4 City Editor. to yew Advertisement. I ;t Charm. 'i'ui kor Leciala. '" . -; IjObt Carnage Kobe. . 1 xcclwor Steam Laundry . . . Thomas & Campbell Big Turnl-turaltore. m..-.y, - Nov. 2a TLa Weathsr Tomorrow, Icxol Foreat for Balelsh. Local forecast for Raleigh not extending beyond a ra dius of 20 miles:) Rain to night and tomorrow, , Local date for 24 hour ending at 8 . m. (today) November 2h, Maximum ' temperature, 68; minimum temperature, 43; rainfall. 0.004v:;-,:;:.;i - The following were the weather oon tltlons at 8 a. tn. today: '. ; State of the weather. ., fair. v Temperature of the air .. 48 dog. , Sensible temperature... 42 deg. . Wind velocity";.? 4 ; Ugbi. Direction of wlnd.i.'i.Ui:. y v S. W '4 Mr T HChavasseaud littledaught er Mary' went down toWeldonthis morning. 1 ,MriL'E.'B. Bar bee returned this mornirg from Chase City, Va., where he spent Thanksgiving day ' with his friend, Capt. W.W. Davies, i- and enjoved a Thanksgiving hunt. Y. M. C. A. . . Air effort will be made to secure Evangelist S. M. Sayford, who is " conducting special meetings at the A. -and M. College Y. M. C. A. to speak at the local rooms tomorrow at4p, m. He has had wonderful success in reaching college students to whom he devotes all his energies. The meeting will be at 4 p. m. Prof. J. F. Lanneau writes that he Is preparing his apparatus, for use in his lecture on X rays for the . association. . Lout. ' A combination charm. Knights of rTTthis and did Fellow. It bears) the name of Mr. E. D. Smith on one side and Phalanx Lodge No, 34, on the other side. Reward for return to this Office. . , . :-. WE DO NOT WANT BOYS OR LOAFERS to write, but men of abil ity. $200 to 1500 ner month. Salary or commission. State and general managers. Racine Fire Engine Co., iiacine, wis. nl4 ev sat et On Friday afternoon in front of my residence a red raw-bilk car. riage robe with a keyv bordering of two shades of blue. The finder will be liberally rewarded. Arms' Mooes Paxi-ib, ' n2S-3t Edenton Street. , . . -. -. Staads at the UmiL , -. Aug. J, Bogel. the leading drug gist oi anreveport. Lav, aaysv "ur. Kind's New DlscoTerv is the only hlng that cures my cough, and it is the best seller I have. " J . P. Camp- Dei., mercnant of Arts, writes: ."Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it never fails and is a sure cure for consumDtion. oousrhs and colds.' I cannot say enough for If a nA.lt. Tt. Vt XT TV covery for consumption, coughs and colds is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of century, and today stands at the head. , It never disappoints. - Free trial bot tles at John Y. MacBae's drugstore. Did Yo Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remenv for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now ana get relief. , This medicine has been found to be Deculiarlv adapted to the relief and cure of au female complaints, exerting a won derful direct influence in. giving strength and tone to the organs. If you nave loss ox appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or are . nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medi- T a . r. i 1 1 cine you neea. neaiin ana owengin are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and fl at John x. McKaes drug store. Jet black pointer with trrer face and three white feet. Finder will get rewara oy returning aog to tnis omoe far Brat. Residence No. 412 Fsrettevllle. Apply to Alfred Williams. W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. W Shx Goods Chxafkb