n n tamers b.u bC.j it 4a a a -ill T1 ; 7. U. j -a city is i v 1 f -1 1 3 .3 1.... -9 WC&l&er 13 TW.2J .1 , Li cL " -3. j from ear! niorn T. : The Triaci'jns i t la Jo Besom of SpaaaarT A t 1 .E'.Il bj tc'J says that 1 will appoint i -r Admass Juda.-'- haak ir. r. t, of r.oxboro, will become C ; . r, and . Warllck will be ap- pu.&Uj clerk. Tartars for Ealarat Paopia! ' Er Cable to the Press-Visitor. - T7x8TXM.it, R. t, Nov.23. Horace .' Vose, a veteran turkey dealer, who has furkhed the White House with TLuk?ivlng: birds for several years, has three munificent birds at his yards here, wLita Hill be sent tJ tv ree dL'JnguIshed people.-, One 1 te sent to tlie White House, the . ?cor.l to President-elect McKialey, and the tUrd will fee sent to WU- 1' TJ.T.-y9B... , V&lnuia, almonds, Brazils I " ans, L.uerts ana cocoa nuts. V e t t .t a big lot of these f - j tt a S j w r r ice and will be glad to quote j 3u Lolesale prices. Call .or c us a pffstei. EAI3Ii;3 and FIGSFine London Leyer and pitted raisins 15$ per rund, loose Muscatels 10c; Fine 'Ter fj Z3o per pound, whole box 1-a per pound. --. s - . p plAThorouKlily i iak i a-a a a-cleanedcur-r ' i lvlb; CJ.:;urnla unpeeled . hes 1 lb; epricots do to 7lo. , Cld Ts Lion Country Buckwheat Tistur, free from grit specially pre- r rea ior our oess traae, oo io, L aker's prepared, in 3 and 6 lb p. a2s3 and 35o per package. Versaont I' "fie Syrup. This is (' genuine L.-ple bap, gal jogs c; quart bottles Wo, pint bottles . o: - " -' " Lit -Pettijoha's Best . Breakfast Food is Just the thing you want for brei.likf.t( eaal'y prepared, easy to creftr l real aelicious loo pkg, 2 .L - y.. 1 :.it. r"-ne 13. uritios in the blood which om eruptions arethor i by Hood's Sarsa- 1 1 --- iv ya It II w r .ITove r21st, 1SD3, r it 'T'n x 1 1 t A ;n r . hI t j,ower I 1 t i. 3 eft. el ' -r of LceJs vkTSatf'-e cc" ' -,te 1 V. c' Hi i If 1 1 1 . t I' ;, t .a t-t C.r',-1 to rd, by John Xf Lins-.'.rerbyd.?'dd.-.todtIay i ' j t'e 1 ids of kC! " ""lnd ' 1 1 -r. .ti..j-af.i.i..'3t'sf ke, comer tLcaItortij 2 t, i poles to a ST.all Lca-r "l l.i ite- s A 31 .l's s to a t e. I-.ir, . U's fiat -v IT.-1.' i. TT' 1 S i . i ur ; , ' t t t ' e, tLen Lou' x 2 ; . . ti .-i oea to pc'iT n's cvrifr, tl.cn I-oi .h , ; i i : i to the , . - t -t 127 i i ji t of 8' nt 13 t a iiTis of Lucy . , J. q. a:-, -s, - ;r l(" - ' lin e l he of -rs (TV' . 9l 7 1 r's t -latr s. t i ' . 1. 1 I i i will tl '-'8 & Castoritt is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infant . .and Children. ' It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xarcotic substance, f It is harmless substitute : for Paregoric,' Drops, Soothing Syrups and Castor OIL It Is Pleasant. ' Its guarantee is thirty years' nse by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms- and ' . allays Feverish ness. ' Castoria prevents vomiting 8our .. Cord, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castoria relieves . (Teething troubles, cures ' Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the .'Food, regulates ' the Stomach and Bowels. 'giving healthy and natural, sleep. Castoria .. IS the Children's Panacea-f-the Castoria. "CmImIj it m cxccllcat atcdldM fat , efclHrnu" Motbcn htve RpcaMIr told ram rf iU rood effect apim their child raLt u I . m. O, C Oaoooo, Lwll, lum. ThaMMOf CaatorU k to naWcnnl aad lu nlU h weU kaowa thai U tttm wprk of Mpemoffatlon to endone it. Few are the tateOigvat ttKiliea who o not keep CMteri wttbiBajrKach.'