EALEIGH, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER "24, ,1896. 1 13,00 PEE YEAH. The Russian Government Building Line , V. 8,000 Milestone. . M , The Bioct giauiic" railroad 'enter prise ever undertaken is the Trans Siberian railway, which the Russian government is building . from the eastern borders of the1 empire pro per to the Pacifio co st. .- if y When comDletedwhieb It" iscof culated will be in 1004,tbisl!ne'wilf be nearly 5,000 miles in, length the longest m the world and wul have cost n. ore. than two hundred millions of dollarsr"'"--7 -V - Its completion will cut the mini . mum schedule tinw'Cof ft joufn jy around the world more than half and will make it p&asible-to circumnavi gate the globe in something like 30 days a 'feat surpassing all', the ,. dreams of the fictionists. -i. - . The best posslblo connections to day,' whipl asa arnle,. xannot be madejj'innalo ju; .traveller J&go around the-, world, in seventy -one days. - The averagVthhe' j is about one-third more, v The shortest cut is" Newy York j tq ; Sojuthnamptonj Southampton "to jlria sl : ipj-Suei Canal, Red Sea" etc., to Yokohama; Yokohama to San'Frajicisp by 'steac mer and thence- .fey '.rail' over;th0 American conTinentin" jfojafa h1 j'J, u siW-iVt-iJ.M . .Toacconiylisti days over th trans-Siberiatt Toute, v the itinerary woufd be:';New7YoirS to Bremen' jf .. iay&J enjea;, "$ox .$, ' Petersburg 1J. AaysjStPetersburg - to Vtodi4a:Jds stock to 3ao jE'rancisoo, 9 days; Soi ' Frahqisoo'tw New Yorky 4 days. To- tal, 30 .days,; wto j - It was on business connected with this vast undertaking that Prince Hillkoff, who is :'atytheiieaofth government' railways of Russia re . . cently visited tKiauntry He came here to sffuttt "A. ric, imc '.h odsof raflwav s .truof t, wb'.. i arethemaiv , i,. rt. forfei, ers,8 , also to loau he ..prSsen t -,'j ". Wye cost of the eutr prise .Vii not be lessened through arrangemei3 . with AniWiefl" niTi'-"''.'.! r " . ' TheF;Hcri' v ' ay lie k wji formally !.;. . 1891 when the czt itaj ' a,. "1 vostock, ti.ei.....5F.f 4 -i! fc-Hju; tu ! . Pacifio, at te cjus-ion of a tour Of ttre-asiEuiuyuncel.by ,therwlll qf the czar that the railway shoulcCTje built and Inaugural thg ITsuHOr"- ' extreme eastern, section".?: The J?'3Kv r beriau? ': (railway! tomifteijiVak' formed at: St Petersburg: to "i$t$: charg'oftheentet3r nand;the czarewitt was appointed president. Since thefi the work has been pushed with vigor on the "seven sections Into which the 6is'dlvtdedV: i' ',V The WTateSeoreVory. '-; f SO' ' '-.Speaking, of the.Private, Secretary - the New; Orleans vCrltio ays The first legitimate performances this - seasoa are, thow of .'i The .Private Secretarv?;'Wjtelng ,playjed( at' the , Peoples ;tteatweL It, js'VeJreshing ., to turalroni 'the-idoBrsej'kiiockift-bout1iorsefplay afid'aramatio ab- - surdities- with i-whlcbl -the" atag abounds, at present, to a' clean ctitj refined, and .highly, artistic produo-' tion -of i the t'degititriate'dramatte , school; pch asf'The Private Sec?e; tary.t5.s.5r. gravers 'ooiapany ia a first-class one in every respet.ch M- one Wems;eipect "part assigned. :,htmf jr; her, and f la tint, trvinff in overdo.' each helDS the , , other to make a great succesa, of ho, whole, . W ltn suoft a-iComvany-ooe can never tire of ".'The' Private Se- retary,"and Mr. Travers can always Mnnct irrtod nudienco-when he ; visits us. ,'. Moved Into Jfew Offices- - - - Mr. G. E. '.Loach, .Manager. of the naleisrh office of E. B. Cuthbert, -& Co. today received k '. telegram from his house announoing that they have taken possession of their new pfflbes at 30 Broad street, New Yorkr which are said to b-V hOi lor -es,, snd,li equipped in the world, . They have toJav the stronpest combination in the conutrv ' aud will endeavor to maintuin the same against all comers by fr-nit'ng to all that liberality for whi. . y Lave been known in the v t ; .1 U.o fair treatment in tusi ii,-s,s v.l.ieV l:ns brought them to t.