I 1 it. 1 i v kt.K kV Co. W. II. & Pw S. TUCKER & CO. -f.'-'X. j L.ok. iiranJ Wanner. ' -r i : ,ure continues high over ' , ..;'o;i' .'.'..i.th Atlantic states, b f.ae, clear weather over the t and south. ....., :, ; . A conslderrble storm is over 1 a, causing cloudy weather In the Lke region and northwest,' with snow at Marquette and St ' Paul, The inflow of air to the storm brings southerly ' winds in the central valley with higher temperatures, the isosherroof 40 degrees passing above Omaha and Chicago.' Over North Carolina and Virginia "the weather continues cold,' the effect of the covering of snow.: - , , Tomorrow will be the closing Subbath for the conference year at KJenton St. Methodist Church Bev. W. C. Norman the pastor will preach at 11 a. m. and the Sacrament ot the I J.'s SupperwUl be administered. At nicht Rev. J. T. Pesrram of ' the N. C. Conference,' will preach. V. 1 1. R. S. Tucker & Co Wi Sru. Goods Caraper Thaa Ant Other House. I Top Coats and Capes Tod Coats and Canes The unprecedented warm weather has enabled us to purchase season able garments at prices never before known at this season of the year. Those of our patrons wno have still to buy their winter garments will save a lot of money by taking advantage of the remarkable values here presented. ; i n To Coats of Black Kersev. .- j .i3rractual value. -( w' , - . are here for only., $4 39 Tor Coats of Kersey, Frize '- ,. finely fashioned, ..,.:.. ctual value 15.88. i ourprloe .... 13.39 To Coats of cheviots add- covert cloths, value.. $4-98 ur price to olose. . $2.39 . Loos: at the Prices - - oif Cam $2.25 cape bow $1.50 i vs.7o cape now $a.wi , .' - $4.75 cane now $3.50 Wi IL 4 K. S. Tucker A Co. a R & TUCKER A CO. We Sell Goods Cheaper than y i i 'Ant Other House. ' .... i f Vfr J5teHiagLsilrar!Noyeltles Sterling Silver Nouelties : Kilver Silver Silver Silver Silver. Silver Sterling Silverware' Sterling Silverware Sileer One among the most es-. Silver ., teemed gifts is Sterling biiyer buver- novelties. Our t Silver narily large ; collection is Silver particularly attractive Silver :: embracing strictly the ouver yt arsi quanues in ouver : Silver - ManicureSets, Toilet sets; ' Silver ' ; Book marks, Desk pieces, Silver? ; jr. Pitchers and cups, Tea Silver - and Coffee Sets, forks, ' Silver Spoons, Salad Dishes and Silver . scores and scores of other . Silver . articles in plain, fanciful Silver', and elaborate Greatinnii. Silver -, We assure you that you Silver - , that you have never sees , Silver ; articles on Sterling Siluer v Silver V so cheap. You should call Silver early and make selections, --i W. H. A R. S. Ttceer Co. W , F. cRS. TUCKER & CO. Ws Sru. Goods Cheaper Than Ant Other House. !C" For HouDAt Presents. . FmENca a)ress Pattern? in Dress tt lMaaaut--c xS.t. All of tbis season s importation, everyone a desirable fabric, which fashion demands and now offered at about half the original coast, We make up a special table, placed jusi as you enter our store from Fayette ville street and call three priceson them.. , $10.06, $12.60, $15.00 . :-i w were - wer were I " w - $20.00 $25.00 $35.00) These, are t of special interest to men as most 'suitable holiday pres ents for tneir wives, daughters or sisters. . A really splendid offering. w. a. & xcckeb a Co. W. H. A R.U TUCKER A CO. We Sell Goods Cheaper than" ' Any Other House. Decorative Ribbons. - We are just In receipt of a full line of No. 60 Moire liack Satin faced Ribbons in proper colors for house and table decoration. Any quantity lurnisnea on immediate notice. ' " W. H. A R. S. Tucker A Co. W. H. & R. & TUCKER & CO. We Sell Goods Cheapee Than Ant Other House. ; ' Artistic Pottert, ; ' . J : v Rich Cct Glass. Fine Decorated China and Lamps. A very tempting array of useful and t rtal holiday gifts. The as- are at their best, and the .sir i. 'i lower tbnn same 3 c?n be purcl -stdelsewhere ! ry ius'.ances you can ' v ff your i .t. The ', ! 