.1 to New a JvertlBemcnta, J"Is3 JIamie KitcheN'who has been visiting her sister Miss Fletch er Austin at Clay ton has returned - home.-H K l Jlljss Annie' Bufbainiwsobas beeft , i kiting , In the city , left for her UU1UC iU UOUUCtOVM .7"..' i stands at the UMd. Aug. J. Bocrel. the leading drug- gist of Shrevepdrt, La; 6ays- ADii "t King's New Discovery is the only 4 ' hing that cures my cough, and U is , ahe 'best seller I hare. ' J. JVCamp- bell, merchant of Arix, writes:' "Dr t iKing," New Discovery; is all that; is claimod,for it; it never fails and is a I ut e cre for consumption, I coughs . and colds, I cannot say enough for its merits." DrOtlng1 Jtew .Dis covery lor consumption, coughs ana colds Is not an experiment It has been tried for aquarter of century, ..Bad, k3ayjBtands thiheadgMt never disappoints. JJree trial Doc ties at John V. MacRae's drugstore. pidYoayw Try Electric Bitters as a remeny for your troubles? If not, get a bottle ifrua fgei reuer, " n mcmcinc a f as ' bee,h ;.found 4o .be Jpeculu adapted tothe 'relief and cure of , ' female complaints, exerting, a won- jderiui direct innuence in giving strength &na tone to the organs. If ydn have loss" of appetite, constipa ' ilionivlieadache, fainting,' Spells, or . .melancholy or troubled "with dixty rt i . mi ii "nu. i jr ' ,- speus, juieoinc Diiutm i u ineui , cine you need. Health and Strength . are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and 41 tat John Y. McRae s ; drugstore. , for Orw ISfty Yeavra m, Wwsuyw's Soonnno Btkct has beea aaMtotoaatSftyyeanbrmtlllaaa c( nothen i : wc wen ounun-o wuua leeuiiDg, wun panel , success. Ik aootba Uie child, softens tta fams, Mays all pain, eurea wind eollo; and It ttia best ,e nwMMty UlArrhoN.. It will tallev the poor -. , little sufferer Immediately, BoW by Drugglats la every part o the world. Twenty-Are eenta a pwuv, 0 aw io aaa nr -avs wmuowa ,4 SooUilargTru," aaa take bo MJur kind. 01 a " Wf have just received a splendid , ""line of 'new and popular novels for , winter" evenings' reading. Call and ' make your selection. 21) 3t3JNoETH Cabouna Book Co. . ' ' For Stmt. , ' Three-storv brick buildinsr cor. Fbyetteville and Morgan streets, rev finuy occupied oy vemocraiioneaa njaTtersu For terms apply to W, B. f rOrimest. l-nov5 tf v-l " Prof. Ny la Town. ; - Prof. S. B. Nye, Optician and Keiracnomst, is now in the city, and, is ready for the reception of his friends and the generalpub- nc at bis office at the Jtrk Hotel. near the ladies' parlor, where be is prepared to administer to their com : fort in the way of curing chronic headache caused by astigmatism or other ailments ot tbe eye. Every defect,; will be corrected and the . most complicated and also prescrip tion glasses are made here at his office, set in the latest and hand somest designs of frames. Consul tation free, will be at his office from 9 a.m. till 5 p. m. daily. 17 Iw ' WE DO NOT WANT BOYS OB LOAFERS to write, but men of abil ity. $200 to 1600 per month . Salarv or commission. State and general managers: - aoine nre Engine (Jo., xwcine, wis. - ni4 ev sat at ' i- JA,.' . For Kent. a Six room house on Jones street. .. -S as . " .f feoona aoor irom uawson street Water and modern improvements. Inquire south west corner Jones and Dawson streets. n!4-2w , , (Wha4IethTroabl? . v Whyisit that you have not sold n ' the real estate that you have been m( i trying to sell ? ? Probably yoo have . ' not given HcDonald a chance to sell " ; it for you.He gives his time and per ' sonal attention to selling and buy , . ing. he hasn't enough spare time to .bother with rents, if you want your property old give -him a trial, he r " has no objection to your giving it to . . others , at .the ame time,,aJ you " want is a Sale and vnui- nvwui t.ha Ijonei Mi4 sella first gets your com-J taaissioa, why should you care, who v of the real estate business, and has sold several thousand cents worth , lately, if he can'.t sell there is no sale tar iHWj dm -h$ may buy it himself.