1 l urty of them a Pay, and Now Ciiiitully 111. . ' I xALixiiiiA, November 27. On ., L. J at his home, 2206 Turner . t, Ww. I'ci per, r ;c& 14 years, l ;a living example of the evils of i j'jarette smoking. For six months l a consumed from three to four 1 ickages of cigarettes each dayun- t:i nature, unable to stand the Btrain, gave way, and the victim was oblig' ed to take to his bed. That was three weeks ago, and ever since Kerper has neen hovering between life and death. -For the past year the lad has been employed by the American District Telegraph Company as a messenger boy. It is against the rules of that company for any of the boys em ployed by it to smoke cigarettes, but Kerper, when out of the office and during his off hours,, smoked lnces atitly. FromTsmoking a few cigar ettes each day he became a "cigar ette fiend," until twenty, thirty and at least forty were, found necessary to satisfy his cravings.." He was finally attacked with a malignant le aver, from which he Is now suffering. The lad's' skin nas turned yellow ' You Can Be WeU. When your bipod Is pure, rich, and nourishing for nerves andjnusles. The blood is the vital fluid,, and when it is poor, thin-and impure you must either suffer from some distressing disease or you will easily fall a victim to sudden changes, ex posure, or overwork.' Keep your blood pure with Hood's Sarsaparilla and be well: ' . , Hood's pills are the best after-dinner pill, assist digestion, cure head ache, 25 cents. . , '. . . , MORTGAGE 8A.I1E. Under and by 'virtue of a deed of trust executed to the undersigned by 3. B. Bobbitt, deceased, and recorded In book 135, ' at page 695, Register of Ttaeda office for Wake oountv. we will ' expose to sale at publio auction at the - door of the court house of Wake ooun r ty, in Raleigh, N, C, at 12 o'clock m. on Saturday, the Zoth nay ot ueoem ber, 1896, the following described lot - or paroel of land,- situated on the east : side of South West street In theclty of Raleigh, between Morgan and. Har- Eitt treets, adjoining the lands of the te Kimbrough Jones, on the north, another lot belonging to the estate of J. B. Bobbitt on the south, being part of city lot, No. 154, as shown in Shaf fer's map, , and; the northern lot, as, now enclosed by fence, of the lot con s' veyed to J. B. Bobbitt Deo. 14, 1878, by C. M- Carter et als, by deed re corded in book 53, at page 14 in said Register of Deeds office, and fronts on said West street 55 feet and 4 Inches and runs back east in depth 108 feet Terms of sale cash. - 1- -. -Jn ' , Pehub & Maynabd, . Attorneys for Mortgagees. MORTGAGE 6AX.E. A i By virtue or a deed of trust executed to the undersigned by J. B. Bobbitt, deoeased, and recorded in book 139, at jagesl57, Register of Deads office for Wake county, we, will expose to sale at publio auction to the highest bidder at the-door of the court house of Wake county, in Raleigh, N. C, at 12 o'clock m., on Saturday, the 26th day of December, 1896, the prop erty therein described, being a lot of land on the east side of west street, between Hargett ' and Morgan streets, and bounded by a line beginning at the northwest corner of w. Riggan'e lot : on west street, running thenoe along the north line of Riggan's lot 107 feat to C. S. Allen's line, thenoe ' northwardly along said Allen's line GO feet to the One of another lot belong ing to the estate of J. b. Bobbitt, de - oeased, thenoe west with the line of the ; last named lot 107 1 feet to West street, thence with west street 60 feet to the beginning, being the southern portion of the lot conveyed to J. B. Bobbitt by D. M. Carter and others by deed re corded in book 63, at page 14, Register ot Deeds office for wake county. Terms ;; of sale cash v. :v .. -&Sr "wtiJ : J.. N HoLDma 4 . B S. Jerman, -C:.X -f!: 3 -., . -. Trustees. BAuB Of LAND AND PERSONAL , '&';.PROPKBT,f:l,V',' "." On Mondav." December 28th. 1896. at 12 n., at the Court House door in Raleigh, N. O., I wUl sell at public ' outcry, the following described land in Swift Creek townshlo " Wake county, beginning at an oak on the Holly Spring's road the south-west corner of