erf ul one and incl Travers, such disks' J Eve vill u Nrif tv -. ! Trav heieto.' v andi 1 mat lay the 'i - - '.-1. i secre hmer. ,!mpn as, hia 's and Cotton1; t saiiar eldet ' 'some t - rimeut as thw ious secretary-, Nourishment. -td iu.; battels, jjelMr. I ill pve the audleno y :r' " 1 liver. A number qf novel and mu- siCufiuaiberji not Yound' in the text rmaEru thii-byiK.thfinBeU jirolluo aoKie iv!n gTthI- xeleBiated ght The Shipp Bros., have 110 sweet toned. bells jes le c , ? ader and theyc ea 'h, An anjoists1,1 Th(T .i.'uwuauwirou R .jiJ khas the following to say of themr . ' -. 1 1 ' "The largest crowd that has attended the combination course was r resent last night to hear the Shipp protners, nana bell ringers. fc company is superb in every sense o the word.' As litherlsts and bit!, Joists the Shipp Brothers excel any hing we havear ear jr elt Hngers they a Jie top jupj, Box sheet for t j 1 '"-Sft&ifaT club will open Wednesday morning (it 9 O'clock. ' ' - "r.'i -m 5 ; , i. FnRlnw Tamil torn Hto MladJ '' tlj i Salisbury World is Informed thu. PitTerrelt, the unfortunate X'.J. r Whose engine wrecked ihe Chat loaa. vestibule this week 'is losing Lis mind. Mr. Terrell has x.r r .ed to els nome since tne the , death of engineer. James and Fireman Iloward tafs weighed so heavily on his mind tl it will rto'ult ia.r.Jtac-.'.- '. " , '!! :t vOxfoii peieati ih Suit. - 4 j vTbJ iortant suit of the Dank of l.lcuu.iuut against the town of Ox ford "3 just beenided in the Suprt .ip"" '(IT . ; 1 Carolin'aAa favor' tfli.j tuWiTof Oxford. Th?s suitLus Litu goliigonseveral ye&ii,' !b" 'tod;r!-utt-,',30!"-dto ..J v.i br-awli' Cv-..,t L .e from Oxford to the Durham and Northern railroad. 4- 4- Will I'phold tha Kayy. ' '1 to r ri-6s-viitor. - . ' 1 t',e navr ... 1 to -u; .4. .lu s v f receiver'! ate- alst) to-' piy the South- 'br'ancll' for thanext s!x;'m6nfLi i end. C;S. TAX SiLS AFEXi lie 'i Sacs the Town '.t... nw fcr'Fals8 Arrest," y !.!i! C5,OCO DAf, ILif.ll in I'J. - .i' "I is necMier pi tL f.ii. I'll 'i! V I'm J -IS P7 Dog' T.4 J4MK Salt Now. '- The doy tax business has disturb ed ttrtt'reverle erifoved br the' eitl zohstrf'A'Dex so ttia fio other nuh- jeqi.is oiseiwupq pf.,tne,in&atjitontt. Indeed, ' Apex haa -.undergone . do such sensation as the town is now nr. ,4. , - ,i.,.KJT,?oi Deo-i of v a.e tounty, Ts' resident of Apex. Mr, Rogers has a dog. MS ,WP i commissioners, recenMT :W aWdogs that fcUimed iled to wh So one Saturday night, prjor to the electicfc Imt'I Sloge&j .was seixed by the Chief of Police of Apex on bis arrival in the town. . The Register of ii Deedi was tekn an unwilling prtfibiiB1(tnd hauled before his honor the, After'dtl ddllberatron'-'thie Chief Executive of Aoex Imoosed a fine of U0,() oa.mka's Register for failure tiUe out dog'llcease. tf"J(kJ&r 'tylpza ' suit against the town of Apex for 15,000 i;Ibis,. onih3.JbeglAningi:pr. ensationl; uitji ( Tbe .end is not 't jfjfciii)rt . .irl 4j'"u; ifiw.!;..v.v,.i 4 i yeih -' , ,, u i..'. r ' .t'ji'i' -eirf !t mkiu f " tm , '" ftatfpMf-J, B. UeUlj Ml 7 Milw la 79 W rt,fir;;!,Wiil,K"W' 1 '4, tl '"The- fasWstl WAVer made by a railroad train j.ln North -Carolina, and' more than Bkelitf allv the Southern States,', was made Satur day afternoon, on the. Seaboard Air.T Linr between. ",V7eldon and' Portsn mo4tjh.t J;!Mr"j,.TB. neiltg,' Vhft has the reputation of being the speediest enrfneer la'the emplov of the Sea board, and, who la as., courageous, fearless and -careful as ha is swift, was;a the tbrottjlehen the record wsSmade.'