t J t U 4 k .. TUOS. T. PENCE - City Editor. TUESDAY. .Deo. 22 , Tfadas te Kaw AdTSrUaaajaata. m .m' . - Xmas BooksA. Williams, ', W E. Carter Specials. ' r VIAarm MnL Tj A. BOWCD. ' House and Lot for Sale Ernest - Houses and Lots lor Sale-r James Moore. .- - - - ; The Weather Tomorrow. Local forecast tor Raleigh not extending beyond a ra fliii.' of 20 miles:! Fair tonight and Wednesday. J" 'y FMMUt for North CaroUna, WoU tnnluht and Drobablv tomor row. Warmer. Looal Data. Local data for 84 hourrnding at 8 a. m. ldJ) December 2?, minimum temperature Ji rawiau. .. Condition of tha Waathar. The following were the weather con dition! at 8 a. m. today: atate of the weather Cloudy Temperature of the air 30 deg, Sensible temperature Wind Telocity Direction of wind 26 deg. 15. North, PEBSONAL. Prof. (I. A. Betts, of the faculty nf the deaf and dumb institution at Morirantnr. was in the city yester - - r i day. Gen. Smith D. Atkins, of Free port. Ills., is in the city to spend Christmas with the family of Mr. N. T. Cobb. Miss Grace McGill, who has been visiting Miss McPheeters, re turned to her home in Petersburg yesterday. Superintendent O'Brien of the Southern railway and his stenogra pher, Mr. Frank McMackin were in the city today. Mr. John Gatling, who has been representing the firm of Barbee A Co., at Edenton and South Carolina points during the past season is at home to spend the Christmas holi days and it is a pleasure to his friends here to see his genial counte nance once more. Stands at tbe Head. Aug. J, Bogel, the leading drug gist of Shreveport, La., says. "Dr. King's New Discovery Is the only i hing that cures my cough, and it is the bestseller I have." J. F. Camp bell, merchant of Aria, writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it never fails and is a sure cure for consumption, coughs and colds, I cannot say enough for its merits." Dr. King's New Dis covery for consumption, coughs and colds is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of century, and today stands at the head. It never disappoints. Free trial bot tles at John Y. MacRae's drugstore. Don't forget I am headquarters for Norfolk oysters. I will have plenty of Xmas oysters for every one. W. E. Carter, d22-2t Phone 155. Will Take Boarders. Mrs, T. A. Bowen at the corner of Newberh avenue and Person streets will take sis or eight boarders during the legislature at $20 per month for board and lodging op 115 per month for board. Accom modations first class. At Alfred Williams & Co s can be found the best selected and cheapest line of books ever shown in Raleigh. d22 2t Go to Carter's for pure home-made candy. He has the best. Boarders Wanted. 14 r. M. V. Buncl is prepared to take four boarders during the legis lature at $5 per week at her resi dence, No. 415, North Salisbury street. First class board, good beds and home comfort dec2I3t s Special Bargains for Christmas Draan. Old (Saiety Club whiskeyjbnly 78c tier ouart; Shaw s pu aure malt wbis- kev only 11.00 per bottle, t I W Har per's II 00 per bottle. These goods are strictly first class and cheap. .ED. V. lXTON, 311 and 313 Fayetteville street, op posite postoffici. d21 4t last strayad or Stolea. A black setter dog. Liberal re ward will be paid on returning to 604 corner Blountand Peace street . dec21tf Big shooting match to come off on Xmas day at C. E. J. Goodwin's store, two miles from Raleigh on the Bhamkatte toad. d21 2t . Rook wood, the latest, and Wedg wood, tbe oldest, are for sal by w. ' H, Hughes, a- -..i . . d!9 St ; t '.