5 i ' 0 . . - - I - . - ,, ' - ' - J - -, , - -, . - . - ' ' 'j ', ' f U , " 'T' 3 . LIYL NO. 49. - i " M . EA1EIGD, N. C THURSDAY ETEXLVG, DECESIBEB 17, "it. , $3.00 PEE TEAB. a. m pin. op A VI ; IziX Earthquake Across the Water, A GREAT PANIO, ,' Chimneys and Pinaaolea Fed, jCimthtof Into the Streets and Many People v were Stricken .Wit FriHt-? .. :'', r ' . Laated .Thirty Saooada.;.' ; -H- iv, -Loudon, Dec. 17.--An earthquake, 'V. -- the most violent ever experienced ., In this country, has shaken every ' shire from Durham to Surry and , :; from ; London 4 W the Welsh ooast r i The subteranous disturbance -ocm-- menced at five o'clock this morning , ..lnd lasted .from, four, to ; thirty ''?, "net shocks were experienced, yhe inhabitants t were panto ; stricken ;and fled 4rom their houses. The earthquake also visited Birmingham f i; and "various points iolShropshtre M5'as) s violent at Worcester and VlcJiiitT.' iThe r housed rocked1 rand t ftimitareif wasverturnedf No ' '" serious damage is ' reported ut i. great panlo'prevailed Everywhere, - Ilereford cathedral was Injured by j a severe shock' felt at thatplace. The panid at Hereford was great; one woman died of fright Many chimneys fell crashing Into the street All pinnacles at Nicholas church toppled pver.; . . ':'fi? ' . . ... - - - ,-, t ii- 'ijej :k-.,- - 1 bryan not present; : By Telefrraph to fljePress-ytoitor. ;i & - WAsaKk,- U,VT1ie"xecuUve Committee of the; American Bimetal' . . lie TJnlor-'; met today to , consider . measures or Jteeplng "up .the tree 1 oolnage flgh V- but came to no oon elusion ol a definite fchartwter;v"?7 It will probably , be Vseveral 4ay s ' before MipuiocM "tvportnei will be iransftcCThe Intentton of . the committee to arrange .for- wicsoJLiifc'nenjt workers f r bimetallism does, .not . appear to Lave been definitely determined. v;Conoernlnghe.VUtemenTinai; TTilliam h Bryan might attend the " meeting of the ; committee, one of Its . members Said $o&xj that there was . do particular neoessity for Mr., Bry-; f.-. an's presence ani'that he was not ; , likely to appear before' the meeting , aid, but that a more definite answer 1 could be given to a few days. 5, ' r No OoaJM of Mteeo'e DMh.ii'., ; By Telegraph to he Presi-Vlsitor r ; ' v HaVanaV Dec4.- It-Maceo's death is Btill surrouded in mystery. His body is still undiscovered and there Is no further proof except" the ofiV oial statement, which pleads j some Cubans to think he Is still alive. Residents' of Punta Brava, where the engagement ooourred, disbelieve the story. '; f:rh: . , - ;;."!,, "WASHINGTON,' Dec 17.-r-The" latest advices remove nearly all susplaioa of Maceo's assassination. . Under the circumstances it is hardly pro- -, bable that congressional action look ing to the recognition of Cuba will be taken. The house will be able to do nothing until after the holidays. ' The Senate adjournment todamakes it impossible for the " committee pn , foreign affairs to report tomorrow : rtre at Plrtebnrt. r- By Teleirraph to the Press-Visitor. Pittsbcbo, Pa., Deo. 17,-The T !no In Schenly Park was. de t , ved by fire early this morning. 'Tie flames originated .from a burst- iv amonla tank In an ice machine in a skatinsr rink. " The Joss was A Wealtby Woaam MtMriSf. - i Ty Telegraph to the Press Visitor. ' New .Yokk. Dec, 17. Mrs WT I acbm'an, wile of a wealthy Louis vl-Jai ysician Is. missing from the vant house: v lt is beaevea ' mented end wanderingabou .UliOj city without shelter." . t . Mrs. Drayton Married Agaia.' ." ; Fy Cable to the Press-Vlaltor. r -London, Dec 17. Mrs. J. Cole 1 1 Drayton, nee Astor, was mar r ! it 1. o'clock this afternoon to i.t. Oorro Halg,' a whiskey mer f ' : : t cf tLls city. . . A $100,000 Fire. -. ,. " ' '; . ' rai.h