-' . - ; ' '- i: ' ' ) I'.rta v)0:"H each 'oe Kir -i . s t t t . i jet i th I" - L) 1 f 1 ) ..Lis uj in- ti u uaj tLe place is yours: I a! so have a large store and sis-room d wellipwcombined (corner McDowell and, .Cabarrus southeast corner) tbut pep month for 100 months will buy, and it will be yours no interest wns is a decided bargain (now rents lor 111 and is occupied by a good tenant who has a good trade and never fails to pay tbe day it is due all of the above property is occupied by white tenants par ties who want to pay cash can get prices by calling on me (don't call unless , you mean business as my time is' worth money) I also have a three-room house on -West South street suitable for colored that is now ooeupiod by a colored tenant onlv six dollars (or. 100 months each buys it and it is yours -noiite rest i also nave a lour-room bouse on Worth street (suitable for colored that is now occupied by colored ten ant) $8.50 for 100 months each buys it, and it is yours ne interests I will be glad to show any of the above property to any one who has an idea of buying. Last, but not least, I will ; offer my come on Halifax Street which has pignt rooms and double kitchen 'has all of the modern conveniences water-closet, bath room, hot and oold water, cooking range, carpets in every, room,, elegant large nail, front piazza over 100 feet iong--nioe lawn in front elegant stables and two-story barn (the most desirable portion of the city of course some will differ with me as to this.) : Do Sou want it? I am not anxious to sell, but 165.00 for 100 months will buy it no interest and it, is yours (1,000 of this required in ad vance) leaving the balance in month ly payments. . -V-,., - : If you want to sell anything (from a duii pup to a canary bird.) stocks bonds, mortgages. Buildin and Loan stock (any association) shares In cotton mills, wagon factories, flour ramsVV(Therais jnUliona-JaUt'O Car factories, streetcars you should not rail until voo call and let mo Donald sell out for you if there is any cnance ana it is not dead be can place it. St. needed with Buck's tovea and Ranges. No Girls ! ' ' We wIU give the BUCK'S JUNIOR fclCKLED RANGE" to the girl under 14 yeara old who will collect and bring to our office the greatest number of advertisements, each with - '-" Trade, Ballevea In Raleigh Dirt and ia Balelca. r, s ay r- gt . , a t la writing fo'an out of 'tbVnr cus tomer (who is coming to look at some or bis bargains in Real Estate) U. CL McDonald, wrote, "I honestly be lieve that there is not a better in. vestment to be had unless it is in Raleigh Branch of the Southern Buudin? and Loan Association) than in Raleigh Real Estate, and that mere is not a better tune to buy than now as property is cheaper than it will ever be. Raleicrh is on the up grade, it is one of the most healthful itlM In 4ka CfnA a borne place has no equal, never nas oeen on a boom nor ever will be. but for steady solid growth, she is m tne.iead. xnere baa- eea tmore solid improvements In Raleigh in the past ten years than in any other Our people of late have been too busy with political news and news of the Cuban war to keep up with