I ,tV THE inoRf F TAUUSHKD 1894- , . r.yi--i Orcein the PunekCuilding,co ORE O- Subscriptionrices. v V, ....I 8.00 One Year "VV'"" V,:.-- X.M Six Month .,""' ' ,j5 One n ... w . ' IMSnaCl.MaUMa The Leader in the News and - in Circnlation. TELEPHONE No. 168. Dec. 1 TUESDAY Chief of Police Badenoch, of Chi cairo. evidently appreciates the con vl(i " ditions under which the sort of V1 journalism peculiar to that citv must . : be -conducted. This isprovea oy ' the fact that he has just issued an ' '. order under which the law forcing 1 " ' saloons to close at midnight is de Glared not to apply to those within " hrlla block of a newspaper office 1 - 4 Thus, alas! exclaims the New York 4 Times, is removed the last chance ' of curing Chicago of the belief that " 1 it is a bigger town than New York. - r A novel suit against the Pullman " Palace Car company is on trial at St Johns, New Brunswick. The case, which has been before the ' ' court since 1892, is an action for alleged damages sustained by James J. McGaffigan, head of the importing ' firm of J. J. McGaffigan & Co., through having caught cold while traveling from Boston to St. Johns inan unhealed Pullman Palace car in - . 1892. Mr. McGaffigan sues for $25, 000 on the ground that the heating S ' apparatus, through the neglect of the company, failed to work, and as a consequence he caught cold, rc- ' suiting in a long illness. r f " It is rerjorted in railroad circles " ' in Baltimore that there is amove ment among some of the important 1 shippers on the railroads to have the power either to advance or lower ? v' rates taken from the railroad offi cials and placed under the control of the inter-State and State Railroad ; v Commissioners, and to make it i ' . criminal offense, punishable by iru i1 , prisonment, for both the officers of the railroads and shippers if the law is violated. It is claimed that under the present system discriml nation is working a continuous in jury' to shippers; that large dealers - -- in grain will buy millions of bush els of grain from the farmers and f have a secret understanding with " some railroad that when thev are ' ready to send it to market the rail ' , roaot will file with the railroad com i missioners a cut . rate; that when " this particular lot of grain has been ' Cafried, the rate is ragain advanced, ,Jr" '-s rventlng other shippers taking ' -fcdyantage of the rates. Directors ' vA! In manv railroads know of these ' 1 abuses, but feel that tbey are pow v - erless to prevent them and admit the Only remedy is in the. passing of stringent laws. - - - 1 ; " ' ;' A inemorial was erectetf"6n the ' Bite (rf "old Fort .Raleigh, in l)are " ' '""county Saturday ' to commerriorate ? the first English Bettlementi ' 74 America. 'lt was erected under the auspices of ' the Roanoke Colony ,,j Memorial Association. The base is of North Carolina granite and the ' " ' Virginia granite. The tablet bears the following inscriptioa; "On this i site, in Augustv1585r the colonists sent from England by Sir Walter Ralelgh,v built the . fort called the - f new fort ia Virginia. 4 The colonists were the firstsettlers of the English" race in America. They returned to - En-land in July, 1586, with Sir Trancis Drake. " Here was born on f a i:ihof Augnst, 1587, "Virgina Ere, the first child of England j '.rents ' barn la America, tho daughter of Auauia Dure and Eleauor" ''White,, his wire, members of another body of colonists sent out by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1587." Two days afterber birth she was baptized. Mateo, a friendly chief of the Hatteras Island was baptized on the Sunday preceding. These baptisms were the first celebrations of the Christ tiaa sacrement in the territory of the thirteen original United States- The monument was dedicated with appropriate religious exercises and an address wasdelivered by Graham Davis, President of - the association; The outlines of Fort Raleigh are dis tinctly visible and '' the angles are now permanently marked by granite pillars. .. . Bneklea's Arnica Salve. The best sal re in the world tor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all slcin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required, it is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. .Price 25 cents r ox. -or sale by John X Mae Others have found health, vigor and vitality in Hood's Sarsaparilla, and surely has .power to help you also. Wuy not try It Try BUCK-PHSUflHT tea for Dyspcjsfci. "Excelsior Steam Laundry," Phone 19. 