t-y THE VISITOR, , AND THE PBFS3, l-ullcn Building, corner aii J Davis Streets. ' O, AMIUIEWS. Editor and Miu. .1 N. McJLAET, Solloltinf Agent. J jbscription Pfices. a Year ...... .A.... ....... 5-00 c Month. ............. : l-M (.e Month ................ . -5 Entered 8 Second Class Mail Matter The Leader in the News and in Circulation; ; TELEPHONE NO. 168. The first round between the Mo Kinley and anti-McIunley,, republi cans has been fought, and the Mc Minleyltes lave won. As soon as it was known that the republicans had won the National election suck men as Senator Sherman and Speaker Reed began to announce th neces sity for pushing the Dingley bill or some similar revenue measure through the Senate at the short ses sion,'", if it could possibly be done. That caused a lining up of rcpubli- cans . for; and against the Dingley the contest was getting bill and : Lively '-when the word was passed that McKtnley: would not have the Dingley bill put T through. That ended the round. The Dingley bill la dead, and the ; anti-McKinley re publicans are temporarily licked. The fifty-fifth Congress promises to be one of the livliest seen for years, ... and although the democrats therein will not be: numerous enough to ac- , compllsh much by voting as a party, there Is no guessing what tbey may ; do by holding the balance of. power - between therepubUcaa factioas In the Senate.- Chief Ford, of the Treasury Bureau of Statistics agrees ' with Senator Gorman both in the be lief 'that the . Dingley Tariff bill ; would do the Treasury no good and that tb best way out of preseut dif ficulties would be to put a duty on coffee and lea. He thinks if Con- grass desires to pass a purely : revenue- bill ' at this session it will be easy enough to get up one tLat - would stop the deficit. A tax of 40 V - per cent on coffee and tea and a dol lar a barrel additional on beer would do it to a nicety, by adding about 75,000,00 a year to the revenue. . . M. Errera, professor at the Uni- - versity of Brussels, has succeeded and by a very simple process, making artificial rain. All that be uses Is a bottle of Bohemian glass " which is covered with an ordinary porcelain saucer, and is half filled with alcohol of 92 degrees strength He heats this bottle in a bath of i'-'.-'--- - -. v j .... - .- v !' .l.. n.l!MV. 1Vml iU eltn the bottle and the saucer are of an - almost equal temperature. Then he -Kesitt out oi ino rjain, piaccs u . carefully on a tajble and observes It - closely. The vapor of the alcohol soon ",. fills the bottle, but the saucer cools : rapidly and the vapor, being warm er, becomes condensed aa soon as it comes in contact with it.,; The upper air in the bottle also quickly becomes of a lower . temperature and reJ clouds soon appear.'. These speedily become dissolved Into a multitude of tiny rain drops, which foil thick ly, just as an ordinary rain shower. The bath of water performs the functions of the sun, the alcohol rep resents the ocean; the clear space beneath the saucer may be compar ed to the pure sky, which dominates the sombre mass of clouds and the upper air ia the bottle, chilled by contact with the saucer, plays the r 'e of the cold atmospheric currents vLii.li bring about the condensation i f vapor into clouds. ' in to official reports, the rvest of wheat for 1S0G in with the preceiliiiyear, .'.j ay.. : . :e, and consider- u'.'y i. . a.'