:3. RALEIGH, N. O, WEDNECDAY EVENING, N0VE3IBEB 25, 1896. $M I'KK.VKAi:.- ' In M iui hiitiiiLDJ C&neacian Saj3 IsVtVatJ not Speak Before Pops. SENATORIAL JIMQER. S. Walter -Henry Oflorads a Bog Chunk Batler paper Says That no Advise U f 14 Wanted from Democrats aa to bow Pop. Shall Vota. . J ,?! The Caucasian appeared today jor the first time in two weeks, but the delay did . not' check thei 'warmth of : thaeditorial matter j which was so lavishly served by editor 'Ayer i The reason "assiffned 1 tor? Ihe t- I papers temporary emoarrassajeui , is that the offer of .three montns I subscription lofj ten . cents, f jn! hf J paper In deDt. ' j The Caucasian says that Sefaator Prilohard, with the certainty ;6f a re-election before Jbii, went over to the -Mi rtnff Wise the latter 1 Informed him that they, would ifight him and back some other; man- Jf he voted for sUyer, ';Tho pape Asserts that Senator Pritchard 'a conversion was not a real one, and that h as ashamed of 'ltjIV says .he tklied tariff and dodged-the money Issue speaking '. outy : in 'manufacturing I UUbiVCaUlV U1QU UQ UIWQ . 7V " speeches during the last campaign, and that he could not be gotton to m.V vhnra tia would Wkel have a I Jarge populist audience , (, .;?. I MnnjliatA tkooharcrafriat. anv IVpulist member of the legislature ispiedged jtoyoteT tor a ' goldbug Senator. If anyone ts pTe3ged7""w'ho ' ot the f 1 je then We challenge . VMV Vi -aw , jTj. O- 4glve t a name f a tint' ' member f ' "The CaucaM 1 " ,4ls 1 "O on record again "aa &aying that wa da not belieye there is fou. '"tion tor any such t js: d ""S. V I. 't ' we deiioumje itasfalse."j . "There nev.r5 V As I fane SrbVti il was more importaut i . : peopio ' ) b certain where a man sfjujl9 1 ..ore Vuey send him' to lue than kuw Wn-riaitaf nn , frnx that anV Populist will vote to senq a goldbug 1 xr a monopolist to tae.unitea eic - 'These boasts are ant insult to the 1 J.1 1 luoro' is-jttujr' uuuuii ewui where any candidate ' stands let aim be required to make a- pledge' like 1 Zeb Vance made.'"'lJ" "" And the Caucasian finally adds ' that Democrats might as well keep ' their mouths shut. 1 says that the Populists want no advice from Denr; - ocrats. -,' - i ' The latest additidrl to the arena of Seoatorial candidates is the massive farm nf Walter R. Hen'rv. And why not Walter. . It Would seem that the I .. ontir PnniillRt Tiftrtv Will enteil the i : . , -. .ti j -l " arntia hv Jfttiilftrv. - 1 Wi 1 5 . - I i A Kss-Vism), reporter maae the rounds of the politicians today I vand obtained - a list tf J candidates. Among the more avowed Populist v'candldate,areS. fctbb WilsoW, Cyrus 'Thompsoni Walter R Henr, J.JW,' : Ramsey, Spier Whitaker i L. 0. Caldwell Mayor of StatestiUe, Maf. , : W. A. Guthrlo,OUver Dockery and '."Harry Skinner', Pr, J. J. Mott was 'not put down as a Populist 1 Under ' the latest classificationhe Hs a free Populist, 1 ; I -irtn 'TO CHANGE THE CHABTEE iiLo 'h'- - Repablieana Give Notice That That Want to Gerrymander the City. Notice w ill appear in J im. Young'e Gazette tomorrow ' that application will be made to the General A?sern 'bly to change the charter, of the city ,' government 'Jil 'sii f: fflifi j Nearly all the local Republicans ifexpress themselves as beinganxious to obtain a charter by which the wards can be gerrymandered o that the city will go Republican ! Jim Young declined to say wjiat . :.!in' he proposed to take laXhe St. al Assembly relative to chang jnr ; lie charier of the city.- Xr mh 'el.ka of the Republicans is to terrp xanacr tMcu auo vnrow me f the miayor and city offi ce Lands J XUt; il'K.rl of election cors in a: rn. Ob ve BL n ,0 " QawKe'te- 'a to tb .!.., - n T-! T.am 'I . f . t v : r 1 enn., Iv . -j. urs. C jor '3 laJt night gave birth t U - o toys aa J t J fxk. All are , OFFICE. A Km i I j. J ' . rt-i s Populist Ikrat Get Mnoh Ahead of Repub licansJohn Graham for . K. Com'r. ; Candidates , for , public pap are springing up from, every pig- path It is amusing to hear some of the names mentioned 1b connection with important offices. IVint a rartnrif 1nn la ottaA ruMnrl 'Graham is sad to be an I avowed candidate for "Railway 'Commissioner ' to' succeed Mr. Eugene Beddlngfield. . The name of j, R. Purnell and numbers of others are also heard. 