,.U 11V TUE VISITOli-PRESS H'ASY fltSCOKPORATEDU UDATION or THE visitor, J r "3, THE PRESS, i KM 01-j ja lL-i Pullei Building, corner l'i.ytUovillM4.1)yie Streets,1! GKLEK O, ANDREWS, ,.,v:::f Editor and Iuiti,' JASPER H. MeRART, 8olUdttagtt. Subscription Prices. XJU9 IWThi v Sis Months ;"; . .V. . .. . .". . -1-60 One Month............ 25 Entered as Second ClaBS Mail Matter J Ni iLBL . DNTQ K A. The Leader in the Hews and """ in emulation. ' insure the cl oio of ihe opening i the event of any attempt to refill or recharge the bottle. A further ob ject is to insure the ' proper' seating of of the valve or empy ting the cob-' tents of the bottle, and also to pro vide for its being readily reseated in the event of any attempt to refill the bottle after once emptied. .It has been adopted by one of the1 larg est distillers, and will undoubtedly soon be all over the United States, as the manufacturing of the same is now in progress. , v ' ' , Bnakln' AraiM S1t. The best 'salve In the world lor cuts, bruises,-, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per Nx. 'or sale by John Yr Mac Rae. ' : - , v Made and Merit Maintains theoonfidenoe ot the people in Hood's SanaparUU.' II a jnedlcine enres yon when sick ; U it makes wonderful cares everywhere, then beyond ail qaee tion that medicine possesses merit. r n n Lv.LiSlC'JQ That is aat the troth about Hood's Bar- aparilhu. We know it possesses merit because (t cores, not onos oi twice or a hundred times, bat in thousands and thousands of cases. We know It cares, absolutely, permanently, when all others fail to do any food whatever. We repeat flr it' t Hall 7RP.. Rack liv 01 bv. U L tta-3 n U n : Others have found health, vigor and vitality in Hood's Sarsaoarilla, and surely has power to help you also. Why not try it v -.- Notice to the Public. All TELEPHONE No. 168. Monday, r . - Nov. 30 SI FFKIENT VTO TUE DAY, . ; It is always' well in thlslife to look " ' upon the bright side of It if a bright ,? i spot can fee found any where, and certainly rot to anticipate trouble . : till it is realized. We have troubles enough of the present without bor- , rowing the" imaginary ones of the . future' - v, W6 regret to see that some people ' and ' some newspapers are' busily . engaged,, in hatching a regular J .Dante's Inferno for the next four ' yearfe-fuslon administration in the State and all sorts of dire' and lugu- ;'-,. brious picturesare being portrayed. A regime of fegCrrymanding, of ob- upon, the traditions of the good peo ple of the State is already pbrophe ) sied tor "the forthcoming administra tion 'before it has a chance to demon v. strata its ability and possibly its pre dilection to be decent- As a matter of fact we do not . believe that the -.- incoming officials, from Governor elect Itu8sell, on down the list to the most insignificant township con stable, wilbave any preconceived purpose to practice any indig nity t upon the respectable people of this .(State unless they . provoked to it by the foolhardy ut- i who' have heretofore proven them- selves to be as barren of common - sense as they are of regard for-n , public weal : We had a taste of this two years ago when the fusion legislature "was nearly incensed to a partisan gerrymander of the city . pf Raleigh by the foolish and puerile venom of those who busied them . selves to malign and to abuse in ad yancej before the imaginery eil had ever materialized. Fortunately . the fair-minded spirit of wiser heads came to the front and the wisdom o conciliation was demonstrated in contrast to the pitiable nonsense of reviling-the hand, that can either deal gently or harshly. There is no Use to provoke our Republican and! Populist friends to subjecting - us to unpleasantness. There will : be time enough for that wbethey - have-nrnven that thev ororjose to l ' K C j Let' us believe' that