Geo. Green's land, run thence with said Green's land north 460 feet to' Bryant Smith's tract, thence with said Smith's tract line west 116 feet, thence south with said . Smith's tract line 230 feet to a stake, thence east with said SmittPs tract line 96 feet, thence south with said Smith's tract line 200 feet to said Holly Springs road; thence east ward with said road tothebegining, containing 16-21 of an acre, also the following desciibed "personal pro- ierty on saia iana; i steam engine, boiler and fixtures, 1 cotton gin and fixtures, beltinff. shafting and put levs. 1 Fairbank's wagon scales and all other property of every nature on said land and used in connection with said bq, engine, eto., Jor fur istered in office Registef of Deeds for Wake countv dated Nov. 3. 1892 in book 121, page 735. ' This sale is made to perfect title. - , S. W. Brkwib, Trustee, nov24-td WheaBabr was rick, wsgnarMrOutorla. : WImb ah hi a CbBi, she orled 1 W Outotta. , lien tt6 bnuM Xia, abfl duns to OHtoria. Wlies ah bad ChflJtiB, sbs jt Own (Moris, -OF 0, fee Again Got Their 'f Fill Year Perlcrs llzxi. While vou can buv an Elesrantover- stuffed suit for 935.00., We also have a beautiiui oak suit at aau. bB . Protect Ycur Desks. While you can buy this beautiful case for 98, regular price 915. Don 't tail to see our 11 50 leather T P T -M '.A ':6f,ilHl 12.60. -Side Boards from 18 to 1140.00. Don't fail to see our stock, wheth er you buy or not Kemember, we carry the largest stock of furniture and boose furnishing goods In thin state., Yours for low prices and good goods. , - Jt v' - TIJ0L1AS & , 9 We Sell Goods . Cheaper Than Any Other House I ' " Holiday Season 1896. . ; : ! Second Floor. V Our stock of Holiday Goods is now open or insnfip.tion. Full lines of fancv sroods and novelties for the Christmas trade. Also a arge line of articles in sterling silver. . f Everything-New; No Old Goods. - "We invite ah early call from our patrons and customers that they secure ' a choice of selection beiore the assortments are broken. To out-of-town customers we will send articles on' approval, to be returned if not wanted, at once. Our. prices are lower than any other house. J . 17. -11. 6 n: 8. TUDIIEil G GO. ClLlIcATHnO ALSO I in Ware Guaranteed not to rust. mm w . M Q 3 w, -0 C " Ik CALIPBELL Prices' 10 Per Cent Juii Tfci-h cf It! : Our 75.00 suits now $67JSO ' Our aOO 00 oak euits now 945.00 V ; . Our 125 00 oak suits now$22.50 - ' Our 12 50 oak suits now $11 25 : -All of those who have had our prices can get our prices now and. see that . this add is true. ! EEF.Eair.ETKEEiP.SmS. 1 Our $20 00 hall racks now 918 00 . I Our 916 00 hall racks now 913 50 - Our 910 00 hall racks now 99 00 f Our 95 00 hall racks now 94 50 , 'We have in stock a special lot of " hall racks that usually sell at 912 50, we wilt now close them out 98 00. 1i ' Siie Boards ! Side Boards! ' Bemenber we make a specialty of fine Side Boards and china closets and all Cnds of Dining room furniture. seat dining chairs, Eegul rice , " GALiPlVELL and 12 Martin Street. ECONOMY May be necessary : In many ways when dollars are scarce and wants many, but it is not desirable to practice in roe purooase ui iuou, wiuuu w life. Below a certain standard food imperfectly nourishes; up to that stand ard it costs a reasonable prioe. We never want more than a reasonable price for our Groceries, ' RAPID SALES Give our customers the benefit of close margins. We never keep any thing that is not the best of its kind, ana we only want a lair pront on wnat we invesi in is. ? , ... : to E Always in stock and promptly delivered .. when ordered. ' v : - Tiios. PSCCUD. Dissolution Notice. ; The firm of McClure A Peterson have this day dissolved co-partnership by mutual consent. All bills and debts due the old firm will be paid to the new firm of McClure & llalcs. . McClcri & Pktebson. Jf you want to know how big your DOLLAR, is how many CENTS it contains, its purchasing power, take it to CROSS & LIEHAN'S; Measures its Value ' " and you will do the brainiest thing youv'e done in many a day for there's stuff here you'll need every day, stuff you'll . need when winter's storms ire upon us and they're coming . soon almost at our doors. ' StufTs you'll want for Thanks givingstuffs you'll want for holidays-stuffs you'll want for birthdays for Bomeone1 else. Come now ! Come ouick I - -t while assortment Is good almost unbroken and nick out . : of this mine of good things not cheap good things,but good uood thinrs nusrirets of Dure value H ' sr - ' ' Minted by the best artisans of the world they are yours at a valua v tion that makes the purchasing power of your dollar greater ; - than ever in the world's history. ,. Gross & Sehool Books Remember our house is headquarters for all School Supplies. We have everything vou need in Ibis lino. Kurd's Fine Aid in the very-latest styles.5 , ; , A. Williams & Go's Book Store OAK CITY STEAM LAU NDRY Page & Marshall, Proprietors The Commercial and Farmers' BaiikQf Raleigh, N.C. Chartered' by General Assembly 1891. Paid up Capital . $100,000.00 Deposits . . . .. 300,000.00 Offers its customers-1 every accommodation consistent with safe banking. ' Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent on Reasonable Terms, 'Some good business offices to let J. J. THOMAS, President, ALF A. THOMPSON. Vice President. B. S. JERMAN. Casft a H. W. JACKSON Assistant Cashier. Simoson's CURES NASAL CATARRH. A Trial Will Convince You. SIMPSONS Administrator' Motlee. : Having qualified as administrator Lot the estate of Cherry Penny, de ceased, late of Wake county, N. C, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of October, .1897, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery,' and all per sons indebted to the said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment to me. , . J. C. Marcom, Adm'r. R. .T Qat, Att'yv . ' iltwfiw October 71896. ' , - fc Tiar jva ' - f 7 t I i or . feifZj IT :. 210' , Fayetteville - 1 Street. Linehan. A full stock of . Stationery Cuffs "Done" Just Right will make a man happy all day. Cuffs or collars ''done wrong are productive of temper and profanity to an apalling degree. We don 't be lieve the most critical taste could find a fault with the work we do. It is perfect, and what can be better than the best? When you wish to be sure of good work, come to PHONE 87. Ointeilt PHARMACY, "'lisrn a .... .. . -r . - rvwnaiTw ; v To lha Tax Parara of Waka Coanty- '' I urge and insist that I must col lect the taxes, and that each tax- nAVPf miittt pnm tnwvtkA nA aAitU at once. It is imnnrtant that. T ahmiM ciuse up my ax account tor me year 1896, and hence make this urgent appeal To all who come forward ana settle hnfnmi TVuwmhiiii lot 1896, I shall charge no cost; but after that I shall charce cost as al lowed by law. This is positively the only notice I shall send out. .:: v- di. w i i Mm, - . . r Sheriff of Wake County nol3 ow 3w GREAT Gombinafion . Sd: -OF- HORSES, ..) buggies,;: ASD HARNESS, j- Friday and Saturday, Nov Z1 and 28 ; On the above dates I will sell you at auction without reserve, two car loads of Virginia and East Tenuesee Horses from 6 to 8 Tears old. all sound, food workers, sale will I made each day Rain or Shine. Erery horse sold un der a guarantee. : ; f RANK 'bTBOKACH,r.i I , . i Auctioneer. Buggies At Auction. I Tyson & Jones Top Bupgy. X Barbour Open uuggy. I Cortland Open Buggy. 1 Fisher Top l btuaebaker Top Mueiry. 1 Babcock Open Juggy. jiugg.-. "When vou want to buv a nloe new top buggy at your price give met eall. i sen you eneaper tnan you . can buy from the factory. FRANK STBONACH, Prop'r. Stronach's Emporium. . 209 Fayettevllle Street. New MilHtiery! We have now ready for the trade all the latest things in lull and win ter Millinery. Trimmed and unlrimmcd lovelies' Hats, with all the uew trimming materials. Children's and Infants' Caps, in all styles and colors. All customers will be given prompt attention. Goods sent on approval. Express paid one way. Agent for Imperial Patterns. ie Reese. jt Flowers Roses, Carnations, Chrysanthe nums Bouqttets, Floral Designs, Palms, Ferns, Golden band, white and pink Ja pan lilies. Finest of all hardy lilies Hyacinths, Chinese Sacred Lilies, Freesia Narsissus, Tulips for forcing n the house and early spring blooming outside. H. Steinmetz, Florist, North Halifax Street, near Peace In? stltute. Phone 113. octl7 Have Kept You Cool All Summer, Will-Keep You w A R All Winter. Soft Coal, ; Pocahontas and . . Russell Creek,- ..." TaklftwMaaa '0 I lsaaaml iaaaat.;i ' .v.