Jkl7 Appeal. , . . ulljr ask; snll s space per, that we may request f rous- f ; publife, ? as .he rejoicings that it will please oer the "Old Women and Sucurables,"- whom the FatheFhas? not blessed with health or with silver or with gold; but has left them wards to tlwie fcEoar h3 kafcife8 . abundauclifthat eyi jf6mojfe -for Old Vomen and ttf araii& Aai been moved to W. South street, be , tween Rex ; Hospital and Pullen church. ' : . 7 V ; - OWe wiU be. grateful for 'anything ' in the line of provisionaor luxuries from the ladies tables Or children's baskets. Dear public let ns. welcome many baskets, waiters, or cart loads of good ' thlDgs on that glorious morning, while the whole earth "is singing, "ChirsJ Is Ttsen - today .i" ; The poor i will expect it, and . tbe Father will bless those, who think of his po;r'f V-,y, r' - -iJ siTruly la,His namel - - " " MBS. FawNi HATES? . ALE OF BEMAWWfVVATSOM U Unddr and by virtue" of ar and bv virtue' of a decree of Wake superior 'court' In the case wherein' Emma ; Karrer is plaintiff and J WB Watson and others are defendants, the .undersigned will oft Monday; Febriryllr at' 11 : o'clock a. in: at tha court house door expose to public sale' the following unsold lota in the plat of tbr land be tween the southern city limit and 45, 46; r4T, zi, Tco, 31, sa, a, it " wii uvi vv axv. TV. Tii an. wis iwti hv via a 91, 93, 102a, 2L yoffAiPvcjw j lea,? ri3j and also a tract of sixty acres being the, botJto Jand l,Wg WWI Creep. , TetfWrF'Moeftaj la six and twelve months. The sale may( be fa,djgurbed from (hq jtourt house door to the premises. t " G. M. BUSBKE, F. H, "Buibki, dl7tds Z Commissioners, ALB ...... S.. ' . i a tt U 18 1 Coder and by virtue If auttof ity f -onvevea in m aeea oi truw ffiven oj ; Chaa H Belvln, truitee. Ella M Harri son and Wm 1 H Harrison, to Oeoree H Snow,-trustee," and Mlsa Catharine Hoylan, oestul que trust, dated the 3d day of My lam, ynd retistered An the offloe of thi Register OtDeeds lor wake ootintM nomOarolth( in book UOrpare 633, 1 will, on the fifth day of January 1887, at 12 o'clock m. at the court Jhqussidoor in the-cityoi BaMjV $ft pi Expose for sale' alj ah-, alt Wrtoht. title-, interest and stats of h ssidFJla MHarrispnand ' wm H TTvrison or tat and to the fofe lowing deTi;.ed lot of psrcej tf land situate, 1 ing.and fcelng'" tn the city .of Raleigh, county of wake and State of North Carolina, being part of lot No: 03 in the plan of salacity and bound ed as follows, te-wit: Beginning: at post on Martin street. Husted's corner, theno east with said street one hun dred Md sim feet lo a pbst,(foirtnerly JMe M NtwWi Omein.now Goooh's corner, thenoe south', with his line olie hundred, asd nine feet to post, In Thomas iJenkias',: line, , thenoe west with his , line one, hundred and sixty feet to a post; late said Husted's ooW nor, thence north with hi line one hun dred and ine feet W the beginning, " eontalnlng one half acre more or less, and being the.ssme Jot of land eon: veyed ty 'deed to Chai H "BelTln,' truttee, by ST) Harrison," whloh is re corded in the Begister's office of wake i waxe i, fcnd eounty n doqk ao.page iazr,xne caw ax uurmoa oLmg un owner life interest Iri'sald lot of land. the said wm H Harrison of an estate In fee simple, remainder in "one-third of said lot spon the death of said 1 la M Harrison.'? i?Kf This 4th.day oi Deeembw;i89ff: 1 Ad'mi- of Goo H S&oW TrurteevT By virtus cfrautnority conTerredT by a certain aeea pi trust irom v. v D...V Am VahniA Pawvif' !tla. VfffA . of Deeds for Wake county, N, C., in. - book 120 at page 677,' I -will on Mon- - day, January 11th, 1897, sell at pubr - uo auction to tne nignest Diaaerior cash, a certain house and lot oh the South -side of West Cabarrus street,1 between Dawso--street and the North CaroltaalUaroad, beiogapart of Lot No. 40 In the plan, (shat fers Hiti of the citv of Baleiirh. N. C.I-: said lot beioKr bounded on the North : br the Churchill Harris lot ' and West Cabarrus street, oa the East by'the lots knqwn as the.? Bon ner Lot'V and: the "Duke Lot 'l on ttfe South by Lot To. 24 in the said . i'lao oiksam city ana sata rwiroaa and on the west byald Railroad and ' door, La lialeigh', N C Time Of sale: - EKJren HATWeorf.fTrustee.''