o For the largest fryiii. i;.")C per quart cull on church. ' oy-- is ut n. v. Up ALL THE- City Editor. 7 !!.:'. x to New Advertisements. 'I'f i- livyed or Slolea. Tinker Specials. 1'xtelsive Steam Laundry. 1'rof. Nye Expert Optician. Sale of Land VV. B. Snow. IS. V, Upchurch Specials. G. A. Strickland New Funeral Car. - ': ! - Sale of Land J. . C. L. Harris, pttorriey.s r -? XL II. Q R. S. Tucker & Co. Wb Sell Goods Cheaper Than Ait OrHKa House. 83o Per Yard " We Need Room for h8c Per Yard - Xmas Display 8Sc Per Yard ' Every clay brings- 88c Per Yard -. us nearer the noli. 88c Per Yard ' . days. .Every day we are receiving carloads of Xmas Goods.: for ..which wa have no space. ; It is important that we must have room for our "Xmas Dis play. . . . To Get Room' ToGetJloom , No ' Ejtpertg" needed with t btoves ana itanges. Buck's 88e Per Yard t 880 Per Yard 88c Per Yard 88c Per Yard 88c Per Yard 88c Per Yard 88c Per Yard 880 Per Yard 880 Per Yard 8 T Voy.1 880 Per Yard ; Nowt Girls I We will srive the BUCK'S JUNIOR NICKLED RANGE" to the girl under 14 year old who will collect and bring to our office the . greatest number of aavertiBemenis, eacn witxt' u-.5 Trade "I ill Jill ? ' Mark - 88c Per Yard 88c Per Yard 880 Per Yard' - 880 Per Yard 88c Per Yard 88c Per Yard . 880 Per Yard 88c PerYard " 88cPer'Yrd 88c Per Yard t 880 Per Yard ' 88c Per Yard 88c Per Yard s 88e Per Yard 88e Per Yard, ; 880 PeN Yard s 88c Per Yard 88c Per Yard 88c Per Yard 88c Per Yard 88e Per Yard , 880 Per Yard 88c Per Yard 880 Per Yard 880 Per Yard : . 880 Per Yard 880 Per Yard - 880 Pef Yard - 880 Per Yard -88c Per Yard 880 Per Yard. 8c Per Yard 88c Per Pard " 88c Per Yard , 88c Per Yard, 880 Per Yard 88c Per Yard ' : 88c Per Yard 880 Per Yard 88c Per Yard 88c Per Yard 88c Per Yard- 00c rvr .lartrj We place on special sale for this week a ' large collection of tune Dress Goods, at 88c per yard. In this Special ' Sale you will .find such High Class Impor ted Dress Stuffs as Ziberlines, Canvas Laineux. Mohair Fantasia, Tufted and Rough Che- fcvoits and Pompa- dour Mohair: the -most popular fab rics worn today. Never a yard of this collection sold by us for less than $1.25 per yard, and nunareds of dress es sold at $1.50 per yard. To get this much needed room for our Xmas dis play we have cut the price to 880 Per Yard . 88c Per Yard Many people took advantage of this great cut-price sale and today the house wa-s crowded with eager buyers. .tomorrow we re plenish the stock with many new and beautiful patterns. To thoso who have not- yet seen this great collection of out from newspapers from October 15th to December 26th, 1896. Each oolleo tion must be tied in package with num- oer ano, name inereon. - x v Thos. H. Briggs & Sons RALEIGH. N. C. SOLE AGENTS Buck's Great While Enamel Line. GREAT OF- j rj- i.- -" v - .; . j- Combination Sale HORSES, BUGGIES, AND 880 Per-Yard cut-price .. Dress 88e Per Yard 88c Per Yard 88c Per Yard .880 PerYard. 880 Per Yard Fabrics, we beg to say oon t lot one hour pass tomor row without giving - tms rare sale your nrst attention . W, H. A R a Tuckib & Co. . Fxoclsior Steam Laundry. ' ' 105 and 107 W.Martin "Successors to Linnel Steam Laundry) under Academy; of Music. : Ealeiirh. N. C. " We take pleasure in' announcing to our u patrons and to an interested in pure, uowv' well laundned linen that we are now in our new quarters " , with better facilities than ever to ,- - uphold and maintain' Out reputation for the" above quality of work. Re member it is quality of work and care of material that nakesyour