.icUiry ia quality as well as iu quantity. The cold spring had a bud effect upon crops, and the drought spoiled them ia Europe, to a great extent" iu Southern Russia, but in Spain arid Portugal especially. The harvest in the United States, Canada, Argentina, Uruguay, Chili, Australia, and India shows a do crease of 105,392,359 bushels. Of the European producing countries, t. - - only Russia shows a large decrease -56,575,467 bushels. The countries of consumption harvested 37,205,123 bushels more than last year. The decrease of .this year's harvest is duo also to the decrease iu the wheat acreage.,-' The great decrease took place in the United States, Russia, India, Austria, Hungary, Argentine ; Republic, and Germany,- the princi pal cause of which was the extremely lows priced during the lust three years. ' 1 ,f . BneUnTi Arnica Salve. ... The best salve in the world lor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum; fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. , It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents p)r Nx. or sale by John Y. Mao" tut, ' ' . : i,--, . When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. When She was a Child, ab cried for Castorla. When she became Was, She clung to Costoria. When She had Children, she ga-re them Castorla. Notice To Cih Tax Payers- , -. . I, ..I, ,.i ii i .. y The city tax list for 189G has been ? laced ia my hand for collection, -will be in my office for that pur pose very day from 9 a. m to 4 p m. All taxes not paid by December 1st are subject to a penalty of 1 per cent, and an additional 1 per cent on the first day of each month there after until paid. B. HCTCHINOS, noy6 3(M City Tax' Collector. New Shoe Store. Cv -i ! " I " PROCRASTINATION Is The Thief of Time." : If you neglected to buy your winter's supply of coal and wood in the summer as your interest requires that you shsuld have done, give us your order now and avoid the rush which ihhu weauier. convenience ana economy aemanas tnat you buy your season s supply oi iuei at once, ana to get in and put away before winter, will be a source of satisfaction to you for months to come. Our stock is now complete and we solicit your orders for best goods at lowest prices. Johnson and Johnson, AianaM yv uuu. 'Phone 150. "Say! Pa, are you reading lye advertisements?" "No sonny, I am reading . of the" 'soft' snap'.' "Whiting -Bros, have on clothing.1'.- Just Received : A big lot of Boys' Suits. 10c Socks for. 5c. L 'n GLrK Li u Made and Merit Maintain theoonfidenoe t the people in Hood's Saraaparilla. If medicine euros yon when sick; it it makes Wonderful cures everywhere, then beyond all question that medicine possesses merit. That is ust the truth about Hood's Sar aaparilla. : We know it possesses merit been use it cures, not once or twice or a hundred times, but In thousands and thousands of cases. We know it cores, absolutely, permanently, when all othec fail to do any good whatever.. We repeat Sarsaparilla Is the best In fact the One True Blood rtrlfler. mm n rii eura nausea, indigestion, nOOCl S FlllS biliousness, ascents. - Land Sale. ; Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Wake county, in a xwrtaln v? olvll action, Ko. Z21, summons docket of said court, en titled B. K. - Montague vs.. J. W. RyaU, Nancy A. Britt and Joseph Austin, I will on - Monday, the-2lst day of December, 1SS1G, at noon, sell at public auction at the court house door in the city of Raleigh, N. C, the following dosoribed tract of land lying in Panther Branch Township, said county, and adjoining the lands of George Partin, A. E. Smith and others and bounded as follows; Be ginning at a stake , in Little Creek:, thence north 4 degrees east 4 chains and 22 links to a stake, thence south 87 degrees east 14 chains and 4 links to a stake, thence north ?i0 degrees east 15 chains and 90 links to a stake, thence south 87 degrees east 16 chains and 50 links to a stake, thence north 3 degrees east 11 chains to a stake in the Penny corner, thence north 83 de grees' west with L. J. Weathers' lino 49 chains to a