-? K --,-.V-.-rv"'l,"'-.'-t . By authority of, a -mortgage iron Simeon Danidl and wlfer Lucy Danieh corded in book 104- at esire tOf.Reirifr tor of Pdf office for wake covnty, I will oa December 31t at 12 o'clock m. at the court house door,, sell to the hlchest bidder Tor cash a tract of land 1m Oak Grove township and 'bounded os the north And east bv Buchanan on the south by Wiley Clopton; on the west by J. B. Ferrell and , Daisy Pas ohai na Known as part or tne earn I lefts tract, containing 65 acres more or less, being the part of said tract sot heretofore sold , br parties of the trst paif. . --Yi, W, WYNNE, t T)eo. J,.'M-tds.;- - V .Adm?rV Hood's bills ae the best after-din ner pill esslfit c, .estieny pure hcAd schft 2a cenU. ,J U fll'PH) hi 1 VAALSJ r tp w'wwwrT-w We Noy 'Ghrlstmas Ro&liers Open on first floor -I ' --. " !:'-:. . r next to WpolHcott & Son, the prettiest line we haveieerifiaCi before, and - we think the besrfor the money in the Ste. No steps to climb. All Rockers, fancy centerbles, prss lambs,tables, resy ;edsel!inbliMfmw dies' desks, rugs, and in fact all Of'lecwri w feQliW , goods are PmMml the first-floor in our store next tot itxvp vi sv rrm.- to WoollcMt's. n( Kind ancl polite attention to all. .1 ihr 9 and 12 and 119 EAST fclTV HDC8B AXOiVT FOR SAtiB. By virtue of authority conferred by certain deed of trust from Josish Kin nd Nsnov Kinir. hlS Wife, dated Jnttiry48th. i88, and, reoorded in thsofnee of.tlie ReglBte;of DeedsfOr Wake; 6ount.ir.JP4l!f BoOk M at page 6oj twill on TUESDAY, January 23. 1S97, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash a certain house and lot adiolninir the L. T. Grissom land and others, omthesouth side of E. Davis street, in Ratehjo, Ni; C.t f being par of lot No." 719 fa the plan (Shaffer's Man) of said city; said lot being bounded on the north' by East1 Carle street, on the eSst by the Smith estate lot, on tne;sonui oy tne lauis urissom lot ana on mewestDy ute Mrs. m.,o. Douirherty lot- frontinir 48, feet, on East Davie street, and- running baok south 175 feet. ' ' . t Pikes of ' sale, county eourt -house aoor in ruueign-nv v. uumdi saia, 12 o'clock m.? - -H ' fjk Peof 8'96Vtds 9 HOUSKtt AND LOT KB8AIE. On Saturday. January 23d. 1897, at the eourt house door in Kaleigh.N. C, L will sell at pnbUo outcry to the high est bidder, the' followinir heuses and lota in the oltr of Rateiirh: (1) A. house and lot at the southwest sornef of Lenoir and McDowell streets, front- ;lng 65 feat on McDowell street and .60 test on Juenotr street) oeing part oi 40 No. Bin Bhaiier's Map of the city of Raleigh. (21. A house ; and -lot on Bloont street. The said lot begin at a point In the eastern line, of JSloUn street, 22 feet south of ' the north west corner of lot No. 47 In Shaffer's Map of the city of Raleigh; runs thence. out along? mount street xa iee, thence east 210 feet, thence, north 2S feet: thence west MO feet, i u 1 i. n- . Hale made by me inaiviauauy as ai- torney in fact for alt other , intsreitea Terms oi saie. casn: nour or nw, 12mr ' - '' James Moobb. " - - '-SALE OF LAKD" Bv authority confered udou me in a ludirment of foreclosure made at Feb. term and an order made at. Oc tober ,!term,i 1896, of the -Superiot Court of Wake county j in a olyil ao-i tion No 6358 C. J , D. entitiea w ' Utley vs Mary .A Utle'y et als, 1 will on Monday, me 4W poy.oi January, 1897 at 12 o'clock m.