". it'" y iSiiM.-.-.s' r-..'-A?'1-i'V '.-'&--.. 7 V .At ,.'a-.Ha-aW.a 5j!i-y.4AA.--gfr i-i J i a - i. ... i i . m m , mi mt -a m m m , . . m -n nr at - at nanr " o VOL XXXVI. NO. 67. s f v jl'A BALEIGX C SATPBDAY EyEOTG, JANUARY 9, 1897.: $1.00 PEB YEAR. a . je ta- If Bribes Were Offered for .! Votes for Senator, :; A' v BILL - IS PASSED " Providing for appointment of Commit of Flva to Make Iavaatlga , Hon Givinan. t'nainal ' - ?r; Rev.;" Dr, Levi, Branson opened j tbe House with prayer at 11 o'clock Sutton of Cumberland submitted the report of the . committee on rules of , the house, amended Jby the rules of s 1895 bo that on the demand of any I i. member or at the suggestion of the ' speakersthe names of members suf-i j flclenf to make a quorum in the hall ." of the House who do. not rote be recorded in the journal and reported , to the , speaker, with the names of ' v the members voting and be counted and announced in determining the - presenoe of a quorum to do business; " also that HnO amendment to any re solution, bill or other matter pend- - lag before the House shall be enter : talned ; unless the same shall be in i Writing and signed by the member ' offering the same. " ' A resolution was Introduced to- pay T, R, Purnell $300, Person Introduced a bill to increase ihe duties and powers of the railway commission i ''That whenever it shall appear that irates or facilities of transportation for passengers and property between points within the State are unreasonable, ' unjust or ' . otherwise prejudicial , to Individuals - or localities 4 within tbe' State h railway ; commission shall have au thority to bring and maintain pro ceedings In its own name before the - Inter State commeroe commission. " " The bill to repeal the "assignment law" otl895-was favorably reported ; J and passed all its readings. - . Hileman,. to incorporate the Moore county and Western R. B. Co. c Houser, to reduce salaries;' of - Clerks of the legislature', to $4 per1 toy. .' : ' ' Sutton, to allow, judges to limit the length of the speeches of law yers save in capital cases. , : . The election of an enrolling clerk - was taken up. Person v of Wayne placed In nomination Abbot LSwii- ' son of that county. Creech nomi nated CW Borne, democrat of John ston, but In a moment withdrew this - ' andCa' motion was made ' to make "' t Swinson's election unanimous. The '-' ' 'roll was called and 1 Swinson was I ' elected, receiving 77 votes. None were castjagalnst him. Swinson is a popullsi Jilurned out that the , house was "too previous" and went into this election before the 'senate r - ' concurred.' Sutton said there would .s . hare to bir another ballot: The ; '.' speaker held that the" election , was 4 .; legal. Sutton insisted that the sen-- ate concurrence was necessary. The ' , speaker said Sutton' was right. So . another election was held,., all over again; : UcPeeters" nominated An' I drew P Roby, of Swain. - Brown called fbr the adoption of - Sutton's report .on rules of the house and '.amendments, as above given, ' Button moved that 250 copies of the t. revised rules be printed. - '- . ,,' v Sutton of New Hanover moved to , adjourn until - tomorrow." (Sunday) i Thisraised a laugh in which he, . v joined. ? '- ( A motion was made "by Cooke to :v take from the ; calendar the bill to ".charter "the Moore bounty; and Wes tern B. R. V The bill was read and '-referred to the railway committee. -I .r The r Benate resolution ' to - print 1,500 copieB of Gov Carr's message - came up.- The house refused to con cur, as the majority seemed to want 250 to be the limit and a committee of conference was appointed' f The : Senate bill , providing tor ' counting the vote for State officers p next Monday and for the inaugura . '. Gon next Tuesday came over and under a suspension of the rules was 'taken up and passed . unanimously. " McRaryandBlackbum wereadded I to the judiciary committee,- . ': : . - , ' - ' SEJTATlt . , The Senate met at 12 o dock and - was opened with prayer bjr Rev. Mr. Weston of this city.? fHV Senator Wakefield submitted a re- . port from the oommittee on privi " " leges and elections reporting a sub stitute for the resolution offered yes terday lit regard to counting the : votes for State officers,-' " ..... ' Senator Ashburn, a resolution in- Tstructing our Senators and Repre- . : , . n I i. .....v.l. s tives in Congress to use their to pass a bill to amend tbe Constitution1 lii. regard lo the right of suffrage, ii ." , Z Senator "Anderson to amend the Constitution of North Carolina isTp. gard to qualification of voters. : Senator