1 The Populists are .... .ii.i .. f .. . . . i BOYwjoeiTBSi f neyj can jnwe auu i pveryooax Knows now tney jtaice v. Mimuciiwmuw u wu w . . . . a .uM iwrBu. ,-,r j j r, i , 01 more nungry wan w 1 reorganise ihe wsyDOiiqMa-loii j ble .fob .$Thepopulistaand republican legislation as is asked by Uie oppon- ""-'qi LU rmtnuLI dlcate of five prominent capitalists, brethren are, keeping' tab pretty ents of the University. 'The organ ' .ffiUllXlfh ? il3df r whoproposeto organize, under the well.' Whenever a populist springs oi the Bastists says i, - 1 l.-? ;ft' ,-.-ifl?H ' k North Carolinaand Virginia, a booml It can be counted as certain ."We have never had a doubt but To the stroUn Patriou--8everai sen- what will be knotra-as the Norfolk, " ZZIlr.rZVSllr91:,' .7"?T7' -7? Si ' t TV teUaced y,epnblloans , or "P? l8M re,-wayvvib uo,- "'r" ""TTi 1 w" the; Commission.- would . not be re organised. "The republicans tried that two years ago'' he said, "but I we would notlet thorn. V.". t .j-ivr. h 1'.. ff. J! Vi A ' y ' , f , " .L ( ' ij S L.. 'l " t;-av wcuk this miL". -'d v ,'"! 'lit K ' ' the Dev A (read For Gov.' Elect HaeeelTa Iaaacaratioav I 1.Thei date,' of Governor Russell's Inauguration and tbe cnange" of ad- " v I I-l-i if 1 t . .a a I .rai I law on the subject being' badly be clouded: But it now appears that the new administration will take the oath of "office the thirteenth of Janu ary, if governrtrve!ect Russell is not soF"?erst' V.oun ,,m ...to refuse to be In;, -urated that day. , iiixi r,1: 3 In: iratlon would have 00- cur. Jon . y 26th of January ' had not t..e act of '93 been repealed. The eonstltution says that the term of the executive oCuers begins - Janu ary first and. the same article pro vides that the speaker shall open and publish the tote,' which fit re- qairef to: be fcealed aud sent to him at tha Seat of government.: The act of "93 the new "election Jaw-rim vides-that th.'e duty shall be per; fatf on Tuesday after: the assem bling of the .legislature. ft-w i ia itTbjis it will be seea'that the'ref turns will be officially canvassed by the legislature on the 12th.: It has been agreed that the inauguration 8hatJ occur the next day, which is Wednesday the thirteenth. 4: ' 1 HEARING DELAYED. VI Charged that RepnbUeaaa are Poatsoalat ilha Caasa Vata Haaaell Gate la. The temporary Injunction restrain ing the stockholders of the Atlantio and North Carolina railroad, from leasing the road, was continued in ..J uLkii m...j', m. HUH uuiu mh Aucouaj 'AUW wu- a - , J- v giving be plainUff. time to file! counter affidavlto : - ' . ' v.1-I It was broadly asserted today that the republicans ere trying to de lay ,the matter, until . Russell s In. auguration, when the whole thing would be squashed and the road put under republican management LMr:va,M.? Stevenson 1 end C. B. Thomas, attorneys ;i for ; Craven county, made application .that Cra ven be made a party to the, suit, which was granted. - - ' BUT. A. J9a rurueuLeuu reiinaeur ed the plaintiff, returned to the city 4, ' Addreaa to Y. W. C. T. V. ' . Not many of our citizens perhaps knoWof the good work being done In this community by " the Young Women s Christian Temperance un ion, of which Miss Daisy Young is President and Miss Nellie Shively is Secretary. An interesting feature of their monthly meetings is an ad dress by soma one of our eltizehs, At their meeting on: last Monday, MN. Amis, Esq., an honorary mem ber of the association, by invitation, spoke to them, and his address was highly commended and warmly re