H'BLISUED BY TBS VISITOR-PRESS COMPANY fBVCOHPORATEDt- - a coNsoUDAinoM. 6r ths Visitor, ESTABIJSaa. l&78yAW TH PRESS, ESTABLISHED 1804. , , t Cffho la the Pullen Building, corner Fayette ville aad Davie Streets. GREEK O. ANDREW 8. " ' J ! ' ; i X Editor ut Mas. jasper . lunar,'1, 'f - - SoltettlagAgmt. Subscription Prices. One Year . 3.00 Six Months.... 1.60 On Month. .25 f Entered as Second Class Mail Matter :4M The Leader in the Mews and in Circulation. TELEPHONE No. 168. TUESDAY.' Dec. 22 . NO TIME FOR FIGHTING TALK. It Is the opinion of the best busi ness heads of the country that if the incoming administration wants to commend itself to the Amercian peo ple and the world at large for wisdom and sagacity it will persue a pacific policy with regard to the Cuban-Spanish complications. War id this day and time among civilized nations is nothing short of fool hardy, and if this were not the case it is hard to convincea well balanced mind that the United States should go to tbe extent of taking up arms and precipitating actual hostility in behalf of the Cubans. In the first place it is not necessary and if any international adjustment is abso lutely required it can be accom plished by arbitration as all such troubles are now. In the second place we do not believe that it is the consensus of the opinion of the American people that the interest of the United States in this im broglio is sufficient to justify us in precipitating war. In common par lance the game is not worth the candle. The sympathetic element is largely predominant and when it comes down to actuality it will not pay us to demoraline the business interests of this country by wars or even rumors of wars. The brainy heads of the country deprecate such talk because they realize itsdamaging effects. All the fighting hat will ever be done will be done on paper and if wisdom and common sense preyail it will not be done there. The Tennesse delegation in the House are under obligations to Speaker Reed for counting a quorum to pass the bill appropriating 150, 000 for a government building and exhibit at the Nashville Centennial, which was fought by Representative llailey, of Texas. The delegations which President e'ect McKinley is receiving now at his Canton home are even more fatiguing than those which called Upon him duringthe campaign. They fcre represented as being hungry and thirsty for spoils, and as tbe number of offices is limited their eagerness is all the more intense and burdensome. This is one of the penalties of greatness, but as tbe civil-service commission holds the destinies of the great majority of Officeholders in its keeping, Mr. McKinley may thank bis stars that the St. Louis platform pledged him to tbe maintenance of the eivB-ser- Vice system. But for that tboughv- iul , provision be might have been talked to death before be was inau- eu rated. . . - t ' " " , , A concert proposed by a St. Louis pianist "to , raise money for the Cubaa insurgent cause" led to the receipt of a note from tbe Assistant United Stater District Attorney, in which it was shown' that a concert for the purpose specified would be in violation of section &286of the Re vised Statues, which is as follows: "Every person wbd, witbla the ter ritory or jurisdiction of the United Stales, begins or sets on foot or pro vides or prepares the mean fo say i mi military expedition or enterprise, to be carried on from thence against tbe territories or dominions of any foreign power or State, colony, dis trict or people with whom the United States axe at peace shall be deemed guilty of a high misdemea nor, and shall be fined not exceed ing $3,000 and imprisoned for not more than three years. - aaskl inm Salvs. TTitt hAl fm.lv in ttiA