1 i to w Advertisement. , r;Kl3 & Cumpbell Low Prices. co of Administration C li : acksmilh Shop Ilartsfield. Th3 Yeathir Tomorrow. Foraoast for Kalik. e Local forecast for Raleigh not extending beyoad ra dius of " 80 mile:) Bala to night. Clearing Tuesday. Fair and colder Tuesday afternoon. ' . : . .. Loel Dew. ' ' ' 4 ' Local data for 24 hours ending at 8 . m. (today) November 30, Maximum temperature, 34; minimum temperature, - 32; rainfall. 0.00. , , Conditio, of tka Weather. ' The following were the weather con ditions at 8 a. m. today: State of the weather. ......... rain. Temperature of the air. ...... 34 deg. Sensible temperature , 88 deg. Wind Telocity 32. Direction of wind....'...'.... South. - , , " WRSOHAL. "' ' Mr. James W. Thompson passed through the city today en route to Chatham county. ... Mr W.- H. Branson, Secretary and Treasurer f of the Durham Cotton Manufacturing company.1 was in the city today. Mr. C. E. Marshall, representing the Cartright Metal Roofing Com pony, of Philadelphia, is in the city today looking after the contracts of his firm here. Mrs. T. C Sturgis, wife of the Southern's popular ticket agent, " accompanied by her two children, Morton P. and Bae, arrived in the city Saturday from Aspen, Col. They will make Raleigh their future ; home; Wetber Condition. A barometric depression exists oyer Florida this merning, causing considerable rain over the Middle Atlantic and some of the Southern States.; ' i ' Ths high area is eentral in the west, with very low temperatures and now generally clear weather, The coldest place is Bismarck, with 20 degrees below zero. A decided fall in temperature oc curred at all the eastern points dur ing the last 24 hours, except over Florida, which the cold wave has not yet reached. ' ' The heaviest rains were 1.04 at , Charlotte, j,: THE BUTCHER ATWOEK. TVylr Kills Women andChlldrra Cler. land Mow Fvor Arbitration. By Telegraph to the Press-Visitor. Kir Wist, Nov. 30. Gen, Weyler. is unable to crush the insurgents. He is reported to have issued an order against non combatants in Pinar Del Bio and instructed the generals to clear the country of them. The result is three hundred women and children have been hor ribly maltreated and killed, Washington, D. C, Nov. 30, It is stated on the best of authority that President Cleveland will re commend the Cuban question to be submitted to arbitration. It will re ferred to aoommittee. The Franklin Rifles have disband ed. , It is likely that a new military company will be organized at Louis burg. ' Stand at th Hud. Aug. J, Bogel, the leading drug gist of Shreveport, La., says. "Dr. King's New Discovery is the only hing that cures my cough, and it is the best seller I have." J. F. Camp- , bell, merchant of Ariz, writes: "Dr. : King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it never fails and is a sure cure for consumption, coughs and colds, ' I eannot say enough for I -its merits." Dr. King's New Dis-1 ' covery lor consumption, coughs and colds is not an experiment It has been tried for a quarter of century, and today stands at the head. It never disappoints. Free trial bot tles at John Y. MacRae's drugstore. Io 1-1 ill HUM, sulJ in we are :.', ; iXate tLe lowest; our oysicr exccll.