I 'ij : ' 4 . VOt XXVI. NO. 51. RALEIGH, N. C, 8ATDRDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 19, 1896.V 2 j( ;3.00 PER YEAK. t i 7 NElf-RAILROADS; . Many Milti Built hi the Sonth Iq tbe Last - V VvByTeJegraph to thPeea-Viaitor. ; - ' Batnom, Deo. 19. The Manu ' - facturers' Record publishes reports . j howing the aggregate' amount of " 'railroad building la the South dur- ;lnsr the last twelve months, the total for that time C9fr miles," against 692 miles in 1895. While this shows decrease of 100 miles, it is believed that the proportionate decrease throughout the country has been very j much larger,: and .tha the South' hai thls year bulH a larger percentage of the total mileage of the country than ever before.- The de- tails show the mileage by States as follower t. Maryland,' j;WesC yirglnlaj. 19; North Carolina, 27; South Carolina, 0; Georgia, 67; Florida, 80; Alabama, t8;Mississippr,t86j Loislana,f 87; i Texas, 77; Arkansas, 91; Tennessee, . 4; Kentucky, 17. ' .; -; ' And the railroad and industrial ' enterprises .reported for the week were a contract for ballaaing' 900 miles of railroad in .Texas at an ag gregate reported expense of 11,000, ' 000; plans for the building of a belt ; railroad to Norfolk,' A contract has been let for the building of. the new -elevator at Galveston to cost $200,000 .'and to have a capacity of 150,000 bushels. ' - GOVEBNOi INTERFERE " SeVerel Prisoner Granted Pardons "A ''" , ' JhiUmaaPortert Trick. M dMr-H.'"A'5 London, of Pittsboro, I representing' the board of commis- sioners of Chatham county, seoured a pardon yesterday from , Governor . .Carr for John Cary Green, who was sentenced last August to twelve months imprisonment on a charge of obtaining money under false pre tenses. - . ; ' ' i ' Green is almost in a dying condl; ' tion, being a sufferer from consump tion. kr " . V .: Green was aullman porter and one day at Aberdeen while hard up i t for funds he circulated among the ' oolored people, lelng them that he was the head man of the Pullman ' , porter service and that npoa. the : payment of a. sifi&K ftehe could se cure positions for, them. ; In this ' - : way he secured some IS or 110 and " vras finally sentenced to ? twelve r, months imprisonment;-1 C' '. ' '. - Governor- Carr also granted ' an , instanter T pardon yesterday to Charles J. Pratt, John Harris and 'Wm. Liggett, police officers of Eden l ton, who were sentenced to 12 and L 6 months terms of imprisonment in ' Chowan county jail by Judge E. W. V-TimberlakeljTha policeman, were - found guilty of assaulting a oolored tnan while under arrest : j; The latter - was Lken In custody on a eharge of breaking in a store and resisted the . officers making vicious attacksjapon them. - In conveying the prisoner to the jail the bffioers did him personal " injury. : Subsequently the negroe's .; ifriends swore out .warrants for aa , sault against the Officers, ":v'J : ' The facts Were presented to the governor by Mr. J H Pruden ' and W H Bond, of . EdentonK. who re turned home yesterday. ' , ' :r:"'i'ilUwha4lhaHa'AwairaBa''i'ji-'. The Fayetteville Observer tells 'this storyt-. ' , ' " -( Sunday Mr. John McNeill was ; ma'd to Miss. Hattia, Memory In Gra Creek township; by Sqniret John;, ,lin Smith,: .the great Mmar- ' ryingjusUce'irasWi'V-'"- " The young kdy hacT run away " from home and met her lover by ap ipolntment, Afcer the marriage the . young couple, with the best man " driving, jumped jnto a jwo horse ' ve'ulcle and ; were ;bein whirled : along the chickon road, on their way to the groom's home", '"when j they were overtaken by the bride's broth- ,'ers. ' A pitched battle ensued, and after a . stiff but bloodless fight the brothers .conquered a and 'marched the wedding party home.1 They then 1 dispatched a , message . to 'Squire -; Smith to find out if the marriage had J really taken place.". Receiving an- Bwer that it had, the family nude the best of Ihe situation, forgave the young folks and had a general joJlifl- - cation. -. r':'. : ; Durine the flshton the road one of the brothers, "who had thejest man on his back with a grip on his throat, cried out: "They are having a time at home." The best man re plied. "And it seems to me we are having a time here." ' - ' . " A Servant htr Cfeotoe. ".;;.''V'r Bt Telegraph to Uie Presa-VUitbr.' Milan, Dec. 19. It '".'reported that a daughter of Signor Crispo bas eloped with one of her servants. Olney .Deprecates .Adoption sv, of Cuban Resolution.' J iu a, .nuiim-uM. .... . 