to the rreas-Visitor. " aivestos, Texas, Dec 17. The t ! ,s was partially destroyed 1 7 i: 3 this Enomlnjr. The l,ss was JOBS ARE PLENTIFUL- Tie Civil tterviee Commlaslim Aaxiiuu for . v ' Appllceau to stand Examination, r The United States civil service commission has ordered that an ex- amina.tion be held by its local board in this city on, JtuMay,IaBi tfi, 1897, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m., for the internal revenue service.: ; It is a singular fact,, but all those who have passed successful 'exami nations- heretofore have received ap pointments in .the revenue depart ment The examining board is very desirous of having a large examina tion and the successful cmes. wllj nof wait long for appolntmentiiSj Vi- 3 Only eltleens of the United States can be examined; 5 The ;age; limit tions few this examination are" as follows: For clerk, not under ; 18; for all other-positions, not under 2t years. " No applitioii'wia' iof oepted forthlsexamlnatiorr unless filed with the undersigned," on' the1 proper blank, before the hour -01 closing business -7att,$ ty- 189T., Applioatlonsshouldbefiledpromptly in order that time may remain' for correction If jfiecessary, fjj. The oomtnlsslon takes this oppor tunity of stating that the; eamina, ttonsare open to' all . reputable.' citt zens of the United States who may desire to enter the service, Without regard to race' or to "their, pblltlcai of Religious' 'afflllatlow.xW 'suoh eHilzens are invited to apply T t They shall be examined, graded, and cer tified with entire; impartiality, and wholly wlthoui regard to: apy con? sideratlpn save their elHoiency, as thown b; the grades they qbtoin.f ia the 'exaaatiiaMoii tiiM:('&iyt?'m-. For application' blanks full '.in structions, and information .relative ferent - positions, L applyw lovNi ' jL Brown, secretaryr board; '0ftaa ners, Internal Tevenue 'serVloe, P. a dressBaleigh. ST I !. FtrtaiaiMat. ' The pupils Of the Institution for the Blind wlU giyean entertabiinent ftt tlie school 'next" Saturday i nightj December 19, at i o'clock, to which the public is most Cordially isvited. A small smonhtwjuil btrbaT for admission for he purpose of rallAg fund witb, wbwh?to ieip aerray the expenses of a Christmas-tree which is toj be provided ' for ''the pleasure oi, the tittle folks.!. The lol-' lowing programme is sufficient guar anteeofthehighordeToftheentertain mentj whion wiu oe n aii respects in keeping with those. always- given at this institution 5 ; Part Firsts VL Anthem "Hark. I Hark Soul" SheUey. ?. Recitation "4 Im Brown's Sis ter's Wedding. '" -r;w"' 3. Piano Solo '"March de. Con cert" wollenhaupt 1 . 4. Vocal Sol'Under the Tew Tree-4Strelexkl. s - 5, Violin Solo 'La Clnquatalne' Gabriel Marie. f. , v f- " 8. String: Quartette-t-Menuetto"-Bocherinl V",' f Part Second:- ' . 1. ; Kindergarten Song "Santa Claus.' -i V'.' P ' 2. Pwno S)lo-"yHlage. Fete"- Heller, . M .", -r i a Recitation "Our Folks",- ' rf . Piano Solor"Musio Box.' o. Vocal Solo 'JBlackberrres and Kisses.'" :,'"u . - 6. String Quartette "Menuette" Sootson Clark. :" -' Shakeepeareas tteattala. Mft Frederick- Coing ' will give two Shakespearan . recitals ; at the chapel at the Blind Institution here on tonight I and tomorrow, night of this week, v There5 are only . .two readers before the the public, ' be sides Mr. Going, who give the plays of Shakespeare as monologues from memoy. The superiority of having the whole plot of .the drama given, over, the old method of eertaia scenes only; is very, manifest iiThe' work Involved however,) is considerable and mkny readeri shrink' from the task, i The recitals ,"wlll . octfupy about two hours each evening. They are given under the auspices -of a number of prominent families. On toniirht.' Mr. 