Than Ant . f ' Qrarat House. Silling Dey Steruno at Goods Silveb Prices. Steblin Silvek 925-1000 Fine. Our articles in Sterling Silver are all guaranteed 925-1000 fine and the prices are made on a Dry Goods ba sis. Every article is one of merit. We have ouly articles made by the very best silver-smiths and silver manufacturers are all right in every particular and at Dry-Goods prices. We sell goods cheaper than any otber bouse. W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. toe0vr VtlXf tMti Kb. WnrexoWsSoorrara Bravr kit tees nW lor over Sftw nui few nllll t.. torUetrchtkire. while tMttung, wit perfect nweeM. It eoothee the child, toltni th gwas, ilr ? pein, enree wind eoUe, an tbe b3 remedr IW DianlMM. It will n.iun UUle tulterer tmraedimtelT. Sold bj OnunteS to mttf partol tbe world. Twenty-ire eeuU a bottle. Be eon ts uk far "lira win.L Soothlm Syrup." iai Uk mo eUier kind. (t Dissolution Notice. The firm of McClure A PetnrsnnH have this day dissolved- co-partner ship by mutual consent All bills and debts due the old firm will be paid to the new firm of McClure & Hales. McCium A Petkeson. - . OrBter. . ' In price, we duplicate the lowest; in size, -our oysters excell any sold in Raleigh; and in measure, we are the only dealers who sell oysters as they are received with out water. ' Prices 25c and 35c per quart. ., Geo. N. Ives, : -.-i;..-- City market.' Phone 255 B - nov27 lw, i 5 f For Knit. "Three-story brick building cor. Fayetteville and Morgan streets, re cently occupied by Democratic head quarters, For .terms apply to W. B. Grimes. novo tf t li.-r Kent. . Six room 1 on Jones street, second door i -om ' Dawson street. Water and modern improvements. Inquire southwest corner Jones and Dawson streets. - , . nl4-,2w ':' l will have two ear loads of good, young, West Virginia horses ship ped from West Virginia to me, to be old on consignment, which I will cositivelr sell to the hlifhest bidder at bit stables in Raleigh, on Satur day at U o'clock, Nov. 28, , I89. Stock guaranteed as represented, or no money paid, i nese Horses re from 5 to i years old. sound and good workers. If : you want good! v lrginia norses aon t miss tnis op- portunity, as they will sell cheap. Jfiveryuungjruaranteed. c John W. larrLErAOB. : Ed. Thomason, Auctioneer. A nov21m - ;" -ALL- THE- not Drinks Served at our Fountain TO-DkY. If you are. chilled by the cold then come in and make four-' self comfortably warm , by '" . " i i .taking a drink (1) of "Hot .Soda. v8V James I'cKimmofi 6 Co,, ,133 Fayettevlllb St, Raleigh. lb. liHniemej1 Jl. . TO 131 Faycttcvilb UhafsiiThncms? .No "Experts" needed with Buck's stoves and Ranges. Now (Sirls ! We will rive the BITOT'S JTTKTOR NICKLED RANGE" W the rirl under I 14 years old who will collect and bring I to our office the greatest number of advertisements, each with It Uzzzzii I As to the rose or violet, nothing. Trade "Ducirs' Mark i But take our namt- W. II. ICIIIG & CO., Now, there 'c irreat deal in that For instance: ; ; . cut from newspapers from October 15th Uon must be tied in package with num ber and name thereon. "' Thos, H. Briggs & Sons : RALEIGH. IN. a SOLE AGENTS Buckfs Great White Enamel Line. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. Santa CAmm In prescriptions it means PURITY and FREEHNESS of Drugs, ' Care and exactness ineompounding,Fair ness and moderation in price. - Whether you want medicine, or soda water,, cisrars or Soqd. . Candies or chewing gum, . we - serve you . with honesty, courtesy, and ' disnatch. I One good name means everything to you, It means entire satisfaction to us success. ' . u ilfes, There's Lots In a Name. Mi M:wi Co. t : Plione -FULL LINE- Fine .Stationery OflSCe. and; School es. - 'i Lexers h Lcrr Pri:: J. We have b-. t months, and have ; -i BrlC-a-Brao, Tovs a I We are B"-r . lold Novelties. Toit call an! see them and make, vour selection Our Toy Stock will be complete by December lst when we will show it. ( We have (SCO elegant cloth bound books (selected titles) by the most pop ular authors, winch we are seUlug at 19cts each. Nothing btitor for a Xmas : T and buying Holiday Goods during the f ast four ll 'r during that time the largest assortment of ! r mivi- Lim ever shown by us. ' t - 1 lines of Crockery, Vaot-i, IvT. Sal and Cellu- i s and Bric-a-Brao, and would invite you to We will name a Jew authors: Dickens, Scott, Elliott. Lever.CooDer. Jane Lyle, Victor Hugo, Duma, and others, ' Portor, Haggard, Kdna auppn 0028-3' Gliristnias 8fcc! NOWf COMPLETE! , ' -AT-' ' ' RIGGAN'S TOY STORE. " Toys cheaper and tetter than ever; CHILDREN REMEMBER) ' Its the 25th day of December. ! r Are yon ready with' your letter With your - 'jter, . with you Santa - n .... i... . - ... ' . . To get Toys and Dolls in your strife, j c or us tne greatest joy oi your uie Are you ready with your Santa Claus letter, '. If yon haven't you had better. .. For you might be too late to get her , xo uiggan's, tne sure place to send your ieer. , , For U you want to be in the float,- ' You hnd better ret in the boat - For RIGGAM'8 TOY STORE, the - greatest of note.. - BianhetoT Shoes i . 10- 4 all wool (special) .; .AtS 04 We seU Shoes cheap. - 11- 4 all wool (special) i... ?,-A 24 . All our lines are- "up to datej" and 12- 4 all wool (specUl )..,-:.. '.Cm 4 88 reasonable. ' Z Also White and Orey Blankets from Crossets $3.00 for Men are nnsur 1 95.00.' ' " passed. " - -t , i ii-innnrnii ir i n i mi i u ,-, nriTrn en -. tai i Underwear ; v Vraps; k . ; Ladles, Misses and Children's Cn- Our $5.00 Plush Cape is elegant.' derwear la WoolVnd Cotto. ": Nf'y mde "d f trlmmed' ; - Other Capes and Cloaks in propor- Also Union Suits for Children. - v tion. . (XSee our $2.62 Cape. . ; WOfW.iw-,r I ll II I HI lllgLILLgU rrr.-uu- n-ifninfinnr nflmmqa Slttdll WareS Separata Skirts Genuine Dletas Lanterns. '.48c WrappSr. T Good Machine Oil .",. 6c Children's Reefers. , r Borated Talouia Powder.. .,.."..20e Shawls and Balmorals.-. " v. Glyoerlne Soap.., 8o ' Children's Headwear. ' Can Openers,, -.........;.. os Children's Long Cloaks. 1 Tack Hanimers.....v.:,.i.,,. ,10c " Blaxer Salts, AGENTS FOB WOOLLCOTT & SON, 14. "EasC, Martin Street. Call and select what you want be fore the assortment ts broken." : UJ3 Dry Goods Prices. Ws Sell Goods Cheapeb Than any Other House. Selling Sterling At Sityer STERLING SILVER 9251000 FINE. ..t .... ... - n e can duplicate matching ar ticle for article in sterling silver- all the magazine articles and all the articles catalogued by any northern . silver smitn or jeweler, and at low er prices. To proye this bring your magazine or catalogue. ire sea gooas lower man any oiner no use. W. P. A a S. TUCKER & CO. .W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. mmuaagggaaHHHHnnniTB A Magnificent Line of High Class Novelties, Toys and Fancy Goods for the Holidays, all Bought when Prices were Lower than Ever Known. 