-ir J : .. :.t success. Their entire energies will be expended to malte thisrbusincs T!--t t!X1r'tc"3,i:d when they aUud Uvywrs ao'0.' -.; The Stirr'J l-"r80-CTr il -'.o Observer. J ; ' rji.t "of prosperity v t r ' 1 theEaleigh rum . .i f " .-m wave ah o:siu- iiJ.CJIJORffEM Ue Says, that Is why He Be- turned;'- i 'J HAVANA EXCITED. t 1 1 f 1 a H'e)icrIlak Inj;lorionBly Failed to Crneb Maceoaad lib RottfrB. Is not Under. J ytogd Maceo Had Set a Raaaom s '. on HU Ucad.1' t".v .' f C'. Ti 7 V' - ,; By 'Telegraph to the Press .Visitor; v -'-Oi V1 " ' Oi! 0f jXoKsoNvatE, Nov, 24.Gubans say Gnf. Woyjer: returned becadso a ransom Was set on his head . by Maceo-'-Weyler says ho returned because it was too hot to fight.- -s 0 Americans .against Spain'amount . . .... . rut . f. 1-1. to twaive minions,, ine opautsu legation here Ts compiling formidable claims becausa of violations of the neutrality law allowing filibustering expeditions to off set American claims. TTavawV Nov.: 24 The Comneti- tor prisoners havo 'been tried by courtmartial.' -desrjite the .'nrotest of Oeneral tee.and also Correspond ent MUton. A decision will be ren dered at anv moment.'.' The prison ers: were not allowed Interpreters so quietly was the court martial con- AnritnA-A ' A editor Consul General Springer tloes not' yet know that the cose' wagtcyirtually'. closed on tne folirtppnt.h. r. . .;'-v" .- .rvV' wHAVA5A,"JrWf 24. The' pity' is In a state of excitement over the re turn of Gen Weyler;. ) No reason is aa vet iriven One thlnfi . is evident, nd. tbaUsWeylev inglor iously failed to crush Maceo as he started out to do fur weeks ago.T It is reported here that scouts informed him Maceo TLuutcmplaUng a descent -upon vana" ',It is possible that Weyler 'fDuied for - some such move went, as the Spanish government is uu stood to nave Kiven neyier ordei ; not to return unless-, he -ao-oomp' lied something . decisive. Tber e anxious inquiries as to Wl uext'nd feven more nxi- ' 4 - :j "t If i i i '. r 'i .. JiVTft ' . ou' eople are inquiring t w na will the United States do.". w-r , mr.iFAX. .Nov. r 24.--Aocordioff to Ceptain Scott ot the Steamship Ber-. muda there is nothing extraordinary about the. quantity pf ships, stores aboard.rHe. denies going to Cuba, Havana,-Nov.- 24. The- Cuban Hosprfat 'Es jaer'alda neaf ,Ajo ;. de V Aqua was' raided and captured by Spanish troops. ; Eleven inmates were 1ut to the' machetto.;.; Jno. prisoners were taken alive - " Washinotok.' D.- U. Nov. -24. The state department, has - received no information from Havana or else where " concernlni? the report that the Competitor prisoners had been tried by seoret and summary court martial. J Uader these circumstances no statement will be made at the de partment eoncerningtne report, dus Witfi aviewoltno, plain, provisions of due treaty and. also the clear re nuiremeiits 'of domostie laws with Spain oflloiala are loath to believe the report corrects r rom opamsu sources.' Is learned that there Is no ntenion of d ealing with the Com petitor prisoners in a harsh or jin- jusr manner. " ? s . ii 1 '' Mr Terrell Imrrovlnt. " " y.ira-a ranmAtraA a. ct&tampnt from tljet Salisbury World yesterday to the eneci tnat engineer n a en en, whose eneine dashed. Into the Chat tan'ooga vestibule at Old Fort last week, had lost his mind. A letter received here yesterday from a near relative of Mr. Terrell's states that suah is not the" case." Mr. Terrell was badly Injured and he sustained a severe nervous shock. The letter also stated that "Mr. Terrell was ranidlv imoroviDg. Mr. Terrell Is a" brother of Mr. J E. Terrell ol this city.'' y The eause of the wreck has not been ascertained, but It Is believed to have been the result of a mistake in train-orders. '"- ) Speeinl Revenue Agent Her. F.pecial Revenue Agent Torch, of Ner Jersey, has been in ; the city examining the departments of the revenue office, It Is needless to say that he found the office in excellent condition. .. . . .:, . . Thew'are three special revenue p -rents who travel every slate in the union makina an examination of the twees. They generally travel the the c. r. & y. v. The Petition for a Co-Beeeiver blsmisaed , Giil Sole Receiver.".