105 and 107 W, Martin Street. (Academy of Music Building.) WE DON'T BRAG about the sunerior exoelenoe of our work, or crlti cize other laundries. Our patrons can judge for themselves, . but we do say this: We feel denendent on cvprinnn whn dnaima to make a neat dressv ap pearance for the success of our business,, and, in order to give our customers the best of service, one of this finn, who has had seven years practical exper ience in the bus iness , gives his entire time to the working department. Itistohisin- neresi 10 see inings done right. Is it Onr motto: CARE, QUALITY Give Us Sowers & Hardin, Pr0rietors New Shoe Store. S. " PROCRASTIfJATIOfJ Is The Thief of Time." If you neglected to buy your winter's supply of coal and wood in the summer as your interest requires that you shsuld have done, give us your order now and avoid the rush which always comes with the first spell of cold weather. Convenience and economy demands that you buy your season's supply of fuel at once, and to get in and put away before winter, will be a source of satisfaction to you for months to come. Our stock is now complete and we solicit your orders for best goods at lowest prices. , Johnson and Johnson, COAL and WOOD. Phone 150. Rubber Rubber Coats Mcintosh Coats. $3, 3,50, $4 and $5-' . Eubber Coats tl 50 and 2 ' Umbrellas 50c, T5 and $1 . . , ' w 1,000 pairs 10c Socks for 5c each, , "'I-,' . L w' uyJ u l -j ; Made and Merit Maintains theconfidtnoo ot the people in Hood's Saxsaparllla. II medicine cares you when sick; if it makes wonderful cures everywhere.then beyond 11 question that medicine possesses merit.. n n That is Just the truth about Hood's Sar saparilla. We know tt possesses merit because it cures, not ones ot twice or hundred times, but In thousands and thousands of cases. "W know tt eures, bsoluteiy, permanently, when all others tail to do any good whatever. We repeat Sarsaparilla Is the best in fast the One True Blood PurlBer. n-it cure nausea, Indigestion, HOOd S FlllS blltonsneas. eeata, . Notice To Cit-Tax Payers 'The city tax list for 1896 has beon 1 1 . L... J' fnu. tutllAAtiAn Fiaoeu iu. Hi J uauu umiwnvu will be in my office for that pur nose flverv dav from 9 a. m to4 p m. All taxes not paid by December 1st aresubieot to a penalty of 1 per cent, and an additional 1 per cent on the first day of each montn there after until paid. TJ?, B. Hctchinos, nov6 30d City Tax Collector- yours? Watch your linen ana see. and PROMPTNESS. a Trial Shoe Bargains in Gents' Fine Shoes for this week. We place on sale today tie best line of Gent's $3 Shoes ever Sold in Raleigh. These goods are shown in-Bull Dog, Coin, Needle, French, Parish, Opera and Razor Toes. Don't fail to see tne above gooas Deiore pur chasing. They are bargains. Best line Ladies and Children! Shoes in the South. C. POOL. S. B. NOERIS, Manager. Office 109 Fayetteville St" Rubbers Galore! Boots arid Shoes dfid COofo. :.: . ' -V -.-z': y Greatest Hall ilaci Ever ' "7riri"ii ( I H L - w- jJ La v. ( 1 ' ' '.' W ft' V v 11 : Ji .r-;i-0: . fi-iX ; I B" ' I III I II v .V . " . 1 t -"""' 'I'M I jii. ' II ... : " . JiJC fx V(e guarantee the Rack to be better than any tlO Rack ever ' sold in ' Raleigh. Has box seat, double hooks, soUd oak. Guaranteo price THIS WEEK ONLY. ' ' - - , v ; ; t Open at Night ; V - - . Royal L & Borden. Chafige , iti Weather. . After tvK days, purhaps a -shoiter time, there will -be a decide! change in weather. - .This change will cause many to have vcolds; we have the , remedy. . r , '.' . . Laxitive Bromo Quinine Tablets will cure ' it in one day. cure, nd pay. 25c box. No North Side Drug Store, Wynna ' and Birdsong, Halifax streAj oi-.e block south of feifce Institute. REMOVED -TO 131 Fayetteville St. Raleigh Stationery Co. 0(30 . Phone 142 FULL LINE Fine Stationery, Office and, School Suppliieis. Leaders in Low Price?. oc2h-3m' S. A. ASHE & SON, FIRE INSURANCE. , Solicit a pat A your patronage ' Office over MacRae'i BrancbPhar vr ON THE Of Fayetteville and Martin Sts., Just as '.you Come Up from the ! :Park Hotels v cgRcd'o Drcnoli RErihcsy, : ' Where the finest citrars and the best Soda aud Minora I Waters can be bad.1': hfno Seltzer served at the Just the thing Call around boys, will be glad to see you. . . . John 1 1 Iff la J lilli 07- UsOvJ Yaloable" City and Country "Real Estate M Sale.: On Mondav. the 21st, dav of Decem ber. 18). at the couii vbouie door In Raleiirh, N. C, we will Bell to the hieheut biddor at public outcry the fol lowing real property belonging to the estate oi uieiaie vviuiamu- upcnuron 1. The house and; lot on McDowell street In the city of Iialelirh. which was occupied by aaid W. G. Upchurch as a family residence at -the time of his death. This lot fronts about 105 feet on McDowell street and runs back about 210 feet. There is also an -alley or entrance to the premises from Mar tin street. The dwelling Is a handsome two-story wooden building with seven rooms and there are suitable stables and out houses on the lot. This property is covered by the : life estate, dower, of Mrs, Eleanor M. Up church, widow of said W.G.Upchuroh and will be sold subject to her rights 2. A lot in the village .of Oborlin near Raleigh, adjoining the" lots of S pence, Davis and others, fronting on wade avenue, being lot Np. .27 In the plar of sai(lSrlllage as recorded in Register's book 32, at page 84, con taining about 030 acre. . 