ft 1 . f I C.i.m p liluuJv J llurse Sold. ' :r Vr. A. Guthrie, as attorney, t rxm today, in front of the c rt house door, the "Teatray I ..n y," tie property of J. 0. Black ley. It was sold under a mortgage given by E'. ickley toCoL J.S. Carr. T. M. Gorman was the purchaser at the bid of $50 This is a blooded horse, and at one time was said to be a fine race horse in Baltimore. Major Guthrie did the auctioneer ing. The Major shows Jhat at least if he cannot be the Governor of this State, he can auction off horses.' Durham Sun. , ' , Yoa Can fia Wall. nourishincr for nerves and musics, ilood is the vital fluid, and poor,-thin and impure When your blood is pure, rich, and The bh when it is you must either -suffer from some distressing disease or you will easily fall a victim to sudden changes, ex posure," or overwork. Keep your blood pure with Hood's Sarsaparilla ; and be well tS: - Hood 's Dills are the best after-din her pill, assist digestion, cure head .ache, za cents. v-rv?v,f. .' ' 1 r y- ' , y . MORTGAGE SALES. y-V ?' ' .Under and by virtue of a deed of - trust executed to the undersigned by . B. Bobbltt, deceased,' and recorded in , book 135, at page 695, Register of ,.. Deeds offloe for Wake county, we. will expose to sale at public auction at the door of the court house of Wake coun ty, in Raleigh, N. C, at 12 o'clock m, on Saturday,- the '26th day of Decern , ber, 1896, the following described lot v or parcel of land, situated on the east I side of South West street in thecity of Raleigh, ; between Morgan and Har gett streets, adjoining the lands of the . late Kimbrough Jones, on the north, another lot belonging to the estaje of J. B. Bobbltt on file south, being part of city lot,. No. 154, as shown in Shaf- fer's map, ', and the northern lot, as now enclosed by fence of the lot con-, veyed to J. B. Bobbitt Dec 14, 1878, - by D. Mi Carter et als, by deed re ' corded in book 63, at page 14 in said "- Register of Deeds office, and fronts on ' said West street 65 feet nd 4 inches . and runs . back east- 1b depth 108 feet. Terms of sale cash. f - Pebxb & Maykabd, :,.. L - Attorneys for Mortgagees. ,; MOBTGAGB BALB. Under and byvirtue of a deed of ' trust executed to the undersigned by -. J. B. Bobbitt, deceased, and recorded In hook 139. at nam 157. Register of . Deeds offloe for Wake county, we will m r - w - .J k.iU.i J -OF- Ltw J a CALIPBELL iiivliiiii) ; ; Have Again Cnf TMr Prices ' 10 Per Cent.'- Jsst Tfc!r.!t of It ! waga-iiarners ll you want fo know how big your- DOIXAR Ks-how : Tmaoy CENTS it contains, its purchasing power, take it to CROSS & LIIIEHAN'S, 210, Fayetteville Street. , - I LT u m pj It - T t IP II Our 176.00 suits now M7.B0 -'i Ou4 160 Oft oak suits now 145.00 J : Our $2600 oak suits nowt22.60 . j Our lia 60 oak suiU now 11 25 ' AU of those who have had our prices .can get our prioes now and see that i this add is true. A- V t "r i kere l:i the imim , Our 120 00 hall racks now 18 00 . Our 115 00 hall racks now 13 50 , ' Our $10 00 hall racks now $9 00 . Our $5 00 hall racks now . $4 60 - We have in stock a special lot of . hall racks that usually sell at $12 90, we will now close them out (ab $? 