1 V orcestpr, ; , An .;-ui, i ' n . v -.s t, A:. : ru-. t Stu. Gi'iisCt(EAHK8 Than Any Otrhi 1 lorsts. Stamped Linens '" We are selling BeiVJey's and the Royal Art Society's Stamped Linens and at really dry goods prices. - We have a large line of artistic pieces and the prices will surprise you, they are so low. ' r. - , We sell goods cheaper than any other house. ; W, H. & R S. Tucker Jt Co. W. H. 4 R. S- TUCKER & Ca" m, Skll Goods Cheapea Tius Ant Other Hocsb. Tarlr LiSens ' -. ! - We have collected a great line of Table Damasks choice - patterns many of them with napkins tomatch. This line of Christmas table Linens is shown right in the center of our store. We suggest to men these Table linens as very desirable pres ents for their wives. The prices are very low and the Damasks and Napkins are of very superior grade. A most suitable present - WJI A R S Tucker & Co. Several days ago, a red Heather back memoranda book : containing route list throughthe southand cash wnd cash and expense- entries. Fin der will please return to Pbesr VisrroR. .It Oysters. In price, we 'duplicate the lowest; in size, our oysters excell any sold in Raleigh; and in measure, we are the only dealers who sell oysters as they are received with out water. Prices 25c and 35o per quart ' r Geo. N. Ives fe Co., t. City market Phone 255 B ; nov27 lw. ..- Uwt. ; On Friday afternoon, in front of my residence a red raw-silk car riage robe with a key bordering of two shades of blue.-- The finder will be liberally rewarded. Annie Moore Parker, B28-3t Edenton Street,," . For Rent. Six room house on Jones street, second door from Dawson street Water and modern improvements. Inquire southwest corner Jones and Dawson streets. nl4-2w WE DO NOT WANT BOYS OR LOAFERS to write, but men of abil ity, $200 to $600 per month . Salary or commission. State and general managers. ; Racine Fire Engine Ct. Racine, Wis. - nUersatfit " own letter. Old man Santa is pretty one helps you. Tou must not be more making a special trip to the real little years old and write, without help, and he wilt remember, you, and the one that big dog or the toy iron cooking stove, Three disinterested srentlemen hich is the best one. You will of our front door, or you can send them through the mail. We have re celved some through the mail already.: All may write; ile only restriction is that you must not be more than 10 self, without help from anyone. ? . GLOVES. Foster's patent black kid gloves 86c, the regular dollar kind; colors $1, I 25. 1 60. Nice line kid. and other - sloves 'for Xmasi nice! for presents.1 V r HANDKERCHIEFS. 1 - ' n Two for 5c 4o. 6, 7, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 35, 40 and 50c each ; these are cotton ana pure linen; Also elegant line silk for ladies and gentlemen, and mufflers. -SPECIAL. ' 20 .dozen childs merino vesta came yesterday, 5c each- larger sizes at a, io, 12, is, is and zuc; iu aosen Misses, a job, all No. 28, soother size, at 10c each; never sold at less than 25c. Ask to see these Men's Heavy Shirts and Drawers at 25c each. We have just out in the sec ond line of Underwear for this sea son, we bought them cheap, so can you . CAPES. . Itt ' Think of It when the cape season is only just commenced, why should any one want to cut the price half in twor We haven t cut our prices at all; we don't have to; we have no trouble in showing that our prices MONDAY. At 3:30 o'clock Monday afternoon wo will ive C 00 Christmas cards away to the little n. i. . -. . A 4 No "Experts ' " Stove iiee3el with Buck's toves and Ranges. -Now Girls! We will rive the BUCK'S JUNIOR N1CKLED RANGE" to the g-lrl under 14 years old who will collect and bring to our office the greatest number of advertisements, each with " "DUGH'S" Trade Mark cut from ntsjapapors from October 15th to DeoembejfHfoth. 