S- 3 VISITOR, . i. i. .' I ul'en Building, corner lay. . leviiie and Davie Streets. OUhk-H O. ANDREWS, , ; Editor sad Muar.' JASPER fC MoRAKY, . SoUaltlaa inl. Subscription Prices. Oii Year Six Month . One Month,. I 3.00 ' .25 f Entered m Second Class Mail Matter J The Leader in the News and in Circulation. .;, TELEPHONE No. 16$. SATURDAY.... Dec. 5 : Tbe WashtogtoD Post has made ., " tW' discovery that President-elect McKinley has offered W. J, Arkell, of New York, the post of Secretary of Agriculture, in, the new Cabinet, and that the modest publisher of Judge has declined. ' The 1 story as told ia that some time before Mo $ Kinley became an active candidate v"- for the Presidency he attended a " dinner at which Mr. Arkell was " present In an after-dinner speech Arkell :Said, all he expected of Mr. .McKinley when he was elected was the place st the very foot of thj Cab 4 IneUt j Major. McKinley replied to the sally,' assuring Mr. Arkell that ;.j that liis lwish "should be granted. '- The talk created much sport at the $me aud5 long . since passed out of .' . minds oi all present, it appears, ex . Ceptthat of Mr. "McKioiey. Since -"'hisf election Mr. McKinley has writ- 'f .ten to Mr.' Arkell referring to the v ' promnre and asking if he regarded it as serious, While the latter did not say so, yet it. clearly conveyed rTTh" laear inst Tr-srrrarvett tooted J v . upon the promise as serious it would be futiy honored by an appointment . vi- The monetary conference at In , dianapoli was attended by dele- gates irom commercial bodies in ' Cincinnati. Chicago, - Cleveland, Columbus,. Detroit, Des Moines, In rflianapolis, Milwaukee,"dianeapolisl , 'Omaha and Peoria.' There appeared "to be a general concurrence in the opinion that there can be no assured '-- industrial.; .prosperity in the . country ,, until the questioU . 'of the currency shall have been rightly settled. The effort to seen re j legislation to provide a sound, unl . form and elartic currency is now backed br a definite DODulat gentl-1 tnenC : It is deemed the duty of the v ,.. v. ' businow InteresU of the country to J-... . . press this issue to tbe point of defi " bite action -: ' tion was adopted 1- ' ;.. a'general convention L on January 12. 1897, Citiesof8000 , inhabitants will be entitled to send -.' " one delegate, cities of 10,000 two ' delegates and so on. with a limit of -eight delegates for cities of 400,000 " J ; population or more." 1 ' r "'i !' " 1 " jt "V v.XIwk the, spectacle of the batless ' opera audience; has already borne , "good fruit is notioeable now at , '-'nearly all the metropolitan theatres, ' ' ; Big hats come off as soon as the cur iVB tisea Although some of them are , carefully , returned x to their i plsces daring the entr'actes. For inerly the women who took off their ' - hats in New York theatres all look- j r.t!' ed as if they come from other cities, -- ; : v but within ike past few weeks that .'C-has not been the case." The women v Who take off their hats now remove . ."; the unmeri table . specimens of the . smartest, millinery, and there are . some indications that to - remove . V one's hat is going to be considered the fashionable thing to do. '' - ' . V, heelwomen everywhere wiil 1 f lie over the bill just introduced! in 1 e c-. ; r .1 Asscmoiy 01 Alar via ive Timberlake. Tlie sit no fern Je shall ap- :.e p'nre dresc-c-d in fitid it explicitly ; . : , I ui,K " : . bliK iicrs, uiviu. 