-.. ;', tM Haw mr. ' Leave your subscriptions for magazines and papers with 1 Alfred Williams Co. - H d!9 U IHsTOrerf-uty Tears) ir u. Wiiwm wmi Soorswe aaa ksaa .,,. .,, Ii o.nnos Uieliiid uitn fimt, Z M b i tnrf wind elie, -" m i ot i 'r i- r, ..!. It wici r s- rr li..iMti tnj. p.uii .. .... ...it nl Hi. itn d. 1 y-s--- Mm at Britton Pearce's. 30 isteps from Market House.on W linungion bwww Fine standard oysters 20o quart; fine selects 300 quart; cnoice iresu and salt water fish 15c bunch. Large shipments received every day.' Fine Baldwin apples 3o p i ana obodohw cheaper than anywhere else in the elty, only for cash and at these prices. - Banron Pxaxc. - dl 1 w Carianaas Prlaa List. . Bananas, 76, 1 00, 1 26,1 60 per bunch. Bananas 10, 10, su ana s M. (Inann. ' ATlDleS. 'Zv auQ 25 cents per jeci oanu r- : ... uui barren, l-ears www vy down. Catawba grapes 25-ta 35 k Twtnnd tasket. Malgar wu . ' a - n.i;r..U apes, za c per pouuu. Rrapestl 00 to 1 60 per 7 pound basket. Pates 10 cents per pouna. mi OA r nound or 2 DOUna A US V vmw f f . for 35 cents. Nuts ZOoents per pounu tor 35 cents. Raisins 10, 15 and 20 cts per 10. and candy at differentprioes. Claret wine for table use 10per gallon. Two car loads of fruit just arrived. These goods are guarnwea ireBn first of the season. Nice pineapples H 1 H Tint. "Till V IDMH injUULB II U at different prices, dec 21 4t A. Dcohl For Lamps, Lamp, Lamps, dl9 3t. . w . H, Hughes. This ad is good in competition for Duck's Jcsicr Rsnge. FoliownStt5?beobervec 1st, All ads tied in packages of 100 and any fraction of 100 tied in separate package and number mark ed on it. 2d, Name of girl must be on each package. 3d, All must bring them to our store Saturday morning, December 26, before 12 o'clock. Two ladies will count the different collections and make the award to the girl having the largest number, cut from regular editions of the Pmtss-VisiToa and News and Ob server to and including December 25, 1896. All others will be thrown out. Thos. H. Briggs 4 Sons RALEIGII. N. C. PICTURES Nothing more appropriate than a nice picture for a present; they are ornamental and useful. We have quite a nice selection, ready framed in elegant frames with hook and card ready to hang. The prices range from 50c to $3.50 each, of these this. week. As morrow, Wednesday, Avmr framed nicture V w M. J wa hand-painted oil pictures which we have been giving with every $2.00 purchase"; We have given more than a thousand of these and have only about 200 left. Remem ber, one of these tomorrow free" with ,every framed picture we sell from 50c up. Tomorrow afternoon at Metropolitan Hall, at4 oolock, all children who have written Santa Claus are requested to be pres ent Ths bg doll for the little girl who wrote he best letter will be presented. All who have written Will be remembered by old Santa Class. , Monday after Christmas' w put on sale all Cloaks and Capes at reduced prices. ' , - ' - t, We have had the best Cape season we ever had, but It's be . eanse our jprioes have been so low and our stock.so worthy. We . still have a good stock on hand but -we want to set) ths last one ) before stock-taking time. ;)t-Tbat's why w are going to reduce the 