.... A v. I . r . . ..a A l bolt has ' : i i f Declara- t .!-. I ,.! .-. s. ThU immor- t .1 t -tswU tlut govern- .t r i upon the contentofthe .overneJ; but, says 'Dr. Abbott, "the actions of the north in the civil war and the soldiers in the Chicago ri. .-3 were the answersof the Ameri can people to the proposition. " In tve cases, certain persons, or, 6-y, a certain portion of the popula tion,were governed withouttheir con e nt,T! e same true of ehildrenunder ge and criminals in prison, and It is a debatable point whether the as s ..iun is not true, also of women in those states where they are denied t' e right to vote. Nevertheless, the government of the .country, as. a whole, is by the consent of the gov er , J, and one proof of the fact is that they consent to remain In it and submit to its government, when they are perfectly free to keep them selves out of it as many Confeder als did after the close of the civil war.' .-- $ -... k l Von Can mi Wall.' ' When your blood is pure, rich, and nourishing for nerves and musles. The .blood la the( vital fluid, and when it is poor, , thin and impure you must either suffer from some tressing disease or yon will easily fall a victim' to sudden changes, ex posure, or overwork, Keep your .blood pure with Hood's Sarsaparilla 'and be well. ,MC-:'.- ' Hood's pills are the best after-dinner pill, assist digestion, cure head ' ache, 2acenta,.;;?;:iv'.5y:ftf-'v ' . MORTGAGE BALE. "t'v Under and by virtue of a deed of trust executed to theundersigned by J. , B. Bobbltt, deceased, and recorded in ,. book 135, at page 595, Register of . Deeds offloe for Wake county, we will expose to tale at public auotion at the door of the court house of Wake coun ty, la Raleigh, N. C, at 12 o'clock m. on Saturday, the 26th day of Decem ber, 1896,-the following described lot or parcel of land, situated on the east - side of South West Btreet in thecity of : Raleigh,- between Morgan and Bar ' gett streets,- adjoining the lands of the late Kimbrough Jones, on-the north, another lot belonging to the estate of J. B. Bobbltt on-the south, -being part of city lot, No. 154, as shown in Shaf- tor's map, and the -northern lot, as . . now enolosed by fences of therlot Con veyed to J Hi Bobbltt De. (141 1878, ' by TVM. Carter 'et als.'by "dflbd re-'- corded in book 63, at page 14 in said ' Register of Deeds office, and fronts on - said Went street 65 feet and 4 Inches and rurir back Cast in depth 1Q8 feet ; 1'errns el sale cash,: i t - j t i . PEHSUS It Maynard, e ' Attorneys for Mortgagees. t Sir .IGACSBALE.' ,j 'Under aud- byvirtue of a deed pf . trust executed to the undersigned "by - - Jr'B.Sobbittr4leacased,- and recorded in book 139, atpage J57, Register of - Deads oflloe for wake county,., we will expose to sale at publlo auction to the highest bidder at the door of the court house of Wake county in Raleigh, N, ' C, at 12 o'clock m., on, Saturday, the ' 26th day of December, 1896, the prop : erty therein described, "being a lot of land on the east aide of (West street, - 'bet week Harget and Morgan streets, r nd bounded Jy a line beginning at t i northwest corner Df W.; Riggan'l , 1. t on. West street, Turning- thence ,v along the north line tot, Riggan'a lot 107 i feet to C. S. Allen's line, thence northwardly along said Allen's line 60 feet to the line of another lot belong ing to the estate of X. B. Bobbitt, de- - ceased, thence west with the line of the last named lot 107 feet to West street, : thence with West street J 50 feet to the , beginning, being the southern portion of the lot conveyed tor J. b. Bobbltt by D. M. Carter and others by- deed re corded in book 63, atpage 14, Register of Deeds oflloe for Wake county, lerma of sale cash. 11 i - " , - ' . J. N. Eouhno; . O. B.'JEUMAN, r "-Trustees, Sate of Land, . Under and by virtue Of a decree of the Superior Court of Wake county, entitled Allen vs. J. .W. Pernell, and at request of defendant, I will on