linen last - Call and inspect our methods v and plant, or send us your linen for - a trial, and we guarantee you will nave tound no better work. ' ' ; Sowers & Hah dino, Props. Telephone No. 19. ) u : ; Prof Nye the expert Optician who , has been at the Park Hotel the past ween is buu operating there with success. Those who have used his excellentGIasses for years, and there are several hundreds here in Ral eigh, do not hesitate in recommend ing all their friends to him. Prof : JNye will remain but a few days longer. noy Js 'A i-arge slewing oysters z&o per - quart or fit per gaion at a $ yt: Vp- -. Kw ReadlBK. - ? . .- We have just received a splendid I line of new and popular novels for winter evenings reading. Call and ; mane your selection. " ' ; .20 3t ? Noeth Cahqltna Book Co. . Get yodr Voyster? for Thanksgiv-1 ing irom v. u penu rcti, telephone I HARNESS. Friday and Saturday, Nov 27 and 28. On the above dates I will sell you at auction without reserve, two car .loads Of Virginia andEagtTnnnoaaiu tt-. from 5 to 8 years old, all sound, good workers, gale will he made each day Rain or Shine.' Every horse sold un der a guarantee. ..-, - i , Frank Stronach, Auctioneer. Buggies At Auction. 1 Barbour Open Bueiry. 1 Cortland Open Bugy. 1 Fisher Top uri... 1 1 IVUOUIUU WUHID DUV A T ' ' A HAW wp Quggy ac your price girc iaea call. I sell vou cheanep than v. . 1 a n kit tt lm J- ' avim vug iagiiui-f. FRANK STRONACH, P: jp'r. Stronach 's Emporiu:n.i . l; Tyson & Jones . xop Buggy. 1 Studebaker Top Buirffv. 1 Babcook Open Buggy. Hot Drints ' Served ai our Fountain TO-DAY. If you are chilled by the cold : then come in and make your ; self - comfortably warm . by , taking 'a drink (!) of "Hot Soda,'' " ' '- , " ' "J" ' Yours very truly ' ' James McKimmon & Co,, 133 Fayetteville Sk.lUleigh. I lYhat'sinanamo? It Depends As to the rose or violet, nothing. But take ur name-r e h W .1 W. - I 'US' . 4 II. KING & CO., Now, there's c great deal i a that. For instance; ' 2 , " ' . ' , j In prescriptions it means PURITY and FREEHNESS of Drugs, Care and exactness incompounding, Fair ness and moderation in price. Whether you want medicine, or soda water,, cigars or Soe-D. Candies or cnewing gum, we serve you with honesty, courtesy, and disnatch. One good name means everything-i-to you, it means entire satisfaction 4o us success. Yes, Here's lots In a Name. SALE OF LAND By virtue of a decree Of thR Court of. Wake county. N. f; ' mm. auu enierea at me October, terra, 1896, Of said court in the cam nf A n .vra.k. burn et al vs,Gilley 9. Harrison et al. et of the said court. We will offer for sale, at public outcry to the highest bidder, at the court hnuan rinm. i ity 01 aieign, is. v., on Monday, the na oay or January, 1896, at 12 o'clock M, the following deserihl trM. i land, to-wit: Situated ia said county, adjoining the lands of WilUo Harri son and others, and known , ln tin 1 in the division of the land Wii owned Berry Harrison, deceased. Be ginning at a forked white oak, Willie Harrison corner, thence 2 deg." ZOi poles to a stake, thence r 87 deg. m 17 poles to a dead red oalt.thfinA n si w B 70i pies to a branch, thence up said branch 29 noles to a hfolrnrir ' J, de g. K m poles to a stoke, thence K 67 deg, x 13f poles to a pine, ttence S 2 dee. W 230 noles tr Nm.. .i. thenee up said river to the bbginning, containing 77 acres more or less. Terns of sale, one-fourth cash and the balance in 12 months, with interest at 6 per cent. , Akmistead Jones. W. B. Snow, Comrs. ' Riggan's CANDY WAFERS r ' ' i', ': Excol, anything you ever saw ; In candythin and crisp. Lemon, choco hiicr lime and vanilla and only 20c lb. J - . Kiggan's is the place to get the beBt J buu cueapesi 1 oys ; m.