l1 i:aliu, ::. c, satuiiday : . :ai;orJAKOARY 2, 1S37. 4 X i .if L.J CFF!C3HUnTu3. Are Herein Profusion Alt the OIJ Offi cers of the Legislature Getting in the Race Again for Spoils. Io days gone by the immortal Jo U h Turner would speak of "the liunJ3 c Minx" when the time caina fr ti.o legislature to convene. Uul thoy are days of the past .nd now our law makers are known as (: ions. ' " Tl 3 salons bojfanto arrive yester day uii J the small band that struck the town yesterday has been largely augmented today. By Monday It is expected that a majority of the mem bers of both branches will have arrived- It is hardly possible that there will be a caucus of either party prfor to Tuesday. Senator Pritchard will not arrive before Monday or Tuesday. The Sen ator, though not superstituous, will not travel oe Sunday. . Among the members of the House, who have already arrived are E. 0. Duncan of Carteret, D. Keid Park er of r.andolph, .A. E. Walters of BocklcJliam. Samuel , Hufhatn of Burke and Smith of Johnston., The V only Senator who has arilved so far is R. II. W. Barker. Mr. Barker is from the tweety: ninth district, vhich comprises the counties of Lincoln, Catawba and others. : J?1 The applicants for offices and i clerkships within the gift of tha ;V. Legislature are here In large nunv L bers. ? ', ' J. N. Haliburton, who wasdoor- keeper in the Senate two years ago, St arrived today.' - Mr. Haliburton ex- pects to get the p'ace again. u. Brady, a Republican from Butherfordton, came in today. Mr. Brady would like to succeed Aba iliddlcton as doorkeeper of the House. ' ; "'-"'fi' The Bev. Eabb, T. W., is hero and wauls to be assistant doorkeeper of the Senate again. - ' , Ila'.l, of Cleveland, by politics Re publican, wants to get the clerkship he held, two years ago..' Mr. Hall l.as been here several days- COULDN TTELL IIEItNAME Mias Eva Tucker Wandered Into the Asy " lutn Gronnds Mind rebalanced. ... .1, Yesterdav afternoon Miss Eva Tucker, a young lady employed In the di'p'vmaklnj department of :.W. ,?. II. & r ; . Tucker & Co., was found In" tLts Is of the Insane Asy lum v . ... '. s aimlessly around and 2 very queerly. The young wos: an was discovered by Dr. Mo Ceacby, the assistant physician, who1, wftcr watching her actions a while cnme to the conclusion that she was Kiot in her riL-ht mind.:- "- : Br. George Renn and Dr. Mo hv . tot k the young lady in chargvhough she offered st,rong resistance, and brought her to the city. Miss Tucker did not want to leave the asylum grounds. She was deluded with the idea that It was her home. Vv . The young lady could give noao count of herself and for several hours the physicians were at a loss to know where to carry her. After bribing Miss Tucker to the city It was learned that she had apartments over Carter's store on Fayettoville t. ' o j oung lady came here f i 1 ' i" several months t r 1 1 s I 'is ""..ring from 1 . a ; : t ('. 1 ' Lit time. - t.-vfi J days past, those who . VJ with Miss Tucker . i : 1 that sho acted very lu .iblysufTer ' 1 devano 1 i r illness, n is being y 1 1 v .rs to be thirty : mi at r.v 1 9 s.iid to bo i fr - "Id, ,, t , r r , - - A Us.!orical tJitiun of the General As sembly In the Press-Visitor. Mr. C. Beauregard IVand the well known young Southern journa list will get up a Legislative Edition of the Tress-Visitor to be published at an early date. -- This edition ' will be one of the most attractive ever published in Baleigh and will be made interest ing with a full history of the present General Assembly with biographi cal sketches of the members of the Senate and Legislature. . , ' Every member should see to it that he i3 represented in this edi tion as it will extensively circulate throughout the State, and will be especially interesting and valuable in political circles. This edition will he devoted to the political leaders of the State,- with Interest, log sketches of the popular State officials, - , ' It will be the most complete edi tion of the kind ever published in our city. The various State depart-, ments will be presented in an up-to-date manner s , Mr. Poland is a young newspaper man who is thoroughly familiar with this class of work, and he will pre sent the matter in a