-any luilui'li; and in measure, the only dealers who sell oysters as they are received with out water. Prices 25c and 35o per quart. Geo. N. Ives, City market. Phone 255 B nov27 lw. " , For iMt . Three-story brick building cor. FayettevlUe and Morgan streets, re cently occupied by Democratic head quarters, For terms apply to W. B. (Crimes. nov ' , , Loat. , " " On Friday afternoon In front of my residence a red raw-silk car riage robe with a key bordering of two shades of blue; The finder will be liberally rewarded. Annii Moo&f Pabkxk, -n28-3t : Edenton Street. for Kent. ' Residence No. 412 Fayettevlllci Apply to Alfred Williams. For Kant. .. V v Six room house on Jones street, second door from Dawson street. Water and modern improvements. Inquire southwest corner Jones and Dawson streets. , , n!42w For Over Fifty Years Has. WnnLows soonmra Rtbvf has been aaed (or ovar fifty yean by mlUlona of mother lor tkelr ebildren while teetbJDE, with pert act mooes.. It aoothea the ehlld, auneiu tbe fuma, allayaaO pain, euros wind eoue, and la tbe beat rrmeay iv mwrawa. it wui reuen cue poor bale auHerer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every pan 01 me worn xwenij-i pome, no rare to asa lor -am Boatnlot Syrup," Ire eenta a Wlnuows Ikrst) Ausficn. I will have two car loads of good, young, West Virginia horses ship ped from West Virginia to me, to be sold on consignment,' which I will positivelyselito the highest bidder at my stables in Raleigh, on Satur day at 12 o'clock, Dec. 5, 1896. Stock guaranteed as represented, or no money paid. These horses are from 5 to 7 years old, sound and good workers. If you want good Virginia horses don t miss this op portunity, as they will sell cheap. Everything guaranteed. John W. Littlxpagk. 0. Thomason, Auctioneer. nov2 1m Notie. of Administration. Having' this day qualified as ad ministrator of the the estate of Cora Taylor, deceased, late of Wake county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of December, 1897, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recov ery, and all persons indebted to the said estate will please make imme diate payment. J. C. Marcom, Ad W. ', T. R Pcrnkll; Atty. n30 ltw6w ( ' ) . No "Experts" needed with Buck's btoves and Ranges. Now Girls! We will rive the BUCK'S JUNIOR NICKLED RANGE" to the girl under collect and brina to our office the greatest number of 14 years old who will collect and brinj to our omoe tne greatest advertisements, each with "DUGK'S!' .1 . Trade Mark out from newspapers from October 15th to December 25th. 1890. Each collec tion must be tied in package with num ber and name thereon. - Tbos. H. Briggs & Sons - EALEIGIL N. a v i , SOLE AGENTS i !.',... ,,..11 XYT 1...: .-. S, !. Buck's Great White Enamel line. ftaafnfefeafye -AtL THE- A HdtDrinks Served at our Fountain TO-DAY. If you are chilled by the cold then come in and make your self comfortably warm by taking a drink (!) of "Hot Soda." -! Yours very truly, Imi Minion & Co. ; 133 Fayetteville St., Raleigh. Santa Glaus. when you reason , Did Ton Em Try Electric Bitters as a remeny for your troubles f If not, get a bottle now and get relieL This medioine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all v female complaints, exerting a won derful direct influence in c , strength and tone to the organs. yon have loss of appetite, constipa k tion, headache, fainting spells, or ; are nervousr sleepless, excitable, , melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medi cine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by Its use. 'Fifty cents and (1 at John ,,Y. Mc.vei drug store. - - giving Mr. J, C. Jordan has rented his blacksmith shop at the corner of Mor"!! i Person streets to Atom ti ' Ul and desires to notify t i tL t he will transfer his ' to Lis successor. , He , 1 : tUank his patrons for ; .vi-rs fill can highly recom i ,. J 1 r. 1T io". :ld to all of them nil iii' )i iiUtliiliUUiliiiiumiiiii Magnificent Line of High Class! Novelties, Toys and Fancy Goods for the Holidays, all Bought when Prices were Lower than Ever Known. All tne other lines were renewed and filled nn with thn newnat ) Ut to Tie found. Our store is now a veritable