. I-f Uitt-l-kESS ::,Ui'OHATEl. Mlt S OF THJ5 VISITOR, L) 1 .3, AND THE PRESS, i.io Fullen Building, corner Seville and Davie Streets. -;u K O. ANDREWS, ; Editor sad M.aaf r. JASI'ER N. MeSABY, Soliciting A(mt. Subscription Prices. Oue Tear . . . Six Months . One Month,. ....I 3.00 1.60 .25 Entered as Seoond Class Mail Matter J N T The Leader in the News and t. r. . in Circulation. TELEPHONE No. 168. FRIDAY. Dec. 4 The experiment of usiagtheX-ray ' to restore sight to the blind which has attracted so much attention : throughout . the' -country has been tried in Baltimore by Dr. Henry Chandlee of 1013 Linden avenue. Dr. Chandlee has probably as com plete an X-rav apparatus as there is la the United States, and has ob tained some good result in his ; general experiments. As to re storing sights however, . he has not ' been able to say . it could be done, but has secured interesting results. ' He. experimented on two cases. One was that of an opaque cornea and the .other that of a cataract. In neither case could the person read. Neith er could see more than a shadow at two feet distance when the hand was held up. ' Neither could tell how many fingers were held up . In the light of the X-ray both could count ' the fingers held up before them and said they could see much more dis tinctly than before. The effect did not seem to be permanent, however, as after the , X-ray was taken away the sight with ordinary light was as dimas before. The biennial reportof the attorney e ",U,FKU nu l gives the criminal statistics for the past two years very fully. During that period 17,079 criminal actions were disposed of, while during the ; previous. two years there were 14, ,sWI,' the increase being 2,542. Of . persons "tried, 9,125 were white, 7,- 91ft colored, 36 Cherokee Indians; 15,693 we.-e males, 1,386 females, i There were 11, 258 convictions of the greater crimes. There were 82 trials for murder in the first degree, 76,1a the second, 28 criminal assault, 55 for attempted criminal assault. 47 for arson, 14 for Surglary in the first desrree. 51 for . burclarv in t.hA I second degree, 33 for manslaughter, v 56 for house burning, 99 for forgery, 2,886 for larceny. There were only . two lynchings one of a white man, . for murder, and the other of a negro, . for chloroforming and assaulting a S white woman. One man in jail for ; murderous assault was released by v.. a inendlv mob. There -war im , j c i ' ' 'X escapes from jails. There were ? forty-three fewer cases of murder in the first degree than during the previous two years, but in all other : crimes an increase. ' A correspondent of the New York Evening Post has rather upset the claims of the columbine to the floral ; flmblemship of the United States. ."The aquilegia, " he says, ,4is not indigenous to the United States; the only wild species is the canadensis." ' A vulgar is is ft native of Great Bri tain, other parts' of 'Europe and . Japan. He also claims that the plant is difficult to grow true from seed, and unless the species are kept strictly apart they will in three years degenerate into muddy colors and stunted shapes. This latter should be sufficient to kill any claims the plant may have on the score of its symbolism in 'regard to name, the arrangement of petals, etc. I'Uf.