the many improvements which have been going on and they, as well as the outside world do not nml.ze the many advantages we have developed in our midst There -use to be a time when, even Raleigh ueople would join in the iealousv ntrVber small towns in trying ' riao h? M ch down,', but mn u-lUi.aful to say that all of ths changed now and Raleigh people talk Raleigh as they know she is the greatest place in old North Caro Una4'w He mean it and. .believes every word,C how me a nanwho naa ever uvea sere wbo doe not have a hankering to come back (the majority of them do come.) v I!:ri,0ifc;!!:3. ' I will have two car loads of pood-J young, west Virginia Horses ship ped from West Virgin! to m,"to be sold on consignment, .which I will tositivelvsallto tbe hltrhest bidder at toy stables in Raleigh, on Satur day at 12 o'clock. ' Nov. 28. 189fl. Stock guaranteed an -represented, or no money paid.' These horses are irom o to 7 years , old,, sound and good workers.,. If , you , want good Virginia horses don t miss this op portunity, as they will sell cheap. Everything guaranteed.--. . , V JOHK W. LmUEFACUL V En. Thomasow, Auctioneer. . v ' - nov2 lm . cut from newspapers from October 15th to December &th. 1896. Each collec tion must be tied in package with num ber and naaae thereon. - - - TbovHe Briggs & Sens SOLE AGENTS ' Buck's Great White Enamel Linei L.... r -J Excel anything' you ever saw la candy thin and crisp. . Lemon, choco late, lime and vanilla am only 2oe lb. Riggan's is the, place to get the best and cheapest Toys ' -, Rlgfraa's line of Pictures is tine and beautiful and sulUnc at ooa-haU tegu lar price. Seluct what you want while the Hue Is complete. .;.''.,......:); IV r . . - I Rlggan's Is die place to jet new Nuts, Currants, Citron, Figs, Raisins, Grapes and Apples cheapest. ' - is ; v -- "'' ' - " Rlgan's Canay ex,caa Uiewalt la price and quality. i H ? f RUjran's - Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, , Coal Hods and Shovels, Vases and Brio-a-Brae are best good at the cheapest prfci also Paper Tab- jets ana Basnet. - t 1 i In fact Rlcntn's Tov Store if the t place to get the best goods aVthemost popumrpnee f 132 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, To ll 1 .1 ,.yc Jtryi mi' 14 1 TjUMiaaauBBUi ALL THE- Ilelropolilan Opera House, SoKDriis -Served at our Fountain i -JTODAY NIGHT NOV, StJ Ed F. Rush's i;ltor.fillirttB Greatest Succew?, 3CO-DAY; . - -1 f a V f a j j t It you are chilled by the cold . then come in and make your- : ) self t comfortably warm by taking, a drink (!) of "Hot Soda." i ' Yourt yery truly, James McKimmon & Co,, t 1U Fayetteville St., Raleigh, Big Extravaganza Production, THETWMETXROOi; Direct from Broadway, N. Y. ;. Clever Comedians, Gorgeous Cos- tumes, Sweet Singers, Grace " ful Dancers, Pretty Girls. Prices 25 60, 7c and li. - 0) -4! Pliono 142-" " 1uLTrJLLLE-,,,,4' FJrilStcitiQOP.ry.' Office ";W.AScK66l Supplies, - ,aji.sait" .-. j.-ri .1', ;. A f . t-J--j. : c:d:rs mtcw Prices. ' " ' 'oc28-3m Iletfopolitart'Opeffj- House, nvi rnnnr only. . "u s -.)) "t.l" arVM ThePriYatecretary, i,-.1 h-vi'p N" '''.x'v.hVV, mjijiV, ! . '1 '' "Jt '"".fjulvl ,1.1 3 ' iw.' (iixrTrWj,'jl'iii,u O'W t a. H i'I ,1'I Ili.ltlilr, A'4ttJllir. 1 - Edwin -rrpavfiif-al? t Our Toy biuc-K ivui i c buvii ' i ' fi'i". v ' 1 f v i - 1 ; i s f f Cfii- rv, 3 a nil 1 :;-ic-a-j - 1 iiin. -" u- t-uto bv 1 'TVxr 1 , We have SuO eli-aut tl. a bouni niar authors, which e ai-e boUing Ht 1 pre tint than a nice.book, ;i ' J" , We will name a few authors: D; '. Porter; 'Haggard; Edna Lyltf Victor J: ir I ( Of ...jr., 1 10-4 all wopi (special) ." ..,...,.