world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all akin eruptions, and positively cores piles, or no pay required. It is guarran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded, moe zo cents parox. vot sale by John Y. Mao Blood is Life. It is the medium which carries to every nerve, muscle, organ ana fibre its nourtsbment and strength. If the blood is pure, rich and healthy you will be well; if impure, disease will soon overtake you. Hood's Sar saparilla has power to keep you in health by making your blood rich and pure. Neuralgia is the prayer of the nerves for pure blood. Hood's Sar saparilla is the One Trun Blood Purifier and nerve builder. Others have found health, vigor and vitality in Hood's Sarsaparilla, and surely has power to help you also. Why not try it. New Shoe Store. We bought a few days ago at a and ladies' fine $3 50 tan shoes, and extremely Low Price, $1.98. This is positively the greatest shoe bargain ever offered in Raleigh Beautiful line of men's ladies' and childrens' leggins. bed room slippers, foot warmers and slipper soles just received. S. C. POOL. S. B. NORRIS, Manager. Do Your Lace Need Laundering?' If so, send ili m to us. We will make thtm look equal to new. Price Uo per pair. Woolen Blankets Also a Specialty. We have a special process by which we thoroughly cleanse them, making them as soft as eiderdown, without a particle of shrinkage. Price, single 25c; double 50c. Everything Guaranteed. "Excelsior Steam Laundry," Phone 19. 105 and 107 W, Martin Street. (Academy of Music Building. ) A. R. D. JOHNSON. Johnson and Johnson, COAL and WOOD. If you want to make your houses comfortable, call on us. Lowest Prices. Complete stock Antracite ard Bituminous Coals. Wood kept under shelter. - Satisfaction Guaranteed ! Phone 150. v Office 109 Fayetteville St. Yard: Foot West Hargett street. ; 1 i'.i I I . ' ' We have a large assortment of them. Gloves 25, 50 and 75c . Silk Handkerchiefs, 15 and 60c; Silk Mufflers, 50c; Suspend ers, 15, 25 and 50c: Scarf Pins, 10, 15, 20and 25c; Cuff buttons V 25, 50 and 75c; walking canes 25, 60 and 75c, Umbrellas, 50, 75c; $1 and 1 25. . Boys Suits, 1 49, 2 00; 2 50 and 3 00; caps, . . v 25c; boys' Overcoats, 2 00, 2 60, 3 00 and 3 50; boys' Shoes $1, -1 25 and 1 60. . .. .. ; Collars and cuffs, shirts, under-wear,-men's suits and over- ' ,..;-.: ...a ' . .; -'iv. A' Fins Perfumes We have just received one of the nicest lots of Fine Per-. fumes ever shown in Ral eigh. All Woodworth's " goods, and they ' j " Can't Be Excelled in quality or style of pack age. We call special atten tion to "VIOLETS OF SICILY" ' -AND- "BLUE LILIES," two lovely odors. North Side Drag Store, Yynni and Birdsong, Halifax street, Oiie block -south of Peace Institute. AdmlaJatrator's Notioe. The undersigned having qualified as administrator of Augustus M Lewis, deceased, this is to give no tice to all persons indebted to said estate to come forward and make im mediate payment to me. All persons having claims against the said estate will present the same to the under signed for payment within twelve months from the date hereof, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Edwin A. Lewis. dltwriw JUST RECEIVED Two Great Bargains IN Men's and Ladies' Fine Shoes. Great Sacrifice about 200 pairs mens' have placed same on sale today at the Curtains JOHN5 8. JOHNSON, Useful Presents FOR Christmas, -i. ; - . ! :.r. Her eWe Aire! Comorto:'C3:;b3 . ''.'