4 HALE SERVES NOTICE That Ha Will fee FUlbaaterlag Taettoa ia . the 9cnatejl Spanish toaaal Ar ; - -v - J "t ft'ai ' " . ' b M'ajwaota. ., . WashInotom,' 1 Deo. W.Senator Hale, has announced that he will oppose the Cuban resolution in the senate even to the" extent of filibus tering. .Lively times are expected when congress meets after the holi days in this matter; but many legis lators think no action will be taken. Secreatary Obey 'authorized" an interview this morning He depre cates the adoption of. the Cameron resolution by the 'senate committee and warns eonvress that the recog nition ot Cuba Is purely an execu tive matter, which the resolution cannot compel. - ',;--'r''':'',3 , , Nw , Yobk, Bec.1 19. The . flag ship New-York dropped-; down .the bay this morning and anchored near Tompkinsvlllef ;? Pursuant to orders received the NaVyr;DepSrtmentwlll, proceed to Hampton. Boads Monday aocompanled by the Maine From Hampton Roads ' she wilt : probably gotoKeyWest:S::-Ai:;n' St. PArt, Deo. 19. The Spanish consul, Fernando Uanowas; arrsV ed on the street here pearly -this mornings - A policeman ' questioned him as to where" he was going. ' He resented this and was Jacked up. He gave bail ' which he forfeited when the case came to oourt, . Paris, Dec.? ,19. The Figaroi commenting upon .the action of the Senate committee yesterday, says; ' In view of the fact that Spain has firmly resolved upon' war .with the United States, in the event of re, ceiviag , positive insult, President Cleveland will refuse to sanction a resolution mkinfar.inevitabl.! Madbid, Dec.' 19-. iTbe -govern- tnent of Brazil has formerly declamd ' that It will not reoognita the Cuban independence.! Theltalian govern ment has taken measures to prevent Italians embarking to Cuba. , Moving on Havana. ' - ": By Telegraph to the PreasiVlsitor.' J Hataka : Dec.- , 19 It Is now established beyond a doubt that the insurgents are concentrating their forces in the province of Santa Clara with the intention, apparently, of moving .westward toward the Pro vinces of Matanias and Havana.; - The; Zaragoea' Battalion, at' Sin Nombre and Maraguaya,' Province of . Santa Clara, Bas been engaged with f band of 500 insurgents under the leadership Of Ramon Alvarex. The enemy left' 15 killed and the countrymen of that vicinity say that the insurgents carried t away 8" wounded. The troops had one captain and Ave soldiers. ;'vl;.'; Barjlafa TooK Sapper. By Telegraph to the Prea-Viltori : ' Pwi Plains, Deo.r l'9. A 4aring robbery occurred thaee. miles west of this place' last night .Three mask ed men called at the housenf Thomas Fulton at 8 o'clock and held him' up at point of a ? pistol. ; They bound and gagged him and two sisters who In th hnnsfl wfth Mm. "-'Than they vave laudanum to the old feeble mother, - After exploring the house and securing several hundred doU lars, the burglars ate a hearty sup per and left The police have ser. era! clews and hope to capture the men. '- .'i'' ' ' F - t v ' '.Ifaw Norfolk Llae StaaaMr, 'i.y The Baltimore- Herald ; says: It is now . authoritatively stated that the new steamer line establish ed by the Southern Railway between Norfolk and Baltimore last summer, and which was the cause of the rate war between the .Southern and the Seaboard Air Line, is to be continued despite the proposed transfer or amalgamation of the Seaboard and Baltimore