--' A special from. Richmond to the Charlotte'' Observer says-Gen. John Gill, of Baltimore, will remain sole . receiver of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Bailroad.Tbe application of the Farmers' Loan and Trust' Company of ; Jfew York, in which C. Adolph Lane, Wm. X. Strong and George F. Baker applied for. the appointment of ; a receiver with Gen. Gill for the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley property, came up before Judge Simontoo; of the Unit ed States Circuit Court, in chambers today, and was argued by Mr. Chas. Steel, of New York, attorney for the applicants. Judge E. J. Cross, of Baltimore; JudgeHudsonn, of South Carolina; R. O. Burton, of Raleigh Mr. Geo. Rountree, of Wilmington,' and Mr, H. Turner, of New York. argued against , the appointment of another receiver, and when they had . finished Judge Simonton said that he would -dismiss -the petition and an order to ; that effect was en tered. .-';--. --. . .The petition was .resisted on the ground that the charge that the re ceiver had been partial to the Balti more committee was Unfounded. As the receivership is within a 'few months of settlement it is contended that a coreceiver is unnecessary. -DuringGeneral Gili'sreceivershlp extensive Improvements have been made in - the physical condition of the road and, according- to a recent report made by the chief engineer, the condition of the property is fifty per cent, better than when Recoiver Gill took charge. O " - r - t Advortieeri Will Please Note. We would like to again remind our advertisers of the importance of sending in tnelr copy for changes of advertisements as early in ; the day as possible, as it is necessary 'that they bo. put in type In the forenoon in order that the paper may make - its appearance on time in the after noon. There is a large -volume of matter set in the office of the Pbkss Vkitob every day and the advertise ments must be set in the morning in order that our force may - work on the news columns in the afternoon.' We wish to request in addition that our edvertising -patrons "will avoid giving jus their changes of advertise ment on the same day of the , week. Yesterday for instancfrJiearly every advertiser came in for a change and this threw the paper unavoidably quite late into the. evening in mak ing its appearance. If some would send their advertisements on Tues day, some on Wednesday,' some on Thursday and so on. through the week it would be a great accommo dation to us and facilitate us in get ting the' paper out on time. ; The pressure on our force to do the heavy volume of work, yesterday caused by numerous changes of advertise" meets was so great that, two extra men had to be put on for ' the day and even then the paper was nearly an hour late, We hope'that our pa trons will aid us in this matter all they-can, ', S. A. L. tn Have New Freight Claim Agt.' Circulars are out announcing the resignation of Un' J. W. Wilson, freight claim agent of the Seaboard Air Line," and the appointment of his successor, O, B. Bidwell, Jr. , Tne new appointee bas been in the employ of the road for some time past in a clerical capacity,, He will assume charge of his new office Dec. 1. ;. 4-. A Weather Conditiona. .