'Mspssss is i in i ism iisji iiiWissjMMseiaiaw,.iyi I 1 jf i. ' f 1 ffri s W J Leaders sA' TUr feet;. U'L K66p OpSsl &f Ulktir " gM$$lsTt fc on O'1 1- We Sell Goods Cheaper Than Any Other House! - v Holidajr Season 1896. '-'J Second Floon A! " ' v Ladies' Needle Toe and Common Sense Shoes 1 601; ;;',,.. Child 's School Shoes 75c a pair, neat and durable. Misses' $1 a pair. , - - . T . , Ladies' Overgaiters, great values at 25c a pair. A, t Ladles' Pur Trimmed Felt Slippers $1 60, Boys' and Youth's School Shoes $160 a pair. ' . " . ,4 Gent's Embroideried Slippers only 76c a pair, at ' sizes W Sell Goods Caeapkr Than Ant Other House. Selling Dry Cut At Goods Glass Prices Rich CutGlass, -r. Made by the Li obey Glass Co., Toledo, Ohio. This firm was grant ed tne exclusive right to manufac- -ture Cut Glass at the World's Fair. w-jWe have just opened a large ship-"- . ment of the Lib bey CutGlass for the . Xssas trade, and any article you - wish, we have, and at DRY GOODS 1'RICEa We have never been able , to show such a large and select line it oi tUt (ilass at such low Dvices Call early before the assortments are y oroKen.' W.H.AR.S. Tcckek ft Co. W. H. A B. S. TUCKER A CO. Wx Sell Goods Cheaper than Ant ,. ' . Othir House. vv Selling Dar " China , at Goods .-ij.Wih.'.; - Pricks. ,. . , URCOBATED CHINA. ' , 'This department covers in area a ..." space greater than that of any other house, and never In the history of . . ... . - : uinaware nas tne price Deen so low . : for thj same quality. A few of the v Dew pieces are; Delft Bon Boos, poudoir Sets, Tea ; Sets, tPunch - - Bowls, Biscuit Jars, etc., etc, all at - dry goods prices, -v, ; - Bright New Goods. ,.' . BRinirr New Goods. v Npw Cains clocks, Smoking seti', V. j stands, Penholders, Ja. anese v: Comb and brush trayo, Ban c a-1 litiEj. s, Fine broi s, French. (. in, Austrian and English B ric etc . The prioes tre v. ry ' 1 wl ch makes tbe seljina I ..' i on T " ould call no vand make i -r u. . . n i'. & K. S. Tucker & Co. . All the Other lines mm nruvl m.nA UoA ni tu ua iuuna. unr Htnm m nnw m. .u.n.ku c. ll Mil lSltlM ' fAB J 'VbodV In inVltasl tA Mtm .ml Inont .V T - loveiv rooa. to" fnH rrr'XLri. r?' py 01 the land fore we snggest that you come at once, when the newest and best for vounv and always iro first, thera- mrm au complete,. 1m . , ., muj piuviuHB auiae now ana . aeuver ' when von ish them up to the 23d. We eni nmnl. t Ai-r.,J. .tl - 7- that we mini taxed to our utmost to deliver goods sold on the MuT.. Clau..T ei!ff 'S- SirL'ifc W. una wixi ana DOI m Heller Bros. :shoe store. Our stock of Holiday Goods is now opeif for inspection. Full lines of fancy goods and novelties for the Chrjstmas trade. Also a large line of articles in sterling silver. Everything New ; No Old Goods. ; . -7: We invite an earlv call trom our matron i' and customers that they secure a choice - of ' selection before the assortments are broken To out-of-town customers we will send' articles-on approval, to be returned if not Wanted, at once. Our prices are lower than: ". any otner nouse. r iv. n. d n. TU2?.n d "u.r iu r man to mall their letters to Santa. Every letter mailed In w iSn !i r1"6" bT chUd 10 r old and under, by the of DeW ber, will reeeive a ranmhra.iuw fmm m c..i. m. IZL TZ.zzZ.Zi rTT Jd."lnR,!!2 J?." 8.nu chtur-S .MiviKu, . . Lvn wnifc: wriut nnw CAPE8. 