.v.?.,' 1' . . .j, - : : "... : 'Z' - -' ' The Raleigh S tali o n ry Co m patfy 131 Fayetteville Street. We bought late so as to give our We are just opening from the large line of Prices and remember tnat ail oi tne Amas goous we mrm nuuw-v ing are useful, durable and lasting. Not the PENNY TRASHX kind to last only during the holidays. -'" " " LEATHER GOODS, which are strictly first class in both material and workman ship. None of low grade or inferior quality: all fresh and ' seasonable. Many new styles not before on the market. We name in part: Pocket Books, Money Books, Combination Pocket Book, Card Case. Card and Letter Cases, Bill Rolls, Purses, Bankers' Cases, Bill Books, Dressing Cases, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Glove and Handkerchief Sets, Work Boxes, Writing Cases, Portfolios, The above in seal. French calf. ;..,. if .nu TJiwuia nio cnwhiiin. sernent. te'najizo oalf. mll'Tove calf, safian calf, eto., in all the different colors and stylvM. Manicure toilet sets, glass and porcelain vases, plaques, odor bottles, atomizers, etc. Jewelry cases, cigar boxes, writing desks, photagraph albums, cases,- boxes, gold pens and nencils, celluloid pearl and wood stafiLs, fountain pens, smoking sets, memorandum calendar pads, diaries, memo books. FINE BOX PAPER. We have the finest line ever Hulbert's Marcus Ward and Parson, all the latest nev elties and in the new shades ana tints, ue sure you see our goods; if you do not you will regret it. Raleigh Stationery Go. OPEN A.T Berwanger's Annual Xmas Gift to the People. Rejoice, and be glad! We are going to inaugurate one of Berwan cer's characteristic special Suit Sales that will snrorise "the natives. ' This sale begins tomorrow morning and ends with the closing of the doors Christmas eve. During that time we give you chofce of hundreds of the finest and latest in style Cutaways and Sack Suits that have been selling at fl 5(1, rss, and $IH for choice Fifteen This includes every cassimere, cheviot and fancy worsted suit in our stock. Remember the dates of this "special sale" December 21, 22, 23 and 24, with the .closing of our doors on tbe eve' of tbe 24th this sale ends. There is not an old style in our stock of fine Suits, so you art privileged to select from the choice of this season. For Givings. If you are out to buy suitable Xmas presents for your friends you can save a great deal of time and money by consulting our mammoth atoek. Finest of everything for man and boy is here on sale at prices that have surprised very many of the most economical buyers, uur list: Silk Handkerchiefs r 25c to $1 25 Linen Handkerchiefs "lOcto&Oo Gloves for Men and Boys 25etot3&0 Underwear for Men and Boys JNeckwear Umbrellas Canes Hats s. & d. DERm:2m Leading One I HAVE NO But I have on hand the nastiest lot of Castor Oil you ever took The most searching assortment of Pills (including Brook field a), . The soothingest collection of opiates, , --f ; v & ' Tho most quieting line of Paregoric, Bateman's Drops,"8oothing Syrup, Castoria and Assafoetida Mixture that was ever ftvea at 2 a. m. a a enuAwlinsr Rahv. . ' ' -'vt i These are not suggested for Xmas Presents, but are very suggestive about Xmas time. ' '. - . . Things for the Things for, the Things for ihe That will fill Can be selected without any trouble from either of my stores. When in pain come to see me.' - John Y. ...i ; Corner Wilmington and Martin anJ Market Streets. " - Corner Fayetteville and Martin St. ( N. U.-I keep a side line of tbe most elegant Soaps and Perfumery to be -found anywhere. If yoa doubt this just call and smell for i . manufacturers and importers a vary Ink .Stands, Dtsk Blotters, Lap Desks and Tabteta, Photograph Caaaa, MatlD FTasaes, Playing Card Caaaa. Clcaralta and Cigar aaaaa. Mirrors, Pocket Coasaaaioas, Poker Sets, Drinking Cans. Alaska deer, crocodile, 1 Uxard. aligatori crushed levant, arrain mOFOOOO. sea customers the benefit of Low opened in the State. Hurd's, Crane's, Green & Co., beside many others in NIGHT. Dollars. 25c to $3 60 per garment ZOotOfZ -.75c to $7 50 ...50c toll .'