s rr.zcs-viciTcn, Pl'BUSUED 8T TBB VISITOR-PRESS 2 .COXP4MT WCOEPOBATEDI. OOWBOUDAWW-O TH VISITOR, - E8TABLISED; 1878, AND THK PRSSS, feSTAHESHSD 1894. .; Office ja the Pullen Building, corner Fayetteville and Davie Streets. R&SK O. aHDSEWS. h j, fff. ; ' Bdltor mmi Maaar. JASPEti W. McJLAIT, 8ollltlmi Ant. JSiibscription Prices. Oner Year ... i Six Month . ; One Month . . .1 4.00 . 2.00 . .36 Entered as Second Class Mail Matter J ' i'Tltelieader in the Mews and in Circulation. United States oT ;Aiiierica..n , He said that the usa of the adjective and the failure to Rive the citizens a definite name for the Country to dis tinguish it from Canada or the other divisions of tbe western hemisphere left a great national want. He said that we needed a single word, a sign of our identity, "in which no other people shall have part of lot " "Co lumbia" was lost to us now, and there was small chance that ''Fre donia," "Freeland," 'Vineland," "Washington,"' Vesperia,'' '"Cabo tia," or any other suggested title would be adopted. For himself he preferred ''America." When the English refer to us as "Yankees" ond to our country as "the states, " what spasms of honor must run down the Tyler spine, says an ex change, and whon he thinks of the blundering and unimiginative. TELEPHONE No. 168. THURSDAY January -1 TTie two recent snow storms in New York city cost the municipality $200,000, and even then the snow ras 'only partly removed. The huge army of street cleaners om ployed by Colonel Waring look very trig in their uniforms and thev are well managed by the department but at that rate New York cannot afford to have many visitations of tbe "beautiful." Prices for windows on Pennsyl vania avenue, Washington, on inau guration day are rising rapidly. Latest quotations: single window, 75 to $100; single rooms with two or three windows, $.'500; suite with eight windows, $1,000 to 5,000. These prices will be paid for the privilege of seeinglu-over Cleveland and William McKinley ride in the same carriage and witnessing the longest parade ever known at an in auguration in the Capital city. BnoUan'a Amies Salr. The best salve in the world tor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guar ran -teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per vtx. wor sale by John Y. Mac Rat,. Hood 's pills are the best after-dinner pi", assist digestion, cure head ache, 25 cents. Sleep; Induoed by the use of coca, opiate or nar eotio compounds is bad, decidedly bad. They undermine healttt and shatter the constitution and the patient b steadily growing into a worse condition -7-often resulting in tbe terrible slavery and misery o( tbe cocaine and opium habit. Bleep induced by the use of Hood's Sarsa parllla does not perhat 9 come as quickly, but it comes more surely and more per manently through nature's great restor ing and rejuvenating channel purified, italized and enriched blood. This feeds the nerves with life-giving energy and builds up the system and constitution bom the very foundation of all health and life tbe blood pure, rich, red blood. s Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists, tl. C-lIooo u . , i-vjii cure liver ills, easy to take, nOOU S PIUS easy to operate, ascents. Administrator's Notice. The undersigned having qualified as administrator of Augustus M. Lewis, deceased, this is to give no tice to all persons indebted to said estate to come forward and make im mediate payment to me. All persons having claims against the said estate will present the same to the under signed for payment within twelve months from the date hereof, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Edwin A. Lewis. dltwtSw New Shoe Store. Special Sale Here We a ire The Raleigh Stationery 131 Fayetteville Street. We bought late so as to give our customers the benefit of Low Prices and remember that allot the Xmas goods we are show ing are useful, durable and lasting. Not the PENNY TRASH kind to last only during the holidays. are just opening irom me manufacturers ana importers a very large line 01 LEATHER GOODS, wlikli are strictly first class in both material and workman ship. None of low grade or inferior quality: all fresh and seasonable. Many new styles not before on the market. We name in part: Pocket Books, Money Rooks, Combination Pocket Book, Card Case, Card and Letter Cases, Bill Rolls. Purses, Bankers' Cafes, Bill