Santa Claus land for ' young and old. Everybody U invited to come and Inspect the most elaborate display of lovely goods to be found. The best and choicest goods always go first, there- ""ggw ua yvu wuic . vim, wucu ue ume are an cxmpieie. We will pack and store any trarchaae ms.da now and rinliroi. -m wun wem up to tne ua. we eannot promise to deliver later for the that we will be taxed to our utmost to deliver goods sold on the 24th. Take a bird's eye glance at our windows. We are asrent here for Santa (Jlaus. All little children who wish to write the old man win flnil tw t our iront uoor ior uem m mall meir letfers to Santa. Every letter mailed in this box and written by a child 10 years old and under, by tbe 23d of Decem ber, will receive a remembrance from old Santa. The best letter will get the biggest doll in the house. Direct all letters to "Mr. Santa, rinnm, ' !.,. f ivnee, xvaieign, a. v. -irao i wait: write now. ," . CAPES. 1 MILLINERY. Don't forget your new hat for Christ mas; wasn't we fortunate im securing our present milliner? we have had hundreds of ladies to tell us that she I could suit them in a hat better than any trimmer they ever tried.- Another 1 thing, we sell millinery goods at the same small profits that we do other 1 things, which insures - you a saving of mra du on your nat. . Trimmed : hats 60, 75c, 91, 1 60 and up to or as high as yon -want. CHENILLE . GOODS, ' we have just got In -a new line of covers nd portieers. Prices were never so low as these 4-4 covers at 40c value Too, others at more.--The 0-4 Trilby, now so popular is only tl 18. You would pay II 40 elsewhere for tnese. - ' - - . , HANDKERCHIEFS. ' Holiday handkerchiea . of all the neiccet and best thlnsrs out: we hava an elegant line at a, 10, 13 and 26c CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. ;.. . . We have a right new line of chil dren's eloaks for- little Children from 2 to o years old, elegant goods, nicely wunmeu, u vx, 1 zo, I OW to It OU.; MEN'S TIES... ". ., ";" s-- Z We boueht a maenlflcent line of men's ties, all the latest shapes now in vogue In New . York. The prices are much under the nsuaL all silk, at v, ia, vK. au ana 10c, n i As to the rose 'or violet, nothing. But take our name . in::3 G CDs, Now, there 'sc great deal la For instance: , "; 1 . that In prescriptions it meansFTTRlTY '" " , and FRESHNESS of Drugs, Care and exactness in compounding, Fair- ness and moderation In price. .. - Whether you want medicine, or soda water,, cigars or Soap, Candies or chewing gum, - we serve you with honesty, courtesy; and dispatch. One good name meanse very thing to you, it means entire satisfaction to us success. --J5 - - ' - Yes, There's Lots ln;a Name. Ti:o:.:s&ciir.:FDLL i Seem to be in earnest preparing for the HOLIDAY TRADE. They cave their forces busy today marking down their sroods from 1U to SO cent below their already per Low Prices, Everything will be marked in plain figures, so, if necessary, you i can wait on yourself. The follow i ing goods will be included in this I ,-. - f'.:i.'.W . . . ".a GREAT: COT PRICE SALE: Fancy rockers, Hall chairs. Lamps of every description, Centre tables 1 )n oak;: cherry, mahogany,, onyx, 1 etc, Pictures. Easels, Albums, Fancy clocks and Book coses,. Writing desks, China closets, wardrobes and couches and mahogany things suitable for Xmus presents. Remember'' Everything' Is marked in plain 1 figures and that you are cordially invited to call and examine our goods; they will be kept in our store next to Woollcott & Son's. Very truly yours,! THOMA&OAMBELU TO- 131 Fayette ilb St. Ralsigb Stationery Co. ? ; ; ... t 4 my mJ, . , ..-, .-: - - Phone 142 -FULL WNE- Firie Stationery, Office and School Supplies. . . . -1 ' h 1 Leaders in Low Prices. 