. ; . - i Cuu MAKrrRrO-D.. Mew York City. ; I preacribe Cutarla every dy for ehiSrea ; who are safferinf from oonitlpatlon. with , better eflfect thaa t reode from any other aowMaaHnai of drnga." - - - - 4 Dr. I, a MoaojUf, Soatk Amboy, A. J. .Children Cry fsr mm tIMTUa1 0OHMHT, tt aWUHNAV maTCT, MW TOtttl ITT, i TEE TRIUMPH OF LOVE ta uAtr nvnmu wamshabs. arr Maa . Who Woald XhW : aha Brand Tratha, tho riaJa Vaaea, aho . Roar Dlaaaeaitaa mt Heettaal Betaeoa ,m ApaUad to Weald A ton) : Jteatd Vatara rllaUla, Bhoald Soearo tho Woadorral Unto Book Catted , MCaaeploa Manhaod, aad Haw to lala I(.w . , ' , ' Rero at but la information from a bfeh Dwdloal aoarco that moot work woadam agUh tu ageneraUoao men." na book rullr dauribaa a aaethod kr which to attain full rigor and njaaly power. A method by whiua to aid: all Tinlmrat nramaoa moajwam, , t fornri fTTwrama, lac a, ot aaU-oonbol, da- a 1 ded and worn Batata for jorwoi . wa,ltnrancy and power. Worry,a. ... . to arery portion and organ of the boo to am mil trTxn. aoraiuiiuMut tnrW. . Ana bo barrier. Jaun timiNanfi MlnnuiML lion impoeelbU. Two 1 ne book la purely medical ana ncientine, "-"o f atnsikara, tuTaluable to van j. , Ian, who bad appnoa to ns, i a row that arm) oar m ooa i u sorar forBt. I )mt bubbled with Joy. I wanted to hne; arwybmiy and tell them my v aif bad o.od ye ruay, and my new aell -m born tOKiay. - V ny didn't yon tell rna -n I Ant wrote Uiat I would Audit toil 3" 4anrrtnniri? . . . -, ro ... 1 a eart load of told at my s. woii i imHti aiMu glarlniaa Into my yoriiM i li n le. Vritatoti a k,.viA t' cuiOkti COMPANT, i" .10, w. Y.. a t at-c i"r tno mue r.."d "CviViPLfciB atANHOOa" Bofer te tHief panr. and the oompany prominaa w aeno 1 pro Dbe. marV a, and entirely tree. nntU It la well latr too Duua, la aeaiea enveioi without any liMMMi. I l J ALCO- - ' - A. a ill ' w W' are C""rantoprl not to rust. T tl i c - ( 1 (i f i.'iiistrator j if A. i., . t aers, da 1 bi'i-eS ycive unii-e-to all per- s I -i ; c; iins B,"ausHt said es . j . 1 1 "a to urn fr ry"nt j -. - -.t i y 1 1 .A'..'..:-r,'i i ! .;s noin e will be jiiimd in i eft o f -e. All arsons in d;l't I a J A. K. WeMbors fl'"? ro i t i c -;.a frw"rd anj s-.-..o t..a !! !. C. II. CL' k. r fur A. K. . ,. Ot;: U 1.-. Mother's Friend. Castoria. I w ' "Catorto iaao wdi adapted to chfldrea ' that I reeoauMad it ai uperlor to aajr pra actipUoa known to at." c r T. " ' H. A. AacRU, K. D Srooklya, M. V. Par aneral yeara I hare recommended , Caatoria, and ahall alwaya ceatlaaa to do ao aa It haa invariably produced beneficial reaaHa." . ' Sown P. PaaDnvaf. p.. New York dty. Wt hare three chUdmi and tney ' Cry for Fttckar'a Caatarla.'' When we gtre oneadoee, the othen cry for one too. I thai! alwaya' take pleaaare la recommending- thla beat . child' aMdidne," See. W. A, Cooraa, Newport, Kjr., . Pitcher's Castoria. f :.4,t.to, : v, Under and by virtue of a deed of trust from J. W. B. Watson to B. F. Montague, Trustee, registered in Book 113, page 22, and with he consent of the mortgagor: thereon, we will, on Mondayv November 9th, 1896, at noon, at the court house door in the city of Raleigh expbse to public sale the fol lowing described tract of land, being the part unsold in the land conveyed in the said deed of trust and described as follows: Beginning at the north east corner of the Matthews lot, near the northwest corner of . lot 744, thence southward along the line of Matthews and. of the Kline heirs to Kline's southeast corner; thenee west along Kline's line to the branch; thence down the branch to the south olty line; thenoe east along the south line of the city to the southeast corner of the oity; thenoe north along the east hnundarv line of . the city to Lenoir street; thenoe west along Lenoir street to the Beginning, lerms casn.--, ,. , b. F. Montague, Trustee. 1 J. W. B. Watson. Or. 0. 