Grant then, reported tl following standing committees: ' " Propositions . and ' Grievances Ashburn chairman, Dickson, Hen derson, McNeil, Anderson, Atwater, Clark. Cannonj Alexander.C' 5 Corporati6ns--Maultsby,'chainnah Rollins, Sharp; i McCarthy, ; Grant, Moye, Lyon. Butler.' Kanihart and Clark. ' - " ' Railroads aadw Railway Commis sion-Butler, McCarthy, Shore, Maultsby, Sharp, of. Wilson, Ram say, Clark,-; Walker,' f cCaaky nd udioiary-Smatbersf ' -chairman, Whed bee, Anderson, t MoCarthy, Ramsay. Shore. Clark. Butler, Mc Casky. Maxwell and Mitchell. Federal Relations Mitchell, chair man,' Smathers, Grant, .Ashburn, Rollins, Shore, Wakefield Atwater, Newsom and Shaw. Deaf and Dumb and Blind Alex ander, chairman, Maultsby, Person Rollins, Sharp," of Wilson, Shore, Atwater, Earnhart, Mitchell. Can nbn,' ; Walker, Farddison, TJtley, Whedbee and Zeager. Engrossed Bills McNeil, chair man Ashburn, Dicksoif, Maultsby, Pl . 1. TTT 1 1- 1 Gede, tJtley end. Barker. Senator Shaw then Introduced a bill to amend acts in regard to pau per suits. The following resolution intro duced by Senator Atwater was passed upon three readings: Whereas, the election of a United States Senator to represent ' the State in the. U, 8. Senate is a matter of the very' highest concern to the people and js a duty devolvingupon this legislature and whereas it is published and openly charged that bribery and corruption in relation to said election have been and are being made to members to influence said election,. now therefore to tTie end that said charges may be fully investigated, ' ' Resolved, by. the - Senate, the House J of v Representatives concur ring, that a special 'committee of 2 senators' and 3 representatives be appointed by the president and speaker to investigate and report at the earliest convenienae the facts in relation to said charges." . , Resolved further, that saidsuecial committee be and it Is hereby author. ized and empowered to administer oats, compel attendance of witnesses and send for persons and papers. The bill was Introduced by tbe Butler forces- It will be passeJ by the House, The Senator from Pitt introduced bill in regard to discrimination in regard to legal tender money and for other purposes. Senator Anderson, a resolution in structing our Senators and Repre sentatives in Congress to vote for the Cameron resolution in regard to Cuba. ;" ' Senator Grant thought this was a matter in which tbe Senate ought to go slow. It was referred Senator Wakefield, si bill to restore the office of county treasurer in cer tain counties. Referred. The substitute of the committee in regard to the counting' of votes for State officers was taken up and passed . - , i j . The Senate then proceeded to go Into an election of enrolling; clerk. The vote Jbeiog taken ?Mr Swinson received forty votes. ' r- ine senate tnen aajournea uu 12 'clock Monday. ; i . LIBRARY A8SO0IATON. s OraaUatiM Pwrttofd Mr I. C. Drawrf Tbe. subscribers to -the library Association "held meeting -in the Mayor's office Thursday! , .. Organ liation was effected by the officers te;";.: K' 4.'-: t- f President, John C Drewry; Vice President, N. B. Broughton ;Treasur er, H W Jackson; Secretary, Chas 4 Parkeri-l 0 Plaas are being developed which will soon put this Institution in sno- cessful operation. ' f ' -,..-:..f -1 ' Thraa CUUrM Baraad to Daath. ' - In Wayne county William Fort and wife went to a neighbor's to a hog killingleaving their three little children locked in the house to pre vent them from, going out in the cold. The house caught fire and the children were burned to .death. Only their bones were found )n he ashes when the parents returned in the afternoon.;) r " tJ,'., ' ) Today Miss Katie "K. Waltte filed ber reply in answer to the complaint of Samuel Langdon. . " , ODD FELL0W8 COLUMN. What the Trippla-Uak la Doln In Norta Carolina. i'if;' j - ' i quiti a' gooa number of the fraternity in the Legislature. ' Installation, of offioers! U now' tha rage. Wish we had their names. The Grand Secretary" returned to his office on Monday last and is very feeble from an attack of neuralgia. , The orphans at Goldsboro were certainly not forgotten Christmas Raleigh, Wilmington, Greensboro and numbers of tother places sent nice contributions. If the Grand Secretary did fail to enjoy Christmas, being very ill, tis trip to Greensboro or something else, is bearing fruit;" there are two new lodges to be organized in that section very soon. When the Noble Grand or any other Officer of your lodge does well his part, it does no harm to shake hands with him and express your