manner that will convinc all that the edition is gotten up for the benefit of the polit ical readers of the paper. ; -"- When Mr. Poland calls lend him your attention for afew moments and yon will be pleased frith the result. Judge Avery May Come to Raleigh. - ' The Statesville Mascot says : -" ' "The State loses one of its ablest jurists when . Associate Justice Avery ' retires from the Supreme Bench on January 1st. He has been wearing the ermine worthily since his election tp the Superior Court Judgeship, . we believe," in 1878. Iredell was then in his district, and the fight for the nomination before the convention,!7 which met in Hick-; ory, between ex-Judge McCorkle, of Catawba, the late Col. G. N. Folk,; of Caldwell, Judge Avery and per haps others, was long and protract ed V: t-' Judge Avery has been a leading spirit in that coterie of Burke coun ty politicians whohave made Burke's Influence almost all powerful In a State Democratic convention., He will resume the practice of law either in Raleigh or Charlotte. :f;: Drawing of Lueky Number. ; The drawing of the lucky num bers for the five premiums of ten dollars each offered by the Farina Flour mill of this city ocoured at tha Mayor's office under the direction of Mayor Russ, who was assisted by R, N. Page and W. B. Mann. . The numbers drawn were 3, 999, 2026, 3030 and 3444. Number 999 was held by Mrs. Lee H, Perry, of New Bern avenue. The ten dollar premium was paid her.: - : Persons holding the other num bers that were drawn can receive the premiums on application. i . Mr. Peteraoa Ooe to Onto. ' j Mr. A. J. Peterson, who' has for the past year been residing In this city, as an attachee of the the b. A L. road, and later one of the firm of McClu're & Peterson, has been ten dered a position as Air Brake Ma chinist with the Three C's and St. LouisHailroad at Belfontaine, Ohio, and left last night to. ente vipon his duties. Mr. Peterson, ' during his stay in our city, made many friends who regret his departure. We wish Mr, Peterson a prosperous new year In his new field. - , Or, Kllgo to Men.- The talented president of Trinity c" .Jge will speak at Metropolitan hall tomorrow at 3:30 p. m. His sub jeejwill bo "Moses." A more In teresting speaker never visited this city, and" the hall should be filled with men to hear him. All men are lnvitedta.be present. Admission free. ' Story DIscreilltcd. By Telegraph to the Pre s-Yi. 'tor. Jacksoxviixb, Fia.j Jjn. 2. The . - r P 11. . ... report !.Q;n iiaaria 01 uo tit-owp ing of fi'!y-on the Florida 1-ovs by ' tThr Cubr.r.s i, of f i i . ry . C 3 Friends, is declare ! tj bo untrue. Aent Junta, eaid todayNif s true he would have ct lioliicra. ; 'i r l!; -t many call::: Brilliant Keceptlon Lust Evening in Honor of the New Year. The time honored custom of call ing on New Years day, to great em prou p'Jy with hearty cheer! and happy smiles, was universally enter ed into last evening.' The hand some residence of Mr. Armistead Jones on Hillsboro street, was ablaze with brilliant lights -Mrs. Jones was assisted in receiving by Mrs. Boykin who is so warmly welcomed to our city, and her two daughters Misses Nannie and Mary Jones, Miss Roberta Smith, and MissPearceof Louisville, Ky. The house ' was elaborately decorated with white hyacinths and red holly berry and the mellow . light of many candles softened by roie-colored shades, . the married '. gentlemen adding to the occasion. . .J Mrs- Frank I. Bush was Assisted by her daughter, Miss Gertrude and Miss Blade of, Providence, R. I. The house was made merry by the happy voices of mauy of Raleigh's most attractive young ladles. Misses Janle Andrews, " Elizabeth " Taylor, Blanche Blake, Mary Crow. 'Lillle r Hicks, Minnie Tucker and the Misses Badger. Mrs. R. F, Hoke and her daughters, Misses Lillie and Fannie, had a bevy of beautiful young ladies serving punch and bon-bons. 'Among those receiving, were Misses Lizzie Ashe', Mary Johnson,' Mary Shipp, Maud Merrimony Sallie Dortcb and Florence Jones. ,'" 'i '" '- Mtal T. T.' Hav was assisted - In receiving iy, Misses ' Alie iGales, Bessie Tucker, Miss Tyree, Mary Miller and Sadie Tucker. "The tables were elaborately' decorated i and pleasure reigned supreme. Mr. and Jlrs. B.