-. -! ' ' The general conditions are still cloudy and threatening over the entire country. The- high area in the east has moved , down to the middle and soutu Atlantic states; that in .the' northwest is moving atross the lake region. -A barome tric depression exists over western Texas. " , 4 : . Very light rains have fallen at many scattered stations and it was raining this morning at New York. Atlanta, St. Louis and Cincinnati and snowing at Marquette. The temperature has risen con siderably on the north Atlantic coast and in the Ohio valley. '?. C 7 . Married. :f -f ; " . Miss Katie Mitchiner and. Mr Phenza Pherwood of Mitchener's were married on the evening of the 18th. Several Raleigh people were in attendance. - - . Jonca on Silver, . ' By Telegraph to the Press-Visitor. . Washington-, Nov. 23. Senator Jones says the fight for silver will continue. ' ' . WIIERE IS III3 MONEY?, Several Baltimore Police are Seoreblns - for II. Keweomb'i Money In Valn Ke ported It was Bailed In Richmond. The Richmond7 State has the fol lowing about the young man White who was in Raleigh last summer: ' While Edward Guy-White. Ian guishes in the Baltimore jail, the pc Jice of thatcity are doing. their ut most to ascertain what the prisoner did with the $6,000 that he is alledg ed ,to have taken from H, Dallam Newcomb.';:As yet they have not succeeded in- locating .the money. White is mute on the subject. V "The Monumental Cify Polios had a theory that the money was left in or near this city, and heir search for it here gave rise to $ very sensa tion al story to the effeot,that White, when hereafew.days before his ar rest in NorfblkvisitodiMr.' Fprnanr dini, who lives afew miles in the country, and had buried the morey on the farm of the latter ,The story ran that White, while visiting Mr. Fernandini, had made what seemed at that time an unusual request. It rwas to take a walk about the farm. The request was' granted, and, it was said, White spent several hours roaming over the fields, jit was sup posed that he had hidden his treas ure on this oocasloD. ."The detectives from Baltimore traced White to Atlee 's on bis trip here just before his arrest. There he left the train and went fo Mri , Fernandini's and stayed there until a mend or ms, was coming to tne city, a few hours latter, and the yonng man came along. His move ments while: in the city were traced, but nowhere that he had been was any money found or anyone who was aware of the fact that White had any large amount witi him. "It was discoveaed by the detec tives that White spent only $2 while here. It Is not belloveJ that he dis posed of the money in Norfolk or on his way there. The detectives now hold to the opinion that lie did not have any large' amount of money When he left Washington. VThey are at '.work in Baltimore and Washington at this time, hoping to discover some friend of White's who has received the money. When arrested Wiuta-diA. not dony soei-- lng the money, but said that it Was obtained through a business transaction,- There were others connect ed with him in the 'transaction' and they undoubtedly know where it Is. "The presence of Mr. Louis P. Somanni, formerly of this city, but now connected withtheEutawHou.se, Baltimore, here yesterday is believ ed to have been for the purpose of making some inquiriesabout White's movements while in the city in the hope, of locating the money.'-Mr,' Stokes, the proprietor of the Eutaw, House is very anxious for the re covery of the money, as it left Newf comb's hands in his house. "White is held under $8,000 bail. The charge agaiust him is. larceny. White interested Newcomb in a book-making scheme and, It is sJiid, secured the money from, him and failed to put it in the hotel safe as he promised to do, disappearing with it" s r. TKe English Band Bell Ringers Tonight. The: ' English Hand Bell Ringers is tonight's attraction at Metropoli tan Hall and there will .be a packed house, Those who wish to get any sort of accommodations should see about it at once as nearly every thing is taken.' Gallery seats, are now on sale. The Albany New York Press says of them ; - .;- .v A . The English Hand Bell Ringers Concert Company delighted an ufl usually large audience with an ex cellenfr and diversified programme at Jermain Hall last evening; ,. The Shipp Brothers, in their selections proved conclusively their f ability. and revealed the wealth of music in