1 tlirts and sLii't waists. Most ' wo men are not against divided skirts, and as for shirt waists, it never oc curred to anybody so far as known, thaj; they were intheleastobjecti.on able. ; -,: Si tl'i A club has recently been formed in Vienna which affords its mem bers the luxury of silence. Accord ing to the rules of this organization no word may be spoken in the club house; orders to the waiters must be made' In writing ana members are forbidden even by nodding to recognize each other's presence... It is very significant that this is a married men's club! ,s taOWi AniH Salr. ... ''The best salve. In the world lor cuts, bruises, sores,' ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guarran teed.to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. ' Price 25 cents per Nwti vot sale by John Y. Mao, Ba. ' . -J- v-' . . Others .have found health, vigor and vitality in Hood's SarsauariTla. and surely has power to help you also. - Why not try it .' ' Try BlCK-finHT M for DjtpcpXi. v S. . "EjiGclcior Sf txrv ruim iTin , . " Al.o ntko. io...ji A- . Sg .? 1C,nT!?;(,Aupraonl, etin Eth? New Shoe I i I I I .tin the bee of Service, one of thU rTwhlad pl eeV- ienceinthebusinM8,giveghiOatirv.'metoUiewuiivlnir deriuenLItktohiSS- terest to see thing. oW right. i yourT' - eparanenk itwtohialn- " wtT T '-"VA i - -..,,. m. x .aiivii una see. OUR MOTTO: CARE. OTTATVfTY n PnnMPfMifi!,J ' ; .. .. ... ' Give Us " pnconnsTmion Is The Thief of Time.'': If VOU riPlTl(t(1 frt htitr summer as your interest renuiren that: 2mL 7hd T0ld th. rnBh hich first spell d I Old weather. Convenient! anrl mumg aa u f season's supply of fuel at onc7, and Ito oe a source of satisfaction to you ' F AT'" ' wvai, ana w UUJJ. Phone 150. M:':t Mcintosh Coats and $5. - .-. RubbrCoatstl 60and $2. ;; Umbrellas 50c, 75 and th - i I .1,000 pairs 10ceocksfor6se;ich. . - , , ... 7 r- I f m Makea you seem "all broken up," with out life, ambition, energy or appetite. It i often tbe torarunner o eerious 111 neea, or the accompaniment ot nervous troubles. It is a positive proof of thin, weak, Impure blood; for, if the blood is rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, it im part ;llfe aner energy to- every nerve, I organ and tissue of the body. The necessity of taking flood's Sarsaparilla lor that tired feeling ia therefore apparent to every one, and the good it will do yon i la equally beyojl question, Remember 1 Sarsaparilla Is the best-In fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hwl'o Dillo cure lirer Ills, sssjto take, aswu 0 a ii u i t eaajr to operate, ssoeata. Kstiss To Cit- Tax Pjycrt The city tax list for 1896 baa been Fiacea in my nana lor collection, will be In my office for that pur aViSecrWiU cent, ana an aaaiuonai i per cent on the first day of each month there after until paid. r . , t Tt B. Hctchikos. nov6 301, City Tax, Collector; 1 Shoe. Bariraiiis Gents' Fine Shoes for this week. We place on sale today the . best I line of. - . ' ' fever Sold in Raleigh. These coods are shown in Bull i Dog, CoinNeedle, French, Parish: i Opera and Razor Toes.- Dont fail " ; to see the above goods before pur cnasing. uney are bargains. , Best line .Ladies ,pr.d Children's t Shoes in tbe South C. POOL. I " & B. NORKIS, Manager: cam Laundry," Store 105 arTcTlOriVnVrartirStreetl 7 ' .... , .: , "' i uur wur, or criir- juda for themaelves, but we do say j :: .. "1 ..ujw... t , ... , a Trial ; 5 . . . . mn chsu j - i I 1& inland Dot i2S? for months to come' Our stock Is -f TlTrwT ' Office 109 Fayetterille St.' Doofs zti GI;::3. $3, 3,50, $4 " 7 J - Is here at last, none too soon for c r stock, f t!. r ' more complete assortment than we have ia Overcoats, vbit. . ,, Lioats, underwear, Woves and everytuip? else pertaiQinr to con, ittt prices that the poorest purse can reach them. i : In five minutes you can be fixed in our house so you can defy the severest weather. . We 1 aven't forgotten the boys either. 'Thevsuu"'.,.e ud mituu'.v ia tnose nve collar Ulsters ot-ours; outers nesiaes. , . - ., . m -j.' juave vou seen the ones we most pouses seu no Detter tor f4 Extra C:JVct3bV:::l-:':b at 25c The finest Cashmere Merino h i Pon fail .to see us for your ass.. 8. 