ceived. He called their attention to several needed amendments to exist ing laws and gave "some valuable fturestions for the advancing of their noble work. A very successful revival Is being conducted in Cary. Among those assisting are Rev. John White, Mr, J. T. rullcn. Rev. C. W. Elanchard and Ecy. A. D. Hunter. Much good has resulted from the mcetiag.) I THE, FIGHT ON 8TATE All) Biblical Roeorder haa no Doubt but that the Leg! latere la With Them. Biblical Recorder It Isapparent that From an editorial in this week s the Baptists propose' to make a fight iq opposition to aid to the Univer sity.: -The Recorder seems confident that the legislature will, enact such that the members of the last Generj at Assembly, and of the General As-, sembly just elected," are largely in i favor of reducing the appropriations i to higher education, with the view ultimately' of, cutting them off en tirely. We have never had a doubt : 7 ' - . ... Duij tnat any man wno unaeriaicea w represent the. will of the people or Dnrui lOTOIinS W1U DB OUUUSKU W I " - I atawia. . - , - , rThe voinntary principle ; is tne 1 only right one, and the people know j ineM D0 aaMluaw -r8umont " Bustaln the appropriation of thetaxes of the people for the bfcher educa- uon rew JWn men ana women, masses of the people It id, there fore, unjust to them to expend the public taxes for this purpose. These young men : and women, whether they purpose- teaching-Jn public Mncois or not, may as weu pe eau- cated in , institutions voluntarily schcols or not, may as well be edu supported, or at their own expense The expenditure of the public taxes for their higher education. Is, there fore, unnecessary. .. The money now X . . L I 1 . 3 if ! .1 yeu w Muor . - v i.-L';. the lower education of the' children of the great mass . of the' people', j ' . ; "There is no argument,to justify the State of North Carolina in aiding an institution that teaches religion, which is the beginning of the unicn of church and state. And there' is no argument to sustain the support by the state of and Institution that teaches no religion. . Where shall the state -aided institutions stand t f" "State aid rests upon sentiment!' " Confederate Vetera me "iv a Gen." J. B. Gordon, eommanding- general of the United Confederate Veterans, through, his. adjutant gen- j erai ana ewer ot sian wen. uwrge Moorman, has announced that the next annual meeting and reunion ot the Veterans wilt be held May 5, 6 and fr189T, at Nashville, Tenn. ; TODAY'S MABKET8. : 1 Niw ToMtNovr 24. Market quotations furnished by E. B. Cuthbert ft Ca, 30 Broad street, New-Ybrkiand 305 Wilmington street Raleitrh. N, C, over their Special wire: ' ' .1 MOUTHS. open Baoe-luow- CLOS ing. ST. KST. ING January, 7 68 1 T 7 74 7 62 7 69 7 77 1 82 7 86 7 87 7 64 7 82 7 68 7 74 7 77 7 81 7 65 7 62 7 69- V'eoruary, March... April, Mm 7 74-- May, : ; 7 83 7 87 7 79-r 782- June, . Juiy, :;( Bept'mb'r, 63orw, V Novemb'r, 7 49 7 7 49 763 7 47 7 43 7 47 7 47- Closed steady; sales 211600 bales. IThe following were the closing quotations on the New York Stock Exchantre today: . ' j ' Haw Tork Stoak Market. Sugar ,.... .,. 117t American Tobaooo.t........ 76 Burlington and Qulnby t 7M Chtoaffo Gas Hi Des. and Ctt Feed General Eleetrto.yVi,, r,v.".S"82I Louisville and NahvUle;..r.i,60 Manhattan. . .' . .. k. 4 961 Rock Island' ..!........ Bouthern Preferred . . . ........ r " 2i St Paul. : i Tflnneaaee Coal and Irot -... i. . 29 Western Union........... 87 Chiaago Grata awd Provlaloa Market. Thefollowlng were the olosingquo- tations on the ChlcagoGrainand Pro vision market today : : Wheat-December, 79i; May, 83i.- Cfern Dooember, 23i; May, 27i Oats Deoemberm; Mav Pork December, 6.65; January, 7.60. Lard December 3.77; January t 197. Clear Rib Sldet Dec 3.75; Jan uary 3.82. Ltvarvool Cottoa Market. November 4 .;..,.-;.:. 4.18 b NoTember-Deoember.......... 