1896. .Each collec tion must be tied in package with num ber and name thereon. . . . Thos. H. Bi iggs & Sons RALEIGH. N. C ; '' SOLE AGENTS Buckrs Great White Enamel Line Vhaf s in a Uaino? It Depends As to the rose or violet nothing. But take our name-3- v n '' - - 7..ll.:KltlQ SLCO., Now, there'6C great deal in For instance: , , ' thai In prescriptions it means PURITY and FREEHNESS of Drugs, Care and exactness in compounding, Fair- ness and moderation in price. Whether you want medicine, or soda water,, cigars or boap, Candies or chewing gum, we serve you with honesty, courtesy, and dispatch. One good name meanseverything to you.lt means entire satisfaction to us success. v . , Yes. There's Lots In a Name Dear Children : Hurry j our letters to old man Santa Clause. . Since the snow came be , is making better time, and he has 'ao many places to go that he will tave 10 near irom you pretty soon, Please don't send a' letter without your address. We have already re ccived several with no address, and you must not be disappointed if the old man misses you. ' He can't find all unless you tell him where you live. , " , . Kemejnoer you must write your sharp and he can tell when some than" ted 'years old, because be Is folks thfc time. If you are only 10 have your letter here by the 23d writes the best letter will get the whichever you like best . will read all. the letters and decide find the letter box right on the inside years old, and you must write your . ',;(V are much under the most savage cut price you can - ond.-. it don t look well to say that the prices are cut way down "right jn the very heart of the season we would be afraid to say that we had done H, for fear the people were too sensible to believe it BLANKETS. . ' -' " " , We have sold a big lot of blankets this week: we sold 36 pairs of our l r ir , ucab vacs iu uue uuy . iuis weeK, we only mention this to show that we have the right prices. One party told us they bad looked all over town and that we were from 60c to $100 a pair under any they had found on all wool blpnkets. ' The only reason we don t sell all the blankets sold in Raleigh is On account Of prejudice. Some people think that unless they buy at certain places they can't cret any tnmg worth Having; its all wrong; no one house can have amonooolv. Other houses sell some things as lowas we do. but we sell more thinsrs for less than any other house. Peo ple are beginning to realize this more and more every, dayt ' People that are looking for good values as low as they can be bought are our very best customers, and that is whv this business is growing every day. T3 fJLj a : Served at our Fountain TO-DAY. i If you are chilled by the cold then come in and make your self comfortably warm by taking a, drink (!) of "not Soda." - . ' . Yours very truly s 1 4 .hues Mira 6 Co,, -133 Fayetteville St, Raleigh. aisnrwywwinr'n" VarOvwirtnrVB.Tu Mm. WuirloWi SooTKiNd Bvwir bM ba used lor ovr Bfljjr by nMliu of uoni lir tbetr cliUtlrea vlina tniuuiR. with prtot uch. It souUiHS Uie child, ftoilmii the ffurnc tllayi I1 pam, cure wind eolle, and U the IhikI remedy lor Drrhor-a. - It will relieve the n-t UUleiuIererininieuiately. Bold by Dm In CTerj part of Ue world. Twenty-nvB uia bottle, tie sure to aak tor Vvinuuo'i SooUiJoe Syrup," and take no tuxr kind. ut lm For This Christmas; . For Presents will -be Furniture, you the largest line of Novelties ever brought to', the cityt '. both useful &ud ornamental.1 Our stock of Bookcases, Combination . . s . ,s - ' ,Faucy Tables, Muslo Racks, . . Ptitfniwa on1 WoaTb Pictures and Easels, White and Gold , Chairs and .Is Mho Lcrrcst in lb Gily.: : : You'will Ond our prices in reach Make your selection now while wa have a large assortment. We will store anything bought from, us now, until Christmas free; and deliver when ordered. fc LvJ JU'ilU.'.L LOpeii ot Ladies' Needle Toe and Common v. Child's School Shoes 7Bc a pair, $1 a pair.- ' ' Ladies' Overgaiters, great values at 25o a palrU I''-?,:. r Ladies' Fur Trimmed Felt Slippers $1 60. . ,, f ; -t Boys' and Youth's School Shoes $150 a pair. , . . Gent's Embroideried Slippers only 75c a pair, at . : y . Heller Bros. ; SHOE STORE. A.