the bells. : Their 'Imitations English Cathedral Bells' was won derf ul mimicry - Messrs. Harry and Charles Wy Shipp also gave clever banjo and zither duete. v" ... Feminine county clerlfs are rare. but Miss Georgia Riohords, who oc cupies that position in ', Arapahoe county, Colorado, receives a salary of $5,000 a year, the largest paid to any woman official in the west - Cary is la the midst of an election today. At the general election, the republican and democratic candi date for magistrate received a tie vote and Clerk of the Court Young ordered another election to be held today for the purpose of electing a magistrate. .Most of the Voting was done this morning, and the contest is said to be very close. , THANKSGIVING DAY Programme ol the EKeroieea to be Given By City School Children ThBredav. The thanksgiving exercises of the school children will begin tomorrow afternoon at four o'clock . at Metro politan Hall. The children will as semble before " that time bringing their contributions7 which;; wilt - be placed upon tho stage ; as soon s each child comesi yisitors'wiH oc cupy the galleries, the floor being reserved.. for the school children Everybody W'ftbe in place before four o'clock at which time,, the first song will bosung: "Come, ye thank ful people come," - After a prayer by RevVW. C. Nor man the president's and the gover- nor'sthanksglving proclamation will be read-5A;'.fi.;Ad., "',- . Then will follow the history of thanksgiving day In' short recita tions by several children, aud other exercises. Superintendent Ray of the Blind Institute will talk to the children for fifteen minutes, tellingthemof Helen Heller, the girl who ia deaf, dumb, and blind. . . Turing the offertory Miss Minnie Tucker will sing a solo. The hymn, ''Praise to God, Im mortal Praise,'" will be sung by all; and after the benediction the chil dren will march 'out while singing as a recessional: "Great God of nations, now to thee Our hymn of gratitude we ra-se." TODAY'S MARKETS. Nw Yoek, Nov. 24. Market quotations furnished by E. B. Cuthbert & Co., 30 Broad street, New York, and 305 Wilmington street, Raleigh, N. C, over their pecial wire: wnwrna OPEN- HIGH- LOW- CLOS- u"""' INQ. EST. EST. INO January, 7 42 7 56 7 42 7 55- February, 7 50 7 62 7.48 7 62- March, 7 50 7 6 7 55 7 68- April, 7 61 7 73 7 60 7 73- May, 1 7 64 7 78 7 64 7 78- June, 7 68 7 81 7 G8 7 81- Jmly, 7 84- ' August, 7 45 Sept'mb'r, October, Novemb'r, 7 37 December, 1 32 7 40 7 Al 7 46- The following were the closing quotations on the New York Stock Exchange today: . The lower stock- market was due to a further falling off in the outside speculative demand and increased pressure of realizing by commission nouses and traders. The profes sional bear hammered the market. The bank statement was very favor able but it had been expected all the week and therefore its announce ment was without any influence. New York Stoek Market. Sugar . 1171 American Tobaoeo . ; , 76t Burlington and Quincy "9i Chicago Gaa.... 75i Des, and Ctt. Feed.. . General Electric ...... . ;. 331 Louisville and Nashville 501 Manhattan;.........., 951 Rock Island 70 Southern Preferred 291 St. Paul.. ...... .i... 75 Tennessee Coal vni Ii-ol 2S) Western Union. . ..... . . .... 86J Chicago Grain and Provision Market. The following were the closing quo tations on the Chicago Grain and Pro vision market today: Wheat December, 784; May, 811. Corn December, 231; May, 27. i Oats-Deoemberl81; - May 221. Pork Deeember ,6. 57; January, 7.62. Lard December, , 3.80; January, 4.02.' Clear Rib Sides Deo. 3.77; Jan- uary 3.8u. '' (":.'' ' "'- ' - , Urerpool Cotton Market. November ,t . . ;.' -. . . . 4.141 b November-Deoember.,..,......4.10i s December-January 4.08 b H January-February ,,;..... 