'Going recites Ham let and on Friday " King Henry .Y Mr.-Going . is making an extended tour of the south this winter. : -y-' ' Now. Graham! ' Va. .Mr.' Graham Haywood wrote the Charlotte News as follows: "1 see in your Issue of December 12 that Arthur" Stansil, of Mecklenburg countVt killed a hog welghic rounds. W. C. ' Etronach, tie well known grocer of Raleigh, has Just killed one weighing S5 pounds Can you beat that?" ' i ; -NEW, OFFICII LIKELY j L Laaielatara May Cleat a CooMalaaloawr of V . Inaaraaea aad Pernio, 1 State lAudltoieleot Hal JV, Aye sal this mor;g;hdt;he' would not appoint a pension cjertr unnt meieg' Islature adjourns,, assigning as his reason the possible creation of the of fice of pension and insurance commis sioner. TW&iZi'irWsrf'! : This statement coming from the chairman, of the' populist organlxa- tlon strongly Indicates that the office will be; created by the general 1 sembly.f t the, last essioV of the legislature an dS6rt was 'made ,to jMperate; the insurance department from the, Office of Secretary of State. Since tfcjeelectioi IfppllBt p toe office or secretary of state it naa been, generally accepted .that the matter would be dropped.' j OTJRT ROBSON TONIGHT Appear mtb.MadMM JaaaiuOaek at TJi. m. 1...' ei B At the Academy of Miisfo tonight. jjhref:'e1)aMNtiaB Stuart fibMav la. oomunctlon with the renowned exponent of thet rairicstajre, Madame lanausohekT -,;' will produce ' ihat famous; jtdaptaUpa from the.Frenob, knowiaa,'Mrs.PonderbuTy'sPast'' which , was so enthusiastically re ceived' In London last season and which' NewiYorkerjigBwe;aft enthu slastio a reception when Mr.Bobson producedf it tpr thefirstiinle; UAmbrii teal ?TneAmerioan jttWititolBi is said to be superiorly either launohe4 MrritobsonkiA?provldeaamotXr beHea J osilnagnifioent-;oenery seenev Which represents' the 'studio of jroikng Tborpft, anJjthighPonder; bury presumes to'nsms as the pjaoe of rendei vbu9,benBaking!l an ap- pomunent wivn IPO. "lV : pwuet, . who has fayihated .binvlS' declared by STFABI 10BS0M, able critics of ar$ tf be an artistic picture seldom seen on the stage, because of the labor and expense necessary to group It f It while in this rather eartvocaC' situatjou, that , Mrs Ponderbury . discovers denounce hlmhe rises equal to the ocoaslon and by a novel and quick witted move- assumes to be a som nambulist It Is here that the clever butaorof the plWsfIngf jQut jtbe wild ' enthusiasm of audiences, for nothing can be more absurd than the situation and the half credulous, half defeated expression of the . indig nant Wife. 5"-, . 1 ; In connection with this clever play . the one-act, comedy, entitled Mr Gllman's Wedding?; frifi be In troduced at h beginning ot'the prdgram. As yonng Mr Giman and as old Mode&urivMrjBobsoiii will shbw Jorth .JwacharacterJxa- tions, which only - proves, what hisv ollentelle greedy cno him tobe-f pastrnastefci c 4he ar .of (-comedy cnaractefqwiionB,i onfwii,upu yew , Goiat Uanains la Caroll aa Soaada. The Baltimore Sun says!., "Steam yacht No. 83 of Poiigh keep8le,'N. Y., wblch came into port last Saturday,' has had her water tube boiler taken out to hive a part repaired. ' j s-h , ' r A No. 83 is bound to the sounds of the Carolina for. a gunning trip, Mr, Wood, of New York, an affable gentleman, has the boat chartered and will be accompanied by several friends. No. 83 was the' eighty third vessel built at Booth's ship yard' 'at Poughkeepsie, hence her name. ' At the residence of Mr. W.D. Jor dan, on North Street last night at 7:30 o'clock Mr. James R. White head to Miss Julia Powell, both of this city Rev. Jv L. Foster per formed the ceremony, i 'f . ( iJx Msa Bead. -j ' Paiis, Dec. 17. Baron