appreciation. The sin of omission is as great as the sin of commission, and the inac tive brother who lets the lodge die cannot consistently criticise the ring" that ruined it. Put yoiir shoulders to the great wheel of fraternity and push with your whole souL, Call .one another brother ana do Drotners ana me sunshine of life Will be brighter and warmer. A brother asked his good wife, how it would do to name the baby 'Irwin, Douglass. " ! Why ? said SleK"well4n honor of brother Irwin Jones andW. C, Douglass" he re plied.1" "I think vou are right" she answered, ' What's the matter with this on The Birth of Charity:" "In empy rean skies where Truth's soft light all stains of Sin expunged and Pu rity chasedll shadows of death away, midst penuraea etber,tneir affections joined, while rolled the music of spheres their beings to charm, thus thclr souls they inter twined, and to the grand god Love and 'mild goddess! Virtue the fair (prm of parity: was an- origni enui gence born; sweet face, fair form, thy smilos bestowed shall bless this ephemeral glbbe.'. These are our sentiments exactly. t 1 , i pieaMnt visit On last evening! the Grand Secre tary, accompanied by Grand Repre sentative C. F. Lumsden and J. N. MpRary paid a visit to Talula Lodge No. 185 at Cary. The visitors met with a most cordial reception by the Cary brethren. After the routine business of the Lodge was com pleted the visitors were called out and made some entertaining re marks. Members of Talula Lodge followed these speeches expressing their appreciation of the visit There was - much good feeling and -enthusiasm appar ent and all-felt that it was "for the good of the Order" that tbe time was spent " Talula lodge is quite young yet, having been instituted July 3rd last, but is coming right up to the front. It speaks well for lodge to have a regular attendance of seventy-five per cent of its- mem- bershipsid this is the case with Talula.," . . Officers of Talua Loldge No. 185, OtaryfK: C : A. SrCrockef, N. G. ; J. C. Walker, V. G,;-G. E. Carter, fWlrjrRi iQriyj Treas.; W. P; Brinch WrdenTj K Wilkinson, &ridtori,fR:lH. Adams, R. S to N. G. ; E. D. Yates, L. S. to N. G.; P. D. GrajjR, 8. to V, G.; W. B. Knight,, I 8- to V lW,H,Uikins, BvU ;gi;i B,.Tti?L.B. Si Si L. Broughton, I. G.; L. B. Hamilton, G.; Av V. Yates,, Chaplain and A, WvMoye, P. G. . Womaa (a Odd FaUowiMp. When the women connect them selves with the Re bekah Lodge, they become : enthusiastic sopporters-? of Odd I Fellowship? and its sublime teachings. "The Order opens up a great field where women's Influence can be exerolsed to great advant age. . Tbe last at tbe cross and tbe first at the sepulobre of a feruciflel Redeemer, she has, throughout the long and weary "years which have since . intervened, - ever been found battling for the amelioration and re lief of human suffering, and the Im provement and elevation of human character." She lights up the ;aick room with her 'bright and sunny smiles, and offers words of sympathy and consolation. Wonah plants at the grave ' the flowers of love and affection.? . Woman- enters upon her duties as a Rebekah because It is a part of her natu re. No good woman can be out of place In an Odd Fel lows' Lodge. -Texas Odd Fellow. 'Mi faoUffie I Unless Minority is Invited .to! Return," SAYSfWHITENERf Butler Claims tat all tb Bolter ar not for Pritahard-What Sapraarata . tlv Hodgas Said to tha Popn Mat Senator. '- . ... Senator Prltchard's stock, , which has been thevorits v among - the plungers during the week, took an upward boufca today, after it had become known generally that nine teen members of the Populist caucus had "bodaciously " walked out To the man on, the ground as well as the man up a tree it looked like Pritchardin & easywolk.- But Senatoi Butler, with charac teristic persistence and tenacity, tells us that Pritchard is no nearer the goal today than he has been since the Senatorial fight began. Senator Butler said late this even ing that he was satisfied with the situation. The Populist caucus, that is of the majority, will be held this evening, Butler has a scheme on hand which he intends to explode when the caucus convenes and which it Is-predicted, will topple over sev eral Pritchard men. Senator Butler, it is said, thinks Ihe caucus last night was badly man fed. He is not in favor of gagging aly of the members. The Butler people express confidence that Pritchard cannot be elected. They base their hopes and statements upon facts which the public has not the advantage of. They say that of the nineteen bolters, a number of them will not support