5 D. C ne r Change v in Weather. '. After a few daya, perhapa a r'' ' ' shorter time, there wilt be a 'i V ; decided chani n , in weather. ' r This change will cause many ;" to have colds; ve have the - remedy .J Laxitiye Bromo Quinine Tablets ' will cure it in one day. cure, no pay. 25e box. No North Side Drug Store, IVyna and E!ri:::j, Halifax street, one block south of Peace Institute. - " 8AjuB OB X.ANO AND PERSON 4b OnWondav, December 28th. 1896. at 14 m., at the Court House door in tln;k mot in -.it i. v., outcry, tbe following described land in ..Swift Creek; township Wake county! beg1nng.tlTS.S orthe uuj uFmg o iuou uio lvuui-wrai, I "oi w. iirwu s una,' ran thence with said Green's land north to Smith', tract, ?X,Vu 5 y!'.1.1' Ieet thence 801,111 w'thsaid Smiu,.g tract iine 230 feet to a stake, tueuw bi kiui saiu nuiu iraci line 96 feet, thence south with' said I Smith's tract line 200 feet to said lTT., c . , ...... . ami j opruiffa ruuu, tnenoe east- Ward with said road tothebegining,. containing 16-21 of an acre, also the fixtures, belting, shaftinn' and nul- i ... y: . . leys, i rairoanK s wairoa scales and all other property of every nature on said land and used ia connection with said gin, engine, etc., for fur ther particulars, see mortgage, reg Istered in office Register of Deeds for Walrn ItnKnnlrlOl T . ITI.ll tl m&Aatn iwrfort t.;t.i. .. ., .t . L ol W. Brewer, Trustee. t ,iiftSi.M .': i i.m i. sr. j (." ( - 1 a - -. , , INSURANCE. - Solicit a pat jf your patronage i Offloe over MacRjte't BranchPhar : JLIL1 IHI.U t M fill (Mill MM fMMl following aesciibed personal pro perty on said land; 1 steam engine, bolter and fixtures. 1 cotton Bin and OK Of Fayetteville and llcrtla Just as you Come Up from Park:'I-Zc: ,1 -13 r Where the finest c!;'ars and the oe uuu. liroino EHUiasr scrrea at the f ountain. -Just the thin fcr Fair Call rrouncl boyc, will I;',; ; r rn ii just tbe coat they. Kant; Lave plenty . .... . J sell at IJ ..wonders for the money. to-sa: our close Duying aia lac wort. and Enflish Hose at 60c Holiday Purchases. Everything first' - y - '' - Prico "fClothiorGi k)wa) L W Seem to be in earnest preparing for the HOLIDAY T11AD2. 1 hey lave their forces busy today darkinj down their goods from w to 0 per cent dciow tneiratreaay towPiricsb. j i iiC r.-,wt - i t-, Everything will be .marked in piain ngures. so, u necensary, you can waft , on yourself. The JulloWr ing goods will be included in this i Fancy rockers, Hall chairs, Lamps of every description, Centre tables in oaic, cnerry manoK&ny onyx, etc, Pictures; Easflls, Aiaums, 'Fancy clocks and 'Book ' caaeV Writing desks, China closets, '- wardrobes and couches and many other things sumoie ior Amas presents. Remember -r. Eyerythlng is marked In :pWa figures and that you jtre "core ally invited to call 'and 1 examine our goods; they will be kept in our store next to YYooiJcoil X boa m. :, ; .f Very truly yours, 1; THOMAG & CAr.PCZLL y " ' nov33tf " 1 - " 1 Land Under and br -rirtse of a U rf tne superior Court of Wake county, in a certain civil action, o. 721, umrnona docket of laid court, ri- uuni. D. c. jaomagn vs. J. v. Kyala, Nancy A. Brit and Jos Austin, I will on Monday, the 1. umj oi ueoemrjer, m noon, u.: ai puDiio auction at u court house aoor in the city of Raleigh, N. C, the luuuwina; aescrtoea vact oi UIB4 lyi, rauuier untnen xownshtn. u.. county, and adjolnlnf tiio lnj r "Wljn A. A. - C lilMl P 'l i others and bounded aa- foliuwa: L- gmning at a - stake in Lit la O- t. kuouva norut uepTeea eastlcr t and 22 links to a v&ke,' tueu a 87 degrees east 14 chains and 44 1.. to a stake, tnenoe north 40 d east 16 chains and 60 links to a aa, ukiuub nun oi aeirreee eaat IJ ohalr ana ou links to a atalce, thence nor i s aepreea east 1 chains to a eta in .. i - .. . , . . . greee wtt with L. Wea-.erV line 49 chains to a stake on Juniper Branch. 