-i time in the history of II n ... J Uuiversity the fa2ulty has i a;.,.",ol in tie li.sfsof scholarships of the hiheist grae lies names of students who do not need pecuniary aid. These students are designated as John Harvard scholars, without stipend. The course of the faculty has met with universal approbation, as it has long been recognized that the old rule was a manifest injustice to the students who were able to pay their way through college, but whose brilliancy of work - received little official recognition on this account BnaUsa's Araiaa Salr. The best salve in the world tor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. - Prioe 25 cents pr She. "or sale by John Y. Mae Others have found health: vlear and vitality in Hood's SarsamriTW J . ' . . T ' anu surety oas power to neip IP you also. ' wny not try It Katie to ihs Public. Having this day qualified as Ad ministrator of the estate of Calvin Kelly, deceased, thia is to notify all persona indebted to said estate to pre sent their claims for payment to me on or before the 18th day of November. 1897, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please pay without further demand.', , Hkzekiah Pool. nlT iaw6w New Shoe Stbre. a 1 J fl l : in Get' I J' W-plac "Excelsior Steam Laundry," pVone ,9- 105 and WE DON'T RRAR .)., (i.. ., cize other Uundrte.7 raT. hto- 117. , I . j 1 r--v. uua. we (eel denendent on avervnn iiTj0? "ucoeM o'ww bwiness, iTT-rrr:," ".,.' " "i woo ntoiV "Watch Your Linen and See. OUR MOTTO: CARE, QUALITY and PROMPTNESS. Give Us, Sowers & Harding, PR0RIET0RS. " PnCGCAGTIfJATIOfJ Is The Thief of Time." , If you neglected to buy vour winter stlinnlv rJ trial amA iwaa l 4k. SS 'I2r ln&!l requires that Sfe4 Vlt?. !!" first spell of season will 's supolv of fuel nt n, r"5Tr3 ." "1" m , i - - - .. . i ' wu uui a w a, uvxure winter, be a source of satisfaction tn vn & - J . " ' now complete and we solicit your orders for best imnri t l-.t .i Jotooon end Jolmnnn: COAL arid Phone 150. : Mcintosh Coats and $5. KuDoer iatsficoand $2. Umbrellas 50c, 75 and $L .1,000 pairs 10c Socks for 5c each. ', Made and Merit Maintains theeonfldenee ot the people ia Hood's Samparilla. It i medicine cores you when sick ; If It makes wonderful cores everywhere, then beyond allqnestion that medicine possesses merit. jcIICjO That la just the troth about Hood's Sar eeparilla. We know it possesses merit beoaaae It cares, not once or twice or a hundred times, but in thousands and thousands of cases. We know it cures, absolutely, permanently, when all others fail to do any good whatever. We repeat n Sarsaparilla 'if:'. Is the best-In fact the One TTos Blood ftrtfter. mm rtiti enrenauseajadlgestion, lIOOU 8 FlIIS bukmsmss., aaoeata. Kstlcs To Cit- T Ptytrt- i . The city tax list for 1896 has been fiaoea in my hand for collection, will be in my office for that pur pose overy day from 9 a. m to 4 p m. All taxes not paid by December 1st are subject to a penalty of 1 per cent, and an additional 1 per cent on the first day of each month there after until paid. ' T. B. HtTTCHiNas, ... nov8 30d City Tax Collector. Shoel Bargains Fine Shoes for this week. ' On sale today the best Gent's $3 Shoes ever Sold in Raleigh. These goods are shown in Bull Dog, Coin, Needle, French, Parish. Opera and Razor Toes. Don't fail to see the above goods before pur- ccasing. i ney are bargains. Best line Ladies and Children's bhnes in the South. C. POOL. 8 B. NORRIS, Manager. 107 W, Martin Street Aoaaemy or Music Building:. ) i . . ' . .. . ',ur S?' crm: iuujo iui' ukouiutcs, out we ao say w)a riA.is . i 1 . j and, in order to give our-ouatomera nna naa seven vears nractlcal exnnr-l4MI department. Itistohisln- a Trial you shsufd have donl give us your WOOD. r Office 10 Fayetteville St. JO 1 H LaswiiOsil $3, 3,50, $4 be is For -Tlii s Cliriztmas For. Presents will be Furniture, and we are prepared to show ; A you the largest line of Novelties ever brought to the city, . both useful aud ornamental.'' Our Mock of Bookcases, Combination Fancy Tables,' Music Racks" Infants', Basket, Lamps,' i p Pictures and Easels, 'White and Gold , 4 1 ',' t Chairs and Fancy Rockers Is IiVo Lcrrc3t: in You will find our