3. A tract of land containing 151 a-l-CB, more or lees, in Swift Creek township, "Wake county, about four miles scuthwebt of Raleigh in the sec tion ol country known - as Hhamkatte, it being the land- conveyed to . W G Unchurch by B, J Upchurch and wife by deed registered in Book No 13S at page 190 of the said Register of Deeds office. ,; - - ; ' , . r 4. A tract of land obntaininir about 60 acres, lying In the said Rhamkatte section of Wake county' and bounded on the north by the lands of of the late wm urunes, on ine east djjw ijoie'i land., on the south by the Holly Springs road, and oa the west by the lands of George Green; it "being a portion of tne itvna conveyea to w u upenuren by aeea registerea in oook o oz, t page 41 of said Register of Deed' 6. Lots No8. 271 and 272 in the plan and map or the tjaraieiga mills prop erty south of the.c!ty uf Raleigh. The lots adjoin each other and lie on the corner of Glendale street and May wood avenue and are each about 60 ft bv 160 ft in size.. They are described in a deed registered in book No. 109 at page 401 at said Register -of : Deed Office. '. v. ' ?.-. ' ' ,;";:?'';,:" 6. "A tract bf about 26 acres, : lying about li miles south oi Kaieien, ad Joining the lands of the -Caraloigh mills, known as "W. u. upchurch Blacknall place." It being the land now occupied by Bryant Smith, Esq " This property is well improved, has a large Darn ana suvoie- ana go dwelling on it, and the land is In high state, of cultivation and s fine market garden, - There are a dumber of large 8"upperneng vines and a good orcnara on me piaoe. -vv , ..t'. v,. Sale made by virtue or powers con ferred upon the nndersigued executors by the will of W G Upchurch, de ceased. -. , - . . v . Terms of sale: one fourth cash.: 'bal ance in twelve months with 6 per cent i . . . . . J, . . , ChasHBulvhO Executors of f D D UPCHCECH, $ W. G Upchurch UV upchurch.' J . deceased.. Hiov. 21st, 1896,, -" '! " tds Fountain. .. - , . for Fair Week, CORKER MoT .,3 Loookout, are you ready for it ? If not, come and get your shoes. Some beautiful blankets, quilts, comforts, rub ber, shoes, pil- owsand coats, capes, cloaks, jackets, umbrel las, lap robes. Do not forget, your horses, we have, plenty of blankets for them. ; Lyon ncc!:ct Gtcro Sa!3of Ur.d Ktsr Rslslgh. As executor of the late 7. B. Bob- bitt I will offer for sale at the Court House door in Baleigh. at 12 o'clock m., on Saturday, the 5th day ot De cember, 1896, .. a valuable tract of land about 31 miles east of Raleigh containing Ninety -four acres,- more or less, adjoining the lands of W. tL ttoueman. deceased. J. u. Doaa, J. W. Cross and others,, it being, the tract of land formerly owned by J as. Moore and mreviousl Y ' by M . A. Parker. 'About 0 acres of the tract are in a good state of cultivation-, of which a partis well drained low grounds. Good tenant house and necessary out-housesana agooa weu of water are on the premises. - ' ' equal annual installments with in terest from date ot saie. . , J. Hax. Bobbitt,"5 nov5 ' Ex. of J. B. Bobbitt. -C v , Foi1 tbi last 20 years we Have; kept Plso's Cure for Cotv-.. sumpaor in stock,and would sooner think a groceryman could get along without sugar in his store than we could "without Bso's Cure. It is a sure seller. RAVEN & CO., Druggists, Ceresco. Michigan, September X 1896. -'' ' - - - - Land Sale. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court -of-tWake county, in a (certain x civil - action,' No. T21, summons docket of said court, en titled B. F. Montague vs. J.