Steam Packet Company br the Ryan syndicate. It is now stated ; authoritatively that "i the Southern will shortly .advertise for bids for the construction of a new and modern passenger steamer. She will be one of the largest sad finest of her type, and will be built for great speed.; . The specifications are now being drawn, and contemplate s vessel similar to and on the lines of the- New York Sound steamers. It has not been decided when the vessel will be built. ; ODD FELJX)WS C0IUMN. Matters of Interest Pertaining to the I ,1 .i'V- Triple link Order. ' " 1 t'ThSt was a pleasant tteetlug with yapim xaage iass xuesaay evening. .? Brother W. W. Yopp,vof WUming ton, writes that their joint meeting 'was clear out of Bight'J'ln enjoy ment : A neat invitation is being sent out by Rockingham , Lodge No. ; 178 to a banquet to be given by them on December 29. 1 Ho, therel you brother who could not endure the sultry nightsof June, why dont you go to Lodge now? Builders' dp o put rolten timber into vessels, 7and we must not put bad timber into Odd Fellowship. If all men could see the good deeds done by Odd, Fellowship in a single day, there would not be nights enough in a year in which to confer degrees. ' ' " V . ' .:'.' -; The Odd ' Fellows Home -of Illi nois, located at Lincoln, Is caring for 98 children at a cost of $13,161.82 for the year endingOctober 31, 1896. Receipts $17,878.85." ' Odd Fellowship cultivates ' the social graces; it promotes peace and discourages' strife; it is religious, not sectarian; patriotic, not partisan; it lessens the burdens of humanity and makesjhuman beings better in SvCry respect.. It? r ' ' Oar Joint Meetlage. While? Wilmington Odd r Fellows are. enjoying feast kh thej way of joint meetings . between tfie' 's'ubor dinato lodges, our capital oity breth ren are never jn theurch." Their second joint meeting was held on Tuesday jetng th lth in . the lodge frpnn of Capital loclge No. 147. At the beginlng'of the cere mony 'Noble Grand VT. W. .Wilson delivered an improxptu address of welcome to visiting members of Mantep No. 8 and Seaton Gales No. 61 whjch made every brother feel teat he was welcome indeed.-. The iirstarcaUr of the evening was our beloved brother Dlnwlddie of Peace Institute.' His' subjeot 'Oitisen manner In wbicb the speaker 'handled sutopetwuinave aonefcreau t a embajrthl sovereigtl 'grand ioaVe. The next address was from our grand secretary brother B. H. Wopdell who told Wi&e progress of j this noble order since the: last an nual repbrfc v - That Void , war horse" as he is familiarly called, lost none of his laurels, for he convinced the brethren that Odd Fellowship is fast taking its place in this jurisdiction and is uniting man with man in fra ternal accomplishments. -; , Past Grand McMackin, of No. 8, then held the audience spell-bound for a brief space of time. He spoke very eloquently of the beauties and possibilities of the third degree, and when "Brother Mac," with his un bounded flow of oratory, has once se renaded an audlenoe there is joy in every heart ana smiles on every -countenance. "," ' ., After these speakers there was several impromptu speeches by other brethren, Prof.' Bryan making a "Capital" good speech in a few wovdS At $be f conclusion : one of our Past Grand Masters, Bro. C. F. Limsden a member of this Lodge, had something to say and when he Says anything you may maalf say it i8'wellsaid.';5rr--:--7: . t nuts lua. buwuvb t wee j eucu nearxyswot taouanayarn took a very striking and forcible oc currence to illustrate it so as to be rightly comprehended by - the ques tioner.;; Your neighbor is expected to exemplify , the golden rule, of do ing unto you as he would have you do unto blm. He is also expected to love you as he loves himself, to be kind to you, lenient in observing your fanltsv forgiving , toward you when you offend. lut is he requir ed to do all this unless yon are his neighbor? Ah, there oomes