'theoea .down' -tha 'wLura oouraee of said branch to Uuto Creek: thenoe down aald creek to the bj-int ning, containing one hundred and two nu at bu acre (iu:t acfl sa nor iuny appears . oy deed M I s Briti and others to J. W. 1.. ""y A. ; -fyof wiie, oat juarcn ia, 18S4,l iouwb as me nomnsteaa ot Ryals. Terms nhi i . . .. n : ' tv ajce aountv. iooa- m. r -V .1 t rQ r aner f: - . - . AKJilSXEAD JCV. J Baleigh N. C. Not. lT't j. I ,,f liv 1 - : V .C-i be,t f i.'ii' 1 ,"-.n. rs t lit i a Bo tey re t :.f. Yes, Santa C 1.. a la C.e p ' jr. a 'r i:. v. s the Lyon toys of every C ::, ciir,,,i; - '- of dolls and doll can i. & -rng and carta from lOo up; Cru fire ctaulurs, Lwuaf cLina s, in... , vases, albums, Bibles, reading mat. ter of all kinds; In fact everything to plua.se tue little and old. Even our Orana and Grandma Would enjoy a visit to Lyon's Racket. We have net space to quote price-. Come to the Lyea IUuket; we guarantee tatlsfao Uoaj wLslInj you a merry Xaias, Yburt to please, 1r- By virtue of ViO po - confrred "on Us ia a oP-ts'n csed of tru.t er- " by L' D f and r's ' t A r . Ua W, i jL-, .,i" on .on tue 1 1 r f 1,'ovc. r, 1. J, and re- - J 1 1 " tf tl"i K- cf I - i rf "", U C'in book 1, 1, J Si , we t race to public -.e w tne t.;,,l.et taa,jr firctiii it the Court House door In l.le! U C-i on fony the Jlth day of J n naryt 11, we iollowluT utwcrined tract f lar1,;bning L J .e of tJie !'"! dasf' d la f 1 -"i of tri"t, and "also t e reveris u O 1j tUe houje s. ad tf t e said L. D. f i'pLi;uon l".rrtofv" lr.td Ctl.ln 'e-xiort'onne with ti-e rr Mm of s!j 6n& of trust. ' i uat Traot--! . ..a.- .g at a stake in tie oo Tenant road, U. I), fitophenson'a fc 4 corner, runnl?7 nortH 71 d use t to a pi'e of a .e in Mia. GuO W A...ason' dower line, thenoe south 4f dfjrees west about 13 edne to pile of s'onnj thrtfie south . i de grees west 11. U ciikiiia to a stake; thenoe north 7tf degrees west 60 link to a ke, eorrr of L D Ephenson's I -df st t it milli tnenoe with k. 1 L J Sit iwon's houtuatead line to te oraitr i,f the ,' n n road, red rk roL"'"rej tb""'je wi a Hie covenant ri'Adto.tue be.iinli, containing is aoret ' t'Seoond Tract Eeelnnbur at a a b h' wntflr of the mill pond, run, r ud Uhurth t.rli.r Li-anoh to l iuasut bpring t.i. iic "v.n fc9 6."nron 4 -chains to a riro: t -no aou a i 1 etTes west 8.13 sius to an ot aixtiip; tlieace sou n 4it ee weak 33 c: al to a stake w I b-nch, l. avid t -"hBnson'a e'v r, 1.41 -nee oown u bi h ia an a... ly course alorr Ear 1 1 !iob "n'a line to a r ' le rt t ts 1 , n i f tsio Drama: uwuge c )n i s a s branch to t ie hea of t.,e nii'.l r.i.nd. L 1 t ; lietwott'i lif .. xK-ad line: thfoe r j st id home- d line to the bro-irin' ir cont'nlt.j i i acres. n. a jirac Aue reversion in the tomtoiai tract of the aitld L D Sterh rnson, d"(hed as follows: B in liifTHtt. 40 ner t-e corner of tiie Bn.i Louie aoout fvt from a ir'-i .. Of v, tlienco : north . i do"- - j eiHti.j.4 chalDi to thecei tI t cvei i t road rrpostte to a Urge red ; tuenoe w said road north 1 "reeset VI tj cha!"s to a stake: xence soi h 71 d-o-i-eeg n.Ol chains to a at- n: ti.enoe Suui.h 4j.3o chains to a iaka; t-ence; t -nc west 23.60 chains t a tke onth .le side of the path, aa corriT: thence Lavid fer!iP:;aO aorUl 65 ifierrees west 13.85 chains witn Davia btpphenson's line to a on the west aide of .the covenant ti: t.ttiooe a sots ..west course alono- iu i;m x" .aeiK)'i line to stake In the Ivey field; thenoe with id -David Stbonson'a lin nurth t d, rreee west i. J.lj chains to Toiie's rahjis thence dowa said branch to e l.ad of the null pond; thfnoe with me w. it aide of tue pond Id feet from hlsrh water mirk to an ash in Pltt aut Kprlnr 4tiran"h; ll pnce north 7.1 et o.c j js to tte betrin" contau.;.. j ...J acres.. : ci L: On ' 5. " ; 'f, December 3r d, ts i e tt w Luse Cior in .i; ii. v., i wia si .i 6t ru'..:;o Tf utra-:t cf !