prices In reach of all. We make everything low. . Make your selection now while we have a largo assortment We Will store anything bought from us now until Christmas free) and deliver when ordered. Open at Change itt wather After a few days, perhaps a shorter timi, there will bo a decided" ehanc in weather. This change will causo many to have colds; we have 'he remedy .J laxie Bfomo Quinine Tablets will cure it in one day. cure, no pay. 25o box. No North Side Drug Store, Wyr.no .and Birdsong, Halifax s root, one block south of Peace Institute. SAiitl OP XillD AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. N On Monday, December 28th, 1896, at 12 m., at the Court House door in Raleigh, N. C. I will sell at pubUc outcry, the following described land in Swift Creek k township : Wake county, befifinning at an oak on the Holly Spring's road the .south-west corner of-Geo. Green's land, fun thence with said Green's land north reet to Jirvant Smith a tract 450 feet to Bryant Smith's tract, thence with said Smith's tract line west 116 feet, thence south with said Smith's tract line 230 feet to a stake, thence east with said Fmith's tract line 96 feet, thence south with said Smith's tract line 200 feet to said Holly Springs road, thence east ward with said road tothebeeininjr. containing 16-21 of an acre, also the following desciibed "personal pro- petty on said lana: i steam engine, boiler and fixtures, 1 cotton-gin and fixtures, belting, shafting and pul ... m 1 leys, i ittiroanu s wagon scales ana all other property of every nature on said land and used in connection with said gin, engine, etc., tor fur ther particulars, see mortgage, reg istered in office Register of Deeds for Wake county dated Nov. 3, 1892 in book 121, page 735. . This sale is made to perfect title. ' . w. ukiwm, xrusteet nov24-td 7 s. a. as::z a son, FIRE INSURANCE v Solicit a pat jt your patronage OfBoe over MaoRae's BranchPhar mm f itiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiili " : ItiiiirmiiirminiiriiriniiT Of Fayettevllie aid Martin Sts., Just as you Come Up from the i Park Hotel I rt 1 t f- ' f J mmm . W ik J Km) L k ,m.m - Where the finest cigars and the best Soda and Mineral Waters can j had. Bromo Seltzer served at the Fountain. i Just the thins Call around boys, see you. k TT A AL , r- Cases, China Closets, Ladies' Desks, .; f-;:;.. 'i .i Night. Ti:::.:MfiOii::?:zLL Drenarine lor the HOLIDAY TRADE. They have their forces busy today , marking aown their gooqs from 10 to zu per cent dciow tneir aireaay: : , Everything will -be plain figures, so, - If necessary, you Baffin Goodwin, Mrs: Tempy Law can wait on yourself. The follow rence, Sallic Clark, Margaret Barker ing goods will be Included In this and Jothers, containing some forty odd acres, more or less, and being GREAT CUT PRICE: SALE: fttfe. - Fancy rockers, Hall chairs, Lamps of every description, Centre tables' in oait, 4;nerry, mahogany;, onyx, etc, Pictures, Easels, Albums, Fancy clocks and Book cases. Writing desks, China closets, Wardrobes ana couches and many other things auaauie tor Amus presents. Remember Everything Is marked ngures and that you are cor invited to call and examine our goods; they will be kept in our store next to Woollcott & Son's. Very truly yours, - THOMAS & CAMPBELL ' .