the 4thdavof January, 1897. at 12 m jiell at - public f auction at the court Tioubs door, a tract, of. land in New Light township at Pernell contory ' 41 9-10 aci-qs moreorless.bounded on the north bv the lands of T. C. Powell, P. H. Mangum and others; east by the land of J. H. Wiggs; south by New Lls-ht road: west by Tom Edwards r' i Jot and Oxford road,- known as . ti rds' land and conveyed to J. W ', I cruoll by W. C. Brewer. Terms cash. TH08. R PURNIXL, Deo. 2-tds. Commissioner, TO 131 .Fayetteville St. :.:!:::q Sfctbay Co. . -; c ) " Phone 142- ... FULL LINE Fino Clr.tionery and School -OF n AS lily id ' Haie. Again Cat Their Fill Year Parlors Now i. While you can buy an Elegantover stuffad suit for 835.00. We also have a beautiful oak suit at 820. , IB II . Protect Ycur Books. While voii can bur this beautift case for 88, tejular price 815. ."V Don't fail to see our $1 50 leather $2.50. Side Boards from 18 to $140.00. 1Tb' is. -J , "tp BrviHHI; f. ' ... m ill-- ' n $r you buy or not. r Kemember, we carry and house furnishinff poods in this state. goods. '-' .' , TC3:.AS.;&:;CAGP17ELL. 9 D.Dm&TB8!SiaC0 We Sell Goods Cheaper Than " - .Any Other House 1 1UmmJtM.MtUMMMMMM1m Holiday Seiasoii 1896. ' v ' Second Floor. - Our iBtock of Holiday "Goods is now open for inspection! - Full novelties for the Christmas trade. Also, a large line of articles in sterling silver. : Everything New,;. No Old Goods. -AWe invite an early call from our patrons and customers that thev, secure a choice of selection belore the assortments are broken. f ' To out-of-town customers we will send articles on approval, to be returned if hot wanted, at once. ; . Our , prices are, lower than any other house. 4 - 17. n. 6 n. s. TudiiEii a co. cil;:atero ALSO I in Ware Graranteed not to rust. fm m mm . ,3-' , " :: : ' ' ..' i ta st G Ism Mk 2 im m 3 .J J CAI.IPBELL Prices 10 -Per Cent. Jsst Th::.k ef II 1 Our 875.00 - suits now $67.50 V; h Our 850 00 oak snits now 845.00 ''. y- Our $2500 oak suits now $22.50 ',;. ' Our 812 SO oak suits now $11 25 . All of those who have had our prices ' can got our prices now and see that this add is true. - " . IIEHE J&E THE CI"Ci!"S. Our $20 00 hall racks now $18 00 ' ; Our $15 Oft haU racks now $13 60" " Our $10 00 hall racks now $9 00 ; . Our 85 00 hall racks now $4 50 'We have in stock a special lot 'of hall racks that usually sell at 812 50, we will now close them out 88 00. Side Boards! Side Boards! - Kemember we maVe a specialty of fine Side Bos r Is and. china closets and all nds of Diningroom furniture. seat dining chairs. Regular price Don't fail to see our stock, wbeth the largest stock of furniture Yours fo or low prices and'good and 12 Martin Street. lines of fancy goods and -i ECONOMY Mav.be necessary in many ways when dollars are scarce and want ,nv. but it Is not desirable to praotl it in the purchase of food, which is life. Below a oertaln standard food imperfectly nourishes; up to that stand ard it costs a reasonable price.. We never want more than a reasonable price for our Groceries. . RAPID SALES Give, our customers the benefit of close marsrlns. . We never keep any thing that is not the best of its kind and we only want a fair profit on wbai we invest in it. E Always in stock and promptly delivered whea ordered. n::3.. phcgud. Disscl:tica Kctice. The firm of McClure & Peterson have this day dissolved co-partnership by mutual consent. All bills and debts due the old Arm will be raid to the new firm of McClure & lales. McCitRB & Pkterron. 