. jij' J: i uuji -tn a 1 The 'train1 Was an extra and was qoade .up oprivate 'ears ofjthe offi cials of the- road. President Hoff- inao' Vibe-esident: 16h4 m& ,th other ffieiala )whorwere on their return from 'Atlanta where' the; had attended. i Q'., C, i-and, ..stock holders 'meeting', were than passen (pts ari'thy occupied thel.r private Instrecttonr ha beetf'tf'ven by ,Pdfitti $1 php, 16. ppake the trip at the rate of a mile a minute. Accordingly' the ,main. , lihe. as aTiamber of extra switohmen put on f asan, eXtra. preoahtlori.,' ;Nat- urllyenouifhi yJoe.,.jHeilig . was s'electedtomake the'rttni'f'i&j ,the djptanceirm leldpn to Ports mouth is seventy-eight miles and a 1kitK$f$ M; Hemljoyered; the distance la exactly seyenty-t womm utes;1 lavlflgmadd only one stop. Ea h'ei4; up E rakMn order to test his engine- y ''A C.' ;;.Ke'tt';M;ranWad'trali:s per minuteVtor, jesSf'it .making anusually fast time.' ' The Seaboard pi-p'ei.were, of piirsei hly elat ed over the rerd.made by Mr. Csiligrand. the run-was all the talk teipy anTngrilway Bn. ; Vef r Co' ditlima. i 1 : vil'ri area occupies At.aBuib'.tesf with center over New England and a pressure as highas 30.8 at Boston.. 'A moderate storm is eentral In the upper Mis-s'-'!rpi .valley, .which: is, causing southerl) winds ahdwarmef weather west of the Mississippi: and. In ihe Ohio faTley kn'Jlake region.' v Excepting a few v stations on the north Atlar.Lia' coasi' t'uS weather is generally part; ' eloud or cloudy over the entire country. Very little rain occurred; t " "Ball-amounts are reported from Florida and at 1 ' ' 1 ' oer ral valley, ,t win. j' j idVu.; tcf tie I'h-- .isslppi, with colder - ' t y i.) jo ::r. A;3. u t y in t r' t r Etronach has his new ad- i popular at- Vs circus ' j to I n C I ti.9 -GOV. L1...CT EUSSELL- Somiihlng About Uli iUna H Will Oa ' " ' ' l " eury tl MnloB4 '" 'judge Rusboll does pot anticipate visiting Raleigh until he oomes to be inaugurated in January.' 'The Gov ernor-cloctl3 at his home la Wil' mingtoa . where je, has ea 'since the election. " ' From an interview which Judge Uussell gave the Peess-Visitor ten oays" perorej itfie j6Wctioa Jt j was thbught'y many persons that he' .would,, not occupy vthe ecutive Man sion. , The opinion is an erron eous one, for the Judge and his fam ily are making preparations to, move to Raleigh and will occupy the Man Sion .-l...'v : ..;..j4ii.i i Trom a gentleman who has Just rei turne'' 'nmington?4nd'ho was a guest pc tne bovernor-eiect, this infermation was obtained. It was aj. stated that Judge Russella ambitto&was to make the jest guy ernor North Carolina ever had ii The inauguration date is as much a itf&fellispeatioii as evev jThi attjauaitieaaiLdiJlei: .as. ,to, the date! The,. governorMBlect has Hot an- nounced lalsmUitary staff.9 . The PEEss-VjsrroB broke the news'some dayago, however,' that 'Lpge Har tU was to be AdjulanWJenerat.',; is stated, that it is Judge Russell's intention to select only Republioaha who measure forty-four inches In the girth. Oscar Spears and Mr.Sharpe, of Nash, are the only ones who have so far stood the test - liiktiat-A. Attempt to WMek a Train.; By Telegraph to the Presa,-Visitor. I " ; Salt Laki, Utah, Nov. 23.r-A4 attempt - was ; mad6 to ' ; wreck the morning train iouth bound 'near Kaville, An employee ;,pi, roadj discovered the men placing the ties TTat'roStf'fhe track, and when-he" ap proached was 1 fired upon.' It is be lieved the intention was to hold up the train. ' ''; , - t ; J v Hlot In CtoVeland, O. ' :" " j By Telegraph to the Press-Visitor.s Ci.svxLANi-r'A riot occurred early this morning on Franklin atenue i locality,, tbicklyl populated, with Hungarians Irish and' Americans. Many were stabbed with knives and dirks.' Clubs were .bsed aDd a dozen mens more or ? Jess,vwerpr,njured. Two were perhaps Xatally injured: j f iivnun; vcnini i-ook, b. oi r- ' The" -regular meeting of Centre Lodge, No. 3, Knights of Pythias, will be held tonight at 8 o'clock. All membrsareurgehtly requested to be presentas business of much Im portance will bff-transaeted. "All visiting brethren will meet with a cordial welcome. - v.T S5.5.v-''r;i:, ; R. C. Rivxrs, C. 0. 1 .WasoK.'Kf'f E, and . " 31 I Blackbarn'tUvlj.;;- By Telegraph to the Press-Visitor . httismw Ky.-iSenator " Black-' burn, after conference with constit uents, has' decided to give up the fight for his return to the Senate. L J nil . - uli ' 1' ' ' '' .4 " Popa Moat Show Their Hande. - . Wi A; Guthrief Populist nominee for Goveraorj; "says there will eerj. tainly be a showing of hands of Pop ulists -.In the Legislature) as they will be called on . to say-wheUer they will vote for a gold man or freel Silverman. .tll;g. W-::-,:i,TrviUXH;fc": 1 1 ' 1 .... ... 1 n I 1 j i i l What la to Booomc of Spencer t j Chapei Hill special says that Judge-elect Adams will qualify and instanly resign, Russell will, appoint Solicitor Adams as Judge. ; Shank Merritt, rof .Ho horo, will .become Solicitor and Warliok jwfll 1 ap pointed clerk. - ,' Ji H . ' Evaogeliat EdmnndaoB at. b Baptlat - ," - .- ,' Tabernaala. ' . Mr. Edmundson first addressed the Sunday-school at ithe Baptist Tabernacle on yesterday and urged the' Importance of each teacher im proving the opportunity given them 6f urging personal salvation on their scholars. 'v.-V-v - - "v.T'-!'":-. ' At the' 11 o'clock service of the church a large crowd had gathered and the Evangelist spoke on Re conciliation between God and man. At 3:30 p. m. about 300 men gather ed andhespoke to them on"The new rr.ua. "At night every seat iu t h e large and inner room was occupied, and Mr. Edmundson took as his text, 'Prepare to meet thy God." " , '' ': - In all of these services the plain, earnest words of the pmacher made deep. Impression, ' and la--t 1 night B8veral confessed C". t ; t and a large number requested r""-ycr', : Mr. EJmunson will conduct ser vices every after- . tl 3:r!0and .kll t;-htat7:r -o'i' " ':. . ' Fprtificatipp?! ' c "T Strengthetfed:""- -;rwmf.U r iiM e tnM titrttm4 yti -1 rY-.