Senator Pritchard; that they went out of the caucus not because of the resolution in opposi tion to Senator Pritchard, but be cause they understood and thought that an attempt was being made to gag them. " 1 The idea is also advanced that had it been a Pritchard movement, the members would have endorsed him for Senator, but, on the contrary, they did nothing to commit them selves. One well known politician said this was an evidence of weaken ing for Pritchard . The minority members will not caucus until Monday nigbt. All of members who went out stated today that had not bolted the caucus. They say that they simply entered their protest against gag rule and cannot be called bolters. The tip was given out this even ing that a very influential populist who has taken no hand in the fight will come out aoainst Pritchard. Some say that Cy Thompson is the man. It was said today that a commit tee of Populists had waited on O. H. Dockery and assured him of their support. Lee R, Whitener, a populist and one of those who did'nt bolt said to day : Unless the members of our caucus who went out last night are invited backed at the meeting this evening and given assurance that the gau rule will not be applied to them in the future, there will be bigger bolt than ever, t am for Pritchard. " The Boltia- Last Night. Senator Butler and Harry Skinner were having quiet little chat last evening - with couple of quail on toast before them, when the Populist caucus was going to pieces. Some one told Senator Butler and he came up to the rotunda, where he spent half an hour talking to the herd.; Representative Hodges, one of the bolters, came out of the hall of the House of Representatives' when the minority caucus was In session. He passed directly in frontof But ler. The Senator, as soon as he cuight sight' of Mr. Hodges, said, "There Is a backslider, '' 'What was that you said," the representative spoke up. "I remarked that there went a backslider," the Senator said with an Innocent kind of an expression.. This fired the Populist represen tative. Pointing his finger at Butler HodgesWd:.in.:W?;''-'; ; "When I was a boy I did as a boy, but mow that I am a man I think and act for myself and "you norsany othet tnan shall boss me. ? Col. Hodges threw out. what tbe boys term,an artillery flrej "' I But about the bolt. '- Nineteen members of the Populist caucus which was in session in the Senate Chamber last nigbt, left the hall bodily. The following is the reso lution introduced by Senator Moye of Pitt, that brought about the bolt : "Whereas. Great anxiety exists abroad among tbe Populists who shall be Senator and the republicans are asking us to endorse Senator pritchard for that position, Resolved, That it Is the determi nation of this caucus . never to en dorse Senator Pritchard for the United States Senajte, a nunarea motions louoweu up 11 .. .. j . . ... the introduction of this resolution and great disorder prevailed. The Pritchard Populists said they could not get a beaxiog and left the Hall gofitjf 4v&' to ih&i bouse hlther they met and councilled for more than an hour. Those of tbe majority caucus con tinued in session and quite a num ber spoke. The sentiment was in favor of a republican for Senator, butno names were mentioned. There were 38 members leftin the majority caucus. oBofore ad journment the fol lowing resolution was passed : Resolved, That we inform the Re publican caucus of the action taken by the caucus tonight and that Sen ator Mitchell and Representative Johnson inform them. Senator Newsome, one of the bolt ers, said: It was not so much my opposition to the resolution against Senator Pritchard as it was to the gag rule that made me leave the caucus." Several Populist members were absent from the caucus on account of sickness. The minority claim that more than two of these will act with them. The statement prepared by the minority caucus for publication is presented herewith: "The following members of th 0 Senate and House of Representatives in conference assembled desire to say by resolution tSat we enter our solemn protest against the high handed method of gag rule perper- trated upon us by a majority of the populist caucus Friday night, the 8th instant, and after hav ing listened on out part with great patience to the views of the majority faction, according them one and two hours for each speaker without protest or murmering, when we asked to have time to discuss our side of the question, we wore unceremoninuslv told by the majority that we could not have but ten minutes each; that after we had appealed to the leaders