-nov'30 ; VALVABIiB LAND FOR 8ALB By virtue of authority conferred by rsdTarVrs w jars xoia n uaies, recoraea in ooolc 114, page 588, Register of Deeds office ror waae publio auc for Wake countv. N C. I will sell at iudiio auction to the hlehest bidder for cash at the court house door in Raleigh, N C, at 12 o'clock m. on township, adjoining the lands of JB train. uaaweu Tantts. Wilev Cai roll and others and situated on the waters of Watson's Branch and bound? ed as follows, - viz: Beginning at a ' st&ke In J B Strain's nnrlhavn lliu running north 10 degrees west 471 poles I w m rwn, wuvsinwt v pwies luiuo numer tfrancn uownsnip, : sale stake; thenoe east to the beginning, I county, and adjoining the, lands ol containing x acres more or less, and I being the .home place of aaid W A I snutn. ' xne place naa dwelling and necessary ouwouses. anl I am in- formed tnere Is a young orchard in rood land bearing eondi condition upon this - B. C Beckwith. " ' Attornev for Mortsamw. Dec. 8, 1888. , WE DO NOT WANT BOYS OR LOAFERS to write, but men of abil ity. $200 to $600 per month Salary or commission, btate and general I I managers. Kaoine r'lre Engine Co., I Racine, Wis. nl4 ev sat 8t C0B1R I - w m ' ml m. . - m m. mt fc i . . J a... . . .. '' J for Fair. Veok, will be clad to r. rm- . , mm j Santa Claus has Crawling Rats, Alligators too. While the Parrot sings the Dolls they're marching along. Yea, Santa Clause knows the Lyon Racket ia the place to find everything, toys of every description, consisting of dolls and doll carriages, wagons and carta from 10c up; drums, fire crackers, horns, china sets, trains, vases, albums, Bibles, reading mat ter of all kinds; in -fact everything to please the little"and old : Even our Grandpa and Grandma would enjoy a visit to Lyon's Racket ' We have not apaoe to quote prices. Come to the I Lyon Racket; we guarantee satisfao- .. ... - --- --- uiu wisnmg you a merry JLmas, , - Ybura to pleaae, Lyca jkSaict CIcro By virtue of a decree of the Su-t perlor Court of Wake county, in a cause pending In said court before the cjerk, wherein J. C. larcom, administrator . of John Dpchuroh, deceased, is plaintiff, and W. F. Upchurch is defendant, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder -at publio auction at the .court house door in Raleigh, N. C., on Monday, the 4th da; of January. 1897, at li o'clock m., the lands described In the petition in' said cause," to-wit: Situate in White Oak townshlD. said sided at the time of his death . B. 0. BjscKwrra, ComV. d3-4t For the last 20 years we Is falling fast, arrived at lust Jumping Toads, iu plain I -A . - i - dially : - " v ' v . , sumption in stock, and would sooner think a groceryman could get along, without sugar fa his store than .we could without Piso's Cure. It Is a sure idler. RAVEN & CO Druroiste. fesco Michigan, September Laud Sale. Under and by virtue of a decree of we superior uourt. 01 wake countv. in a certain civil action, No. 7Z1. aununons docket of aald court, en. titled B. F.-a Montague vs. J. 7T. Kyals, JMancv A. Britt and Joi Austin, I will on Monday, the 2lst vmj vi jueoemoer, iovo, at noon, sell at puDuo auction at ne court nouse door in the city of Raleigh, N. C, the following described tract of land tying Oeorm Parti n. A.. Kj Smith and others and bounded as follows:' Be- ginning at a stake in Little Creek. thence north 4 degrees east 4 chains and 22 links to a stake, 'thence south oi negroes east if cnains ana 44 links to a stake. 'thence north 40 degrees eaat ia cnains ana w llnlcs to a stake, thenoe south 87 degrees east IS chains and 60 links to a stake, thenoe north 8 degrees east 11 chains to a stake in the tfenny corner, thence north 83 de grees west with L. J. Weathers line 49 chains to a stake on . Juniper Branch, . thenoe down the . various courses of said branch to Little Creek, thence down said creek to the begin ning, containing one nunarea ana two ana a naif acres (102 acres) as mora-1 fully appears by deed of Nancy A. Brlti and others to J. W. Rvals and wife, date March IS, 1834, Registry oft known as the homestead of said J. W, Ryals. Terms cashi -t . -; . ARjUSTEAD JONES, . Commissioner. Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 13 '96. . . IIoitey JS Loan Vmim m kh Unlc: Are prepared to make prompt loans Oil Real Estate. Loansonstockof Union mad promptly And paid on day of application v , Apply to - Gcoro.Ailon,. , v Secretary, 22rullen Euildir"', Palclgo, N.O.' novj 1m 1 have purchased a . I haye on hand a laipe stock of cloth, wal nut, rosewood, oak and mctalic. . 'CASKETS ' -k' . A LARQB STOCK Of COFFINS ALL KIHD8. " or And Gents, Ladles' Children's Robes. and all equipments in the Un- menta in t ing Line. v derukl Call on meat No. 128 South Winning! . ton St., Raleigh, N. C. , . q. A; sTn:::iLf.::D, UNDERTAKER. -1 - laniforSfc : v By virtue of a deed o mortgago Jer ecuted on the 3rd day of January, 1891"' j I will offer for sale at the court house door in Raleigh, N. C, on Monday , January 4th,' 1897," at IS o'clock m. 1 ior oasn, un luiiuwins; num vi utnu mm. neacrl ., Lyh bed in said deed of mortgag mi vine and being' in Middle. Creek . township; Wake county, and beginning at mmoerrv tree 3a Alien Mason . line, thenoa about east to-a dogwood.. Mary Matthew's corner, thence about -southwest to a white oak. the Tonv C. Smith oorner thonee to a large hlck onr, about east, the corner of the land v belonging to heirs of Marcom - Wood, '".-v-thence to the beginning . containing .-i twenty acres more or test. See boost ; . 144, page 299, in the office of the Reg- later or ueeaa or waits eoumy J, C. L. Harris, ITJ aov24 tds : Attf. for Mortgagae ,, fiave feet fWs Gtre for Qxv 2.1 Wt. i Under and bylrtue of a decree of the Superior Court, itf " a civil ac :r. tfon, No 6612, bi d, entitled ' Wm Smith v B F Montague, we will, oil 3e 7th day of December, 1896, sell publio auction at the court house door in the city of Baleigb, N C, at ' 12 in, the following tract of land; sit- UBte ln Wake county, St Mathews township, beginning at a stake Jes - -sie Watkin's n w corner in Jonathan -Fool's line; thence s 26 -poles to a stake said - Watkin's s w. corner: " thence s 85 w 69 3-5 poles; thence West 93 ' Doles to two nalra fin , the bank of Neuso river; thence up ' the various courses of said iwi about 84 poles to Pool's. corner : ' thence with his line s 88f e 135 poles ' to the beginning: containing 63 acres Also. At the .same) time and place, we will sell the personal prop erty set out in said decree, consist- infV Af 1 fniila 1 Iiju... O l . sarness, farming implements and pan oi crops made. on said land. Terms cash, - " v ARMISTEAD JONES ' THOS R PDRNELTj. no7tds - Commissioners. SALE OF LAKD. By authority confered. upon me in judgment of forenlnniirA Feb. term and an order made at bo-- ' tpDer term, isab, of the Superior Court of Wake county, in a civil ac tion No 6358 C. J. D. nnHtioii w v u iiey ' on Moi 1 Ofl7 . . iooi i o ciock m., seu at pu uuwrj bk me county court house door in the city of Raleigh, N. C, the following tract of land situated in Middle Creek township, Wake county, N. C, and known as part of the home tract of land recently owned by A. J, Utley, deceased, adioining thelandsof A J Blanchard A F Norris and others and honnn.i as follows: Beginning on the east biue oi me ikaieiKhroad and runs with A J Blanchard's Una on th south and Dallas Adams'nn th or, and on, the north with James' S. Noah's line back to said liildigh road and with said road south to A J Llanchard's line, contiiininor 60- vm.i, luureuni'ss. caia land be. ii r iiftKe CiDnfy. lerms of . 1 'i. H. E. NilUOIa va jnary a utley et als, I will iday, the 4th day of January, blio tng the same conveyed by A J Utley ' and I wife on V e Ch day of December J, to W I Utley by mortae deed wLu;h is recorded in book 110 at i r' - i in the o.'Uce of Er-ister of nov Commissioner.'-