- a. JermaO were assisted in receiving by M. and Mrs. O. H. Foster and Miss Borden, of Goldsboro. - - Resolutions of Eeepect on tae Deata of Z Brother R. B. DtVaalf. , Whereas, It has pleased the Su preme Arohiwct of the Universe to summon from bis labors upon earth; our beloved brother: and Jr. W., R. B. DeVault, . calling him by His Omnipotent - will td that "unknown land from whose bourne no traveler returr s,""to that judgment -which awaits alt who are toiling in , this earthly temple; and J '". f Whereas, The Masouio ties which have bound us in mutual friendship and en joyment ' to : our ' departed friend, are severed, no more lo be united until the day when the grave shall yield up its dead, therefore, ' Resolved, That we, Wm. G. Hill Lodge, No. 218, sincerely mourn this disruption of covenanted friend ship, bearing in tender remembrance his fidelity to Masonry and his de votions to the principles It inoludes. Resolved, That, we earnestly sym pathize with the relatlvesand friends of our deceased brother, and tender them tit consolation '.which the world AVeither givft nor take away ; and that our hearts will long mourn the departure of our lamented brother and officer. . He was one of the brightest members of our lodge was always solicitous of the good of the craft and labored faithfully to stimulate the interest of members in their labors. Resolved. Thatwe who have come in contact with Brother DeVault in his last illness, cannot help but ad mire "and,; praisef his courage s and Christian ( fortitude under extreme suffering. "O death where is thy sting, O grave where is thy victory He died- as; he lived, a true,' noble man and Mason. ; - Resolved, That a copy of these re solutions be forwarded to the family of our deceased brother and Insert ed in the Journals of this city. V . Resnectfullv submitted. , .. - A. I Baker,' W. T. Harding,' j N. R Craiohill, . . - : , r i A - v t i ' ' . VUlUIUlVbVt. C. A. Beoeption, The (association rooms were thror-ied with callers last evening who now in a- the abilityofthe ladies aux- ary to reoeiye, took advantage of the r- ?rcnsinvitation to attend. A bevy cf attractive young ladic r -i r ' a thev entered. .w.. ., - rf . and immediately introduced them to o'!;ers who were ready', to make the evening an enjoyable N one. The r 3 were prettily decor ated with !, testing and evergcens.' The rs. ' i was a fittlrt ore ring to tie rev years work, a.; 1 s socl ation ia to be congratulated on l av ir; s , 1 f i i '.'.' ry v ' o are wil'.ir"; to undcrte 0"y t .mntf w-KTort'-!! t.'-'.t cf f o v-'-vf ;J TiVO . I .blED Accused of Having 'to Train Vi.. ,afesseil '-5' 1 VHO . IS CA r.V 3 ELL? Ue Claims to B a Colored 1 cteetlva and Says Two Souther Ralli y Seetloa Bands Confessed that thp, molted ' :";V'vV::::;: the S A L Freigt- t Who the deuce is EiI Campbell? That is a question- thy t has been worrying the police, and Seaboard Air Line officials since, early ' this morjjjcgv-"... ;v , ' Campbell sprung up like a mush- from this morning claim! - to be a detective from Savanna! He hafl a startling story about ;discoyerlng the fiends who wrecked the S. A. L. freight train' and spun; out a story about having obtained o confess ion from them. u . ' ' ..f This morning about M Campbell rushed into the ,unio:i passenger station out of breath 4nd told Mr, Bunch to telephone for police as he had the men spotted t who had wrecked the 8.-A. L. freight.':'1 Mr, Bunch's eyes flashed Tor the man told a susceptible stor of the affair. Mr, Bunch was busy f j thestranger went to the Park hot ol where be telephoned for the police. . He also telephoned to the S A t officers and announced that" the' Wreckers had been captured. : v . . In a few minutes ; nfficors Jones and Ellison had joineO Campbell and they went to ,the f u thorn depot where 'they arrestc i j two colored men, ' - - V . . , , The men were carrit 1 to the station house where they ha- been in con finement all day. i They are : named Henry . Cov ington and Mike Elli nee, and since last May have been i the employ of the Southern rail y as Bection men., Section mas Moore says the darkies workc inder him on the Seaboard before t icy went with the Southern and 1 gives them a good