-';;-?.. . ..... . ' . v.... .. . f , . The best Coal at lowest prices .al ways at ' K':1--i'y ir-;'. :::; -,;-T;:v:, r Mage ou M ' NUTS Walnuts, almond,, UiiizilK Peacans, filberts and .covoa nuis. We have bought a big lot f these goods at a low price and will be -tf'-'d to quote you wholesale prices. Call or drop us a postal. ;.- ?,,,r :i , . RAISINS and FIGSFine tondon" Layer and.43itted.. raisins lDu twr pound, .loose Muscatels IV; fine Layer figs 20c per pound' whole Ims 15c per pound. , , r... 4 rents lOc lb;' tialifornia unpet-ledl peacnes lolb apples no to 70, Old Fashion Countrtf Buck wiuit Flour, free from trrit.- speciall nr. parea ior our oest trade. fc loj Heoker prepared; In 'S and 6 lo paokagts 20 and 35c, per package. ; ! Vermont 'Maple. Syrup.', 'Tbla ff the genuine Maple Sap, i ga( 75cj quart bottles 5(te, pint hxfrtle : 'Eli. Pettfjobn'B '!licst J3reakf;wt Dooa is just the inmg you want lor breakfast, easily prepared, ' easy - to digest and real delicious 5o pkg,'S pkga. for 25c. .. " ' .'fa ,- . ... v. . t 0. T. JOIiriGOIIr AGENT Phone . ; .'"' COcni Hi) LIB aa Piii mi or". MMMMKMMM Another lot of those delicious Southg ampton county (Va. ) Hams; also fine lot mild cured Johnston county (N. C.JHams. Fresh arrival New River Mullets, fine, fat Mackerel, new pack Jtoe Her rings, etc. , 'Melrose" Flour still growing' In' popularity. And why? ,: Because It to carefully ground from best selected wneat. none superior u -jneirose. Nice line finest green and black Teas. "'' ' Special blend finest Mocha and Java ;:? roasted coffee makes an excellent cup. I handle nothing but first class goods, therefore orders may be sent f with confidence. Lowest prioe guar anteed. , Respectfully, . 1; j. d. turher; Cor. Johnson and Halifax Sts, Telephone 125. You Can Settle the Ever Vexatious '' :. Question. What to Give the Bride . Bv soondin" a few moments looking through our new and , complex stock of i ..' . Sterling Ware, . Cut Glass, : - .'-. : Iron and Brass tamps China, Clocks, Bric-a-Brac. H. MAHLER'S SDKS, JrWELERS AND OPTICIANS. Have your eyes tested. No charge for examination. SALE OF LAND. Bv virtue of a decreeof the Superior ' Court of Wake county, N. C.j made and entered at the October term, 1896, of said oourt in the ease of A B Marsh - burn et al vs. Gil ley F. Harrison et al, being No. 641 upon the summons, dock et of the said court. We will offer for ' sale, at publio outcry to . the highest . bidder, at the court house doo in the city ol Kaieign, JM.U.i on aionaay.tne 4th day ot January, 1896, at 12 o'clock M, the following described tract of land, to-wit: Situated In said county, adjoining the lands of Willie Harri son ana otners, ana Known h iui jxv. , I in the division of the land formerly r. owned Berry Harrison, deoeased. Be ginning at a forked white oak, Willie Harrison corner, thence M 2 deg. K 204 poles to a stake, thenoe N 87 deg. w 11 , poles to a dead red oak, thenoe 2 deg. , k ?0i poles to a branch, thenoe up said branch 29 poles to a hickory, thenoe n 2 deg. e 491 poles to a stake, thenoe N 67 deg. c 13 poles to a pine, thence s 2 deg. w 230 poles to Neuse river, . thenoe up said river to the bbginning, containing 77 acres more or less. Terms of sale, one-fourth cash and ; the balance In 12 months, with interest ; at (t per cent. A rmistead Jones, t W. JO. BKUW, ' ' " Ctmrs. . E:!ioucncc 0. Is saoied t)T torptd Drer, vhicb prevents dlgee. . too sat permits leod to Ixnuent tai patrtty la OMStsmseb. Ihsa follow (Uulcesi, heartache, n? ! npi"a, nerrousneaa, ana, , ... mm m tt not ieneved,bUtoos fever f or blood poisonh Hood's , ) Pins sttmnlsts the stonseh, " " -rnnos the Brer, erne heai'. '7"i. S'illn.,o- S6 eonta. trnid l ail om lusauUr Fill to but ila Uootl'i txkriu-v 5 k mi--

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