4.14ib ... t.i o ...4.113 December-January January-February 4.12 b February-March . . . March-April. ............. . 4.Ui b 4.1Hb April-May ................ 4.12 b Closed steady. Prayer meeting will be held as usual at the First Presbyterian church this evening at half-past seven o'clock.' . SYMPATHY WITH (M i t ExpreSSlOIlSKl mm Many tJ, 1 y t 4r r etore Await 4 ha Preeldcafa Meaaage, ; While Other arf Opfoeed to f -- Aay Aetioo. 7 ' lit ' The following r telegram was re ceived today by'-.A;Bt Cutherv A Co.; over their private wire toG. E. Leach Vy -: ' Nkw YoBK Now, ?5.r-Th JUow , re expressioiir and answers of Oo(.. "tn ne wvuuwm un wast? j mvjuvu v j In favor of Congress at an early date, pagging a joint resolution which will j b6 mandatory ihe - President to protect the strugglfng Cubans from being exterminated by thegpanish : ot;MasB Ba8opeS tef fluba. Lchandlerof New .Hampshire is tn favorjrf Inimediate action, Proctor Carter of Montana- thinks : agitation would be unwise. ' Mitchell of Wls- eonsan ' believes nctning can be done. Cockretl of Missouri wants to i recognize the. belligerency.4 .Vest of Mi880uri undecided. Kyleof ?outh wanta no -JL' vjf Dakota, wants no delay. Faulkner of Virginia, opposed , haste . . ;. Bacon of Georgia, wants to end the war. PaJbQ of Florida fsvflrs prompt ac tion. Call of Florklafavorsrecogni' tl'on.' :.. Jv;".;' ?! .-.'''. ' j Blackburn of Kentucky wants to exhaust the powers) of congress in favor of -the Cubans. TUlman' .of South Carohna.Allenof Nebraska and Wilson of Nebraska; favor action for Cuba Lindsay of Kentucky awaits President's i message. Morgan of Alabama ' thinks there will be trouble, Pugh,of Alabama believes j it an executive oupstlon. ' I Perkinrf. of California, savs we I must noi act nasiy. nermau, 1 Ohio, is reticent. Harris, of Conned J ticut,thinks the President will let the matter stand asit is Blancharcf. dt Louislana,favors Cuban recognition; Morrill, of VermontL awaits the I Presidentimaasasal; Burrows, of I Michigan,? thinks action depends upon future events, Wevler'a Successor Called for. By Telegraph to the Press Ylitor. Madrid, Nov. 25. Several of the leading newspapers of Madrid are very bitter in their criticisms of the return of General Wcyler to Havana and declare him to be morally ruined. All of - these papers demand that General Azcarragn, the present Min ister of War, be sent toCubaat once to supercede General Weyler. Keeping Up the Gait. The election in Cary yesterday passed off very quietly- a Vi , ? YV. M. zsorreu, ine jropnust tanui- date carried the day;, . This was in accordance with the eternal fitness of things in this anti-Democrtio. year. Forty Democrats failed to vote. W. M.Sorrell recelyedllSyotes and Mr. Larry B. Woodell, the Demo- oratio candidate received 11 votes. Mr..Sorrell triumphed by fJ jorlty of seven. : t ne McKinlev Elector ta Virginia. Through a clerical error, C. M, Wallace, democratioelector IrjVjr; ginla, loses 21,273 votoawThis ejects one of the McKinley electors lZ' '. f TThe WBlte trooa-' .oun.j j. . Ed F Rush's Spectacular Extra?- agansa "White Crook" company will make their appearance at Metropoli tan Opera House Friday Nov. 27th. The Extra vaganxa . is divided Into two parts, the first hTropical Island, the second a Royal Palace.' Its dia logue is, bright and, it is said the settings and ' costumes : are inost elaborate. The whole company will be" introduced, andQdurlng its action there ' ! will be numerous, varied and pleasing specialties, musical and I terpsichorean num bers, among . which ..' are Helene Russell, ' musical - artist; . Mona Lynn, j comedienne: and 1: dan- now, me rour nevaiiers, we in- 1 , - nr. Ttnvd In don sensattonWy MJSrt flowery boys and girls, inarch ot the Broadway squad, Baker, and Lynn, comedy duo, J Edgar Johnson, character vocalist and the famous El Captaine March. ;-rf- There are nine colored members rf.r. rr.,o-. rJ Rnn-oBontiiUvna