-C. .-i i -r60o to M..:'it. t Price Clothiers. 1 i v--"' . baby; boy, ' old them with joy -5s i.'Hii XUASGCODS, f;r Tbe folio ine contains a letter from a little girl only 7 years old to Santa Claus: . RaXXiuH, N. Ctl Dec. 16. Dkab Sasta Claus: You have always been-so kind to our family, momng our borne so nappy, pleasing we children with anything we ask. of you. Yes dear . Santa Claus, all the children knows the Lyon Backet art yap head quarters, because they neve everything there , mat you brought us Xmas years ago. l jras atthe Lyon racket today. I tell tou ther - have evervthlna thera. They can please every one and every thing -so cheap. Tne: store was crowaea wun customers just as busy as they eould be. Dear Santa please bring me Xmaa one of those large dressed dolls at 49 cents; one large doll carriage at $1.24 cents; one oak bed stead at 49 cents; bring brother Jim one bobby , horse at 1.24; one velocipe at $1.48; one large arum- 24 cents; Dring utue sister .nnie one dressed doll at 24 cento; one large doll carriage at 49 cents; one running train at 9 cents; father wants one of those momccd back- indexed Bible's at $1.74: mamma fwlU take a nice book ''Pecks Bad Bot" at 49 cents. You wUl find all at Lyons and anything else, we all kf a you Santa Claus, wishing you a merry junas, i am as every . .. ; Farnii Matbk. JTAIitTABIiB liAHO TPOR BALB. , I B virtue i authoritv conferred by a oertain mortgage deed from William A, Smith and wife, NareUsa J. Smith, to Mrs Jola H Gates, raoorded In book it. vase ooa, Kcrister 01 veeat omee w v mmw WHuy f a. v waaa mm ublle auction to the big-best bidder r cash at tne oourt house aoor in lehrh. NO, at 13 o'clock m. on sadav . the 6th dav of January. 1897, the followin described tract of land: Lying in Wake county, Swift Creek township, adjoining the lands of J B Strain, CasweU Franks, Wiley Car roll and others and situated on the raters of Watson's Branch and bound ed as follows, vie; Beginning at a stake in J B Strain's northern line, running north 10 degrees west 471 poles to a rock; thenoe west 104 poles to a stake; tneuce east to tne .Beginning, belne the home place of said W A Smith. The nlaoe has dwelling -and necessary outhouses, anl I am in formed there la a young- orchard in good bearing condition upon (this la no. a, v. jubckwith, Attorney for Mortgagee. Dec. 2, 1888. C:ilsi. By virtue of a decree of the Su perior Court of Wake county, in a cause pending in said court before tne clerk, wherein J. u. Juarcom, administrator of John TJpchurcb A -. 3 j .ut.it 3 tir n Unchurch is defendant, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder at Sublio auction at the court house oor in Raleigh, N. C, on Tuesday, the 5th day of January. 1897, at 12 o'clock m., the lands described in the petition in said cause, to-wit: Situate in White Oak township, said county, and adjoining the lands of Ruffin Goodwin, Mrs. Tempy Law. rence, Sallie Clark, Margaret Barker and others, containing soma forty odd acres, more or less, and being the home place and the lands upon which the said John TJpchurcb re- aided at the time of his death. . ... B. O. BscKWiTHCom'r; d34t . .;v;v:;v .i;.v. On 'Wednesday, ' December 23rd 1896. at the Court House door, in Raleigh; N. C, I will sell at public outory the tract 01 land described in a mortgage from B. J, Upchurch and W. O. Upchurch to James Dodd. registered in book , No. 105 at page 627 of the Register of Deeds' office 01 wake county which land is de sribed in saaidmortoage as follows: A tract of about357i acres in said county (Wake) and Swift Creek town ship adjoining the lands of the late T. H. Briggs, H. J. Goodwin, A. B. Emery. Anderson Bette, 8. Otho Wilson and others; beginning at a