$ sell at public outcry at the county ' court ' nbuse door fri the city; of Raleigh, N.; ?.j the following tract of land situated in Middle Creek townanip, wase cOUnty, N. 0., and known as part of the home tract of land -recently owned by , A.i J,t UUey, j deceased, adjoining thelandsof AJ, Blanchard. APNorris and. others and bounded as follows: Beginning on the east side of the Raleigh road and tuns" with A J Blanchard V Una on the south and Dallas Adams 'on the east and on the north with James VS. Noah's line back to said . Ralaigh road and with said road south to -A I . Blanchard V line, containing "60 acres, more or less. Beid land be ing the same eon veyed by A J UUey and wife on the 6th dayof Dooemberi 1889. to W FUtlev bvmorteag6 deed which is recorded In-book HOat page 238 in the office of Register of deeds for Wake cwunty. Terms of sole, casb.' TV Nobws,- - noviiS 30d ' " CommissioneM TllODAS KM Ik : Have OurV N - . - " m ou restore be shown on MARIN.STREET. $t!i ct Lend to KsSta Aitcts By virtue of a judgment of the Superior Court of Wake county in special proceedings No ;-- entitled J C Maroora; administrator of the estate w Cherry Penny; deceased, plaintiff, and Mary Walters etals, defendants, I will on Saturday the 8th day of January, 1897, at 12 o'clock m. at the court house door for Wake county, N C, expose to tele at public outcry to the highest bidder a lot or parcel of land in said countyj adjoining the rands of Frank Ricks and others and situated in said county about 1$ miles northwest of Raleigh, N. C., in what is called the New Town of St, Domingo, a map of which town' is registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake county, N C, in Book No 32, on page 581, and designated as lot No 88 on said map, frontinir on Grant sWeet or avenue, and contain ing about half an acre. ' Terms of sale, one nan casn, Bal ance in six months with interest from date of sale, title to be retained until purchase money is paid in tun. J . U. MAKOOM, Deo 8th,' 1896-rtds ' Comm 'r. Ltndfcr Sale. ' On Saturdav. the 16th day of Jan uar 1897, the;; court house door. in UaieigtvNY o.f i i?m seu at pno-llewterTiho'- following described lands: -AU-that tractor-parcel of land ly fng and being in Ml. JMarj townshiB7vWakeNufttyi iNor Carolina; adjoining the lands of W T Howie. John Dodd. the late Jeffer son Fisher, the late W H. H Holla man. Archie Spence and others, and more fully .described as.foUowsJt being tbi land conveyed 4o MA Parker by D I Fort and wife by deed registered in, SboH NoTO at page 221 of the Register of Deeds office of Wake- unty and , mortgaged to Eliza N Mcxios-by said marker ana his wife by mortgage registered in Book No 70. at ixure223 and by said mortgagee rponteyed;to saidjames JUOOre , ana : on August &nut iopu. conveyed by said James Moore to J B Bobbitt and mortcaeed back . to said James Moore fey said J B Bob bitt on the same day. , " ' Sale made payment to powers con ferred tipon mer by said deed of mortgage from J B Bobbitt; regis tered in Book NO 139- at page 641 of said Register of Deeds office of Wake cownty, -Terms of sate, cash; Hpur Of sale; 1 m.1 . Jamb Moork. . TH- -.m. ifi-Ui'r !i rife; i-'M 'J -ti- f iThe Inn of McClure 4 Peterson have this day dissolved, co-partnership by mutual consents All bills and debts due tbe old firm will be gild to the new firm of McClure 4k a1s.-J 1 McClcri & Pmasofc. DO WOT BE LAST i. S I In Buying Your Christmas Rrqc:nK EoTflll .S There is nothing better than a nice. Rocker. We have have . over 400 for you to select from, ranging in price from 40c to $20 00 i Our stock of Picture Easels, Lamps, Children's Chairs, and Wagons Is the largest. Our line of Bed Room. Parlor and Dining Furniture is complete. Remember we will keep anything you buy and deliver at any time free. Open at Night. ROYAL L & iffrEarners If you want to know how big your DOLLAR is how - many CENTS itcontains, its purchasing power, take itto CROSS I LINEHAN'S, Measures its Value and you will do the brainiest thing youv'e done in many a day for there's stuff there you'll need every day, stuff you'll need when winter's atorras are upon ug and they're coming soon almost at our doors. Stuffs you'll want for Thanks giving stuffs you'll