stake on Juniper Branch, thence down the various courses of said branch to Little Creek, thence down said creek to the begin ning, containing one hundred aud two and a half acres (1021 acres) as more fully appears by deed of Nancy A. Briti and others to J. JV. Rvals and Wife, date March 15, 1884, Registry of Wake county, Book 87, page 40U, ana known as the homestead of said J. W. Rvals. Terms cash. . ARMISTEAD JONES, ( Commissioner. . Raleigh, N. C. Nov. 13 '90. TryBLACK-DR.U6HT le tot Djcpz Shoe Bargains in GvttU' Fine Shoes for thla, week nc plane on sale todav the best linr of Gent's $3 Shoes ever Sj. iu Raleigh. These goods are shown in Bull T)r. Coin, Needle, French, Parish Opera and Razor Toes, lion't fai to seo the above goods before pur e Basing; They are oargains. Best lino Ladies and Children's Shoes in the South. . C. POOL. 8. B. NORRIS,- Manager. always comes with the first spell of Office 109 Fayettevill St. Manufacturers are - closing out winter clothing at about 20 per cent reduction and this enables us to sell - at wholesale prices retail. s'-. : and Children's SI 3 rsTliisuai J2 North Carolina, In Superior Court, Wake county., BeforeDH Young, ;"r- .'-; ' ." vierk. -J. C.'Marcom, administrator of Cherry Penny, deceased, vs. Mary Walters and Henry Walters, her husband. Marv Allen. Iiillie Allen. Roxie Allen, John. Allen, Susan Al len, tteorge Penny, Ada Penny, ana Annie Holloway, heirs at law of Cherry Penny, deceased. .. . To Warv Walters. Henry Walters, Mary Allen, Ldllie Allen and John Allen, defendants abovo named.; You will take notice that a specai proceeding has been instituted tn this court by J. C. Marcom adminis trator of Cherry Penny, deceased, entitled as above, for the purpose of obtaining an order or the sale of the real estate oi his saia intestaw to create assessments for the pay ment of the debts of the estate and the charges of administration, and you are hereby required to appear 2d day of December, 1896, and an swer or demur : to the complaint: of the plaintiff 'in eaid action or pro- teeding-, others iso the relief prayed b.t will be granted. 1 , D. H. Youso, - Clerk Superior Court of Wake Co." October 19. D6 - . I aw 6 w DON'T Overlook This! "We 'give prescriptions sjicc al care anil attention at all hourg day or tiht'v t tlint is what, you want, wo are,., f Yours truly, Wynne trA B'rdrorg, North Side Drug Store, Halifax street,, one "block south of Peace Institute. SALE :0F LAND. Under and by virtue Of a decree of the Superior Courl, in a civil ac tion, No 5512,' c i d, entitled Wm Smith v B V -Montague, we will, on the 7th day of December, 1896, sell at public auction, at the court house door in the city of Raleigh, N C, at 12 m, the following tract oi land, sit uate in Wakevcounty, St. Mathews to nship, beginning at a stake Jes sie Watkin 's P W corner in Jonathan Pool 's line; thence s 2C poles to a Stake said Watkin's s w corner; thence s 35 w $9 3-5 poles; thence west 931 poles to two red oaks on th bank of Nciise river; .thence up the v-arious -cotirses 'of. saui rives about 84 poles' to; Pool's corner; theice with his line s 88 e 135 poles td jthe , beginning, containing 53J acres. Also, at the- ;'Same time and plce, we will sell the personal prop erty set out in said decree, consist ing of 1 mule, 1 horse,' 2 wagons, hai'nessj farming "ioifl laments and part of crops made on said land. Terms cash. r. : J - ARMISTEAD JONES. ? THOS R PTJRNEIX, no7 (da . Commissioners. Fl PER CENT PER 'at -OR. . CO PER CENT PEB YEAR Guaranteed to all investors on invest ments, both large and Binall, . ' j when made with : THE NEW YORK INVESTMENT ; ; COMPANY, BROKERS W ' r Stocks, Bonds, Grain and COTTON. Not 40 ami 42 Broadpay, New York J. S. People