the question. - If you are not his neigh bor how can he be yours? What you expect of him he has a right to ex pect of you; this is equity if it is. not law. - . But the occurrence related, in IU lustrmting this reply to the question seems to go farther than , equity de mands; it shows that to be a neigh. bor i n the true sense, one .must be willing to practice the golden rule even toward an enemy; , Is this a hard task 7 No doubt to many it Is. It Is not an easy ; thing to do until you have conquered and learned to control! self. Self-denial is an at tribute of Odd Fellowship. The sublime lessons It teaches and incul cates, gives to those who are seek ing to conquer Self and to build up the, spiritual man, true man a larger and more comprehensive idea of what constitutes the true elements of a neighbor. . How few of us fully comprehend' 'those sublime lessons and endeavdi ' indoctrinate them into Our daily life. :' If every Odd Fellow was a neighbor to some one who is not a member, as -yell as to those who rre by right of fraternal ties, not neighbor alone, but what is closer still, a ; brother, how long would we havO to wait for the mil lennium ? ' Brother . if you are no ones neighbor.; who are you, and of what good 1 arO .you Ponder well the lessons taught1 you and try to conform your life,? every day and every way so as to be a neighbor to some one, and hay? stUl better to everyone. TODAY'S SMABKETS. Nsw York, Deo. 19. Market quotations furnished by E. B. Cuthbert & Co., 30 Broad street, New Yorks andi 305 Wilmington Street, Raleigh S. C, over their special wiret 5f MONTHS. OPEN- HIGH LOW EST. CLOS ING ING. EST. January, February, March, April, 6 83 6 86 1 00 7 00 7 1J 7 14 7 39 6 83 0 93 tOl t05 ?Tls f 15 - 6 75 6 85 6 92 6 99 7 08 7 12 7 19 6 78- 6 88 8 95- 7 01 7 09 7 14 7 19 Mat. June, July, nug ubbi Sept'mb'r. uctober, Novamb'r, December, 6 82 82 6 76 8 75- - Closed f teadr Sales 90,400 bales. The following: were the closing quotations b,C'fl New York Stock oscnange waayy Itew Vork Stock Market. Sugar t& 110 American Tobaoca 75 Burlington and Qttincy 70( Chicago Gas. . . . . J 71 Dea. and Ctt Fi General Electrlo . 4 30 Louisville and Naihville 47 Manhattan... 87 Rook Island .....j 65 Southern Frelerrea 25 721 Western Union 82 Chleago drain and Provision Market. Thefollowing were the closing quo tations on the GhicagoGrain and Pro vision market today: Wheat December,. 76 ; May, 79. Corn December, 22; May, 25. Oats December 16; May 19. Porlc January, 7.62; May, 7.92. Lard January3.8o; May, 4.02. Clear Rib Sides January 3.87; May 4.02. Liverpool Cotton Market. December 3.61 December-January ... 3.58 b January-February 3.57 February-March 3.58 March-April 3.58 April-May 3.58 b May-June 3.59 Closed steady, sales 12,000 bales. NeW York, Dec. 19. Cotton was quiet and rather easier today owing to continued heavy receipts and lack ofoutside support. The Liverpool cables were better than expected, Inasmuch as they did not show a full response to our weakness of yesterday, but their influence was off-set by port receipts approximat ing 49,000 bales against 39,000 last year, and New Orleans receipts for Monday estimated at 18,000 bales, against 17.000 last Monday and 13,- 000 last year and , accompanied by predictions that the movement of the crop the coming week will show up as large as during the week just ended. Prices declined to the basis of 6.75 for Jan., and 8.9 for March on selling mainly by New Orleans and local traders, but rallied later on covering and buying by the scalp ing contingent and closed steady on the basis' of 6.80 for January and 6.98 for March. JUDGE ALLEN IN WAKE. He Will Bold Hie Flrat Tena of Court : ! t aere-A Good SIsed Docket. Judge H. A. Allen, of Kinston, at least, who is to be after December 31st, will hold his first term of court in Wake. ' Judge Boykia is presid ing at thia-clrcuit, as Is known, Judge Allen succeeds him. .' ; . tThe next term