they will play ' the part of decency and use the ad vaBtoge( they have .rained to their -nwWC (frail i and aalf-rasrwct until the ebntrarj is showav' r . - Having this day- qu&IiEed as Ad. ministrator of the estate of Calvin Kelly, deceased, this is to notify all persons indebted to said estate to pre sent their claims for payment to me on or before the 18th day of November, 1897, or this notice will be plead In bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please pay without further demand. Hezekiah Pool. nl7 law6w . - I I ' I II ; Sarsaparilla Is the best In fact the One Trne Bleed Partner. u " mn cure nausea, indigestion, IUUUS ril butousnesa, Weeats. Notice To CiMix Payers- The city tax list for 1896 has been placed in my -hand for collection, i l wui oe in my offloe tor, that pur pose every day from V a. m to p m. All taxes not paid by December 1st are subject to a penalty of 1 perl cent, and an additional 1 per cent on the nrst day of each month there after until paid; noy6 30d City Tax Collector. S7.C9!': ; ff'lUO We guarantee the Back to be better than "any $10 Rack ever sold in Raleigh. lias box seat, doublo ( hooks, solid 'oak Guarantee price THIS WEEK ONLY. ' , , ; Open at Night, Royal I & JBorden. ' Lcc d!: out, are you ready for it? If not, comoancl get your shoes. Some beautiful blankets, quilts, comforts, rub ber shoes, pil lows and coats, capes, V cloaks, jackets, umbrel las, lap robes. Do, not -forget your horses, we have plenty of blankets for them. Lyon npclrct Gtcro I have purchased a nsniEcne Funeral Car, I have on hand a large stock of Cloth Walnut, Rosewood, Oak and ; : Metalio , , CASKETS - A tAEQI STOCK OF - "Excelsior Steam Laundry," Phone 19. 105 and 107 W, Martin Street (Academy of Music Building.) Wis- DOS T BRAG about the superior excelenoe of ur work, or cntl- ' uiuiui- Muiiurra. Kjur paiifuna can juage ior tnemselves, nut we do say " ucjjcumjui va everyone who aesires to maKe a seat dressy ap pearance for the success of our business, and, in order to give our customers : .-- " ; u year, pmceioai exper ience in the business, gives his entire time to the department. It is to his in terest to see tnings none right. Is it yours? Watch your linen and see. unr motto: uare, (Quality and Promptness. Give Us a Call AfaiUlll, PRORIETORS. Change in Weather. After a few days, perhaps a shorter time, there will be a decided change in weather. This change will cause many to have colds: we have the " remedy, ' - , .. Laxie Bromo Quinine Tablets will cure It in one day. cure, no pay. 25c box. No 14 has bfen said that a toil lion dol lars' a waits the man who would in- filled,:' Mr. P. I. Siegel, of the Capital City club of Atlartajbas in- venvd and patented, such a bottle, and at least thinks that some money awaits him,'; Already oneof the large distilling, companies o this country has agreed tto Use the bottle, and its : manufacture has.,' been begun, Siegel bad been-working on the in vention, lor many months. He had many obstacles to encounter. It is a sort of Chinese puzzle to, figure out, the "tnaiing , of a bottle out of which , liquid . will pour and into which, none Can be poured. - Butthe inventor, claims, after constant ex? periments, that he has succrlfled In making a bottle whieii will only add slT-litly . to the cost, and which is perfect . in preventing " refilling. Its object is to provide a simple and eTcient device which will instantly New Shoe Store. Shoe Bargains rw in Gents' Fine Shoes for this week. We place on sale today the. best line of Gent's $3 Shoes ever Sold in Raleigh. These goods are shown in Bull Dog, Com, Needle, French,. Parish, Opera and Razor Toes. Don't fail to see the above goods before pur chasing, xney are bargains. Best line Ladies and Children's Shoes in the South. C. POOL. "S. B. NORRIS, Manager. " PROCRASTINATION Is The