-- KiffCftn'a UnA nf PlnfKa la Ann beautiful and selling at one-half regu lar price. Select what you want while Rhrpan'a is . Uia nl R.rv in art. uw, -urranw. citron, i'ifa, liaisins, ayco Mm Apytos eneapesi. " : Quality has supreme fiway with us. If tiocd be, p.-rfit niaxt pay for the achievments of our ambition. v ; , 1 , v If we've eot a hobby, it is to make our $1j grade of suits aud over coats marvels for the money. The facts say wc have succeeded. A com parison of fabrics, making, fit, fashion, tell tales of worth proves them do- serving rivals or tne tzv can command in any other store in America, or 1 125 at any tailor's.; That isn't a penny too strong a narallcd to dv. ? :' This season we have truly stood upon the shoulders of past excellouce j ana easily reach a a higher perfection giving you a better suit, a better overooat, a bigger variety, a bigger money's worth for $15. than we have ever been able to do before. . fri p 0 1 1 Jfo nre single and double sacks and cutaway frock of lots and lots of new and noboy patterns in all-wool cassimere, worsteds, etc, plain and fancy lined. . ' ' We 1 vp a nun i . j Bric-a-Br;..-, j'ov f i We s. 01 v, lold Novelta-s, 'it.ut l.- call ana see them am n :'-X b 1 buyii t- Uolii!" V Comls duris-r the y-.t four i --r u.ii-iiijf that t ."6 t ,e htrj-.-st assoi-i-m-nt of r i-i)ve!' ' ever shown l-y is. ; id i 9 of Crockwy, Vaei, V-tal and Cella , . i ioid ami Bric-a-Bruo, and would invite jou to d your .ection. The. Overcoats srlTO Blankets. : want iiiue ana dioc-k iversoys nneo tnrougnout with imported serge, satin across the shoulder and all through the sleeves, it's the equal of any thing you buy nt 5 more at least ' rou needn't step a cent beyond this $13 grade to be well dug-iJ. - " - - Our Toy btoeic wul becoitiplute by December 1st, when we will show it. ' We have Ml elegant cloth bound books (selected titles) by the most pop ular authors, which we are selling at lttots each. . Nothing better for a Xmas present than a nioo Wok. We will name a few authoro: Dickens, Scott, Elliott, Lever, Cooler, Jane Porter, Haggard, Edna Lyle, Victor Hugo, Duma, and others, TfWpC! ?f St h OC 'Kgfist ea we ever had In this depart-M-jy O VIU l I COm, Our suits; both, long and "hort pants have eaujltt us many a nw. customer, , Soon time to think about aa overcoat for the boy aud quite natural hero is tbe place- for your best selection- ' Don't fail to vote on the bicycle with every dollar's worth pur chased.'. .Won't some boy bo happv Christmas Eve? 'V . 10- 4 all wool (speciaH. ....... ...13 64 11- all wool (special) 4 24 12- 4 all wool special) 4 88 . Also White and Grey Blankets from 11.00 to $3.00.' - ' - -l Underwear Ladies, Misses and Children's Un derwear la Wool and Cotton. M "rj ; ' Also Union Suits for Children,: Leading :Orie Price Clpthiers. Sttiail Wares. Leaders I Uenuine Dletst Lanterns. .48c I Good Machine Oil! ., :, ..Vi.iVii . v; 60 1 Boratcd Talcum Powder,. . .v., ...".20o Glycerine Soap,.,.,.......,,.,, So C4n Openers , , , . , . '. . , ....... 60 Tack Hammers ....,.....,...,.. 10c SIiC23 ' We sell Shoes cheap. , , All our lines are "up to date," and reasonable. CroasU 13.00 for Men are unsurpassed. Wrap 5. Our $3.00 Plush Cape is elegant. Nicely made and handsomely trimmed. f-vOther Capes and Cloaks in propor tion, - fTSee our $2.62 Cape. Separata Skirt? " and Wrapper. v : Children's Keefers. . . . ;. s Shawls and Balmorals. ' Children's Headwear. '- Children's Long Cloaks. , " - ' Blater Suits. 