stake, Briggs corner in an old field, runs thence east 342 : poles to a stake and pointers, maaa corner, thence north 21 deefeea west 16( Doles .to a Dine, thence north 881 degrees; west 342 poles to a pine (.formerly" A. Johnson s corner, thence south 174, poles to tbe begin ning being the land conveyed bj said Dodd and wife to said B. J, Upchurch and W, G Upchurch by; deed of evenndate, with said mort gage, and to secure yart of the. pur chase money for which said deed of mortgage was executed. .Excepting from said sale 100 acres, more or less. : xerms 01 saia casn. uour 01 sale 1Z m. 'j:-io-lI fr: -v. r ' .Exeoutrlt of James Dodd. . dtds. 1; Under ancT br virtue of a deed of Hrust exoeuiea to tne unaersignea ny J. B. Bobbitt, deceased, and recorded ib oook at page w, Kegister of Daiula nfflna tnr WaJra nnnnt.v. n srfll expose to sale at publie auction ithe tugnest bidder at the door of tbe oourt nouse 01 wake countv. in Kaieiirh. . C, at 12 o'clock m., on Saturday; the ZBUi day Of Deoember, 1896, tbe prop erty therein described, being a tot of land on tbe east side of west streets ipwhwh aaauKov satassx iuvi sj sau Baiwhaj. and bounded by a line beginning at tne nonnweei corner 01 w. Higsaa'S lot on West street,' running thence along tbe north line of Riggan's tot 107 feet to a 8. Allen's line, thence northwardly along saldAllen's line 60 feet to the fine of another lot belong- ceased, thence west with the line of the last named lot lU7t feet to west street, thenee with West street 60 feet to the beffinninir, being the southern portion of the tot conveyed to 3. B. Bobbltt by D. M. Carter and others bv deed re corded in book 63, at page 14, Register of Deeds office for Wakecounty. Terms bf sale eash. v--, ; j; N. Eounto, ... ' B. S. Jekman - ' Tru . ItloneySLOv Mechanics and Irdrfs LV. Asa prepaj-ed tojuake prompt lei" v Terras Eqzitalle isd Liicd Loaasonstockof Uata md promptly, i And "paid jon idayj of,j ajflleatioa ; , Apply to- . fCsborEOAlionuf 22 Pullen Building, Raleigh, N. a- , 1 nov251m " BAJbB, OF. IiA0, ,( . ' r - . . Bv virtue of the Dowers oonferred"- unen ns ia a certain deed of trait ar- wue Araoeua w ovepnenson tne ; 22nd dav of November. 1890. and re- guniou iu tw vtuuo va Mio iWunr ui . 1 - J I .t. . a jn v T li ... t . . veeas wwta ouaty, ji 1., in Doom ' 114, page 283. we will expose to publie 1 sale to the highest, bidder for eash at .,4 8 oourt House aoor in Maieign t .. vi nvnupi ui7 aw u m .. r nary, ion, the following aescriDsa - btji. t9 1. nil ttafntv tlui km! iTllj. tt -kiM " 1X , lands described la said deed of trust, and also the reversion in the home-v -Stead of the said L. D. Stephenson -heretofore laid oft la accordance with -the provisions of said deed of ltrust." First Traot-rBeginnlng at a stake la ' the ooveaatat road, L. D. Stephenson's . : homestead eOraer, rsnnu north 31 1 degrees east to a pile at stone ia Mis.,;; :j IJM w A r.rintnn ' nnwnr iiim. uiMtni onth 41 degrees west about 18 ehaisS ' to a pile of stone; thenee south 82 derf h trees west' 11.63 chains to. a suke: ( thence north 7W degrees westiSO links i r homestead at r the mill; thanoe with . said L D Stephenson's homestead line ' , to the centre of the eovenant road, red ? ?; oak pointers; thenee with -the cqveoaet . .. road to the, beginning, containing 94 , 1 ! Seoond Tract B4nlng at I aa t ash tree, high water of the muipoaa, t s snence running 1 up .vnurou ourwax Branch to Pleasant Spring; 'thenee sooth 80 degrees 4 chains to stake: thence south 661 desrrees west .8.8 J 4i degrees west 68.88 chains to a stales , . . . . .J . I I - ' - in toe dtboou, ; utiu. pwniaiiin - coraer, thenee aowa the branch ia aa 'j . 