Bolgne author and father in law of Robert McLane, former United States rain , j Ister to France, is dead- 4 i-. pitgt) Quantities of Amis are 0 POSSIBLE J?EVOLT. Shoald U Boas Chahs Deoiare War be " Vfpa id Likely be Made Em- 'K-'S:- V;.arer-Hw Vtoeroy, . -''-v . Bated. - - By Cable to the Press-Visitor. yASCvn, Dec. it The latest ad vices frem China say that the Vi ceroy is bitterly hated. Large quan tities of arms are said to be pouring Inn the Xwangstung province. The Vioefby 4 reported as being very Uneast. It Is said that there Is everv prospect of the masses rising in the near f uture aid an insurrection, can not easily be 'suppressed. A step like this Would lead tot the over throw of the present dynasty. Some say all Li Hung Chang needs to do is to declare war in their favor and he win be made emperor; Cowea Ke-Biased President of the B a Ot By Telegriph to the Press-Visitor. BilfticoKi, Md., Dec, . 17. John Kr Cowes , waf today re-elected president of the1 Baltimore and Ohio railroad company by the directors of thatpompany. ' The. resignatiqn of Andrew An derson, secretary of the'eompaoy since 1888; "was tendered and accepted,- Illbealth was-assigned as the reason for Mr, Anderson's with drawal from acUve labor.!! With the ejtoepoa o( ,a jcouple of years, when he was .superintendent of the New -York and? Washington through . line, Mr. - Anderson had been in the service of the company thirty-six years, part of which time he served as assistant to the presi dent and as confidential secretary to the lat John W. Garrett. C.W. Woolford,'Mr, Anderson's assist ant, "was eleoted to the secretary ship.. . ' - ;,rs, '"i" Ifeaxly Nlaatr Mites aa itoar. . . - -The Veoord for speed In the South wa made" tit I Richmond eimnle engine. No, 640, on the Seaboard Air Line Railroad, on November 21st A detailed statement of this remark able run has been printed and sent out in. leaflet form, signed by Presi dent R.C.-Hoffman and Vice-President K. St. John.. The run was from Weldon to Portsmouth and the official statement says; . "Total distance from Weldon, to Portsmouth shops, Va., 76.8 miles. Time eonsumed, 72 minutes, which is subject to a deduction of about five minutes lost by reducing speed to Comply with city ordinances at Seaboard, N. C, Franklin, Va., and Suffolk, Va., and in crossing , Notto way river, at which point a new bridge is under construction, which would leave actual running time bit minutes. 'Richmond Locomotive No. 540; 19x24 "cylinders; weight of engine, 118,500 pounds. "Engineer, H. J. Heilig; fireman, NeJsonGunter." Between some of the stations the running was nearly ninety miles an hour. . ; , t J ; i So Say Taoy All. A jrentleman who has taken the pBKss-Visrroa ever since It started and who is one of its most intelli gent subscribers writes; f i ; ''Please let.ybtir Paxss-Visrron keep coming till next fall, and I will gladly pay you the four dollars, for it Is worth every cent of the money In fact I am glad you have raised the prioa,,. ! think it is the best paper'I ever read. I read the Puss- Vdctok through before I look at any othet paper I take, and I take sev erali -;.;;-. ; , ' ' Pair, Warner. ''' The storm ' yesterday central off the north Atlantic coast has moved eastward into the ocean; ' The pres sure has risen rapidly over the east era 'section ' of the country, with a decided lair- in temperature fas far south as , Clonda, light frost being reported f this morning. from Jack sonville The line of f reeling tent" Dentures' extends as far south as Charlotte.' 