Thief of Time." ii you neglected to buy your winter's supply of coal and wood in the summer as your interest renuirAs that arm nK C til? kftVA flnnA ' mm ria ai order now and avoid the rush lSk ffffiSniS cold weather. Convenience and economy dnmanda that in., h,, .moJZjrl 1 AT.!rrr riiLVi North Side Drug Store, Wynne ar.d Birdsong, Halifax strtvt, on l !i ck south of Peace 1 ustituto. NOTICE. North Carolina, I In Superior Court, Wake county. liefore D a Young, , . uierit. J. - C. Marcom, administrator of Cherry Penny, deceased, vs. Mary Walters and Henry Walters, her It iipKii n A Mem Allan T.tllta Allan UHOUDUU) WRIT 4MCUi A-UII1U 41UCU Roxie Alleni John Allen, Susan Al len, (Jeorge Penny- Ada Penny, and Annie Holloway. heirs at law of Cherry Penny, deceased. To Mary Walters, Henry Walters. Mary Allen, Lillie Allen and John Allen, defendants above named. You will take notice that a special proceeding has been instituted in this court by J. 0." Marcom adminis trator oi Cherry fenny, deceased, entitled as above, for the purpose of obtaining an order for the sale of the real estate of his said intestate to create assessments for , the pay ment oi the debts oi tne es ate and the charges of administration, " and you are hereby required to appear at my office in Raleigh, N. C, on the 2d day of December, 1896, and an swer or demur to the complaint of season s supply or fuel at once, and to get in and put away before. winter. wm oe a source qi satisfaction to you for months to come. ' Our stock is uuw wujpiei ana we solicit your orders for best goods at lowest prices.- Johnson am do nnoon. teed in ir. otherwise the relief prayed let will be granted. Jt 1. '' V C:erk Superior Court of Wake Co. October 19. '96.. ",-; " 1 aw 6 w COAL and V:00D. Phone 150. Office 10i;FayettevilleSt S. A. ASHE S SON, FIRE-INSURANCE' Solioit a pat . jf your patronage Office over MacRae's 'BranchFhar Valaalle City and Country Real 1 Estate for Sale. On Monday, the 21st day of Decem ber, 1886, at the court house door In Raleigh, N. C, we will sell to the highest bidder at mibllc outer v the fol lowing real property belonging to the estate of tee late William li. Upcnurch; 1. The house and lot on McDowell street in the city of Raleigh, which was occupied by said W. G. Unchurch as a family residence at the time of his death. This lot fronts about 105 feet on McDowell street and runs back about 210 feet. There is also an alley or entrance to the premises from Mar tin street. The dwelling is a handsome two-story wooden building with seven rooms and there are suitable ' stables and out nouses on the lot.- This property is covered by the life estate, dower', of Mrs. Eleanor M- Up- cnurcn. wmow or sam w.u. upennren ana wm pe soickjuoject to ner ngnts 2. A lot in tho vlllasre of Oborlin near .Raleigh, adjoining the Jots of Spence, Davis and others, fronting on wade avenue, being lot No. 27 in the plar of said village as-recorded .in Iteglster's book 32, at page 681, con taining aDOut one acr.. 3. A tract of land containing' 1S acres, niore or IcbSv in Swift Creek township,. Wake tiunty, about four miles soutnwvit oi Halelgb In the sec tion oi country Known: as tuamkatte, it being the land 5onveyed" to ' W. G Upchurch by B. J Upchurch and wife by deed registered in Book No 339 at page 190 of the said Register o: oilicc. 4. A tract of land containing about 50 acres, lying in the said Rhamkatte section of Wake countv and bounded on the north by the lands of of the late Wm urlmos, on the east by 1 W Cole's lana. on inesoutn by theHoUy Springs road, and on the west by the lands of George Green; it ; being a portion of the Irtnd conveyed to W .G Upchurch by deed registered la book No 62, at page 41 of said Register ' of Deed's offloe. ' . '( 8. Lota Nos. 271 and 272 in the plan and map of the Caraleigh mills prop erty south of the city of Raleigh. The lots adjoin each other and lie on the corner of Glendale street, and Mav- wood avenue and are each about' 60 ft by ISOft'in size.