'Me-Earners ". '''I::'v...'':Vii i If you want to know how big your DOLLAR is-fiuw 'many CENTS it contains, its purchasing power, take i tlo CROSS & LIKEHAN'S, Measures its Value and you will do the brainiest thing youv'e done in many a . day for there's stuff there you'll need every day, stuff you'll need when winter's storms are upon us and they're coming " soon almost at our doors. : Stuffs you'll want tor Thanks giving stuffs you'll want for holidays stuffs you'll want for birthdays for someone else.. Come now I Come quick I - while assortment is : good almost unbroken-r-and pick out of this mine of good things not cheap good things, nut good good things nuggets of pure value (J ,--'' Minted by the beet artisans of the world they are yours at a valua - , i - ' , i tlon that makes the purchasing power of your dollar greater , . .. han ever in the world's history. Cross s& ilLinehan. School Books Remember our houso is headquarters for all School Supplies. have everything vou need in this line. lurd's Fine Ait-l in the verylatest styles. A. Williams & Go's Book Store OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Page & Marshall, proprietors. The Commercial and Farmers' Bank, of Raleigh, H.C. Chartered' by General Assembly 1891. Paid lip Capital . $100,000.00 Deposits ... . 300,000.00 Offers its customers--every accommodation consistent with safe banking. Safe Deposit Boies for Rent on Reasonable Terns. Some good business offices to let J.J. THOMAS, President, ALF B. S. JERMAN. Casn e H. Siioson's CURES NASAL CATARRH. A Trial Will Convince You. SIMPSON'S Administrator. Notlcs. Having qualified as administrator ot the estate of Cherry Penny, de ceased, late of Wake county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claim's against the said estate to present the same to theundersigned on or before the 8th day of October, 1897, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all per sons indebted to the said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment to me. ' ' . J. C. Marcom, Adm'r. . R. T. Grat, Att'y. ., Itw6w October 7, 1896., - - , . - ; .210 Fayetteville Street. We A full stock of , Ctaiionory Guffs "Done" Just Right will make a man happy all day. Cuffs or collars ''done wrong are productive of temper and profanity to an apalling degree. We don't be lieve the most critical taste could find a fault with the work we do. It is perfect, and what can be better than the best? When you wish to be sure of good work, come to PHONE 87. - A. THOMPSON, Vice President W. JACKSON Assistant Cashier. PHARMACY, To xhm Tax Parsn of Waks Coonty- I urge and insist that! must col lect the taxes, and that each lax payer must come forward and settle at once. It is important that I should close up my tax account for the year 1896, and hence make this urgent appeal. To all- who come forward and settle before December 1st 1896. I shall charge no cost: but after that I shall charge cost as al lowed by law. . This is positively the only notice T shall send out. . M. W. rAOK, ' a. -t . , . . - &ner hi.oi n ave ujun ly . Ointment 8tll3 HORSES, BUGGIES, ; HARNESS. Friday and Saturday, Nor 27 and 28- On the above dates I will sell you at auction without reserve, two car loads of Virginia and East Tennessee Horses from o to S years old, all sound, good workers.7 gale will be made each day Rain or Shine. Every horse sold un der a guarantee. Frank Strosach, ' ': ' iv ' Auctioneer. Buggies At Auction. 1 Tyson & Jones 1 Barbour Open Top Buggy. 1 Studebaker T "uggy. 1 Cortland Open Buggy. 1 Fisher Top Buggr op Bueey. 1 Babcock Open Buggy. When you want to buy a nice new top buggy at your price give me a call. I sell you cheaper than you can .buy from the factory. FRANK STEONACH, Prop 'r. , Stronach's Emporium. 209 Fayetteville Street. New Millinery ! We have now ready for the trade all the latest things in fall aril win ter Millinery. Trimmed and untrlmmed ladies' Hats, with all the new trimming materials. 