and two colored Senators. . " THE B. & 8. BOAD SOLD. kTn teased t Norfolk awl Wcatera Coneny The Winston Sentinel of yesterday ,,The sale of the Roanoke & .South- o . railroad, under mortgage fore closure,, occurred Ju Winston yes terday and was knockedoff to a syn-- Roa&oka oulheriv,Railroard Co., The propel ly is fteh'to s leased to the Norfolk ft Western Company? . I William aV,GJyn was the only mrfr 'n ' rtannait wrllh IriA irtwwiat ! masters, tbcJmSr Plof goof faith as a bidd Jforhe road. i . . . ; ' T l deposit consisted of bonds, secur by the mortgage being forecli the -value of 100,000. Mv bid when. the. sale was caUedwas 1500,000, and there being ao.1 other bidders the- property was quickly knocked off to AM7ZM The gentlemen la whose name the pu recuse .was maae. are wm,nv Glyn, Joseph I. Doran, A. I. Hemp bill, H. S, Marshall, nd G. 0. Cal lahan, of Philadelphia,; These gentle men and the special. masters of the sale accbmpalned ' by "F. H. Pries, left immediately after the sale on a Special train for' Richmond where the sale; js to be cpnflrmed by the court, ' and steps will be taken at rI KrZ j once tpprganlte the Nortolk.Roanoke A : Southern ,(Company. which as stated above Will lease the road to the NorfoHf '& Western Company: r The Private Secretary Tomorrow Visti AU the theatre going public of Raleigh is looking forward to the appearance here tomorrow night at Metropolitan Open, House of that inimitable jewelof icomedy, "The Privfttj Seoretary.''' The play Is so Well known that it is superfluous to attempt to anticipator by 'any kind of comment. After a good thanks giving dinner there- Is-probably no other attractioa which could afford a more srenttifioly happy wind np of -srwHjiar imniw uyiure mirth-provoking play upon a high plane than 'iTheWlyatoSJccretary: The Birmfn)tham -'Ag6-Serald sa'ypi of it: 'Mr. Edwin Travers had e very reason to feel proud of the audience which received him and his company Ion his first appearance TnBlrmlng ham. "The Private Secretary" is broadly eoinicalr without ji suspicion of vulgarity, horse-play, coarseness or "specialties. The humor is not of the fine-spun kind that reiujres close attention to detail to appreciate but is so distinctly forcibleJUiateven the unlettered "catch on" at once. It is not made up of intricate 'plays unon wit hard to catch, but is i"all wool and Ja yard, wide." in the hands of this 4xcefW(it company the comedy cannot, fail to-be amusing, and as evidenced by the applause last pighVevery bodyi was (mused "DoyouS know" fairly caugh the house last night. - By Teleirraph to the Press-Visitor. Asiavnxi. Nov. ?25.-Kenilwortii Inn ? changed management ; to-day. Henry Clair,, whouhas managed the hotel for several months, is succeeded by C; E.- Lindsay, of Bon Air Hotel Augusta, 13a. V r. , Q 1 liiKMHAL. Ill Il ; ftrf JaopbS. Allen, Jr.,s1th. ony. Judge E. W. Tlmberiake was In the city today. ; Maj. Samuel F. Telfair left for I Washington today 1 , r jjsy, J. It Mri PerrlnBusbee wenttonico- mond today to witness the football contest tomorrow. . Mr. W. P. Henssey has returned to Cumnock from his trip to Phila delphia. Miss Bessie Tucker has gone to r.Kftrl trill on a visit to Mrs. Cuas Baskervaie. - - Miss Henrietta Merrell Daniel, daughter, of Pr. Daniel, is visiting Miss Wetherspoon in ooidsooro. - Mrs. C. H. Moseiy. who has been visiting Mrs. T. B. Wilkinson, left today for Greenville, to visit her I daughtot, Mrs. T. fi. jpacoia.v an original McKinley man, and" who bv. his declaration ifor. thei. Canton nian, broke the Weed Doom in wis state. Rumor has It that Mr. Uoyd will wucceed Hon M.'"W.-Ransom as minister to Mexioo,Mrt Boyd is j a splendid republican and a gentle- I niiin whose geniality . is., use sun I shine Itself-1 - ose 0 kTO BE RENEWED. The Rata War to Break oat A gala Between the Seaboard aad Southern.