-J 3 f Jy Ut pbmmnutt$ il mtf tfii)fiiiAiMWii 'irlvJwlMitoJ WEYLERfTO1 REMAIN :1 i Be W Ut..,xpanjiax LCa t -S tu&l Splaa Bana to Laara of thlaoraraij CMad&idu Nov.' 23. The ' situaQen . . ..1r.11 'f.if in Spain i9"'inrtnauy 'uacnated. Since the declaration df ' thB'TJrb- bable aiiBMiiMitft Jt the retire ment of Weyler, the government hfs telegraphed, him It is believed that the.w4U.raTiaio in, Cubd." A" new frornJthe Bnanrish (felonte? i?..3OTitfafs)T f in- Porte Rice is nwMntaUy, tele JACKSONVILLE" Fl.',"'Kov.A"3.f- on the sea frobtvnear iMerri.Qastle? Passehpera 'frrim .'Bavans'- 'twldrt otheeiTforUwpa'.fiWM coast are beingBtrngtheneav' -.Pwo moreSpwfeitsbre'M dayr '"Theiii mission- is-iisaJi toj be not to Vatbh finbtls'butf totearn ab6ut,libe;,gBe'rwbi.1p tiohsr Anothelarxr-editkm.is dunta. ' Jj Htl aulaila MarketquotationsXurnijMied y BjCuthbert ';CC,'Ml!road Street,, New XorKt ana ; ,WAiffiWCtf; street; Ratelgh;N-.i CJ.',evettaeil .i'i!'i itiirmi viMiik A ' ".'Villi) mouths; January1, jfeoruary, March, June. July,--,"', August, Sept'mb'r, October, Novemb'r, Deeember. -oioatMi teacyr.aaiesut,. CaUKatalaaatC: Iiverpool opened J 64 up gained 2-4mbre but gave way again closing finally Irregular at yester- days rates. ; - I foU tftielnd ''(ji(!lftU:00A opim-lmaHlifl;Ljoi-o8j- i nifi i warn i van i ivii - n 49 rT HtTU rT-8r 7 W ifW 7 65 1 60- am mu 116 t 76 7 69 7 75-. ,; 'Mt-irt, .?' t- ,: ...... ...... v. . .. . . . 7 38 I 7 89 7 37 i 7 37 ' I 13617 41 f 7 34 I J 3?- i bales middling 4 13-32, freely offerfttf6'"irhoVe"!Tpa ed" "' " """V1"'' ' 'betitaae Receiptai 23000,, bales, aU Ameri can, ' - The unfavorable' news from' U Ve'r pool causeda deoline.1 ln NewnYork futures of &T!nts Tkfl Inarkef itas fluctuating laaAatuew langa.'seAl though urecelptSf; are; liberal bears were not asirressive. v ThV quotatipai Exchange 8 Sufr AnerlWnT6'b.V.,1!PJ.i,.1Wf ijuiuoiru um.i.i ..... ...... v.. Louisville and JfehvilanJ.li-i'Mi Manhattan.'. . a. . m ...... ...a-1 96) Rek4)(ai?i n BoutherrtPreli 1 SK Paul f.-.t.T.TT. 7T, -v; .'JT.Z 18? si rajui... , ui.u4 , 1 Tne lower stock marro oras aus foa farther falling off tin' the outside speculative demand and increased pressure of realizing; by oommissionj hpusos and 4'ofesj sionai pearnasimerfa t.ie bj.4 s-f ti The hank tateinent'wa3jverl 4iv6r- able but It had been expected all the week and therefore' In "announee ment was without any lnfluenea. vj. ; Chlemso Qratn and Proviatoa Market. - TOeiOliOWingwwwiewuBiugnHu- rW vision market today: 801. iU . Whea December, "6; May, 801 Corn December, 31; May, 211, Oats Deraberl8I; May tS.;'1' ' Pork-vDcebr jt. 62; January, t.72. I4ajrdPeeib4) S.85; ;. January, 4.05.---v:'M.:vb;;:-.-v'-;f-; Clear Rib Sides Dee. 3,77r Jan uary 3.85. ,vr, : OebercbrtTl No vemher-Duoember ........ 4.1iT rwmhftr-Jnii ir v ... .......4.09 Jamiaryf abriar is J t 1 4.p8 V February-March -'V.- 4.08a " Marclr-APril.'4 . f . . fV. j9iT April-May ........v.......... 4.08 Closed quit and steady. jx toda See Mr. J noun'"'" for ev-. 1 v ti ll ne Of b , . v.' Johns v r v i 4U X)4- IV f-Wtlal 4. Kf Y!il'i)lJK) 7" Traaaurar Worth Saada Oat. Clranlar "41. i'tilJa 01 1 4. .;.;''ii t. .'4l ' ; 1 Latter to Shariffs and collaatora. ' k rAl'i'J Vai .. 2 ' ?'ri ' i 1 - L J:.L x ocauj xrtuuiurer rv una uaa lusueu atf appeal Inaie'te. 