00 M easu res" its vVal u e Minted Fill Year Pcrlcrs flaw.; While you can buy an Klaganlover stuffed suit for $35.00. We also have a beautiful oak suit at $20. -z t. . it ' r f-Ltf I - I I . ..Ill 1. T; I Cross & Remember our house is headquarters lor all School Supplies. We have everything yeHi need in this line. A full stock of '' al'; Side Boards! Side" Boards! ' Remember we make a specialty of fine Side Boards and china', closets and all finds of Diningroom furniture. Pretest Year C::5t$. tile you ean buy this baautlf 1 case for $8, regular price $16. - Don't fail to see diir H 60 leather seat dining chairs. Regular price t2.60. ' Side Boards from to 1140.00. Don't fail to see our suxjk, wnein- er vou buv or not. Kemembef, we carry the largest stoop oi jurnuure i . i i ! .1 l 4t.:a ol.ta -Vnnvd fnv IrtW TlPIPAfi Ann frond V.. 111., VU dhwuiw, ww I Anu uOUSC UirulVLUUa fc)W 1 u M1" bwmj - vw ' " f" o ertv therein, desoribed; being a lot of i . ; . . - expose to sale at public auction to the hicrhest bidder at the door of the court house of Wake oountv. in Raleitrh. N C. at 12 o'clock m., on Saturday, the . land on. thS east Side of west street, between Hartrett and Morsran streets f and bounded by : a line beginning at i , tbe-norttxwesi corner oi jniggan ; - lot on . west street, runninff thence along the north line of Riggan's lot 107 1 feet to C. S.; Allen's line, thence s, northwardly along Bald Allen's line 50 foet to the line of, another lot belongs lnff to the estate-of JB. fiobbltt, det puttsed, tlienne west with the line of the t vmni lotJUii reel to wesi sip, ,,. ...... wiLh west street DUieet to tne beginning, being the southern portion of the lot ffonveyed to J. B. boooiu ny D. M. Carter and .others by deed re corded in book 63,' at page 14, Register . of Deeds offloe for wake county. Terms -of salecash. . - - j.n. Holding,' f ? ' .f ' - - J J$- S.,jERMAN, " ' -nr t b r ' Trusteeg. BAiiK Or IiAND AND PERSONAL tttilAS:iif!CADPVJELL. 9 and,l2 Martin Sfreet If :;To-morroiff -was Christmas PROPERTY flit 1 , rOa Monday. December 28tbt1896, - at m., at tne uoun nouse- uoor m Raleigh, N. C. I will sell at public v outcry, the following desoribed land - in Swift t Creek : township -Wake county, beginning at alt oat on the ; Holly Spring's road the south-west nnraer oft Geo.' Green's land,- run thence with said Green's land north '450 feet to Bryant Smith's tract,' thnnne with Raid Smith's ttuct line ' west 116 feet, thence south with said emitn 8 vrBCIi liuo iv icon vw ni thence east with said Smith's tract ' line 96 feet, thence south with ald V Smith's tract line . 200 feet to said Hollv Sorlngs rood,. 'thence : east ward with'said road tothebegining. oontalninc 16-21 of an acre, also, the " following desoiibed personal pro ' yerty on said land: 1 steam engine. ' hniler and fixtures. 1 cotton gin and ii Vnn rnnA ivninfl bnm tndav or anv time and find us ready. As we told you the other day, we are always ready, that is one of our atrong points st cnPva VAtl mil ranrllnAfia. Our RAlRsmen tell us. it is easier to sell goods thiD amnnti than nvnr Wore. It is no wonder, close buving. close markf lngi good, honest goods makes selling easy. We hav now a complete lineo- dVERCOATS and ULSTERS for man and boy$5 to 18 for Ulsters, $5 to $25 for Overcoats. Big value at omkv nrlp: Siiitjj for men SU to'-fO. bacKS. . cutaways, irocKs anu . y..j '. " ,,'.11 ., " . prince Aipens. fi .t,r--'r - -:-;,' 't 8 ' BOYS'LOHGiPANTS SUITS ft ft io in ia 1 ii sVIK Ttnva' Tinir Fftnts Suits 3 to 10 V 60 to S 00, Underwear in all grades 25c to 13 60, Neckwear in every new styles 25o to $2. Percals suits 75c and 1, worth nearly double that ' "'V 2 Vinnat hnalltv Jersev Jackets suitable for office Vlulhouse wear, Tegular prices were $6 and 5, are reduced $4, all sizes 34 to 48. About 75 Top Overcoats In sizes 34 to 38, -Jiotmng larger than 38, tngsia prices were ou to siu, now .mey are umr.eu , the verv overcoat suuaoie ior mis liumaw. .. ti c m a'-r i t A A A. . ...., - - best variety is nere. au otner sons vou. . or iller ana oxtures, i cotton gin anu i , , - 4 , ; j .