Books, Dressing Coses, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Glove and Handkerchief Seta, Work Boxes, Writing Cases, Portfolios, Ink Stands, Desk Blotters, Lap Desks and Tablets. Photograph Cases, Plot lire Frames, Playing Card Cases, Cigarette and Cigar eases, Mirrors, Pocket Companions, Poker Sets, Drinking Cope, (IX School Shoes For Ten Days. If C have placed on sale for ten days the largest and most durable line If L of SCHOOL SHOES for boys and girls ever shown in Raleigh. Kv ery jxiir manufactured especially for us and warranted to be just as ivp resented. Everybody Invited to Visit This Special Sale, After a canvass of the leading na tions of the world it is figured that the total number of copies of news papers printed in u singte year is 12,006,000,000. Some idea of what this enormous figure means maybe had if one bears in mind that to print the world snewspapers a year requires 781,240 tons of paper, or 1,662,480,000 pounds, while it would take the fastest press in America 333 years to print a single year's edition, which would produce astak of papers nearly fifty miles hih. 130"Fayetteville St. S. C. POOL. S. B. NORRIS, Manager. Commissioner Meriwether, of the Missouri bureau of statistics, has made an exhaustive study of the subject of street railway franchises and cheap fares. Among other facts illustrating the possibilities of a re duction to 3 cents without crippling the companies, he cites the result in Glasgow, where with a maximum charge of a penny a mile the busi ness has returned 10 per cent divi dends after paying fixed charges. Such facts seem hardly credible in communities accustomed to paying 5-cent fares, but they will become credible Anally and then fares will come down . The largest oak wine vat in the world is being set up by the Cali fornia Wine Association at the I-ach-tnen cellar in Brannan street, in " Ran Francisco. The famous Heidel -berg casket is a baby by the side of the newcomer, which has the prc - . portions of a two-story cottage and on the bottomof which four quadrille sets coukl be danced with ease. The Heidelberg wonder has a capa- ! city of 50,000 gallons, while this San Francisco monster is to hold 80,000 gallons. The huge oak is oral-6haped or. the ground and measures 27 by 30 feet in each di- " rection, while the great staves rise to ft height of 20 feet and are from two and a half to three- inches in thickness. The . wood used will -weigh twenty tone and the iron hoops' would tarn the scales at six tons or over. A JEW YEAR'S RESOLVE. 'After Jan. 1st I Am Going to Reform My Habits. "Cleanliness is Next to Godliness." No matter ho-i .-'can and nicely dressed I may be in other respects, if my shirt, collars and cuffs are not nicely launderied itgives me a sloven appearance. Hereafter J am gomg to send my work to the "Excelsior Sfoam Laundry." My friends all tell me that is the place to get pure white, high grade laundry work and thin if they lose anything or tear anything they pay you for it. SOWERS & HARDING, Prop's. 105 and 107 W, Martin Street. ( Academy of Music Building. ) The above in seal, French calf, Alaska deer, crocodile, lizzard. aligator grain calf, snake, Russia, pig, cowhide, crushed levant, grain morocco, sea seiyont, tonazzo calf, mtlgrove calf, sanan calf, etc., in all the different colon and styles. Manicure toilet sets, glass and porcelain vases, plaques, odor bottles, atomizers, etc. Jewelry cases, cigar boxes, writing desks, photograph albums, cases, boxes, gold pens and pencils, celluloid pearl and wood staffs, fountain pens, smoking sets, memorandum calendar pads, diaries, memo books. FINE BOX PAPER. We have the finest line ever opened in the State. Hurd's, Crane's, llulbert's Marcus Ward and Parson, Green & Co., beside many others in all the latest novelties and in the new shades and tints. Be sure you see our goods; n you do not you will regret it. Raleigh Stationery Go. 0 112 IV AJT IVIGHIT. Phone 19. A. R. I). JOHNSON. JOHN S. JOHNSON, Johnson and Johnson. COAL and WOOD. If you want to make your houses comfortable, call on us. Lowest Prices. Complete stock Antracite ard Bituminous Coals. Wood kept .. J 1 1 4 Satisfaction Guaranteed;! Phone 150. Yard Office 109 Fayetteville St Foot West Hargett street. r - Prof. Mosei Colt Tyler has been elling the Virginia Historical So ciety that it is Inadequate and al most absurd that this