of Wake oourt will be for the trial of criminal cases and will begin in, January. The docket will be a heavy one, though: there are no cases of unusual importance. The number of prisoners in Wake county iail is near fifty, but few of these are federal prisoners, who have not been transferred to their respective oounty jails. - . : ' GOLD WATCH AND, CHAIN Presented to Engineer Heillg tthe Rich ootid Loeooratlve Work. Eugineer H. J. Heilig or this city has been presented with a gold watch and chain by the Richmond Locomo tive Works of Richmond, Va. It wasaRichmond locomotive, num ber, 540 with which Mr.Heiligmade his famous run from Weldon to Ports mouth, November twenty-first. It was little known at the time but Mr. Heilig made the record for fast time in the South. The Richmond locomotive company was not slow to appreciate the remarkable ran made by Mr. Heilig and the officers set to work immediately to secure the most handsome watch obtainable for the clever eBgmeer1;'':i;;riC,''' " This week the engineer received the gift, which has been an object of general admiration among his many friends. Vice-President St. John desires Mr. Heilig to make the run again at some convenient date. Mr. Heilig was called upon to make the run from Weldon to Portsmouth on the 21st without notification, after having carried the train from this city to Weldon. His friends are sure he can reduce the reoord considerably. CREATED A SURPLUS. The . Penitentiary baa Hot Toaehed its Annaal Appropriation. Superintendent Leazerof the Peni tentiary 16 very much engaged now preparing his annual report which will be given to the pnblic in the course of a week or so. Under the able management of Superintendent Leazerthe penitenti ary will make a better showing this year than ever before. Notwith standing a loss of $60,000 to the penitentiary this year by reason of the freshets last spring on the east ern farms, the management will still have on hand after paying all the running expenses of the Institution. $40,000, of created surplus, without having touched a dollar of ' the $25,000 appropriation per year made by the last General Assembly. This appropriation was made to cover runnipg eipenses, but it will revert baclf to the State Treasury. - FAIR AND COLDER la the Weather Prediction for Tonight and Tomorrow In Raleigh. The weather prediction for Ral eigh and vicinity is fair and colder tonight Fair weather is also pre dicted for Sunday. The temporature this morning at eight a. m. was 34, The rainfall during the past twenty- four hours was 22 inches- The storm has moved off the north Atlantic coast, the effects being still felt in the high winds over New England. The high area has moved to the central Mississippi valley and south- westward over Texas, with gener ally fair, colder, weather. Small amounts of precipitation oc curred during the past 24 hours over North and South Carolina and Sn the east Lake region. The temperature has. fallen every where except in the extreme north west, where it has risen above zero. BRIEFS. Jones and Powell want to puy 500 fat turkeys and want to sell 1.0Q0 tons erf the best coal in the world Messrs C McD Davis, R B Jack son and N D Emerson of WUming ton, were In the city today. Mr. Herman H. Grainger, of Kin ston. who has been visiting in the city for several days, returned home today, , Mrs. Armlstead Burwell and Miss Fannie Burwell, who came here to attend the Alderman-Grow eddinsr returned to their home in Charlp.te yesterday. t,f' Mr. B. H. .Bradley, dropped ten dollars in paper money between his residence on Morgan street and some point on Fayetteville street Mr. Bradley would be pleased to hear from his strayed friend. Information Wanted aa to Roona and Board. Parties who have rooms to rent without board, or who can accommo date boarder a during the legislature may learn something of interest by writing .to the Paxss-vjsrroa. ; In formation is wanted by letters' only, stating terms, eto. u ' t; Fifteen ThoaMnd for tfee Big fir By Cable to the Preaa-Vlsitor. v - Loudon, jDeo,"; 19.