4 nrieaat' . - -,si , w ' All Toys are reduced 14 off e marked, pricey - , f. kSxV:-. E. JONES. : MSjlSlM p a j H Gettinor just the thing you want if you fail te oothein and took at our C' Christmas Goods: Pretty packages of Perfumery and Toilet Soap. Oome asd see wfiat we have. Your very truly, James McKtmmon & Co. Pharmacists, 133 I'ayetteville St. , Raleigb.:; Before Going Shopping FOR XU AS PRESENTS Put our name on your list. We have a groat many things that will interest you and some gen nine surmises in prices. A beautiful line of Card Cases and Pocket Books. Cut Glass Cologne and Selling Salts Bottles Perfume Atomizers, etc. Remember We are agents for Huyler, and if you want a nice box of Candy for Christmas, place your orders early 7. II. KING & GO. Druggists, Comer Fayetteville and HargettSts, We want to sell all an inducement to- we wUl give free with we sell one of those " j ldayidiss In addition to my regular line ef staple ud fancy Groceries, I have bought at a low prloe a big stock tf FAt'OY ( Baldwins and King Plain and Mixed NoU, " Ratal n Figs, Citron, . : FmtrrMi ORANGES, 'LEMONS, ' CANDIES, Kto. v Our nricea are low for the. elasa of goods offered, either at wholesale or retail. ' It's to Ycur Advantage to'ma&o your purchases -now, "before the rush commences; we can give you better selections, deliver your guoas more promptly and in many other ways make It to yourlinterest. A well filled larder means a, Happy enrtsunas. Dj T." JOIKlSOIfe J. ',..V' AdENT. Phone 28. f IIUI i Fori Holiday Present than MFoUbving Ms Ladies' Felt high cut fur trimmed Slippers at il w a pair. Genfs embroidered Slippers at 75c a paw, . font's black Opera Slippers, patent leathertrimmed, 1 60. Gent's sole 'eather Dress Suit Cases, $6 00. Jdies' flat top Trunks, 2 50; Toy Trunks, 75c each. Ladies' Overgaiters, "25c and 50o a pair. . I'- Ladies' Patont Tin Button Shoes 1 50 and $2 00. Gent's Leather-lined, dark tan T..n rt. is ui . new duii vjg ntv, c Heller's SHOE STORE. Established 1876. This Wook's Chances for llclly ' tlift-Sc:!rcrGc j ' - Every department of this big for Uunstmas bu vers. . J ust a lew f or better knowledge come ana see. PURS. . , .. v Our big Cloak show room iscrowded with a throng of eager' buyers these holiday times.' Itpeedsbut a glance at these items tt tell 'jrou the reason. Fur Collarettes, French, Persian, Canada Seal, Astiaksan, Persian Lamb, Alaska Seal, i and Mink. r Prices range from 8 50 to $25 00. CLOTH JACKETS. . Boucle Persian Jackets, silk lined, worth $12, now 17 60; imported Persian Cloth Jackets, lined with heavy satin and -worth $14, now $8 60. " Open Bveiilisr A.B. a". . Priccs ere C:rr::t, Czziz cj H:;r::::f : J, VA-I-iTIES A STATED, -Btpstatleii 1 G!s d fty Call lef Crfcrfc,elt:tj': Exaggerations : ttari)raw' Only tff DisapplnL Holiday OTferiags f Leas tartalaa; 08c Curtains worth ;MM $149 v f 260 198 no. gw 2 40 " 4t 8 60 2 98 m . . 4 00 849 - 'i, ' ;r6oo Holiday Offering la EUardows- -"l J'J - Cotnf mtsblea. , j, - !"' - , " $376 - Woith. 4 60 - "iff '6 00 -, " - L 1 8 00 J" : f - - '700 Dowa Slambar RObas. . .' $ 600 ' ' 00 60 800 lira I 1 25 ; Worth - ' 1 7& . 4 y - Cottoa Comforfsbles. 