9 Children's and " it . : Infants' Caps, in all styles and colors. All customers will be given prompt attention. Goods sent on approval. Express paid one way. Agent for Imperial Patterns. Miss Maggie Reese. Roses. Carnations, Chrysanthe nums Bouquets, Floral Palms, Ferns, Golden band, white and pink Ja pan lilies. . Finest of all hardy lilies Hyacinths, Chinese Sacred Lilies, Freesia Narsissus, Tulips for forcing in the house and early spring blooming outside. H. Steinmetz, Florist, North Halifax Street, near Peace In sutuw. ruvuo no.' OCtTI Have Kept You Cool All Summer. Will Keep You w A AllfWint. ; Coal, Pocahontas" Soft ' Unwell TrfiftV : - I s Tfc:!ccrrcni llij2lli:Ccai. The best Coal ways at at lowest prices al- Combination Miss Maggie Reese. Cut Floras Designs it J NUTS Walnuts, almonds. Brazils Peacans. filberU and cocoa nuts. We have bought a big lot of these goods at a low price and wil I be glad to quote you wholesale Dices. Call or d rop us a postal. ' RAISINS and FIGS-Fine London H fci fe imi Layer and pitted raisins 15c per pound,, loose.; Muscatels 10c; Fine . . Layer figs 20o per pound, whole box 15c per poun6T.-;- Dried KrttltSESfife rents 10o lb; California u a peeled ., s peaches 12c lbj apples fto to 7o. i . - Old Fashion Countrv Buckwheat Flour, free from grit, specialty pre- , pared for our best trade, 6o lb; . Hecker's nreoared. In 8 and 6 lb . packages 20 and 35o per package. ' Vermont Maple, Syrup'. .' This i the genuine Maple Sap, i gal jugs 75c; quart bottles fiOo, pint bottle 2&c. - Eli Petti jobn 's Dcst B nuk fast . Food is just the thing you want for ' breakfast, easily prepare, --easy to ; .; digest and real delicious IJc'pkg, 2 pKgS. lor ZOC. - --a; -,,-t-t . . d. t. joiinsoii, AGENT. rhone !-. ni ns ill) uuu. Another lot of those delicious SouthH ampton county (Va.) Hams; also fine lot mild cured Johnston county (N, ' .JHams. ' l. Fresh arrival Mew River Mullets." fine, fat Mackerel, new pack Roe Her rings, etc. ' ' ," 'Melrose' ' Flour still growing in popularity And why? Because it is carefully ground from best selected wheat. None superior to "Melrose." Nice line finest green and black Teas. Special blend finest Mocha nd Java roasted coffee makes an axoellent eup. I handle nothing but . first class goods, therefore orders may be sent with confidence. Lowest prices guar anteed. . Respectfully, , . . Sl it, w J.D.TUn2R, Cor. Johnson and Halifax Sts. Telephone 126. You Can Settle the ' Ever Vexatious Question.. .. .. ' . What to Give the Bride By spending a few moments lookinj through our new and compete stock of Sterling Ware, Gat Glass, -Iron and Brass Lamps China, Clocks, Bric-a-Brac. H. MAHLER S SONS, Jewelers and Opticians. Have your eyes tested. No Charge lor examination. . , .. SALE OF LAND. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Wake county, N. C, made and entered at the October term, 1896, ;v of said court In the case of A B Marsh- , burn et al vs.Gilley F.Harrison et al,. -being No. 641 upon the summons dock et of the said oourt. We will offer for sale, at public outcry to the highest bidder, at the court house door in the ; city of Raleigh, N.C., on Monday: the '. 4th day of January, 1896. at 12 o'clock M, the following described tract of , land, to-wit: Situated in said county, adjoining the lands of Willie Harri son and others, and known as lot No. 1 in the division of the land formerly owned Berry Harrison, deceased. Be ginning at a forked white oak, Willie : Harrison corner, thenoe N 2 deg. B 20 poles to a stake, thence M 87 deg. w 17 poles to a dead red oak, thence n 2 deg. . e 70i poles to a branch, thence up said branch 29 poles to a hickory, thecce N 2 deg. a 49 poles to a stake, thence N 67 deg. B 13i poles to a pine, thence 8 2 deg. w 230 poles to Neuse river, thenoe up said river to the bbgloning, containing 77 acres more or less. , - -Terms of sale, one-fourth cash aca . the balance in 12 months, with intere st . at B per cent.; abmistbad joneb, ' W. B. Snow, O mrs Giliou GHCC3 l esused try torpid Krer, Tlileb prerenU too and permits food to ferment and patrlfy la UMStomseh. Tbes follow dlzilixus, noacn. J insomuia, nenrousne, tna, , U sot relieved, bilious levnt or tilood poisoning. Pooj s Fills stlmul&ts ttii it. niarti, ' r1 ts Hrer, enrm he?' 1 ' f .if.... p'... gft (H.nM. y s m