-B. STRONAGZ-l "There Are Other," Bat None So We offer for this week only, as ana at ine .ruiu&a we oner vnem thit (00; v C:r3 In Plush, Bopcle, Bourette, Beaver , ana I'ltiuii. are unmatcbabie in this market. - 7 - Plush Capes, 15.00 kind. ' . Cloth" ' 250- " " ' " .'3 00 . . " 350 " " 4 00 " . " " " 5 00 " , Cloth Capes are full sweep with A specially handsome extra value line CaDes in Plush. English ueaver ana tiougn oms at A 5E.Q0, 6.00 to 7.00. C; pps don't fit or suit every figure. ' ' Jr.clicts and Cc In English, Beaver and all of r,sasliional!a ro; ' . tary oraisi tnmraea r-w sr,r" , respond v. Cok! Vce DlanltctC. ' j per c. . t. lower t cc - -i i It'e my place, to tell you whereto buy Toys. ; Now then, Riggan's Toy Store la the place. They hare the largest stock, beat 8oriment-and the most popular prlcev Toyi are better at the price than ever. SANTA CLAUS. RIGOAN'5 TOY STC. m .... a, and we are prepared to show -..r ,f'; -J. v- vases, China Closets, Ladies' Desks, . j . . ........... Infants' Basket, Lamps, ' WhltA e.nr1 ftnld r 'l .-.. Fancy Rockers of all. : W make everything low. 1 . -.3 , Nlclit. i ' 1 , v ' ' '! FOR This . Sense Shoes tl oO, lift h neat and durable tfissea' sixes Good and CUeao" a. Iheao." we bardlv think for the VALUES they will last for a longer time, h 0::3 C3 and Broadcloth, that for QUALITY i .. .v. v. ; . . 43 50 . 150 . 2 00 . 2 50 . 3 00 . 3 59 double cape braid ad fur trimmed. . J .!i3, pLin e s t cor-. r,;i- - c3 cn'v, i l ; . "'jrC.;-et i t. C 1jaa4.v0 Ci .- a J w fcj V , A V A. -o- . i. -... Heavy Glo, ' Heavy Underf car, ; Vcol Hosiery, . Overcoats, Boots cud LHiocs, Rubbers, Woolen Hoods, Buggy Robes, Silli Mulalcrs, -V - AGENTS FOR nl H WCOLLCOTT & SOW, 14 East Martin Street. II Is a "C;! J IViva" Ui f"N ejn Cak-l w . it 3 G if l Blizzard struck our cloak department. Sensational prices. Clearance sale ' . One month ahead of time done to benefit liberal Christmas " I , givers. Having had a big cloak trade, we can easily afford a v sacrifice sale. Prices slashed. Don't Intend to carry a gar- , ment over. No cloaks sent out to see. Buy first, get choice, " -be happy. Husband thirk of your wife; sons think of your i mothers; brothers think of your sisters; the generous, think of your servants; the benevolent, think of the poor. -! SENSATION- , K 11 TTinaof Tail.! HfoA Hnia I uvuw AWiavi AU lva V VVUbOi worth $8.00. 110.00. 112.00 and : $15.00 ach, to show lhat we do not intend to carry a srarment oyer, your choice of anyand all. $5.00 'ibis cleans ud all of our hich price cloaks. SENSATI0N-2 - - .' 20 this season's fashionable garments, handsomely trimmed, : Dew, afresh and stylish, were $6.00, $6 50, $7 00 and $7 50, now at ' ,f3 87 IU rt,wa rv,a. - A . " ' vo. woro. uiauo uuiu Ar trachan, Beaver, Kersey and Bou cles,full trimmed, box fronts, plain and ripple back, Were 13.60., Ci, 14.50 and to, your choice at 11.08 SENSATION- - 12 Cloakt.all now roods. honcht this season; prices from 2.60 to 3.60 to show how ridiculous a low . price to clean them un. vour choice at. . .ago NOVELTY CArES. (All prk;ii re.l.ircJ.) The latests'Tlcsin f,: ' 'on.thaDa and cut, mam- nom I A trn':ha n, Beaver and fcarw vg,i d. braid Juct Hsav W 10 JL f Rubier a . . v w 9 . ' ' 1 ' I ff ll ( 3 to :U ) ICO to 2 C J 8Cc to 012 . 25c to 1 CO . 23ctol C3 25c to COc 1 75 to -7 U0 75c to 3 00 25c to 75c 15c to 75c 98c to 5.00 5oc to 1 5o - V.: m4 r-v " p - .3 3 0aWM4 UMVv. ed or fur trimmed, colors, modes, tana. rtlA.clrA.nrl Kivtwn . : 18 Fine Capes in all, ranging in price $9, 10 and 12.50, take your choice for. $7.60 Heavy 8, $8.60, $7, $7.50 and a.oO capes, make your selection from any now on hand at.,,;....$o.0o All $5 Cloth Capes now. ..... . .1.1 - 24 Black, Full Sweep Capes. .. .2 ' 39 Braided Double Capes . v. . .$1.60 76 Union Capes, all black, fur trimmed. 75c - No such cut prices ever attempt- . ed before. WINTER BLANKETS 10-4 white and colored blankets . . . 38c 10-4 Homespun Blankets 75o 6-lb BigBonanza Blankets,54x72. .91 la I ,.i;j r ' . . 1 t r . - , : lo- Double X wool Blankets 2 iu-i oon imxbo b wool Ulanketa white, Ked, Grey and Brown Blankets,. GENT'S WOOLEN UNDEUWEAR Predicated Red Flannel. . . . ... iVwi- Glove-fltting Shirts and Drawers, 7."o Swltz Conde all-wool Drawers ... !), Wright's Health Underwear. . ... . .$1 WOOL AND LEATHER CLOV!.',.. Gent'sand Boy'all-woo filovo. . : '' ... Mrin'a Ij.ntE...,. l!ln..nn 1...:. : . . f en's e"rali(Kvy It-ami r (Wvi s. Gent's t..!. cp-(ikiu Gauuutts Motorman's Mna . ... 1 liJ ilkJ. 1 ftf