75o . ' Worth " . : $ 1 00 1 50 " ' w - -- . ZUU : Our entire stock of Fine Capes, Coats and Jackets for Lb'" Misses' and Children at about half value. ' - - V aa) ' t I have been to Rlggan's Toy Btorst YouveeI get the mosr, thbig tor the smalleet-amount of money and the belt djiaPnJ'Hft.?0" want Toys and Christmas Goods, BlgganVisttii place everytlme, Chey have the larg est and best assorted IMokf jo e)eot from as well as the lowest prtoes. lal l.sWf Wt color, ioubleoled, Russia calf Bala, ' ' ' . ' t. ' M establishment is crowded with things hints or tbe possibilities for nexvweeie, MAGNIFICENT DISPLAV ' LAMPS, 'ONYX GOODS;, - Bronses. OrnamehtSi etc ., for. the Holidays. r x NEXT-WEEK'S ATTRACTIONS. ' Dresden Princess Lamps with. globes and elegant designs, worts so, our price Uw). - t ' BAHQUET LAMPS- ' Of cast brass 'with globes eom- plete, f2 TO. Immense . assortment of Dresden Banquet Lamps and globes at special prices. , y 600 DRESS PATTERNS For" TJhristmas Gifts, embracing all tbe popular labrics jw.:tbe sea- Untll Christmas., Boltdsy Offartat In leather purses, -poclret -books, card cases I0c,5oc,75c, 11 toll 60, worth about double. " ; , 'iv ' Holiday Ofartus aa HMftdVaraatols , . . No such values - wirB eTer of fered you as we are showing In: i Ladles' Embroideried Hemstitch ed 6c, 10c, 15c. 25c to f 1 60. v .. Ladies' Plain and Gold Border Hemstitched 3Jc. 6c, 10c, 12c to 60c Ladies'. Initialed Silk Hemstitch ed, 25c. ' , Handkerchiefs for Men in Muslin. Linen and Silk, Plain, Hemstitched and Initialed, 6c, 10c, 15c. 25o to 50c Old fashioned Silk Bandanas, ' Oollday eflarlasa ia Ladiaa and . v ' Oaatlaawa's Sllppara. Idles' Quilted Toilet, 1 " ; tl.CO lAdiea ' Batis Quired Toilet, 1 60 Ladies' Break '.stl ir Trimmed, 1 23 Ladies' Moss,liuby VelvetXoilct, 1 Li " STRONH ..TCI i r'. H. iwC ill 1 w-iOJ Cv 4 t H t flever before have sorilticnt of goods for iratho natnes of a few era Doll Furniture,. OUCarriagea, a0 1et'H Wans anjf Carte ,Nv - ' - Hobby Horses,--- -t Q Picture n4 jubuaitf i j j G1 - Brums and Ohis, ; - : pianoa-HW'h ' C& Boiler Chimes, ,dPJtoa.,ff Mechanical Tays IreaTeys. Books; all Jpbpti lar and standard books at 19c; also an elegant line ol W rd Unen- baok booxs nr ine urae onetv,- i' Porcelain, Brass and nucnei- Our stock of t- h6ods,wrappers, tlnwaf' hosiery liKll are cheap, find ithe assortmqnio are ery good for this . season of the yeari oi -x v far From no loiriitt Christmas w WOOIiLCOTT & SON 14 " East TMaftiti t 'Street ; niirrrcnDftTt-i CXTsHrnvvOLra ft CO tiiniuiitiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu - , 014;" Santa Clans' Reception a GreitVHit.- ' -Three thousand visit toe store! Enjoyable sights.' Little ones ' mads happy., Day's receipts a record-breaker. ' Grand finale a erownlng'. success. ' All reserve stock brought' out, .: Everything displayed. Big reduction r Prices slashed on all Christmas specialties VanUne's nov,. elties at half price. Now for the RUSH for the next four days. Be o 4 hand early in the day. ' -J 1 ; ; ' ' -l " - " ' l' 1 f ' j 'sSarasaaraviBHaaeC sv'avavavaisSj f . ' i CrwVsstessbWiWiJtM.M,iBVissl Xaa XsW arii "aaaaS XsJ a ' . ' r ,i T f S "SW "SW BV "W By special request AS WE SELL GOODS CHEAPER -i Than any other house, we placed on sale Monday tnoming 26 docea hand embroidered India linen hand kerchiefs at 10c. As many as yott want lor 1,000. ' - " ;Yf: AimtX TO CHltDEEN-SDAlf. ; , Thirty-flve dosen children's all silk embroidered Japabese - hand kerchiefs, at 6b. v . . ':. V IUST A LITTLE MORS , FIREWORKS. "tH y -'- '-' 0 ' - AU Vantlne's specialties' will" be sold. St lust one-half price. Not much left, and these will be . closed atoace.u--''3;---" j-f HOW IS THIS T0B. A 6EAKCStf LlGHTf . , -. v Our celebrated 60o fouf.in4iand8 and scarfs sre going rapidly at 25c One gentleman -took asjmany at fix, LADIES' PTOSES AXms'ii-tii- CARD CASES, -n-VrB'.