name. - He sa he men volun tarily resigned fr the. Seaboard and that they have . . vaya been well oenavea. , - ? . , But about Campbell A He has been heralded as a Prlnkerton detective. He has been .in Raleigh for some days and was not employed, by the Seaboard In the case. ' He claims to be a detective by profession and says he has worked in a number Of prominent cases. - ' -; , " Campbell claims io have gained confidence of the alleged wreckers through a woman and that they con fessed having committed the dead.,,;. This the prisoners stoutly , deny and the police officials hold to' the opinion that they' are not the parties wanted. Nothing Is known of Lamp bell and telegrams have been sent to Savannah to learn something about his record and formqf .character. The police authorities have v re- fused to make any atatement about the case today. Chief. JBeartt will give out a. statemont tonight pro bably, after getting information con cerning Campbell which he is await ing. - v, Campbell's story is not . gen erallv believed,. Mayor; Russ -told a Press-Visitor reporter this eve. ning that if no more evidence wis developed against the men before to morrow.than had already been given be would release the two men under arresfT, This shows that the mayor does not lay muoh stress upon what Campbell says.'- i'f-:., Va-if Raleigh Must Be Larger. Editor Press-Visitor:. ; ' It is to be hoped that the present legislature will amend the city char ter of Raleigh so as to extend the' corporate limits at least half a mile in every direction. ; This will take Into the city census the people who really belong to the city, and give the city some taxation fromproperty which is now enjoying every privi lee and protection accorded to peo. pie in the corporation, '' It Is well known that the roads in the suburbs are better than many streets la the citv. and all the near property has every protection of the fire and po lice departments when needed. - ; ' PnnoRKSa. Tho Press-Vioii r of J vnuarv 1st Wanted, Any of Our ; -rs who lave I - --Visitor of Fri f v "1 I or send n t v ,0. PULSE OF THE CITY? Only Twenty Deaths Seported'or the Month of Deoember.-' .-' . - ; Thesanitary report of the heait) of the city for thepast month has been prepared-by officer Sale. In sub mitting .his. report Mr. Sales says the health of the city is reported as being good and the city in a clearly condition. . ' ? ' "- i - 1 The' entire number of deaths In the city registered at the Health department is only twenty. Quite a good showing. Of this number eleven were white and. nine colored, The deaths under 5 years of age were 5 and the number over seventy years was - 3. Temporary annual death rate per one thousand inhabi tants: White 13.33; colored 18,00; all colors 18.18. The registered causes of deaths were dysentery 1, con vulsions 1, premature birth 3, cere bral hemorrhage 1, rail road accident membranous croup 1, malarial fever 1, pneumonia 2, albumioid 1, consumption 1, cerebral thrombosis 1, pluritia 1, hraln dlseas . 1, noma l. uirtns were reportea as follows; twhbl number 14;' white 5; colored 9, -r THE WEATHER. SUNDAY. H Will be Wsnner and Showers are Pre- ;:v.;: Vr dieted for the Day.; iS'sfi' Sunday will be a disagreeable day according, io, the- weather prdgnos' ticators. . The local forecast for Ral eigh" and 'vicinity tonight and tc morrow is 'threatening Veather, with showers. The weather will be much warmer.- u The weather continues cloudy and threatenlgg over almost the entire country except Florida.-, A consid erable etorm' seems to be central in western Texas, with low barometer extending northeast, to Marquette, and rains in that section. In the central Mississippi- Rnd Ohto valley the weather is quite warm,' with the isotherm' of fifty degrees extending north of Chicago but bending south ward in the east to near Augusta, Ga. . The continued cold weather on the Atlantic coast from North Caro lina northward is caused by the per cistenthlgh pressure area over the east; bringing the cold fog from the Atlantic over the land. - BRIEFS. if: The local ' cotton receipts so far this season are exaclly double those last year St this date. J f ' Mr Eugene Denson! returned to Baltimore yesterday