'of a5 clreuuv letter to Aierheriffaid tax'-odllec- tors over .the .Slate.. iGur amiable state treasurer gives the brethren good SW0fl..!ffejrJtJJeSbonI4. make PPqmpt flaymenijv jthft, wttoR which was sen ov- todays-is given below. lie 11 rt)irtJVViir T)itt.iTiiVrt. Xaitlelieriffnd Tax;,Colleotors f''S'GeatlefliWTIiaVe evidently (CtUUCU IUOIIH IIMV UC,9I6UWU times." You have beard it from every Individual from whom you have either collected,, or attempted 1obbllret'm,eirtilyare familiar ' i. whe the quantity.! the tax-paying meUiafflavs'"eiretilaMod' ataoo'our .lS.lcoaBldei'e'ar -An Who: have ft, Wiffi.iaSP either; to pay them, or oollect them, will agree that. ,the present tiuies are exceptionally arcK,?T'PeiapS thef flnanctar strain. on our pple' g'eh.e'allyj'tias' '.oot been so great since lBb5, if it ever has," as at present Those who have had the responsi bility of collecting taxes upon them tWrWaK"muW"reMemTe'r their bondsmen. It is evident that ex ceptlonal diligence and never ceasing vkrilence should be observed, while "mntiaaf n't vnfintxrTir Thaw Ka ingly at it. ""until all the taxes shall hWteetfcMected ind tnriied over JheJprpesatiMKlwa! ; . : ' i uwr uiiarmspe 1 piDia ior large oropa this1 year.1 'The fertiliser taxes turned litb "the ftate treasury 'show .fiwiiwsx iPDiwra j.',B' 1898, 151,666 tons of,guano- .This is to be paid 'for i bul -of a very short hione crdpi'at Virtnously lowprlfces. Catewlatiag iheae fertiliBers at an aveWe 122.60 Lper ton v$llmake whregsW4tiy1)eyoiid rs. UHetf ao-(Mhtfciotiiidg, shoes, hats and other things which le must have, affdfovvhich ney must leav us, and 'you alize that therein a reason', why f ou should begin early and pro ceed JWith unabateddiligence fa the worK of collectingihe; 1896 taxes.' to State t,jpqbjr wion convinciu mf .Ifiajy-those jwhO hhvs settleUjiMtfals. office Jwltb ijflSlTease . and jBMt friotiqi- are - TSfe-t-6aT!. i wwwamStti.vanmi.1 . enttjt anAunUKiiaicaiijr ana ween Aey wld"feet iii'-hand as much as .iiiiMiJW: turo u Wer vtatbe State Treasurer. As the SfRjJr Treasury Is now in need of dads, : you are requested to send in the State taxes as early and as fast as you can observing thein- w outlast year as to r deposit of funds un- other instructions on the isaing wi" success aoru pieag- togyouutf the1 assistan ce "I can con- jdtlf endfer 'I'ani' " "' 4?ACTont.fllll V , . ,Wiii ,14 lt'l 1 v'W11 wWTH, , , itilnni,'iai j-i n State Treasurer. livi ft''1'1 ft T? o.iii:'f i .i. f 1 ' i E li. WlSTiWCr, JR. Wll3tr23.Hfiotace ;e, avtek &rky dialer, who furished the tmtedxse with Thanksgiving '- birds-ior several vears:' naff cehVDlrds at CnsTTS, whlfsCwill be sent to Ui .i .uished people, une ilihc sent to the White House, the secbM tXreaidntlect McKinley, and 1 third WjlV M senttyi Wil llam:.r-yaa('V-V cAKte tn th .-eTnily to- -jCooufeTred their benlson on the union of the Duke Marlboro to Con- suelb'yabderbllfe,''-The" couple was greeted and feted 6ri atl'sides. :4 The' Prttici and Princiess'of Wales called with distiiififuisned statesmen;?! Im mense1 preparattphs vera) made a Ithey village for the .occasion. .The IDuchessVof- Marlboro Is now pub- Ujr ac4w(jgfifl he most ex )0ia..jJw.;iit;JodA: " ; taleppUtblti'Press-VUitor. Floeencb. Ala.. Nov. 23. Taylor torothers, : two notorious outlaws who have beenteronwngthe people of Colbert and Franklin counties were captured in Colbert county yesterday. Minor. Matters ManiphlafpJ for the JHany. " AROUND THE CITY. Pot-Poarrl of the Kewe Piaeantf Hh Bfr Potata aad People PcrtlaMil . 