want for holidays stuffs you'll want for birthdays for someone else. Come now ! Come quick ! while assortment is good almost unbroken and pick out of this mine of good things not oheap jood things out good good things nuggets of pure value Minted by the best artisans of th; world - they are yours at a valua tion that makes the purchasing power of your do ar greater than ever in the world's history. Cross & Our Holiday Display Has never been equalled. By calling you (?an see an attractive and well selected stock of all kinds of books for the young and old. All kinds of Leather Goods, Silver Novelties, Cards, Calendars, etc. etc. We shall be pleased to have you call. Very truly, Alfred Uilliams & Co. I mi,U I If . - ' J a JTJf OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY " Page & Marshall, Proprietors V-'T'J r-rrr. --,m rrSoP ' "' Land for Sale, ' By virtue of a deed of mortgage ex ecuted on the 3rd day of January, 1891 I will offer for sale at the eourt house door la Raleigh, N. C, on Monday, January 4th, 1897. at 12 o 'dock m., for cash, the following tract of land as described in said deed of mortgage: Lying and being in Middle Creek township; Wake county, and beginning at a mulberry tree in Allen Mason's line, thence about east to a dogwood Mary Matthew's corner, thence about southwest to a whlta oak. the Tom Smith corner, thence to a large hick ory, About east, the corner of the land belonging to heirs of Mftrcom Wood, thence to the beginning containing twenty acres more or less. See book 144, page 299, inthe office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Wake county -'.. - f - J. C.L. Harris, nov24 Ida' '-' tty. for MortgageeVJ-"- - . ' r - " . . .---" t " - A : ' DUEL BORDEN 210 Fayetteville Street. Linehan. We Work Overtime To get your Christinas Laundry home when you want it. We do it We don't tear or wear out the fabric. The best "Santa Claus act" you can do for a friend is to give him our address. PHONE 87. AtfO Sale of Laud, Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Wake county, entitled Allen vs. J. W. Pernell, and at request of defendant, I will on the 4th day of January, 1897, at 12 m., sell at public auction at the court house door, a tract of land ia New tight township at Pernell oontory 41 9-40 acres more or lees, bounded on the north bv the lands of T. C. Powell, P. H. Mangum and others; east by the land of J. H. Wiggs; south by New Liffht road: west bv Tom Edwards gin lot and Oxford road, 'known as Edwards' land and conveyed to J. W. Pernell by W. C. Brewer. Terms eash. , TH08. R. PCRNKLL, Deo. 2-tds. - Commissioner, Hood s pills are easy to take, easy to operatcMJure j indigtsjioc bilg lousoess. MidivinteP - Millinery, 1896. f A Big Reduction X In all Trimmed Millinery; also In fants and Misses' Caps. All these things make useful and serviceable Gbristmas Presents, and we are ready to sell them cheap. rWe have also a variety of inerxt;ii sivc Christmas Novelties, all marked in plain figures. j Call and ee us; no troubje to show goods. Miss Maggie Reese. 2 09 Tayctteville Street. Combination Salo HORSES, .'buggies, AI HARNESS. Fridhj and Saturday, Dec. IS and 19 On the above dates I will sell you at auction without reserve, two car loads of Virginia and East Tennessea Horses from 5 to 8 years old, all sound, good workers. sa'e will he made each day Rain or Shiioe. Every horse sold un der a guarantee. Frank Si-ronac-ii, Auctioneer. Buggies At Auction. 1 TySon & Jones 1 Barbour Open Top Buggy. Buggy. 1 Studebaker Top I 1 Cortland Open Buggy. , Buggy. 1 Rabcock Open I 1 Fisher Top Buggy. Bugg;-. When you want to buy a nice new top buggy at your price givemea. call. I sell you cheaper than you can buy from the factory. FRANK STRONACH, Prop'r. . Stronach's Emporium. Cut Flouors Roses, Carnations,Chrysanthe;nums Bouquets, Floral Designs, Palms, Ferns, Golden band, white and pink Ja pan lilies. Finest of all hardy lilies Hyacinths, Chinese Sacred Lilies, Freesia Narsissos, Tulips for forcing in the house and parly spring blooming outside. H. Steinmetz, Florist, North Halifax Street, stltuto. Phono 113.