- Thev are -described in a4eed registered in book No. 109 at page aui at said liegistor of Deed's offloe. a., a tract of . about zo acres., lvincr about It miles south of Raleich. ad- ioinintr- the lands . of tha C&ralnlo-h' muis, anownas "w. vi. upenurcn's UlacknaU place," It being the land now occupied bv Brvant Smith. Esa xnis property is well unproved, has a large barn . and stable, and good dwelling on it. and the land is. In a high state of cultivation and a fine market garden. ' There are "a number of large suppernong vines and a good orcnara on me piaoe. " - baie made by virtue or powers con ferred upon the undersigded executors by the will- of W G Unchurch, de ceased. v , . Terms of sale: one fourth cash: bal ance in twelve months with 6: per cent interest rrom aay oi sale. . i- - ; . - Chas H Belvin. 1 Executors of TDD Upchurch, W. G Upchurch ttiUPCHUKCH. ) deceased. Nov 21st, 1896," ; - tds Said of L&nd lzzr R:!:!h. As exeeutor of the late 3v B. Bob bin I will offer for sale at the Court House door in Raleigh, at 12 o'clock m , on Saturday the 5th day of De cember, 1896, a valuable tract of land about 3 miles east of Raleigh containing Ninety -four acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of W. H. Holleman, deceased, J. D, Dodd, J, W. Cross and others, it being the tract of land formerly owned by Jas. Moore and previously1 by M. A. Parker. About 60 acres of the tract are in a good state of cultivation, of which a partis well drained low grounds, - Good tenant house and necessary out-housesand a good well of water are on the premises. ,i Terms 1350 cash, , balance three equal annual installments with in terest from date of sale. 1 J. Hal. BoBBrrr, nov 5 ' Ex. of-J. B. Bobbitt. ' j COFFINS t 5r ' 7 r'0t Alt KISDS Aqd Gents', Ladies' Children's Robes. " . - and all equipments in the Un- -i dertaking Line.. . -i ; Call on me at No. 128 South Wllming f ton St., Raleigh, N. C. f . i UNDERTAKER., land for SaIe, ':;:.'.V 1 . By virtue of a deed of mortgage ex ecutea on tne jra aay oi January, iwi I will offer for sale at the court house -dor in Raleigh, N. C. on Tuesday, December 26th, 1896, at 12 o'clock m., ior oasa, we loiiowinB- trao oi tana as described in said deed of mortgage: Lying and being in Middle Creek ' township; Wake county, and beginning-. line, thenoe about east to a dogwood -Mary Matthew's oorner, thenoe about southwest to a white oak, the Tom ; ory, about east, the corner of the land ? belontrlnjr to heirs of Marcom Wood, thenoe to the beginning ' containing twenty acres mors or less. See book ni, nacre zuv. in tneomoe ox we lteav ASM Ul VI 11 WmL WUU1J . . j, '. J. C. L. Harris, . , . nov24 tds . Atty. for Mortgagee. For . r i 'i; 1 i For the last 20 years wc have fcert Piso's Cure for Con- sumotlon in stock, and would sooner think a erocenrman could ret along without sugar in his stcw than we could without Hso's Cure. It is a sure seller.-r-KAYtN cc UJ., Urugists, Ccresco, Michigan, September 2. 196. . .... Laud Sale. Mmm ,the mm iir'M'1 -,fii- ' ; , -,V' 'i(M,r . ; Under and bv virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Wake county, in- a certain . civil action. No. 721, summons docket of said court, en titled u. r. Montague vs, : J. w uyais, Nancy A. Brltt and Joseph Austin-1 will on Monday, the 21st day of December, 1806, at noon. I sell at public auction ' at the court bouse door in the city of Raleierh. N. C.. the following described tract 01 land lying in Panther Branch Township,1 said county, and adjoining tho lands of George Partin. A. E. ' Smith rand others and bounded as follows: Be einnlnir -at a -stake in Little Creek. thenoe north 4 degrees v east 4 chains and 22 links to a