3 Makod kaa HtUl Put In You will be Interested in Messrs. Sherwood Higgs & Co's fine new advertisement today.' "Don't fail to read It. . - .; '. ' -- ?. , -.rK-.'i- -Vh ---Vi - "-, ---'y i Watch' out: tot Messrs.' Thomaa and Campbell's new announeements from day to day aid call and examine their rare and attractive bargains. The regular meeting; of the Ladles' Hospital Aid, Association will be held tomorrow afternoon at the su preme court trom at 4 oTclock.' There will be a meetinc of the Rescue Cirale of Kind's Dauarbters at the residence of Mrs. McEim- mon, Tuesday afternoon,' November 24th, at 4 o'clock. ;. Rev. H. T. Darnell, father of 4proL ; Vernon Darnell of this citv. was married at Hampton, Va., Tharsday evening to. Miss Margaret E. Cum- Chas. u O Daniel, a well known young countryman of Cumberland county will be brought to the Asy lum today. Mr. O'Daniel lost his ' mind on account of the Crumoler . sanctification meetings'. ' " ' -I , 1 ' Do not fail to peruse the advance holiday advertisement today' of - Woollcott and Son. " Tou will find it . both entertaining and advantageous - to your interest as the gift season oomes on. , ' Mrs. John Howard, wife of. fire man Howard who was killed in the recent .railroad .. wreck on Black Mountain, has .entered suit against ; the Southern ran road for (50,000 damages, says the AshevilleGazette. ' A meteor fell' In the vard ofMr. N. W. West a few daysago a genu ine article and weighed about three , pounds, one of bis little boys picked - at up and dropped it with a howl. Appeals from the ninth district will be taken up by the Supreme -court, tomorrow. Among the law yers in attendance at court are E, B. Jones, of Winston; A, fii. Stack, of Stokes, and H.R Scott, of Rock ingham. ' j Vi i - Mr. Thos. T. Pace has placed his swift trotter, . Mi.' Meadows, the animal that made -such an enviable ' record at the State, .Fair, in the -hands of trainer Austin, Miss ' Meadows has bean entered in two races at the Newborn fair. " ' ' - - ' Next Friday evening from 8 to 11 o'clock there will be a "Mother Goose Party" at Mr. R H. Battle's given by the Thorn psoa Orphanage Guilds All the boys and girls ate invited and apleasanttimeispromls- ' ed then). Prises will be given and refreshments served free of charge. Admission 25 cents. 1 ' ' - ' ''- Capt W. B. Kendrick received a postal from an acquaintance in Miss issippi today stating that the report ' was current there that be was dead. The gentleman desired informatk on the subject from the captain. , It is said that obituary notices have appeared in Mississippi papersabout him. The captain is very much alive as his friends are aware.'- - Lon lived CltUena. Four citizens of Raleigh natives happened to meet in Squlre Whit- aker's offioe this morning, whose combined ages represent 307, years. . Three of them are widowers, and object to their names to appear In print - ; ' ' , " Yesterday 'at" the' First Baptist church, in th's city, four meu sat together, whose ages were 85, 83, 80 and 7L respectively, all citizens and natives of Wake county.- Their com bined ages were 379 years. , - J. R Morton is appointed a 're ceiver by the Circuit Court at Lex ihgtch,' Ky., for J F. Scott, a well known trotting horseman, and form er part owner of John R. C en try. This is the result of a suit kt i-Zr 000 recently brought aamst Ecolt by L.! Banks Holt. Scott and L!a backers, James E. Da '3 and E. A. Van Wagner, by L. I", nks IT prayed for a receiver.

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