-.- v i i r . fixtures, belting, shafting and puir Lftaa 1 II K Une rriUO wlULI I Id O leys, lFalrbank's wagon sesand TT P , , "-?"-- all otner property w every j uunuro ' on said land and used id connection with said gin, engine, etc, for. Tr tatorad: offiw' fogtetefDe'es Pl""P'n,A"C"nS forAVake county dated. Nov. 3, 1893 K L -js- J fc h-i A lw : AUIB1 Mara in book 121. page 735 made to perfect title., v - - v . ,'-' . ; r S. W; Briwee Trustee, nov24-td I s 1 ' r - ' Having qualified as administrator of the estate of A. K, Weathers, de ceased. I hereby give uotioe to all pert sons having claims against said es tate to present them to me for payment before the first day of October, MI ni.homvian this notloa will be nlead in bar of the same. All persons in debt ts thn id A. K. Weathers are re quested to come forward and settle the same at once. a. iiiwm, ' Ai)min!tMini for A. K. 'Weathers, Deceased. ' . ' - v octl4 Jaw6w : Executor's Notice Having this day qnallhed as Execu .fn.n.hA catntA of the lata Crsdy Blftke, deceased, this is to give notice to all parties having claims against said party will present them to me on . !... 18th A ir nf November - Ui - - - - - . 4897, or this will be plead in bar of tholr recovery. A. J. r.u-aa, , novlft law6w- Executor, U i t it- ALSO. When iha vm a CbOd, sha eried tor OmotU. When Ae became lfiai, he ohm to Coria.; When be had CliiStoio.ahe ganthem Caatorta. un Ware Gi-rnntod taoj to rust. ECONOMY i nd you will do the brainiest thing youv'e done in many a daV for there's stuff Ahere you'll need every day,:staffyou ll theyre coming Stuffs rou'il want for Thanks- daV for there's stuff Ahere you need when winter's storms are upon-ua ani etvfcg stuffs you'll want for .holidays-stuffs' you'll want Tor birthdays for someope (.else. , Come now ! Comei quick 1 while assortment is -gopd-i-most unbroken and pick out of this mine of good things not cheap good things, but good good things nugget Of pure value .. .tJ , Vj, .'.''.. -?). by the best artisans ftf :the wortdV-they are yours at a valua tion thatnakes the purchasing power of your dollar greater than ever In the world! history. ..... , - ... ti id Linehan GBW. ':v; L HORSES, BUGGIES, - ,'280 iff HARNESS. 1 Friday and Saturday, Nov 27 and 28 On the above (fates I will sell you at auction without reserve, two car loads of Virginia and East Tennessee Horses from & to S year old, all sound, good workers. gale will he made each day Rain or Shine. Every horse sold un der a guarantee; ; Fbakk Stbonaoh, 'i' . . Auctioneer. "Buggies At Auction. son ft Jones op Buggy. 1 Studebaker T( Buffsry. 1 Baboock Open Buggy. rop 1 Barbour Oncn 1 Cortland Open Buggy. 1 Fisher Top Buggr- Guru's Fine aiuiiuiiuiv Ai"i in the veryiatest styles. A. Williams 6! Co's Book Store 1 ', f Cuffs "Done" Just Right will make a-man , Hppyi all day. Cuffs or collars 'done--wrong are productive of temper and profanity to an apalling degree. We don't be ?iv the most critical taste could find a fault with the work we do. It is perfect, and what can be better than the best? When vou wish to be sure of good work, coma to OAKCITY STEAM LAUNDRY Page & Marshall; Proprietors. PHONE. 