who desire to have a utcady and euro income on a email or largo investment, send for ourexplanl oity" circular, mailed free. mav 15. THE f Fayetteville aud Mrirtiii Sts., Just as ydu Come Upirom the Park IS CG I mm , - ! "Where the finest cigars and the best Soda and Mineral Waters can bo bad.. IU'omo Seltzer served at the Fountain. , , Justihe thing for Fair Week, Call around boys, will be glad to see you. ' Estate for Sals. 6n Monday, the 21et day of Decem ber, 18s6, at tlie court house door in Kaleigb, N. C, we will sell to the highest bidder at publlo outcry the fol lowing real,property belonging to the estate of the late William G. Upchurch: ; ' I. The house and lot on McDowell street in the city of Raleigh, which was occupied by said W. G. Upchurch aa a family residence at the time 'of his death. This lot fronts about 155 feet on McDowell street and rung back about 210 feet. There ia also an alley or entrance to the premises from Mar tin street,' The dwelling is a handsome two-story wooden building with seven rooms and there are suitable stables and outhouses on the lot. This, property is covered by the loft estate, dower, of Mrs. Eleanor M...UP' ; church, widow of said W.G. Upchurch and will be Sold subject to ner rignts. 2. A lot in the village of Oberlih, hear ltaleigh, adjoining, the .lots -oi Spence,-' Davig and others, fronting on wade avenue, being lot No. 27 in the plar of - said 1 village- as recorded in Register's book 32, at page 681, com taming a pout pne acre. t; -:yt.$-3. A tract Of land containing 151 acres, more or - loss, in Swift Creek township, Wake county, about rfour mileB southwest of Raleigh in the sec tion Of country known as Rhamkatte. it being the land conveyed to W G Upchurch by B. 3 Upchurch and Wife by deed registered in Book No 130 at page 190 of the said Register of Deeds ofHoe. ! .':.;.. r.rt- v. ;:iv -!i'i 'i, 4 A tract of land containing about 50 acres, lying In the" said Rhamkatte section of Wake county and bounded on the north by the lands of of the late Wm Grimes, on the east by J W Cole's land, on the south by the Holly Springs road: and on the west bv the lands of Gooree Green: It beinar a portion of the Und conveyed to W G : Upchurch by deed registered in book No 62,' at page 41 of said: liogister : of Deed's oflie. - -. - 6 Lots Nos'. 27l'and 272 in the plan ana man of the Caraleigh mills prop erty south of the oity of Raleigh... The lota adioin each Other and lie on the corner of . Glendale street and May- wood avenue and are each about 60 ft by 150 ft in size. They are described in & deed registered in book No. 109 at page 4 at said -Register of Deed's fi. A tract of about 26 acres, lying about li miles sonth of Raleigh, ad joining the - lands of the Caraleigh millB, known as "W. G. Upchurch's Dlacknall nlace." It being the land now occupied bv Bryant Smith,- Esq. This property ia well improved, has a larire 'barn and stable and good dwellinsr on it. and the land is 1 high state of cultivation and a' fine market crarden. There are- a number of large seuppernong yinesandagood orchard on the place, Bale made bv virtue, of powers con ferred upon the underBiirded executors bv the will of W G Upchurch, dei ceased. " r- .. Terms of sale: one fourth caBh, bal anoe in twelve months with S per cent interest from day ol eaic. Chas H Belvxw. 1 Execut'-r of D D Upchurch, !- W. o Uj-church 11 c Upchvbcii, ) ooea.a, Nov. 21st. 180C, - : tds Metropolitan Opera House FRIDAY NIGHT, NOV. 27; 4Ed F. Rush's Cig Extravaganza Production, THE . WHITE CROOK v Direct from Broadway, N, V.rr-s Clever- Comedians,; Gorgeous Cos tumes,' Sweet Singers, Grace I ful Dancers;-Pretty Girls. ' ' Prices 25, 60, 7o and $l.