after spending his Xmas vacation with relatives and friendsl - t - V Mr C W Smith, the sterling Dem ocratic representative from Johnston in the House of Representatives, is in the city.. ' . Prof. Nye the-; optician and re fractionist has again .returned to Raleigh.' He will make a short stay at the Park, hotel, Room 28 near the parlor. - ' - ' ' Col and Mrs Thos S Kenan, awhile not regularly receiving last evening had a large number of callers, who It is needless to say., were most hos pitably received and entertained. State ' bank examiners Crowder and Joyce have just completed their examination of air the. banks and Treasurer Worth says It shows the banks to be in fine condition. , Mr.' Tench C. Cox of Asheville, who was one of the marshals at the State fair and who has many friends in Raleigh passed through the city yesterday returning from Wilming ton.. V . Mr A KJ Wallace, of Rutherford ton, arrived in the oity this morning. Mr Wallace was the engrossing clerk in the Senate at the last ses sion of the legislature," but he will not be an applicant for that position this time. Mr Wallace was defeated for a seat In the legislature. -Mrs. R L. Lindsay, who has been spending the Christmas holidays in the city with relatives and friends. has returned to her home in Durham Mrs. Lindsay was accompanied by her sister, Miss Lizzie Terrell;1 who will spnd a few days in Durham ... Rev. E A Yates, D t., presiding elder, will preach at Ep worth Chapel tomorrow evening St 7:30 o'clock and hold his first quarterly con ference for the Raleigh city mission. No preaching at Epworth tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock, but there will be DreacLin? at Brooklvn at that hour by Rev. L,. Branson, D. D. . I'tcd. Irs. Ann :.'" ; Et t' .3 i :xA : Johnson died last re---'.'cnce of ter hus a i '' ' c f t'.e 1. . .! v,:'l HAD TOO MUCH RELIGION Albert Blake Glad That the Street Cars -: , Bsraed-.-Ina Penitent Mood. ' Albert Blake Is a middled aged man who carries his religion with him at all times. According to Mr. Blake's testimony , in the Mayor's court this morning he would often do violent things did not bis religion overpower ana cnecic mm. r cut in Christianity Mr. Blake is not so rich. ' '."'' Yesterday morning '-after . Mr.' Blake had learned that the electric company's property, had been de stroyed by fire he remarked before a crow'd of bystanders: ,"I thank God that the Lord has answered my prayers. I have been praying to the Lord to stop those cars from run ning on Sundays, and they will cer tainly be stopped for a few Sundays.' During the day Mr.' Blake often gave expression to' the above senti ments.? ;--'r C ': So when this lover of religion hap Tened among a crowd in the market Mr. J. E. Potter, called attention to the fact that Mr. Blake had said that he was glad the street car plant had burned. M' Mr. Blake said he bad not used the language attributed to him and some one said he had. "I had rather be a liar than engage in the murderous business you are la"- said i Bhke .-The latter In dulged in some more insulting re marksconcerning Mr. Potter, where upon the latter struck him. , , ' These facts Mr. Blake recited on the witness stand this morning be fore Mayor Russ. Yes, "' said Blake, when he had completed his story "if it had not been for the religion of the Lord Jesus Chrirt we'd have mixed after he struck me: My religion saved him. Yes " it 1 did, . because I'd a jumped on him. And I thank the Lord for .my religion..' ... There the pious Mr. Blake retired from the stand. The Mayor heard several ' wit nesses before renaerwg nis ae clslon. 1 - ' y You will get knocked down every day in the week,", said the Mayor, "if you use the language that you addressed to Mr Potter You have violently abused a man who had given you no offense, . and he was forced to strike vou. I don't libs your religion. - I shall allow Mr. Potter to be discharged and I will lust strike you $7.25. , i- - Blake was the most abashed per son that has stood . up In the May or's court for many days.r j " ,i ; TODAY'S MARKETS;. , ' : v Ntvr Yonc. Dec. 31 Market quotations furnished by E. B. Cuthbert & Co., 30 Broad street, New -York, and 305 Wilmington street, Raleigh, , N. CT., over their special wire: 1 j . The- following were the closing quotations on the New York Stock Exchange today: - , , ; ,' Maw Tork Sioek Market. : 1,1 Sugar Wi American Tobacco. . ,..'