nation should be known to tha world as "The t ' ' , ,4 . .... A Sharp Salesman. Farmer "How much be them pants, anyway?" Salesman "Two seventy-five. " ; Farmer "Yes, same old price; tatere worth half what they uster be, butter down, eggs down. I jest like to know what keeps pants up?' Salesman "Suspenders, sir Har ris' Wire Buckle, Grip Back, war ranted twelve months, only 25c per pair; a big lo' ust received." I HAVE NO XMAS GOODS, Rut I have on hand the nastiest lot of Castor Oil you ever took, The most searching assortment of Pills (including Brook field's), The sooth ingest collection of opiates, The most quieting line of Paregoric, Bateman's Drops, Soothing Syrup, Castoria and Assafoetida Mixture that was ever given at 2 a. m. to a squawling Baby. These are not suggested for Xmas Presents, but are very suggestive about Xmas time. Things for the baby, Things for the boy, Things for the old folks, That will fill them with joy Can be selected without any trouble from either of my stores. When in pain come to see me. John Y. MafcRae, Corner Wilmington and Martin and Market Streets. Corner Fayetteville and Martin Stg. N. U. I keep a side line of the most elegant Soaps and Porfumery to be fourd anywhere. If you doubt this just call and smell for yourself. ' . , v, . :, j ,, THE S, i 0, FIRST CAUCUS " DECIDED THAT Berwanger, One Price clothiers Did You: Know The subscription price of the -PRESSVISITOR -Bas been ad vanced to 35c "per month: .It is" t well worth 1ft and we. will -tonh' linue to take It. ,We never' wanted anyhne to be sick and now we wish you a healthy, prosperous' and happy new year, but we are ready to com pound your prescriptions If -you should be sick.-, 1 , North Side Drag Store. Wyniii ind Blnfsong, Halifax "street, one block -'touth of Peace Institute. m Fit Bill Introduced and passed at the Lyon Raclcot Storo Is t" sell cheap, and to do this they buy for ctsh and sell closi. Now if you don't believe they sell cheap you call Friday, the 8th, and get a pair of those la dies' shoes at 50c, worth from $1 50 to $2 00 to go for only 50c Friday. Don't forget it. You Can Settle the Ever Vexatious Question What to Give the Bride By spending a few moments lookinc through our new and comDlete stock of Sterling Ware, Cot Glass, Iron and Brass Lamps China, Clocks, Bric-a-Brac. H. MAHLER'S SONS, JSWKLSBS AND OPTICIANS. Have your eyes tested. No charge for examination. ""WHITE STAH" S:i FOTATCZS are undoubtedly the finest cooking potatoes on the market. Try them once'and you will want them all the tune. We have them at 25o a peck or 2 per barrel. , . . ,v. Ddj;;in , Apples Everybody knowa thtnvn.rt.4t. nf a.n.. pies. - We have them at 20 and 25c a. peck, or 1 75 per barrel, - Plymouth ;-: Rock': Geietine has no superior: being phospated, it ' Is a most nutritious and delicious di- gestlve tonio and as a nerve food is unrivalled, l5o package, or two for 25p Pettyohn's Best Breakfast Food is prepared from the ' finest C.a.tnrni. "' wheat; It is cheap, healthful and nutri--tious, lgo a package or two for 25c. , ' Sugar Cured llas. We have a fine lot of ,nfcpvv" best graio at lUe pound. Fifth Avcnaa Coffee is dally Increasing In ''public favor. We sold more last month than anr mth previous, Have a fresh lot it In, ioo pound, 3 pounds for II. D. T. J0i;j30, AGENT. Phone 28. Livery and Sale Stables. 129 East Martin St. I Phone 152 Keeps on hand a pood lina f rvri trains; also a nice line of light livery; a furniture wagon for moving house hold goods. All at reasonable prices. wu juunrv ihl mv UTonn nonw. "Credit," was assassinated by "Bad- pay." He was a general favorite with all who drove him. He was a special favorite of the chairman of the Wake County Democratic Executive Com mittee. He did valuable service for the Democrats in the last election, but alas! he is no more. But is Cash," ECONOMY I May be neoessary when dollars are scarce am in many ways d wants many, but it is not desirable to practice in tne purchase of food, which is life. Below a certain standard food imperfectly nourishes; up to that stand ard it costs a reasonable price. ' We never want more than a reasonable price for our Groceries. . RAPID SALES not quite to popular, is fat and frisky 1 and responds promptly to all calls ITlArlfl An htm wkmnanlAt k idc cash. He presents his best regards tor all his friends and wishes them a bappyi ow or. , jam