and members of the majority faction to give us time for a free and fair discussion of the Senatorial question and time to hear from our constitu ents upon this important question, they absolutely refused to consider the question at any other time and so cut off the discussion by unfair filibustering tactic;. Therefore "Resolved, That we inform our brethren who compose the other faction, thafwhen they discuss the co-operation of this faction, they must assure us by resolution, that they are willing to accord to us a free and fair discussion at some fu ture time, to be agreed upon by both factions. Then and not 'until then will we consent to sit togeth er." T E McCaskey , chairman ; J H Par ker, of Perquimans, H F Brown, L A Abernethy, John G Harris, C J Yarborough, T H Rountree, E F Wakefield, R H W Barker, J J White, H E Hodges, George H Can non, C M Babbitt, J E Bryan, J M Early, D Reid Parker, Jno F New som, C 0 Fagan, G L Hardison. STATE DISPENSARY BILL. Measure to be Introduced in the Legis lature. Josh Widbee of Hertford county has In preparation a bill for a dis pensary in this state similar to that In South Carolina, with the objec tionable features of the South Caro lina plan "eliminated. There are strong advocates here of the dispensary. In case the above bill falls, a county bill will be intro duced. Franklin county hasaspecial committee to advocate such a bill. Just what the objectionable features of the South Carolina law are is not stated. It will be more than likely that this legislature will regard the entire law as objectionable. , Haywood county has tried a dis pensary for the past two years and the people are said to have' found it very satisfactory. '.sz'---:. '- m- " : This aftoVootf t SSS oVock the infant son of Charles . Lumsden and wife. Burial serviceand toner al from the residence at three o'clock tomorrow evening. , INAUGURAL RECEPTION. The Arrangeiuenis Completed ---l.eK,lla-tle Committee Named. The reception which will Le ten dpred Governor Russell ;md party Tuesday niht will boa most bril liantfunc fion. The governing committee of the club has completed the arrangements which will be closely observed. The reception will begin a! nine o'clock and will continue until twelve. The receiving party will include Governor Russell, Mrs Rus sell and friends from Wilmington, Dr. McKce, President of the club, and Mrs. McIOe, Col. A R An drews, and Mrs,, Andrews. . , "Music will be' dispensed in the hallway until ten o'clock when the musicians will be transferred to the ball room on the upper floor, where the young people will trip lightly until the reception is over. Then dainty refreshments and other ne cessary accompaniments will form a part of the evening's pleasure. Committees from the club will in troduce visitors and quests and the individual members of the club will look after the enter tainment of strangers. The following legislative commit tees which is to have special charge of the inaugural ceremonies has been appointed by the populist and republican caucuses : Republicans Senators Grant and Cook and rep resentatives Hancock and Smathers; Populists Senator McCasky and representative Schulkin and h'rump ler. This committee will go to Wil mington tomorrow and will accom pany the fiovernor-olect to the city Monday . Maj. J. U. Hill succeeds Mr. C. T. Bailey as chairman of the citizens' committee. Mr. Bailey vas called away from the city and resigned. TODAY'S MARKETS. Nlw York, Jan. !). Marketquotationsfurnishpd by E. B, Cuthbert & Co., 30 Broad street, New York, and 305 Wilmington street, Raleirrh, N. C, over their special wire: MONTHS. OPEN-I high-:low- EST. I EST. CLOS ING 1NG. January, 7 11 1 14 7 24 7 29 7 :m 7 44 7 4(1 7 4 7 20 7 12 7 15 Ofi 04 i: itf 41 40 20 10 0!t 7 10 7 K1 7 21- February, March, April, May, 7 3a 7 40 7 45 7 4(i 7 17 7 14 7 lit June, July. AugTJSt, aept mb r. October, INovemo r, December, Closed steady; sal 102.700 bales. The following were the closing quotations on the New York Stock Exchange today: New York Stock Market. Sugar 11H American Tobacco 78 Burlington and Qui ncy 714 Chicago Gaa 74i Duo. andCct. Keed General Electric .'i:!J Louisville and Nashville 48i Manhattan H7J Rock Island 67 Southern Preferred 20J St. Paul 741 Tennessee Coal snd I roL 26J Western Union .S41 Chlaaso Grain and Provision Market. Thefollowing were the elosingquo- tations on the ChicagoGrain and Pro vision market today : Wheat May, 8H; July T.i. Corn May,24!; July, 25;. Oats May lhi; July 151. Pork January, 7.52; May, 7.95. Lard January3.90-92; May, 4.07 Clear Rib giJrtes January 4.00 May 40.0. Liverpool Cotton Market. January-February 3.fi3(i4d February-March 3.R3(a4d March-April . . . April-May May-June June-July July-August. . . 