$3 p4 11.00 to ttt.OO. ' i 1 pliMlil ft - Ladies; Mtstfes' add Children's Un derwearia Wool and Cotton. 11 " 't v't y,-t Sitiall7arc Genuine Dfctxs lnternMr.V.'. ;..48w Go9d, Machine ... 6c Borated Talcum ,VowAxtu.MM . . ,20? Glycerine Soap; ,V. A vK v. . . . .". 6e .Can Openers ; lackHAnmiert'i ,t.,...r. . . ,10o !j li-iji a- . . J ' We B..l thoee cheap. .. . . All our-Uftee-'aie 'Up-to-C'..'.ai,'!4nd Matonab!e,yU;i ,,l .;t ,ujt..4V CroU tXX0'fMi. .I ai'2 tuilfur I aaseil'.-" it tdt Icnl.ii ml rtii f ) Our Niu'y 1 M.tf fc, 'OUor CM a, u (" tonJ J C Our ii. .: witaaaaasaMwaaMw.: In. llt, $!a.ls arAl U .iChildranJsl. mi liiw IiClalili'en'i t ist. i '1 , . ;r- -.ji- Mr. , IJix.i I..; : ' v And a' rywerful cast of Comedianai Prices BO.ryftaniili (i.T.'-.lfi-'. lor ...- j !i l Mri.ilif tk-f M uAAti.. m ' SeaU on ftfele Monday ' raorBinff al W. H. Kjntf'A Cfo'8:1i', ' " f 4 jfV. :ii jrT I7hat'siriau:. If CcpcnJs As to the rose ' or Violet, nothing.' ut tute our name iv. ti. ki::g & co., Now. there's c ereatdeal in that cor instance! : 1 In prescriptions it means PURITY 8 "X V" J.. . Hit tr Leaaers TrV -t 'VI t .J j and FRESHNESS of Drugs, Care Tidies' Needle toe and ComnieruSe ae 3bocg tlJSO I" I A Child's School Shoes 75c a pi.Veit fc4AuraiVe Ws fiapair. -, , i.-x . .i nu Ladles' Overgaitrsj great values at iZStfa pwW'V'' , Ladies' Fur Trimmed Felt Slippers f 1 60 Boys' and Youth's School Shoes $1 50 a pal w Gent's Embroiderled Slippers only 75c a pay1, l Heller Bros.4 and exactness in compounding. Fair- ness and moderation in price. Whether you want medicine, or soda waver,, cigars or Boap Uandies or , chewing gum, we serve you with honesty, , courtesy, and dispatch. One good name meanseverything to you, It means entire satisfaction-to us success. . , ' Yesfhere's LMs In' a Harae. SHOE, STORE. V 1 izes liiw. r.rr;ti t "s , f it- t . "A Word Mil Ye Mlna Frte4." -Will any sensible mam' fall to see ;' the advantage of owning his home, : especially wnen ne can get it like paying rent I have a nice six- room house on corner of Person street and Peace (good garden and - well of water) that you can buy for only f jo per month (some of you dit this much rent) , In 100 months the plactfls yours (no city taxes.) ;- You pay no interest-s-simply 100 pay ments of $15 each. I nave another four-room cottage on Pace street rarden and well of water no citv taxes newly covered and painted-- l per month bury it (some of Vou pay more rent) and in 100 months it is yours no interest if you want a home an n fail to take advantage of one of these, you do not want it bad it is a better way to ge it than prying rash. Why? Decause you ( ! sn -le your cash to an advan ' an 1 fy for your home in rent borrowing money to v 1 t ! to 'w I hnvetwo 1 1 . -. !j r . i l:..v :'n '.VUC ' t mty !J1 W. JONES55' -; popzp'5 m-W M.. Aoifftiari , : - i y mm . 2C3 FayetteTilletireet i an S?. . Li i . S f ! 'i' ' We don't have to take un any advertising snace Duffiri2ou"r selves We offer bargains, not wind. t , C ' ' v m r v- a '''.? ; v In this age of doubt and desert of life there Is one oasis where confix aence a wells eternal and unfaith never comes. . That place ia our place. Day by day we make vigerous proclamatious and day by day the people try us. AsSam'l, of Pasen. savs "all we, arant i a. rh that, and we will give you bargains which yon will remember when you I jj501 a V. -al c:?es. v - A cordial invitation Is extended to tbe ladies to see iusf what -we. have to their interest in the bisr lot of canes we told von about fn Fridav'a paper.