jw Valuable Ftna for Ssls. it ii 1 acres more or less, an tract of land conveyed to Oeorpi is the store where you can be suited best and quickest in clothing, 'fur nishings and hats of the most reliable sort. The Advantage in Buying Here. 1,000 pairs 10c Socks selling now at 5c a pair a bargain. You have the largest and most comDlete line of clothinir. itn in North Carolina 10 seiect irom, ana no matter woat style It is you may desire or wnui pmce you care 10 pay.. Mere you ana just wnat you want. A H Tt tl f S CSCJ 016 15 per cent discount sale! rWt V CXI I IttKC This sale started on Mondavinom- inland is now in full blast Everr nurehase is a Her barrain. Ynu know us know our methods of doine business vou know this is the time of year we close out winter wearables. Come, select what you need, take off 15 pier cent on price, you are welcome, Derby I!ls Cff jn Pr!:j; gJS "2" :,Newest; . Blacks.':;, Ul LJ Ul Lwjak Ji. .aM.jif Lead i x One Price . Cloth iers. Give our customers the benefit of eiose margins. We never keep any thlnarthat is not the best of its kind and we only want a fair profit on what we invest in H. i CHOICE ES Always In stock and promptly delivered p;Uti? !..wlj ordered.:. f. ,.. . TI10S. PECGUD. Have Yourilj CldClsthinsUariew urn?: D I -AT- Harm1 Woarrt llto H W IIUMia f UlbUIII. : UJb ;, IIUInd) Hargett street, "Just-below Central tiotei. butts cleaned 6c. cleaned and djted tl 50. Old "clo'thing, wotches pistols or suns taken in ex- change for work. , - t .; . DW? C: HARRIS; Pawn Broker and Steam Dyer. j7 lm - By virtue of authority conferred by a certain deed of trust from George Green and Mary E. Green, his wife, dated Anril 4th. I860, and. reeordnd 1 the office of the register of Deeds for waice county, n. C., in book m, at page va, 1 win on r riaay, - janu the highest bidder for cash two tract of land adjoining the lands of R. Pi Williamson, Moses woodard, Bryau ouiuu nnu uuiers in owns yreeK town J ship, wake county, K.' C.K and.mord fully described as followst t i First Tract: Beginning at the A vent rorrv road and running west to what was formerly A P woodaU'slinathenc south to the old Smithfield road, thena with said road, running east, to wIIIIb Mobs' line, formerly ,.thenoo north toi the branch, thence north to the rid?-, path, thence west with said path to th.j road to the beginning, containing 8: ina belnir the same Green by Burwell Bell, Jr. by deei recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for wake county,. 0.;-U book 37, page 133. : w ,. " f Second Tract: Becinninir at a staU ' on the old Smithleld road, PetJ s Bloom's corner, thence north 1 1-4 d I rees , east 18.75 chains . with sail loom's line to the asvlum. road, thi! . ' is the road that leads li to Kalelo-h - passing near by the Insane Asylum, t4 a roc it witnin about eieht feet of thl mile post thence north 80 J -2 degretf w. 6.14 chains along the said road to lw stake, thence south 1 1-4 degrees w. Id chains to the old Smithfleld road to a , stake la George Green's' line, thence wiui uw eaia 01a Bmitnneia road south 75 1-4 degrees E. 6.65 chains to the beginning, containing 10 acres more or less, helnir thalnnd nnivhnuvl by Mary E. Green from John A: Cheat , ham, agt., book 62 page 72. X" nace or sale: county court house -: door in Raleigh, N, C., Time of saler U o'clock M. - v A, W, 'HAYWOOD, - deo 16ltds ; i Trusteo. Stlacf Ur.i Under and bv vlrturi of m. ale contained in f r Marcus Hill. Milly Hill, hi? wife. f Andrew Hill to William Watts, dat3 the 27th day of February. 181. ail " registered in Book 133, page 619, the office of the Register of Deeds f ' Wake county, N. C, I will sell i Saturdav. January 30. 1897. t court house door fa-Raleigh, N. at Dublin OUtCry tO 0 hdrhmt ),M,1 that part or parcel of land fcltnatwi f St. Mary's ' townahin. said, adjolnlnff the lands of Dr. J Bobbitt. Mrs., James Creech Snd ers and bounded as follows:- b., , ning at a stake on Big branch, the' south 1781 Doles to a stake and p ers, thence west 86 poles toVr spring branch, thence with ea branch toOrr'a Mill brs.no h K, .... thence with Orr's Mill branch to befi-innlnc. containing lm iu.r I being the same land that was corn I ed to Marcus Hill by Catherine I i by deed recorded in Book 44, r ; 242, Register of Deeds office for Wi county. Time of sale, 12 m. TeH ofsale.casb. W. N. Jones. 1 dee 29 Uls ,. , . :. , Attornr