1806 . Sale postponed by consent to Mon day, jnov, io, at noon. Have Kept You Cool All Summer. ' Will-Keep You . " -A R M "All Winter Sc!t Ccal. Pccaioiitas. and Rrs::!1 Crcelt: v. Th:::r cr.d : ? J:!I!:d C::l. The 'best Coal at lowest prices al ways at. ECONOMY May be necessary in many ways when dollars are scarce ana wants many, but it is not desirable to practice it In the purchase of food, which Is life. Below a certain standard food imnArfectlv nourishes: ud to that stand ard it costs a reasonable prioe. ' We never want more than a reasonable price for our Orooerles. t RAPID GALES Give our customers tbe benefit of close mRVjrtns. We never kenp any thin? that la not the best of its kind, and we only want a fair profit on what we invest in it. . pi.-,7f prrprpirp UliL Uaw JLIiiLU Always in stock and promptly delivered If you want to know how b!g your DOLLAR Is bow many CENTS it contains,its purchasing power, take it to inn cm & LIMEHAII'S, rtleasures its. Value and you will do the brainiest thing youv'e done in many a day for there's stuff there you'll need every day, stuff you'll need when winter's storms are upon us and they're coming soon almost at our doors. Stuffs you'll want for Thanks giving stuffs you'll want for holidays stuffs you'.ll want for birthdays for someone else. . tJome now i . tome while assortment is of this mine of good good wings nuggets Minted by the best artisans of the world they are yours at a valua tion that makes the purchasing power of your dollar greater than ever in the world's history. . rim , , - - i School Remember our house is headquarters for all School Supplies. We tve everythlnir vou need In this line. A full stock of ' ( y.C.. $ And in the very 'latest styles. . A.: VVi"iams & i Co's , Daok Stcf o 'a Vl7J IrSffl OAKCITY.STEAM LAUNDRY Page, &;Marsltall, Proprietors. Tte Comnercial indiFamers' .. , C ; V:-. .;-.; Bank, of Riieigh, N.t C. Chartered by General Assembly 1891. Paid up Capital Deposits f .; . . Offers, Its customers, every banking. - , 1 , . .Safe Deposit Boxes for 'Rent on Reasonable Terms. ' , 'Some good business offices to let jj. J, THOMAS, President, ! ; ALF. A. THOMPSON, Vice President B. P. JERMAN. Case e" ' , H. W. JACKSON . Assistant Cashier. v Vrmnonn'o CURES NASAL CATARRH. n r J. - A Trial; Will cConvince; You. Gi:.:?Gd:rs r?S Ad mlnlatra tor's Motlea. Having qualified as administrator Of the estate of Cherry Penny, de ceased, late of Wake county, N. 0., this Is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present the same to theundersigned on or before the 8th day of October, 1897, or this notice will be plead in bar of thpir recovery,- and all per sons indebted to the said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment to me. J. C. Marcom, Adm'r. R. T. Gray, Att'y. ltwCw lit - October 7, 1S3U. . 210 I Fayettevill Street. s quick! good almost unbroken and pi pick out things not cheap good things but good oi pure vatue , i y j f i I 1 Books :!lloH'Tha? Every laundry doesn't do it, do they? Don't you suppose they could if they wanted to ? Honesty and carefulness have as much try do with making a good laundry as any thing else. We know this is a good laundry, and we aren't afraid to have any one tryj US.i-For satisfac tion pure and simple, come to J . $100,000.00 . 300,000,00 accommodation consistent with 'safe " fJininicni pimn:.ir.0Yi) r AH O !rTtWM QwR . ,...v w . w II i u. W if -m .. 'juri3-k--- - - - vwr.Ti To tha Tax Parars of Wake Coaaty- . I urge and insist that I must col lect the taxes,;, and that each tax payer must come toward and settle at once. It is important that I should close up my tax account for the year 1896, and hence make this urgent appeal. 