-The 'Boling broke club offers a purse of $15,000 for the fight between- Corbet and Fitisimmons. ' " ' ;" '? " TATEI Minor Matters Manipulated for the Many. AROUND THE CITY. Pot-Poarrl of the Jfewe Pictured on Pa per Points end People Pertinently Pleked and Pithily Put la Print. People who grow and handle to bacco take holiday as well as other people -The Raleigh tobacco market Will close December 23d and reopen January 4th, '97. There are 391 lodges in the Grand Lodge of Masons, a gain of nine this year. The strength of the order in the State is now about 11,000, a gain of over 800 during the year. Mayor Russ fined John Warren, Anthony Jordan, Bob Boss and Wm. Hall $7.25 each for disorderly con duct last evening at Mangum's bar. Rev. D. IL. Tuttlc, will preach at Central Methodist Church tomor row at 11 a. m.! This will probably be his last sermon in that charge as he will not preach there at night.- Norfolk has a dramatic club, which has achieved great success Inf the course of a few weeks the club will give a performance at the Academy of Musio in this city for the benefit of Rex Hospital. Manager Meares, of Metropolitan Opera House, has booked "The Private Secretary " to appear here again January' 5th; also Remenyi, the famous violinist for January 18th, and Powell the Magician for January 15th. Ruth Lodge No. 4 I O. O. F. at their meeting last night elected the following officers for the ensuing term: ES Cheek, N G.; Miss Nellie Wedden, VG.; J S Keith, RS.; Miss Ethel Collins, FS. and Miss Mattie Perry, Treas. The Southern Railway is doing an enormous business just now.. At every oatitint foi their Icackg are completely blocked, Monday last the Southern had thirty-five trains to pass through Raleigh. Of these four were passenger and the rest freight. The annual report on the Soldiers' Home was sent in today. There are 70 veterans now present. During the year 32 new ones have been re ceived and there were 11 deaths. Many of those who come are sick and immediately enter the hospital. Thirty are now at home on fur'ough. Messrs. Jones and Powol, our progressive and prompt coal and wood dealers, make anew announce ment today which is of interest to all. You will find all orders sent to them satisfactorily filled with the best material at the lowest prices. Woollcptt's st0.re was crowded to day with holiday shoppers. The beautiful displays in the windows at their stpre attract every eye and those in search of holiday presents are sure to drift into their popular store. It Is full of Christmass a' tractions. , " Prof C H Mebane the Superinten dent of Public Instructibn elect, whose arrival in the city was noted yesterday, is here looking for a home. Prof Mebane will have his famjily here about the first of the year; f The ne w Superintendent con firmed the preyiousannouncement of the appointment of Mr JL Graham as his Secretary. . Mr. Julian S. Timberlake has pur chased the very desirable vacant lot on Norta. Blount street, adjoining the residence of Mr. M. T-Norris, 1 At an early date he will erect a ver v handsome residence. It is interest ing to note that this is the only build ing property on orth Blount Street wtyhitf the city limits Thomas and Campbell are again to the front. Mr. Ray, one of their popular salesmen, informs us that their sales on rockers, bric-a braes, I fancy tables, etc. , have been so won derfully large tnat uney nave just telegraphed for another tot of those goods which will be; OS 1 band by the first of next week. Mr. Rav attrt butestheirunparaleltsueoess largely to their continual advertising in the PrXss-Visitob. Mr Campbell, she junior member of the firm, who is strictly a hustler and one of the best posted as well as the most suc cessful furniture men in the swth believes in the liberal use of printers BOARD QF CHARITIES, The