87. When yon want to buy a nice new top buggy at your price give me a call. 1 sell von cheaper than you can buy from the factory. FRANK STRONACII, Piop'r. Stronach's Emporium. NUTS Walnuts, almonds, IlraziSa Peucanaf filberts i and. coo nuts. We have bought a big lot f these foods at a low price and will Ih; ghul to quote you wholesale prices. Call or urup us a jusuu. 'RAISINS and FICS-Fioe London Layer and pitted raisins Kc per pound,.-loose. Muscatels 10c; Kine Layer figs 20c per pound, whole box l6o per pound, . - - rents 10c lb; California unpeeled peaches 12c lb; apples &c to 7Jo. 4 Old Fashion Country Buckwheat Flour, free from grit, specially pre- , pared for our . best trade, 6c ib;J Hecker's prepared, in 3 and 6 lb packages 20 and Sao per package. . Vermont Maple Syrup."-This is the genuine Maple ap, I gal jif 75c; quart bottles 50c. pint bottles 25c. i Eli Pettijohn's ' Best Breakfast , Food is just the thing you want for breakfast, easily prepared,' easy to : digest and real delicious l&o pkg, 2 pkgs. for zac. .ri.' f ' " ' d. t. jo!i;:sq:j, AGENT. t'bonu . Hiss Maggie IM. ams ac8 209 Fayetteville Street New Millinery ! We have now ready for the trade all the latust things in fall and win ter Millinery. Trimmed and untrimmed Ladies' Hats, with all the new trimming materials. Children's and Infants' Caps, in all styles and colors. t All customers will be given prompt attention. Goods sent on approval . Ex press paid one way. Agent for Imperial Patterns. 3 Another lot of those delicious SouthJ ampton county iVa. ) Hams; also fine lot mild cured Johnston county (N.' C. ) Hams. -A Fresh arrival New River Mullets, fine, fat Mackerel, new pack Roe Her rings, etc. - 'Melrose" Flour still growing in popularity. And why? Because it is carefully ground from best selected wheat. None superior to "Melrose. " Nice line finest green and black Teas. Special blend finest Mocha and Java roastea conee mate an exocunm cup, I handle nothing but first class goods, therefore orders may be sent with confidence. Lowest prioes guar anteed. Respectfully, J.D. TUfpCfc Cor. Johnson and Halifax Sts Telephone 126. The Commercial and ' f r ' Banjt of lksign N.JC. ' Chartered-by General Assembly 1891. Paid u0;Capital Deposits . . i $100,000.00 300,000.00 Offers its customers--every accommodation consistent with safe bankbg.V Safe Deposit Boies for Rent on Reasonable Terms. J. J. TEOMAS.'President, B. P. JERMAN, Casa e Some good business offices to let : ALT-A. THOMPSON. Vice President. H. W. JACKSON Assistant Cashier. You Can Settle the Ever Vexatious Question Misj Maggie Jeese, What to Give the Bride Cut Honors Roses, Carnations, Chrysanthe sums Bouquets, n Floral Designs Simoson's Ointment CURES NASAL ?: CATARRH . A' Trial ' Will Convince You. Mav be necessary' in many ways when dollars are scarce and wants many, but it is not desirable to practice it in the purchase of food, which is lire, Below a certain stanaara iouo imperfectly nourishes; up to that stand ard it costs a reasonable price , We never want more than, a reasonable price for our Groceries, t , ' RAPID SALES Give our customers the- benefit 'of close margins.. We never keep any thin? that is not the beet of its kind, ana we only want a rair prout on wni w invest in it. " -ww CHOICE-CROCERIES; Always in stockand promptly delivered ""'i when ordered. j. nioa. psog'ud. sdpsorrs PIIARLIAOY, : Dissolution Met y ' The firm of McClure A Peterson have