-f - S. A. ASHE & son, FIRE INSURANCE Solicit a pat of your patronage . OfUce over MacRao's BranchPhir 'man ' , ' , i - Hotel oh FIi CORNER Loookout, aro you ready for it? If not, come and get your chocs. Some beautiful blankets, quiltc, comforts, rub ber shoes, pil lows and coats, capes, cloaks, jackets, umbrel las, lap robes. Do not forget your horses, we have : plenty of blankets for them. S&Ia cf Itzi K::r , , - As executor of the late J. B. Bob bitt I will offer for sale at the Court House door In Raleigh, at 12 o'clock m., on Saturday the 6th day of De cember, 1896, a valuable tract of land about 3) miles east of Raleigh containing Ninety-four acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of W. H. Holleman, deceased, J. D. Dodd, J. W, Cross and others, it being the tract of land formerly owned bv las. Moore and previously ; by u. A. Parker. About .60 acres of the tract are in a good state of cultivation; of which a partis well drained low grounds. Good tenant house and necessary out-houses and a good well of water are on the premises. Terms $350 cash, balance three equal annual installments with . in terest from date of sale. -- ; 7 . , J, Hal, Bobbitt, nov 5 ' Ex. of J. B. Bobbitt ; L For. ( 'lllltltllll II ; For the last 20 years we hav4 Pt . I3o Cure fcr Cu sumption in stocky and wouli sooner tnink a joccrynun could get alonj without sugar in his "store than we could wi&out Piso's Cure. It Is a sure seller. RAVEN & CO., Drus, Ceresco Michigan, September 2, IS?eV SOUTHERN RAILWAY. .''.". ' (PIEDMONT AIR-UNB.) : .Condensed Schedule. . , r '" In Effect Jom 14, IS. . - X TnluUivt Katotch DaUy. ' y. "Xorfolk and Cbattaoooca Umltsd." 4,13 , m. Dmny,-oM VMtfbatod tnhi wUfc sleeper from Norfolk to Chattanooga via. .alto- bury, organ ton, Atbavtlle, Hot sprints asd KnoxvUla, -. - . j '-,; ' OonDMU at Durham tot Oxford, OUriitllu and Krsvlllo, except Snnday, At (Inw boro with the Wathingtoa aad Bu:U wester. Vestlhvled (Limited),- train for all poloU North, and with mala Una train No.U for Danvllla, Blehmood- and mtermediat. loca ttations; alas h.i eooMetlon InrWlnstoo-SjUen and with mala Un. tnin No. as, vatted Mata. past lull" for Charlotte, Bpaitaabarc, Oratav villa, Atlanta and all point. Sooth; Uo Colom bia, Augusta Oharteston, 8avannaB, JaekMNHJ vine, and all points in Florida. aiMpmg Car for Atlanta Jacksonville and at CharlotU with Slaeplnf Car f or Annuta. ' ' "Norfolk and Chattanooga Lbadtod. ' . I i:4S A. fl. ImBySolld train, aoiffllrtui Pullman Bleeping oars and ooaehM from Out. tanooga to Norfolk, arriving Norfolk 6. -00 p h tn tlma to aonneet with the Old Dominion Merchants' and Miners.' Norfolk and Wnhs Ingtoa and Baltimore, Cbewpekfc and luuo. mond 8 8 Oo's for all polntrnorth and aask- Conneets at Belma tor Fayettevlllo and 1 tenaedlat statfams oa tha Wllaoa and F . ettevlll Short Ont, d&tlx, axeept ondarior sew era and Morehead City, dallv for Golds bora, and Wilmington and Intermediate sta tions on tlie Wilmington and Wetdoa BaUroad. ExprcM Train. 8 .-80 A. M. Dally Connects at' Durham lot Oxford, Kevsvllle, Bl hmoadi at Greens bor for Washington and all point, north. ' ExpreMTralm. J :DO P. rL DaUv For Golds bora and tntrni mediate stations - . , Loeal Aooommodatlow. a:00 A. M Connects at Greensboro for aD p hit. for North and south and Wlnstoa-Salem and points on the Northwestern North Carolina Bailroad. At Salisbury, tor all point. In West ern North Carolina, Knoxvtlle, Tenn., Clncla natl and western points ; at Charlotte, fc Spar Unburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and points South. . . - - - - . - - . . Train. Arriv. at Raleigh, N. C.i . -. . ' Express Train. . . ;. j :0s P- M. Daily-From Atlanta, Charlotte. Greensboro and all point. South. " Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited, v . 