4 ' 4 JV4 AGENTS FOR 4 r i I'll Indies' Needle Toe and Common Sense Shoes $150.'' 4 Child's School Shoes 75c a pair, neat and durabt.,f Misses. sizes I A, - f .. Ladies' Overgaiters, great values at 25c a pair.' Ladies Fur Trimmed Felt Slippers tl 50..r. Boys' and Youth's School Shoes $1 BO ft paif.' , Gent's Embroideried Slippers only 75e a pair,' aij: Heller Bros; SHOH STORb - . c . .i 1 1 s f f If JJ - WOOLLCOTT& Greatest HallMk?lvcSold.N- Ea. Martl- SON, Street. I- Riggan'aCandv exuel thnmall'ln 1 IvMrran's Cronlrm.v ni,,,.... Lamps. Coal Hods and Rhnwta' I Vases and Bric-a-Brao are ht-ut vnnAa at the cheapest price; Also Paper Tab1 fets and Baskets.. - J k : in tact Kiggan's Toy StorS is the place to get tae.best goods at the most PODular orloes.' . - . - 132 , FAYETTEVILLE STREET. i; THANKSGIVING TEEK. I ; '; Onr Store Bin; k Closed ThanfatfiYinS Day. : ' - . -' c h.... .-.f . '... .-w". -i -.-i: - . -i ..." . . ? .- -. ..... . r v We guarantee the Rack to be better than any 10 Rack ever v sold in Raleigh." Has box scat, double hooksj solid f,oak.- 1 Guarantee price THIS WEEK ONLY. , ' . ; upen utn ignis Fly:. 1 rip (0 r:;.; Yc;!:. 0i!?rtlc?blo.i,ai'8:aIl4"5,vi.n week ln 010 tory of our mercantile life.-, Car loads of seasonable bargain lnta " . . nMJe 1 ,-. i For Kent. Three-story brick buildinn- cor. Fayetteville and Morgan streets, re- cenny oceupiea Dy JJcmoc ratio head quartera, For terms apply to W. B, urimes. -y ;. 'v -nova tf c "" - . Send s our order in as early Wed nesday as; possible. 'for -oysters jor - luuraua; as mere is a gooa aemand lor inem. -' - . -- . Stnyd or Stolen. , A dark brown and white setter, knows his vname as -"Ponta ' - A suitable reward will be paid for in- lormauon inai 4iu lead. to his tb- 1 1 f ' 117 North Person St I!:rs3;li::fi:nr - I will have two car loads of good, young, , West Virginia horses ship, ped from West Virginia to me, to be sold on consignment, which I will positively sell to the highest bidder at my stables in Raleighy on Satur day at 12 o'clock, Nov. 28, 1896. Slock guaranteed as represented, or no money paid. These' horses are from 5 to 7 years -'old, sound and food workers. If you want good Y irdnia horses don't miss this op-, r n luiiity, as they will sell cheap, j.verytl' . uar-int, t-.J.. : .... JnHS W. LlTTLlTAGt :' Ed. Thohasov, Auctioneer. cov2 lro W, JONES; 206 Fayettevilleeet ) A Royal I &. Borden. . B.STRGNACH. Kaleieh this week 1 , fh"-"J. .L fr.'T.10 ?Vmn? 4n nl elegance linked with low prices will ouen vour " ' VAfl vith wnnHni. A J j i. . At . " ' en . '".1 Ono Solid Caa " S iST ?ple !iked 40 humbugged? W, ' . rrr . . p o vv 11 k anu UitTi Cll Tilintdhmnnt tif-l0l f'W taerit fhenw eet la -Thk?. I ; . : . "" , , j "ouiaKB lormis week some Specials in Table Linens. we'll make a thantstrivinir !offftrini in reiiaoie quamy xDie Lilnens, selected with extreme eare from the best mak er on prices. Table Linen 68 innhea Ma oA,iA from 60 to 42fs. Damask, heavv niulitv - - Inches wide, reduced from te to Kc? ij .Table Damask In elerant TlR.ti.prr! a LM inches wide, reduced from la to 92$. Table Damask, eood btvlea. 66 inch. wide, reduced from 75 to tO Table Linen. thre-anftrtp hlAiLohe ' all pure linen, reduced from 35 to 25o. jBuioiiering8 which we know - $ wui aeserve instantane ' - - . - : ous recognition, -'.'