1 MITXTNTimv Hush! don't talk too loud. Did mi know that we were selling capes at lower prioes than most merchant, hut Ikmfw had one hundred new capes in the latest makes to eoma In this week; we have new ones coming in daily; we Jcant git enough, it seems, bnt we like it. Tbe more we sell the cheaper we ean sell; we mean to make this lUleigh's best store; we are cer tainly receiving the hearty co-operation of the people, and It makes as re double efforts to meet every demand. A.-B.STRONAGH.j Oj. low SUCCESSORS TO UA.wH tRV. OoJ & CO Don't forget your new hat forChTuS-1 wasn-t we lortanate la secnrlnir pur present mUliner? we have had hundreds of ladies to tell us that she oouia sun went in a bat better than any trimmer they ever tried. Another i uung, we sell millinery goods at the ame smau pro&u that we do other' uungs, which Insures you a saving of ii. in jour juh. XTimmed nas oo, jae, si, i bO and up to WW, or as high as youwaat, . tt- . CHENILLE GOODS.' ; . : '. We have'jttst got in new line of covers and Dortieers. - PpIom never so low as these 4-4 mvm -t tn. value 7fic, others at more? The S-4 Trilby, now so popular ia only tl 18. You would nav SI 40 .ImI. these. v . . , r.. HANDKERCHIEFS. ' ' ; Holldav handkerchiefs of all th. newest ana nest tninsra mil- an elegant line at 6, 10, IS and 26c CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. " We have a rlcht m n nf drea's cloaks for UUle chUdren from to 8 veara old. elerant mndt. wi. trimmed, at 99c, 1 85, 1 50 to 3 SO. ' MEN'S TIES, v; ; - r-. We houcht a matnlfleent line nf men's ties, all the latest shnces nnw In vone in New York. The nrim are much under tbe usual, all i(ik t 10, 25, 3fi. 60 and 76c. . i Onr Customers areOnr Best ' AdYertisers. pZiQCh hiiiCCzJ Picked ud from over-stocked ImnnrtAra anl 'trin,tanA .o... facturers. The eyes of the people are focused upon us. Jinny , exciting bargain events between now and Christmas day. The first is our ' , Caseins.! fcr TI::r.::cinT. I7c:i.1 Dress Goods Ovycnn Bargains in Sbeefa Hand Laun- dried, dry-ironed, hemmed sheets. woof uiusuuv 1L4 ' 72 90...,:-.:.,i.j rT-...45c 81 x 90 ,, 60c 90 x 90...CC.. 65c : Bargains in Quilts Hemmed, reaay lor use. Marseilles Quilts ..;....:. 75c vJhrochet Quilts. Hemmed. , ready for use ....-......., ... . z. 00 Bargains in Comforts Chmtzcov ered Sea Island eomforts.. ..$1 00 Double faced, twill covered com forts -j. 1150 Eiderdown Quilts, double face satin covered $1 25; all full widths and lengths. ' Bargains in Blankets White and and grey, southern wool Blankets, 10-4 60o per pairt . HEjctr5 quality Southern wool blank ets,. green and white 10-4 tl 00 per pair. ( . . . - - ,r Extra heavy grey; wool blankets ?.3 per pair. . ' Bargains in Underwear Ta!. Jersey ribbed oanta and vtata 2 for 35c ' Ladies' onion Suits 35c. - ; ' ' Bargains in HandkerhiAf Tl dies' plain hemmed stitched band- Kercuieis rfje. Gentlemen's cure linen handkA. cnieis zk. Georgeoua Sale, Sumptuous Diversity, iU Best bargains are now. - . v i Early buyers mmsed 75n:::3 lV;:::nC;: r - price thriazzle the eye, whllfl the . choica atllstheears.iourQC-, choice at a-OU Advance for '97 . ... 25c 0 ri:::i ri:"r:J " And stripped Boucles, only In black, mr V cost the importer tl price All at 5c Per Yard. suetciie( t C A ' ) Checked Muslins, Victoria Lawns and Jndia Linens, new-l ines 6c yd. j JtIanjt" L-:i t! .A O. 31 v r i 23 f' - 1 - ...... .,... -. ,..'':..;.: Druss Goods, styles bright, ; showy and eiTective, were 67J ttrj: and 70c, now .v,.uUC 41 Pieces High Class Novelty. All this season's stock to conform tn. me recni slaughter r paid while in New York, 1 in rre sou lor tJC. fl nti.l 11 3, now UJC r .., r ... E!ark sad t'.ir i i Co:. ,3 rcjyr.. ti.. ;r50a Itn