-: , Tbe Baltimore News of yesterday afternoon says : As foreshadowed in The' News, a renewal of the rate war from Baltimore to the south is only a question of time, and that time, It would seem, Is not far off unless the managements of the Seaboard Air Line system and the Southern Rail way Company'adjust tbe differences that exist between them within the next few days. . President R- Curzm Hoffman of tjf teeaboard Air Linc'system was Vfr . " reporter ior iw If At . j . f .a i a Nil. . vws in rciereoce w uie proepeuuvo ofostilitea and .white he ", eomit himseir, he intl- mat Ail that iha VanhAnorl isrit 11 IvA. mated that the. Seaboard. would be- gtn slashing rates again if the South' ern persisted In its present pMcy toward tbe Seabord that Is, deny ing the latter through" passenger service between New York and New Orleans, and running the line of steamers between Baltimore- and Norfolk, in opposition to the Bay Line, which Is owned by the Sea board Air Line. "I hay not outlined my pollicy as yet, ' said Mr. Hoffman, "but you may say that the management will protect the interests of the. company at all hazzards. I was in hopes thrt when the negotiations for the trans fer of the control of the proper y to the New 1 York 'people fell through the Southern would be willing to withdraw its objection to what are undoubtedly .our. rights and restore harmony jf it does that, of course we Will be satisfied, and trouble will be averted, but if it ignores our claims as it has done, the responsibility must be upon the shoulders of the Southern Railway Company and not upon the Seaboard Air Line system. The -.Seaboard will insist upon fair treatment.and if it is denied us then we will take steps to enforce our rights. It is premature, however, to talk of another rate war. For the present T Will take no action. I will awaildevelopment," i M U Is almost-certain that the Penn sylvania will soon tecome involved la--the pending controversy unless it will consent to haul the Seaboard's ears between Washington and New which under an aggre- ment existing with the Southern the Pennsylvania is sail to be prohibit ed from doing. The Louisville and Nashville and tbe Southern have, It ts understood, similar traffic arrangements' for the operation of trams between Mont gomery; and New Orleans, and so it is likely, tbe Louisville and Nash ville would fitidX ttself" involved in difficulties with the 'Seaboard also. Mrs, Bryan Used aa an Example. By Telegraph to the Press-Visitor. Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 25.- bill passed tbe senate of Alabama permitting women, whether married or; single, to practice law in allot the courts of "the state. It has cre ated a tremendous sensation here, insomuch 'as no other southern state has given recognition to women at torneys. The bill was passed by a majority of two only, and a strong effort will be made to kill it in the house. One of the strongest argu menta used in favor of the bill was that Mrs. W. 74 Bryan is a - .n - :- - ' f Railroad Sold lor $6,000. Mrt F. H. Busbee'- attended the sale ot a railroad in Danville, Va., yesterday, which with Its, six miles of trackr stations, engines, rolling stock and equipments sold for $6,000. The road Was the Milton and south- erland.; It maybe stated however that the road nly had one engine and that wasmlnusa tender. Among the other effectswerer two box cars and a combination caboose and pas senger affair. The purchaser was L. M. Warllck. . , - . r TBankaglvingSarVleca. Union Thanksgiving Services will be held at the First Presbyterian Church Thursday morning at 11 o'clock; The sermon will be de livered by the Rev. Dr. W. O. Nor- man, pastor -of the Edenton Street Methodist Church. It Is desired that there may be a 'full attendance, and a larg collection for the tlree Orphan Homes, MotLolist Baptist and Presbyterian, .Superior, tnus'o may be expected.; ; f. The entertainment by the child ren of the public schools are in pro gress at Metropolitan Hall as we go to press. The exercises are inter- esting and beautiful and will bejtul- ly describediu tomorrow's Pbiss- Visitor. 