'oc28 3m c We have Ix-. a selecting and buying HoliJ.'V Goods during- the j t f nr months, and liave gat-iored together during that time the largest aasori i,: . t of liric-a-Brac, Toys and other novelties ever shown by ua. V, e are fr f-hoHng partial lines of Crockery, Vaces, Metal and Cellu loid Novelties, Toi.i 1 1 4, IJirrors and Bric-a-Iirao, and would Invite you to call and see them and tin ne your selection. ; Our Toy fatoek will be complete by December 1st, when we will show It. ' We have 500 ele g-ant cloth bound books ( selected titles ) by-he most pop ular authors, which we are selling at 19ots each. - Nothing better for a Xmas present than a nice book. - "..- ti'i:i . - . . . We will name a few autl.ors: Dickens, 8cott, Elliott, Lever, Cooper, Jane Porter, Haggard, Ldna Lyln, iotor Hugo, Duma, and others, Blankets. ; 10-4 all wool (special) ...........W 64 114 all wool (special) 4 24 12-4 all wool (special) .V.. '..'., , 4 88 Also White and Grey Blankets from W ' . $5.00. 1,. --' Underwear , ; : Ladies, Misses and Children's Un derwear la Wool and Cotton. : v ' Also Union Suits for Children. GI.ris.mas Gfccli NOW COMPLETE Small Wares' Genuine Dletzs Lanterns....;:..' Good Machine OIK. Borated Talcum Powder. Glycerine Soap. .....!.!.. Can Openers ...;;.-. 1-, ,;. , Tack Hanmiws .,;,7i.i!..i;;:.i.V..10B .48c . 60 .20e . 60 Go Shoe Li We sell Shoes cheap. - . All our lines are "up to date," and reasonable. - CroBMts 13.00 for Men are unsur passed. . --..'.-v--"'-'',,'i ir i. "iKa Vrop Our. (5.00 Plush Cape is elegant. Nicely made and handsomely trimmed. Other Capes and Cloaks la propor tlon. CTSee our 12.62 Cape. Separata Skirts and Wrapper.. Children'g Reefers'. ' Shawls and Balmorals. Children's Eeadwear. ' Children's Long Cloaks, r . - -' ' Blazer SuiU. -.;" '.;' AT 1 RIGGAN'S TOY STORE,! Toys cheaper and"; better than ever 1 v - Its the 25th day of December. rs ! Are you ready with vour totter T ; With your letter, .with you Santa - uiaus teuer, v To get Toys and Dolls In your strife, i r or us tne greatest joy 01 your me Are you ready with : your Santa i too late to get nor ClauB letter, For you might your letter. For if von want tn hn In Cha float.' If yon haven't you had better. you mient ne 1 To Klggan's, the sure place to send You hnd better get In the boat RIGGAN'S TOY Fori greatest of note.' STORE, the WOOLLCOTT & SON, s'v , ,'t',l " - ' . . " j, 14r : East Martin T Street. Call and select what you want be-1 fore the assortment is broken. '' Keep Open at flight. Fine Overcoats- Leaders FOR This Week. You are free liberated from the thraldom of exorbitant prices emancipated from your deoendence unoa motv.hAnt teiina . prseverence has brought us to the perfection that knows no peer. No form, no taste, no fashion can exact beyond the ability of our stock of win- -ter-weight Overcoats to satisfy. We have grown gray in the school of ex perience. Graduated masters of the art, leaders of the profession, pio neers la the new field of ready-to-wear tailoring.:. Each garment , in our 1 stock of thousands is a signed and sealed certificate of our DrofessorshiD. is your privilege to enjoy, your duty to embrace the opportunity that gives you the product of the highest skill at a cost that beggars every " form of competition. , , - - m " - , . w Wo have nznhisivn nnvou.Sna In lir., - i , - i-t.. 