- near Peace In" oct!7 Colli Weather? 'That ain't nothtn;' goto see Jones & Powell. Wood. Anthracite, sixes Soil Coals, Rnssell Creek, and .PocaVoDtas i Thicker and JcllicoCcal. Jcr.S3-6Pov;cII- Coal. opAOfrinrir: ykl w. tu GOODS: Nw CroB JfnHL . ' New Data ;w- New TabU Kalaina.. Haw Fica, ' ,L--y New Seedless liaialaa, . Newtliroa, -titw Cleaned Carraata, New fraaea Evaporated Paaehee, v . Evaporated Aprleota, Evaporated feara. Evaporated Asptea. ' PreKerves, Jellies and Jams in three ; Chocolate, Breakfast Cocoa, Fine Fjc- , . tracts, Plum Pudding, Miaes Meat, Ac ' .' New Prepared Buckwheat, Fresh Oat Meal, Oat Flakes, Grits, Hominy, etc. ' New Canned Goods from beet pack ers; includes any variety of vegetables or fruits, and surprisingly cheap. "Melrose" w Flour never fails to 'pleaxe the most - fastidious housekeeper. Mv service is prompt and accurate. V our orders are respectfully solicited. J. D. TURNER, Cor. Johnson and Halifax fit. Telephone 15. You Can Settle tha Ever Vexatious Question What to Give the Bride By spending a Few moments look in y through our new and complete stock of Sterling Ware, Cot Glass, Iron and Brass Lamps China, Clocks, Bric-a-Brac. H. MAHLER'S SONS, Jewelers ani Opticians. Have vour eyes tested. No cliarg for examination. ECONOMY Mav be necessary in msmy my way nd wants whon dollars are scarce and many, but it is not desirable to practice it in the purchase of food, which ia life, lielow a certain standard rood imperfectly nourishes; up to that stand ard it costs a reasonable price, we never want more than a reasonable price for our Groceries. RAPID SALES Give our customers tbe benefit of lose margins. We never keep any thing that Is not the best of its kind, and we only want a fair pront on what we invest in it. CHOICE GROCERIES Always In stock and promptly delivered when ordered. TI10S. PESCUD. Valuable Farm for Sale. Hy virtue of authority conferred by a certain deed of trust from George Green and Mary R Green, his wife, dated April 41 h, 18BU, and recorded in the oftlcc of the register of Deeds for Wake county, N. C, in book 111, at page 49:1, 1 will on Friday, Janu ary lfith , 1897. sellat publie auction to the highest bidder for caBh two tracts of land adjoining the lands of B. P. Williamson, Moses woodard, Bryan Smith and others in Swift Creek town ship, wake county, N. C, and more fully described as follows: First Tract: Beginning at the A vent Fei ry road and running west to what was formerly A 1 woodall's linethence south to the old Smith field road, thence with said road, running east, to will's Moss' line, formerly, thence north to the branch, thence north to the ridge path, thence west with said path to the road to the beginning, containing 82 acres more or less, and being the same trat of land, conveyed to George Green by Bupwell Bell, Jr., by deed recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for wake county, N. 0., in book 37, page 133. Second Tract: Beginning at a stake on the old Smithfield road, Peter Bloom's corner, thence north 1 1-4 de grees east 18 76 c'alns with said Bloom's line to the asylum road, that is the road that leads .into Raleigh. . passing near by the Insane Asylum, to a rock within about eight, feet of the mile post thence north 80 1-2 degrees w. 5.44 chains along the said road to a ; stake, thence louth 1 1-4 degrees w. Id chains to the old Smithfield road to a stake in George Green's line, thence with the' said old Smithfield road south 75 1-4 degrees E. 5.65 chains to the beginning, containing 10 acres more or less, being the land purchased by Mary B. Green, front John A. Cheat : ham, agt.. book3 page i& . . , " Place of ; sales county dourt house door in Kaklgh, N. C. Time of sale) It o'cl ek M.-"- v .. . . ' Ai W. HAYWCOD, V s .! .. . Trustee. doc 15-dUls r. 'A