4.07b k tfahi.un.Fv.Mamh --.06 b Closed quiot. .' . . .' Jr.The Raleigh Stationery Company With Mr, W. G. Separk as manager Is . now .showing a most attractive and -v beautiful line " of goods at the new stand at 131 Fayetteville street. They always have a full stock of fine stationery ana omce ana scnooi sup plies, and you should examine their stock for attractive holiday gifts.; - ' An interestingexperimentis being tried In the Columbus, Ohio, peni tentiary to rouse: the pride of the cehvicts. The inmates who behave nroDerlv are allowed to doff the stripes and don a-business garb. . Dr. and Mrs. V. E. Turner will give,a reception to-morrow evening in compliment to Miss Grace Mc- Gill, of Petersburg, who is visiting them. ', Minor Matters Manipulated ' V(ov the Many. - yiOUND THE CITY. Ponrri of the Newa Pictured on Pa er Polnte and Pcop! Pertinently Picked and Pithily Pn- In Print. The PnEss-Visrfoa will make H s appearance on Thanksgiving day as usual. Grand Secretiiry Woodeil, I. 6.O. F.j has established an office in the Pullen buiidibg. His office is on the second floor; near Odd Fellows Hall. A foot-ball team has been organ ized at Wake Forest and a game will likely be arranged with the Char lotte team. Rev. Thos. Dixon the distinguish ed New York divine and robbin shooter, has been at "Wake Forest recently hunting quail. Mr. J. R, Barhieyadvertiseselse- where for a dark brown and white setter. Named "Ponto" uud will pay a reward for his return. Attention is called to Mr. Frank Stronach 's new announcement today and if you aie wanting a handsome buggy in any style or anything in his line you will find his stock the most complete in the state. Mr. C. C. McDonald requests that whoever borrowed his Branson state directory, will please return it to him. It has his name stamped on the end. The box sheet fortheMoztrt Sym phony Company, the next of the fStar course attractions, will be open at tho store of King and Co. tomor row morning at 9 o'clock. Mr. G. A. Strickland, one of Ral eigh's leading undertakers, has re cently purchased a very handsome funeral car and an elegant line of caskets, buriai robes and everything to be found in the undertaker's line. See his aonojuncemeat elsewhere. Mr! and Mrs. W. M. Lyon have issued invitations to an "at home " in honor of the eighteenth annivers ary of their marriage, to take place on the evening of the 27th at 7:30 o'clock. Those who have attended these receptions On former occasions remember them most pleasantly. There are more patients at the asylum than there has ever been before. The number exceeds 400. Within the past week ten new pati ents have been received. The new annex is nearing completion rapidly. When completed the capacity of the asylum will be about 475. A number of boys are contemplat ing a trip to Richmond Thursday to witness the Thanksgiving contest between the elevens of the Univers ities of North Carolina and Virginia, While Virginia has a very strong team one that has made a splendid record this season the North Caro lina boys are here hopeful. The team has improved of late in its play. See the announcement today of the popular new shoe store of Mr. S. C Pool, of which Mr. S B . Norris is manager. This new establishment has won great favor with the Raleigh public since it has been started and continues to grow in popularity every day. . This work year are of fering the best three - dollar shoe ever seen in Raleigh, Read their new advertisement. Lindsay Says Act. By Cable to the Press-Visitor. Fbankfoet, Ky., Nov. 24. United States Senator William Lindsay, a strong administration man, expects decisive action on the part of Con gress regarding Cuba at the ap prooching session.' In an interview he says.: "Tne revolution now in Cuba must result in the independ ence of tho island or In the practical extermjnati0I, of the Cuban people." Continuing, the Senator says : "Humanity demands that the use less destruction of properly and the cruel waste of human life should come to an end. - If negotiations with Spain will not aval) then there should" be intervention.', -i JU i this movement, the United States- must take the lead.1' Uncle