. j . 781 Burlington and Quincy .r...!... 70i Chicaro Gas...., ..'.......... 74 Des. and Cat. Feed : - General Eloctrie....;.,, - 34t Louisville and Nashville. 481 Manhattan... , 68) Rock Island 661 Southern Preferred 261 St, Paul............ ; .'31 Tennessee Coal d Jrot , .. 261 Western Union. ..' WI Chteago Oraia and Provision Market. -Thefollowing were the oloslngquof tationsontbeCbicagoGralnand Pro vision market today t . . Wheat Ma. Ml; July 801. - 1 Corn May ,251; July, J6t " ' Oatt May 19i; July ; Pork January, 7.60; May, 1.02." ' ' tLardS4anuary3.82; May, 4.00. - . , Clear Rib Sides January U.82;' May 4.00.. . x '.it'v Liverpool Cotton Market. ' December..,.. '....... December -January ', . . , . A. 59 January-February , 3.68 Febrnarf-March S.58 March-April.... -,v 358 April-May ............ May-June ,..'...."....'. 3.59 Closed steady? sales 10,000 bales. ' Mm Doeent Want Job. . . , The Greensboro Record say s : Sam Holton every body knows Sam was seen here today. "Where am I go ing?" he said: "to Winston tomor row: from there to Wilkesboro aud then across the Blue Ridge to stay until the legislature isorfjanizwl and at work. Every member I seo runs at sight of me, thinking I want a job. Miserable fools. I wouldn't have anylL'.ris they could give mr-: I'm net :" !TCee. " Minor for tl.a AROUND THUG Pot-Ponrrt of tha News Pitstu per Points and People K Woked and Pithily Ja- i "." " " . Print. The progressive drug t ment of James McKimmon tend happy New Year gr all our friends today. 1 salutation and keep your their space all this year. Mr. M. I. Stewart, a v, I here locating his I...'. '. office left for Winston lust i Stewart will do very lit public printing In this city. ' printers will be employed . A private letter from Be v. L. Broughtoo, of Roanoke, Va., t that Mrs; Broughton bas t i ill the past month, of con, the brain, and that he ex; take her to Asheville as soon i Is able to go.'rf::.y -'1 " Congressman . Thosmas e! in the city. ' It is' SUted tl. t Settle desires no appointment f Presideut McEinley. ; Mr. f had been favorably, mentioned connection with several bin ; The performance which wii given by the University C! i Mandolin Clubs Monday n' Metropolitan ball will be c e most enjoyable events of the : Comic songs and popular a' abound . Admission 2b and t Yesterday F. M. Messier, v conducted a fine job office L for Raleigh where he w ill c the office in the future In cc with the Tribune. The i was shipped several days Asheville Gazette. Rev. J. C, Kilgo, pre Trinity College, will pr i tral church tomorrow n o'clock. Rev. Edwin Cf new pastor, will preach I tory: sermow; tomorrow t 7:30.. . . , The Washington Corn of the Charlotte Observ Marshal Carroll, while i from Albany, was taken Tuesday with congestio in New York, where 1. day under medical trc . Is somewhat improved no The progressive firm and Campbell announce a I tion sale from - now t' 1 when they will take s. their new announcement fail to take advantage of t'.. they offer, . r Attention is directed to f that this season's product' the "Private Secretary" e many new and novel musical i ties. The Louisville Couri nal says: The musical select: prove the play; and it didn't 1 need Improvement st that, company is Indeed a powerful A man- walked into a st other night and asked for a matches and then asked f i Press -Visitor. When asked )ia nroa umlnor tn Ha fiA sniil tl in his store had all gone out, could not miss reading the Visitor, and as he did not lamp he would peruse it I light as long as that box he and be did. Little William Wynne, s J, Stan Wynne, met. with a ' cident this morning while rope' which he had r' around the neck of Mr. horse. The knife slipped received a bad gash un " but "a physician was qi, moned and sewed up the it is thought the eye will St Luke's circle, ; knowledge th yjce'i t lowing donatiuus, ' donors: Mr. Joi n 1 supply of dot ber; I) T Joh First ra;i;' pantry sup; s;ick (lour; ,1 Col JSC;: tv, rxls;T " VorlO 1 I. i x ( occur CauJ..y f.-. i churrh. TSf Y