-, -' ' andgetittoo. ? ; . t - '-. " ; uieacnea Damask Fringed Doylies size 1818, reduced from 12 to tl.as OarcCustomers. are ' w iiiim. :S' We don t have to takft in aa ftflroHicinir'-cniM We offer bargains, not wind. ' - . ; nrccins for -Tliahsdria' IVc:.':. 1 Trilby Sultlnj. Double width, stvllsh and effeotiTft. , wow weaves as a inann onerlng. ,10c .5. f. ...v :. Sevenrjr.Flva Pieces . -. Of Imported and American, all wool. . , double width dreM pooiis. The pick styles from four lnrg un- borne worth 60c: some , 89e; our Thanksgiving ' 25c Only Four Pieces Of doublo width C'dmel's ITair Pe" 7! -ualU reUULT Jl'lJin I. in tf II nna vtvoou . j .-T -----;,'' ..v -m ,1. . i ... . extreme eare irom Uie best mak- I oieacnea Damask Doylies, 17x17 re only, and is offered at unusual low J duced from $1.25 to $1.12 per dozen. -e- - , ; ' . I Bleached Damanlc Dovlina. lKm wv. ,i vat t wj i.ju per uozen.:' . , Pure Linen Napkins, 12x12. reduced from 60 to 60c per do?en. Llnen Napkins, 11x11, reduced from u w na per aozen. ' - - Linen Damask Napkins, size 22x22 reduced from 11.76 to 41.45 per dozen. m iinen apkins, size 22x22, reduced irum 9i.uo lo tl.Ho. ' Bargains in Sheets; Hand launl dried, dry-ironed, hemmed sheets, best muslins . ; , ; 72 x 90. .. . . : .'. . . . i -. . . :-.'.c.4.j- 8i x oo:.i..;.." .f,on 90 x DO . 53c Bargains ; in Quilts Hemmed. ready for use. Marseilles Quilts. . :.n:issr;in2 Bargains in Blankets White and ana grey, southern wool Blnnkets, 10-4 50e per pair.,-' ;' : - ' ExtrS quality Southern wool blank ets, green sud white 10-4 tl,0y nerl i 4 f im ported, rough cllects. ti-!!H-s and burl black only. The ori.-inal ' prioewas 11.50; this thank?0.v ing sale they go at. ... , .39o , French Jtovelty Ureal Length. Ten pieces extra wide, quality and value, were i ana.fi.bO. The Our pair..- ww' .v'. j. I...:-; " Mt-ra heavy grey; wool blankets iu i f.' per pair. 4 , , Bargain "rf" Under wear Ladies' f importers had too many. Tlianksgiving price. ....... .75o Ch rochet. Quilts, Hemmed, ready Jersey ribbed pants and vests 18o f r use . : . :. ; , ,. $1 .00 2 for S3c. ; : .' . ' 1 , Ladiesunion suits Sre.' . - Bargains irf-Handkerehief.s La- Bargains in Comfoi ts-Chiufzcov- f ered Sea Island comforts'. -.-L . .J 1 00 trouble faced, twill covered .com forts w........ f?l 60 Eiderdown " Quilts'," double face satin covered 1 '5; all full widths I Gentlemen's nure Cm n tionU-oK and lengths. -',.:; . I chiefs 20e. Snap Shots from the Counterpane p. partmcnt. Tui'.ct Qui'is, . 3, foraThanks- ....,75c Shoe-Flyer." Sixty pairs . Button Bh welts, Thanksgiving price. . Ladlea' Dnnonla uuiton bhoes, genuine Goodyear Kid Sixty "Xo X.iia---t spt-eial dollar vu. r giving brc".e . . . . dies' plain hemmed stitched kerchiefs .';jc. ' r hand- All at 5c Per A ard; rV."E. JOIJES.- Cleeked Muslins, Victoria Lawns and IivIm Li- Two Items 23 conts Each- Striped haby carriage blankets. . . .2"c Indies' anjwool breakfast shawls. .oc o ... C.A.SiT .S.Clt., ' Tea Doxca ' Large Turkish Bath Towels. The Importers didn't want them until next summer; we did, so they are yours. So 1,000 Aluminum hair ptrr Inly lcjeaeh Another Sh!pant Of M Swits Conde plova flttinD- . shirts and drawers. cowool, at factory prices 75 Other Prioes Eclipsed. Thelast shipments of cloth and r ' 'i cspes just bought at hotweathpr i j win oe placed on sale this week. Kew Stjlee ia Cars and Tin O'Sliamei . I'veryday we brinj- out E ' i - ci -v. lait the new store. l,ia- surprises await you. M!l -Ot Jer; It will bei-'-nossible to cut tr as the goods wi.l 1 c..i-il u .,.i e me return of tiie sa " i. to ) -yJ. 0

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