- 1 r: :pl ia" -:- f-i!'. J. t 1 -i .(J. L ' i i j t . .. 1 1 1 1 tf J i dt Ill r At. i t i f lows: J las , j t-f t' 3 lti .. -i.JS 1' n, A. 1 - .5, ti . C 0 rs; i"'titjjn' ot a ' If 8 i, I f;, ruci t..f-,4. Vke and r t; ''nee E01 . r 1 to J c 3 r rf r ia E3 OiJ ficlj, t. i T 3 to a . corner, 1 c s wet 1 9 tor. a i t3 8 a r j. 1 v 1 1- T i r 3 C : r ri "... II A.aV A .4- T l ' ic. tijLX.4 4 A LAK.,6 k. jIK OC V , . OF ALL KINDS. An G" x " s' Childiwn's Robe. .. .aada.lt. . i In tuaUn- . - t . ....... i Lice, Call on me st Ko. l.'S f ;oisu Wi'-.jiii ; ton St., i.alm -N. C. -; ii". UNDICT.TAKEI 1 " 4Lltf ,MV On Monday, the 21st day of Ducoin 1 -r, 1 j, t t' e court bouse door in 1 m. i, jn. v., we will mil to t iO ,t bidder bt public outorytho I i- 1. loou'groal prop'y belor'ng to t e entuia of the late WLUamO. Ipehmva: . 1. The house and lot on M0D0' 'I street in the city of Ralelj'h, i.ki aa occupied by said V. O. IpchurUi as a family .residence at the time of his death. This lot fronts about lui feet on McDowell street and runs Imck about 210 feet. ' There is also an alley or entrance to the premises from Mar tin street.. The dwellin? is a handsome two-story wooden building with s'vtn rooms and there are suitable etablos and outhouses on the lot. This property is covered by the life estate, dower, of Mrs. 1 'anor M. 1. 71- s church, widow of said AV. O.Upi !iuri;h and will be sold subject to her r.lus. S, A lot In the villa-re of OIxtIIoI noar Kaloiph, adjoining the lots of t !ence, Uavis and others, front. on V ade avenue, b in? lot Ho. 27 iu t -o par Of said vinnge as recorded in icr'ster's book Si, at page 6al, con taining about one acre. 3. A tract of land containlr" I I acres, more or less, In Swnt tit-. townuhip, Wake county, about f.i- r miles southwest of Kaluigh In t..o k c tion of country known as l;nnn , it bnlnff the land conveyed in 1 . 1 ; t'pcHurcb. by B. J Vrv-! ur h i v ! ty j'-d ror red in Look ho 1 i t I -e IjO of the said KeglMler of i j o...ue." ' .-. ... - - , 4. A tract of land containfr-j t' t E0 acres, lyin? in the said section of Wake county and b . 1 on ttie north by the lands of o 1 1 Wn Grimes, on the east by J. ti j a land, on the south by theEolly t"r rir 1 road, and on the went by the lando of Cieorpe Greenf it beir a portion cf the Und conveyed to V G l'ji 1.111 1 by deed registered in book Ko t i, i t -e41 of said ' liegister of Lun i je. ' - - 6. Lots Nos. 271 and 272 in the pla u and map of the Oaraletyh mills erty south of the city of lialwh. .'I, ' adioln ooriwr of C each otiier and lie on t .o Glcndale street and J,' "- wood avenue and are each about .' a by 150 ft in size. They are d 1 la a deed registered in book ho. 1 pl?e4Mat said ..Register of Pr, .is 6. A tract of about 23 aoi-ps. lvl' about H miles south of Ilalci h, a 1 joining the lands of the Curtl 1 mills, known as 'W. G. Up' !u)s ,n Black nail plat." It beimr to 1 I now occiipiud by Bryant tu, iUi, 1 .,. ltis pioperty is well improved, 1 s a l""e barn and stable and r . 1 dwfci.in? on it, and the land is i i a hL:h state of cu'Hvation and a t u nwrkot garden. There are a u; of larpe sjntvrnot'Sf vinesand a g 1 1 Orchard on t a 1 ire. Sa'a made I y virtue of nonni-a con- fr-i r"a t!.e i'"flcrsfr"..:d ex"cutors 1 y t .e v ..1 of W G Li" i..;r. ., - C- -ed. . - ' "!. ms cf sale: one fourth c h. 1 1- sr la twelve months wi.h 6 per c 1 t i.i ...t f' ( 'n day of sale. t HAS U l.FLViS, 1 K.twut.'H-s ( f n i) ix m il, w. g i 1 1 , II C Lpchckch. dec ., 1. Kov. 21st, 1. ,3, Us .Oilv V (') ! Are pre; ire 1 to t: Loar-jon'-:, . ,i a r y i f ' v t- A i. .1 i ' 1 en t. i i i .

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