- W. Ryals, Nancy A. Britt, and Joseph Austin, I will on 'Monday, the 21st day of December, 1806j at noon.: sell at public auction at the court house door in the city of Ralelth-N. C.,Oh following described tract ul land lying in Panther Branch Township, said county, and adjoining the lands of George Partin, ; A. - BT. T Smith and others and bounded as follows: .Be ginning at a stake in Little Creek, thence north -4 degrees east i chains and 22 linkstp a stake, thence south 67 degrees eait li chains and 44 links to a stake, thence north 40 degrees east 15 chains and 90 links to. a stake, thence south 87 degrees .east 15 chains and 0 links to a Stake, thence north 3 degrees east 11 chains to a stake in the Penny eorner, thence north 83 de grees west with L. 3. r Weathers' line 49 chains "to a stake on ... Juniper Branch, thence down the various courses of said branch to Little Creek, thence down said creek to the begin ning, containing one hundred and two and a half acres (102i acres) as more fully appears by deed of Nancy A. Briti and others to J. W. Ryals and wife, date March 15, 1884, Registry of Wake county. Book; 87. page 400, and known as the homestead of said J. W. Ryals,' Terms cash. ARMISTEAD JONES, k- . Commissioner.. Raleigh. N. C, Nov. 13 '96 Money Stoan Mechanics and Investor's Union Are prepared to make prompt loans On Rear Estate. Terms Equitable and Liberal Loans on stock of Onion awde promptly Ahd paid on day of oppli cation. "v Apply to . . George Allen, - . r . Secretary, , 23 Tullen BuilJhi'r, Raleigh, N. C novilm. -.j,. - s-i: I have purchased a Handsons Fc:rel C:r, -,. J " -V - I have on hand a large stock of Cloth .- Walnut, Rosewood, Oak and Mutalio i CASKETS ; . k jjibcib stock -or COFFINS , OF AM KIDS.'..' - J And Gents', Ladies' Children's Robesr v and ail equipments in tne un? - 4ertaking Line. ' , . - -1 , Call on me at No. 128 South Wllmlng ' - ton St., Raleigh, N. C. : r . Q. r A.-sTr.s::LCD, ; UNDERTAKER. Hand for Sale,' By virtue qt a deSdjrf mortgage- ex -ecuted on the 3rd day of January, 1891 ' , I will offer for sale at the court house , doqr in Raleigh, N. C, on Monday, ' . January 4th, 1897, at 13 o'clock m., -for cash, the following-tract of land as .; described in said deed of mortgage: -.Lying and being in Middle Creek ' township; Wake county, and beginning at a mulberry tree in Allen ' Mason's ... line, thence about east to a dogwood Mary Matthew's corner, thence about - -southwest to a white oak. the Tom Smith corner, thonoeto a large hick -oryrabout east, the corner of the land. belonging to neirsoi marcom - vywu. thenoB to the- beeinnlnir containing rmnl? acres more or less. See booi lit, page 299, in the office oi the- Beg lster of Deeds of Wake county - . ' - . - J. C.L. HarrlaV nov24 tds Atty. for Mortgagee.' , Under and by 'virtue of a decree -of the Superior .Court; a a civil ac tion, No 6512, e l d, entitled Wm, ' Smith v B F Montague, we will, on, the 7th day of December, 1896, sell at public auction at the court house . door in the city of Raleigh, N G, ak 12 m, the following tract ot land, it uatein Wake county, St. Mathews: township, beginning' at a stake Jes sie Watk in 'an w corner In Jonathan Pool's line; thenoo s 26 poles to a " stake ; said Watkin'a a w corner; thence s 35 w 59 3-5 poles; thence ' west 93f poles to two red oaks on j tha bank of Neuse river; thence up the various courses of said rivei about 84 poles : to Pool 's corner; thence with his line s 88 e 135 poles to- the . beginning, containing 53 , acres. Also, at the. same time and r place, we will sell the personal prop erty set out In said decree, consist- c ing of 1 mule, 1 horse, 2 wagons, -harness. ' farming Implements and . ' fart of crops made on said land, erms cash. :.'" -. , ARMISTEAD JONES, . " - THOS R PURNEIX, v no7 tds - , Commissioners. O , SALE OP LAND. t By authority confered jpott me Ih ' a judgment of foreclosue made ' at reb. term and an order made at Oc tober term, .1896, f the Superior Court of Wake county, in a civU ac. tion No 6358 CI. D. entitled W . Utlev vs Mary A TJtley et als, I will on Monday, the 4th day of January, 1897 at 12 o'clock m., sell at public outcry at the county court house door in the city of Raleigh, N. C., the following tract of land situated in Middle Creek township, Wake county, N. C, and known as part of , the - home tract . of land recently owned .by A. J. 'Utley, deceased, ' adjoining thelandsof A J Blanchard,. A T Norris and others and boundedi as follows: Beginning on the east." side of the Raleigh road and runs with A J Blanchard's line on tho south and Dallas Adums'on tbe eat and on the north with Jamos' S. Nonh's line back to said T-aloi-h road and with said road south to A J .Blanchard's line, containing 60 acres, more or less. Said land be-. ing the same conveyed by A J Utley and wife on the 6th day of December, 1889, to W FUtley by mortgage deed which is recorded in book 110; at rnge 2 3 in the office of Register of uccuafor vake county. .: Terms of sole, ensh. II. E. ()KErl, novj Uud Commissioner,

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