- -Jio one bas yet Succeeded in meeting Our prices, laek Chev iot Single Cape. Velvet collar and straps, full sweep at . . . . ..... .1 25 iiiack Cheviot double cape trim med with fur at. . . .:. . . . . ; , . .1 39 Black beaver double ctpe, hand- s wnely trimmed with sontache braid at-... .c ...r.:: ' . : ,XT. a . . w 3 75 Fine-Velour rlush i double ane. trimmed withthibet, elsewhere $11 our price . . . . $3. Bargains in Sheets Hand Laun- , dry-ironed, bemtnea sheets. best muslins . ' . V" i- ; 72 x 90. ,';.V.,.yi tiM45o 81 x SK)....... ......;.....i...50c 90 x 90.u'.;i..- ....65c in T :- 1:1. ... I e - . ...v., colored tops, Kichlieu ribbed, worth 35, at 25c 25 dozen ladies and misses' heavy cotton hose, fast black, with, white knit derby ribbed at 9c Note these special items in no tions: . Large cakes Turkish bath soao at 6C cake; pure uiycerine Ko.p at oc a cake. Wiiiiam s Uarber s toilet shaving soap at' 7c a cake: Swan- down fc a box; Florida Water 10 ox bottles at .. 5. MarseintisiQuinsT Cbrochet , Quilts, f r use i. ...,.......--,. 11 00 Bargains in Comforts Chintzcov-i ered Sea Island comforts. .fl 09 Double .faceJ, twill covered com forts .-. , ...,.. ...... f 1 50 Eiderdown Quilts, , double - face satin covered tl 'Zoi all full widths and lengths. . . ., . . . . , , ... Bargains in Blankets : White and and grey,' southern' wool ' Blankets, 10-4 50o per. pair. . ; -'Extr5ouai;ty Stjuthem wool blank ets, green and w hite 10-4 $1 00 per pair. ,: Extra heavy 'reyi"Wool !b1ankets i n a .4 1 ... jit air. - . K Bar" in Xjau irr :? Sdiesvll Hemmed, ready I Jersey riuuoa psnts and vest 18c; Ladies union suits .ci ' r v- j nianl 'iiu 1 - :..n I lia t.irh'A 1 !( rn-1 kuih;i b'tJM 1ji irt-(.l AGJiuxaFcrj 'H iiinilw ,biiul 11 rKi'.' tj!) i9tk! t-r x I - . i v rj juntuiiVj. '- '1 '.v f iri,'i ,-Av.-.N1 r 1 nl Jj4.v iur( -ju.ij mil j. " 1 IjmVL.- 11 .-.1 'lll lilj 1.111 c? 't jo-- ' ft JHMHIti .tfl-WWio flu .''." ' ' ' .HMUfrt:a. 15 l f s? w r-' W MO H' O1 stv,- t .W. M.M. .JM. (riot ft Mt4 I Mlf' O'lJ.f ,(. vtl I"" I'll .If ,.ll.1rr U ".(.i-liltM ,HVil.'(l'l !.!, i-V ... . Rwanda aol a- I 1 a --.. a -.1 ml "J .-.. y 1 r ; a . u V'' 'a The most iu. ..rkable barwln-irivir'- 'v,!f : s V life. Car loads of seasonable t ' i 1 i Baijei h this week will add to t a t n '' if . 'jtt-- '4 elegance linked wUU iu t i . a 4 .. ut . ....... - V AMfl with VAmlj. a - 1 ,. i. . ; : . .-. . . .tile r : On a S ) Doublo width, New Weaves i Of Imp' aoui pick port, wort prk . 1 i Trilby Suiting, f 1, h and effective! tank offering. Jl06 a Pleecs " . j rican, all wool, . , poods, a he 4 iOir lure im- .' rh 60c; some ' ' anksgivlng' J-" y,Yt ...2So !!.! HllJ t la! n '-..S,"i . ..'.1 j: ij K'liiRl I'lOI UMfj T i i tf b . T -c;. .1 On! Of d. u pon bml I. r pru sale - -ema i xiair, un- , , stripes and ' , he original "' thanksgiving '-'' ,30b !'" jlha. j ,hm s extra wit. .ty and , were tl ana i.60. The . Importers bad. too many. Our Thanksgiving price. a r- ' - ... Hn;!h sf in thi i , ntt ane IK. . partnivit. . i i j'our8.. luCv i AluililH: J n il : Ten r ! valu 1, K. ) n L x t r , i ixtv-"No K! u E3r"iiii9 ' iu ...Uandlierthiefs Ea dies' plain hommfd stitched , hand kerchiefs H; ss Centlpmc chiefs 2Do. " s pure linen handker- ,u, -,-t O" al n a. . a. v . Checl' l IIl.Jus, Victoria Iawns and In V i I.' ,'wl iiifs He yj. -.- vl .j 1 IjftUiUS-.al"i -V'Ool hi ' .iil, a', in .., , ,-. TO. C tt-v,vt, a,. f i. aluij. a... ' 1 m., 'cr f t, h f,; 1 I. -- - I ... IFft Tv vTv

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