1 . The storm in the northwest oc cupies an extended area from north- era Texas to Minnessotaj with light rata or snow in that section. The temperature has risen in the south west . y--;. Dr. Hilt. the. evangelist, will preach in Central Methodist church Friday night at 7:40 o'clock-- ALDERMN ,R0W. Pretty Marriage Ceremoay of Two Popa s; lar Voaos People. : CaptTJ Alderman and Miss Anna Burwell Crow were happily united in marriage this morning at eleven o'clock at the residence of the bride's mother. - The home was prettily decorated with palms and evergreens and the parlor was made still more attractive With the choicest kind of flowers tastefully arranged. The ceremony was beautifully, yetsimply perform ed in the presence of invited friends and relatives by the Rev. Dr. Dan iels. 'A number of friends of the bride and groom from a distance were also present. Mr. Sam Johnson, of Charlo.te, performed the pleasant duty of best man to the groom. ine maia. or .honor was Miss Lisrie Crow. Little Misses Agnes Lacy and Suslene Crow were the charming, flower girls. After the marriage ceremony Capt Alderman and bride were driven to the union depot accom panied by a host of friends, where they took the S A L train for the North. They were the recipients of hearty congratulations and good wishes. Capt Alderman is one of the cleverest of railway conductors and no one enjoys more wide-spread popularity. Capt Alderman has numerous staunch friends all over the State. The bride is a most charming and lovely young lady. Her many graces and fine qualities have endeared her to Raleigh people - i EraneUae Laat Meat. Evangeline, the beautiful musical extravagant with all its Manhattan beach splendor and excellent cast charmed a large and fashionable au dience at the Academy of Music last evening. The production equalled all that was said of it The cast was the same as that which appeared in New York city for so many months. The musio was entrancing and beau tiful and the chorus, with its many pretty faces, was exceedingly strong. Did the audience appreciate George K. Fortescue, "Catherine, the little ballet girl V It never ttred of see ing him. Mr. Fortescue 's every movement kept the audience in a strain of laughter. As for "Rose, Miss Madge Edwards, a constant companion to "the little baby," she was as charming and clever as could be. Miss Blanche Clayton essayed the prt of Evangeline, instead ol Miss Fortescue, who was ill. - Miss Clay ton has a lovely voice and there could be no improvement in her con ception of Evangeline. Graceful, simple and unaffected in her efforts she was rewarded by numerous en cores. And there was graceful Gabriel,' Miss May Baker, the dashing lover. Her rendition of "A Soldier In Grey," was complimented more than any other selection. Miss Baker has an ideal voice for opera. Her powers 01 crescenao and diminuendo are marvelous. She can fill an auditorium with magnifi cent volume or modulate a sweet ditty for a parlor at will. She has a voice full of volume and yet trained to softness. Miss Prince in the "Steals way" complexly captivated the audience. Her. costume was superb and her appearance was, every whit the pretty fairy that she is. The ever-present "Lone Fisher man, was portrayed oy mr. joe Harris in a masterly manner. No fea ture of the evening was more enjoyed than the speechless fisherman . Mr. Harris Is deserving of everything that the metropolitan papers have said of him. . Shepherd -Caeae ran. Mr William Blount Shepard, of Edenton, and Miss Mildred Coles Cameron, daughter of the late Paul Cameron, of H ills boro, were married on . Tuesday ? afternoon,?'