10 all woo come forward and settle before December 1st, 1896, I shall charge no cost: but sfter that I shall charge cost as al lowed by law. This Is positively toe only notice 1 snail sen a out, iw M. W. Pair, . v 4 ? - Sheriff of Walte County no!3 ow 3w - We SU Ooods Cheaper Than ' ' -Any Other House ! Big s Clearing Safe "of : Dress Goods vaf e63c ; Per hi ' Monday, Nov. ,23d, will record the bc- f Inning of the greatest cut-price sale of Fine )rcss Goods ever inaugurated' by us--a great cut-price sale, because such high class dress stuffs as Zibelines and Pompadour Mohairs, which have sold all the season for $1.50 per yard, and Canvas Laneuxi? Mohair -iPantasie and Silk-shot; Fabrics Scotch ; and English mixtures that have sold for 1.25 and 1.50 per yar4 are arranged on one big table and one price made for the entire lot. OQg Per Yard and Harked in Pldn Fibres. '". This low price of 680 per yard is made to insure rapid selling, as we need tbe room for our incoming holiday stuffs. Early buyers will get the choicest patterns. We cannot possibly mail samples to out-of-town patrons. U. II. 6 R. S. TUCKER d GD- uiss laiaggie Reese. 209 Fayetteville Street. New fJVUlliiiery;! . We have now ready for the trade all the latest things in fall and win ter Millinery. ' Trimmed and untrimmed Ladies' Hats, with all the -new trimming materials. Children's and Infants' Caps, in all styles and colors. . AU " customers wilW be given prompt attention. Goods Bent on approval . Express paid one way. Agent for Imperial Patterns. 'to Maggie Reese, eii. s Roses. Carnations, Chrysanthe Bums Bouquets. Floral Designs, Palms, Ferns, ftnlrlen band, white and pink Ja pan lilies. Finest of all hardy hues Hyacinths, Chinese Sacred Lilies, Freesia Narcissus,,, Tulips lor forcing In the ' house and early spring blooming outside. H. Steinmetz, Florist, North Halifax Street, near Peace Inl stwuie. rone u'? j 4 y 003.1 MULES i HORSES r FOR SALE. I now have on hand a good supply of mules and horses. I shall also keep a good stock of Wagons for sale. . ; Buggies and Pri::3t3SuittIiDTbcs X M. Pace. Ill East Martin octl2-tf . - St., Raleigh, N.C' G. Us U w.. FIRE INSURAHCEj Solicit a pat jf your patronagt .CaowiVef' MacRae'S rtrsni'liPlV maof ' Honor Another lot of those delicious South! . ampton county (Va. ) Hams; also line lot mild cured Johnston county (N. C.J Hams. -- ' Fresh arrival New River Mullets, fine, fat Mackerel, new pack Bog Her rings, etc. , Melrose" Flour still growing- in popularity. And why? Because It is carefully ground from best selected wneat. - Mone superior to "Melrose." Nice line finest green and black Teas. Special blend finest Mocha and Java roasted coffee makes an excellent cup. , I handle nothing but first class goods, therefore orders may be sent with confidence. Lowest prioes guar- ; anteed. Respectfully, J.D.TU.C2Q, Cor. Johnson and Halifax Sts. ' , Telephone 12S. - " ; ; You Can Settle the Ever Vexatious Question , What to Give the Bride - 1 By spending a few moments looking . through -our new and complete stock of Sterling Ware, ; -Cut Glass, Iron and Brass Lamps , China, Clocks, Bric-a-Brac. H. MAHLER'S. SOUS, JlWKLEBB AND OPTICIAHS. " Have your eyes tested. No charge for examination. ' - At Auction ; To tha lligbssl C::r 50 Head of Horses day and Saturday, November 20th and 21st, fifty head of Horses and Mares from Virginia and East Tennessee, all ; of them good, sound workers.: Kv ry one of them must be as recommended or money refunded., Sale will take a n ilk msti. wiiuvfui iTwt w. vu a - place eacn aay ai 11 o vwck. -t Frank Strom acti, . j j Auctioneer. , 1 carry the largest stock of Harness, Saddlery, etc, in the State. I alo have the largest stock of Carr iages, Buggies,' Wagons and Road Carts which I am selling at factory prices. FRANK STEONACH, Prop'r. Stronaob's Emjiorium. Nos. 219, Vnd 223 Wiimir Street. ton

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