stake, thenoe south 87 degrees east 14 chains and 44 links to a stake, thenoe north 40 degrees east IS chains and W links to a stake, thence south 87 degrees east 15 chains and 50 links to a stake, thenoe north 3 degrees east 11 chains to a stake in the Penny corner, thence: north 63 de es west with L. J. Weathers' line 9 chains to a stake on Juniper ts ranch, tnence down tne various courses of said branch to Little Creek, thence down said creek to the begin ning, containing one hundred and two and a half acres ( 1021 acres ) as more fully appears by deed of Nancy A. Britl and others to J. W. Ryala and wife, date March 15, 1884, Registry of yxt.. i. . DAni. UT inn - 11 iw wuuvj, uuvi. J l & Tvy. iiu known as the homestead of said J. W, Ryals. Terms cash, . . , , 4 ' .- Commissioner.'' . Raleigh, N C, Noy. 13- '96. , j - she cf u::3. -Under and , by virtue of a decree ot the Superior Court, in a civil ac tion, No 6512, c i d, entitled Wm Dmitn vflf nioniague, we win, on th 7th day -of December, 1896, sell at public auction at the court house door in the city of Raleigh. N 0, at ' 12 W, the following tract of land, sit- township, beginning at a stake Jes ' aid Watkia'a n w corner in Jonathan . Pool's line; thenoe s 26 poles to a stake said Watkln's ; n w - corner: ' tnence a 80 w otf 3-0 poles; thence -west 93 ' poles to two red oaks on the bank of Neuse river; thence ud ' the various courses of said rivei about 84 poles to Pool's corner: thence With hid line 8 88 e 136 Doles ; to ) the- beginning, containing 63$ acres.. Also, at. the same, time and nlnif, wa will anil tK nAHAHalnwu. ttiiiv ant Im mM . . .- ing of 1 mule, 1 horse, 2 wagons, harness, farming implements and - - part of crops made on said land. Terms cash. - .. , - ARuISTEAD JONES, TH08RPURNELL. ' 1 noTtds-' - Commissioners. D ' - SALE OF LAND. Bnfc&br - II it IMMI II II (1 II M U IMI II II 1 niiMiimiiiiiMiiiiiiiliii(" . Rubber D00tS?ariU SIlCC3- OtFayetteville and Martin StsJ, Just as, you Come Up from the Park Hotel GooSo rilTBQ Ull). Mcintosh Coats $3, 3,50, $4 U.--iuJ b LJUiJiJ fc;iUlil;.GyJ and $5.. Just the thing for Fair Week, Call arourid boys, will be glad tb see you. Rubber Coats $1 60 and $2. Umbrellas 60c, 75 and $1, 1,000 pairs 10c Socks for 6c each. . r . ' , . . ; John Y, Money? Loan Mechanics anif Investor's Union Are prepared to make prompt loans On Real Estate. Terms - Ecultatle and Literal Loansonatockof Union made promptly And paid on day of 'application 'Apply to ' v -' George Allen; ' . Secretary, . 22 Tullcn Buildintr, Ralcijjh.N. C. By authority confered unon mn in a judgment of foreclosure made at f eo. term and an order made at Oc-1 tober term, 1896, of the Superior Court of Wake county, in a civil ao tion No 6358 C. J. D. entitled W F. Utley vs Mary A Utley et als, J will on Monday, the 4th day of January, 1897 at 12 o'clock m.. sell at nubile outcry at the county court house door in the city of Raleigh, N. C, the following tract of land situated in Middle Creek township, Wake " county, N. C, and known as part of ' the home tract of land recently : owned by A. J. Utley, deceased, adjoining thelandsof AJ Blanchard. A P Norris and others and bounded ' as follows: Beginning on the east side of the Raleigh -road and : runs with A J Blanchard 's line on the south and Dallas Adams'on the enit. and on the north with James' S. Noah's line back to said Iialaigh road and with said road south in A J Blanchard's line, containing 60 acres, more or less. -Said land be ing the same conveyed bv A J Utlev and wife on the 6:h day of December, 1889, to W FUtVv by mort-ae deed which is record -1 in book 110, at rnjre 2, 3 in the c.leo of Krister of ' eiiafor Hake county, 'ierms of- suie, c?h. nov25 iiJd II. E. Norris. . - - 'novi-a Irn . . i - , ..... , Commissioner.

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