-" ' Combined, s'terltng sllver mounted esneceially for this arreat sale, 25c, equal of any fifty cents purse in 'tbe city. - ;.--,.' .. - , JAPANESE .PIN TRAYS, - Bookmarks and letter openers, to German and Oxidised Silver, ; 6, 10, 15, 26, 85c : . PILLOWS, EASEL MARTS, LAM .' Xii BEQTJINS, ". V : And Screen Sets In Oriental de Signs, at half marked, price, should command everybody's attention . BROCADE SATIN. White "Silk Mufflers and Initial Silk Handkerchiefs, from 25c to $1.. GENUTNB IMPORTED 'MARSIEL- LE3 QUILTS, -TS, m-'. (3, 4,5. For tus occasion FIVE MILES . . Of 5c randkerchiefs. Plain. En - ' !cred,IDlntedand Hemstitched V9 ;450ciqd Gloye.Sale ;s-; : ' fl f 1 ( I Monday, f uesdat ahiWednesdar, equal to any $1 ot ( h V'U " J S riMfilOteinthecity. - .,' ; . " . 1 ' ,'-.,alaJaaKiVlk jtftis,Bx,ajFV ayafvv. . ' - - . 13 t:j . -r we shown such an cs , the . holidays. Here things wo are showing: Metalaphones, ' Soldier Sets, K I Tea and Toilet 8ets,"v i(i ; X Magic Lanterns, :4?.'t i-t?n ' Blocks and Games,'; - Ten-pins. v ' ' Rattles and Horns, ".. "i t Boats, , : ; Buck and Sawa, u J ,' Tool Boxes, ' - ' Stuffed AnimaJa't ; . f Muslo Boxes, - y. Tables and Chairs . .Pictures. - - Jr , f.q . 1 J !Novoltleii We bars a great assortment of, . . NoTelUes In celluloid,; meUl.'brasaV apanes,j; aluminum, j pprcelaln, kad , 6 other goods. . ;7f 4. As extensive line of bric-a-brac Is . -also shown. ( Beautiful iTases, bas , kets, odd pieces plates, cups sad .-,:- sauaers sou jnmr kuuuh tv t ., i,i,-.( ; capes, - cloakOi ; blankets.snpca, knd dress cjobdo; ft will keep open our store till p. .r -4 ...' , nirriirHHiif- , tv V? j ' - ' . . A. we codtinue the great- DWABVJilOi i,- i , . rut,, . Of beautiful Sateens, Freireh pat-' terns, for holiday gifts( i j ; LADIES' AND GENT'S f " ' Toilet SUppers,' Dongola, Fur Top, Felt, 1 colors, Black,. Brown sn FEATHER BOA8, .- , 40c up. FULL BOUNDS' , : ' -. Of underwear In all weights for Ladles snd Gentlemen, Misses and Children. v .''; i 1 HALF PRICE BARGAINS. 1 : A manufacturer closing out at ths end of the season all umbrellas at s prloe. No two .alike.. Handles dif ferent. ,,v ." t "i i '-- " t LOT 1. ' .- -i ' TIlled Glorlai',',11ie-Majestic," celluloid horn and pearl band les, worth 12, atfl. ' " LOT 2. , ' . Vf . - Gloria Silk, .''SUnley ' Serg-s," Bamboo Sticks,- Steel Rods, Club and Crook Handles, worth $3.00. Our price $1.60. -h x, . t , LOT 8. . 1 . l- " Best Puritan SlIk,rCrescenr and Tafntrt, natural id .' s4 rod handles, Cements. Weichsel and Congo handles, silk covers, worth llOi).' Out price t2.00, FOR THIS CHRISTMAS TRAr - 25 dozen Ilermsdorf's Imr' extra heavy Hose, hlfh F-'lceJ 1 and toe, equal of any ".."a ) -?t where, during this week 1 . YOUR PATIENCE IS AC" .-3 ' During the rush ; extra forte b been put on to serve your waijts. uabijUS uuats ; 1 At prices "way off." No B""e approprists gift for your srv- who trucij earlrthe cold m-ft i to prepare your hot rolls and c , succiiismts C.A.Si at 4 .ft r I IU1 At-- r ; and aa "