this dat dissolved co-partner- shio bv mutual consent. All bills and debts due the old firm will be naid to the new firm of McClure & tlales.. McCujri A Pitieson, , - . is , "-7 . ' - ' ' Palms, Ferns, Golden band, white and pink Ja pan lilies. Finest of all hardy lilies I Hyacinths;, Chinese Sacred Lilies, Preesia Narsissus, Tulips for forcing -n the house and early, spring blooming outside. H. Steirimetz, Florist, North Halifax Street, near Peace In; stitnte. Phone 113. octlT Have Kept You Cool All Summer. Will-Keep You R By spendiug a few moments looking through our now and complete stock of Sterling Ware, , Cnt Glass, . Iron and Brass Lamps China, : Clocks, Bric-a-Brac. H. MAHLER'S SONS, JlWKLKKS AND OPTIOIAMS. 7 i Have your eyes tested. No charge . - (or examination. SALE OF LAND. : By virtue of a decree of the Superior, Court of Wake county, N. C, made . and entered at the October term, ISDH, :. of said court in the case of A B Marsh- , burn et al vs. Gllley F.Harrison et al, , being No. 641 upon tne summons aocs -i et of the said court We will offer for-- sale, at publio outcry to the highest bidder, at the court house door ia the t city of Raleigh, N.C., on Monday, the 4th day of January, 1896, at 12 o'clock M, the 101 lowing aescrioea waot o le,nd, to-wlt: Bltuatea in saia county, adjoining tbe lands of Willie Harri son and others, and known-as lot No 1 in the division of the land formerly f owned Berry Harrison, deceased. Be-.-ginning at a forked white oak, Willie Harrison corner, thence N 2 deg.'S 201 poles to a stake, thence n 87 deg, W 17 Administrator'. Notioa. ' HavinB Qualified as administrator of the estate of .Cherry Penny, de- eeased, late of wake county, in. u,, this is to notify all persons having claims against th said estate to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of October, 1897, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recoveryj and all per sons indebted to tbe said estate are hereby notified to make; immediate payment to me. . ' 1 ' ?. J. C: Marcom. Adm'rj :' R. T. Grat. Atfy.-. ltw6 October 7, 189(!.; i ? . To tbe Tai Paran of Waka Coaaty- -:m .... All Winter. Soft - Coal Pocahontas" and i Doles N 2 deg. B 49t poles to a stake, thence N 07 aeg. K i.it poies to b pure, nnv- s 2 deg. W 230 poles to Neuse river,' thenoe np said river to the bbginning, ' containing 77 acres more or less. . ' Terms or sate, one-iourxn easn anu : the balance 14 12 months, with interest at per oent. AMOSTEAD J0MB8, ;,..---y : v.-' Comre. : . I urge fend insist that I must col' loot the taxes, and that each tax payer must come forward and settle nt nniA Tf. la ImnAinnl t hal. T aKrhiilH close up my tux account for the year T (nntpf gr j , urgent . a.ww. -- Russell Creel, - Biliouoiii: 1896, and hence make this urgent aDDeak " To all who come forward and settle before December 1st,- 1896, I shall charge no cost; but sfter that I shall charge cost as al lowed by law; This la positively the only notice I shall send out. - - M.W. Paor. VSheriff of WakeiDounty.. Jcllico Ccal. The best Coal at lowest price ways at, ' j - ' t ; al- c d j:r.:3 ft Pov;c!' la unaedbT torpid Utct. wtuoh prwrenla d'gea. " foaand permits food to fcnmt and putt Uj In tha stomach. Than lotow olsiuieis, aaadaeaa, i 1 B i tBSoauna, aerrouaiieai, sod, it not raUerad, bUlout temr or blood potsoolnf. Bood't SOs stlmulats tha stomach, " nua ths Br, ears hea-'- ' Mru.tinn.ptn. IS cents, h1'' .' iXliaauu' FUlato taMltU tmuu s eui ll