'j Misses' sizes I 'to' Hushl don't talk toe loud. Did vou know that we were selling capes at lower prices than most merchants buy th'in? we had one hundred new capes fat the latest makes to come In this week; we have new ones coming in dally; we Ican't get enough, it seems, but we like it. The more we sell the cheaper we can sell; we mean to make this Raleigh's best store; we are cer tainly receiving the hearty co-operation of the people, and It makes us re double efforts to meet every demand. Ladies' Needle Toe and Common Sense Shoes $1 50. " Child's School Shoes 75c a pair, neat and durable. $1 a pair. 1 Ladies' Overgalters, great values at 25c a pair. " ' Ladies' Fur Trimmed Felt Slippers tl 50. Boys' and Youth's School Shoes tl 60 a pair. ' r Gent's Embroideried Slippers only 75o a pair, at . . . Heller Bros; SHOE STORE. A. B; STRONAGH. ,'' ';; ' - ' . --t . 5' - "There Are Othera." Bat Nona go ' Good and Cheap" as These." We offer for this week only, as we hardly think for the VALUES I and at tbe PRICES we offer them that they will last for a longer time, -- (00 Bargains jn Capos ; 100 a, in sizes from the smallest to tbe 50-sized giants. ' : - Holiday Gifts. . t. i 'fl Do you know anvthina that vnuM rilAau. Kat.fa nnLt especially one Of ours? t Select onn nn Ytm- th nk A n:n i and deliver in. right tlmo. ' , 1 . For the holidays. We are at TOUT fiGlv('& tt ftn tima1 mqIv rtm al4k everything belonging to complete your wardrobe, all at bottom prices. ji " ' "i r Price Clothiers. Leading One Suitable EVERYTHING for Holiday Trade. 6 as, In Flush, Boucle, Bourette, Beaver and Broadcloth, that for QUALITY and trkWja are unmatcnable in this market. Plush Capes, 15.00 kind... s K- Cloth 260 " ..... " ... " 4 00 " . ' " 6 00 . " Oriental Goods. v The entire sample line of Messrs A. A Van line' k Co.. 11 20 and t 33 rce centwoff enables us-to. wholesule prices. Japan, China Aa asi win street, iNew York, bought at 33 p t centwoff enables us-to. atiit at reutu less man v amine s lowest :i. w:.V ..i .13 50 v 1 60 2 00 . 250 . 3 00 . 3 50' Cloth Canes are full sween with double oane braid and fur trimmed. A specially handsome extra value line Capes in ' Plush, English if Beaver and Rough Cloth&at $5.00, 6.00 to 7.00. ; l Capes don't fit or suit ver fipire. Z Jackets and Coats ; In English, Beaver and all of-the fashionable rough cloths, plain and mili tary Draia inmmea new Bnapes oniy, at prices to cor--respond with our Cape offerings . Cold Weather Comforts.; Blankets. Quilts. Comforts. lurkey, ersia, India and iJTVDtia reoresentnd hp.r. Rnracr. n;.T ever offered to the Raleich Dublin. No twn tinrla niiVa n pi: Advantages extraordinary. Designs quaint, queer and -unique. The possibilities of obtaining rarest odditis nnnt.inmnt nun. -.i!-. callers. -c " . - ,' ",. " Sofa DlllowS and cillow COVP.ra. nillr and rrnlA mlim..:J.1.,l! t- all silk dressing sacks; genUemen 'a dressing gowns, quilted; handsome embroideried panels for screens; bureau and beaufet scarfs; liberty scarfs; lovely lambrequins in everv stvle in silk: tnhi nrra. omk.,;,( eried crepe de chiu shawls in -white and evening Bhades. Chocolate and tea pots, cream and sugars, cracker jars, spoon holders, oat meal sets, tea sets, queer cups, quaint saucers, odd plates nut bowls, salad dishes, Akashi rose jars, and Cloisonne vases, bon bon7 receivers. ' , TOILET AJXTICLKfJ. Puff boxes, candle sticks, niu trava. nl batsuma vases, innumerable Jan wares and mpLila infnn!roki i .:' ful; pin trays, paper knives, book marks, smoking sets, metal tea pot and" lamp stand; handy articles in sterling silver: Austrian novelties in pot tery and white metals. ' Early shoppers cull the best." No twnthinm. ni;i- Kr, rn No goods sent out to see. This lot to be closed out this week. '1 he bar ganjs are yours for the asking. ... 1 T. 25 per cent, lower than you will bay them elsewhere. And AIw.th oar Money lck If ou Are Not (tatliatied. r, Lnei.t, luibhiul and re- r --W. E JONES. .e r r.n in &.1 reswets. nSUtf ,j Cc Co, . .. jl J .