4:1. P. M. Dally From all pointa east. Nor folk Tarboro, Wilson and water Unea, From GolOsbora, Wilmlncton, Fkjct aril!. and all points In Eastern Carolina. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. ' ii :40 A. fl Dally- From New York, VaaMr ?- ton, Lynchburg, Danville and Greensboro, cl- tanooga, Knoxvllle, Hot springs and Aslierlil Express Trata 8,80 a, m, Dally From ooldsbora and Inter mellate stations. 1 ' I have purchased a Dn) r - 1 - rn I have on hand a Urge stock of Cloth, Walnut, Rosewood, Oak and Metalle,-, CASKETS- A LABQK STOCK OF coFFina ' - Or ALL KINDS. An GenU'.Ladle' Chlldren'i Robes. and all qnlpmeata in the Da- , I , dertaking Line. . , x s " " ' ; Ca on me at No. 128 South Wltming-; i . ton St., Raleigh, N. C. , .. Qjvii.- 0TT.::::L'.::D,i . . UNDERTAKER .it; Land fcr S MiUI By virtue of a deed of mortgage ex ecuted on the 3rd day of January, 1891 I will offer tor sale at the oourt house ' door in Raleigh, N. C, on- Tuesday,. December 2tith, 18fl, at 12o'olock m., tor cash, the following tract of land as described In said deed of mortgage: . Lyinr and being in Middle Creek township; Wake county, and beginning at i mulberry tree in Allen Mason's line, thence about east to dogwood Mary Matthew's corner, thence about ' southwest to white oak. , the Tom Smith oorner, thence to a large hick ory, about east, the oorner oi the land -belonging to heirs of Marcom Wood,' thsBoa to tha hesinninir nnntalnlnir , twenty acre, more of leas.". See book 144, page 299, in the offloe of the Beg- .' J. C.L. Harris, ,. ,-v bov24 tda ' , Atty. for Mortgagee. A ;;:::::..:3 lj La Ut--1 J51C0 , State of Noe?h Cabouna; I Qi: EJJBJUTIVB UEPABTMKNT. , ; ; ; 'VThereM, ofScUl ' Infornuttioit hu t bB oeWed at thla department thai Jim Booker,' Alias Jim Chavia, law? of- th county of Wake mam cusrifw A Wild -U0 - IStUruer ' of Mahaly Whtta, and whereas, tt ap. pear that the said Jim Booker, alias Jimujavls, has fled the State, or so, ooobeals bimaelf thai thaordinan cess or law cannot be served upon him: - ; - ' - .Now, therefore, I, Ellas Carr, Gov ernor of the State of North Carolina, by virtue Of authority in me vested by law1, do Issue this my Proclamation, pffring a reward of One Hundred dol lars for the apprehension and delivery of Mid Jim Booker, alia. Jim Chavia, to the bheriS of Wake county at the court house door in Rakiph. , And I do enjoin all offi cers of tns state and all good citizens to assist in bringing sail criminal to Dione at our city of Kaleigh, the id' day.of Octobrr, in the year of our Lord one taousana e rainunarea and ninety- -six; and in tue one hundred and twentyfirt year of our Amar can In dependenoe. ? ' . . .' ." " ',' :-' Euab Cabr. By the Govemojs: ' i : B. TELFAIB, f. - Private SecretarTi '" ?" ' , DESCRIPTION. - i - About fl font hlirh. amirflir. Kl.rV v color, 23 years old, weighs about 150 pounds, slender built, long- lcs and hrms, protruding mouth, knock knees. ; aas end of tlurd finder on one hand ' cut off; fond of drin and card-playing. - .. .- . Having this day qualMed ss Ad ministrator of the etaw of C'alrin Kelly, deoes;d, this is to notify all persons initnbu-d to said estate to pre sent their claims for payn"t to n e on or before tlie lc h day of Iov jv. 1807, or thisnoti'-e will be r W1 in ha of recovery. All prsons"liiUct-'4 to said estate will di. i?i .,n,,t further d.-mand. - ..uh lxiu nl7 lawuiv Havlnif this day qtia!'"l as Twu tr of tue sstaie cf t , ! . i ( i i ' lluVe, deceased, M.!s f-i i s nit to all parties 1. . -t " on saia fHv 1 r- t ' Ml! I . ( . . . le pi," 1 Ii l A. J. l.LLI 1 7, or t. s v timir r-ov ' v. nOVlj la now

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