- Decem ber 15th, at 4 o'clock. Owing to recent family afflictions the service took place rt home in the well-known hospitable Cameron residence, and was witnessed only by the members of the immediate families of the con tracting parties. The - bride was "given ' away by her" venerable mother?' the state of whose health obliged her to sit during the service, which, in the temporary vacancy in the rectorship of the parish, was read by the Rev M M Marshall, D d.. ot this cit myf'-Ky! I It is understood that they wilt re turn to Hlllsboro about the begin ning of the Christmas holidays. . Mr D W. Allen, a", progressive merchant of Forestville, was in the city today. TODAY'S MARKETS; Niw Yosk, Dec. 17. Market quotations furnished by E. B. Cuthbert & Co., 30 Broad street, New York, and 305 Wilmington street, Raleigh, N. C, over their special wire: ttnvraa Ormf- HIGH- LOW- CLOS MUMTMa. mQ EST. WO January, 6 87 6 94 6 82 Pebruary, 6 93 7 02 6 92 7 02 Mereh, 103 111 6 99 7 11 April, 7 10 7 18 7 08 7 18 Miy, 7 17 7 26 -7 14 7 25- June, 7 21 7 28 7 17 7 39 July, 7 25 7 29 7 21 7 33 August, Septfmb'r, Ootober, Novemb'r December, 6 80 6 89 6 80 8 89- Closed firm; sales 162,400 bales. The following were the closing quotations on the New York Stock Exchange today: Raw York Stock Market. Sugar 1121 76 74 74 321 491 91 i 68J 27i 7oi 261 84i American Tobacco Burlington and Qulncy Chicago Gas Dea. and Ctt Feed General Electric Louisville and Nashville. . . Manhattan Rock Island Southern Preferred St Paul Tennessee Coal Mid I rot. Western Union CM oaf o Grain and Provision Market. The following were the closingquo- tationsontheChicagoGrainand Pro vision market today: Wheat December, 771; May, 801 . Corn December, 221; May, 261. Oats December 1M; May 201. Pork January, 7.60; May, 7.90. Lard January3.82; May, 4.02. Clear Rib Side January 3.85; May 4.00. Liverpool Cotton Market. December 3.60 December-January 3.59 a January-February 3.57 February-March 3.57 March-April 3.68 April-May 3.68 May-June 3.69 Closed quiet, sales 12,000 bales. Collision taia Morning. By Telegraph to the Press-Visitor. " Buff aw, Dec 17 Four persons were more or less seriously hurt by. a rear end coussion on toe ljenign Valley this morning at South Louisi ana street, this city. They were Rev A S Hubbel of this city. Burton Townsend ofPhiladelphla, W PHay ward of Oswego, and Charles Scott of Buffalo. It is not thought that any of the Injuries will prove fatal. The acci dent was due to a dense fog this morning just as the grand trunk train from Chicago was coming into the city. It struck the Lehigh train at 7, which left Jersey City last night. . BRIEFS. The cruiser Newark returned to Key West, Fla,, yesterday morning. It is reported that she went as far as the Bahama banks, but she failed to see anything of the Three Friends. Mr N E Jennett, the News and Observer's clever artist will go to New York January first to give his entire time to the study of sketching and drawing, Mr Jennett has nromise of a ereat fnture before him. A bill has been drawn by Mr T R Purnell to set the date for the Inau guration of the Governor and other State officers. The legislature will meet on the 6th The vote of the State officers will be canvassed on the 7th and the inauguration will take place immediately afterwards. Mr Will M Allen and Miss Luna Straughn, were wedded last evening at the residence of Capt H M Fau oette, on North Harrington street. The ceremony was performed by Rev Dr Carter, Mr Allen and bride were the recipients of many hand some presents from their numerous friends. Deputy Sheriff Gasque, of Marion S. C, took from Durham yesterday morning George Jones. a well-dress ed white mi ,'ch with swind Una several rec: A t .Marion conn ty, a C. Ac o, Gasque, Jones Is a 'Wick na jaavina menon people verj redulojs, easily de ceived and t soft wark" for people who work skin games of any kind. . Ut-maaBi 1ta. --. " v- . .v -, ., By Telegraph to Um P-mis-Visitor. , RocaxsTsa. Yfecl; 17; Her man the marcian, tied this morn Ins at Great