3.(i,1(n4d b 4d b 4a4 1 (il l-64(fl4 2-64 4 2-64 Closed steady, sales 10,000 bales. DEATH OF MRS A G BAUER Paaaed Away this Morning Leaves a Hnshand and two Children. Mrs. Rachel Blythe Bauer, wife Of Mr. A. G. Bayer died at her home op. North Wilmington street, this morning at 4 o'clock. She leaves a devoted ; lj us bind, and two little children, the youngest about fifteen days old. . The funeral services will t held at' the First Baptist Church Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Bauer bad many warm friends in the city and State who ex tend heartfelt sympathy tr the, be reaved ones. , Her death is a pecu liarly sad one, and the heart strick en husband has the sympathy of lbs entire oommunlty. v. ; ; . SHORT STATEMENTS. Minor Blatters Manipulated ; for the Many. ' 'H AROUND THE CITY. ' Potfuurri of the Newa Pictured on Pa per Points and Peopla Partinantly nicked and .Pithily Put In ' ii Print. . fi Miss McAden, of Charlotte, is . visitmg in the civ. Mr. E. fi. Followes left today for W Smithfield in quest of the fest've quail. ' Miss Fmily Love, cf Memphis, Tenn., is here visiting Prof, and Mrs. W. A. Withers. V Stonewall J Adams has returjT to Chapel Hill, after spendlurC-Ai mas holidays with his parents. ; Mrs. II. 8. Sedberry and Miss Annie Caster, of Fayetteville, are in the city, visiting Mrs. Henry T. Hicks. Dr. Scruggs, general secretary, and business manager of the negro sanitarian, has made applicatium to the general assembly for a charter. Our new con tern porpry, The Tri bune, will appear tomorrow. Mr. r Martin, of Winston, is reporting " the House and Mr. Aldrich the Sen ate for the Tribune Succeus to you, neighbor. Mr. John E. Garrell, residing near Wilmington, is reputed to be the most extensive sigle grower of lettuce in the south. He expects to ship north this season from 8,000 to 10,000 barrels of lettuce. Mr. R. A. White has purchased ; the grocery store lately run by Mr. ' N. Deboy, No. 13, Exchange Place, and will conduct a first-clasS gro- eery. Watch out for his announce ment in Monday's paper. ' Rev, E. A. Yates, D. t.,will 'r preach in Central Church tomori evening 7:30 and hold "Quarterly (' Conference immediately after ser-'. vice. All official members are urged to be present. J Attention is called to the announce ment of the sale of valuable city real estate on our third page today. The property advertised is the most de sirable in the city. Information desired can be obtained of C. M. Busbee. The paper for "Our Flat" is the most attractive and best seen in this city for some time. The company in an exceptionably stronqytjg innlnr ' . ing tne lamous nyiey ana toe oeau tiful Marie Dantes. The box sheet is on sale at King's. The Grand Lodge of Masons will meet in this city on the twelfth. It is hardly likely that the hotels can accomodate the many delegates.' Desirable boarding houses and citi zens who can accomodate some of tbe delegates will do well to com municate with Mr. U. H. Bradley. The runniest Comedy of the Season. The delightful musical cogeJs "Our Flat," which is to be present- ed at the Academy of Music next Tuesday evening, January twelfth, the day of the inauguration, is one " of the best attractions that has been booked this season. Certainly it is the funniest, merriest production that has been offered to the public. In the cast Is the well known actress. Marie Dantes, who has at tained a national reputation. Ryley, one of the greatest of comedians will , be seen to splendid advantage. "Our Flat" is a clean, high-toned, legiti mate comedy, and one of the most i i i I tt 1 Jl . run of 700 nights in London and j, ( had at King's drug store. There will be a big rush Tuesday among . , au iuo BbrauKera iu tut? uiby. j.v Planets igaliut Prttoaard. -? 1 Mr. John J. Thornton tells tha Greensboro Record that if he has been correctly informed as ft? th. " date of birth of Senator Pritchard, that that gentleman has, no. mo show of being re elected than Bryj had. He says be found In the horo scope an "evil aspect of the sun to Uranus,", and that, his election is ' out of the question, thai is if he has r . the date ; of his birth correct. To j? make a prediction of this kind in the ? face of the outlock for Mr ; Pritch- ard's re election, which right nov is almost conceded by the publi requires ; considerable nerve, t Mr. Thornton Is banking on plan sud has no fears. 'A

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