Sam's cunt bill for running the 'navy amounted to t020,131 dur In the last bscal year-v ibis sum represents the cost of 116,903 tons only 45 per c nt of which was used for steaming .THE SHOE FACTORY. X Kf'r. Ivcy Sa it Reopen. Troub'a ; ia the Noble Order-a Committee. ' - Mr. Tbaddeus iTey, business agent of the State Alliance, was in the city to day. t Mr. Ivoy was on his way to Richmond, where he goes on business connected with the AI- . lia'ce shoe factory." Mr, Ivey Is very desirous of putting tho factory in operation, and he expressed tho opinion that it would be in operation by Christmas. -, . -J The factory as sta-ted In a blaze of glory while the noble order was in - session last summer at IIills boro. Since then . the enterprise has hod many ups and ' downs. " Manager Ivey has collected mer $800 by dollar subscriptions sod . the amount is being I ti creased dail v. Mr. Ivey thinks this as a rfuffkient fund with which to renew o,.ia-; tions. -i i" The factory cannot staW, Lowevcr, - until the executive cm mlttee g'ea, its sanction, and this the coinuiiitee seems loath to do. For some reason the committee, which is composed of Messrs. Hileman, Graham, Mew- borne, English and Fleming, does, . not seem inclined to meet - ,3,51 ' Mr. Ivey did not refer to these " facts. He thioks the factory wil soon be started up. - ' ' 1 ' UTLEY WONT SAY. Declines to Say that He WU1 not Oppoe , Senator Pritcbard. Buck Adams, republican repre- sentative from Wake is not making ' any predictions as to the election of United States Senator. Hr.M Adams is not openly opposed to . Otho Wilson's candidacy. "If the ' '. Democrats will support him," re-' marked Mr. Adams, '"Otho'' will stand a good chance of election. ' ' Rev. Chas. Utley, who was elects.' ed Senator from Wake has returned , to Wake Forest. Mr, Utley. who Is ministerial student, left Wake Forest when he received the nomina tion and since the campaign opened he.has confined his reverend attention -: closely to politics. When asked whether h- would , support a republican for tho nate, Rev. Utley replied thatevery ' Populist would vote for a silver - man. . , . It was suggested to Rev. Utley that Mr. Pritchard is considered a - silver man by Uncle Strowd and-: others. ' In reply to this the populist sena- tor gave the startling information that the Populists would vote for the ,- right man. ' When asked the direct question whether he would support Pritchard Mr. Utley declined to state. When 1 pressed with the question, he re- ' plied, "it is not necessary that you. should know. PERSONAL. Mr V S Kilby, Jr., of Duruam, is here today. MrJADuke, of Aberdeen, is in , the citv. Mr W W Barber, of Wilkesboro, is at the Paric. Mr Fab H Busbec left today for Baltimorer We are glad to sea in the city Mr. Chas. L. Stevens, editor of the Soutport Leader. Chairman A E Holton arrived in the city today. He appeared before the Supreme Court. . Sam Harper, a popular travelling man whose genial countenance is al ways welcome, is in the city, t Maj J B Batchelor, ' went to Hali fax today where he appears in the suit of Purnell vs. Railroad for damages. Mr Ed A Lewis, who Is pleasantly remembered by the younger gener ation arrived in tho city today." s Mr - Lewis is now located at Osgood, w Penn . , C Hanna Cried Enough. By Telegraph to the Press-VIsltor, Cleveland, Nov. 24. -Col. Grant,' who admits that he would like to be secretary of war saysJIIaona is the , right man for secretary of the treas- ; ury and that Hanna told him he did -not care to go Into the cabinet. ' - K ' Vuf ' En.praeldent Harrison Robbed. , By Telegraph to the Press-Visitor, -.n ., t lNWANAPoii9, Nov; ,24. Oenerat . Harrison was mode - the victim of burglary last night. " A gold watch which Mrs. ?' Harrison carried fof years was among the missing valu ables. ' The work was done by a torch climber iu the earl j art of the evening while the scrvantswere Out. -.: j. Hi S'Jates In a year.