vaUywhii ea route Matters Maaipnlatwl for the Manj. AROUND THE CITY. Pot-pourri ot the Mewa Metered oa Pa per Points and Peopl Pertinently Molted end Pithily Pv- la Print. Attention is called to the new an nouncement and attractions offered by Messrs Heller Bros, today. Mr. Lute Mills, an employee on the Southern , was knocked from a a freight train at Boy lan 's bridge a night or so ago. He was standing on a box car at the time, His inju ries are slight. At the request of 200 citliens Judge Boy kin has appointed Col. Roger A. Moore and Mr. W. F.Alex ander members of the Board of county commissioners of New Han over. Mr. A. F. Hileman, a member of the legislative committee who has been here examining the State Trees urer's books, received a telegram yesterday stating that Mrs. Hileman was taken with a congestive chill and died. The will of the late Maj. W. W. Vass has been admitted to probate before the clerk of the Wake Super ior court and Mr. W. W. Vass, Jr., has been appointed executor. The estate is valued at $185,000. Mr. John Y. MacRae mentions in his new advertisement tody some things which will interest you even if you are not Christmas shopping. The things he talks about are al ways in season, Christmas and all other times. At the performance of Evangeline last evening the company tendered a box complimentary to a party of gentlemen including Judge James E. Shepherd, Capt W. H. , Day; Messrs. M. T. Leach, Armistead JoneSiE. B.'Barbee,JohnR.FerraII, Greek O. Andrews, E. (. Leach and John Calvert. . . . The nextGeneral Assembly should pass an. act making it unlawful tor a member of the legislature or any other State officer to accept a pass. It is equally important that the law that now applies to judges should also apply to members of the legis lature and to other State officers, with perhaps the exception of the railroadcommissioners. Caucasian. John Dowden, the father of the negro who was hanged last summer in Halifax for murdering an engineer of the Seaboard Air Line at Weldon, was robbed here last night of all his money, in a bar room. He is an employee of the Seaboard Air Line here, and says "I'm a recommended nigger. I never intend to strike another lick until I git dat money back." Raleigh people, especially the teachers and pupils of Peace will re member Miss Howell a very popular and efficient young lady music teach er of that Institute a short while ago, and who afterwards con tinued the study of music in New York city. Her engagement has been announced, and she is to be married at her home at Alfred, N Y, in January next. The enterprising and up-to-date firm of Thomas 4c Campbell call spe cial attention today to a beautiful line of usical albums, musical chairs and mauy other Xmas novel ties. Roth of their stores are aUve with customers these days selecting their Xmas goods. This popular and accommodating firm deserves the large share of patronage thai they are receiving. By their rear soaable prices and honest dealings they have built up and mads their bouse in this line second to none is the South. Turner's N. C. Almanac for 189? Is upon our table. For over half a century,, this ld reliable almanac has annually ' larted.yi' homes t -our people and Is always a welcome visitor, its great popularity is .da ' to the reliability of the well know publisher, Mr. Jas. H Ennls, anl hence it is known as the "Old Re liable." -.There is no other toeom-.' pare with it. The lmaaae for 189T ' is larger and better than ever. There are almanacs and almanacs, but there is but one standard almanac and that , is Turner's almanac which always has the state eapttol on its first page, Be sure you get Turner's almanac. Minor I ft T t s 5 : . a, . - i a-1'1 V- t to Bradford, Pa. I