1 sddst : mmm. Minor Matters Manipulated for the Man j. . AROUND THE CITY." Pot-Ponrrt of the Have Ftotaroa eeiPa par Potato aad Peopla Porttoeatly -Makad aad JHthJly Part u ; Print. Mr. P. M. Brlggs came from Dur ham this afternoon and will preach at Central Methodistchurch tonight Go and hear him on the "Prodigal Son.''tYv':,r:::f. V. ; Mr. Geo. Allen, Secretary of the Mechanics and Investor's Union hag - something interesting to say to our -readers today. , Read his announce ment. -4 Jim Young's constituents in the fourth word tendered him a banquet last night . Four hundred persons were fed. A speech from Jim highly delighted those at. the feast The B. Y. P. N. of the first Bap-" tist church will give an entertain ment, complimentary to (he young men of the A, A M. - CoUeire,- Fri day evening, Nov. 27,1a the Sunday school room. A pleasant program has been arranged and the public is cordially Invite J. The Garfield graded school will hold its Thanksgiving exercises this evening, and make its Thanksgiving offering for the poor of the city at the colored Presbyterian church, corner of Davie and Person streets. The object of the exercises is to , teach the children practical benevo lence. '' Gen . J. M. Wolf, of Greensboro, state's proxy of the North Carolina ' railroad, was a visitor is the city to- I day- General Wolf is a splendid ' gentleman and his recent appoint ment as state's proxy by Governor Carr has been highly commended. Mr. C. M, Busbee, postmater, - announces that Thursday, Nov. 29, being a legal holiday, Sunday hours will be observed at the : post office. Tbe general delivery and carriers window will be open from Z:3fTuntlf " 3 p. m., and all out going mails will close at 5:30. . jf.v .;:.; The girls and boys must not for get To attend the "Mother Goose- Party " given by the Thompson Or phanage Guild at Mr. Battle's Fri day evening. Prises will be given and refreshments served free of charge. Admission 25 cents, . The elocution pupils, under the' direction of Miss Caspsri, Instructor ' in elocution at Peace Institute, will present the play , "The Rapid Tran sit Question to-morrow, .Thanks giving at eight p. m. The play will be produced at the Institution. Solicitor Claude M. Bernard Is said to hava very rosy chances of receiving the appointment of Dis trict Attorney for the Eastern Dis trict Mr. Bernard was delegate at large to the St Louis convention and was an original McKinley man. He was also a member the of nation al notification committee and journey ed to Canton. Mr. J. D. Riggan, Raleigh's great leader in . novelties for the holiday trade is now ready with a bewilder ing profusion of toys and ail sorts y- oi aiiraouons ior toe ' vnrisunaa, . trade, cheaper and better than ever. Call and see his beautiful stock and don't fail to read his new advert'se-'. ment today . " ' . , ' ' ', Messrs. John N. Harre'l and W. S. Primrose, Jr., will leave on Mon. day to fill a number of en.jagemei.tj ' for exhibition cf the: wonder ul 1 Graphaphone. Their route overs g large part of this sttte and Suth Carolina, and we are sure these en- ' ergetio young gentlemen will reap a richly deserved harvest - The Graph a phone is one ot the most remark-' able and mysterious Inventions of this Be and the exhibition will at tract i unarras oi speciaiors. . We make our acknowledgement to the firm of W H. 4 R. 8. Tucker & Co., for a pretty pamphlet entitled "Cirtrldge Photography." It con tains some very Interesting infonua tion and illustrations concerning the Modern Kodak, which la typified in the improved instrument of the East man Kodak Company which is to be seen at the store of the Messrs. Tucker,, It is a pretty and compact little machine and is strictly up-to- 1 date in the kodak line.