1 TI..M Stnku. . L-son'e line k mapin mh.iuiu : .. the branch; ' thence- down Fope's.e.v? branch to the heac , of the mill pondu L D Stephenson's homestead line; thence with said homestead Uneteth' ' brgianing, containing 1031 aoree,- ' 4 Third Tract The reversion -iu nomesteaa vacs 01 tne saia u ir owpa- ; ensoa, described as follows: ,. Begin ning at a stake near the corner of the -, mill house about 80 feet from a large ' white oak; theac - north 6ioegree ' east 28.46. chains to the center of the . covenant road opposite to a large red - UM) WiPUW KiVU WIT. . , degrees east u ou cnaina to a stakes thence south 71 degrees 17.01 ehalas to a stake: tee nee south, so.sa cnains m a. i stake; thence; thence west .60 chaias to a stake on the side of the path, David Stopheasoa'Sf corner: , theses north 65 degrees . west 16.85 chains with. David Stephenson'' s tine to a ' stake on Um west side of the covenant road; .thence a southwest course along , said David Stephenuon's 1 line to , stake in the Iveyt teld; thence with said David . Stephenson's JUne north ' 8U degrees west 20.60 chains to Pope's . Branch: thenee dowa ' laid ' braaoh to . the head of the miU pond; thence with the west side of the pond 10 .feet from high water mark to an ash ia Pleat ant Spring Branch; "hence north, 1M ' degrees east 6.60 chains to the begin ning, contajping 200 acres . -:. Armistead Jones and T. P.' Deve. reax..TrassBSBUlt''Wi' - MOBTOAOB 8AI.il. i, ; Under' and by ylrtue of a deed of trust executed to the undersigned by 3; B. Bobbitt, deceased, ami recorded ia bookv 136, at page 60S,.' Register of Deeds office for Wake county, we will expose to safe at public auction at the door of the court house of Wake eoua ty, in Raleigh, S, C, at 12 o'clock m. on Saturday, the 26th day of Decem ber,- 1896, the following described lot or parcel of land, situated on the east side of South West street in theclty of Raleigh, between Morgan and Har gett streets, adjoining the lands of the late Kimbrougn. Jones,., on the aorta, -another tot belonainar to the estate of 3. B. Bobbitt on the south, being part, of city lot, No. 164, as shown in Shaf fer's map,' and the northern-lot,- as bow enclosed by fence; of the lot con veyed to J. B.: Bobbitt Dec. 14, 1878, bv D. M. Carter et ale. bv 'seed re corded ia book 65, at - page 14 In said register: 01 veeas omce, ana iropts on said West street 66 feet and 4 inches ' and runs back east is depth 108 feet Terms of sals' cish.-1 : f-' a-; PBEIJt & MAYNARO, , . Attorner for Mortgagees. SAiiB OF, liAMD AND PERSON Ali i , - Jlr -.-1,7.1 hkS i .i On Monday. Deoember 28th. 1898, at 12 m., at the Court House door la - T7al(nt. V O 'T m,V.I1a outcry, "the following described land, in Swift Creek, .township Waks county,' beginning at an oak on the Holly Spring's road the south-west corner of Geo.-Green's land, run thence with said Green's land north . 450 feet to Bryant Smith 'a tract, thence with said Smith's- tract Lns west 116 feet.' thence south with said Smith's tract line 23Q feet to a stake, ' thence east with said Smith's tract line 96 feel thence south' with, said Smith's tract line 200 feet to said Holly Springs road, Whence east- -ward with said road totheb&rininff. containing 16-21 of an acre also, the' following desciibed -personal pro-' pertyonsaid land: 1 steam ersgtne, boiler and fixtures, 1 cotton gin and . . fixtures, belting. : shafting and cul- . leys. 1 Fairbank 's wasron scales and ' all other property of , every nature on said land and used in connection with said gin, engine, etc., for fur ther particulars, see mortgage reg istered ia odce Register of Deds for Wake county dated Nov. 3, 1U2 In book 121, page 735, This sale is made to perfect title. , ' a. w. ustwxa, xrusue. nov24-td - .

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