Seeretary Made Hie Aaaaal Report -Laet Evening, The state board of charities met here last evening.' The annual re port of the secretary, ' CapW t C , B. . Denson,. which was very full and v comprehensive was submitted. . The report gives the, improve ments and additions to the various state institutions during the year...' : It shows the doublingof the capac ity of the insaneasylumssiBoel889. There were 96 cures at Raleigh and ' 60 per cent, of cures upon the num ber admitted; 85 recoveries at Mor. -ganton and 51 per cent, of cures up- , on the number admitted.. At Golds boro there were 82 cures and the percentage of recovery was about : 35 upon the number admitted," The " death rate was under 3 per cent, at Morganton, 9 per cent, at Raleigh . and over at Goldsboro. Of the homes in the counties 57 were reported as -good, 8 bad and the remainder as in- different. Eight counties are with out homes. Of tbe jails 56 are good, 13 bad and the remainder indifferent. The new school for the deaf and dumb at Morganton accommodates 185. In the institution at Raleigh, both departments, there are 275, Oxford Orphan Asylum 210, colored asylum 100, State Penitentiary 1,127, of which there are in Raleigh 150 the others are in convict camps. Tbe report included full discus sions of the important social ques tions, such as a State reform School, care of tbe insane not inmates of asylums, increase of crime in the State and reasons therefor, and re commends legislation in various de tails connected with tbe system of charities. It also includes a state ment from tbe treasurers of all the Southern States giving the amounts appropriated for Confederate veteran pensions and soldiers' homes, which shows that North Carolina maintains her home at 50 per cent less cost than any other. Entertainment. The pupils of the institution for the blind will give an entertainment at the school tonight at 8 o 'clock to which the public is most cordially invited. A small amount will be charged for admission fof the"J)W''' pose of raising a fund with which-1 help defray the expentes of a Christ, mas tree which is to be provided for the pleasure of the little folks. The following programme is sufficient guarantee of the high order of the entertainment, which will be in all respect) in keeping with those al ready given at this institution; Part First: 1. Anthem-"Hark, Hark, My Soul" Shelley. 2. Recitation "Jim Brown's Sis ter's Wedding. " 3. Piano Solo '"March de Con cert Wollenhaupt. 4. Vocal Solo "Under the Yew Tree" Strelezki. 5. Violin Solo "La Cinqualaine" Gabrief Marie. 6. String Quartette" Menuetto'' Bocherini. Part Second; 1. Kindergarten Song ''Santa Claus. " 2. PiaDo Solo- "Village Fete" 'Our Folks." "Music Box." "Blackberries and Heller. 3 Recitation 4. Piano Solo 5. Vocal Solo- Kisses. ' ' 6. String Quartette- -"Menuette" Scotson Clark. " " ' The charge of admission is only 25,- cents for adults' and 15 cents toy children under fifteen years of ag V. M. C. A. "The necessary wherewithal'.' will be the top.c at the men's meet ing tomorrow at 4 o'clock'. All men are invited. ' '" ' An interesting game of Basket Ball was played in the gymnasium last night after class work, the score stood 4 to 4 finish) nothingtprepares a young man for business, better than body building ' work, followed by a snower Data, Deats ail in tonic's in the world. Crnmpler Still In Conference, The Rev. A. B. Grumpier, the fa mous sanctifl cation 1st, was locaterjt bv tbe recent Methodist conference at Kinston after a struggle to dhv mss. no win remtua w vunum. The Bey. J. t. Kendall, jbhe Ke nans ville sane ti fi cat iosist, was re- fused re admission to the conference. We are pleased to regret to note that Mr. R L. Prempert has arrived ' in the city to spend the Christmas holidays. Mc. ;;Prempert's many friends here are always glad to see him come and also glad to ""7 w - ' -a. MlfJ, leave." J - '' ' J nome" Saturday. i f V J . I